tv Hannity FOX News May 31, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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president bush or president trump or the next president , you arent you'e goig to balance the budget. we have to followe to the simpson-bowles recommend recommendations if they get together. >> now, victor, davis hanson,. thank you for breaking it downhs for us . back all for tonight.w. join us back here tomorrow for the show off the sean hannity. >> all right, joe johns, great job. say hi to joey. welcome to "hannity". now, at this time tomorrow night, we will be in iowa for a very special town hall with donald trump to get you tickets to hannity .com. they're free tonight. we are right here in new york city with the only people that are normal ine. new york , the live audience show now by monologues coming up just bit. we begin tonight with this fox pois alert as we speak. and the us house of representatives, they are now t poised to vote on the mccarthyan biden budget compromise bill .no
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but is it expected to pass? hi the very latest from capitol hill, all thingswashin hitchhiker's guide to washington, d.c. in the swamc., inp cad program is t us . chad, what's going o on ? we expect this to pass, don't we? >> yeah, sean , good evening.go in fact, we think that they're going to start this 3 mn vote here in the next two tout three minutes. they started this debate at seven , 17 eastern time. and we think thi the actuankl rl call vote is going to come any. minute here. so it's pending. dwe do o expect a bipartisanrs to vote coalition of democrats and gop . house speaker kevin mccarthy members to vote yes. house speaker kevin mccarthy made the closing argumen tt. he said don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. i could say i'm going to vote no because there's something're summnot in the bill. if i took that philosophy, i would never vote "yes". i simply read the bills in front of me and decide, is this good for the country? i would say that answerhat an
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is easily yes. >>sw taxpayers will save anand additional two pointt time one trillion . and for the first time in more x more than a decade, congress will spend less next year. in this year, once the bills clears the house tonight, it heads across the rotunda to the senate. it's a race to finish the billrj before the june 5th deadline.n that's whenan the nation runs ot of cash . >> how long weekend doreasonab you think is reasonable to give me your say before this has to get down to where we can? happ before i can tell you whate wh i hope happens is that thoseamen who have amendments, if given votes, will yield back to show that we can finish this third year, friday and sued the country and sue the markets. >> but gop senators mike lee and rand paul want the senate to consider other debt ceiling plans. e on first, they likely score a votec on their efforts in the closing
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hours. and sean, i'm just looking at th the house floor here. i believe that they are just about to start this roll call ju vote in fact, they just have already there are 55 votestes ot on the house. w ag they just started this. now, again, each roll call vote in the house is allottedloa for 15 minutes. t here you look at that clock on the lower part of the screenw that counts down. it will get down to zero. however, again, as i say, it's like soccer. they keep the time on the field . and so they will allow peoplee n to continue to come in, watch for democrats. to see a lot of h them might hold their votes back to see how many votes republicans post on the scoreboard first. and after republicans have put their votes on then the democrats will likelyth vote for the bill and bring this across the finish line. again, we're expecting a wide bipartisan vote on this tonight, sean . >> all tonight right, chad, thak you as always. we appreciate it.te it now, as outlined last night,debi this debt ceiling compromise has a lot of critics and chiefsv
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among them, allic the conservatives inof the par republican house, that is of the party of speaker mccarthy. they did make a fundamental mistake, in my opinion, and that is the speaker, ine low my view, should have kept all members in the loop with the negotiations before anything was agreed. beforeto and the anger on the r at least twenty nine that i can that i have counted is very palpable. now, conservatives do hate the lack of real budget cuts. the originals the orig plan pasd passed by the republicans did in fact cut four point eight trillion over 10 years. this one i ws two poinast one trillion and it's the first time they'll have a lower budget next year than the year prior. now but as of now, the federald lev government's insane covid level spending is pretty much here to stay because only 30 billionr of the multitrillion dollar covid relief funds are going to be clawed back andothe redistributed to other areas ofe the government. and the cuts to biden's army ofc
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irs agents that cut was minimal. utat ener democrats, meanwhile, they hate the new energy measures inthat the bill, including that pipeline that joe manchin wanted and rightlynted and shoue in west virginia. they also hate thatri americans with studentcans witw' debt will be forced to resume payments. what i'm supposeo pay fod to par their education, i paid my myi d paid my loan back . m own loayou can pay your own loan back anyway. even though biden's loan forgiveness program will still move ahead, neither sidepy is particularly happy with the new work requirements for certain social welfare programs. now, this seems like a win for conservatives and some angles, but does very little to curb costs or get people back to work. no, it's kind of like rearranging the decks. the deck chairs on the titanic. titanic. now, my next guest, senator linsey graham, he's vowing to undo this debt deal . he is calling it, quote,efense a a disaster for national defense. according to graham, the bill will usher in the lowest levelwl of defense spendinevg relative
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to gdp in modern american history. this as the us has now beenar wt thrust into a new cold war with communist china as they have now created a new axis ofao evil, and that's china, russia and iran. and this week we watch china refuse an american invitation to meet with us defense meet wofficials. t th they also made aggressivee u.s. maneuvers against the u.s. fighter jet over internationalre waters and even builtmulation a simulation of their hypersonic missiles, literally destroying our entirg ethey sti us fleet in the pacific. and they stillll will no wt takn any responsibility covid-19. nor is joe biden holding themorr accountable for that t or for the spy balloon that he let flyi all across the united states . teover every military installation in the continental us and alaska.they they demanded that americae apologize for shooting down leta their spy balloon after biden let it fly across the country for days. and with each passing week, the threats to reunify with our
