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tv   Fox News Tonight  FOX News  May 26, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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brookland text us. we want to know what he's up to. laura from arkansas. i just read your book, question, do you still drink shirley temples? [laughter]. i've moved on to manlier cocktails.that was only because i wanted to stay sober for the next day shoot. that's how dedicated i am. that's all for tonight. happy memorial day weekend. always remember on waters, this is my world. >> good evening this is fox news tonight and i'm trey gowdy. monday is memorial day. the day we celebrate the sacrifice of those who lost their lives and more for our country. it's good to honor and celebrate service too. which is why we have a day set aside in november. veteran's day, to do that. memorial day is about sacrifice. the ultimate sacrifice. the giving of your life for your country and your fellow citizens. it should be in part a day of
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introspection. n express our thoughts and feelings and wait for the response. there is no response on memorial day. those we honor our dead. which leads us to supplying both sides of the conversation. i spent some time studying the deadliest battles in our history. the battles which require the most sacrifice. i wondered what it was like to be a teenager sent to europe during world war i. probably never crossed an ocean before. for many the only cross the ocean once. buried somewhere in france or belgium or england and we sent them to liberate a continent. to liberate other people and they did what they asked them to do. it cost them their lives. world war ii was a deadly war both in europe and the pacific. our young people were sent to defeat an evil access to liberate a continent to defend people being victimized by
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tyrants. we sent young people to defend our own country after we were attacked pearl harbor. some of those holders are buried on the amount of fields where they felt. others in foreign cemeteries. we have a beautiful monument in our own country for those never recovered. a tomb for the american soldier known only to god. the tomb of the unknown soldier. that is who we honor on memorial day. which gets the question of what we are honoring?sacrifice, duty, bravery, all true. precisely did they die for? what was it about america that made it worth dying for? can you imagine giving your life so others can criticize you? so others can protest you. so others can speak against you. vote against you. when he pays the price need to have the right to question what you paid for. when your footing the bill you have earned the right to evaluate what you spent.
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these men and women who gave their lives for our country, i'm sure marvel at what current americans think this country owes them. those who simply ask that there remains be returned home. or there be a marker more mother or child or spouse could visit foreign land. they have the right to wonder, to question what this country has become. or maybe those who never made it to age 21 because this country sent them to fight and die would be a little bit more animated. maybe they would ask, do we really die so you could embarrass yourself on twitter? did we really not even make it to age 20 so you could propagate misinformation under some nom de plume. did we really give it all so you can wait on others to provide everything for you? i wonder if they might ask, especially those laying together and somehow scrape beside about the field. to be really like together here
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so you can fight with one another back home that's the question we should ask ourselves. have we become a country where the other price paid by so many in the wars waged? is this the america you dreamed of when you fell? was it worth it? were we worth it? are we worth it? one thing you will save you study the deadliest battles in our history is how many of them happened right here. americans killing americans in civil war. it's a cautionary reminder we are capable of being our own worst enemy. we are capable of doing what no one else can do. which is defeat ourselves. so on this memorial day to honor those united and sacrifice, united in death, perhaps we can make an effort to be a little more united in life. how about all the differences we want to have and that debate them with the greatest passion.
