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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  June 1, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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isrvalerie gives out hugs everyy on campus said this day was special and could not start the tears when they started. tonight on common ground bipartisan efforts to bring reliable internet america. thanks for watching "special report" i'm shannon bream. "jesse watters primetime" starts right now. mr. van der beek did not show up. maybe he is on your show. >> jesse: if you outbook me on van der beek, don't get me mad. >> shannon: i won't do it. have a good show. >> jesse: trump is pounding the campaign trail hard tonight in iowa tonight. >> i get further attacked by the doj, the fbi, the better i do. i better keep my poll numbers down they will leave us alone. we have to have fair, free, strong, powerful elections. and we have to have borders. and if you don't have those two things, you don't have a country. you take the five worst presidents in the history of our country and you put them together, and they haven't done
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as much damage as this administration has done to the united states of america. look at our number one opponent because i don't know if he is going to be number two very long because is he heading south very rapidly. >> jesse: donald trump sharpening his strategy. instead of getting into the weeds about the 2020 election, is he drilling down on the people we know are guilty. >> they helped with the elections. think of it, the fbi colluded with facebook and with twitter. think of it. the fbi colluded with facebook and twitter. that's like stuffing the ballot box. >> jesse: that right there is the key to the corruption in 2020. nobody can dispute that big tech conspired with the deep state. the deep 6, the laptop, and censor free press. that's how trump should be talking about election rigging. now, last night we showed you desantis drop a decent line that's going to take two terms to clean up biden's mess. a clear shot at trump who is only entitled to one more. well, the former president had a
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even better answer. >> i have been watching desanctus go out and say i have got 8 years. it's going to be eight years. let me tell you something, right there you should vote against him. it will take me six months to have it totally the way it was. we'll have it fast. [applause] it's drilling, it's the wall. and it's getting criminals out of our country that have been allowed to come in so freely. we are going to get them out. >> jesse: so desantis shot right back. watch. >> he said he would get it done in six months? >> why didn't he do it his first four years? >> jesse: i have to give desantis credit. he showed a lot of restraint and discipline by not counter punching for the last six months. once he do declared his counter punches have been solid. he hasn't seen a bump in the poll yet. "primetime" is monitoring the polling next week. desantis only got a 2 point bounce from the announcement. and nothing after a week of counter punching and campaigning. desantis campaign has to change
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strategies if that's going to stay like that. because trump has been wearing him down with attacks from all angles. it's just not easy get in a war of words with donald trump. and desantis doesn't want to be in a war of words with trump. he wants to zero in on biden. but there's no way he is going to be able to get away with that, with the way the former president's constantly on offense. and trump has a new nickname for ron. it's now rob. >> it is so petty and so juvenile. i don't think that's what voters want. and, honestly, i think that his conduct, which he has been doing for years now, i think that's one of the reasons he is not in the white house now because i think he alienated too many voters for things that really don't matter. >> jesse: desantis is trying to take the high road. we will see if he can pull that off. this is the first time tangling with the national press and here he is in new hampshire posing for photos with voters and the
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press is even more annoying nationally than they are in florida. watch. >> how come you are not taking questions from voters. >> what are you talking about? i'm out here talking with people. are you blind? >> what? >> are you blind? >> i'm not blind. >> people are coming up to me and talk to me whatever they want to talk to me about. >> jesse: all right. so, listen, these guys are going to be annoying, that's what they are going to do. you have to smile, pat the little reporter on his head and say there's the ladies room. that's how you handle it. so, desantis has to calculate. he can't get into the spot like that. anyway. going forward desantis is going to have to show a little more -- you know what i mean. he has to stay cool, laugh it off. smile. so trump's in the driver's seat. he is way ahead. anything can happen. desantis distant second but well-funded. so whoever wins the republican primary is going to be in a
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great position to beat biden. we'll don't even know if joe biden is going to campaign for president. >> mr. president, how's the re-election campaign going? we haven't seen you on the campaign trail yet. >> you haven't? >> not an official campaign rally. [shouting questions] >> jesse: today we saw another sample of why joey won't be campaigning for president. he fell again. [cheers] >> jesse: first two falls up the stairs. kind of funny because it's upthe stairs. and then off the bike kind of funny. had a helmet. but this fall was bad. i didn't really like it. i kind of felt bad. i don't like feeling bad for joe biden. he is a jerk. so, if he falls and hits his head, kamala is president. that's what's up.
