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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 29, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> yeah, so, this meant a lot to so many families, and many more families are expected out here throughout the day, to wrap up this holiday weekend. back to you. >> it really was a beautiful holiday weekend. christina coleman, thank you very much. we got very lucky i don't remember, many of these haven't been such great for the weather. >> in a great speech from president biden. >> very touching. this has been great by the way always great to send memorial day with you and everyone every year. thank you for joining us, outnumbered his neck. >> the president giving his memorial day just moments ago. honoring the brave men and women, who died fighting for our countries freedom. the president paid his respects this morning with the wreath-laying ceremony, the annual tomb of the unknown soldier. for those whose remains have never been found or identified. it is important to remind ourselves, the true meaning of memorial day weekend. remembering the sacrifice
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and courage of those who give up their lives, in the name of their beliefs and their country. hello everyone, this is outnumbered, i'm kayleigh mcenany. today jenny molly line, host in fox business kennedy, fox news contributor and host of get tammy bruce on "fox nation", tammy bruce, and fox news contributor, joe -- kennedy, it was very moving speech. i know that you've been to arlington. i had the honor of going with the former president trump on veteran's day. i saw the wreath-laying at the tomb of the unknown soldier, a very gloomy day, lots of rain it was gloomy and remembering america's best and their sacrifice. >> really is, a louisiana changes you because it is so vast, and it is really overwhelming, the number of people who are laid to rest there. it is also, the somber moments, they are few and far between that we really pause because we're so busy, we are always moving and we got so much information, and it's nice
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to come together and take a moment to remember those and i think it is very important to remember those who were killed in action, missing in action, our pows, who never came home and this day is very much for them and you know, to know that they are not forgotten and their sacrifice is still very present for us. >> actually in his garden at the memorial, here rest and honor, glory and american soldier known -- very beautiful if you get to see it. they remember the fallen. as i'm thinking through memorial day and names i wanted to recognize, i want to recognize everyone but the names it came to him mind with a 13 fallen in afghanistan. in particular, riley mccollum and also, nicole -- riley bought a little tiger when he was on the road in jordan, he accepted it because he knew he had a little girl on the way. he passed away and 18 days
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later, his daughter levi was born. i know she's very proud of her father and will be one day. also, nicole had just working 18 hour day, when she lost her life at the abbey gate. she was volunteering eight hours every night. her family said instead of sleeping, resting or eating. i think for her, she knew the longer she was out there and more people going to get through those abbey gates. and she died after an 18 hour shift, to which she was volunteering. >> it didn't have to happen, right? we should never have turned over security to the taliban. we should have used their own airfield. but we cannot turn back the past unfortunately, hard to believe it's almost been two years. we look at all the fallen overall since the 20th century. frankie, 425,000 people plus in the military lost their lives in world war one and two, vietnam war the korean war. and thousands more obviously in the iraq war and afghanistan. i know it's clichc but before you crack open a beer or flip a burger or turn on a ballgame play catch with your kid, remember those who are lost. we have the smallest military, civilian military
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force, then we had in history since recruitment began. we are falling short on numbers. left and right, as far as telling people or at least enticing them to come in. we need to put more money and resources to start volunteering because the chinese are all going up, up, up. in taiwan right now, given what we saw russia and ukraine, it's a very real threat. >> it is.molly, we actually have a poll that will pop up the reagan national defense forum. the question was, how willing would you be personally, to serve in the united states military? extremely willing, six percent, very willing seven percent, those are not good numbers. what do you think is going on there? >> you know, the us military has been talking about this with some concern and raising this in recent years. and they have come up with all sorts of things that they believe could be at task here. one of the things that they