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just remember your freedom to express yourself was defended and secured by someone who likely held the opposite view. in the process we can remind ourselves the only people capable of defeating the united states of america would be us. joey jones was a marine staff sergeant and is the author of unbroken bonds of battle. he will also hosting this very show next week. joby, happy memorial day. doesn't sound right to say that. you served, you sacrificed. what is the right question for us to ask on memorial day? >> memorial day is awkward holiday. that's okay for to be awkward. it should make us feel a little bit uncomfortable. but never take away a day to lake for family getting ready to go on about getting out of school and whatever summer has to offer. i would never take away a joyous moment to waive an american flag everywhere you can. i would ask that people take a
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moment and consider with the holidays 4. often times when i'm asked this question, one thing i learned recently is what might you yourself would say it might be different than what i would say now and that's okay. the 24 -year-old with 2 legs recently removed by a bomb and lost a mentor 2 days later. he might be more vindictive but a little bit more upset. how dare you go hotdogs or trigger beer or not remember daniel greer. i view this as a 10 year perspective. what would they say? they would say, it worked. the sacrificed we made was worth it because this country is so spoiled, so comfortable, so prosperous and all of its endeavors that it's almost,
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keyword, almost, feels to big to fail. to good to not succeed. the people in this country don't understand the sacrifice because we been able to secure its freedom and defend its democracy with less and less sacrifice over the decades. i fought into wars. a lot of americans don't understand that. i fought in iraq and afghanistan. the collective amount of people that died in those 2 wars probably doesn't touch the first or second world run. that doesn't mean those lives no matter. doesn't mean sacrifice was worth it. it means we are in such an amazing, we might be in the greatest time of this country's existence. yes, things felt terrible. we look at twitter appeared people arguing each other over things that don't matter. i don't know they would say, was it worth it? i have faith in them and i know enough of them to know they would say, not only was it worth it but, it worked. i hope you don't go to a place we have to do that yourself. that your kids don't have to die on the battlefield at home or abroad.
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when people say thank you for your service, i've started say back to them. thank you for being worth serving. i don't just say that because i believe every single person is doing things to be worth serving. it's a win, win for me. if they are i got to say it to them and it made me feel good. if they not they have to go think about that. what does it mean if in their heart they weren't worth serving? will they make better decisions tomorrow? will they treat people better tomorrow? i love this country and i can't say that if i'm not going to love everybody in it. i don't have to agree something to go fishing or ballgame. like second moment rights or fiscal responsibility. i have to agree but the country is good. good in his heart, good it's all and good in his people. i traveled this country and groups of people all over from different industries and nonprofits. the matter what their politics,
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there are so many good people in this country. i refuse to believe squeegees will getting the grease represents the majority of people. i think most people are busy, living their lives, during their work and raising their kids. it would have time to be a part of whatever is getting all the attention that day. lex you have inspired me to reflect on this on monday. the men and women who died so i could enjoy all of these freedoms. many of them may have completely different views from the ones i have. that takes something that doesn't exist in a lot of people. willingness to sacrifice for someone disagrees with you. good luck to you next week. you're gonna do a fantastic job. happy memorial day. give me the title of your book over time looks broken bonds about all. exit joey, thank you. good luck to you next week. >> yes sir, you set the bar high. >> no i didn't. if used show up sober guilty to do better than me.
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>> horrible news. horrible for joe biden and our new cnn poll. 2 thirds of all of the american people surveyed, 66 percent of the public saying that a biden victory would either be a setback or a disaster for the 9 states. >> 41 percent of americans polled think it would be a disaster the president biden were reelected. 26% or more charitable. they said it would just merely be a setback. president biden's approval numbers are in the mid 30s. his former colleague, hillary clinton says questions about his age are relevant. watch. >> we had presidents who fallen before who were a lot younger. people didn't go into heart palpitations. he, his age is an issue. people have every right to consider it.
