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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 29, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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jets. tomorrow on "special report." more and more private companies have their sites set on space and please remember if you can't catch us live. set your dvr 3:00 p.m. eastern. thanks for watching "special report," i'm mike emanuel in washington. "jesse watters primetime" is next. >> jesse: you you wanted to be great because greatness won wars. the men who sprang into gunfire on the beaches of normandy were great. so were the ones that planted our flag on iwo jima. choked out communism in korea, crawled through the jungles in vietnam memorials and battled through the hot sands in the middle east. greatness was everywhere in america. because greatness was rewarded.
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if you wanted to go to harvard or yale, you had to be at the top of your class. they demanded greatness from their students. if you wanted to walk the runway at fashion shows and have your face placerred on magazines and billboards, you had to be in tip top shape. stunning enough to make somebody stop in their track. if you wanted to run nasa, ibm or exxon you had to be the best in the business. they demanded greatness from their employees and that demand formed generations of excellence. the weak were weeded out. the strong were rewarded with money and status and a sense of fulfillment. our society doesn't have standards anymore. everybody gets a trophy. you're not allowed to judge anybody. nothing's taboo. the people we revered yesterday are despised today. weakness is rewarded and strength is punished. we traded excellence and achievement for diversity and inclusion. it's happening all across the
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country. in new york, the nypd's neutering the physical fitness test. they are taking away the timed run so it's easier for women to join the force. apparently criminals they slow down if a female cop is chasing them. and in connecticut, they are axing fitness rirmings for female firefighters. they don't have to wear carry the same weight as men. in delaware, they're making it easier to become a lawyer, lowering the passing score on the bar examine. they say it will make the courtroom will diverse. if you late lawyers now wait until they get dumber. ivy league schools are lowering. columbia university dropping the requirement to take the sat or act. standardized test is racist. public schools across the country are failing the students. lockdowns put kids way behind on math and reading. especially black and hispanic kids. they got hit the hardest. instead of enriching the curriculum to snap back, they
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made school easier. they have say math is racist and start teaching about feelings instead of numbers. and when an engineer designs a plane, i don't care how he feels. i don't want to fly on a plane designed by a touchy-feely guy. i like planes designed by math wizs that haven't cried since childhood. thawt is math. but kamala harris' husband, the second gentleman doug emhoff he wants to feminize everything. he wants to feminize masculinity. >> should we just talk about mass could you lint for a moment? has being second gentleman changed your own views of what it means to be a men. >> there is too much toxicity masculine fox city. we confused what it means to be a man or masculine. a trope where you have got to be tough and angry and lash out to
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be strong. it's just the opposite. you know, strength is how you show your love for people. >> jesse: dougie fresh is worried about masculine toxicity than toxic train wrecks. you know how you show masculinity protect your wife getting troind sheds in washington. we have the first female vice president and the first second gentleman who won't stop talking about their feelings. leadership is about action but dougie not so fresh wants to talk about his emotions. kamala's husband kisses joe biden's wife and calls you toxic. and msnbc sits there and pats dougie on the head you are such a good little boy. wife swapping, apologizing and sitting at home all day. msnbc's perfect manual. the lower you go, the bigger the reward. look at biden's pick for faa chief. instead of nominating someone with a long resume of flight and safety experience to run the
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faa, joe picked phil washington a guy who worked at a bus station upal couple years ago. he was under a political corruption investigation for handing out pricy contracts to his buddies while he ran the l.a. transit authority but now he is getting a promotion and phil doesn't know anything about airplanes but he shatters. >> i'm not sure i can answer that question right now. sorry, senator, i cannot answer that question. thank you for the question, senator. i'm not a pilot. >> can you tell me what causes an aircraft to spin or to stall? >> again, senator, i'm not a pilot. i don't want to guess on that, senator. report back. >> do you know the three types, mr. washington? >> no. >> the three types? >> no, i cannot. >> okay. >> jesse: so, in san francisco, denver and oregon, homeless people get paid by the government just for living on the street. you have hit rock bottom, congratulations, here's a check. and if you are trans you get twice the money.
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we are paying people to get high and not show up to work. even the crack heads figured it out. >> when you incentivize bad behavior, which they're doing, it's just going to create more bad behavior. and i'm an excrack head and i can figure that out. >> jesse: now new york city is paying blm rioters that they locked up back in 2020. if you were pepper sprayed by a cop after smashing a window or looting macy's you can get 20 grand. it pays to be. mediocre. not fit to be a cop we will hire you. not smart enough to be a lawyer, no problem. don't want to work at all, we will pay you. they don't want excellence they want mediocrity. you get punished for trying to raise the standards. if you make a lot of money capitalist pig. buy a nice car and house for your family what's your carbon footprint? get this shape? stop making me feel bad about my body. this is what corporations want.
