tv Gutfeld FOX News May 31, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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schilling and bob unanue said tonight. never back down on what you believe in. that's it for tonight i'm pete hegseth in for laura ingraham. don't forget to set your dvr every day at 10:00 p.m. eastern so you don't miss an episode of the ingraham angle, and set it saturday and sunday morning 6:00 to 10:00 a.m. eastern. gutfeld next. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ >> greg: yes, yes, yes, yes! yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! happy wednesday everybody. oh, man. make this week end. oh, i'm sorry. so it's just a measly 524 days until the 2024 election. the same amount of time it took
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joe biden to read charlotte's web as a freshman in college. so welcome back into the spotlight, iowa. the birth place of vending machines sliced bread and hetero section wales. on tuesday florida governor ron desantis held his first campaign event in a tour that will also take him to new hampshire and south carolina. but i wonder if it was great to be back. >> it is great to be back and it's great for me to report that our great american comeback starts by sending joe biden back to his basement in delaware! [cheers and applause] >> greg: well, the rest of the speech hit the usual stuff but the melt's meltdown is already in mid season form when it comes to ron. because there's a model for what this little dictator in the making wants to do. >> there is a model for what this little dictator in the making wants to do. just look at china, cuba, north korea, afghanistan or iran where
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the government censors the media or force feeds a strict conservative religious ideology to children in schools, deploys morality police to make sure you're wearing what they want, learning what they want, doing what they want. >> greg: yeah. got to hand it to her, she's just one woman but possesses the stupidity of 5. she's like the view rolled into one super burrito of lunacy. fact check religion is not encouraged in china the cultural revolution famous for destroying temples and it's not conservatives with gender eyed jog before they know the times tables. it's teacher/activists from joy reid's world that force the kids the dos and don't of washing a dildo in the dishwasher. >> tyrus: i know. >> greg: you have to take out the batteries. it's hard work to sound so
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stupid she must practice six hours a day because she's got it down pat. but you see the lock step taking shape. desantis is public enemy number one and is any republican who might win an election. meanwhile the first official jabs between desantis and trump have begun. and chris christie is planning to hop into the race next week, right after he gets a clean bill of health from his trainer at sea world. something about his blow hole being clogged with fluff nutter. >> a fat phobe would say. >> greg: disgusting the thing they write. he's presidential and the candidate most shaped like the oval office. >> another fat phobe would say. >> greg: terrible people. i may be an uphill battle because a recent pole finds two out of three voters think trump would be the strongest candidate to beat biden.
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speaking of polls trump wasn't too happy with his former press secretary kayleigh mcenany tuesday. he accused her of inflating desantis numbers during an appearance on something called the jerry watters show. writing kayleigh mick tows mcenany gave out the wrong numbers, i'm 34 points up on desanctimonious not 25. while 25 is great it's not 34. the rhinos and capitalists can have her fox news should only use real stars. i know real stars? i've been seaing that for years and they still won't hire chuck woolery. but, of course, that's trump. you love it or hate it, it's his persuasive strategy. you can get angry about it but i doubt kayleigh is so why should you. he runs on reciprocity. >> you say something good about him he returns the favor, you don't he will return that, too. it's fine but there is one flaw. he gives no break for time
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served. she was his best press secretary, and those years spent on the front lines for him should count for something. but it's his most effective tool of persuasion so he can't quit. the question is can we by just ignoring it? and i think so because the dems, they love it because it keeps us busy beating up on each other. it's why i say trump is a 2-hour drive to an hour at the beach. the road is bumpy and exhausting especially when allies receive friendly fire. but, remember, every republican will have a rough ride because no matter who that person is there will be accusations of bigotry, sexism, homophobia. for the media every republican is just another apocalypse in khakis. so while trump might be two hours to the beach, desantis might be 90 minutes, but what if the beach isn't as nice? then i blame women. white women. white women in particular. >> tyrus: about time. >> greg: right sonny? >> i think that women, white women in particular, want to