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talked about, massive hearings on this, just about the communication. the value of serving in the military right now, kennedy, we're just talking about we are on the funds and this is a generation exposed to so much information. perhaps heart of that is the communication issue you know, relaying not just the value of service to your country, but also the value that military service has and can really be a boost in life. one of the, in washington, there would have been ongoing hearings about this and one of the things that they talked about, was the physical requirements. everything has changed up to the put the blame in the new system, new medical records platform called genesis, that's made it tougher for applicants to quote gloss over or knowingly ignore minor medical issues such as past use of adhd meds or inhalers before signing up. the past people made it and can no longer make it in. >> interesting thoughts. we had governor desantis on "fox and friends" earlier,
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get some thoughts he was a veteran himself a 2024 contender. listen to what he had to say. >> i think we need to look at what's going on for the military right now and i think the military that i see is different for the military i served in. i see a lot of emphasis now, on political ideology, things like gender pronouns, i see a lot about things like dei, and i think it's because recruiting to plummet i think it's driven off a lot of warriors and i think morale is low. i remember being in iraq and we were in falluja and it was not going well. and yet, people were still willing to sign up, knowing they get sent to iraq. because they believe it is something special. i think that we lost that a little bit. i think we really need to rejuvenate the morale and military. >> is not wrong. >> and i think this is one of the issue a lot of people say that americans just not interested and the generation has changed. i think the fact is that americans always wanted to serve, we have. when you sign up after
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september 11, you son knowing that you might get a great education, but you also might be killed. it has never stopped warriors, individuals, american men and women, kids, willing to serve this country. that has always been the basis. the difference is, who is my leadership? what is the agenda of leadership of the military? where the country is worth saving or anything else but it is about afghanistan and what happened there. not just the people got killed. it was the why and how. it is that the transgender influencers and what he was saying about the woke dynamic. that you look at this and think, can i do my best? is this the best way to serve my country? and what can we do, is not about for some, yes, it has to be value. what am i getting from this? am i going to leave this a better person? and that is not necessarily answer. i think this is about leadership. we know in a way that the rank and file are waiting
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for leadership that will take them to do what they need to do. what did patton say? what the other guy to die for his country. right? we don't want to send you, do not send people out to get slaughtered. and you want to be able to have the best military, the best equipment, the best leadership, to win! that's the point of military. i know we can get back there. >> and joe, 62 percent to go military has become politicized. we talked about that earlier. we talk about leadership a thing about general millie seemed to be flabbergasted when questioned about military bases and interactions. to the leadership, do they even know what's going on there? >> have a feeling our peers and grandpa has never experienced ever, a conversation that the military has really become politicized. right? you look further into the poll. as you said nearly two thirds thinks that, is not to politicized but then you see almost half think the military has become too
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woke. another 46 percent say, there's too many right wing extremist serving. so, it's a perception like every other institution we have, it seems, these to be apolitical or seem that way. now it with that kind of perception, not a lot of people will be signing up at this point. isn't that a shame! >> yes to get back to the core mission which the rank and file embodied every day. more outnumbered, in just a moment. [music] ♪
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♪ >> people are not happy ♪ ♪ with athletic wear brown, lululemon, after the report we fired two employees who were reported and called in this robbery to police. >> no, no.
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>> seriously. >> get out! get out! get out! >> video shows the masked thieves bursting into the store and grabbing as many items as possible. and apparently it is not the first time they've been there. lululemon has a quote no interference policy when it comes to shoplifting. according to the company, the safety and security of our employees and guests are always lululemon is top priority. we have policies and protocols in place to uphold a safe environment. the former employees say calling and polices will ultimately got them fired. despite police then being able to track down the thieves and charge them with felony robbery. tammy, i don't get it. from what he saw, these women were heroes. i agree about not confronting individuals, that can be very dangerous. however, they were heroic they are! for what i saw. >> and they were not tackling them they were being vocal and it was taking a stand.