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>> house democrats are furious with him for negotiating with republicans on the debt ceiling. senate democrats are keeping him at arms lengths of the head into the earlier elections. meanwhile the would-be suitors weight with varying degrees of patience. gavin newsom, pete buttigieg, who kamala harris all look at the mirror and see a president. they need him to step aside and he shows no signs of doing out. of course he isn't running against a generic candidate or an ideal. he will have an opponent in a front runner on the gop side right now doesn't fare much better in the polls. every elder is a candidate on the gop side and he joins us now. mr. elder, thank you for joining us. biden's numbers are terrible but so to are the numbers for the likely opponent, the front runner. what is that mean the people are like dissatisfied with both creek-they want to go back to being british subjects? do they want like a monarchy? what is that mean? >> tray, limit say this. your monologue was powerful and interviewed with joey equally
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powerful. the reason i'm writing is that my father was a mumford pointe marine. he was also staff sergeant station on guam any joint because of pearl harbor. my older brother kirk was a vietnam era vet. he served in the navy the sixth fleet in the mediterranean. my little brother dennis was in the army and he went to vietnam. the only one in my family that didn't serve. i never felt good about that. i feel a common obligation, a patriotic obligation to get back to a country that's been so good to me. so great my family. i know that the same thing. i would rather not spent my winters in iowa brother might spend my winters in new hampshire. i'd rather not take the financial hit because i'm not flush like some the other people. the lookout obligation to do this. thank you for that powerful monologue. as to your question, look, if joe biden can fog up a mere tray is good to be the nominee. peace often dominates gonna be kamala harris and depending on when he hands the baton to her and eventually he will. she could finish out his term and then run to more full terms so he we could have almost 10
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years of kamala harris. i feel this way about 45. i love what he did as president. i think republicans do as well. they're very concerned i think rightly so that his sufficient number of swing voters especially suburban women would not vote for the man if he walked on ater. in fact if he did trait, they say he cannot swim. if you lost friends because it all trump and i've lost 3 friends i've known for almost 40 years. 2 of whom i practice law with. you no longer can talk to coworkers at work because it all trump. if you have strained relationships with your family matters because a trial top trap i met you trey, houston we got a problem. if you like his policies and i do and by the way he's not the one to invent tax cuts. is not the one to talk about the border ball. remember watching william buckley shown the 70s were buckley was talking about building a ball. he has been very, very successful and limiting republican policies. from the republican wing of the republican party. if you fear we may get another reenactment trump and biden in fear biden may beat him again. you need a vehicle to push
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those policies and i am that vehicle appeared please go to my website elder for president i throw something in the tip jar. i need 40,000 individual donors to give at least 10 bucks tray. as i get up on the debate stage in milwaukee. once i do it's game on. hold my beer. >> presidential candidate larry elder. i hope you have a wonderful moral day. thank you for joining us the friday before. >> god bless you. thank you for having me. >> the fbi does not want to answer questions about the generous 6 pipe bomb. the whistleblower has new revelations about what the bureau knows in the case of plastic, shocking video or plain passenger with the emergency door mid descent. that's after the break. h rgwe i can be free to do the things that i love to do. i hope when i retire someday, they say, that guy made this place a special place to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the community.
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what if there was a community of like minded people ready to support you when you need it most? christian healthcare ministries is an organization with over 40 years of trusted care who understands the importance of family. a group that sees you for who you are regardless of your health history. offering affordable healthcare cost solutions that could save you up to 40% on your healthcare costs. learn more today at your chm dot org about healthcare that puts you in control. >> to pipe bombs were found on
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january 6 2020. one was found outside the republican national committee and one was found outside the democratic national committee. either bomb detonated, no one has been arrested. barry released video footage asking the public for help. no arrests have been made. no suspects have been identified. >> the fbi is working diligently with our partners at the atf. the us capitol police and the dc metropolitan police. identify the person responsible for placing pipe bombs in the
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capitol hill neighborhood of washington d.c. on jenna bray fifth. we have released video photos of the individual including shoes, the devices in the kitchen timers used. it helps someone recognizes something from the mayor about them. >> earlier this year the bureau increase the role reward for information up to $500,000. house republicans have asked the fbi for briefing on the status of the investigation. miranda devine is following the story she joins us now. miranda, this is where i get confused because initially the bureau said it was potentially deadly and then i heard that it wasn't capable of detonation. and it's been a long time. there are no suspects. i don't think the house republicans would be asking questions if they thought this was just a normal investigation and they didn't have a suspect. what piqued their interest?