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ally, taiwan, they're getting more and more aggressive. that seemsiv a question of whenl not if. >>d the goabel of the u.s. shod be peace through strength powewith a military so badth wih kick so powerful and advance that china would be deterred cha from ever starting any conflict around the globe. unfortunately, there is nothing strong about joe biden. hes is weakfr, is frail and wel know he's a cognitive mess and he has no idea that today is wednesday. and now as a result, the worldol is less safe . for example, lood rep k for put. war in ukraine. there is no end in sight. war keep in mind, this war started jo part because of biden's weakness that he showed in afghanistan. recently, russia issued anenatol arrest warrant for south aft carolina senator linsey graham after he praised america'scontru massive financial contribution t to ukraine. graham called it, quote, the best money we've ever spent . now, fortunately for graham, i doubt he had any plans bernacation in moscow like his senate colleague bernie
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sanders. anyway, here now anyway re not d is south carolina sehator linsey graham is wit us . senator , thank you .and appl hey.auall righ all right. so they want you arrest. rreste? you're willing to get arrested, appears willing to get arrested, and you said i'll meet you in the hague. well, so, number one , if i've tried in moscow, i don't likeawg my chances. it'sam an away game for me. right? troub would have a bettersan frn chance in san francisco thann i would in moscow. so i kno.w what awaits me if i go to moscow. satoh, putin, let'tos go tld hig yo the hague. ur besyou bring your best game against me. i'll bring my best game against. you . whatwhat is this all about? i dared call him a war criminal. and a. he has invaded his neighbors. he's women, kidnaped children. he's a war criminal on steroids. you is and i stood up to him. i'm for freedom in russia. if you say what i did, you gogot to jail. they're trying to get me to goda to jail.
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i live in america. i don't want to live like that.e i'm for freedom. i want the ukrainians to bei wat able to defeat putin.war in i want to end the war in ukraine and how do you end it? you beat putin there. ukr if he wins iainen ukraine, he ka going, will be in a wackr with russia to attack a nato nation. china will take time one . so let's end the war in the ukraine by helping t ththe ukrainians beat the russians. as to putin, i could a dam give a damn what do you thinkrl' about me?re i'm going to keep tellinga the world you're a and a wa criminal. victory for ukraine. you know, look, whene it firstt started, you and i both spoke about somebody within russia with access to putin. n it be kind of nice if they did the job for the rest ofr anal the world. i agree with your analysis. i agree he agree is a. a he is a murderer.his is this has been indiscriminate bombing targeting innocent men , women and children. we've seen the bodiewomen,ve se >> we've seen the apartment buildings. we've seen the neighborhoods all blown oun out. here's my problem, though, ame with america bearing the brunt o of the financial cost of this.
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this is europe's war. min now, i don't mind helping, but t there have to be two conditions in my mind for this to go forward. europe has not paid their fair share. one no to biden is not was not from the beginning fighting the war to win the war war. nel when poland offered nearly thirty migs, biden putbiden putn ukraine and said no. handcuffs on ukraine and said, no, absolutely. so i ght to fightericg a war to win a war, america should have no part of thatmusc war. so unlesle suis those two condis are met, i think america has stepped up more than enough. europe needs to protectt and their continent first, and they're not doing itth. sall, let me just talk about what you said. ou one i no.. one , i agree with you.for biden has made it hard for ukraine to win. o said they needed tanks. biden said no, that eventually tanks you . they needed long range artillery. biden said no, we made him doitb it. it'see been like pulling teeth. but let me tell you , i just whe got back from ukraine. that'sy o what they wme.
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i'm here to tell you andre ukran your audience that ukrainians on are going on the offensive any w minute now, any day now, they're going to take territory back from the russians. bee the russian army is weak and been bloodied and the n blukrainians on the verge of o taking back substantial territory. now's the time to be all in. yes, europe should do more .t am but if you want to protect america, if you want to make sure china doesn't invaden you e taiwan, you better stand up a ke to putin. now, he's going to keep goin g until somebody stops. and not one american soldier has died in the ukraine. we up israel. they don't want our soldiers. they just want technology and weapons. d it isn't our national security interest to defeat putin and ukraine want to end the war. as quick as possible. i don't want to bei want helpina joe biden th the weapons they need. biden has been slohas been slow i'm here to tell you , sean ,ef the ukrainians had defieald all expectations. they're going to drive out the russians iians if f we conte to help them, europe should dos more . well, it's about our nationaourl
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security. >> it wins. they'll have more war.f th one of the reasons thaty they m he's able to fight this war is because of the monies that he's made from energy, because joe biden unilaterally disarmed . and we're not producing domestic energy that reduce su, which supply increase the world price for the lifeblood of the world's economy, which was stupid on joe biden's part. your, a step up no. one no to either you fight't fit and you fight to win ord be t you don't fight at all. that's that's that should be the motto of everybody going forward. now, i did lik , that the ukrainian i kind of liked it that they hit moscow, give him a taste of their own medicine. this week. >> yeah, well, no. one i've been in ukrainian. ine. i we all thought they would fallui in four days. i cannot tell you how muchadmire the ukrainian people?u would you want to live ican gon a country where you could go to jail by criticizing the government? they literally warni theyn arrest or the united states senator because i dared speak truth to power.
