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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 27, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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on monday, not just on 4th ofe a july, but to remember how many have sacrificed and givenameric the ultimate sacrifice to make the united states of america a othe greatest country and on the face of the planet. it god blesse them and we all remember them in our prayers.ul have a wonderful holidayafe weekend. d mamay be safe.d ♪ay god bless america. i'm laura ingraham and this is a special edition of the "ingraham angle", the road to twenty twenty four . >> all right.iall the twenty twenty four gop primary race i officially kicked into high gear this weekh with governor ron desantis somewhat glitchy announcement. now, otheruncements have been i the race, including senator tim scott, who jumped in earlier iee the week. bu wayt they have a long way to, not just in terms of catching up in the polls, but to ensurere voters that they're going to actually be something other
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than another version ofon. the bush administration. we're goin're going to get into with mollie hemingway and charlie hurt. but focharlie r decades, we've seen members of both parties attack t at the corhee of the america first agenda. i heard in the nation that had a serious loss of credibilitys aroundlo the world as america. >> first, we've seen nationalism distorted into nativism. >> unrestrained nationalism is the last refuged m is of thor who cannot or will not deliver r real progresss and os, an oppory for their own people at home. >> well, that old regimeer comin is gone, and i don't think it's ever coming back . certainly not in the republican party. and now we have some ne some new opportunities and candidatesnald with actual backbones. we kno tw donaldru trump has wo his anti-war record is well documentedan and ron desantis. l well, we're going to seet more about what he believes on the issues that we careboth about as this campaign goes forward. but both have pretty much showne us that their desire is to put
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america first, americans first,r and not to flinch at all. the attacks are going to get from the globalists om the gon the other side ore aa the establishment. they're always about globalism. firsys glot, what's good for am. second, webut already know whee they stand. but let me tell you where i the biden regime is .s.on first on china. o >> we're not looking to decouple from china.risk we're looking to de riskdiversif and diversify our relationship with china. . >> that's funny. d onand on a secure border, onef the biden administration's answer anss to increased migratn at the border is to expand legal pathways. w it is important that we expand legal pathways because we simply need the workers. >> n on something as basic as the old fashioned american work ethic. well, and thatc. the democrats revolt and they go back to their old lieou knos about, a the children. >> mr. chairman, cann, your caucus accept a deal sna
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with work requirements? >> the average snap benefibenef6 by the way, is six dollars per person per day. r that's who republicans are. they would rather cut that or eliminate it and take food out of the mouths of kids in orderyh to make a political point. . yeah, they care about all those kids who aren't aborted. now, all of this can end, of course, in november. twenty , twenty four . the primary battle between trump and desantis is going to be brutal. we alreadyppen seein king.d of happening. but as the old saying goes, no pain, no gain.strong we're goinerg to emerge stronger as both candidates work harder. i think, to lay outo their vision for the country eve everyone that it's just not all talk. trump has a record of successesi on a lot of these big foreignf policy issues. desantis has a record ofsus ine success the way he handled the state. but both o sf themee seem to han really good ideas and earlys to on at least plans to implement
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them. we're >>go well, trump vs. desantis, u we're going to see where this sa ends up. lin and joining me now, sean duffy, co-host of the bottom line on fox business. d and ben domenik, editor at large of the spectator and fox news contributorx ne. now, sean trump is leading by i mean, in one poll, it wasn't a like 40 points by a wide margin against desantis in just a head ahead. how close does desantis have t to get in that just s generic head to head polepl a separate from the battleground states in order to make this r eaa real horse race?e >> well, some of these couldwhac be a horse race no matter what ,because if you look at the elite republican , the money side of an, they loven party ron desantis because they hate donald trump . right. but if you look at sa the voter the republican party, the middle americans , the people who showed up a tubla republican volunteer centers soat republicans had never seen before, thos ie people love t donald trump . so i think thi as is going to be
