tv Hannity FOX News May 31, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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donald trump or the next president you're gonna balance the budget. we have to follow the recommendations. >> victor davis hanson thank you for bringing it down first. that's all for tonight john is back here tomorrow for the show. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hannity: welcome to "hannity" at this time tomorrow night we were be in iowa for a very special town hall with donald j. trump. tickets are free tonight we are right here in new york city with the only people that are normal in new york. [cheers and applause] we have a live audience show. coming up in just a bit we begin tonight with the fox news alert as we speak in the u.s. house of representatives they are now poised to vote on the mccarthy and joe biden compromise bill is expected to pass?
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the very latest from capitol hill all things hitchhikers guide to washington, d.c., in the swamp chad what's going on we expect this to past only? >> we think they're gonna start this vote in the next two have been 3 minutes they started this debate at 717 eastern time. we think the actual roll call vote is income any minute so it's pending. we do expect a bipartisan coalition of democrats and g.o.p. members to vote yes. house speaker kevin mccarthy made the closing argument he said don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. >> ominous say i'm at about no because they're summing out in the bill. if i took that philosophy i would never vote yes. i simply read the bills and funny and decide if this is good for the country.
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>> i would see that answer is easily yes they'll save an additional two-point join and for the first time in more than a decade congress will spend less next year than this year. >> once the bill clears the house tonight it had to cross the rotunda to the senate. it's a race to finish the bill before the june 1st deadline that's when the nation runs out of cash. >> how long to think is reasonable? >> i can tell you what i hope happens is that those who have amendments given votes will yield that time. so we can finish this thursday or friday. sue the country, and -- >> mike lee and ron paul want the senate to consider other debt ceiling plans first. the likely score vote on their efforts in the closing hours.
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and sean i'm looking at the house floor here i believe that they are just about to start this roll call vote in fact they just have already there at 55 votes on the house floor they just started this now again each roll call vote in the house is allotted for 15 minutes you. look at that clock in the lower part of the screen that counts down it will get down to zero however again it's like soccer they keep the time in the field. they allow people to come in watch for democrats a lot of them might hold their votes back to see how many votes republican's post the scope at first. we believe that republic and the put their votes onto the democrats will likely vote for the bill and bring this across the finish line again we are expecting a wide bipartisan boldness tonight. >> as always we appreciate it now as outlined last night this debt ceiling compromise has a lot of critics and chief among
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them are the conservatives in their public and house that is of the party of speaker mccarthy they did make a fundamental mistake in my opinion and that is the speaker my view she kept all members in the loop with the negotiation before anything was agreed to in anger on the right of the 29 but i've counted is very palpable conservatives to hate the lack of real budget cuts the original by the republicans did in fact cut 4.8 trillion over ten years this one was 2.1 trillion and yes it's the first time the hubbert lower bucket this year than the year prior as of now the federal government insane covid level spending is premature to stay. the covert relief funds to be called back and redistributed to other government the cuts of joe biden's army of irs agents
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while diecut was mineral at best democrats meanwhile they hate the new energy measures in the bill including the pipeline that joe manchin wanted and rightly should have in west virginia he also hit the americans with student loan debt will be forced to resume payments what i'm supposed to pay for their education? i paid my loan back. your own loan back. anyway even know the loan forgiveness program will still move ahead neither side is happy within work requirements for certain social where fellow programs it seems to go one for conservatives and some angles does very little to curb costs or get people back to work, like rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. center lindsey graham is try to undo this debt deal he is calling it a disaster for national defense according to graham it will usher in the lowest level of defense spending relative to gdp in modern
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american history. this is the u.s. is now been thrust into a new cold war with communist china as they've now created a new axis of evil and that's china, russia and iran and this week we watched china refuse an american invitation to meet with u.s. defense officials we also made aggressive maneuvers against the u.s. fighter jet over international waters and even built a simulation of their hypersonic missiles literally destroying our entire u.s. fleet in the pacific and they still want take any responsibility for covid-19 nor is joe biden holding them accountable or for the spy balloon that he let fly all across united states over every military installation they demanded that america apologize for shooting down the spy balloon after he let across for days with each passing week the threats to reunify with our ally taiwan they're getting more and
