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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 26, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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first. >> on that think you all for watching the special edition of the ingraham angle flyer flag today and every day. i spend time with your family. visit a veteran cemetery if you can't ever that weekend. it's a great education for the kids or grandkids. remember, it's america now and forever and greg gutfeld will take it from here. happy friday i am in for greg gutfeld who said he had to go save some orphans. at least that's what he texted me. it lets tonight's guests she serves her financial reports with baked beans and collard
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greens a cohost of the bottom line up. each he took me out to dinner and ask for a co-pay host of as a florent geroux. tucked a when she goes on a rant rant sh packs a suitcase a fox news contributor cat tim. and it to him big ben is just a bend. the nwa heavyweight champion. >> okay before we get to some news stories, let's do this. >> gragson leftovers. >> his leftovers were i read th jokes we did not use it as we can like greg doesn't my first time reading these. here we go.
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this week president biden delivered numerous gaffes a whe his g-7 speech. when officials mentioned at nam g-7, biden went stop screaming bingo. [applause] >> a new study finds that new york city ranked at it last as it worse places to start a career. a lot of people who work in new york would agree. >> sylvester stallone's' daughter is a that their father went makeup texts that they would send their boyfriends appear to the boyfriends were suspicious because the first vortex were pretty good but tha the quality dropped off in sequels. during an episode of the view will be called by gave sonny holliston a lap dance since she said she'd never seen one. witnesses say it's the first
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time people through cash to sto a lap dance. >> the city of baltimore is suing kia and hyundai for makin their cars it too easy for criminals to steal. that with the criminals defensive, they were trying to leave baltimore. despite recent controversy, man florida residents say it's stil home to the happiest place on earth. the spearmint rhino gentlemen's club in west palm beach. some residents researchers at the university of south carolin have halted a series of experiments on a cocaine addicted rats without the cocaine, the rats have lost the motivation to work on wall street. >> this week jeff it be zones his reportedly proposed to
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lauren sanchez with a $2.5 million engagement ring she's really excited because sh gets to keep it in the divorce. >> just taking a chance of. for real and as new noah's movi actor jude law covered himself and bled, and sweat which is unsurprising that film is being shot on location in san francisco. to cities today. >> finally, the naacp advised against a visiting florida over policies it considers hostile t black americans. like sending illegal immigrants to martha's vineyard or barack obama lives at. >> now to some news it. cnn hacks it now no one wants another cup of joe. it turns out president biden is not so popular with the america
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people also the sun is hot. cnn broke the news and it's horrible news. horrible for joe biden. >> aurel bunnies for joe biden and that new cnn poll. a two thirds of all of the american people surveyed at 66 percent of the public say the biden victory would either be a setback or a disaster with the states. >> a setback or a disaster. we been a disaster territory fo a while. am i right? i wish i had enough of football. congrats to cnn for reporting breaking news from 2019. meanwhile, the surgeon general supreme fell flat while giving speech in washington dc yesterday. saying she went over like a lea balloon would be an insult to m favorite led zeppelin cover ban
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lead balloon. >> watch. >> i found the common values that unite us are deeper than our divisions. i thought you might clap for that. >> you know you're on the road to victory when you're channeling this sky. >> get back in the business of creating a more peaceful world. please clap. >> he said please. given all the bad news i wonder what old joe has to say? >> i'm not running my wife know how to--she's a dr. and an educator and their grandmother and a teacher. you want people to clap you ask them to clap. if you're happy and you know it clap your hands clap clap [indiscernible] i took her behind the shed and
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showed her a thing or two. you know how that ins. anyway. i like ice cream and sunglasses. >> wudda u think now believe th pole and what you can get beads? >> i would like to explain to jill what just happened in country terms. for three years now, your turn talking has been has been going around town calling me a dirty old cormack behind my back and it now you have it the cans to stand up in front of the ladies auxiliary in front of me and talk about unity and coming together. it not only am i not been a cla for you, i'm going to boot you all the way out into the parkin lot.
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and then i'm gonna follow you home in my pickup truck laying on the airhorn all the way it a have to say can you please clap doctor joe, you also have docto in front of your name does it bother you when we tease doctor jill with a dr. think? >> that issue has bothered me since the 80s when people adulterated the physician docto musicologist and everything els becomes a dr. that he has no meaning thank you for holding back on your opinions these polls are getting confusing to me i had to write some stuff down people need to be aware that 41 percent are calling him a disaster but 44 percent trump also say the same thing and 26 percent say setback here is where trump has the advantage only 12 percent saying his presidency will be a setback. it's good news.