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a horse race no matter what.e but i think as it goes on ,ing o you're right, it's b going to be tough. it's going to be hard.shar but metal sharpens you want both of thesed campaigns and candidates to go head to head and fight it out, because in and the and they will be better candidates against joe biden or whoever l the democrats put forward. so allk iit'sn all, i think its going to be a hard race for trump and then the congressiona l endorsement game. you know, ehow many endorsemenn can you get and how many can m you put up on thisem on the screen? desa five republican members of the house have endorsed desantis. his old colleaguess ol, more thn 50 have endorsede trump .ter? now, is does that matter?a ba is that a bad sign? ron desantis going forward? >> i don't know when congressional endorsements of the history of our politics. laura , i'm sorry.ter in i can't pretend to say that that they actually matter. i do thinkr. that one ofe the things that's critical about ron desantis is that he's been endorsed and backeabob
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by someone like chip roy, who has already made as much rig as he possibly can ohtf the rigt wing of the current house ofof representatives, has been someone who's a leader of that charge. >> but when it looks when you look at someone likedo desantis and his challenges, i don't i don't think we should inn't thy any way underestimate them. he's been a very successful governor of florida. no one who is a conservativeervi doubts that. but we've seen timvecountse ande 'vconservative governors come oe of states where they have done great things, amazinf g things.e but we remember rick perry, we remember scott walker. we remembewalkerr how they fella on their face on the national an you thought ierti about being able to dominate in texas or wisconsin, you were not ableor to actually translatethin that. that's the big thing.g that is gointhat bg to be a chao for ron desantis. team i do think that he has a campaign team that seems to be focused on winning thoseen early states of iowa and newd hampshire and competing in south carolinai really. careally think, though, that he needs at least one of those in south carolinians to drop outats re order for him to compete with donald trump there. but that's something that i think is realley about y key aboutomin this. can he hitup the ground running
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over this coming couple ofle o week s, you know, get out there as much as possible? we've seen the schedule. going t he's going to all these different states . how do people respond to him?? that remains to be seen. >> laura >> ocean position. now, go ahead.: sureh, question. r yeah, sure.tial yeah, because so there's no one votes for a presidential conge because ofers a congressional endorsement. but the members of congress know ron desantiofs knowy servee they served with him and they know donald trump because he was their presidenu set and yous a massive no endorsing donald n trump because ron desantis is not very popular inou can't the congress. and i think when thesee campaigns develoyour p, you can't the hide your personality. who you are really comes out on the stump, on the campaign trail. ntis and i think you'll see a l a different side of ron desantis o that a lot of people won't like, where donald trump , whatever they say about him, he's an amazing, compelling person. when one you meet him one on onr you see him the crowd, people absolutely fall in love with .f ron doesn't have that kind ofis. charisma. i've you know. i've heard that. a i've heard that from a number of different members off co
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congress, but a lot ofy th the members of congress who say that he doesn't haveatt have ch don't have charisma. so it'fos almost like going to someone like her. ard he's a policy short. absolutely has charisma. or you can argue he's gothistor one of those handsome members of congress in history. this is one of the things noy.s this is no let me let me let me just big finish. i think one of the things that m i think it's a big challengehe h for for hiasm is that he has bed underestimated ove or the coursi of his career. and he's and h we has met those expectations, i think, with stubbornness and a zeal to win. that is ultimately the reason that he's theasonor.e governor . that doesn't necessarilyrigh translate to the national stage. and you are right, thesee membs base members of congress arence assessing him based on theirwith experience with him in pas the t when he had his earbuds in hisfe head and was not being the friendliest guy. udge that's not always, though, the best judge of who's going t to be good when it comes to thee national stage.d charis >> you do havema the charismajug to judge charisma. >> i'll just leave it at okay, sean , event, we're definitely we are definitely continuing this segment throughout the campaign. this s aign seasoand this is going to b
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okay, this is going to bedesant better than desantis versusn trump . all right. now, let'swh tur n to biden, who ,just of course, is consistently just bombed and the approval ratings course, and his campaign is practically nonexistent. you don't really u don't see a campaign, do you ?cato i don't know. he's a terrible communicator. and he lets other countriese just walk all over us im. but what'sth more important, lot is that if he wins in twenty , twenty four , i know a lot of people don't want to hea r thathe'll possibility. he'll be eight bey six at the end of his second term. and if this is how he is it 80 , nancy pelosi's going to gon down in history as one osef thoe consequence because she helped e rescue the economy, the great depression. and i also want to thankbudd my buddy kamala, who i wory k for, and go up to the white house. theys room delnd thi and as they say, the southern delaware is long overdue. >> you bring dan mcee to the da.