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i think also it perhaps makes other shoppers feel like there is some respect here for the shop, for the other people, for the other staff. that is our instinct, the instinct is, you will confront somebody who is breaking the law, taking your stuff, maybe spent all day sitting of the tables and you care about this because then, the sales help pay her salary, and if there shoplifting, prices have to go up. fewer people go to a store, it becomes dangerous and stores close! then you have lost your job! when we think about real safety, there is less safety when you're unemployed, and when there's rampant crime, when the signaling is that this is all right. clearly, heroic. appropriate, being reasonable and you know, of course you will call the police. how is it, they said it was against company policy. is why they got fired. it is outrageous and the more they get caught and charged, the safer everyone would be. >> lululemon said in part, call number one immediately
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after the suspects have left. why not as soon as possible? >> one while they are there to get a good description everyone. the reason the funds they could give the information to police. they are also loyal employees. these are the kind of people they didn't tackle them, they really weren't putting themselves at risk. they showed that they were together and unified. and to tommy's point, the use their voices and it startled them but it is so dumb of lululemon because, their advertising it is fair game. you can come in. you love leggings? put on a mask and hoodie and come in and take whatever you want. because we will give you any pushback, we will call police. we'll just lay down and let you come in and pillage the store. but these two people, when you want employees like this? and then, they fired them with no severance! so, triple shame on them for a bad policy. and not standing up for the people who are standing up for your brand, and your store, and their livelihood. one of the women has four
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kids! >> unbelievable! molly, what do they expect? we see some of this go all the stores of left in california, with policies like these, how will you be able to exist? >> unfortunately we see this a lot like you mentioned this is across the country some community some of these cities, one of the employees told 11 alive local tv station after it's over, you scan the qr code and that's it. we've been told not to put in any notes because it might scare other people. we are not supposed to call the police, not really supposed to talk about it. which leaves me with a lot of questions about the safety of various staffing, various shift. if one shift see something that is involved in another shift is and where it happened earlier in the day, are you as an employee, fully aware of the circumstances of what you might face daily? and if you don't call number one you medially, there's no guarantee those people are going to necessarily grab and go. you can't be sure of that! >> and you know joe, when you look at this, you have a hospital worker who was bike was being stolen from her. she is demonized, lied about when she just trusted her bike back.
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you think about the subway and of course, we went for the fact that mcdaniel nearly stood up and other passengers held him as a hero. reread of all the facts there. penny excuse me, then the bodega worker who in lawful self-defense came back a guy and he gets sent to rikers. >> this is 31 flavors of insanity. we been doing this tv thing a long time. do you remember the country being this insane of a basic common sense? somebody comes into your store and you yell, get out! and you get fired? how is this the new normal! this is the thing about lululemon. their revenues last year were $8.1 billion. i don't know, maybe take some of the money and hire some real security guards. and send a message to your point that if you start arresting these people, or you have some really big guys there making sure you don't do this anymore, word will get in a hurry that lululemon, it is no longer on the docket anymore. and by the way, they're not taking pixie sticks and snickers bars, we're talking $7000 worth of
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product. you can only absorb that for so long before you say we have to move out like some of the stores are in san francisco. >> is crazy. and i meant to say daniel penny. thank you for correcting me. it seems in so many cases, the innocent pregnant woman on the bike, she is the villain until the facts come out. >> and then she's canceled, her life is ruined. no one cares about the facts after the fact. no one cares about the woman and the people who are working at lululemon. what about their safety? what about their employment? trying to provide for their families and be positive and part of what should be an uplifting -- i say uplift your booty! >> hilarious. i love the work i am more than proud to announce that my wife went in to fight mode when she did there, it was heroic. she didn't even have to use physical interaction. she just used her words. coming up, a women's track and field champion says, more female athletes are choosing to retire, rather than compete against biological men. [music] ♪
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♪ >> the fog is getting ♪ ♪ thicker and the stakes are getting higher as women fight for fairness on a level playing field across all sorts of sports in the country. now, one women's track and field champion is claiming that female athletes are retiring in droves. and they would rather hang up their cleats than compete with biological males. trakstar salinas always forced to compete against biological males in high school. she is now trying to appeal connecticut's law, allowing trans alleys in women's sports, she joined america report last week to talk about the exodus of women, from athletic competition. watch. >> it's devastating that
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there women out there who are retiring or changing their events because they been forced to compete against biological males where those males come if there competing in the men's category, they would be barely mediocre, but in the women, they dominated the field, and it's very extremely and frustrating situation and it should not be happening. women's sports should be preserved as women's sports. >> so, tammy, how do you keep it fair? because you obviously want their competition. that is the point of the agencies and making sure that every sport, every governing body has rules. this is unfair, what do you do about it? >> is unfair, i think something that americans have to notice and trans gender people notice it is very few individuals, if you're actually embracing how you feel is a woman and making life changes, then the lesson you're going to
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do, is harm that contingency, right? that constituency. you will not harm those people. you get it and average fair person gets it. we been hearing weathers martina or caitlyn jenner, other women who are involved, transgender or not get this. especially with high school and college, it sports but also about scholarships. it's about getting into the higher education, being able to of course, sports teaches that you can be a star but you need a team and all of that and the kind of thing men have always been able to learn and women have been cheerleaders. that is about competition with each other. sports is important as a life lesson, but for girls in high school, what college will go to, what scholarship am i going to get to, which is so important, the more women's courses, the more scholarships are. if you're asked to boycott or not go to meet in college, you are at risk because your scholarship is based on that sport. inevitably.