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>> there's been something fishy about this pipe bomb situation from the very beginning. now, whistleblower has come forward and said that the opposite of what the fbi told us is the truth. that actually does pipe bombs were inoperable. in other words they were fake bombs, hooks bombs. and yet the head of the washington field office told us they were viable bombs and they had posed a threat to buy standards and people around. those terrifying everybody in that area. then the second thing we've discovered is that in fact, they did identify an individual who left the scene. got onto the metro and then got into a car and identified that car. so, banks belief in the republicans later has an assistant director of the fbi who said that without amount of
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instant information is incredible that they haven't pick someone up. also, considering and all the resources of the fbi went into geo-locating mobile phones, cell phones that were there at the capital on january 6 and rounding up people innocent or not instant all around the country who happened to be in washington d.c. on january 6 21 to see the president speak. they've been really diligent and very good at rounding up those suspects for nonviolent offenses. yet, this pipe, which supposedly was a weapon of mass destruction has eluded them. there is something fishy about it. whether it was a false flag operation or whatever it was, i think republicans are owed even
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a background briefing. it doesn't have to be, let out to the public but, we need to know whether this is some sort of fishy shenanigans. we can't trust the fbi anymore. >> what i'm try to figure out and going back 20 years trying to remember the federal code. even having a bomb or pipe bomb that doesn't detonate is incapable of detonating we still be a federal crime. i don't know that for sure. let's assume that it is. i guess try to figure out how is it in the fbi's best interest to not find a suspect? why would they be dragging their feet? they've had a ton of bad publicity over the last couple years. this would just be a little bit added to it. what would be the reason for dragging their feet investigative? ? >> i thank you have to think back, what would be the motive for someone to plant fake bombs there at the dnc headquarters
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that were going to be picked up the next day, january 6 just before, trump was going to speak and before the riot happened. what would be the motive? it would be to divert police resources from the capital to this area several blocks away. it would have the motive to do that? well, i guess the people who attacked the capital would. also maybe somebody else would have wanted to create a situation where the capital riot happened over the capital police were overrun. >> and with you. it's not an unreasonable request for with the house judiciary committee to get an update on an investigation this old. little surprise had to write a letter to get it. i know you're going to stay on the story and i will too. thank you for joining us tonight. >> thanks trey. >> if you already don't like to fly you might want to go get something to eat or drink right now. for those who thought the person could happen on the plane would be a middle seat or
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talkative neighbor. there is something worse. a passenger crazy enough to open the door of a plane mid flight. that's exactly what happened to a passenger plane on a flight in south korea. what would possess someone to open the door of a plane while it's still in the air? joining us now is jimmy ãpost of fox across america. jimmy, i'm supposed to fight to south carolina tomorrow. now think about walking. i can imagine anything worse. really. it would make my wife happy too. what possesses somebody to do that? >> on the go ahead and say alcohol. i don't know because they haven't released the toxicology test yet. i think the story here trey, is a plane took off on time on memorial day weekend. that's a pretty big breakthrough for starters.
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no, this is psychotic. it's completely psychotic. there were 700 feet from landing which normally they would be to much air pressure to get that door off the hinges. this guy apparently knew something and was able to get it off. what i find fascinating is if you look at the reaction of the video in this country it really shows how divided we are. conservatives are like i can't believe he pulled off the door. liberals are like, i can't believe he wasn't wearing a mask. what the heck is wrong with that guy? >> this is a question i have for you. i've been thinking about this. what what i do in that situation? but i think i've decided to do is i'm gonna start telling my wife, i want you to sit closest to the emergency door so you can get out if something bad happens and hope she's not aware of the story. what would you do if some crazy passenger assuming it wasn't a family member took the door off while you were on the plane? >> oh, i would've politely placed a banana peel right by the exit and made it look like
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he slipped out of the plane. listen, i could never advocate for violence. if anybody deserved a hard time is that guy. he could've took down the plane man. they were in route to landing. what i find fascinating trade, that's a commentary about the age we are living in. everyone's first instinct is to pull out their phone and film it. which is not what i would've done. i would try to close the door. i would try to submit to the guy. it's amazing the world is literally ending on your flight and we've got video of this from 5 different gles. >> i think it's a generational l thing. i would not have brought my phone. i would asked to switch seats with somebody who was further away from the emergency door. jimmy failed, thank you for joining us on the friday before memorial day weekend. >> i will see you on the train. >> yes sir.