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protect the patriarchy here because it's to their benefit. they want to make sure their hubs do well, they want to make sure their sons do well, they want to make sure their children do well, and they want to make sure they do well. most of the women in some of these studies are married white women and they do fall in line with what their hubs are doing. what their -- >> what do you attribute -- >> how their hubs are voting. >> greg: take that people who say she's racist. you forget that she's also sexist. maybe it hasn't occurred to her that people with similar opinions get married sometimes. but maybe she got that opinion about white ladies getting their opinions from their hubs from her husband. which is why she hasn't called him a bigot, right? the bottom line she managed to take a general observation that spouses of any stripes stick together and make it only about whites. and why? because what else does she have? nothing. she's not funny or smart or interesting but she's an expert in calling people racist so
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congrats on that. so as each new republican enters the fray, the latest will be crowned, no doubt, worse than hitler. meanwhile, joe retreats to his basement living on baloney sandwiches with the crust cut off dusting off bowling trophies and sniffing jill's old wigs. sorry, dr. jill. >> tyrus: thank you. >> greg: right, joe? >> ron, don, i don't care. they're both maga. you know maga, it is a little place, population no thank you. but i can take on both of these guys. i'll just do what i did last time. i'm go in the basement and then i let other people figure it out with the votes and all that kind of thing. but -- then we can make america great again -- no, that's their
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thing. what do i do? i'm goinging to do whatever i do, dwi d. >> period. >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. she talks so fast her tongue has to wear a helmet. host of the new fox nation series, weapons of war, emily compagno! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> greg: his iq is over 120, and his spf's over 250. >> that's true. >> greg: fox's news's whitest contributor tom shillue [cheers and applause]. >> greg: you could use her left leg to pick a lock. fox news contributor kat timpf! ♪ [cheers and applause]. >> greg: and, finally, when god said let there be light, he asked him to step aside. my massive side kick and the nwa world heavy weight champion, tyrus! [cheers and applause]. >> greg: tom, join me in some
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speculation here. >> yeah. >> greg: i think the dems want to go up against trump and that's why they're laying off him. >> tom: yes. obviously, the media, they're all against desantis, and they're starting to praise trump. lincoln project was just praising trump. >> greg: no. >> tom: and attacking desantis. yes. >> greg: oh my god. >> tom: lincoln project said he was morale fa oh. who's that jerk. >> greg: i know rick wilson. >> tom: they do fear desantis. i think they want to run against trump but think there's another reason. desantis is the most popular governor in america and he's maga. trump changed the country and they don't want to admit he did. the left and the lincoln project the old school republicans they don't want to admit that that old republican party is gone. the voters have moved beyond it. that's they like desantis. he's about the most maga guy there is besides trump. that's credit those two guys are at the top of the game. >> greg: but even the never trumpers who are pure hypocrites will not do desantis either
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right? >> tom: right. you know why, i think, they fear him even more than trump because he's the continuation of maga. we have to continue the maga movement in this country and the voters nor it. they're never going back to that old p. but they think if they can maybe run against trump and defeat him again then they can put the whole thing behind them but desantis is the future and been knows that. >> greg: another great perspective from a white male. [laughter]. >> greg: emily i get bothered wiz trump bash people that worked hard for him but then i think that's part of his persuasive mechanism which is if you do something nice i give you a treat. if you don't -- it's like she didn't do anything really bad. what's your take on this? >> emily: kayleigh deserves only and the utmost respect and kindness and generosity from her current colleagues and from any former colleagues and any former employers. i want to talk for a bit about sonny hostin.