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representative calhoun, i should be coming out here. >> mccullom. >> yeah, i'm looking forward to eighty six . joining me now, mark penn, c former clinton adviserlintto and pollster. raymond arroyo, fox news contributor and the anglese chri biden chronicle chronicler. mark, lookmark, this is obviousy a problem. the democrats know it. it. they ignored the feinstein ignor issuede. d no we were talking about it years ago. they ignored it. and now they're like, well,li ke welfeinfeinstein way too infe in the senate, but they know the problem, do they not? and they're going to try to do the hologram campaign again. d shieldto try to shield them.k yeah, i think the other day, even hillary clinton acknowledged that age is a factor. 65% of the voters think that joe biden is too old to run for president . most voters think that kamalak will wind up being president . this is definitely a big issueue . >>an it's the big elephant thats right in the room and everybody knows it: speaki.
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>> well, speaking of hillary,le' we have that sound bite.s let'its listen to it. . it was that heart stopping moment where he almost felt over coming downl stairs a day >> two ago. >> is that a concern? i well, i mean, it's a concern for anyone. t and we've had presidents who have fallen before who are r and people didn't go into, you know, heart palpitations. bu t he his age is an issuey ri and people have every righght to consider it. >> and she's thinking to herself, is there a pat ph? is there a path right now? you could almost see the wheels grinding in hillary's head. mean she says's but, look, clearly, i mean, s it's more than a concern at this point, laura . this is a major liability when%f you have 62% of people in this recent marist poll sayingou they're concerned about his mental fitness and seven in 10 independents saying the same thinoe bideng. know, joe biden ha es a big problem here. and , you know, everybody was o making fun of ron desantis hisaa
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campaign launch or remember biden's. it was a prepackaged instagram video heavily edited by theus white house because the man can't completecan't co a thoughm and if you don't believe me, this is from earlier this week,e just the other day. bite tha te birdt the birds arer than the president and his biggest concern and frame of reference is something he saw on television. >> watch this. >> you've made history and youve have even made it as a jeopardy. clue. did you know that he made as a jeopardy clue the daily doubleir nola's retain our competitive edge in an age where emerging technology technologies fromtech a.i. to 3d printinnog by general brown as chairman, i know i'll l be able to rely on his advicetrg as a military strategist and ass aa leader, i could hear that laura , but the wood thrushes o were out vocalizing him. i meanutocalizin, his voice is o
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diminished at this pointan and the difference between now and 2020 is people didn't have a full picture of the decline hv of joe biden. they now have ite it in technicolor. ra ymorryhink the daily. yeah, well, the difference. i'm sorry. ink ithe difference, i think iy see him and they see their their, you know, their standard of living. so his then decline and then m, the standard of living going down. and mark, i mean, at i the same time, the betting markets, i think most of them have biden winning in twenty , sho twenty four . yeah. look, our latest poll showed trump ahead by seventrum. look, this is a tough candidacy for joe biden. he'li'm not even sure he'll winp the nominee. i think everybody's going ato wait until july or august and see whether or not he can prove his ratings a bit.negotiat i think this budgetow s negotiations may show some life in him if he comes to some, you know, good deal with the republican ones.
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and it's a bipartisan deal .n but i think if his ratingsbut if don't start improving, i thinktt more democrats are going to wonder, is this really the right choice for the party? it's ats are start a tough cany >> well, raymond, do you see that? i mean, is is always going to .- i'll tell you why i don't seetey it, mark. you've why got candidates in the race after junior can't get any air. the democratic party and the p media have sort of ice them out entirely. so i think the democrats have hv pu theirt all of their money onn now. and he's not the dailyle doublee he's the daily trouble for them. so good luck with that.. the birds might have a betterrel chance of reelection as weec moe through the year here. nd gre both, we'll mark and raymond, great to seeva both of you .eekend have a great weekend. now, we've talked about trump and desantis, but what about the others? the republican field th. xpanding so do any of them have even the remotest chance? well, might be surprising from mollie hemingway and charlie hurt next to make you born
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with the sales tax here, everywhere in congress, ron desantis wanted to replace the current system with a national sales tax, a twenty three percent tax hike on almost everything you buy from the gas station. to the grocery store where you pay more . they're their everyone will pay more . more . we can't afford bondies sales tax make america great tax make america great >>er inc sti is responsible for the content of this advertisinge . if you have diabetes, getting ut on dexcom is the single most important thing you can do. it eliminates painful fingerstick, helps lower agenc y ,and is covered by medicarewas u before using the dexcom t g seven hours. really frustrated all of thatonr fingerprinting you may want to see d is still stuck. my diabetes was out of control . dexcom cents or glucose numbers to your phone or dexcom receiver sticks. the arrow shows the direction your glucose, cation, is headin, down or steady.
