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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 29, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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at work and with family. there is an argument for planning ahead. fares are cheaper. you can look where the cheaper resorts are. i'm doing that and enjoying it. >> kayleigh: i will say you have to plan ahead with the packing with kids, diaper, bottle, et cetera, et cetera. >> joe: we still forget stuff. >> kayleigh: don't forget to dvr the show and now here is "america reports." ♪ ♪ >> the agreement represents a compromise and nobody got everything they want, but that is the responsibility of governing. >> i think there will be a lot of democrats that go forward and right now the democrats are upset. the one thing they told me there is nothing in the bill for them. not one thing for democrats. >> i have no idea what he is talking about particularly because i have not been able to review the latest. >> came on president biden
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praising compromise and declaring victory after reaching tentative agreement on the debt ceiling and out comes the tough part. selling the build to the lawmakers about to vote on it. welcome to the special memorial day of fox news live, hello, bill. >> great to be with you bill melugin we thank you for joining us memorial day, house speaker kevin mccarthy on a deal with u.s. default, the full text of the 99 page bill is a bill in the house wednesday and senate vote days after that. >> party leaders are busy ripping folks but some members both sides of the aisle are now loudly sounding off against the deal. >> the political panel standing by to debate it all in just a moment but we began with peter doocy live at the white house, peter, or both sides taking a victory lap here?
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>> kind of an officials are pleased with the way things are shaking out but they say their part is done and it's up to speaker mccarthy to sell this debt limit increase for free through 2025 to his people. speak with this deal was compromised but the compromise protects the key investments made over the last few years and infrastructure space, infrastructure climate investments but neither side gets everything they want. >> the words "compromise" seems impossible earlier this year when white house said that would not be happening. >> we will not be doing in the negotiation of the debt ceiling. what we are saying they should be done without conditions. >> the deal raises debt limit through 2025 and limits new federal spending and some conservatives hoping for deeper cuts but others worry about the impact on national security and confronting china.
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>> i have real concerns. i think this does a lot of good. my concerns are national security and i think the number one chop up the federal government is to keep us safe. i know there are those out there that say look at the billions we spend on defense. >> last week president biden said he would not raise debt limit by himself at the 14th amendment because court challenges could take too long. apparently it does not mean the idea off the table down the road. >> i am exploring the idea that at a later date, a year or two from now decide whether or not the 14th amendment and whether that would actually impact whether or not we need to reduce the debt limit every year. but that is another day. >> another day wednesday or thursday, they are going to vote on this deal. if it goes down in the house, lawmakers will have to scramble to get something done by next monday. one week from today, or else
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there will be a default, bill. >> bill: peter doocy live at the white house. arthel. >> arthel: peter and bill we bring in our panel david carlucci a new york state senator and orlando sanchez founder of texas latino conservative and former harris county, texas, treasure also a u.s. air force veteran. david, i will start with you. did you expect the aid deal if not the deal to pass wednesday? >> i do because the alternative would be an utter disaster appeared low, unprecedented territory. i think many americans don't know how serious this is pure of the u.s. government has never defaulted. there might have been a slight thing in the war of 1812, but since we have become the largest economy on the face of the planet the u.s. government has never defaulted. this is not a government
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shutdown. this is a default to lead to automatic recession, possible depression, millions of jobs being lost, and i don't think the american public really understands that yet. democrats will come to the rescue, support this plan that mccarthy has negotiated but doesn't have the votes to actually pass. they will do it because the other side of this would be disaster. >> arthel: orlando, how do you see it, your prediction? >> i agree with david. it is going to pass. the american economy is so large and the global economy. when the united states gets a cold and the rest of the world gets pneumonia, the time to discuss these things are during the budget hearings and not a week before the deadline on a debt ceiling. it is just not the appropriate time. but the good thing is the american people, the polls have shown looking for a compromise. they are looking for congress
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and the executive branch in the senate to work together. they are tired of the discord. this is a good first step. it will be up to speaker mccarthy to whip up his votes on his side of the aisle but i predict it will pass. >> arthel: welcome of the american people are looking for congress to do their jobs. that is why they are there. no ability to vote on the deal and not saying which way they would vote if they could vote, the 2024 presidential candidates, they have a lot to say about it. ron desantis says the bill pretty much does nothing to fix the deficit in balance. former president trump, on record advising to vote against it. dave had to i will go back to you. are they offering sound advice or pandering to the respectful potential voters? >> this is 100% pandering. this shows they are not fit to serve as the executive officer of the united states.