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the fact it didn't spark outrage is what's most appalling. do you realize if anyone other than her, if anyone had bashed any other group other than white women, there would have been an uproar, an outrage we heard across the globe. where are the feminists? where are the feminists rising up and saying, oh, if you are not a married woman then you do have value. she's essentially saying in this cloak of i'm committed to diversity, inclusion and equity, that one particular group doesn't even hold any value and can't think for themselves. to me, that just illustrates how that party, if you dare think for yourself, that's exactly why you're shunned. what would she say to hillary clinton, right? to anyone -- >> greg: please don't kill me. [laughter]. >> emily: to anyone that's a democrat that is -- that's married that's white. and the fact that it was dead silence that it was crickets from anyone on the misogyny, on the sexism on the absolute hypocritical nape of everything out of her mouth, to me that's the worst part. because casey desantis had an absolute hit piece on her by
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politico. stay in your lane rumor has it she's getting too involved in her husband's political affairs. which is it stay in your lane or your own affairss >> greg: hard with women drivers. know what i'm saying? sexist. i tricked you. all right, kat, do you agree that your husband, cameron, has influenced your voting habits >> kat: he's influenced somed of my habits. like i don't eat food in bed anymore. unless i put a towel down and ask permission. i agreed to stop using his blow drier as a personal heater, because he has a nice one, italian. i have agreed to keep cuttlary in the house rather than using the plastic stuff they give you with your order. in terms of voting no he hasn't. i still vote the same and i i don't think she even understood the point she was making.
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she's like these women they want their hubs to be happy and they want their kids to be happy and they want them to be happy. >> greg: as opposed to black women >> kat: yeah i think everyone wants that t i would like her to explain to me how it is a, you know, fight against the patriarchy to have voted for an old man who has been in our government 20% of the time we've been a country, how is that forward thinking and progressive? i would like to have that be explained to me rather than just how maybe the other people are bad. how is this person, how does this make you this forward-thinking progressive person? because, for me, i don't want to live under a patriarchy and for me that starts with not wanting to call the government daddy like a lot of these big government jerks do. >> greg: that's so true >> kat: thank you. >> greg: progressives are pro patriarchy because they want a government that takes care of you like a big sugar daddy >> kat: uh-huh. >> greg: tyrus last word to you.
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>> tyrus: i just found, to hop on kat's point, the idea that women listen to their husband is just shocking to me. [laughter] >> tyrus: i polled a group of husband buddies of mine and said have any of you seen this, i went specifically to the white ones and they said they have to check with their wives before they answered me, so -- yeah, i don't think that's how it works. i mean, that sounds awesome. you know, where's my food. vote for trump. where's my food. it doesn't happen, not in this day and age. but, you're right, she's a complete moron. you want your sons to do well, you want your kids to do well, you want your daughters to do well, scene you want everyone to do well? because that's how racists roll.
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they are going, yeah. yeah. okay. no one watches the view. they just turn it on when they're trying to pretend to be sick from going to work. >> greg: that's true. >> tyrus: so put on something else, try static, you know, or like the sounds of cows mating would probably be even better because at least that you know what they're doing. >> greg: i read a study, like when they do these social house calls, like people go and check on people, what are they called social house check and they find dead people, they're always watching the view. [laughter] >> greg: counts for at least half of their viewers are actually corpses. yeah, i'll get you the citation for that. >> tyrus: racist corpses. >> greg: racist corpses to be white. >> tyrus: they want the corpses to do well, they want the skeletons in their closet to do well. just go with poo.
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>> greg: before we go tickets are available for my upcoming book tour exciting atlanta port myers providence and reading pennsylvania. that's going to be funment go to for details. up next will california punish teens accused of beating marines? ♪ do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervive nerve relief from the world's number one nerve care company. nervive contains ala to relieve nerve aches, and b-complex vitamins to fortify healthy nerves. try nervive. and, try nervive pain relieving roll-on.