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more aggressive and seems a question of when not if. the goal of the u.s. should be peace through strength with the military so bad, kick, so powerful in advance that china would be deterred from ever starting any conflict around the globe unfortunately the something strong about joe biden he is weak, he is frail we all know he is a cognitive mess and he has no idea that today is wednesday. and now as a result the world is left sais. look at blood rep wins or in ukraine there's no end in sight. keep in mind that this war started in part because of joe biden's weakness that he showed in afghanistan. recently russia issued out arrest warrant for south carolina senator lindsey graham after he praised america's massive financial contribution to ukraine. the best one we ever spent unfortunately for graham i doubt that he had any plans to vacation in moscow like is senate kyle colleague bernie sanders anyway here not
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to respond south carolina senator lindsey graham. [cheers and applause] all right they want you arrested you are willing to get arrested who's going to get arrested? >> i do like my chances it's an away game for me donald trump it of a better chance in san francisco than i would in moscow. i know what awaits me if i go to moscow. i told him let's go you bring your best game against me i'll bring my best game against you. what is is all about? i dare call him a war criminal and a thug he is invaded his neighbors, he is kidnapped children is a war criminal on steroids and i still sit up to it i'm for freedom in russia if you see what i did you go to jail. there china get me to go to jail i live in america. i don't want to live like that i'm for freedom.
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i want the ukrainians to be able to beat a and i want to end the war in ukraine and how do you want to? you beat them there if you went in ukraine he keeps going we will be in a war with russia he could tack in a donation that's in the war in ukraine helping ukrainians beat the russians. i could give a damn what you think about me i'm in cape town the world you're a thug and a war criminal victory for ukr ukraine. >> hannity: when this first started you and i both started tired about someone with in russia with access to vitamin it would be nice if they did the job for the rest the world i agree with your analysis i agree i think he is a thug, he is a murderer this is been indiscriminate bombing and targeting innocent men, women, and children we have seen the bodies, we've seen the impairment buildings within neighborhoods all blown out. here's my problem with america bearing the brunt of the financial cost of this. this is europe's war.
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now, i don't mind helping, but there has to be two conditions of my mind for this to go forward europe is not pay their fair share joe biden was not for the beginning fighting the war to win the war. one pole and nearly 30 million joe biden put handcuffs on ukraine and said no. if you're not gonna fight a war to win a war that america should have no part of that war. a muscle suit conditions are met i think america has stepped up more than enough europe needs to protect protect your content first and they are not doing it. speak ill of me what we just said. i agree with you. joe biden is made it hard for ukraine to win. they needed things to said no, the needed long-range artillery to said no women undo. it's been like pulling teeth let me tell you i just got back from ukraine that's why they want to rest me. i'm here to tell you and your
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audience that the ukrainians are going on the offense of any minute now any day now. the organ take territory back for the russians the russian army is weak and been bloodied and ukrainians on the verge of taking substantial territory now is the time to be all and guess europe should do more but if you want to protect america and you and makes the china does not invade taiwan you better stand up till now he is in a keep going until sunday stops him not one american soldier has died they just want technology and weapons. it's in our interest to beat vitamin and ukraine to end the war is cookie as possible. i want to be helping ukraine with weapons that they need joe biden has been slow to the cause i'm here to tell you sean that ukrainians have defied all expectations they are going to drive out the russians if we continue to help them europe should do more it's about our
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national security. >> one of the reasons that is able to fight this war is because the money they made from energy because joe biden unilaterally disarmed domestic energy that reviews the world supply which increase the world price for the lifeblood of the world's economy. which was stupid on joe biden's part. your pastor step number one, number two either you fight and you fight to win you don't fight at all. that should be the motto of everyone going forward now i did like that ukrainians are, like that they had moscow give motives throw medicine this w week. >> number one i've been in ukraine. i can't tell you how much i admire the ukrainian people. would you want to live in a country where you can go to jail by criticizing the government? they literally one or arrest united states senator because eight to speak truth to power