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saturday, we're going to honor two organizations dedicated i f
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>> all right.ra: th the majority of our focus for he 2020 four has been on trump tru but usmp desantis, desantis versus trump . but what about the others like south carolina senator tim scott? he scott? announced this week they're attacking our american
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values, our schools, our economy, and our security, but not on my watch. my >> not on my watch. that we're now stayingh caroli with south carolina. >> there'sthere' former governod former ambassador to the un , nikki haley. >> hal it's time for a newese ar generational leader, a new problems. >> we need new solutions. and then there is entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy, who is tryingme to make a name for himself on the national stage. >> we still are the countrye, where no matter who you are, no where your parents came from or what your skin color is that you can get ahead in this w country with your own hard work. >> and finally, former arkansas governor asa hutchinson in this. campaign for president . i stand alone in terms of my experience. >> it's my record and leadership while rounding
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out the others are thosehaven' who still have announced, but maybe a rumored to do so.on it depends on which day ofo thai the week it is . we're going to get to that in a moment. joining me now, mollie hemingway,joining editor in chf the federalist and fox news contributor and charlie hurt, washingtone times opinion edito and fox news contributor. charlie, like there's a lot of names out there, but they don'ta get a lot of national attention ,probably won't pass their their week of their announcement. m of but is it out of the realm oft possibility that someone couldlg emerge from that list to challenge trump or desantis ? ru days,lee these i don't rule anything out ever,g because in politics, the way t things have been going,. the last few years, i think absolutely anything is possible. i am gla reminded that you remin us that asa hutchinson is running for president o n tirelli forgotten. >> he's not even not the he's hh he's the jeb bush of this cycle. but only the jeb bush at 20e end of the 2016 cycle.
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but but seriously, i know i don't rule outcandidat the possibility that that one of these other candidates could could wind up being u the nominee. i think you take somebodiny like the background. goswami, who is workin someonegt tail off, goinheg around the country talking about interesting ideas, talkingou about things way outsideot the box. he's not an establishment candidate. ablishment by any means.e old he's not even sort of the oldret school sort of republican kind of candidate. he's a breath of fresh air. thin i don't know that he catches fire this time, but i think he's going to be with us forr a long time. and i thinntk that, however, ths this current election turns out, i think he's going to be>>u a fan favorite going forwardra and maybe run fofor governor or senate somewhere. is there any path back for the old gop establishment in the bush mcconnell formerformer dominant strain and thean par republican party? anything conceivabletyything c t
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them back in power? >> well, i think a lot of who people look at the candidatesm who have all the enthusiasm and the excitement are not those bush era republi republican types, but they people should the republican voters should non rs that forget that there wd be a path for one of theset republican establishment figures if trump and desantireso took each other out. cautious >> and so people do need to be cautious. but in general, a large primaryo contingent is actually good forn the party. largsaw a large primary for the democrats in 2020 thatgood a large primary for republicans in 2016. th to hashlly good way things out. >> and it's interesting to note that in 2016, the field wasrepul full of those sort of bushic era republicans. no now you're just seeing a few of them there now. wellcharlie,, charlie, on that though, the big field was great for trump , the renegade populist. >> right. >> he that's why he's alwayseopl
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welcoming people into the race. i mean, he knows what time he said the more the merrier, because it helps trump . i mean, maybe it'll help desantis a little bit, but it does, i think, end up helping>>t trump in the end. am i getting that right?hi exactly right. peopl and i think a lot of people underestimate what a smarteally political tactician trump is. oh, really yeah.d also and he's alslearner o a fast le which, of course, it seems likes nobody in politics these days seems to be much of a learner. but but but i agree with mollyan about the large field. and even more important than that, is that all of the fresh i ideas, every interesting idea, even the ones the three of us might not entirely embrace all ofl of the smarter ideas arn on this or on the republicans side of the ledger.left there ar e no good ideas left on the democrat side.ey now, it's pessimism and despair as far as the eye can see. and molly, so mike pence, hesn'c wisn't declared yet. but here's what he said about rn facing off with trumtlp recently