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♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: the silent thank you. somehow it feels better. they attacked marines with their feet and fists, but will they end up with a slap on the wrists? yesterday nine teen age suspects were arrested in connection with the beatdown of three marines on a california beach over the holiday weekend. yeah, turns out the teens had
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the night off from carjacking. no good punks. evidently, things went south after the marines say they asked the teens to stop lighting fireworks. which might be on them. i mean who tries talking to some california teens. even al qaeda terrorists aren't that crazy. the teens then allegedly followed the marines verbally berated them forcing them to the ground where they kicked and punched and stomped them with the kind of anti american fury you would expect from the view. but there may be more to this story. according to the new york post new video shows the marines at a crowded beach party before the assault. the servicemen were seen grappling with each other. i'll need to see that tape after the show. grappling with each other in a play fight for the crowd. but it's not clear if the people they were hanging out with and drinking with were the same teens who later allegedly assaulted them? you follow? i don't. at least we learned something,
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kicking someone in the head with your feet counts as deadly assault with a weapon which is the charge four males and one female are facing and others are facing charges of misdemeanor assault and battery r since they're minors their identity of course is being withheld and since it's california the question to ask now is how long before all nine suspects are back on their feet and pooping on the street? tyrus, what's going on here? >> well, i find it -- it's so funny and sad at the same time that the new footage, oh, they were at a party and drinking and grappling with etch a other, greg, you'll love the video. but it just reminds me of -- it's literally like saying a woman was assaulted in a bar and the defense is like well she was dancing around and made out with a guy earlier look at the way she was dressed. i don't care what they did, whether they were jerks or dumb or drunk. they were jumped and beaten by a
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mob. doesn't matter if they were polite. doesn't matter what they were. literally they didn't attack 50 people. but this is the spin. this is the -- we wouldn't even be hearing this part of the story. it's so irrelevant. they're trying to make at this time kids were triggered by the marines behavior the toxic white men serving their country were at a party and they got jumped, shame on them. though shouldn't have been dressed that way. they shouldn't have acted that way. they have their shirts off so of course they wanted to get kicked and their barbarians why? because they served their country. that's the left's spin on this. has no difference, makes no difference, they were assaulted and kicked in the head and it shouldn't matter but unfortunately this didn't happen in louisiana or a place where we still have law and order, this happened in california so it's going to be a trial of feelings as opposed to facts. and i'm proud of them, they wouldn't even get medical conditions. they basically gave the whole mob the middle finger and good
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for them. >> greg: all right [cheers and applause] >> greg: kat do you agree disagree or wish to play dead >> kat: i'm tired. >> greg: got to get through this week w week >> kat: i get it the beach is kind of boring. whenever you get threat it's a whole thing to get there and then you're like what do i do at the beach. especially since i'm polish and on acc your stain so the sun is not my friend. so you shouldn't solved your boredom by assaulting people. >> greg: that's a good point >> kat: you know? people don't say it enough. >> greg: exactly. just because you're bored don't beat up -- >> kat: especially you guys are teens. when i was a teen i didn't care if i was in a dumpster alley, my parents aren't here i can do whatever i want. that should be exciting at that age you shouldn't have to beat people up for kicks as a teen. >> greg: speaking of kicks, emily you're a lawyer and you
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were also a professional cheerleader. >> emily: yes. >> greg: you got your kicks with kicks. >> emily: yes. >> greg: you now can be charged with attempted murder if you kick somebody in the head. i think that's really good. what say you. >> emily: i do, i agree. that, however, is only a good thing if there's a penalty associated with it if there's teeth to that enforcement. >> greg: there's teeth to the kick. >> emily: teeth to the kick, that's right. >> greg: kick to the teeth. >> emily: and there, because they're juveniles, the reality is that they'll be let out, let's say if they even do serve time they'll be let out by the time they're 18 and likely their records will be sealed. the issue i see here, first of all i love that san clemente came out and said we celebrate marines we celebrate them and we will not tolerate this it's an aberration but i don't see it being an aberration across the country. because kids right now, not to sound a hundred, but seems to me that they have had every time of emotional development stunted. they have no pre frontal cortex development anymore, no executive functioning skills.