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you want to live in vitamin's russia? so hub in the ukrainians is our interest of lender to you losing ukraine because if he doesn't he'll keep going and though be a war between nato and russia and i want that. i don't want to fight china. i want to deter china. so the weaknesses led to wartime not less. we have a chance for the bravery of the ukrainians nothing to do a joe biden to beat vitamin in ukraine and i'm here to tell you sean the world that he would charge for us is not a world that i would like to live in. >> hannity: if we are president i would stand up to some of our allies and say either pay your fair share look what he said he basically gave a rubber-stamp to the president to go ahead and take taiwan. she's meat that's in his backyard and they are not paying their fair share i'm tired of them taken advantage of our contribution not give them another cent until they do their
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job and they contribute their fair share. all right moving moving on to another topic. what your plans tomorrow as it relates assuming this vote continues i can't see the numbers and find me. and he passes the bill jassy don't support it because the defense spending what your plans tomorrow because you and mike lee and rand paul and three people that will be offering a men's? >> my plan is to inform the murky people to this budget deal is a disaster for the united states military. i like kevin mccarthy he is a hard job but he said that this bill fully funds the military only your audience to know tonight this bill is $42 billion short of match inflation. this bill creates a smaller navy at a time when the chinese are gone from 300 shifts to 440. this bill puts us on track to go
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from 298 ships in our navy is 291. it's the lowest spending per gdp on defense since world war ii. this bill is a disaster for america, it's a big won for china. the number one job of the federal government to defend this nation i'm a reagan republican and ronald reagan would never have done this at all. per our navy and decline as china is building up. so sean i cannot tell you from a defense point of view that this bill is a disaster for the american military if you think that $42 billion under inflation is fully funding that we are in the wrong party. >> hannity: we appreciate it thank you for being with us tonight thank you. [applause] was a mean for speaker mccarthy and will anyone even remember this battle in 2024 as we now speed toward a fiscal cliff joining us now with more fox news contributor will come in studio kelly end.
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[cheers and applause] mary catherine hams with us is get your take on this. look i felt the republicans in a much stronger handle on their plate. that they pass the bill to increase the debt ceiling and save 4.8 trillion narasimhan 2.1. it's the most we've received but we never had a debt at 31 shalini there. i wish they never given especially on the issue of irs savings. in a couple of other provisions out of like seen speak of as many reasons to feel disappointed but i think there are a couple reasons to feel elated also. there will begins to not use the excuse that you only have the house we have a tight majority that's the old washington establishment excuse speaker mccarthy's approval rating has gone up 15 points since he took that to get us to the brink and hear the results. we have 28 billing to more
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defense them within a year ago and $886 billion for defense spending so largest defense budget in u.s. history is the largest defense budget and the lorbrenna. where climax of the billions and not everything we want to but i think it's a start i think two things are happening here at number one it place. our men and women in uniform deserve to be deeply respected. >> hannity: made a point of not keep it up inflation. he's a hawk. we understand. >> i think it's very easy to see what's missing what i see in front of me is the best and working to get wood the white house. it could've absent absent from these negotiations right now. this is why we need a republican back in the white house. straight a much better deal. at the other i see yes. the second thing i see is that this country says the economy is the number one issue. we are drowning economically to the pockets. the government spent too much money we've all been asked to rein in our own spending.
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this is to americans that the left has nothing don't forget the democrats majority in the senate and to the white house they came to the table and nearly from the table empty-handed. they did not get the squad or the tax site. regulation is not there the leviathan administration state got expanded in 2022 it's gone and hakeem jeffries he is can have the witch late and past kevin mccarthy's bill. the best we can get with an absent minded joe biden in the white house and i think we take the partial win it would get some fiscal sanity in washington. >> hannity: the bill has just passed in the house fox news alert the house now has the votes to pass the debt ceiling bill that means that it will go to the u.s. senate and we assume that that will pass their here with mont chad we've been looking at them and their republicans we will hundred 35 republicans.