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here, we are facing a default of the nation. this is not just a government shutdown but a financial catastrophe. then you have someone like ron desantis saying it is not a good deal, it is not enough. i think orlando was correct. the time to negotiate these things is not when you are acting like a terrorists demanding concessions but through the course of business. that is why i say this is unprecedented appear of they have steeped to a new low in demanding these concessions. then you have republicans saying they still won't vote for it appeared for desantis to come out so quickly and pooh-pooh this deal before they probably rread the 99 pages of text is really disheartening and shows that they are not fit to be the president of the united states. >> arthel: orlando, what do you think? >> well, i agree with david. all of these folks are facing
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primary challenges. so, they will cater to the primary voter, which tends to be either far left or right but farther right. again, the american people understand we have fiscal issues. i remember in 2005 the former comptroller mr. walker began what is called the fiscal wake-up tour to advise americans and the general public that we were headed towards a visit to my fiscal disaster if we didn't get our house in order. no one has paid attention. we are now $34 trillion in debt and 103% of domestic product peer that is a problem. but as david said, this is not the time to discuss the budget. the budget hearings is the time for congress and the senate to work together and present something to the president. >> arthel: sure but simply we have to address spending and that will come later for sure.
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david carlucci, orlando sanchez, thank you very much for joining us. thanks, guys. >> great to be with you. >> arthel: just like all of us, we have to curb spending. right now we have to pay the bills. >> bill: look, it is good to see a compromise out of d.c. it might be one of those situations where obviously not everybody will get what they want but what is that saying? don't let the perfect be the good. we have to get something done. >> arthel: that is exactly right. congressman lance goodman, buddy carter coming up next. stick around for that. ♪ ♪ >> bill: shocking video out of charlotte, north carolina, with a shoot out on a moving bus after the drive her and the passenger open fire on each other after an argument. that video released in the
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middle of a violent and deadly memorial day we can all across the united states. we are talking 43 people shot, nine killed imperious shootings across chicago. new mexico a motorcycle rally turning deadly. please say a disagreement between rival gangs with a shoot-out killing three people and injuring five others. charles watson has more on the harrowing footage from charlotte. charles, what happened there and what led up to the video? >> bill, absolutely scary stuff. they shoot-out up in between a bus driver and a passenger on the charlotte area transit system bus while bystanders on board earlier this month. >> i had a bad feeling, you know what i'm saying? from the time the young man caught on the bus. it was an eerie feeling and i couldn't explain it. my instincts when i heard a gunshot. >> in this wild video, you see
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the driver, it open fire on the passenger to his right who looks like he already has a gun in his hand before the two men began shooting at each other while the bus is still moving. this started because apparently the passenger identified 22-year-old and allegedly angry because the driver denied his request to let him off the bus before the next stop. he allegedly provoke the driver to hit him and they argued some time but the 22-year-old pulled off the gun before shooting close range of one another as bullets fly, joshua davis who we heard from duck for cover and eventually tried to pry open the back doors to escape the hail of bullets fired in his direction. >> we know this incident is a tragedy. it is never okay for a passenger to assault drivers, to threaten drivers. however, we also acknowledge
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that gun violence and violence in general is pervasive throughout the community. in we are not immune to that. >> the 22-year-old passenger involved in that shoot-out is charged with a slew of crimes including assault with a deadly weapon. he is in a charlotte jail as we speak and went before a judge and granted $250,000 bond yet to post. as for the driver coming he is recovering from a gunshot wound to the arm. at this point, he has without a job and fired for bringing a weapon to work, bill. >> bill: that is one of the craziest videos i've seen in a while. in lucky to only have one single gunshot to the arm after the hail of bullets we saw. live in atlanta. >> arthel: meanwhile firefighters pulling a people out of the rubble and look at these images after apartment building in davenport, iowa,
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partially collapsed. no debts reported thankfully but authorities have not said if anyone else is trapped inside. let's go to lucas tomlinson with more details for us. what more can you tell us? >> good afternoon, arthel. this is not the story search and rescue efforts continue after six story apartment building on main street in eastern iowa city of davenport partially collapsed. eight people rescued so far. but now the good news, no debts reported but one witness described it for them. >> there was a lot of screams, a lot of cries from a lot of people saying "help!" when the building came down but that did not last. two or 3 minutes and the whole area was silent. i'm hoping and praying that the screams that i heard when the building came down was not people inside. >> six search dogs located on
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the mississippi river on the border. officials say the collapse took place 5:00 p.m. local yesterday afternoon. here is another witness inside of an apartment when the building collapsed. >> when i checked out of my dorm and out of the hall, i saw water coming up from their doors. there is a lot of dust and debris, although my apartment seemed okay. i'm hoping they bring my dog out and that she will come back out to me. she is my world. [crying] and she's all i've got! >> the cause of the collapse is not immediately known. it is under investigation. some workers say some work has been done at the time. the residents reported water damage and worn in danger of collapse. >> arthel: of course, we are concerned about any people who might be trapped inside. we are not sure yet but i have
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to tell you something, hearing that girl cry about her dog almost made me cry because i'm a dog mom too. animals cannot talk or yell out to you. i hope that turns out okay. thank you. bill. >> bill: arthel, coming up next on the move kicking off the busy summer travel season but even as demand rises, sky high travel costs not budging. joining us next where he sees gas prices heading as we move further into the summer season. we will be right back.ealt ♪ ♪ as long as you can make an impact, why stop?