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travel warnings can go both ways. a conservative group put out a bulletin against traveling to california and minnesota and some other states and he joins us next. us next. [music] take your lawn back with scotts turf builder triple action! gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong. get a bag of scotts triple action today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it. meet the future. a chef. a designer. and, ooh, an engineer. all learning to save and spend their money with chase.
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visionworks. see the difference. >> this is the week for travel
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advisories. the american principles project has issued an advisory warning parents of traveling. the issue is an increasingly is these days revolves around gender. the states believe they know better than the parents what is best for their children. terry schilling is the president of the american principles project and he joins us now. thank you for being here. what's going on in the states? what are they doing that led you to issue an advisory? >> thanks for having me trey. with these 2 states minnesota and california ever seen this all over the country. their passing laws that empower the state to take away custody from parents if they disagree
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or won't allow their children to go through 6 change procedures like puberty blocking and cross x hormones and surgeries in some cases. we wanted to make sure to warn parents all across the country that even if you're traveling to the states. the state in itself and the law enforcement agencies can it will be wet but nice to get you if your children go to them. we want to make sure parents all over the country know about this and avoid travel to the states. >> terry, i'm a simpleminded person. sitting here thinking children cannot vote or drive or sign contracts or otherwise make any important decisions in life. why do the states think they are equipped to make a decision like this independent of their parents? >> it's a great question trey. lotta people are asking out. you might find my answer to be quite radical.
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these progressive activists, the smoke activist or radical themselves. they think parents are oppressors to children. they want to destroy every single institution in this country we have an attachment to. that's why they don't support borders. the don't support parents and families. they don't support gender. they think human beings should be able to liberate themselves from anything that constraints them. we all know trey, parents love and other children pending than anyone especially local bureaucrats within the government. >> i am with you that there are activists and other folks who were just insane for a more medical description. these are state legislative bodies that are passing laws. these are not like activists that are hanging out on the street corner. this is the law in some of these states. they had to convince at least a majority of state legislators
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which i find dumbfounding that a state legislator with think, i know what's best for someone else's children. that's insane. >> it's not just insane, it's disastrous and it's gonna destroy this country. i will tell you one thing. the legislator in minnesota, lee fink is a transgender woman and a radical just cause controversy in the state of minnesota for introducing legislation that would protect and i'm not exaggerating and i'm not kidding. would protect pedophiles as a protected class. it would elevate them. minnesota law has an exemption when it comes to sexual orientation does not protect pedophiles lee fink is so radical that he would do this. and protect pedophiles. this is a radical movement trey and were seen this all across the country and the democratic party are stuck. there are these radical
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activist that will make them pay a price. they will punish them if they step out of line. that's what were seen everywhere now. >> i can't wait to see what's next. maybe i can. they will tell parents what time how much to pay for amounts. terry schilling, thank you for joining us . my best your father by the way. >> not not, who's there? another reason to let my wife answer the door. late at night a florida couple went and heard a knock on the door and to went to investigate it and it was an alligator on the front porch. i could tell you this. of all the things i might do, if there is alligator my foreign porch. whipping out my cell phone to photograph it would not be one of those things. equally they did. don and elizabeth join us now. welcome to you both. tell us what you thought. >> hi trey. >> tell us what you that we went to the door and saw that it was not doordash. >> bottom line, we thought it
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was a ups delivery. it was like 10 o'clock at night. we thought it was strange. something was banging on the door.we looked out the door and there was an alligator about 6 foot long alligator waiting for us looking inside the window. wanting us to let them in the house which we didn't do. he was a little bit intimidating. >> i'm guessing alligators are much more of a way of life in florida than they would be why live in south carolina. can you ever get used to seeing that many teeth? >> i was in bed. don came running down the hall and said, you gotta see this, you gotta see this. never did i imagine because we've seen turtles, we've had bobcats in our yard, snakes. never imagined the skater had his chin resting on the entry to our door. we turn the light off you couldn't see it. thank goodness don turn the light on and then i thought,