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it was hard in earlier vote today. democrats hundred and 18 obviously 57 is a pretty big loss for republicans for kevin mccarthy. >> the so i's even though they are in the majority of the rely on democrats to get this across the finish line. we always know this is gonna be a bipartisan cocktail of democratic and a republican votes here. the fact that they are getting well into the two hundreds said they might be able to get some a neighborhood of 270, 280. when i look at how many votes are still outstanding here 72 votes this can approach 300 despite all the consternation on both sides of the aisle against this bill. keep in mind that the vote is still open and will call an official vote they don't close the vote on see you see that gavel come down that's when he of the final toll. the magic number tonight was to 18 there's 435 members of the house representatives they are
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down at least one today because of democratic are presented of angie craig injured her leg and had to have surgery, you still need to 18 with 435 total members that some numerous caster belts and they. they are way that threshold right now. this will then go to the senate as early as tonight we do not expect any resolution there until friday or maybe over the weekend. >> hannity: chad we really appreciate you as always by the way catherine wants to get your take on this. >> i think the issue for everything it's a compromise does not feel great especially if your ideological person especially if you really want to get the budget under control and so wildly inflated from the covid years in the joe biden years at this point. it is not really feel good. the reality is that we are fighting on speaker mccarthy's term but is not good.
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i would so do great things in washington on a scale of terribleness to possible terribleness. this is like quite a bit less terrible than i thought we might be what the debt ceiling passing which is what i was afraid we might get with democrats setting it's the moon. i live in a realist household by bvh's got a social security card i took it to his crib honey here's your first broken pro promise. we have to deal with the reality of washington what were doing this. >> hannity: congrats on the baby. congratulations let's pop some hot warm milky. [applause] it's great to have you back get your take on this. the latest but we have is what 290? >> i think assuming in there for both sides within this mostly stuff in there for the republicans in the house. he really shepard this joe biden is absent from negotiations like
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i sympathize with many of the members and the others 57 or sober republicans who want more we all want more. look at this as a step in the right direction for what is in a completely financially irresponsible unaccountable pro-government that's going. >> hannity: we be doing this for years that's a large number. whether or not it was early talk when the bill first came out it was hard about a motion to vacate anyone above can member construed against kevin mccarthy. well after the passing might say why did you negotiate a hardeeville? >> i think you negotiate a decent bill about the cards he was able to play if you look at the 100 and so therefore against the rest of democrats they are the radical liberal democrats and the party who did not get a
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daunting they wanted. they did not get tax cuts new regulations and i can expansion they wanted to cut defense spending behind-the-scenes to nondiscretionary levels at the disgrace and i want men and women in uniform and everyone all of us who love them and appreciate them so much to know that after memorial day at the look of the house to make sure that you get $886 billion for men and women in military that matters. [applause] >> hannity: losing 60 up republicans hundred and 42 on a side or the political up and implications for possibly? >> obsidian we people who are upset we know who does light cover must? yvonne is not feel good to me it's a lot of american voters i think kelly and noted his approval rate is going up i think i might be some of that it work here because people like to see summing that's functioning and this feels like it's
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basically functioning also to give a shout out to part of this but cecily might be able to go back to regular order doing budgets even know it feels like procedural and not super we do need to get back to regular order when it comes to budgeting and i think it can be a good cell the voters in a step toward fiscal sanity which is what ultimately we want. >> hannity: business the dumbest system it's like soccer. i can ever understand the clock ends and the game just keeps going on until they decide we will call the game now. [laughter] [laughter] that's why don't like soccer i like football, real football. i still think why are you more optimistic than this than me? i'm not being critical i just thought his hand was stronger. get a mistake i would argue that
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he made and you know because spoke to a lot of members there was palpable real anger by many of them. why didn't he keep them in the league when he was to goshen with the white house? guides us what they're proposing a want to get your feedback before i agree to anything. knowing that is one member who can move with the motion to vacate and knowing that can service might not like some the concessions. >> that i don't know. a lot of credit deservedly so for filling in. let me say this will be should be told. and once as of the democrats of unity know they don't yell for the executive same we need unity that's different. in a party with going pain sometimes means we don't get what we want i want anyone to compromise their rentable's plummeted this you estimate optimistic, i am optimistic up and not apologetic this is nothing like any of us would've wanted if we were in charge of
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the whole process, but i'm optimistic because this country is so depressed economically 18% of americans in a poll today said that the economy is going well this is joe biden's economy i want everyone to focus on the man-made crisis that the joe biden economy. i don't want us to be blamed for the default on the debt. >> hannity: joe biden would've been responsible for the default, joe biden said he would negotiate joe biden met hundred and 25, 30 days ago and disappeared for 97 straight d days. he was betting on the fact of them republicans will never come together and pass a bill was go back to its one, two, three spending levels and limited baseline budgeting to increase 1%. it had the drilling and gas provisions that conservatives wanted and had a lot of good things in their and it defunded the irs. i think on those issues he lost
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a lot of people in terms of support. look i'm not saying this is an easy job i would not want that job. got to be out of your mind to want that job. however i think they could've handled the stronger. you've been great thank you. by the way congratulations on the baby it's great to have you back in the loop we love having you. [applause] the house passed a bipartisan hair back for this more on the lives terms that i have i can't sit in front of me unfort unfortunately. hundred 12 we got? >> it was hard and that they close the vote the final total. 149 the republicans would guess 165 democrats voted yes. i'm take a deep at those numbers here. hakeem jeffries the john mckay clear yesterday said he expected republicans were in the majority to deliver 150 votes. they were pretty close to were not exactly what he was wanting.