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would you want to live in putin's russia? no. so help the ukrainians hub in i it's in our interest for putines to lose in ukraine, because if he doesn't, he'll keep going and they'll be a war between nato and russia.i do and i don't want that.ght chin i don't want to fight china. i want to deter china. so biden's weakness has led to e more conflict, not less . we have a chance to the bravery of the ukrainians, nothinge bid to do with biden to beat putin y in ukraine. and i'm here to tell you on the world, putin would chartat u for us . l it's notiv a world i want to lie in. >> all right. >> han in a world where if i criticize somebody president , that would stand up to even some of our allies and say in either pay your fair share, look at what macron said . go aon basically gave a rubber stamp for president xi to go ahead and take taiwan excuse me, that's in his backyard.are not and they're not paying their fair share.antage of and i'm tired of them taking advantage of our country. we shouldn't give them another r
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cent until they do their job. job and thand they contribute tr share. all right.hec. moving on to another topic. whatat your are your plans tomi as it relates to assuming thatd this vote continues? m and i can't see the numbers in front of me and thisand he p bill passes in the house, this compromise bill . mccarthy and biden, where you obviously don't support it because of defense spending. what are your plans tomorrow? mikee you , mike lee, rands? paul , are three people that will be offering amendments. y n my plan is to informnform th the american people that this budget deal is a disaster for the united states military. s militaryi like kevin mccarthyj he's got a hard job, but he said this bill fully funds the military. i want your audience to know tonight that this bill is forty two billion dollars short of matching inflation. smalle this bill creater s a smaller navy at a time when the chinese are going from three hundred ships to 440. this bill puts us on track
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to go from two hundred ninety eight ships and our navys to ninety one is the lowest spending per gdp. t spendi on defense since world warisaste two . this bill is a disaster forr america is a big win for china. i'm going to be . no. the number one job of the federal government to defend this nation. thi'm a reagan republican andren ronald reagan would never havera done this at all. put our navy in decline sean as china is building up so short. i cannot tell you from bi a defense point of view, this bill is a disaster for american military if you think the american military. if you think forty two billion dollars underinflate42 billionds fully funding, then we're in the wrong party. >> all right. y.we appreciate it. >> senator graham, appreciate you being with us tonight. thank you for the political fallout from the budget deal . what does it mean for speakermct mccarthy? hyiland will anyone even remembr this battle in 2020 four as we now speed toward a fiscal cliff? joining us now with more foxmorx news contributor, we welcome in studio kellyanne conway, along d
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with the getting hammered podcast. outtake writer mary katharine hm ham is with us . all right, let'ss wige get youre on this. >> look, i felthe t the republis had a much stronger hand thaneat they played. i thought they passed a bill.he they increase the debt ceiling and save four point eight trillion. now we're saving two point one . kevin is right. it's the most we've ever save,ut but we never had a debt of thirty one trillion either. i wish they never gave in, especially on the issue of irs agents and a couple of other provisions i would have liked to see remain. >> there are many reason speak s to feel disappointed, but i think there are a couple of reasons to feel elated. also, the republicans didn'te th use the excuse that we only have the house, we don't have the votes, we have a tight majority. we can't do this. that'st the old washington establishment excuse. but instead, speaker mccarthest his approval rating has gone upo 15 points since he took that gavel, took this to the brink. s and here are the results wemore
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have twenty eight billion dollars more in defense spending than we did a yeae theo . and at eight hundred and eighty six billion dollars for defense spending. s th that is the largest defense budget in us history. that is the largest defensdefene budget in the world right now. they claim we're clawing back some of the billions covido maybe not everything we want to , but i think it's a start . i think two things aret pl happeninacg here. d women number one , the world's a dangerous place and our men and women in uniform deserve to be deeply respected and made a point about not keeping up with inflation. >> yeah, i understand. i'm looking at these and we understand. i do. i get that.>> i thiry and i thin ek it'sasy to very ey to to say what's missing. what i see in front of me is the best we're going to get with joe biden in the white house. he's kind of absent from these negotiations right now. this this augurs for why we need a republican back inther i the white house to get a much better deal . the second thing i guess, this c the second thing i see is that the this country says the economy is the numbenumber o issue.r an. we're drowning economically, looking for pockets of air. the governmentoouc spends too mh
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money. we've all been asked to rein in our own spending. this say as to americans that that the left got nothing. don't forget the democrate who have a majority in the senate and control the white house. they came to the table and they're leaving the table empty handed. thhe squade squad, didn't get their new tax hike. regulation is not there. goviathan administrative state that got expanded through the omnibus in 2020 two whenan pelosi was still speaker is gone. and how came jeffries is goingpt to he's going to havecart to capitulate and pass hy'skevin mccarthy's kevin mccay bill . best we cathn get with absen at ab minded bidensent in the white wg house. and i think we taksome fise the partial win and we get some fiscalwash sanityingt in washington. >> all right. by the way, the bill has just passed the house with this fox news alert. the house is now has the votes to pass the debt ceiling bill . that means it'll go to the u.s.e senate and we assume thatr here will pass. they're here with more, our own chad pergrameen . them an chad, we've been looking at dems and republicans. we have one hundred thirty five republicans for fifty seven . >> again, which was higher than
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the earlier vote today. and democrats, one hundred eighteen for thirty again. >> so obviously, fifty seven is a pretty big loss ofevin republicans for kevin mccarthy. >> and this is why republicans, even though they're in the majority, we're goingthe fii to have to rely on democrats to get this across the finish line. we alway ls knew thainow this tc going to be a bipartisan cocktail of democratic and republican votes here. the fact that they are getting, you know, well into the twoo thw hundreds i had reported earlier in the week that they thought they might be able to get somewhere in the neighborhood of two , 70 to 80 .when i you know, when i look at how many votes are stillg he outstanding here. seventy two votes, you know, this could approache cons three hundred years. despite all the consternation ke both sides of the aisle against this bill . now, keep in mind that the votey is still open. they don't call it an official vote . they don't close the votthe voel thu see that gavel come down. that's when you have the final total. was the magic number tonight was 218. there are four hundrede re
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and thirty five members of the house of representatives were down at leastey one todayof because democratic representative angie craig injureangie crd her leg ad to have surgery. so she's out. but you still 218 with four hundred and thirty four total members, if that's how manthat y members cast their ballots tonight. but they are way above that threshold, right? this will now. this will then go to the senate as early as tonight. but we do not expect any resolution there until friday. or maybe over the weekend, john . 278 well, actually , 218. chad e >> a hundred and one. no, chad, we really appreciatec it as always. take o by the way, katherine , let's get your take on . yeah. i mean, i think the issue for everyone is that compromise doesn't feel great, especiallyai if you're an ideologicalf person, especially so wth if you really want to get the budget under control. and it's so wildly inflated from the covid years and thenoty biden years at this point. right. doesn't feel gool d. fi the reality is we're fighting on speaker mccarthy's turf, but the turf is not good.