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now, that concerns every american, republicans and democrats. even trump was concerned when he heard biden fell again. >> he actually fell down? well, i hope he wasn't hurt. i hope he wasn't hurt. but -- the whole thing is -- look, the whole thing is crazy. you got to be careful about that. you got to be careful about that. you don't want that. even if you have to tip tow down a ramp, that's a bad place to fall i think it was the air force academy, right? >> jesse: trump and desantis out campaigning vigorously. voters notice that you have to show the voters you want it. you have to show the voters you are up to it. and so far joe hasn't done it. this is third major fall in two years. he has two more years left and asking for another four. joe's challenger jfk jr. is in new hampshire and eating away at
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biden's base. >> i am here because i am going to participate in this primary, in this state. we are going to have real democracy where candidates meet human beings are questioned by them, have town halls and deal with all of the difficulties of retail politics. >> jesse: now joe's the oldest president of all time with an approval rating in the 30's and he won't campaign. instead joe's strategy is to arrest trump and hide. locking up your opponent and hiding from voters, then we don't have a democracy. they are trying to pull this off by making trump existential threat to the republic which means this: biden can do whatever he wants. the ends justify the means. can he rest, lie, hide and let his demons do the dirty work. >> when you see the former president, now the frontrunner again for the republican nomination, how big a threat is that? >> a very serious threat to the rule of law, almost an
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existential threat if he were to become president again. >> you believe donald trump is existential threat to the rule of law. >> i do, yes. >> jesse: so what does the united states do when someone's an existential threat to the country? well, we take them out. and that's what they are doing to donald trump. so what happened last night is trump touched down in iowa? biden's prosecutors leaked to cnn that they have a tape of trump admitting he has classified documents and he knows he is not allowed to have them. you can't listen to the tape, we can't listen to the tape. cnn can't listen to the tape. we are told by the people who told us trump colluded with russia. the same people leaking lies about trump for six years tell us they have a tape about trump saying something and we're just supposed to believe it's true. and cnn just swallows leaked lies and calls it reporting. >> first i just want to say this is not the result of a leak. this is a result of good
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reporting from our team on this, jim. >> jesse: so how is this good reporting? cnn doesn't have a reporter in the grand jury. cnn was just sitting around and biden's prosecutors called and said hey, here's the scoop. that's it. how come prosecutors never leak anything about democrats? the hunter biden investigation doesn't leak. the joe biden classified doc investigation doesn't leak. the smoking gun document about biden's bribe scandal, that doesn't leak. biden doesn't get leaked on because he is not a threat to the system. the system controls biden. biden is the system. biden is a walking, talking yes man for washington. the problem for washington is joe can barely walk anymore. everything blows up if joe can't walk. if joe can't walk, trump sails into the white house and gets revenge. now, that can't happen, so they have to leak and arrest him. he can still win the presidency under indictment. how dastardly can you get?
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you know how democrats always say we need to protect democracy? >> focus on what matters and protecting our democracy. >> we got to protect our democracy. >> we cannot tolerate a president who is undermining american democracy. >> jesse: the democrats aren't protecting democracy. they are protecting themselves. they are pulling out all the stops to cling to power like a discredited and ruthless royal clan. prosecuting their opponents, manipulating the media, will hiding from voters and refusing to participate in what's that word again? democracy. let's bring in michael shellenberger founder of public which is a substack publication. this is real dirty, the leak against trump, some b.s. right as he touches down in iowa, michael? >> yeah. it's good to be with you, jesse. i think there is a temptation for everybody to see this through a political football lens.