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the interesting thing here is that there were more democrats who voted for this 165 you know they are in the minority so if you listen to hakeem jeffries speech dealer tonight he can argue and argue the the phone earlier that was democrats who were bailing out republicans on this bill when it was a bipartisan packed team president biden and house speaker kevin mccarthy. now it's on to the senate and the senate is still in session tonight do actually get the piece of paper and again to process the this mitch mcconnell earlier today he was optimistic that maybe, just maybe they could get a through on thursday if that's the case it would be late it would soothe the market there through the first hurdle that's passed the house against the vote total 314-117. >> hannity: also tonight a highly anticipated phone call and washington, d.c., today is a house oversight committee fbi director rest of her along
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center charles grassley spoke about the possible release of a document that claims a joe biden accepted a $5 million bribe from a foreign national when his vice president. six specific actions in exchange for that. now he has subpoenaed that document the fbi has not yet turned it over the bureau says that right offered him the opportunity to review the document in a secure setting is heather that offer is not good enough he now plans to move forward with his effort to hold in contempt of congress now the fbi also claims the joe biden bribery allegations on paper it is not true. apparently the bureau has a track record of downplaying native information especially about anybody with a last name biden. we also fbi whistle-blowers tongue cbs news agency was actively labeling evidence against hunter biden as you guessed it disinformation even
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if it was completely verified. we are with reaction all of this is house oversight committee james comer. first reaction [applause] to the boat tonight. on the spinning bill what's reaction? >> i think you're too female guessed it a job expanding that this was a pretty good deal. the democrats are mad because we cut spending too much that republicans are mad because do not spinning enough. that's called governing i don't like it boat or 1:30 equation the house is one-third the senate is a third in the white house is a third. i did it's about a get a deal we could've gone deep i'm glad that we move past this and now we can focus on trying to get spending under control again in october when the full year budget of procreation due again. >> hannity: let's talk about your call earlier today with the fbi director christopher wray along center chuck. you've been asking demanding
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that they turn over this 1023 form. director wray acknowledge that they have it. he would produce it for you in private on the ask about this because my understanding of the 1023 is pretty simple. is that it's an allegation you and senator grassley believe it's incredible allegation based on the individual whistle-blower that brought a tear attention. okay i tend to trust you too. however the question i have is all we can start releasing all 1023 probably? without result in her invasion of privacy or potential can make an accusation gets people that they have not cooperated and why not take advantage of the fbi director's offer to see it in a private skip or whatever area he deemed secure? >> to answer that question he offered us the opportunity to look at it but he was an
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unredacted. for mike's parents within documents for the fbi when the redacted it's all black lines. don't show anything. i'm a santa show we told the director. he and i have already seen the 1023 form. we knew what was in it. until we told the director ray that he never even admitted that the form existed. so the level of confidence that we have with the director only went down and only decline throughout the conversation. so we will go there and looked at the redacted document but we know it's in the document and the reason we find this allegation credible not only because of the credibility of the whistle-blower, but because we have seen a pattern of joe biden when he was vice president leading a country after he talks before uniform policy and family members start receiving payments from the company through shell companies that are then laundered down to
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family members so there is a pattern of behavior. we saw in romania we see that in china, which than other countries i would suggest that this allegation has merit. >> hannity: by the way when all the press reports have been rated today about your phone call one of them mention a minor little detail though be red redacted. >> he let that part out which is a big deal. >> hannity: that's a huge deal that's not transparency so that means now that you will move forward with contempt charges against the fbi director tells what i will look like, because let's say that he comes in i would doubt that he may just not show up with the fbi director plead the fifth? on an issue and doesn't congress especially your committee above all others have oversight that is your job to have oversight. >> that's what this committee