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it's like just rotten mold in their heads. and that means that this violence means nothing to them. it means that they are numb to huge gang, meaning multiple people, violence, mob violence. all they do is do it for clicks. we heard about las vegas last week, a guy that filmed him rapeing an almost unconscious girl, teen-agers. and people post it to facebook. to me the issue is that this is an epidemic of teen-agers engaging in horrific violence on camera for camera for likes and dope mean hits and at the tend of the day they're going to keep doing it. the nine will get a slap on the lift fine. >> greg: unless they drown them all into the sea. >> emily: sfliet they're already there. >> emily: i'll push snobol i'm joking i wanted to cut her off to get to tom. >> tyrus: kick him now. >> greg: you were obviously an expert mma fighter and retired with the record of 400 and 0. when you were watching the video
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and the soldiers curled up in a fetal position is that your way of dealing with -- how would you deal with a mob of people. would you go find the strongest or weakest one and break one of theory limbs? >> tom: yeah, i'd sweep the leg first of all. sweep the leg. yeah, no mercy, that's what my karate teacher used to say. no, my dad told me when i was a kid, stay away from teen-agers. teen-ager was synonymous with roughian back then. >> greg: that's what teen-agers parents used to say to me. >> tom: exactly. i don't like they call these people teens. anytime there's fires break aring out. it's always teens and they're not teens. they are not -- we had a word for at this time, hue begans. >> greg: a group of teens you could argue is more dangerous than a group of adults. >> tom: yes. >> greg: because their pre frontal lobes are mush as emily said. >> tom: stop saying teen.
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an 11 year old and a 19-year-old are both teens but they're not similar at all. >> greg: tell that to the judge. [laughter] >> greg: judge jeanine in the green room, and we have conversations about these things. all right up next nothing gets in the way of gen-z and their dube. man...i told my wife i'd be in here for hours. what do we do now? we live... ♪ save time and money with progressive's homequote explorer. what you do afterwards, is up to you. oh, whoa, i was actually just thinking i would take a nap. pretty tired. okay. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪
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♪ >> greg: gen-z says life's complete if they spend it wrapped in dirty sheets. yes, those bums don't dread spending all day in bed. we're talking about those born after 1997, when kat just turned 20. well, they're taking time out of their bessie jam packed work filled schedules to stay in bed all day long to do things other than sleep or have sex. they got the idea from brian kilmeade's new book my sad new life. >> tyrus: why? >> greg: i don't know why.
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but it's a trend called bed rotting, why do i feel it's not real and it's popular on tik tok like everything awful and a hit with dor dash uber eats and bed bugs. these young people look at bed rotting as necessary mental self care a logical next step with a generation that peaked eating tide pods. they're recharging their minds with binge watching shows and stuffing their face while in bed or as brian stelter calls it business as usual. one even said quote i feel my purpose in this life is to rot in different places, my bed, hotel bed, beach sand, hammock. i was made to lay and rot. back in my day you couldn't simply decide to spend your whole life in bed. you had to earn that by getting polio. still, bed rotting fanatics call it a hobby and a passion which has us asking is it too early to harvest their organs?
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tyrus, do you think this is real? that quote was almost too on the nose, to perfect. >> tyrus: i feel like, you know, movie princess bride, i don't think they think rot means what they think it means. it's not a good term. no one ever wants to tell anyone they have something that's rotten or rot and they're like, oh, i want that. they don't. this is obviously the uncles came home, people were sitting on the couch, mom and dad are taking over the living room again, good for mom and dad, they're countering and they came back with fine i'll rot in high bed and they sitlet and do pretty much what they're doing already, sitting on their phones watching netflix and now they just get to lay down and do it. again, this is what they do whenever adversity hits, they just change the name. instead of it being a lazy ass or a couch potato or in my house leaving soon at the end of my foot, they're now bed rotting and it's for my mental health so
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you can't tell me i'm lazy and not doing [bleep] with my life. >> greg: i don't know, tom, i feel like i did this for a while, it was called college. >> tom: yeah. >> greg: i just -- one time i think i aimed to lie in bed for a whole week, right? i did, i used to throw the dishes under the bed. >> tom: you had dishes in college? >> greg: yes. >> tom: we didn't have any dishes. >> tyrus: yeah, dishes? >> greg: i mean they were plastic but dishes nonetheless. >> tom: i'm against bed greg. >> greg: really? >> tom: i don't like spending any time in the bed, no tv in the bedroom, i don't want to be lingering in the bedroom, i just sleep. i love sleeping but i sleep get my nine hours and get out thereof. >> greg: nine hours? >> tom: i like nine. i need nine. >> emily: nine's a lot. >> tom: i need nine snores nine from beginning to end no interruptions. >> tom: no interruptions. in college to be more productive i got rid of my bed so i didn't have a bed for three years. >> emily: what did you sleep on? >> tom: hammock. >> emily: are you kidding? scombloo i slept this a hammock. >> greg: really?.