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also something that jumped out at me 40 percent approval ratin the lowest since what if anyone arrived at knows this at dwight eisenhower who knew was so unpopular these polls are teaching us things is just confusing deciding what they want to report and more back in his day people had to write up in a horse and yell into your window i don't know if you can trust the polls so far off. do you agree with cnn's reaction ? you get hand it to jake tapper he was given them the bad news isn't just watching joe biden the his? i think i'm done with people saying it's an age thing with biden because i think it's trul
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offensive to everyone out there who is 80 years old or older wh can totally string able symptom together. >> who only shakes hands with people who are there. who knows for sure who is alive and who is dead and who knows for sure whether or not they were raised by puerto ricans. >> joe biden loves to say the whole age is just a number thin and honestly he has taught me that is it true more than anyon else which is not in the way that he thinks it. because when he says age is a number your follow-up question is what number are you talking about and then he would say the number. >> tyrants, his numbers are bad but where they ever good? he ran from the basement and didn't say my people were charged up about him.
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>> i think we need to investigate what the hell was i the basement. was it many money belt horror down there with gases? was corn box box slinging drugs down there? what was going on down there because in all joking aside, th jig is up. everyone gets it. the g-7 speech was so bad that they realized you cannot negotiate or present. that's wife 97 days there's bee an appointment to meet with the president from the gop to discuss how can affect the dent selling and he won't meet with them. and they know why. they walk into into mccarthy would come out with no tyon going--[bleep] >> we got six days left to get this done and all they are asking is to meet with joe and the answer is, no.
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if you work for the federal government, it's time for a sid job. doctor drew, you're citing injuries and stats but i also read that americans when asked they don't know why they went about vote for somebody for president. they can tell you who they don' want to be president. that's about as popular answer know i don't when joe biden who created the two must unpopular candidates in the two most likely to be president. people that don't want trump or biden those of the top runners. >> is not such a bad way to go about it. yes. when i think about it i am neve happy with 100 percent happy with a candidate i vote for. it's a lesser of two evils usually i vote for who i think will do less damage to the country. i see 4 percent are considering. >> [applause]
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>> i interrupt--but they again, you're often times i find you'r motivated by negative energy. what are you saying? it up at drives you--let's get some else in the chair. >> i know one thing that i know nothing and i remember when tha trumpet was averse to running, everybody dismissed him including me. i called him the summer time in 2015 the summer time boyfriend it was like that everybody woul forget about. you who you hooked up with drun on tequila for three months. he wound up being president a little more than a year later. whatever we think we know now i absolutely dead wrong. i blame jill. jill needs to get in charge of this you have a friend that comes over every time she comes to your house for a cocktail party and the husband barbs in
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your bedroom or steals your volume out of the medicine cabinet. you don't blame him to blame her . why is she not in charge? it's true. up next things get tired when the woke fight fire.
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while seattle burns says requiring study on races claime means at seattle is on the side of flames. >> if you're hoping to become a lieutenant in seattle's fire department you better brush up on your social justice reading material will be able to read u by the light of all the burning buildings. >> according to the washington free beacon, the tenets exam includes a list of required reading assigned by the city's hr apartment department how to be an antiracist both sides of the fire line a memoir of a transgender firefighter and a leaders guide guided to unconscious bias.
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strangely absent from the reading list is the classic how to put out a fire without running to death. that would help. typically the written example lieutenant to the position includes a tactical knowledge relevant to the job like understanding building construction medical techniques and fire suppression strategies used importantly how to make a kick ass breakfast. they're all vexed the burning question what is woke next have to do with putting out fires it's the same question many in the seattle firefighting committee they are asking the department is over 90 percent white man and that's a problem for the diversity obsessed people at the seattle departmen of human resources they're even concerned as some of the dalmatians that don't have enough black spots. >> that's a weird reaction. it is.