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does it's created to do. we have oversight over the federal government. but for some reason the fbi thinks that the immune to oversight. like the durham report prove that the fbi has lots of issues. we brought that up your my digit director ray that the germ report was devastating to the grid ability of the fbi. his reply to us was that all happened before he became fbi director. so look only one is the form. it's not classified. they can redact the name of the informant. i'm fine with that i would've redacted it if i have the document without the reduction. let's protect the human form and i agree with that which always protect the human informant. >> hannity: on a believe in the court ability of this whistle-blower, you believe that the allegation that joe biden and vice president receive money for his family are for the enterprise in exchange for
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specific acts that he took as a vice president of our country you believe that is a credible charge and allegation made by a credible witness? >> so hard to believe i would've believed it had a not seen the paper. have not seen the show companies that that biden family created to launder money that is being received from foreign nationals after joe biden left the country with 20 checks. so there is a pattern here i would suggest that this is a credible allegation. i went through this a treasury just a few months ago. this at all you don't need access to the suspicious activity reports these violations whenever you find anything there that so they kept saying we finally got in there and guess what we found? we found that joe biden lied when he said his family never take money from china. we found that joe biden x he did in his family did receive payments while he was vice president and we found five
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new biden family members there on the schemes. it was a very productive trip to the treasury cabinet even though said i think we will the same true evidence with the fbi documents. >> hannity: just to be clear now face contempt of congress -- >> alessi produces the document unclassified document by tuesday or wednesday whenever we have the market. >> hannity: thank you when we come back currently a press conference with speaker kevin mccarthy will bring it to life at 2024 g.o.p. field is about to go much bigger it will take about that whose skin ready to announce and tomorrow we will be in iowa we have a town hall with former president donald j. trump want a part of the audience go to for information on how to get your free tickets and we will see you in iowa tomorrow night can't wait. ♪ ♪
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would literally turn the ship. for the first time. in quite some time. we spend less than we spent the year before. tonight. we all made history. because this is the biggest cut and savings this congress has ever voted for. and it's not that we're just voting for it. this is going to be law. $2.1 trillion you've all covered this entire battle. you were there in february, 1st when i walked out after talking to the president. that was kind of hopeful. because he told me in that meeting, we would meet again. he sat next to me at the prayer breakfast the next morning. it's all the entire crowd. that we would meet again. but for 97 days, he said, no. people look at me and say, why are you always an optimist? because i know as an american tomorrow will be
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better than today. i had to be an optimist that every day i woke up and said maybe today the president would change his mind. maybe today he would want to put the country first maybe today he'd want to meet. he never did. not until our entire festival. the senate never did. it took no action. the democrats plan was to discharge petition. the only raise the debt ceiling and then we would have no savings. it would take us further off but when i finally got to meet with the president we couldn't talk about the entire budget. we can talk about and look at places where we could have savings we can only focus on 11% of the budget. that 11%, not only did we give the greatest savings in american history this can be people on
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welfare today that will no longer be on welfare that they will find a job as work requirement and not just when they find a job their self-worth their attitudes in a change. they are to believe in themselves, they could be able to buy a house and send their kids to college because the vote we took today. because of that we took tonight the largest rescissions in american history. all of the covid money, the billions of dollars sitting out there that said they would never bring back you know what's of the taxpayer? to your hardworking americans we stood for you. we brought that money back. for those who are afraid that we are getting out audited because the president 1,787,000 new irs agents right now he is zero. we took every single dollar there gonna hire somebody this year away.
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and i'll tell you i'll be back next year and next year and next year. i believe government should be here to help you knock off you. we did not just take the money from this year we took another 20 billion. i think she can agents. i think that's what america would rather see. we cap the ability of growth of spending and government for the next years. we are holding people accountable to the work you're supposed he was a member cut across the board. we are on shackling the whole back of the countries. for the first time in 40 years we change the environmental review process so you don't have to wait seven years on average to build a road you can do it in one or two.