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>> tom: they called micah con boy. they did. it was excellent. hammocks are a great way to sleep because you get in, you fall asleep, you wake up, you have to get out of it you can't linger. >> emily: then two people can't be in it. >> tom: oh, come on, i was in college. >> greg: that means you were alone? >> tyrus: he was there to study greg. he was there to study. he went to college to learn, not to mingle >> kat: nobody has sex in college. >> tyrus: that's ridiculous. >> tom: i know they do these days but this was the 1980s no sex in college. >> greg: emily what are your thoughts on not having sex in college or b, this topic which makes no sense. >> emily: he'll take b. i find all of them disgusting. it's like they're filming and celebrating getting bed soars. everyone is lazy and filthy and i'm sick of it. also given that all of us in new york are sort of crammed together in sub ways and walking and everything, you can smell when someone spends too much time -- you can smell it in
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their hair and on their clothes and i find one more reason why this generation should be -- you fill in the blank. i'm just kidding. but i feel like they're lazy and weird and to your point they're doing it for the clicks and dope mean. that point i was made to rot in a hammock. okay honey get a job. >> greg: kat we already have one movement defending one of the original sins glut any, right? it's called body positive. why don't we have energy positive people. some people don't have the energy you do, you know? so they have to -- some people need nine hours of sleep. >> kat: yeah. >> greg: i mean, really >> kat: like have i ever spent an entire day in bed wasting away like beth from little women, yes. i have, but also, that's not bed rotting okay. >> tyrus: thank you >> kat: bed interrogatory is you're still in your clothes from last night you smell horrible you look like the mug shot of a woman who just drowned
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her woman. it happens but what's not okay is to tell yourself that it's okay. you get up from whatever you get up and look in the mirror and say you're a piece of whether or not bleep bleep do better than that. when i look at times in my life when i was doing that more, those weren't times when things were going well. so it's normal but not normal to accept the worst from yourselves you won't get better. >> greg: i was in a situation where i had a noticeable indention in the mattress. >> emily: you're not big enough for that. [laughter]. >> emily: i mean that sweetly. i'm necessity the same boat. >> tyrus: i believe emily on that one. >> greg: i try to share something from my past and laugh at me. >> tyrus: i don't think it would be a dent because how would you get out? little upside down. >> greg: i get it, i'm a teeny man. >> tyrus: like a baby in a crib. >> greg: enough of this. coming up you'll love what's in store, including a baby monkey and booze galore. re tin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin.
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we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game! cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. remember the things you loved before asthma got in the way? fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. ask your doctor about fasenra.