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that's the exact opposite way we should be thinking about. this what we are looking at is the continued politicization of the fbi and the department of justice. you just said it there. at the very moment that the fbi is refusing to give congress a document that they acknowledge exists, in which whistleblowers say shows evidence of a criminal bribery scheme involving a foreign national, we see the department of justice leaking information around trump's lawsuit. so you see an absolute double standard in real time. this is not something that you need to be a fan of trump for. i never voted for him myself. nor do you need to hate joe biden. this is about the legitimacy of our democratic institutions and the sense of a doj and the fbi protect the constitution, protect american citizens and do not pay attention to partisan politics. that's clearly not what's going on right now. >> jesse: on the one hand dirty prosecutors leaking. on the other hand, you have a president who can't campaign. he physically can't campaign,
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michael. he has fallen again. and he wasn't even on the campaign trail. he was on a stage that was flat. if he can't walk, how are they going to be able to pull this election off? >> >> yeah. so you are absolutely right. we are at a moment where i believe the house of biden cards is falling. we are starting to see that the really the rope has run out. there is a document that the republicans seem very confident about. they have multiple whistleblowers that say it does show a criminal bribery scheme that we start to see an intensification of the focus on trump and the investigations into trump. i, you know, look, we don't know what's going to happen. but i'm very skeptical that biden will be the democrats' nominee. i think we are going to see pretty significant changes over the next six months. i live in california. i tend to still think that gavin newsom is running for president. i think he is likely to run in the democratic primary.
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and there is a lot going on behind the scenes that we are not privy too. we can expect to see a significant amount of change from the existing presidential field in the fails of these scandals. >> jesse: let's see the stumble again if we can put it up. it actually wasn't a stumble. it was a flat out fall. and he said he tripped on something. i don't know what he tripped on. if you can't walk down a stage, you're going to have to have kamala come in. and if kamala comes in, that means gavin newsom comes in. what does that mean for the democratic party. >> >> look, i think it's worth saying, it's very sad when you have a situation, anybody that has an elderly parent worries about their parents falling and really harming themselves. that's not something that you want oyour commander-in-chief y. percentage of democratic primary voters would like to see a different democrat. that's why we see r.f.k. jr.
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polling so well among democratic primary voters. so i think that, look, there is -- they are putting on the best face for it. the democrats are in real trouble. i think we will see a shakeup at the top before, perhaps before this year is over. and, you know, i hope it doesn't -- it won't take us to finally have to get that memo out and see and really for the whole house of cards for the biden business dealings to fall apart, but that appears to be where we are headed. >> jesse: i'm annoyed at you, michael, you could have saved us from newsom but you didn't beat him so now we have to deal with him. that was unfortunate. [laughter] >> well now i get a lower stakes profile and task at this point. but always good to be with you, jesse. >> jesse: always good to be with you. thank you very much. michael shellenberger. ♪ >> jesse: everybody remember to tune in to trump's town hall with sean hannity tonight at 9:00 eastern. up next, a "primetime" exclusive. we have someone who testified in front of one of those trump
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grand juries. he said it was absolutely ridiculous. right back. ♪
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hello, i'm franklin graham. you know the most valuable thing that you own? it's your soul. you have a soul. you have a spirit. and the bible tells us that we'll live as long as god lives. one day your body will die and they'll bury you. but your soul will continue to live
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in the presence of god in heaven. or be separated from god for eternity in hell. the choice you make today can determine where your soul will spend eternity. you know that god loves you. and he sent his son jesus christ to save us. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in him, because he took our sins to the cross, he died in our place for our sins, and god raised him to life. if you've never invited christ into your heart, into your life, you can do that right now by just praying this prayer, just saying, “god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i want to trust your son as my savior and follow him as lord from this day forward, forever”" if you prayed that prayer, call that number. god bless you.