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is not just a bridge and onto the road see energy projects all make us energy independent. we stopped $400 million gone from the sea to sea health fund not to americans but taken americans money set aside. i be looking after america first. more than two-thirds of our conference. we have all the democrats who sided discharge petition to say that they would never raise the debt ceiling only raise a clean. they got them to vote for us also. think about how much further we can go. i do not very stand far from this room after a couple three days of trying to get up to speed. in every question you gave me to survive? local even do?
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that's not how you start a tight finish. each week we have stood up for the american public. strongest border security bill of rights and have a say in the kids education. standing up against those who are weak on crime. to make our streets safe. tonight i hope we proved to you again that we put the citizens of america first. we did not do it by taking the easy way. we didn't do it by the ways of people that in the past but just lifting it. we decided that you had to spend less. and we achieve that goal. is it everything i wanted no. but sitting with one house the democratic senate and a democratic president who did not want to meet with us i think we did a pretty dang good for america. my last question, my last statement to everyone america
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i'll never give up on you. it was not an easy fight. i had people on both sides up upset. i was focused on you. i will stay focused on you because i'm waking up tomorrow going after everything we did not get here today. this the next ordinary team. >> hannity: speaker of the house the fun of okay men hundred 17 against the couple can party hundred 4965 democrats 46 we now welcome former advisor to president trump stephen miller fox business host dagen mcdowell stephen miller losing 71 republicans is a big
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number one has to wonder from advocate might result in a of that. in my opinion and my understanding of this bill and everything that i've read they are funding a majority of those irs agents as of now i understand he hopes to get 20 of the 80 some odd billion but they don't have that yet. so wasn't quite sure why he's coming victor on that. >> well i agree with the guest earlier in the program and a for myself just a stephen miller. kevin had actually difficult and here just a forcing majority in the house without the senate and without the white house. this eight to train dollars spending cut and i will save you look there supporting it you jim jordan and marjorie taylor greene out there to conservative lawyers on the behalf fighting for this thing. we'll see what ultimately happens but i think people need to focus on the fact that the way that concerns are to be the left is my notch and win after
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another some will be bigger not as big as we like some will be smaller than we want them to be but i would come back in the process and we seal the border how we define critical race theory we demolish the deep state at the doj ending the intelligence and security states so come back again right here in september and we dig even deeper we push even harder and we don't take no for an answer. let's keep marching forward onto the next battle. >> hannity: you know the economy is good as anyone was in this a false narrative from the gecko? this idea that armageddon would take place on june 5th it's not true. america would not run out of funding they have to maneuver money around but we would not be defaulting on debt. >> she does not work for the american people she works for joe biden. joe biden is our commander in chaos. i don't mean that in a funny w
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way. everything that that man has done since he took the oath of office has been purposeful suffering and hardship on the american story. they can go out and see the gold reserves that's more than half train dollars now pay her bills in the united states for four months we create we are running a 100 and train dollar budget right now there are a lot of things that she could deal that the people in charge of government could do to prioritize payments would they do a question mark no because they are spiteful and they don't care about suffering and hardship and financial catastrophe and calamity on the american people. i think kevin mccarthy showed that republicans with even the slimmest of majority are capable of governing and if you want more power and you want more
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cuts and you want to write this country financially you win races. [applause] >> hannity: let me ask you this. i may be right with newt gingrich on this program was it's a process in a step-by-step in the fight he had 2.1 million is it a 4.2.1 trillion process for planning train. okay let's them. my question is i'm not sure there and have the leverage they had again but the question now remains going forward what you see happens with the republican is in the house? do they take the steps? does mccarthy have the change? he lost 71 members of his ca caucus. to see if the make adjustment moving forward? i would argue has to bring up one is the process more. >> one of the things in full disclosure under kevin
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mccarthy well. i'm gonna normally well over the last seven years. one of the things about kevin and he was the first want to tell this to you and he has been to program many times that he does adapt and it is evolved and he does listen to at he will hear the concerns they've access to him and it will fuel him even more and i believe i don't tonight is that we need to breathe fire like a dragon when it comes to the fight. this battle in september how we fund a primitive education, how we found that affirmative defense, how we fund the department of parlin security and the primitive justice that will be the battle royale so i get a lot of conservatives. as friends in the world are not happy right now let's go it's the fight and fight like we never had before. >> hannity: i only have 30 seconds over the safe that is held the line with a 4.8 train dollars savings? in the bill they passed the house question what happened? >> will your playing chicken with people who do not care about the safety.