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okay once i calm down i went and got my phone and took pictures because we will probably never see that again, i hope. >> i marvel at your ingenuity. i can assure you going to get my cell phone not have been in the top 100 things i was thinking. what led you to say, i need to document. you must have suspicious friends and families that they would not believe you? >> right. i was accused of putting a fake alligator out there. that was kind of funny. i even thought at first it could have been a prank. then i could see his stomach moving. he's breathing and don was trying to like make a move and all he did was openness often hits. >> don't worry. you should run for congress if you want to be accused of faking things. you have a really bright future politics. we know anything about the alligator? i guess he or she, i don't know how to find the judge of an alligator but i guess he or she went on to visit someone else's house? do we know anything about it? about 30 minutes it was out the
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door. i kinda went back in the office and gave up after a while. i wasn't about to go outside and she would away. about and a half hour we noticed it left.there's a pond across the street in our neighborhood. i'm assuming that's where he or she came from. more assuming that's where went back from. elbow careful to make sure the garage door is shut at night, the doors locked and the lights are on if i have to go outside. a little bit intimidating. >> nobody is taking my amazon packages. >> if i read correctly your move to florida and i'm guessing we had ron desantis on. hopefully he's not listening. i'm guessing happy you moved there despite the alligator, right? >> i love it. we love it. next he will be happy to hear that. thank you both. i'm glad you memorialized it and i'm glad you survived an encounter with an alligator. >> thank you trey. >> yes ma'am and sir. congress is getting close to an agreement on the debt ceiling.
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may be closing in on a deal to raise the debt ceiling for 2 years in exchange for rolling back the baseline for federal spending and reducing on it from the irs. treasury secretary, janet guillen says the country will run out of money in early june. democrats wanted a clean increase in borrowing capacity with no concessions. the american people do not agree. turns out the american people understand the current levels of deficit spending and not sustainable. according to democrats at the negotiating table the republican colleagues are kamc terrorists. >> i think he'd like to negotiate any like to be able to show he could work together with republicans. it will be difficult. mccarthy has to work with george santos and who knows who he is or what he thanks. marjorie are closely tied to reality that santos is. he's got a bunch of those people to deal with and they could result in the end of the speakership. it could be difficult for
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president biden to negotiate with somebody with those type of legislative terrorists on their team. >> very frustrated. i called on the president to invoke the 14th amendment and to not negotiate with hostage takers. we don't negotiate with terrorist globally wire we can negotiate with economic terrace here that of the republican party? >> running is now south carolina congresswoman nancy mays who does not look like a terrorist to me. welcome congresswoman. wow. what passes for political debate. >> i would like to think we are not terrorists. look at the weaponization and politicization of the debt ceiling fight. calling republicans terrorist. george santos is not at the negotiating table. he's not the one negotiating. you know who is? kevin mccarthy is. kevin mccarthy is sitting at the capital working right now. the president left washington
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d.c.. as you mentioned in your introduction trey, 63 percent of americans want the u.s. congress. they want washington to cut spending as a part of the debt ceiling deal. say what you want about donald trump. as president he sure as heck would not be leaving washington. you'd be sitting at the table himself trying to get a deal done so we can move our country forward. >> congresswoman do you think, rumors are in agreement may be close. you think it's close and can you give people a sense republicans have what 5 vote majority and they don't have the senate or the white house. it sounds like they're getting something in exchange for raising the debt ceiling. >> i hope that in exchange for raising the debt ceiling we will not just republicans but, all of the country, every
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single american every single south carolinian that we do get spending cuts we do get work requirements. the bare minimum that's with the american people deserve. that's what the american people want and that's what the american people should get. >> republicans, you had enough votes to pass which i think surprised a lot of people that kevin kept all the frogs in the builder and passed it. do you think, i'm not referring to you. >> help at all the gators of the wheelbarrow? >> do you thank you will be able to pass this with just republican votes or will there be some defections as there always are. with help from the democrats? >> it's hard to say. as you know trey you're very well-versed. the devil is always in the details. i would say if there are spending cuts, if the artwork requirements then we will have something i believe the vast majority of republicans in the congress and in the house can support. shy of that, who knows. we will have to see what