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>> jesse: another day another trump leak to the media. what else is new? cnn is already celebrating like they struck gold. here they are with trump's attorney. >> be able to very easily say this document, though is he referring to on this tape was see classified. can you say that. >> i am not trying my case based on leaks that you want to celebrate. all you are trying to do -- all you are trying to do. >> logic of what i'm trying to get at. >> i see the reality of what you are trying to do. >> when doj and fbi are on a leak campaign where they are
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selectively taking half truths and mistruths, complete falsehoods and putting them out there to kaitlan collins and you guys to dangle out here on tv, i'm not going to respond to that. >> jesse: feels like all we ever get are leaks about trump. leaks to raids to golden showers. the fbi will fan out documents on trump's oriental and leak it to the post. but where are the leaks about biden? he stole classified docs in chinatown. shoved another box of them next to the corvette. instead of leaking hunter's cracked out laptop or the smoking gun biden bribe documents, they bury it. or they just fire the guy who is blowing the whistle. if it has the name biden on the file, they put a diaper on it and it never leaks. for trump, another story. just take the giggly wicken you remember giggly, right? she was the foreman, forewoman, forewhatever on the trump grand jury in georgia who dreamt about hitting trump with a subpoena? >> i kind of want wanted to subpoena the former president
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because i got to swear everybody in. and so i thought it would be really cool to get 60 seconds of president trump with me looking at him and be do you solemnly swear and me swearing him in i thought that was an awesome moment. >> jesse: you don't think half of these grand juries are filled with giggly wickens out to get trump? what's it like it in some of these trump investigations? the co-founder of judicial watch tom fitton was in one of these trumped up grand juries for four hours. and he is here with the inside scoop. all right, so, tom, take us through this like a story. how did this start? >> so i get home from significant skin cancer surgery. i'm lying on the couch recovering. and in the evening, knock, knock, knock. a few hours after i get home, knock, knock, knock. two fbi agents are at the door with a subpoena for me to testify to the grand jury about presumably this mar-a-lago issue. although the fbi agents happily
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noted that i did have an amazon package there on the porch as well. and then, you know, a few months later they said well, i can come in for a proffer. all of a sudden no proffer. you have got to come in for the grand jury, which is very unusual. so i end up going to the grand jury. and just before i go into the grand jury the day before, they say oh, by the way, we want to ask you a little bit about this january 6th stuff, too. >> jesse: oh you got the two for, january 6 and mar-a-lago docs. >> go in there 23 or so grand jurors. three prosecutors all tag teaming questioning me. did you go in there maybe there is something here and they are going to ask me did you see this? and you are going to be like holy moly there is a crime. instead a four hour msnbc style struggle session where they're arguing with me about tweets and electors and the clinton sock drawer case and what i had for lunch at the white house. and i thought what a waste of
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time and, of course, it's intense, right? because you are going back and forth and i look over at one of the grand jurors and the poor guy is dead asleep. >> jesse: this is a d.c. grand jury? >> it is, it is. generally they were paying attention but, you know, i didn't want to listen to myself after four hours of really silly argument and debate over, you know, these issues that as we are hearing, you know, from your prior discussion here, that are very controversial. they targeted judicial watch. they targeted me because we were front and center in saying the emperor has no clothes whether it comes to the abuse of trump on this mar-a-lago documents case because we had fought on the same issue the clinton sock drawer case they changed their position 180 degrees. they protected clinton's ability to take records but raided trump. we highlighted that because we were in the middle of it. we had litigated the case and lost. and so we're making public disclosures about this, alerting
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the president about this. telling the american people about this. suing about this. and what we get in return? a grand jury subpoena. and you can imagine just how much money it costs to deal with document prod and lawyers. >> jesse: did you ever tell them what you had for dinner at the white house. >> they wanted to know what i said to trump at one lunch. and then what was his reaction? i couldn't remember his reaction. they said have you had any other lunches? i said i don't think so. i said wait, we did have another lunch. because i remember what we ate. and then they got all upset with me. well, you remember what you ate but you don't remember what was said? and i'm thinking, you know, this is just theory of the absurd. >> jesse: they are going to hit with you a perjury charge because you forgot you had fillet minion. >> this is a federal grand jury investigating a former president of the united states on flimsy