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this is a rock and hard place. and women of course it's horrible but this is a dynamic that we fought to overcome, women losing opportunities because certain biological men want those spaces and for some reason, some are advocating them and women have to fight back, it has to be in the legal framework. we had victories and losses in that regard but it's got to continue. >> and for so long our mothers and grandmothers fought very hard. so we could play with the boys but not necessary play against the boys. but no unfortunately if you speak out, then you will show up in a internet search and then, when you're applying to college for scholarship and your name comes up, advocating for fairness and women's sports, you are then targeted as a bigot. >> this remains the most problematic aspect of what's going on. there is people that feel it is settled and if you dare to speak out, even if
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you are among the very people affected among the athletes, then you get labeled with these horrific labels. in reality, discussion is very much ongoing and various sports bodies, governing bodies, sports all around the globe, not just in the united states. they are trying to figure out which engineer fairness. and they just normal level and time of transition and all sorts of things to try and create this very inclusivity and then they walked out back and change the hormone level and do something different another year. but we have seen very high profile victories are trans women in women's sports and that's created a more focus on this and now, athletes are beginning to speak out in various contingencies. there was a major victory of a cyclist, transgender cyclist just recently in new mexico. union cyclist international. and one of cyclist, grace eichler, allison snyder tweeted about this. the current uci rules allow males to compete, and female cycling events are not fair to female
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athletes. time for you see had to admit the current role situation is unsustainable, and leaving a block mark on cycling as a fair sport for females. uci went on to acknowledge this. they taken this into consideration. uci also hears a voice of fema athletes. so is an ongoing conversation, no one should be silenced. >> and seckinger loosely had his own controversies with doping over the years. you know, they took lance armstrong victories away from him, they would have stripped everyone else of their podiums and yellow jerseys because they were all doping! but you can't do that anymore and testosterone is a performance enhancer, biological males who go through puberty have more of it.they have a physiological advantage, should women be able to juice? >> we watch a lot of sports, right? are we succumbing have a husband that was a former athlete and we know this. professional sports and in the olympics, steroids, hgh, they are banned!