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the government hands you money and then you hand it over to big sugar. kellogg's and general mills, you know the guys that own just about all the cereal and junk food in the grocery store. they are threatening to sue the fda because the fda says lucky charms and graduate pebbles shouldn't be considered health food. i love cereal and lucky charms but it's a bowl of sugar. it's like eating candy for breakfast. marshmallows aren't a part of a ball lensed breakfast. kellogg's and general mills says the fead is violating their first amendment rights. they should be able to say whatever they want about their cereal. lucky charms makes you smarter. cookie crisp cures cancer. fruit loops makes you taller. greg has three boxes. general mills says their cereal is good for you. and the studies they funded prove it. look at fauci's food pyramid, a bowl of lucky charms is healthier than an egg.
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it's free speech, man, we can lie to kids for cash. this is america, right? big sugar has been doing this for years. >> hey, guys, can you turn it, down? you know, i tried some of those apple jacks the other day they didn't taste like apple. >> that's the coolest part of all. >> why? >> dad, you don't get it, do you. >> i guess i don't. >> is he old. >> apple jacks cereal is part of this complete breakfast. >> we eat what we like. >> jesse: part of a complete breakfast. very small part. big cereal wants to keep pumping kids full of sugar and tell parents it's healthy. if the fda labeled it unhealthy, it would probably wipe out 90% of the boxes in the cereal aisle. that's a big hit. so big sugar is going to fight hard. it's all about profits. same people using child migrant thrish stuff lucky charms and cereal boxes into u.s. factories. lucky charms made for kids by kids. we reached out to general mills they told us we had no idea it was happening but they are
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taking it very seriously and will investigate it. the same quay they're investigating if marshmallows are a healthy breakfast. this is what happens when you lower your standard. they want us fat, dumb and poor waiting on the government for our next meal. let's bring in douglas murray he is the author of war on the west on fox news contributor. this doesn't bode well for the united states of america. >> no, none of it bodes well look at the rhetoric we all sucked up in recent years. kamala harris' husband say it there toxic masculinity. he just throws it out. i always say toxic masculinity. let's talk about toxic femininity. there must be some. can't just be men maybe women can be bad do you want to have that discussion mr. harris? of course not. take one of the things that came out there the whole diversity, inclusion, equity rehabilitation
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or die as we should call it. there react has gone through all of corporate america. everyone in academia expect to show what they have done to promote these things i said to my "new york post" column today i don't believe in equity. i don't like it. i like equality and we have got laws for that i don't like equity. i don't like equity in sports. i don't like it in athletics. i don't like it in finance. i don't like it in anything. i just don't like it. if you said to me douglas, how can you prove your commitment to equity i would have to say i haven't had any. haven't done any. >> jesse: we don't have equity in olympics. we don't jam a bunch of white guys on the basketball team. don't jam black guys on the ski team it's by merit, right? >> one of the really disturbing thing is in recent years all of this stuff was being done on the highest profile, highest, you know, respected profession. it was sort of boards. we talked about where the boards were equitable. now it's gone all the way down to things like the police, the
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fire service and others. to the lawyers. >> jesse: i thought being a lawyer was hard. i opened one of those l salt books and i made it to page 2 i wasn't smart enough. >> you could be now. >> no i'm not. i wanted to hire someone to go through those tests i don't want them to be easier. i don't want the medical tests to be easier. the firefighter test and this guy at the faa doesn't know anything about air travel and he is going to be in charge the friendly skies. >> because it's not the priority in modern america. the priority is the stupid diversity inclusivity equity project. that's the priority. we saw the white house press person say the other day joe biden has the most gay people working for him in the white house ever. the most black representation. how about we concentrate on just getting people who are good on all levels of society. i don't want a plane flown by someone who doesn't know about planes. i don't want the bridge built by somebody who doesn't understand
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bridges but that's where we are headed. >> jesse: i don't think people in east palestine cared he was gay when he showed up. >> it didn't help. >> jesse: thank you for joining us. >> great pleasure. >> jesse: coming up, america is facing a patriotism crisis. ♪ ♪ oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger.
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>> jesse: america has always been a patriotic nation it runs deep back to the founding. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: we have always loved watching america win.