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>> i've debated donald wit trump many times, just not with the cameras on him. and i'd i'd welcome the opportunity to bring my ideas forward if i'm a candidatef i'. molly, he's an extremelyy gracious and nice person. he but how many debates did he win against trump internally? if that's the kind of a question there, is it not?becs >> yeah, i think it's a problem for him because i think he might point to his handling of the covid response as somewhere where he did win some debates i with trump. ng but that's looking less great in retrospect. but int mike pence has many admr admirable qualities. but he recently praiseabd the press. he didd one of these events with the press, the gridiron dinner in d.c., where he praised the press and said that they were heroic in how they'd done things. heroic ini don't see that being something that the american voter, particularly the republican votert se,or is looking for in a republican presidential candidate, someone who thinksa that our corporate media are doing a decent job ata all now. >> and charlie, anyone we're leaving out who may jump in?d gl
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we've heard glenn junkins name referenced and then he said he's not interested. but i alwaysd. t think he's leavingen a little door open, as if molly molly says for some reason, trump desantis do the the dualea or both of them get knocked out? does tha t leave any path for him? >> oh, i think he's absolutely leaving the door open.wo he's sort of playing two gamese. at the moment. but but, you know, the other't another person that hasn'tannoue hasn't announced anything. but, you know, if this and i don't think that this race,g to the primary is necessarily going to come down to some somco duel, overcovered restrictionsvi . but if it were, you could look at somebody like south dakotati governor kristi noem, who took a very principled stance in realnoem time at the time and s no, i'm not going to shutusines businesses dowsen because i dont have the authority to shut businesses dowes down and evenyd ron desantis can't say that. obviously, donald trump can't say that, nor can mike pence. tk
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>> or as i look at it, i don't think any of the republicans running right now who were in sy a position of authority. >> the time can say that, butin, she can well and to that point, molly, i mean, republican governors don't hav,t the opportunity all that muchsc to discuss our engagemenouts di with china. but ron desantis did come out, and say, no, no, no, no, we're not we're not buying up allt alo this property. we're nowit allowing the ccp ccp to basically hand pick buyers of propert y any longer. and florida, does that give himt the bona fides on the china issue that he doesn't perhapses' otherwise have? >> i think the most importanthah thing for the republican voter is that the republican nominee have an america first approachac to foreign pol policy. and you've seen thatr desant with president trump , with governor desantis, who has expressed and articulated much of that same perspective that p is so politically favorable within the republican primary. but, yeah, because of chinars
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infiltrating so much of the united states , governors have ample opportunity and to develop their foreign policy profile. molly and charlie, greatrlie to . >> oh, so much things. end could 2020 three really turn out in the end to be the yearo h of democrat defectors to theen e republican party? well, we're goin bg to taliggeko to one next. and then the biggest factor of all, the democrats are stilltula angry about this. tulsi gabbard, she joins me on this growing trend next. >> so stay there. fox station is forever grateful to those who've put this great country first and to shore appreciation. we're continuing to offer all active military and veterans their first year of fox nation for free stream, all new shows that celebrate our country that you can only watch on fox nation. there's a whole set of stories that have never really been told before. what you know about the korean war may not be the full story. it's usually the start of the cold war here. eyewitness accounts from soldiers on the front lines of
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>> a key coronavirus statistic is hitting a new record low. the cdc says this past week a little more than eight thousand people were hospitalized across the u.s. with the virus. this is the lowest number since hospitalization. tracking started in the summer of 2020. and the third straight year with record lows. around this time, jackie ibanez . now back to thethe ingraham ang "ingraham angle". for all of your headlines, log on to folex news .com. >> 2020 three is turning into the year of the democrat defectors for state lawmakers from democrat to republican just in the past fewaker weeks and in two states, the conversions have even givenw republicans supermajorities. now,pu one defectoblr inican noh carolina sent the national media into a tailspin when chevaux voted for a 12 week abortion ban. >> political earthquake bubbling in the north carolina statehouse. they rolled back a right womenn
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had in this country for wha 50 years. what allowed them to do thato do is one state representative , tricia. >> them giving them s the supermajority, that's guy be fraud. >> she completel y pulled o the wool over the eyes of her constituents. how did this all come downf herl to tricia hopkins one vote? n to >> he's just emblematic of how much of a crisis our democracy is in. >> all we needed was one . >> joining me now that one vote that the democrats are sotely desperately freaking out about and the north carolina legislature, former democrat, now republican ds, state rep. tricia cottam, representative ,i you riled up the democrats to such an extenvee t. saw i mean, i was actually going bu call the medics in when i saw their reaction, but what was the one thing that made you do it? was it the abortion issue or something? >> even better or bigger? th i think it's something bigger and just a history.