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why? because they give one person an advantage over another. and a chemical and biological way. this is the same exact thing to your point! it's an advantage, it is unfair. if women on the college level in high school level, if they speak out comedy scholarships here, state schools these days, what is ucla going for these days? 60,000 or $70,000 all in? >> usc, yes, that the garbage school a private school. their tuition is much higher than ucla. which is the number one public university in the country. >> congratulations on that!you're wearing ucla blue retina. but stanford, you name the school calmly talk $78,000, you stand up and treated like riley gaines. what happened with her? she goes to do a speech at university of san francisco, she has tubercular self inside of her room because she is being physically threatened! people say more women should speak up. easier said than done
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because the mob will come for you. >> yes! >> yeah, they will. riley gaines pertaining to her critique biological men unfairly coming into women's sports. a lot of other swimmers complained anonymously, did not put their name to it. one of them said, i'm a liberal, i typically am with you but i can't be on this. it's basic fairness. i think to the young woman out there college, my sister is one of them, skip spring break to train. who, when their friends are going to sororities or parties, their part in the time in at the track or in the pool. you know, these young women are the one who are hurt to put endless hours and for what? for nothing. i'm not surprised people are quitting. >> is going to have a ripple effect. and maybe martina is right and we have to have an open category. so everyone can compete and everyone can compete -- >> coming up after catching major dockless for hosting a group of self-proclaimed queer and trans nuns that they -- they looking to win back christian fans. how will they do it? we will tell you, next. [music] ♪
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♪ >> after weeks of ♪ ♪ backlash surrounding the teams pride in that event, the los angeles dodgers, are not supposed to christian faith night at the end of july. the team made the announcement just days after rebutting the sisters of perpetual indulgence to its annual pride night event. the team originally rescinded the groups invite after history of mocking christians and catholics was brought to light. however, that decision was quickly reversed. but the dodgers, they are now looking to get right
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with the faithful members of their fan base readiness. genesis dodgers stadium on 7:30 pm for christian faith and family day, stick to the game to celebrate and be part of a day of worship. stay tuned for details. tommy, i want to be clear because claire kershaw tweeted about this and says we are grateful for the opportunity to talk about jesus. he is a wonderful player, does so much for the community so is not about him. this is about the dodgers, and the decision to feature the sisters of perpetual whatever they are calling, who pulled as demand crosses and we don't want to put the video because of television but these are trans nuns mocking christians, pole dancing around the cross. >> yes, none of this has anything to do with gay and lesbian pride or sexual minority pride. i'm not running around dressed as a clown. the gay people are not running around just like that. that adds nothing to the nature of making you comfortable with your
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neighbor. many of the audience know, some do not. i make a took generations, for us to realize wait a minute, this is my daughter, my son. my sister. etc. my best friend. it is for five percent of the population. this is an application of something, to gorka catholics specifically. this is an anti-religion dynamic. it has nothing to do. transgender people are gay people don't wake up and think, how can i screw things up today, or how can i just like a fool there how can i offend people of faith? that is a political position. it is i find obviously, a position that is divisive. it harms the sexual minority community, who however you identify. it is remarkable! nothing to do with pride. inviting them, was a problem to the celebration, and then, when they were uninvited, then the la pride group says, we want to either. it is an easy way to handle this and is just about being generous for
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everyone. and to not flood people effectively in the nose, equivalent of this, is like if your spouse broken nose, and punched in the face and invited you to dinner the next night, to make up for it. it doesn't work that way! what went wrong in the initial decision-making? >> kennedy, rubio said this. he related to the head of mlb who vowed to be inclusive. and he asked point-blank, do you believe the la dodgers being inclusive and welcoming to give an award to a group of gay and transgender job performance intentionally mocking integrating christians? i think tammy laid out nicely. the part is not being inclusive toward a segment of the gay community. >> it should be fun! i mean, he should be sports and we've gotten so incredibly distracted from that. the pendulum goes one way. and you are right about this backlash and the pendulum swings the other way and normal people in the middle are like, just trying to have a good time! you know, if you want to celebrate and get a little while, high-fives to