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♪ ♪ [chanting rocky] >> jesse: and when they attacked us, we never went quiet. >> check, one, two, hello, hello. [cheers] >> for almost three centuries now american patriotism set us apart. today american patriotism collapsed to all-time low. new poll shows the percentage of americans who value patriotism is down to only 38% jis for comparison 70% in the 90's and now 38. democrats don't feel patriotic anymore. not just patriotism.
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religious values are dieing in this country, too. only 39% say led religion is important to them. down from 62% in the 90's. that's having impact on nuclear family. if you ask young people only 30% of them believe it's important to have kids. that number has been cut in half. how do you explain that? speaker kevin mccarthy joins me now. speaker, how do you explain that? >> this is so concerning i just left a reception with 16 medal of honor recipients. 30 trillion americans have served in the military since the civil war. less than 3500 have received that. and to think to this day that people don't honor the patriotism of the sacrifice that these men and women have provided to bring this freedom? i mean, this is shocking to me. but i watch every day in congress the attack on america. i watched a resolution on the floor to denounce socialism and 100 democrats voted no on that.
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i watched just last week to give parents a bill of rights just to know what's being taught in children's school to know what money ois being spent to know if there is a violent activity interest. all the democrats voted no on that. why can't we be proud of america? america is more than a country. america san idea. no other nation in the world conceived in liberty and dedicated proposition that we are all equal. we are not perfect but we strive to be a more perfect union. we have to change this course. and this is why i will never give up because i know tomorrow will always be better because of america jess well, one of the course corrections is coming. can you see it a mile away. the republican primary is heating up is donald trump in waco, texas. lesson. >> i did rallies for ron that were massive rallies and they were very successful. we got him the nomination. we then got him the election. remember one thing, florida has
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been tremendously successful for many years. long before this guy became governor. in fact, probably as or more successful than it is now. speaker of the house. the former president, he is leading leading in the republican primary go after the florida governor. how does that make you feel? >> the thing i look at is there is enough problems the democrats have brought us. we have inflation. we have a border that's wide open. we pay more for gasoline energy. we china moving into saudi. moving into the middle east, bringing saudi arabia and iran together, that used to be the leadership of america. i don't think republicans should go after one another. we need to bring that nation back. bring republicans, independents and democrats, too. we cannot handle four more years of joe biden. we can't afford it. >> i don't think trump is going to listen to that we can keep
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trying, hold on. >> when i told you about aoc you were big into tiktok thing last week. now she says we love tiktok. i think she might have gotten a little chinese money but how do you feel like aoc has been dealing with this whole tiktok deal? >> i think she -- if she would have listened to that hearing on energy and commerce, it incumbent just republicans and democrats. just listen to the ceo. he got asked the question is the chinese government spying on americans through tiktok well a different term of spying. right? why would we ever allow that we watched what china is doing and how president xi has changed the constitution so he serves another term. only left his country two times since the pandemic and this was to meet with putin. where they are creating this new axis of power. we watched this happen in the 1930s. this is not something to joke around with. this is not something to go soft on them as well and it's not woe
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need to be prepared. why are we allowing them to the children. sending chemicals to mexico to make fentanyl killing americans every single day. this has to stop. >> jesse: if you see aoc in the halls of congress tell her "primetime" said hi. >> i will. >> jesse: why the government's our kids to be dumb and obedient. ♪
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>> welcome to fox news live i'm asha has any here in washington. right now house members from both sides of the aisle are deciding whether they will support a bipartisan bill to raise our nation's debt limit. the deal is struck by president biden and kevin mccarthy will cut spending and suspend the debt ceiling until january 1st, 2025. the bill must pass out of the
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bills committee before heading to full house for a vote. if it approves there approved by the senate and signed into law by june 5th or the nation risks key faulting on its own debt. president biden honoring all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our nation this memheremembered laying a wreatht the tomb of unknown soldier. part of an observance at arlington national cemetery. i'm aishah hasnie now back to "jesse watters primetime." ♪ >> jesse: for decades america has been on the cutting edge, ahead of every other country when it comes to medicine, technology, energy, one of the reasons why? our work ethic. nobody is born with that. you learn it from your family, your culture and your school. it's in america's best interest to have a country full of educated people. so a century ago the government decided every kid should legally