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the democratic party used to beo a big tent party and you wouldes see those who were more liberaln as things were called, and you had your business democrats in the south. many, many peopl e werew democrats in the last few years . and fortunately, there's been a tremendous changa e goe goinge extreme to the radical left wing and very much out of touch, very concerned justd ju keout social issues and not about issues of bringing jobs, haveing jobs, , preparing a workforce, making sureed our students have the best educatioucd withn. ering and with me,in this is my sixth term entering into the general simply i was appointed chairmanw positions. you woulould d have thought that, the democrats would have seen that as something good since they are so outnumbered. bucat insteamed i becamer enemy number one .they j and instead of just being excited, they just started to villainize me, attack me and put out many, many rumors. and , you know, and that's o fine. that's their only playbook that
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they have. but i think there are many democratic leaders around the state. we come to serve top, to do pubc service, to get things done. and thute democratic party is nt about that. it's about wok e activism. it's not about free thinking. it is one way their way and no other way. doah, that is not who i am. and i don't apologize for being a free thinker. and your governor , democrat roy cooper, hedeclar actually declared a state of emergency on monday because the legislature actually wants to help kids and to help their parents. >> watch this.o it's time to declare a state ofh emergency for public education in north carolina. the republican publican legislaturee life is aiming to choke the life outl of public educatioicn. >> if you care about public schools in north carolina, it's time to take immediate action te and tell them to stop the damage that will set back our schools fors foa a generation. >> all right,
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representative gotham, very quickly, what does tha tl actu bill actually do? the hazama declaring a state of emergency. how embarrassing >>s the state of emergency is justgovernor political theater. our governor's a lame duck governor looking for his nex a t think political landing spot. he thinks the bidene bi administration is gointo bg to e back . the school choice bill iams thec my bill. i'm the chair ofion. education. this is the biggest expansion c of school choice in north carolina. yes, w ie have'l a crisis, but gove that right back . on the governor for closing schools as long as he did from keeping kids out of schools and blaming parents that blamess is on him. jus and so this is justl political theater. theatesacrificing our children.' this is about him.ds we are about kids.yo first. >> thank you so much. i you're very brave. we appreciate ito .be i'm happy to be here. >> thank you , laura . joining me now, tulsi gabbard, former hawaii congresswoman, bu fox news contributor and another former democraanr f
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tulsi, great to see you tonight. now, i think most of the of o today's democratic party, they haven't grappled with the fact that people aren't leavinge the party because of jusavt one issue. they're leaving the party because of like 10 issues in the lurch to the left that i mean, they've they've gone sot far left. they've left t america. s i mean, this is an unrecognizable coalition of radicals unr. yeah, laura , they're lurching further and further towards r insanity. really. there's no other woreally. d that i can find to describe it.f you know, the list of reasons, unfortunately, is long. se and i think we will continueamec to see more anand more americane who maybe call themselves democrats and or use d to . but but leaving the democraticho party because of a whole host of reasonsst o. n el it's, you know, an elitist cabal of warmongers. it's made of politicians, the propaganda media, big tech and the national security state. they are weaponizes the security state to go after