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everybody. but there are a lot of catholics in la and i'm little surprised that the dodgers were so blind to the faith of so many people, who love their team. they love god, to live the catholic church, and it's like, you don't have to spit in her face, in order to prove a point! let's just get back to sports. can we do that?>> amen! have a bud lighted themselves? >> harm themselves so to speak, perhaps. absolutely in the situation. you don't get do overs in baseball. all right? unless it's a fell fall and two strikes. but bud light are funny that because it was $28 billion in revenue as a result of this unforced error getting involved in these things. to your point kennedy, people use escapism they want to go to a game they will do a theme that, do bobble head night or bark in the park. big fan of the! going on is read the dodgers have numbers on this almost half of their fan base is latino. a big chunk of latinos are
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catholic. why are you insulting these people? it didn't have to happen and yet we keep seeing happen time and again. particularly of major league baseball. ticket atlanta, $100 million be less because democrats said -- is racist and what happened the following year? they broke voting records. get out of this business to your family and employees will and of the prophets are good and very good for the dodgers! their number one attendance. get back to the community and other ways, besides this. >> i'm glad this is my home team because my season tickets can be gone, cancel, out of here. >> a swing and a miss across corporate america right now. it seems like there's the best of intentions and then there's a vp of marketing and some person and it goes that little element too far. then really offensive rigid disparity doesn't mess with or mix with americana baseball. this type of things that you see all role and over
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again. the lesbian gay community and rainbows embracing people. there is the one little piece of something that's just off. they don't actually belong together at all. somebody somewhere there's just one person, maybe there is enough control, will need to -- >> is so true because target has been having these displays for years. with the discovery of the designer who praised it and -- >> this has nothing to do with homophobia and everything to do with politics and this kind of marginalized thing that is offensive to everyone, including the gay community. >> coming up -- >> many gay catholics to bring us back together! >> is not funny? >> coming up, if you think americans appear more rooted these days were hardly alone. the son number of americans who say, civility has been lost, and what they think of the biggest factors driving this.♪ ♪ that's next. [music] ♪
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♪ >> that's right, baby!♪ ♪ hallelujah.♪
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♪ it appears many americans are not being nice to each other. or just plain rude these days! do you have a story? everyone got a story! a recent survey finds 85 percent saying, civility is less than it was a decade ago. nearly one third say, the main cause is social media. we recently got a glimpse of this the so-called happiest place on earth.a disagreement walt disney world between two families, over? taking a picture that led to a big ugly brawl. attaching airports too! last week two people were arrested after a huge brawl involving at least a dozen people! at baggage claim at chicago o'hare airport. the bad behavior doesn't just happen on the ground, one traveler says, she was screamed at by two parents after she asked him to stop changing their babies dirty diaper in front of the entire plane! on the tray table. yum! barstool sports founder reasonable bar when he ripped a fellow traveler for talking on a
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speakerphone. at the airport, watch. >> a commercial -- i'll be honest, i don't get people like this. [inaudible] who put their buddy on speaker like this? it's crazy! does he even hear me talking about him? like just -- take it off speaker, put it on your phone. it is basic human decency. as george costanza said, we areliving in a society . makes no sense! >> what makes people forget? >> what made them forget, this is unbelievable! i have to say the speakerphone is bothersome, yes. or we can leave the ipods on very loud with no headphones.this is to men out there, if you see woman struggling to lift their suitcase, offered to help them. i once heard a man who shall not be named say they
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like watching women lift the suitcase because it's their fault for packing too much. no, help the woman! >> absolutely! how about we hold the door open for someone, and they don't say thank you. what do you say they don't say thank you? >> i don't see anything. >> you're welcome! [laughter] >> there are some etiquette things men do not really realize. but you are supposed to go first in front of woman, when you go through a revolving door. because it is heavy so you want to take the brunt. or a date, you should get the first so the dr. shimmy across the sea. little things. because i don't know about that.leif available the street. >> all right! this is year ago. i have a theory on this. think social media has made people less social. the mri said there for angry and when they are in public, they actually think they are tweeting at somebody except it's real and verbal. there is my friends and i do in the time to actually go which is once a year these days. we get the table, but all funds in the center and the first one that touches the phone, you pay the bill.