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♪ >> coast to coast with stories that matter most. you're watching local news with nine-time emmy award winner chet van jansen. and now here's chet! >> greg: yes. it's local news each guest has to share a story from wherever they're from then i vote on a winner and that person has to survive the night in old man jenkins house. ha ha, ha ha. i want that to keep going on forever and ever and ever. emily, go first. i hope you have a good story please. >> emily: yes. everyone, in california, you think there the police officers are very busy managing the sky rocketing crime, managing the sky rocketing homeless, managing the sky rocketing everything. but just past midnight in burbank california, which, as we all know is very urban, a horse
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was running loose through the streets. and guess who lassoed him and rode him home was a police officer. that right there guys is 1:00 in the morning in burbank california. >> tyrus: i used to live there. >> emily: with a police officer who wrangled that horse and brought it back to his owner in burbank. i salute you officer, totally amazing, which goes to show you don't have to be in texas to be a cowboy. >> greg: nicely done. >> tyrus: yeah. >> greg: i think we know who the stud is. ha ha ha ha. little horse joke there. very little. tom i don't know what's going on in your head but i hope it's something interesting. >> tom: happy hour has been illegal in massachusetts since 1984, the year i graduated from high school. there's a new push to bring back happy hour in massachusetts and i say go for it. senator julian sear has
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reintroduced a measure. he said massachusetts has a fun problem and it doesn't help it's absurdly expensive to live there so i say go ahead. >> greg: do you think boston needs more drunks. >> yes, like you said it's expensive to live in boston. >> greg: i never said that, you said that. >> tom: i agree with you, greg, it's expensive. >> greg: don't put words in my mouth. >> tom: the bars close early there anyway. >> greg: you're right it's no fun to go there. let's go to boston we have walking tours. where do you walk to? this is an old cemetery. oh, this used to be a hotel. shut up. nothing happened there. >> tom: it's true. >> greg: right? >> tom: yes. >> greg: nothing happened. >> tom: some things did happen. >> greg: nothing happened. all right, i'm sorry. i know that upset some people. >> tyrus: it's all right, chet. >> greg: i'm going to go to you kat, tell me something interesting about some state that you've been in
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>> kat: i was just thinking about how my mom died in boston, and now i'm back. in detroit, the zoo, there's a new baby monkey chimpanzee, chimpanzee actually. >> greg: is it a monkey or -- >> kat: 31 year old chimpanzee named tanya is a mom for the first time which is a big deal because probably her other friends are giving her comments about her scrambling eggs. i went through the reproductive habits of chimps most lady chimps don't go through menopause they actually die but the ones who live longer stay fertile and they can have a bunch of baby dads and the boy chimps don't care if they are they're banging the same girl chimp. i could work at national geographic. >> greg: is that still around? >> kat: yeah. >> greg: remember that magazine. >> tom: are we not allowed to call chimps monkeys? >> tyrus: they're not they're aprils.
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>> greg: typical white guy. >> tyrus: there's that boston education. [laughter] >> greg: all right, tyrus, i know what you're going to do. >> tyrus: no, chet, before i do i actually have positive news but i, earlier today, was taking the same story as tom to stop it. boston doesn't deserve a happy hour. absolutely. have you seen the bruins and celtics? what's to be happy about? nothing, nothing. red sox? uh-uhment no happy hour it's cancelled. maybe next year. but now to something positive. all right, so gordon wayne is a former homeless student who just graduated from boston college a full scholarship his last year, i know sounds boring normal. lived out of his car walked 500 plus miles from virginia to attend boston college it took 16 days. following graduation he is raising awareness and has a gofundme set up to help people out of homelessness has raised over $170,000 since 2020 which in boston is a wicked lot of money and devoting his life
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after academics to helping people in need. i was with him until the last sentence. don't do it bro do not do it. other than that hats off to him. >> greg: that that's an uplifting story i feel you win emily. >> emily: yes. >> greg: footage of a horse at 1:00 a.m. in burbank is awesome. >> tyrus: old man's ears are going to be busy that night. >> greg: those ghosts will be more frightened of you than you of them. >> emily: i thought if i won -- >> greg: never mind. >> tyrus: you get to spend the night with old man jenkins in his creepy house. congratulations. >> emily: i'm sure he'll talk to me. >> greg: we should move on right? up next swifties are fretting over the memories they're forgetting. icy hot pro starts working instantly. with two max-strength pain relievers, so you can rise from pain like a pro. icy hot pro. ♪ ("i like to move it" by reel 2 real plays) ♪
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so it's decided, we'll park even deeper into parking spaces so people think they're open. surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, muffled talking ] -can't hear you, jerry. -sorry. uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someone's bike is in the shop, then we could borrow someone else's? -no! -no! or you can get a quote with america's number-one motorcycle insurer and maybe save some money while you're at it. all in favor of that. [ horn honking ] there's a lot of buttons and knobs in here.