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and i always sort of gradelenest things in washington on a scale of terribleness to possible less terribleness. and this is like less quitele ta a bit less terrible thann i i thought we might be withhat i the clean debt ceiling passing,e which is what i was afraidt wite might get with democrats. just bang zoom to the moon right. i live in a real estate household. my newest baby just got hist toh social security card. i took i here'sis crib and i said , look, here's honey. here's your first broken pave ta promise. like, we have to deal with the e this.ty by the america washington while we're doing that. first of all, congrats on the baby. : congrats on thby the way. we first live from washington.. congratulations. let'ngratulas let's pop some hom milk. >> you know, it's no biggie. you i know. it's great b to have you back. let's get your take on the latest number we have is , what, 290 to 108. >> so pass significant margin. >> it did. and i think there's something in there for both sides. re forithin thisi think there'sf there for the republicans in the house because speaker mccarthy really shepherdedbsentm this. joe biden is absent from
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the negotiations and all of the you need to know and look, i sympathize with many of the freedom caucus members and the others, the fifty seven or so republicansre who want more . lot more .for what look at this is a step in a the right direction from what has been a completely fine fina financially irresponsible, unaccountable federal government, particularlyeo-govee the altar of covid that's been going on for over three years now. >> look, we've done this together for years. >> you got sixty eight republicans went against this's a bill .r or that's a large number.y talk now, whether or not there was early talk when the bill first came out and the deal was announced, there is talk aboutea a motion to vacate. any one republican member could could start that against kevin mccarthy because that's something he should worry about. >> well, not right now. it passed, but i thinkfter he's always worried about that. i think that the passing might say, why don't you negotiate a harder bill ? they may do that.>> i ti think he negotiated a decena thll , given the cards that he's able to play. also, when you look at the one hundred and some one hundred eleven or sofore agn on that are voting against in addition to fifty seven or so republicans, the rest are democratmocrats. the are they ? they're the radical liberald tha leftists in the party.rtt a
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who didn't get a darn thing they wanted. they didn't get the new tax cut. new regulation s. they didn't get an expansion. the administrative state, they wanted to gut defensespendg spending behind the scenes to nondiscretionary levels. that is a disgrace. and apprnt our men and women in uniform and everybody, all oftow us who love them and appreciatee them. low right afteokr memorial day. that is the republicans inake se the house who made sure that ge$ you got eight hundred and eighty six billion dollars mefor our men and women in military. that matters. all right. mary catherine. >> three hundred. yes. one hundred and ten . no, we lost. kevin lost sixty eight republicans hasndren one hundred and forty two one pi his side. what are the political implications for him? possible y?? people wh well, look, obviously, there are going to be people who are upset about this aftercover the fact. but, you know, who does like compromise even it doesn't feel good to me is a lot off americ american voters and i think g kellyanne noted his approval ratings going up. i thiniink i mighk there may maf that at work here because basile like to see something
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that is functioning and thisy fi feels like it's basically functioning. i also want to give a shout out to massie's thomas massie's be e part of this t that says that we might actually go back to regular order in doing o budgets, which i think even though it feels like procedural and not super , we do needder wn to get back to regular when it comes to budgeting. and i think itll could be a good sell to voters and a step toward fiscal sanity, which is what ultimately we want. all right. it's like so, by the way, is this a dumbch system? it's like soccer. just kee i can never understand. the clock ends and the game just keeps going on . until they decide, oh, let's just call the game now. and maybe let the doctor where they are on . why d exactly.on that's why i don't like soccer. i like football. real football. >> all right. so three , 12 .i stil i still think that a couple of hands. why are you more optimistic tha about this than me? >> and i'm not being critical of kevin mccarthy. i just thought his hand was stronger. the other mistaka mistake i woue
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that he made and i know because i spoke to a lot of membersere as this was all unfolding and there was palpable real anger by many of them, whyin didn't he keep them in the loop as he was negotiating with thegu white house and say, guys, thiso is what they're proposing? i want to get your feedback before i agree to anything, knowing that he has one membercw can move with the motiont like to vacate and knowing that that conservatives might not like some of these concessions that i don't know. i know he had his deputies out there. mr. mchenry, mr. graves haver fn gotten a lot of credit , deservedly so, for this fauci. and this guys was saying that let me say this thing. well, they should be tol as ofdt i like to party. everybody says, oh the, the democrats have unity. no, they don't have unanimity.ny they vote exactly the same. we need unity that's differentia than unanimity. but unit p wity in a party with growing pains and sometimes means that we don't all get what we wantnt i o i don't want anyone to compromise their principles on the altar of unity. but let me say this.he you ask whir renplummetetimisti i am optimistic, nott apologetic apologetic. this is nothin thig like any ofl
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us would have won if we were in charge of the whole process. but i'm optimistic because this country is so depressed economically. y is 18% of americans in a poll today said that the economy's going well . this is biden's economy.e to i want to move on from thiss tht fight and let everybody focus on the manmade crisis that is the biden, harris, faderman, pelosi economy. the argument that i and i don't want us to be blamed fort. defaulting on the that was joe biden would have beenbeen r responsible for the default. >>he joe biden said he wouldn'tjoe e negotiate. joe biden met, you know,n one hundred , twenty five thirty days ago and disappeared here. str ninety seven straight days. and he was betting on the fact that the republicans would never come together and passa a bill. it was back to go back to twenty,basei twenty three spending levels, a limited baseline budgetingit to increases of 1%. h it had the the drilling and gas provisions that joe manchin loto and conservatives wanted. it had a lot of f good things in there and it defunded the irs. i think on those issues,he