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>> those local officials including seattle's own fire chief say they want more women and minority firefighters they believe the best way to do that is by testing candidates amorphous qualities of characte rather than tangible competencies good luck seattle. for now on seattle's best will report to mediocre copy. cat, do you think women have been held back from the firefighting positions are getting certain types of people become firefighters? i'm not going into a burning building and i don't think if i showed up and i was the person trying to get you out people would be like what [bleep] it is so weird what they decide to teach you even like did we all know and like stop drop and roll as kids? i've not used it once. i grew up thinking i was good t be catching on fire all the time
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. a lot of these texts people don't really realize where and lot of these texts calls for a us department of antiracism which would monitor speech four graces content whatever that is or isn't. >> to the extent there would be this massive surveillance estat even more than the one we have now in order to make it possibl this without realizing maybe what they're actually saying an maybe they do realize it. i don't know which one is worse great point made in such an incisive way you're always looking for the libertarian angle it's so true all of these liberal policies involve big government and big way. professional wrestling even though women are many women wrestlers are looking at me lik you should stop talking i'm gonna to be honest if i'm in a house and it's on fire, i don't
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care if he is covered up vamp i asking me out. this is the dumbest i am in the it's burning the fire fire peak in the door the he blows his shirt off and he has a confederate flag tattoo on his chest i'm knocking to be like i will wait for somebody else. exactly. this is absolutely the dumbest [bleep] is. >> there's a reason why white men into the be firefighters because it they are the only ones up for some reason and i have friends like that college they're the only ones who want to investigate [bleep] it's a cultural array--every hora maybe every horror maybe click sound eight wake breaks you two would be like buck mack let's go see what that is. that mindset. i'm gonna run into a fiery
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building and get people out. you go. there needs to be for like men doing that [bleep] i'm proud of you. keep it up. i'll make breakfast. i feel like it's got to where everyone is getting sick when cat shows up. because that that's where were headed. a menegola look. if they're going to have lots o transpires and these people in management positions better be familiar. if there good to be consistent all the way across the board, educate yourself. i just don't want cat showing u to carry me out of a burning building when that happens there'll be a big lawsuit. >> what you're saying is if you were advising them they would
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have to learn the stuff because they're going to get sued to deal with it. >> if they're not aware of it i these other employees that they're managing, yes they can get trouble. >> deacon, i worry this kind of thing that was part is it's going to drive away the people who are attracted to these kind of jobs the wilderness in the military it's--young man who want to be military guys that their like i do what i deal wit that stepper cannot drive away the very people were supposed t be attracting. >> seattle will drive them away and drive them into cities who give a [bleep] and the pyromaniac's will move to seattle. let the fireball that once live next door to me that tried to burn my building down move to seattle. yay. cat is selling herself short. she might not run into the
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building, but that woman has a phone a full of names at coast-to-coast. she's got more best friends on the planet. she's got people she's going to call to rescue out of that building. can you imagine a wide a that the school burned down? i was triggered. >> these texts that cat was talking about, the goal of the warriors of it left wing nut ar very is to burn the system down this is how you do it. you higher and to promote peopl with no while a no knowledge of water. and i don't mean the three guys i dated from age 18-22. >> you think it is by design that this is all part of it's all part of the project.
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>> fireman. it's not my pronoun not coming in. fire person you met the word fireman isn't going to go away. up next and a nonsense rumor from the senator schumer
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(vo) adventure on a deeper dog tested. dog approved. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. >> she whines about unanimous courts and comes up short the court decision is a checks plastic and recycling doesn't work on plastic. senate majority leader chuck schumer took time out from neve having a real job and slammed yesterday's supreme court building that thwarted biden's attempt to regulate wetlands lakes and ponds streams and other waterways that issue was the case of two idaho residents prohibited from building a home near a wetland years ago and attempted critics called avast overreach and abuse of federal
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power shockingly schumer described the decision as the work of a mega court of this despite the fact the decision was mine-0. that's monica manke that's abou as a monger as a hotdog with a bud light. speaking of dumb stop we could've predicted a new study out of scotland has determined recycling is arguably producing a net harmful effect on both th environment and human health. they found up to 30 percent of recycled plastics become micro plastics that once inside the body can cause cancer, changes in hormonal activity, reproductive failure, grow or cognitive impairment. in other words it's like baking and secondhand smoke from hunte biden. doctor florent geroux as i was
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reading that about the second half of the story about the environment the recycling is started writing down notes i think you might have something to say. >> the one number that jumped out was so striking they looked at one recycling plant producin 6.5 million pounds of micro plastics a year. that's a complete failure and people know for some time that this is what a babe is the plastic recycling we need to do better we should be able to do something this is not it obviously you have to take an old bottle and melted down and that make a new one. wasn't a bit better when they had glass bottles and they wash them out and reuse them? better. i think okay it's a lot cheaper she plastics cheaper for the single-user unstable prince. tyrus, do you buy this? i think no matter what they are doing in environmental policy you have to create a factory to
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do all this stuff so i can't be good. >> you always hear good causes that they like to hear that. they always do at recess. pitstop a white guy in traffic root cause of racism. i have a point i swear. it's not the bottles. there's too many leap back [bleep] you don't want to say that you don't have to recycle bottles. you gotta start recycling people . you gotta make choices. you gotta start having a line. even in households. i got six kids. the two might not make it for recycling purposes. i love you but here is the line. the gpas gotta go. you're in the 12 great now. you had to be fix it up. here comes get the green barrel.