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♪ >> a story in five words ♪ >> greg: taylor swift causes temporary amnesia >> kat, multiple fans say they're experiencing temporary amnesia after seeing taylor swift in concert, psychologists say it can happen anytime you're in a highly emotional state. has this happened to you do you buy it >> kat: i buy it. >> greg: why >> kat: because when i go to a concert i furniture into a for al animal.
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i can jump up and down for three hours straight. >> greg: do you think that's what happened here >> kat: no because you wouldn't jump up and down. everyone's a huge fan so i've never jumped up and down to that. but, yeah, i believe it. i was overwhelmed with emotion when i saw blink 182 i cried and jumped around for hours and have never been unhappy again but if you asked me to remember what the set list was i couldn't. >> greg: fair enough. my theory, tom, is they don't remember it because they were too busy taking pictures. >> tyrus: boom. >> tom: i do believe this, greg. >> greg: really? >> tom: yes. it's a highly charged night. think of the nights of your life, greg. you have flashes. >> greg: in a hammock. >> tom: when you think of these special nights, though, you have flashes of it. you can remember little bits of it. >> greg: yeah. >> tom: but they go home and are confronted with this long set list and only remember little splashes of the evening. and it bothers them i think. i hang out with taylor swift i'm
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in her squad you know. >> greg: are you? >> tom: yes. i'm the only guy in her squad. we have a great time. >> greg: this makes me think -- i'm not going to pursue that. but it does make me think, tyrus, this would be a great place to rob people, because they --. >> tyrus: what are you going to steal their cell phones. >> greg: cell phones wallets credit cards everything they have and they can't tell on you because they won't remember. >> tyrus: if someone can tell me there's a way to induce amnesia i'm all for it okay because punching myself in the face until i fall asleep isn't really working right now. so if i've got to go stand at a concert for five minutes to forget something i'm all for it. i just couldn't believe it. just do it the old fashioned way, smoke a ton of weed and drink old english and that should do the trick. >> yes. don't spend thousands of dollars on a ticket emily, you can just get a bot of of oldening
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learned. >> tyrus: and start bed rotting. >> greg: can they sue taylor swift for damaging their memory. >> emily: they can try probably won't be successful. >> greg: what about a class action suit. >> emily: keep trying. likely not going to be successful. do you remember when we went to gwar? that was awesome we hopped around. when your brain is the size of a wall net then you will likely not remember something that is the pinnacle of your emotional roller coaster life when you're 12 years old. most of us can remember even highly emotional incidences unless they're traumatic in which case i understand blacking out for a second. i love quotes where they're like however my bank account proved it was real because the $1,000 for the ticket or t-shirt or whatever it is, proved i was there. yes, really expensive, probably not worth it. good luck remembering. but you always have the internet that will remind you. >> greg: yeah. somebody's angry. >> emily: but i'm not wrong. >> greg: no you're not wrong you're just a vieth bitter person. kidding.
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i'm kidding. of course she isn't. maybe a little bitter but not a lot. >> tyrus: lemon bit snore what? >> tyrus: like lemon bitter. >> greg: all right. we've got to go. we'll be right back. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. with the money we saved, we thought we'd try electric unicycles. whoa! careful, babe! saving was definitely easier. hey babe, i think i got it! it's actually... whooooa! ok, show-off! help! oh! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to
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out of time. emily, kat, good luck america. >> good evening and welcome to america's latent news. fox news at night. i am trace gallagher in los angeles. breaking tonight the 2024 primary field is about to get more crowded with two big names set to announce their run push for reparations in california bay area residents are pushing to be compensated for climate change but we begin with the debt ceiling fight in the bill heading to the senate with a june 5 deadline for the president's signature. chad is
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