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look ik he lost a lot of people in terms of support. look, i'm not sayingis it's an u easy job. i would not want that job.t job. you have to be out of your mind to want that job.handle however, i thought the hand was stronger. the ba been great. thank you , mary katharine.back by the way in th, congrats on the baby. it's great to have you back in the loop. we love having it to see you to the house, pass the bipartisansn debt ceiling bill heren't back with us for the latest numbers that i have. chad, i can't see it in front of me. unfortunately,y is three twelve eight, one hundred andey twelve . >> what do you got? it was higher than that.e th so they closed the vote this past about two or three minutes ago. the final total, three fourteen to one seventeen. one hundred and forty nine republicans voted yes. one hundred sixty five democrats voted yes. let me take a deep dove into those numbers here. hakeem jeffrie s, the democratic i leader, yesterday said he expected republicans who were in the majorit y to deliverwere one hundred and fifty votes. so they were pretty close there, but not exactly what
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hakeem jeffries was wanting. now, the interesting thing her e is that there were more democrats who voted for this. one hundred sixty five , even though they are in so if the minority. and so, you know, if you listen to hakeem jeffries speech earlier tonight, he is goinghe to argue and h cane argued thism on the floor earlier, that it rp was democrats who were bailing ouublit republicans on this bil, even though it was a bipartisan pact between president bidenkevi and house speaker kevin mccarthy. now it's on ton mc w the senate. the senate is still in sessiongo tonight. they will actually get the piece of paper pr and beginis mitch to process this. mitch mcconnell earliemcr todacb he was optimistic thate, maybe, just maybe they could get this through on thursday. if that's the case, it would be late. he said it would sue firsmarkets, but they are through the first hurdle. it has passe thed the hous e getting the vote total 314 to 117. john . all right, chad, thank you . on capitol hill tonight. we appreciate it.>> han all right. alsoni tonight, a hotly anticipated phone call in washington, d.c. today as the house oversight committee chairman, james comar,t commit i
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director christopher wray, along with senatorlong charles grassley, spoke about the possible release of a document that claims that joe biden accepted a fivece million dollar bribe froptmed a a foreign national when he wasve vice president and took specific actionsx specific in en for that. now, colmer has subpoenaed thats document. the fb not yi has not yet turnet over. the bureau says that it offeredr chairmaned roemer the opportuniy to review the document in a secure setting. an cuomo says that offer is not good enough. he now plans to move forward in conte effort to hold director wray in contempt of congressmpt of c. now, the fbi also claims that just because the biden bribery allegation is on paper does not mean it is true.track re but apparently the bureau hasve a track record of downplaying ab negative information, especially about anybody with the last nameth a biden. we also have fbi whistleblowers telling cbs news that was the agency was activelyly l labeling evidence against hunterabelint hunter biden, as t
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it, disinformation, even as even if it was completely verified, it was reactionis to all of this h as house oversight committee chairman james colmer. >> first, your reaction to the to the vote tonight on the spending bill . >> congressman, what'sreac your reaction? well, i think your twoti i femag guests did a great job tgood explaining that this was a pretty good deal .cut spen look, there are democrats too mad because we cut spending toon muchs are ma. there are some republicansvernin mad because we didn't cut spending enough. that's called governing g. quato i don't like it.-third t but when we're one third of the equation, the house is one third. the senate is the third in a thi the white house is a third. i think it's about as good i'm a a deal as we could have gotten. so i'm glad that we moved pastte this. and now we can focus on trying to get spending under controlare again in october whet n the full year budget appropriation comesy again. yo al right.bout let's talk about your callur c earlier today with the fbi director , christopher wray, along with senator chuck grassley. and you have been askingeen aski
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and demanding that they turn3 over this ten , twenty three form director wray acknowledged that they have it. he would produce it for you in private. >> let me ask you about this,ty because my understanding of a ten twenty three is pretty simple, is that it is a allegation you and senator grassley believe it's a credible allegation based a t on the individual whistleblower that brought it to your attention. >> okay,at i tend to trust you , too. however, the question i haveeasa is , are we going to start releasing all 10 , 20 , three publicly? it would thatht result ioun antu invasion of privacy or the potential of making accusations against people that they have no t fullyantage o corroborated? and why not take advantage of f the fbi director's offer to see it in like a private skiff or whatever ? whatever area he deems secure?e? >> well, to answer that question, john , he he offeredoe us the opportunity to come look
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at it in a private chip, but he un was going to redacted my experience with getting documents from the fbi when e fbi whthey're redacted, very l black when they don't show anything. but i'm going to say on this show what we told director wright. senator grassley told director wright, he and i have e already seen the ten, twenty , three , four . we knew what was in ten , twenty , 30 , four until we told director wray that he never even admitted that the form existed. so the level of confidence that we have with director i only went down had only declined throughout the conversation. so we will go there and look atc the redacted document. but we know what'sum inredibl the document and the reason wee find this allegation credible nobecaust only because of the credibility of the whistleblower, but because we've seen a patterne of joe biden when he was vice president leaving a countryks bf after he talkeord about foreigny aid and foreign policy in his family members and start receivg payments from that company through shell companieh shels to
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are then laundered down mem to biden family members. so there is e a patteris an behr and we saw that in co've seennia thawe st in chin. we've seen that in other countries. that would suggest that thisthia allegation has merit.t. well, by the way, with all the press reports i've beenne reading today about your phone call, not one of them actually mentioned that minor little detail, that it would a redactettle detd. he left that part out, which is a big deal .g deal and that's a huge deal .y so that's not transparency. all right. so tha tt meanmeans s nonow thal move forward with contempt charges against the fbi director . tell us what that will looks sah like, because, you know, let'sat say he comes in.may just n i would doubt that he's he may just not show up or if he fbi would, with the fbi director , plead the fifth on on an issuenu and doesn't congress, especially your committee, above all others, have oversight that that is your job, to have oversight. >> our that's what this