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♪ ♪ >> arthel: record-breaking travel this memorial day weekend. but before it comes to an end, millions of americans have to make their way back home. more than 42 million fox team coverage bill flynn standing by to tell us how a surge in demand could affect gas prices this summer. but first my man senior correspondent casey stegall live psw. what is happening there, casey? >> getting on a plane to come see you guys, but i've got to
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say, that southbound traffic as you know ahead of the holiday is a little bit staggered. some people leave wednesday, tuesday, couple of extra days but on the tail end, today is the day. this is the day most people will hit the roads and the airports to make their way back to tomorrow. it could be a little bit congested. out of the estimated nearly 5 million people who are expected to fly this memorial day weekend for aaa, 1 million of those will come right here through dfw alone. fortunately, whether across the country seems to be holding for the most part. that flight aware ms. remap not that miserable fortunately. 259 domestic delays, two cancellations with san francisco from o'hare airport and atlanta having the most. air travel expert say if you think it is busy now, wait until the dog days of summer. >> we are expecting this to be a record-setting start to the
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summer travel season and on the way, a good chance this summer could be one for the history books as well. >> transportation secretary pete buttigieg tweeting yesterday glad to see good performance so far this memorial day weekend as flight cancellations remain under 1%. of course, many have feared a repeat of that epic meltdown around christmas spirit who could forget that when mostly computer issues mixed with the weather grounded some 17,000 southwest airlines flights but unfortunately we have not seen anything close to that at any of the nation's airports. fairly smooth sailing. if i can get it out, there you go, arthel. >> arthel: casey, here is the thing. when people are traveling this summer because that is what you're talking about, you pack one thing. you get one dress, all right, one pair of shoes, one bathing
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suit and you can hand wash it every night. maybe one facial product. how does that sound? >> i don't know, that is awfully light. that is a light packer. if you can get view trip on that, more power to you. >> arthel: by the way, socal is always open to mr. casey stegall. >> i will have to come visit, thank you, arthel. take care, bill. >> bill: the problem as it is not sunny and delayed, overcast. aaa says 37 million people will drive to their vacation spot. that is up 6% from 2022 but gas prices are lower this year. starting to trend back up this year which could cause americans to hit the brakes on their summer road trips. let's bring in bill, and senior market analyst also fox business contributor.
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thank you for joining us. let's get into the gas prices and where they can stand. if we pull this graphic up as it stands a gallon of gas in the u.s. $3.58 yesterday, $3.57. or we could go $3.54. obviously, not a big change, we are talking pennies but it is starting to tick up summer. where do you see these prices going in the coming months? >> i'm afraid they will be going higher. perhaps a lot higher. if we look at the job the u.s. industry has done to keep prices under wraps, it is amazing. producing gasoline at a record pace. we have added refining capacity to keep up with demand but they are not getting any help on the way here at new regulations by the biden administration have closed inventory low and not able to build them up like they used to. if you look at gasoline inventory today in real terms the lowest level since 2016.