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political opponents. they're undermining our god given rights and freedoms the enshrined in the constitution. agreknow, they are seeking to censor and silence anyone who does not agree with them.'r they're telling apartic with identity politics and rationalizing everything, looking at the naacp just announced with florida, i mean, the list unfortune. , at least we could do a whole show on all of these things. anand i think more and more americans are seeing no they're doing, not not to the party. this isn't about the party, buty it's really what are they doing to this country and how are they undermining our rights and freedoms in our democracy? >>ndthat's really what's at the heart of this. >> du tho you think of someone e an fdr or a jfk? , go let's go back to two classicto figures that democrats claim to revere. and when you go back and look at their inaugural addresses, they were so optimistic, they embraced americ a, a tradition of america, the patriotism, you know, are meaning as a country, what did our country actually mean? what is freedom? alaboul about? would
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>> that is they would be i mean, rolling over in the graven is such a cliche, tulsi. i mean, they'd be like doing a triple lutz, okay, watching >>is democrat party today, and now the new democrats are.. yeah, they're pro-war as well. t >> and you touched on that. y yeah, and that's why bac you mentioned jfk. i went back and reread his speech that he delivered aticaly american university, specifically warning thoset th students in the american people about the risksk of nuclear waru and speaking in a hopeful tonel ,saying that even though it thi may seem impossible that this j dangerouuss is too great, therec is a way and wone must continue to pursue that path towards peace. you listen to his messagage,e, which is so inspiring and soou truthful and so relevant today. and you lookpeop alet people lie president biden and other leaders of the democratic party, they're talking about , they have pushed us tous t the brink of nuclear waro and they're talking aboutr nuclear war with a straight face as though it's just
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some other war that we haven wih to fight and we have to wioun without being honest to the american people that a nuclear war would destroy life as weis weow it and would would destroy this planet that we live on . so, you know, they're being dishonest and in their dishonest, creatinga gr a greater threat to our safety, security and freedom. this and it just shows this elitist party cares about themselves, their own power, maintaining and growing that power. and they don't and powe carthey don't care about the american people. i want to get your reactiotionn to the headline that touchesd ne on one weird new obsession of the left black magazine, make prerica great again. adherents are a cleardang and present danger lackingk whit principles, black , whitets say nationalists say and do anything to please trump trump ism and the white supremacist base as the colorized mm enablers of fascism. faday's black magazines are truly dangerous jokes. okay, there was the super mega mega and now there's the black
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mag of threat. g ou super threat they're running out of. yeah, hispanic white reminde nationalist. tommy, just remind mmee the lisd goes on called. they've called me. they've called me a sexiste a si misogynist of white supremacy. like they just throw all these names out there.>> they and it doesn't make sense.there it's also great to see tonight. thanks so much.u so and coming up, we break down all the top issues important to americans and who would handle them best if elected. >> that's next. always lived in california, but never did take up surfing until just a few years go . a succession can be pretty physically demanding and balance in nature helps me do that. i love being out on the water. i don't want to slow down a plan on surf until i'm 80 and i don't think i would be able to surf every day if it wasn't for balance nature. >> call 1-800- to four six , eight , seven five one or go to balance of nature .com to get free shipping. here t
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claim your starter pack offer at lumi all right.aura: we allwe know that the economy is the top issue of this upcoming election and it also e happenles to be, of course, biden's achilles heel. it's a nightmare under biden, but the white house wants us to think, oh, no, no, don't worry, it's all under control.wants yoour message to thel. president from the president to the american people is that we are fighting, we are fighting to make sure that we w protect american families. we're fighting to make sure sur that that we're continuinge to build a economy from kjp the bottom up. >> middle out. d all right.even bel perry doesn't even seem like she believes what she's saying at this point. joining me now, byron york yor,i chief political correspondent for the washington examiner, fox news contributorner, fox. also with me is matt towery,sidf chairman of insider advantage.