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be required to go to school. it helped form some of america's greatest generations. >> students in this study hall have many different ways of studying. jim is naturally thinking about that civics report. he doesn't want to put it off until the last minute. first, he has to get ready for his science class this afternoon. then he can give the rest of the hour to his civics report. >> jesse: that's not what classrooms look like today. kids are learning about sex instead of science, racism instead of reading. feminism instead of physics, hates instead of history. how did this happen? our schools have been sliding into mediocrity for years and we see the results. back in the day steve jobs, the founder of apple computers explained why. >> if you ask who are the customers of education, the customers are the parents not even the students but the parents. the problem we have in this country is that the customers went away the customers thought
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paying attention to their schools for the most part is that mothers started working and they didn't have time to spend at pta meetings and watching their kid's school. schools became much more institutionalized. and parents spent less and less and less time involved in their kids' education. what happens when a customer goes away and a monopoly gets control, which is what's happened in our country service levels almost always go down. the statement about moms would get him canceled today. the government likes the parents not involved. the schools don't want anyone looking over their shoulder because they don't want the customers looking behind the counter. decades ago steve jobs had a solution for this. give the parents parents power. >> i believe very strongly that
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if the country gave each parent a voucher, a check for $4,400 that they could only spend at any accredited school, that several things would happen. number one, schools could start marketing themselves like crazy to parents to get students. secondly, i think you would see a lot of new schools starting. you would seat quality of schools again like in a competitive market rise. some public schools would go broke. there's no question about it. it would be rather painful for the first several years. >> deservedly so. >> i think far less painful than the kids going through the system like it is right now. >> jesse: our schools are failing because there is no competition. if you introduce competition they will get back to teaching math and history real quick. parents don't want to send their kids to bad schools or woke schools. they're only doing it because they have to. they don't have a choice. you want to improve public schools?
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you can't, the government wants to keep it the way it is. the dirty little secret is that the government, teachers unions in powerful parts of the country want your son dumb. they want your daughter to be stupid. they don't want independent thinkers. they want dumb obedient people to say sure, i will wear a mask. i trust the fbi. i think what i see on the news is true. they don't want students asking questions because a curious mind would wonder why our borders are wide open. wonder why we funded the wuhan lab and wonder where all the money is going in ukraine. smart population is a threat to powerful people in america. they want zombies instead. they want a pipeline of servants. only pipeline they want. learn the bare minimum in public school. take out huge loans to be brainwashed in their colleges, and then you are buried in debt on your sofa where they want you stoned and watching netflix and
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ordering seamless and other junk off amazon prime. they want you loaded up on debt and sugar so you are fat and dependent and chuck you a few hand journghts biden bucks, wipe out your loan still hooked and they own your vote. you are depressed. not independent and you are bored because your life has no adventure and then you get sick because you are unhealthy and american healthcare systems shawfs bunch of pills down your throat. manufacturing a underclass of morons. they want to our country into oblivion to cash out on ignorance. every election they will write you a check, give you free stuff and jack up the prices on everything else. just like they do with electric cars, just like they are doing now with college tuition. they are loaded. these universities look like. almost any city and you will find a sprawling campus with state of the art facilities and tens and tens of thousands of
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employees. but you end up with a degree quarter million dollars in debt. they're predators and you are the prey. and if you wake up and start asking questions and saying the wrong things. politically incorrect challenge the system too much. they will censor smear and destroy you. don't even ask how they are going to pay for this stuff they can't even say. you want to know why? they don't even scare. >> do you all believe that student loan program is fully paid for. >> we do believe it will be fully paid for because of the -- because of the work that this president has done with the economy. because of what you just said what i just said is what we have done to bring down the deficit. the deficit reduction. that matters in the work that he wool continue to do. >> jesse: what? i will translate.