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if you base it on the increase in demand we are seeing record lows. scary, and final remarks when it comes to the fourth of july when it comes to gas prices. >> bill: why is it prices tend to surge during the summer months? i understand an increase in demand but why they don't understand that it will crank up, why is that? >> the main thing is, of course, new regulations for gasoline. the clean-air regulations kick in for the summer. they genuinely add $0.10 to $0.15 per gallon. producing oil in the united states, stricter environmental standards for gasoline, tighten supplies even more. what i am saying, no room for error. if you have a pipeline problem over there and you see these prices start to spike back up. now you can tell americans right now, they don't like it but they
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are used to paying higher prices right now and mainly want to get out and enjoy themselves. they have been locked in the house many, many holidays. they will get back and celebrate. it will come at a cost because it will hit their pocketbook hard in an era where they are pegging a lot more for everything because of inflation. >> bill: last summer we saw the gas prices, president biden made the choice to dip into strategic oil reserves dropping to the lowest level since 1984. if we start seeing a spike again this summer, as that will reserve an option again? or are those levels too low? >> they are too low. we have played that card already. i would argue that will backfire on us, even though a short-term impact by bringing down gasoline prices. in the long run, it will not help. this week we will see opec meet and cut production to jack up the cost of oil. that will cast increase the cost
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of gasoline. so, when you put this all together, we are running out of options. because the biden administration and of artificially lowered prices by releasing oil from the reserve of the oil oil companies and oil investors to bring on more supply. because of that the further we get in the summer the bigger chance for major price hike for gasoline. >> bill: and it could take several years to refill that strategic oil reserve, which again the lowest level in 40 years, phil flynn, thank you for your time. >> arthel: century-old tradition a drink o of honoring the military the lincoln memorial in washington and how the wall of heroes tell stories and shares tributes so the memories live on. that special story up next.
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♪ ♪ >> arthel: good old music at the beach. and the unofficial cook off of summer happening today. we are kicking off season for grilling to celebrate. doordash did a deep dive into grocery shopping trends related to brokers. grocery shopping related to burgers. the food platform determined that ketchup remains the most popular burger condiment, but mayonnaise on its heels based on the data, experts believe mayonnaise could catch up by 2025. and it's early and i'm starting to laugh already. it is not a good sign. >> bill: i don't think
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mayonnaise will pass catch up here and i'm not saying that honestly. >> arthel: so check it out, i actually like mayonnaise. mayonnaise on a burger, nice, rich, creamy and you dip your fries in mayo. it is good to. >> bill: i only like it if you combine it with ketchup like a thousand islands. >> arthel: a little swirl, little swirl. all right, bill. >> bill: a little compromise. so a trip to the beach is often a long-standing traditional memorial day, but right here in southern california people are being told to stay out of the water at some popular beaches. max gorden joining us up the road in malibu. max, what is the issue and what is going on with the water? >> bill, i hate to be a beach member but surfrider beach a water quality advisory because of high bacterial levels in the
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water. actually quality advisory's at eight beaches in southern california as well, l.a. county. santa monica pier and also water quality advisory but that still hasn't stopped a lot of surfers from getting in the water. i have seen a lot of cool waves being caught out there. take a listen to what the surfers had to say about what they thought about the water quality issues. >> i tasted the water and spitting it up. the surf is 2-4-foot. >> it is kind of like a rush of emotion catching the waves. just being there and surfing is just so much fun, so much adrenaline. >> it is so good. you wouldn't believe how good the waves are peeling off the point like you don't know. >> the way he talks about it come i think i could be convinced. it seems like a lot of other people convinced yesterday. some aerials showing beach goers getting into the waters in the
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places where the water quality issues. it has been a little bit of a chilly unofficial start to the summer in southern california as well. temperatures hovering around the mid to lower 60s. when it comes to the water temperatures, it is 63 degrees out there. so if you are going to want to go for a surf, it is best to wear a wet suit. a lot of wet suits in the water and a lot of folks in the water even though the bacteria issue. it goes to show some surfers are willing to risk anything to catch the perfect wave. bill, b back to you. >> bacteria on the water and the overcast. not the best show, max gorden, thank you. >> thank you. >> bill: weeks after title 42 ended the biden administration border policies hit with legal challenges on several fronts. a new rule that limits asylum claims at the southern border facing lawsuits for both the right and left. nearly two dozen states no mike
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red states checking florida's challenge to allow the release of migrants and the u.s. without court dates. for more joining me now brandon judd, national border counsel. one of the things i want to talk about last week we pulled this up, cbp pull it out this fact-check for being misleading and "notice provided free travel and transportation to their destination are full spear of the u.s. government does not provide hope or financial support for noncitizens." twitter labeled that is misleading because as we know the, the u.s. government gave several hundred billion dollars for ngos with the travel and fund indirectly. what was your reaction when you sold that tweet? >> we were extremely upset because again, it is one more indication this administration
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is not willing to tell the american people what is happening on the border. if they don't tell them what is happening they don't understand the issue they are facing. we have to have complete honesty and complete truth. i believe it was your tweet that because that response from cbp. you were the one that put it out but in reality you know exactly what you were doing. you knew they were giving money to ngos so in essence they are, in fact funding to travel. they are doing it through a third-party but they are giving taxpayer dollars to the individual travel but it simply comes down to truth, are they ever going to tell the american people the truth? will they be honest with what is happening on the border? will they be honest how this impacts them a question mark frankly, i don't think they are going to. >> bill: title 42 is about to drop the state of florida sued the biden administration over pro policy. they were starting to quietly release migrants to the streets via a parole.