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committee does. that's what this committee was created to do. wewe have oversight overn th the federal government. but for some reason, the fbi thinks they're immune to oversight. look, the durham reporlike thete that the fbi has lots of issues. we brought that up, senator grassley. and i reminded director wray that the durham report wasthe f. devastating to the credibility of the fbi and his response was that that all happened befoream he became fbi director . fbi so, look, all we want is this for and it's not classified.eda they can redact the name ofe the informant. i'm fine with it. i would have i redactet if i hdf i had the document. you know, without that the red redaction. let's protecuctiont the human informant. i agree with that. we shoult.d always want to be very clear . >> you believe in the credibility of this this whistleblower. you believe that the allegation that joe bidention tha as vice president received money for rhis family or family enterprie in exchange for a specific actsa
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that he took as the vice president of our country. you believe that that is a credible charge and allegation made by a credible witness? >> well, it's so harda to believe. i wouldn't have believed it had i not seen the bank records, th have i not seen the shell tha companies that the biden familyn created to launder money that was being received from foreign nationals after joe biden left ry the country with foreign aid checks. so there's a pattern here that would suggest this is a thi credible allegation. now, i went through this a t treasury just a few months ago. they said, oh, you don't needacy access to these suspicious activity. reports, these bank violations at the bottom. anythi never going to find anything. that's what janet yellen kept saying. we finally got in there and guess what? we found? ver we found that joe biden lied when he said his family never took money fro m. we found that joe biden actually did and his family didd receive payments while he was vice president . new we found five new biden
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family, five new biden family members that were in on the peddling scheme. so thaert was a very productiveu trip to the treasury, even though they said we wouldn'tnk w find anything. i think we'll find the same fbi sort of evidence with the fbi documents and directory, to be clear , will now face contempt of congress unless he produces n this document like we asked this unclassified document tuesday, or wednesday whenever we have the markup. all right, james carville, congressman, thank you . we appreciat. >>e e when we comeeake back . currently, a press conference with speaker kevin mccarthy at 2 bring that to you live. the twenty twenty four gop fielto d is about to get much an bigger. we'll tell you about that. plus, getting ready to announcue tomorrow. we will be in iowa.all wi weth have a town hall with formu president donald trump going to be a partwant a p. nformation the audience go to hannity .com for information on how to get your free tickets. tomond we'll see you in iowa tomorrow. and i can't waitight can.
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would literally turn the ship for the first time in quite some time. we'd spend less than we spent the year before. tonight, we all made history because this is the biggest cut and savings this congress has ever voted for. and it's not that we're just voting for. this is going to be law two point $1 trillion. >> you've all covered this entire battle. you were there in february 1st when you walked out after talking to the president . that was kind of hopeful because he told me in that meeting we would meet again. he sat next to me at the prayer breakfast the next morning. he told the entire crowd that we would meet again. >> but for ninety seven days, he said no, people look at me and say, why are you always an optimist? because i know as an american , tomorrow will be better than
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today. i had to be an optimist that every day i woke up and said maybe today the president would change his mind. maybe today he'd want to put the country first. maybe today he'd want to meet. but he never did. not until our entire conference passed a bill the senate never did. it took no action. the democrats plan was to discharge petition to only raise the debt ceiling and we'd have no savings. we'd take us further off the cliff. >> but when i finally got to meet with the president , we couldn't talk about the entire budget. we couldn't talk about and look at places that we could have savings. we can only focus 11% of the budget. but in that 11%, not only did we give you the greatest savings in american history, there's going to be people here
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on welfare today that will no longer be on welfare, that they will find a job because of the work requirement and not just when they find that job, their self-worth, their attitudes are going to change. they're going to believe in themselves. they're going to be able to buy a house, send their kids to college because of the vote we took tonight. >> because of the vote we took tonight, the largest rescissions in american history. all covid money, the billions of dollars sitting out there that they said they would never bring back . you know what to the taxpayer, to you, hardworking americans . >> we stood for you . >> we brought that money back for those who are afraid that they're going to get audited because the president wants to have eighty seven thousand new irs agents right now. he has zero. we took every single dollar. they were going to hire somebody this year away. and i promise you , i'll
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be back next year and next year and next year. because i believe government should be here to help you not go after you . >> we didn't just take the money from this year. we took another 20 billion. i think we should get some more border agents with that. twenty billion . i think that's where america would want to see us go. >> we cap the ability of growth of spending in government for the next six years. we're holding people accountable to do the work you're supposed to do as a member. >> otherwise it cuts across the board. we are unshackling what holds america back for competition with other countries. for the first time in 40 years, we changed the environmental review process. so you don't have to wait seven years on average to build a road. you could do it in one or two . so it's not just the bridges,
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it's not just the roads. it's the energy projects that will make us energy independent. >> we stopped four hundred million dollars going from the cdc global health fund not to americans, but taking americans money to send it to china. i believe in looking after america first. more than two thirds of our conference voted for it. we got all the democrats who signed a discharge petition to say they would never raise the debt ceiling, only raise it clean. we got them to vote for it, too. so think about how much further we can go . i didn't stand far from this room after a couple, three days of trying to get elected speaker and every question you gave me, what could we survive? >> what could we even do? i told you then.