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you are paying someone else to go to college and learn why america is racist. to them that's priceless. let's turn to victor davis hanson. hoover institution senior fellow and author of the dying citizen. they want us stupid and lady and fat and not questioning anything, don't they. >> i think they do we had some control guaranteed student loans and gave grants. we let them off the hook. we could solve k through 12 told every teacher you have alternative. you can go through the education school monopoly and get credentialed or brainwashed or ma academic subject like community college. i think there would be a mass exodus out of the school of education. they couldn't control all these ma programs and teachers much more academically rigorous. we could tell every student
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getting a b.a. you have to take a national just like sat test to get in. check how see how you do after four years. that would quantify the ba so we know baens have something in common basic knowledge of math. we need look at tenure. only profession in america where you get lifetime employment after six years. you could have revolving contractsenned i would think that would be really important. if we are going to get federal funds or student guaranteed loans why are they exempt from the civil rights act of 1965? by that i mean who dreamed up segregated graduation. segregated dorms, segregated safe space. they should not be allowed to do that when they have inquiries on everything from academic problems to sexual harassment, they deprive people of a fourth amendments and don't allow people to have lawyers. they don't respect the first amendment for speakers and discussions on campus. so we can say to them if you are going to get federal funds, are you going to have this moral
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hazard increase because you have no -- you are not in the game when you get these student loans coming with guaranteed from the federal government. then you are going to have to obey the constitution. if you don't, you are not going to have these student loans. they jack up the rate of inflation each year higher. the rate of tuition higher than the rate of inflation. why do they do that? because the federal government says, you know what? if you have club med facilities for students or you have got these diversity, equity and inclusion 200,000 administrators, we don't care, we will guarantee your students can pay you. >> jesse: yeah. we are all getting played. >> that's a problem. >> jesse: we are all getting played and it's happening right in front of us. victor davis hanson, thank you so much for your analysis. >> thank you. >> jesse: we are playing sink or swim next. ♪
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we're traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? - good. - you sure? - i think so. - how do you know? let me show you something. put two fingers right on those pads. look at that! that's your heart! that is pretty awesome. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. kardiamobile is now available for just $79. order at or amazon.
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>> jesse: time for sink or swim. we have a special edition this memorial day. army veteran pete hegseth against marine veteran jobbie joey jones. >> pete: i have been trying all
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day to get the questions from your staff. they will not give it to me. >> jesse: good. we trained them well. >> joey: the good thing about the green room on time i got to see the faces. >> jesse: not like it's going to help. just because you are angry doesn't mean you can't find time to have a snangeght which top democrat was caught tapping into a slim jim while talking to mike pence is it nancy pelosi or jerry nadler? who was snapping into a slim jim? >> pete: i know the answer but i don't want to tip off joey. >> joey: that's how that's going to work? >> pete: i do know the answer. >> jesse: joey has got to go first. >> joe: okay. both going with nancy. >> okay,. >> joey: did i guess. i guessed because that was take your documentary crew to work day.
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>> jesse: that's the last part of the question. >> that's the only thing nancy has done that actually makes me like her. good for you, nancy. category stay in your lane. which rich democrat driver was arrested this week for criminal harassment and witness intimidation. was it michelle obama's driver or was it paul pelosi's driver? >> pete: you got me with paul pelosi your boy but i will go with michelle. >> joey: if paul pelosi had a driver we wouldn't know his name right now. >> jesse: "primetime" would know his name. [laughter] >> pete: you would know his name if anybody would. who is it. >> when they go lie, we go high. [applause] >> jesse: she only hires the best. was it feinstein's driver that also was a chinese spy? can democrats maybe just hire some better drivers? >> pete: yes. >> jesse: holy guacamole who had tacos for lunch yesterday? was it joe biden or was it jill
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biden? >> pete: i know this one. >> jesse: throw it up. >> pete: joe. >> jesse: tiebreaker. it's the big guy. >> joey: that makes sense. i think technically he had a quesadilla. >> pete: it was 4.50s and he left a $40 tip. >> joey: we don't know jill didn't eat tacos. >> pete: i'm up by one. vets. >> jesse: joe bidenal very good. >> this is a big one. you ain't black. joe biden upset black americans this week with empathetic comments about his son's crack addiction. one outspoken host blamed biden about destroying was it shala main that god. tha. >> pete: it either of them would have made that comment. the other ones.
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i want to look at your paddle but i'm not going to. candace, where is it? >> go with responsible for drug laws that put so many black people in jail for smoking. just like his son. we are going to t tiebreaker. >> jesse: might be our first tiebreaker maybe second. our last segment i don't know if you watched the show in the green room or in your office, pete, we showed two radical climate protesters throwing tomato soup on one of v van gogs famous painting. how much was this van gogh painting worth? i know you were art history majors in college. this is who is closer. this is why it's a tiebreaker. >> i've got mine. i'm going to go 60 million.
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>> joey: 35 mi35. >> jesse: pete hegseth wins it was 82 million. both of you didn't watch the show before coming on. i'm going off what it's worth now that it's got toto mate toe soup. >> jesse: i don't have a slim jim a hat for pete. cinch or swim. three some down low. >> joey: if i ever win. this i don't want a hat i want a pair of socks. >> jesse: we will get you socks. congratulations. >> jesse: pete is going on the board ♪ lovely day ♪ lovely day ♪ lovely day ♪ >> jesse: up next, what's the true meaning of memorial day? >> what is memorial day? [laughter] ♪
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[music playing] subject 1: cancer is a long journey. it's overwhelming, but you just have to put your mind to it and fight. subject 2: it doesn't feel good because you can't play outside with other children. subject 3: as a parent, it is your job to protect your family.