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too many people on the phone during dinner these days. we are right here, having a conversation. not to text or do anything. social media, all the stuff. it's all this anger i believe anyway. it's the theory. >> molino was apparent, you don't change your baby on a seat tray. >> i have so much sympathy for that! i have changed babies in the bathroom and on my lap. >> really fast, no one will notice. if your parents have a seat in the middle change the baby in the seat. the tray in front of everyone? got it, no. >> agreed there. >> you have done it. >> no i haven't done it! >> i got to the back of the airplane and done it which is disgusting but we left the door open because you can't reach anything in your elbows -- not on the tray table but if sympathy for that. i would say, go in less than 30 seconds. >> tammy, have you encountered rudeness on a
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regular basis? and have we lost touch with basic civility? >> i think part of what as to this is that people are angry about a lot of things now. and it builds up, and we have not been very often. you are also not allowed to say certain things. so there is like this, is like the tv show snapped. i think there's a point where people just snap! because averting that's been happening in our lives. there is a rage that can settle in or just frustration. but i take the subway coming in, and if a woman, elderly woman pregnant woman, if i'm sitting down i'll get up and offer my seat to that person. did this today coming in, and the train was busy and a man saw the little, literally a little old lady look like a cane! and me standing up, he scooted in and took the seat. and then he is looking at us and smiling. like talk about not passive aggressive, but aggressive aggressive. that is the kind of thing, people not havingpower , or
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getting back at something. it is now what can be happening in the social scene. we of course, i was waiting for someone else to offer the seat and they finally did at the next stop. but really, you can of fights, if i was a fighter i don't know, maybe i would have -- of course i wouldn't! but then people, everybody is like dominoes. you get kind of snapped, and it happens. you have to take a deep breath. >> i think you are right. there is a sense of powerlessness. >> yes. >> our lives are so vastly controlled during the pandemic. people also, they don't trust other people anymore. i think a lot of it stems from a distrust of government. and wanted to take something back that you think is yours, but we forgot how to treat other people. >> that's right. >> the golden rule, do unto others as you would have do unto you. >> and buy new shoes because they want you to ♪ ♪ buy new shoes for you.♪ ♪ [music]
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: toby keith, you have to live it. last but not least good news for those that don't like the plan. 3 of 5 americans feel that bathroom trips are spontaneous rather than the ones the rating
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for every detail. three quarters of respondents might not take a trip to a surprise destination. in fact the same amount say the journey is just as fun as the destination. kennedy, i'm not a planner and perhaps that's why i went to vail, colorado, for my honeymoon off season when there was no snow there. your thoughts? >> i think it is great and always want to do that because when i booked a flight and they always have insanely low fare, man if i had time off i would go right there right now. someday i want to do that, plan a week i don't know where i am going where the cheapest areas of my want to go there especially a lovely body of water. >> molly that would stress me out not knowing where i would go. >> we would have children and spontaneity went out the door. and i will get hate mail about that. but we still try to put it take so much planning, school schedules and so if you have it and can do it with open time, go
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be free. >> kayleigh: joe. >> joe: we got back from disney and every trip every certain ride, back passes exactly. no, we are going to san diego. >> kayleigh: beautiful. >> joe: my daughter is nine and we can't find teams to play in new jersey so we have to fly five hours to san diego for five days. i guess that will be fun, but a lot of planning because my wife is type a. >> kayleigh: up spontaneity is beautiful in during my maternity leave to florida off-season but it was great. >> tammy: it is great and i enjoy mental health experts would say planning for a trip allows you to look to the future, enjoyed the planning that you are getting yourself set ahead of time for what it is you will be doing. that already begins to take the edge off that might be going on
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at work and with family. there is an argument for planning ahead. fares are cheaper. you can look where the cheaper resorts are. i'm doing that and enjoying it. >> kayleigh: i will say you have to plan ahead with the packing with kids, diaper, bottle, et cetera, et cetera. >> joe: we still forget stuff. >> kayleigh: don't forget to dvr the show and now here is "america reports." ♪ ♪ >> the agreement represents a compromise and nobody got everything they want, but that is the responsibility of governing. >> i think there will be a lot of democrats that go forward and right now the democrats are upset. the one thing they told me there is nothing in the bill for them. not one thing for democrats. >> i have no idea what he is talking about particularly because i have not been able to review the latest. >> came


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