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it's not how you start. it's how you finish. each week we have stood up for the american public. we the strongest border security, the a bill of rights. >> you can have a say in your kid's education. we are ending the pandemic. you're standing up against those who are weak on crime to make our streets safer . >> tonight, i hope we proved it to you again that we put the citizens of america first. we didn't do it by taking the easy way. we didn't do by the ways the people did in the past by just lifting it, we decided that you had to spend less and we achieved that goal. is that everything i wanted? no, but sitting with one house with a democratic senate and a democratic president who didn't want to meet with us, i think we did pretty darn good for the american public. my my last question my last statement to everyone in
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america, i will never give up on you. it wasn't an easy fight. i had people on both sides upset, but i was focused on you. and i will stay focused on you. because i'm waking up tomorrow going after everything. we didn't get here today. this is an extraordinary team that helped us . >> our majority leader, steve scalise, i was speaker of the house. kevin mccarthy. the final vote came in three fourteen for one hundred and seventeen against the republican party. one hundred forty nine seventy one nays. one hundred and sixty five democrats. forty six . yay! forty six , nay. so three fourteen to one seventeen. we now welcome former adviser to president trump , stephen miller, fox business host dagen mcdowell, stephen miller, losing seventy one republicans is a big number one has to wonder if
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the motion to vacate may occur as a result of that, in my opinion and my understanding of this bill and everything that i've read , they are not they are funding a majority. those irs agents as of now, my understanding, hopes to get twenty of the eighty some odd billion, but they don't have that yet. >> so i wasn't sure why i was claiming victory on that. well, sean , i agree with a lot of the comments made by guests earlier on your program tonight. and i'm just speaking just for myself here is just steven miller. but kevin had an extremely difficult hand here, which just the four seat majority in the house without the senate, without the white house. and this is a two trillion dollar spending cut. and i will say, if you look at who is supporting it, he's got jimgriffin and marjorie taylor greene out there to conservative warriors on his behalf fighting for this thing. so we'll see what ultimately happens. >> but i think the people need to focus on the fact that the way the conservatives are going to beat the left is by notching one win after another
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after another. some will be bigger than me, not as big as we'd like. some will be smaller than we want. them to be. but then we come back from the appropriations process and we seal the border. we defund critical race theory. we demolish the deep state at the doj and in the intelligence and security states . so we come back again right here in september. and this time dig even deeper. >> we push even harder and we don't take no for an answer. let's keep marching forward. sean , on to the next battle taking, you know, the economy as well as anybody wasn't this a false narrative from the get go , this idea that osama gadahn would take place on june 5th? >> it's not true. americans wouldn't run out of funding. it would have to struggle. it would have to maneuver money around, but we wouldn't be defaulting on our debt. >> sean , that falls on janet yellen. she doesn't work for the american people. she works for joe biden. joe biden is our commander. and chaos. and i know i don't mean that in
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a funny way to what everything that that man has done since he took the oath of office has been purposeful, suffering and hardship on the american people. >> and she, janet yellen, can go out and sell the gold reserves. that's more than half a trillion dollars that would pay our bills in the united states for four months because we're running a one and a half trillion dollar budget deficit right now. so there are a lot of things that she could do that the people in charge of government could do to prioritize payments. but would they do it? no, because they're spiteful and they don't care about suffering and hardship and financial catastrophe. and calamity on the american people. and i think that kevin mccarthy showed that republicans with even the slimness of majorities, are capable of governing. and if you want more power and you want more cuts, you want to write this country
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financially. >> you win races. all right. now, let me ask you this. and maybe you're right, maybe dagan's right. maybe newt gingrich on this program was last night that it's a process step by step in the fight. if you can get two point one million instead of four point i'm sorry, two point one trillion versus four point trillion. that's a dent. that's a start . my question is , i'm not sure they're going to have the leverage that they had again. but the question now remains going forward, what do you what do you see happens with with the republicans? in the house? do they do they make them take those steps? does mccarthy have to change? he lost seventy one of members of his caucus. does he have to make adjustments moving forward? i would argue he needs to bring everybody into the process more . well, one of the things that and full disclosure here,
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i know kevin mccarthy well. >> i've gotten to know him really well over the last seven years. one of the things about kevin and that he'd be the first one to tell this to you, sean , he's been on your program many times, is that he does adapt. >> he does evolve. he does listen to his members. he will hear the concern they've expressed to him and it will just fuel him even more . and i believe that what we are going to see and what i'm saying here tonight is we need to breathe fire like a dragon when it comes this appropriations fight, this battle in september, how we fund the department of education, how we fund the department of defense, how we fund the department of homeland security and the department of justice. that will be the battle royale . so i get it. a lot of conservatives, my friends in the world, are not happy right now. let's go into this next fight and fight like we never have before. i only have 30 seconds. what would happen if they just held the line in their four point eight trillion dollar savings bill , their bill that they passed in the house? >> what would happen? you're playing well. you're playing chicken with people who do not care about the safety.