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>> hannity: you're the weapon to raise the debt ceiling. >> you mean if republicans? >> hannity: the democrats and patsy bill? >> go to the senate it would fill in the senate and we would on the debt. >> hannity: i would mean what financial markets crash? >> people knock at of security that they want. >> hannity: only because our sister networks. >> are we talking about, why are we spinning on win, this is a win it really was what the democrats get in this? what did the democrats get in this? see what they got irs agents all give your answer $87 billion in new irs agents that we don't
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need after mondo. >> lindsey graham voted alongside joe biden in the democrats that $1.2 trillion in spending feeling inflation and always knocking a vote to raise the debt ceiling? get out of here. >> hannity: thank you. backlash against corporations and it will politics is going out to run a blue jays pitcher anthony bass is bowing to the woke mob apologizing that the town between his legs for showing a video the bud light boycotts meanwhile pro athletes is standing up against the woke mob report confirming that the l.a. dodgers pitcher clayton kershaw earns the team to move the announcement of the christian faith they after the team decided to re-invite a group of drag queens who mock nuns to support at a game his reaction. paco's house or chose -- won every night it's another
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woke story one after another. drag queen story about gender identity classes for kids first second third grade. crt. what does it start stop i want to go back to lake reading and writing and math? >> we all wanted to stop were desperate to have it of course i think what we have finally seen is that people are taking steps to consumer look you can post on social media all you want nothing is gonna change until these companies feel it in the bottom line when the stock prices tank and that's what you seen happen what bud light that's what you seen happen with target and here we are you've so much of this coming to fruition and i think these companies finally saying wait a minute maybe we made a mistake because the consumers are not asking for something -- >> hannity: she froze up on us
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as cardio. good to see you. >> i'm so happy to be here thank you so much everybody. i think that is a lot of different ways to look at this which is subject you like to address once i went anthony bass because -- >> hannity: or kershaw. >> apply the subsidy did because he did not just made a huge blunder reversing the course they invited group of transvestite nonsensitive paying attention to one of their biggest sectors of their fan base which is christians and quite frankly no one could've cared less. absolutely and ably disproves the point that christians are the only crib in america could be mocked and attacked with absolute no repercussions. i applaud. >> hannity: you can say anything you want but those of the only two groups. >> here's the good news i'm seeing an indication that it's gaining some momentum in this direction where aphids are starting to stand for themselves because also been reported state a large group of mlb players
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some even big stars who will not be one the pride flag, they will not be donning the transgender flag and that's because they're finally standing up for the values instead of just bending over backwards to gain acceptance from the left. >> hannity: will give you the last word we have about 20 seconds i'm glad you're back we missed you. [applause] >> i'm back come on back thank you so much. glad to be back. now they are feeling it in their bottom line they know the consumers just want our kids left alone stop targeting them with gender orientation and trying to convince our kids that they can change the gender like to change the thoughts let kids be kids and let's get rid of fear without woke ideologies shoved down her throat. that's all people want. >> hannity: great to see you both, more "hannity" straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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tomorrow we will be in iowa with former president donald j. trump. want to be part of the audience just go to your tickets are free and i can't wait to see you all in iowa. i wish the fair was going on, i like fried twinkies and pinkles and oreos and pork chop on a stick. love it all. set your dvr never miss an episode meanwhile let not your heart be troubled, peted hegseth is in for laura. >> good to see you sean wish i could get a ticket for tomorrow. can't wait to see tomorrow night. have a great show. >> good to see you. >> thank you. i'm pete hegseth in for laura ingraham and this is a special edition of the ingraham angle. we start tonight with a fox news alert. moments ago, you saw it, despite severe division within the gop, the house did pass the biden mccarthy debt ceiling bill by a vote of 314-170, majority democrats in
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