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explain to the average viewer at home why april release is so controversial from your point of view? >> because you lose complete track of everybody. if you parole somebody you are not following them or giving them a date. you are asking and putting them to show up and often times they will not show up. there is no incentive to show up except for permits. if they want a work permit but if they want to totally disappear or lose touch or go off the grid, then they will take that parole and go wherever they want in the united states. and that is a dangerous aspect, dangerous prospect for the american people. we have to properly be able to vet these individuals. we can't do the on the border. we can fit them if they actually show up. we can look back and try to find out do they have criminal records from the country they are coming from? if they do, those individuals will disappear. they know exactly what they need to do to gain the system and that is what is happening and
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parole allows them to gain the system. >> bill: we are up to 100 people on the fbi terror watch list by border patrol agents at the southern border. just this october. we have several months to go in 2023 and we will blow last year's record when it comes to these terrorist watch lists. why do you think such a surgeon people on the watch list arriving at the southern border of this administration? >> you have to look at the numbers first and compare them to what we have seen in the past to a normal administration. look, this administration did a touchdown dance right after title 42 dropped and we saw the number suppressed. those numbers dropped because of rhetoric. everybody understands they don't want to give thousands of dollars to cartels to be sent to their country. they are testing the waters. bill, we see those numbers surge up and we have 1,000 got a ways and that speaks to terrorists on the terrorist watch list, are those thousand got a ways from
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countries that want to do us harm? we don't know that so we were lucky to apprehend these people on the terrorist watch list but what about the thousands ngo able to evade operation? what about the thousands that don't have a hit on in on interpol watch list or anything being released into the country that will later do us harm? this is very, very dangerous for the country very, very dangerous for u.s. citizens. we see it every day, the fentanyl caused by illegal immigration creating gaps in coverage and cartels to generate profit. it is a dangerous prospect for the country and we need the administration to do right by the american people and not what is best for political prospects. >> bill: last question here, we have seen the administration post does efforts on the northern triangle as well as handful of other countries venezuela, cuba, nicaragua, haiti but we have talked a lot about this, we are over 150
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this year. coming in all over the world, right? >> it is not northern triangle anymore. we go back three, four, five years ago, the northern triangle but now around the world, the cartels operating central america. operating around the world, transnational and involved in that. again we have to secure what we can do. we can do everything we need to do from our side of the border. we cannot expect other countries to do our job for us. we have to have the political will to do what we need to do and work out from there. >> bill: about 1.5 million known got a ways have gotten in the country since fiscal year 2021 and absolutely staggering numbers. keep in touch and we will talk to you. >> arthel: bill, as we honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, a relatively new tradition to honor any american service member killed since
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>> arthel: today's holiday is all about honoring service members who paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect our great country and defend our freedom. the poppy wall at arlington national cemetery one of the finest features with 645,000 poppies honoring the service members who died in the line of duty since world war i. eric is a u.s. army veteran and vice president for usaa which set up the poppy wall but before we get there as you know, 950 cadets graduated from west point
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saturday. as a west point graduate yourself, do you remember how you felt graduation weekend? >> i certainly do. it is etched in my mind on a warm, sunny day about 20 years ago, 25 years ago. so, i look at those young men and women who are now just marking the beginning of their career serving our nation and looking at them with respect. i wish them the best as they start their military careers. >> arthel: what do you think the 2023 graduating class should brace for? >> i think for the unknown. we live in a volatile world and the future is unknown but the service academy has taught them to react to the unknown and adjust to any unknown situation. they will join the forces very agile and very experienced.