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but here is something that i cannot do. i cannot fix this. i don't know if my daughter is going to be able to walk. i don't know if she's going to make it till tomorrow. [music playing] interviewer: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 4: childhood cancer, there's no escaping it. but st. jude is doing the work, continually researching towards cures, giving more than just my child a chance at life. interviewer: please, call or go online right now and become a st. jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. subject 5: those donations really matter because we're not going to give up. and when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world.
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interviewer: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt. you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. subject 6: st. jude is hope. even today after losing a child, it's still about the hope of tomorrow, because. childhood cancer has to end. interviewer: please, call or go online right now. [music playing]
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we sent johnny to coney island for a little military history quiz. why are you off from work today? >> celebrating the nice weather. >> trying to work on killer tan. >> memorial day. >> what is memorial day? >> what do you want -- oh, are. >> dude, teach me. >> who did america fight in the revolutionary war. >> russia, ukraine. >> i don't know nothing. america? >> we fought ourselves? >> japan? >> britain? >> china. >> china. >> who won the civil war? >> george washington. borders. >> he won? >> yes. for sure. >> george washington?
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and george washington. >> putin. [buzzer] >> i can't think of the name. >> up. >> what is up? >> america. >> the north? >> the north. >> the union, the >> do unknow who the civil war was between? >> north america and south america. >> slavery. >> laws. >> politics, stuff like that. >> politics, politics, politics, politics. >> world war ii. >> who fought there? >> uh -- the dominican republic. >> not the dominican public. >> not puerto rico. >> germany. >> high five. >> allies versus -- italy,
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france, america. >> everybody was involved, ri right? >> who won the cold war? >> wow, this is bad. >> this is really bad. >> antarctica. >> the u.s. >> oh, lord, russia. >> if russia won, we wouldn't be here right now. >> russia, russia, russia. >> why do they call at this time cold war? >> during the winter? >> they were fighting in cold conditions. ♪ baby it's cold outside ♪ >> not a shot was fired. >> there was a disease going around. i don't know what it was. >> we have a war with the
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invisible enemy. >> they were ready to have another one. >> who bombed pearl harbor? >> we did, the united states. >> the russians. >> japan bomb pearl harbor. >> china. >> russia. >> i don't understand. ♪ >> what's your name? >> precious. >> that's a precious name. >> oh, precious. >> what do you want to tell jesse waters. >> happy memorial day. >> this is my world. >> i love you, i love new york and love coney island. >> so today we're honoring the people who died for our country, but memorial day is also about something not quite as important but very important. and that's avoiding traffic. don't be an idiot. fill up your gas tank. check the oil. if you cause a traffic jam on memorial day, just don't do it.
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okay? be smart. leave early in the morning. i swear to god, if you cause a traffic jam, i'm not going to say it on memorial day, it wouldn't be right, but just don't do it. texas, lindsey, california, needs to curb his own toxic masculinity. sloppy gentleman. got to go in the make name bracket. >> glenn from new mexico, only california would remove the physical tests to be a cop. we went from defunding the police to fattening up the police. nothing better than a fat cop. stuart from conyers, georgia, if math is racist, i think high high school geometry teacher was actually jim crow. >> mine was jim eagle. >> i would like to see any of those nonpatriotic kids spend an hour in a --
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>> if you don't feel patriotic after watching rocky four you must not have a soul. >> or one through three. >> holly frommal dam, all three of my boys did trade school instead. i'm glad they didn't go to college just to get brainwashed. >> sal from new jersey, teachers unions will never allow for school choice. that would mean they would have to fire all the bad ones. lucy from michigan, why was pete trying to look at the sink or swim questions ahead of time. who does he think he is? hillary clinton at a debate? are you saying he was given the paddle -- that would have given joey jones an opportunity to smack him in the face. those are the rules at sink or swim. >> ryan from kentucky, johnny should teach a civics course and he can start with all the idiots on coney islands. those packages are a learning experience. sometimes johnny even learns
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something. michelle from altoona, pennsylvania. i'm a proud history teacher. all of his segments are my worst nightmare. >> that's all for tonight. always remember, i'm waters, this is "my world." ♪ >> the only color is red, white and blue. >> it's a choice. >> it has nothing to do with your race, religion, color or creed. >> there is no place on earth better than the united states of america. >> what do we want? >> when do we want it? >> now. >> and it's worth dying for. ♪


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