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happens after the weekend. i found it very ironic that at the last minute in the 11th hour challenge yellin extended the date from june 1 to june 5 when were slated to be back and congress in washington d.c.. i have full faith and confidence in kevin mccarthy as our leader. look forward to see what kind of deal he brings back to the u.s. congress. >> let me ask you one more question. even if you were not able to support it. you read it and are not able to support it. that doesn't necessarily mean that you would be upset with kevin mccarthy as the speaker. i know we had a tough time becoming the speaker. do you think people will say, aha, we have our moments to move to vacate the chair or will they say look, he did the best he could. >> i don't believe anyone will move to vacate the chair in the scenario. we were united when we sent the original debt ceiling bill over. i think we will be united when it comes back. we'll see what happens next
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week. >> nancy mays, who is not a terrorist. thank you for joining us on the friday before memorial day. happy memorial day weekend. >> neither argue trey. happy memorial day. >> liberal educators have demanded to bait. judges at national debate tournaments are punishing contestants for certain point of view. more on that is coming up. [music] [music] that's it. miracle-gro. all you need to know to grow. ♪ma ma ma ma♪ [clears throut] for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops with two times more menthol per drop*, and the powerful rush of vicks vapors for fast-acting relief you can feel. vicks vapocool drops. fast relief you can feel.
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or judge. maybe i just did. maybe i lost because i said trigger. james fishback is a founder of incubate debate. he joins us now. what in the world is going on here? >> you know, you didn't lose. you're still winning. i got no clue what's going on. 36 hours ago i published this article in the free pass. i just saw the center of the organization, the national speed and debate association put out a statement. they're not firing or banning any of those judges. they're not condemning their views. they launched a belonging and inclusion office which excites potential violations as a judge miss engendering a student in the round. they're not taking this seriously. we've got to bring free speech back to high school debate. >> you know, i guess this is a reflection of how old i am. i thought debate was a mixture of content and delivery.
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if you don't like the rationale for the person before you you can take off points.the notion if you use certain words you will automatically lose. that's a new one to me. >> it's a new one. shocking a lot of people. when you can get larry summers and ted cruz both of which pointed out the article and support event to agree something is disagree just. we know we have a national problem. which are mentioning trey, this one judge and many others who said if you merely mention the word illegal immigration in the debate they're going to cut you off, so you automatically lose and give you a stern lecture in front of your peers. that's unacceptable. >> i was at cambridge last fall for a debate. but i admired about the students was they did not vote based on content. they do not agree with me on politics. they voted based on what you're supposed to vote on. which makes me wonder if university students can do
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that, why can't adult debate judges? why can't they separate they think or believe or feel from what's happening in front of them? >> i don't think it's a mistake this is happening. i think this is a feature of the national debate that operates. they'd rather keep certain views largely conservative views out in order to make this a safe space and avoid the awkward conversations about immigration or policing. as a result the kids are stripped of the educational value that i knew from debate. it changed my life. it's so sad some the young men and women will miss out on this as a result. >> i wonder how many debate coaches are going to take their students to a competitions that have these judges. thank you for joining us on the friday before memorial day weekend. thank you for bringing the story to our attention. >> thank you trey.
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it's been a great week. i want to say thank you for joining us this week. hope you have a great weekend and a great memorial day weekend. jason chief it's, the name sounds familiar. he's in for sean hannity. [music] >> welcome to the special edition of candidate, i'm jason chief it's in for sean. tonight as lawmakers continue to negotiate on the debt ceiling, president biden is is enjoying some rest and relaxation at camp david. we know how hard the president is working. here with the very latest, kevin cork.>> still a breakthrough in negotiations on raising the debt ceiling but
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