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and i will stand outside and write a single i did my part. on four. did they watch the show i make them. and guess who's buying green trash barrels this weekend. this sky. cat, what to do think about the maga core it wasn't just a 9-0 the fact that chuck schumer doesn't he know there are plent of liberals on the court. >> send that merrill maga. politicians overall are useless. they just care about politics rather than solving problems they like to hurl insults at each other about issues and why the other side is so bad you know it's really bad when they're not good at that anymore . it's just maga and it does not make any sense. you know that. did he not even bother to look
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at the 9-0? >> i mean that is a really low level drive it. >> i don't trust the guy who only wears half glasses. always rushes out. the result for farmers and ranchers are trying to figure out what the source of water is a. of rain are connectable domain two. government overreach. >> what you think. >> schumer i feel sorry for him you always in the oval office meetings would you look at him from the side, he sits like this . he looks like it mr. burns a. it's a very sad be met there is there is a limitation. >> want somebody in an intervie to alex just eschatology brown
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jackson about her maga background. you just do when i so on her face. see early action. either way bottles are not safe if i'm the one washing them. i mean very lazy and doing the dishes. they do not get clean. >> i never liked the idea of yo want to make sure they clean ou the bottles but i think a coupl of years ago we all agreed to the bottles were not good. what is the stuff at bpa when they said it leaches away. >> is still plastic everyone wa doing the environmental thing and carrying their own reasonable bottles. >> reasonable bottles for sure. but we get everybody to do that but this at bpa thing at think is a bigger problem than we realize it. you'd think that the plastic from the bottles gets into your system. >> may be that micro plastics may be the bpa's is something going on.
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>> i'm using from this day forward mood swings hormonal plastics appearing at i don't like it. i wonder who would want to live next to the factor with choppin up the bottles of the plastic i sprayed out people are inhaling i don't like it. coming up is he a russian mall with a blowhole?
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>> the little guy just some guy or perhaps a russian spy. as this willie russian track or just a little moby. >> norway's ways government payments for a minor role in hamlin is that warning resident to stay away from a friendly beluga over concerns the whale might've been trained by the russian navy. as indicated by his heavy accen
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and vodka breath. the whale is a russian spy i di know norway also. also had cnn. may be this theory is not that crazy. the whale was spotted in 2019 wearing a st. petersburg brande harness complete with camera mounts and a norwegian marine biologist claims a rash has bee known to use beluga whales in this way. norwegian nicknamed the whale have let a mere which is a combination for the norwegian run for president i would've gone with beluga putin. one man objected saying no a better name is donald trump or russia collision. gotta get that in there. i don't know what to make of this when i first read it i
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thought this is a fun silly story but i believe it now. >> i kind of due to but also i like wouldn't listen and gonna listen a cute little beluga comes out but wants to hang out you can hang out. people are like stay away from the friendly beluga. >> you couldn't resist a. >> imagine what it would do for my instagram? >> people are like oh i just understand how like the government says things you did not always gonna listen and i think a friendly beluga is at the top of that list. >> this is a thousand percent true. whales and dolphins have been used in spying in our governmen uses opens and beluga for just that reason. they look cute and cuddly but they're not there over a ton yo get hit there is one even likes to play with the volleyballs will come up and the hill that' play catch up on requires a serial number of your about how
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many people are on it. their clever they whales have their own language. recently it's just coming up public knowledge mean the government has been doing it fo about 15 years they figured out their language. they can have a conversation an tell what they're looking for fine subs and white looking americans and report back. beats being stuck in a net and swimming at sea world. >> doctor drew, i bullet you believe the story. >> it's interesting i learned something in every story tonigh it's funny, you mentioned the russians were training the belugas to spy in laughed and i thought it was far-fetched too but it turns out they've done i for years mostly they've used i to guard it navy bases and to help them repair things to go down and retrieved stuff. it's wild. and of course we dented to two
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with dolphins these distinct bombs on enemy submarines. oh it's clipper he's so fast. they're great animals of do you remember that the baby day of the dolphin with georgia see scott. >> why because i'm old? >> that's what he said. i keep one eye open. they can, what you think of the stories by whales? it's never the whale it's the threat it's the skinny bitch. i'm also not sleeping. >> just spy on you instill your man. must kill. >> to they have to have the equipment on them?