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byron, none of this is reassuring because people see their bank statements or their account statements on a regular basis and it's going like this for most americans , does it not? yes. >> yesand we see that in the pon most americans oppose disapprove of most everything . e biden does if you look at almost every issue, he's underwater on job t approval and leading that is the economyhaeconomy, the mot important thing? it is impossible to talk up any economy when people know they themselves are either suffering or afraid of falling off the edge. it's you can tell people that things are worse than than they really are. are and they'll think, well, mad i'm doing okay, but mayboie somebody is is suffering. bubodyt people themselves are po suffering. they will not buy it.e th and biden will not be ablewon' to convince americans that things are going really well. >> able to
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now, we talked about this with desantis launch because abey really didn't tallaunchk al about the economy with the in the twitter event, matt . but to this point, look, the numbers are clear . it's inflation, immigration, the economy, jobs, i that's the harvard harris extensive survey on american attitudess .a so the cultural issues that are taking up a lot of the oxygen in the conversation right now, they're kind of exciting and they're outrageous, et cetera, et cetera. but isn't this more of a nineteen eighties style 19 than anything else? else? >> i think so. and we were both around duringis that time period. i think this is going to be anen economic vote , your pocketbook type of election. and i think the candidates, both in the republican primary and also in the general election, whoever the ultimateve nominee is , that's going to be a centerpiece of what they havel to concentrate on . i will say one thing that i wrote a piece for reali wr clear politics todayot, and i said that one concern republicans should have is that because there's such a
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a democratic centric media outft there, so much of it, and so rel many people rely on sociall medi media a, they will have to beed a need to educate people because peopleeducate do feel n their pocketbook. but things like the border, for example, you'd be surprisethe bd unaided poll where we don'tn un tell them what the issues are. so many people don't even name the border. so they're going to have to see those people streaming across see one way or another. eami and on sngo many a other issuesa as well. y for people to really get seto to believe that they need to make a changee an. matte >> and who's running the white house, no matter how bad biden's numbers are right now, w environ, we always talk aboutt the impact of of short, declarative, clear ads and outreach to voters.d to matt's point and how manyr ads and for instance, the last campaign season do any ofs real us really remember?ly rememberthere's certainly no mourning in america style ad, right? there's no no you know, there'si a real ad thatnd kind of stays
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with you and yet people are gettine g rich off this. right. a lot of these consultants. oh, absolutely.nsul the idea, thoughtant absol, is e an impression. and one of the things i do the think about this campaign, since biden is underwaterds on almost all of the issues,o ma obviously he needs to tryn to make the election about h something else and what hedo is going to do is try to terrify voters about the threat of maga maga in p the person of donald trump oerr and maga junior in ron desantiso or in any other republican who runs. e that's the way he's got to too o do this. and there is some encouragement for democrats in the twenty twenty two election. ection remember, the exit polls showe.d that people who saidit the economy is only okay arely only fair. people who you think would okay vote for republicans in a midterm actually wendtert hean for joe biden.ce they managed to convince them that the threat of extremism was so severe thate perhapsin
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they should overlook the clear economic issues in the election. n. >> lauand that is that where the extremism angle would worka lir republicans as a kind of a deflection likkee you want to see extremism, look at what t they endorse, and then you go to theheknow crazy gender bendid stuff and proselytizing to these children about all theseho issues. >> is that how you worw yok tha >> well, you know, it's certainly going to work with a certain segment of the votersa y and it's going to have a play o in all of this. >> i don't know. i mean, byron just nailed it on the head. there is always a shin.y objecte to look at maga extremist,what whatever thaevt seems to divertm attention. and once again, as i said aid,a a lot of the media age that we all know and you agree, laura .e so we're going to have to see where this goes. o fire .f and matt, great to see both of you . have a great rest of the weekend. and final thoughts when we return. >> there's a book that tells prophets and preachers of kings and carpenters, a book meant
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frontal assault against pretty much everything we hold dear . our fundamental beliefs,iefs. personal responsibility, family. ,freedom, just generale of patriotism, love of country. how do they respond to ouroblemw nation's problems? well aps, with their appeasemen to a country like china, the woke mob, the climate. crazies, just give themin everything they want. and the end result theesult is s the same. it's more power for them a, less freedom and less prosperity forw you . so as we head into thissacrif memorial day weekend, rememberse the sacrifices mad whoe by allth those who fought for this country, who supported those who fought on the front lineta and who paid their taxes, worked harhard sd so we could he a strong military to be ableto cent that we faced over the decades and over the centuries. l puwe're going to put the testf the candidates as this campaign season goes forward.
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but remember, we have to put our freedoms and ourendence independence first. i want to thank you all fot. r watching this special f edition of the "ingraham angle" flier flag today. lyerand every day spend time with your family, visit a veteran's cemetery if you can over the weekend. it's a great education for the o the kids of the grandkids. we're goinandkidg to do its.. ta and forever. >> and greg gutfeld , he'lt lfrh take it from here. happy friday, everyone. >> i am tom shillue, in for greg gutfeld , who said he had to go save some orphans. it let that's what hes texted me. anyway, let's welcome tonight's guests. aked beans
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