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>> you're the chicken that actually has the weapon to pass the bill and raise the debt ceiling. do you mean if republicans. >> well, they raise the debt ceiling. >> democrats didn't pass any bill . they passed it out of the house . it would go to the senate, it would fail in the senate and we would default on our debt. >> and that would mean what the financial markets crash? >> yeah. and people would not get their social security payments. i don't believe that would have been true only because fox business, our networks. >> do you want to know why are we talking about why are we spitting on a win for republicans? this was a win for republicans. sean . it really was. what did the democrats get in this? what did the democrats get in this? >> well, i'll tell you , they got eight , seven billion dollars for i'll give you answer. >> eighty seven billion dollars for new irs agents that we don't eat would double in size. >> i got to run, though. we do.
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we love lindsey graham. voted alongside biden and the democrats for one point two trillion in spending fueling inflation. and now he's not going to vote to raise the debt ceiling. >> get out of here. okay, they didn't go well. thank you . backlash against corporations and their world politics is growing now. toronto blue jays pitcher anthony bass now is vowing to bowing to the mob, apologizing with his tail between his legs for merely sharing a video supporting the bud light boycotts. now, meanwhile, pro athletes is standing against the wall mob. new report confirming tonight that l.a. dodgers pitcher clayton kershaw urged the team to move up the announcement of their christian faith day after the team decided to re invite a group of drag queens who mocked nuns to perform at a game. here with reaction, podcast host lara trump, co-host charlie arnold. wow, you every night, laura . it is another wolke story,
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one after another drag queen story. our gender identity classes for kids and first, second, third grade crt. when does it stop? >> when do we go back to like reading, writing, math , well, we all want it to stop. i mean, we're desperate to have it of course. >> and i think what we've finally seen, sean , is that people are taking steps, the consumers are taking steps to change this. because, look, you can you can post on social media all you want. nothing is going to change until these companies feel it in their bottom line when their stock prices tank and that's what you've seen happen with bud light. that's what you've seen happen with target. and here we are. you have so much of this coming to fruition. and i think these companies are finally saying, wait a minute, maybe we made a mistake because the consumers are not asking for something to or fro on us. >> let's go to hey, charlie. hello, how are you doing?
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>> good to see you . thank you so much. i'm so happy to be here. i love you , buddy. i will let you in. well, you know, i think there's a lot of different ways to look at this. which would subject would you like to address? i mean, you want to talk about anthony because. >> well, or kershaw, which i thought was interesting. yeah, well, for clayton kershaw, i actually applaud the steps that he's taking because he realizes the dodgers made a huge blunder, reversing their course when they invited a group of transvestite nuns instead of paying attention to one of their biggest sectors of their fan base, which is christians. and quite frankly, no one could have cared less about the way in a city with four million catholics. absolutely. and , you know, it really just proves the point that christians are the only group in america who can be mocked and attacked with absolutely no repercussions. so an african american conservative state can say anything you want that's pejorative against any. >> but those are the only two groups. yeah, but, you know, here's the good news is i'm seeing an indication that sports is gaining the momentum in this direction where athletes are starting to stand up for themselves because also being reported today was there's a large group of mlb players,
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some even big stars, who have said that this season they will not be wearing gay pride flag. they will not be donning the trans flag. and that's because they're finally standing up for their values instead of just bending over backwards to get acceptance from the left. yeah. lara trump, is she still there? we'll give you the last for laura . >> we got about 20 seconds. oh, so glad you're glad you're back, laura . we miss you . i'm back. i'm back. thank you so much. glad to be back . >> i'll give you the last word on that. now that they're there filling in their bottom line, they know that consumers just want our kids left alone. stop targeting them with gender orientation and trying to convince our kids they can change their gender like they change their shop. let it be kids and let's go order a beer and eat a sandwich without ideology shoved down our throat. >> that's all people want. lara trump, charlie's good to see you . thank you both. sean hannity. straight ahead, on the left, your mouthwash with the burning sensation and on the right
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12:00 am
the time we have left thisa with evening. tomorrow, we will be in iowa with former president donald trump for exclusive town hall. going to b pare a part of the audience. just go to hannity .com. yoan your tickets are free. wa. and i can't wait to see you all in iowa. i wish the fare was going on . i like fried twinkiess and pickles and oreos and pork chop on a state. love it all. anyway, set your dvr and never r miss an episode. in the meantime, let not your heart be trouble. pete hegseth imploring mike lindellanwhil. great to see my friend. is in e you ? well, john , good. how you doing? i wish i could take it forcan'ta the . good to see you .o can't waitsee tomo to watcrrh mw my great, great show. all thanks, pete. >> t you too. thank you . >> got it. this is well, i'm pete hegseth, in for laura ingraham. wed this is a special edition of the incremental. >> with e start tonight with a , news alert. moments ago, you saw it despite severe division within the gop, the house did pass the biden the debt ceiling deal by a vote of three 1vo4 to one
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