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that's what i'm wondering about? >> i'm sorry but him and hangin out with the berries. with the echolocation in the language now they cannot communicate. the whale wilson down signals and pick it up. >> two another whale or do they know they're talking to the russians? you gotta worry about rumors what one whale says to another whale by the time it gets back to russia it'll be completely different. >> play that game around the circle. that's the problem because if you get when chatty kathy whale you got the whole. >> they are able to communicate they don't either harnesses any well. it's a skinny bitch whale. a male trying to impress a female whale. a scientist take a stab at creating babies in a lab
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>> a story in five words. a story in the five words at la a a grown baby's coming soon that's not good i don't like this doctor drew here it is a japanese scientist predicted we will see lab at grown babies by
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2028. they create the embryo with human and eggs in a lab and the they grow the baby and an artificial womb. i don't like this this what you think. >> it is weird but artificially get a is what it's all about. i worry about the road use of chris berg it's where you genetic alteration change the gene structure people. the real problem here is only 1 percent of the mammals that they were really in this fashio survive. so you're gonna take it 98 percent of embryos and sacrifice him? are the pro-life people can hav something to say? there's a huge ethical legal problem that will have to be addressed before it gets near something real. >> it's huge and terrible does anybody like this? >> to take the fun out of everything. [cheers and applause] >> i don't know how many of you
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have kids but when your kid starts growing up and being weird and dumb and making horrible choices at least you can reflect on that one night. >> you know what i'm talking about. you know you can no longer say if your mama wasn't in pretty you wouldn't be here. and then with my luck i got a pit child support to the government. i ordered one and it was a miss in my paperwork was messed up i got eight of them. >> this would be my concern. you have a cell is coming up your body all the time. we are all shedding a little bit . what if somebody takes a calm i used and that uses it to have a baby with me. >> i could have it. >> a lot of guys at twitter so
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they went to get me pregnant an although most of them i don't know most of them mean the lady i know they sex lay way but it means one of them that means th other way. >> it's true. i like her term called a sex way . this is when we can bring glass bottles back. >> to grow in the bottle use yo sick pastorates. >> you break up with somebody your dna is all over the house you're having a baby. >> it's true. it's not just religious people opposed to this thing how are w going to get a handle on it the scientist go off and did her ow thing. >> i just more basic. i don't think that scientists
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are perfect. i've seen what can go wrong in kitchen. it like if you get a teaspoon and a tablespoon mixed up or ho about the soul and the sugar? that's a kait disaster. can you imagine again to your point what goes wrong in the la i don't think that this develop into anything any reasonable person gets on board with. have you ever eaten a cupcake make basalt? >> a great experience with covert we really left a us the science. >> we don't trust them anymore. note to the scientists. it don't go away. we will be right back
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>> and you and our audience. on behalf of greg gutfeld,-- [applause] >> a good evening everyone is welcome to america's late news at fox news @ night i am jonathan hunt in los angeles an for trace gallagher. and that breaking tonight the controversial is zero bail policy is back in effect in los angeles after a judge ruled the cash bail violates the constitutional rights of those who cannot afford to post bond. this has a recent study finds a violent crime it tripled in one california county as a result o the zero bail policy.


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