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they are prepared to lead the men and women who have signed up for defending our freedoms including their lives. >> arthel: in fact, the class of 2023's motto is "freedom is not free." families of the service members who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country know this all too well. tell us about the significance of poppy law. >> certainly usaa is a company founded by the military for the military community. it is in our dna to represent and honor traditions and holidays associated with the u.s. military. none more sacred being memorial day. this started 2016 as an installation for employee to recognize the sacrifice of those who have given their lives for freedom. we recognize the opportunity to
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bring this to the public and educate everyone on the true meaning. and the advent of summer and enjoy back yard barbecues and beautiful weather. they may conflate it with veterans day with honorable men and women who served in uniform. this is the most sacred honor for us to honor 645,000, as you mentioned, who have given their lives for the freedoms that we enjoy not just this weekend but every day. >> arthel: you are giving me goose bumps talking about it because you are right. we have to let that sink in what this day is really about. if you want to talk about the special panel marking the national vietnam war, 50th anniversary commemoration. >> that is right. this year one side of the wall a special edition that edition that commemorates the 50th anniversary that we celebrated in march. that included repatriation, all
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the p.o.w.s and return of service men and women that serve during that war. >> arthel: eric, the wall, was it taken down last night, the poppy wall? >> it was. we installed it last week friday, saturday, sunday and it came down yesterday evening. we encourage people to participate in the national conversation around honoring the fallen. if you are celebrating and observing this we can, post on social media and tag it with poppy and we are compiling those. you can visit day to learn more about the history of american conflict as well as the true symbol of remembrance which is the red poppy and why we adopted that as a symbol of remembrance. if you happen to be in virginia beach the military aviation museum the middle of this june, you can visit a smaller installation as well as those who can go to the u.s. lexington
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and corpus christi, texas. those two locations a smaller version of that wall. >> thank you for that, eric and thank you for joining us as well. >> thank you for having me, arthel. >> arthel: bill. >> bill: russia unleashes a huge drone defense of ukraine. the question that they hit their targets? what the army commander says about his next move. we will have a live report coming up ,stay with us. ♪ ♪ ind you that can help you. not having to worry about the future makes it possible to make the present as best as it can be for everybody.
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>> bill: welcome back, russia with a barrage of missiles on kiev on a five-hour attack using a rainy and kamikaze drones. one person killed and two others wounded. live in london with more, what is the latest? >> hey, bill from a rush of pulling an ugly one-two punch on ukraine in the last 36 hours. first hitting kyiv and other sites of the country with two consecutive nights but the biggest drone attack of the war. mo shut down but some got food here or there was damage and casualties. today another assault of missiles. 16 error barrage of the month with a huge disruption forcing folks to bomb shelter.
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and northern kyiv from russia or neighboring belarus targeting civilian and military infrastructure. all of this ahead of widely debate a major spring counter defensive among the forces but the move as it was imminent. bill, sunday, by the way, kyiv day a holiday marking the founding of the city with plumes of spectacular fireworks this time around deadly serious action in the air. back to you. >> bill: a lot of kamikaze attacks in recent days. speed to another rate hike on the table and that is bad news for americans already feeling the pinch of inflation. economist steve moore and robin will be here to break it down for us. plus texas congressman lance gooden with colonel daniel davis
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and jonathan turley. that is all coming up in the next hour, stay right here.
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our democracy. >> bill: president biden honoring the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and his memorial day address. earlier today that first lady joined him to lay a wreath to the tomb of the unknown soldier. right now americans all across the country paying tribute to fallen heroes at parades and other remembrances. welcome back to this memorial day edition of "america reports." here we go for our number two. >> arthel: let's do it, hello, bill. memorial day is also as we well know the unofficial start of summer for many. that means heading to the beach or barbecue in the back door, grilling with a family, you get the point. the millions are opting to the road jack. and as they raced to get home, they are hoping to avoid any travel trouble. >> we have live team fox


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