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charges. can i see one thing judicial watch investigates government corruption but we are a victim of government corruption in that circumstance. and i tell you one of the other things that was not funny was one of the prosecutors said are you going to talk about this? and he asked me three times? i said i don't know, i don't know, i don't know. and he said oh, well by the way you are age to talk about it if you want to. i said to him well, you know, given the tone of your questions, i don't know if i would want to and it's chilling. so you know, you got these questions that were designed obviously to scare me from talking and this is abuse of power. a fishing expedition. i tell you it was as political as anything you would see at a dnc convention. >> jesse: unbelievable. all right. well i'm glad you are talking about it on "jesse watters primetime" and you are a brave man and thank you for everything you have done and everything judicial watch has done because you guys have been getting records that people haven't been able to get for three decades, thank you very much. tom. >> thank you. >> jesse: coming up, a secret election alliance between joe
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biden, the mexican president, and the drug cartels. ♪ (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? (woman) what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (avo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar, and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro, if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro, and call your doctor right away, if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis
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♪ >> jesse: biden's open border is a triple threat. it's fueling the debt crisis, the crime wave, and the drug epidemic. let's just take the last one. biden put the cartels in charge of our border. the cartels bring in the fentanyl, and americans o.d. each year you can fill more than a football stadium with overdose deaths. so republicans, like ron desantis, are saying enough is enough. >> we're going to shut down the border. we're going to declare a national emergency. we're going to build a border wall. we're going to stop mass migration. and we will hold the mexican drug cartels accountable for what they are doing to our country. these mexican drug cartels are killing a lot of americans. they need to be treated like the hostile force that they are. we need to be holding the
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cartels accountable. and we need to be holding the mexican government accountable because they are allowing a lot of this to happen. >> jesse: the mexican president lopez obrador can't run his country. he knows he can't run it, so he is mad at republicans like desantis for pointing that out elk bra door says fentanyl is an american problem, we don't had make fentanyl in mexico. mexico makes fentanyl like italy makes pasta. obrador is telling hispanics here not to vote for desantis. >> all the desantis' playing politics. he wanted to be the republican candidate. i hope hispanics in florida wake up and don't give him a single vote. >> jesse: what do you call it when a foreign power interferes with our election? we used to call that election interference. democrats used to be totally against it. they said putin cost crooked the
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election. well now the mexican president is on tape politicking against the republican presidential candidate urging americans not to vote for him and the media is silent. what's the relationship between joe biden and the mexican president. well, joe biden made cartels more than they ever have in history. the mexican president controlled by the cartels interferes in election on behalf biden. and hunter got rich in mexico when biden was v.p. i think "primetime" deserves a pulitzer prize. clay travis is the founder of outkick and co-host of the clay travis and buck sexton show. i mean, did i just connect the dots, clay? >> i'm not going to lie, jesse. my mind is blown here. now, let's be honest. you're not going to get a pulitzer prize because what you reported was actually accurate. all of the "new york times," "the washington post," all of the pulitzer prize that they gave themselves were based on
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total bogus russia collusion lies and think about it for a minute, jesse. we're actually more serious and severe when it comes to letting baseball players into the hall of fame if they might have used performance enhancing drugs than we are holding journalists accountable for the pulitzer prizes that they want. in all honesty, if there was any truth in justice in the pulitzer prize, they would withdraw every one of the "new york times" and "the washington post" won over russia co-collusion and the "new york post" and all the great writers to reported on the hunter biden laptop as well as 10% for the big guy but we know their prop began diss they are not actually journalists. >> jesse: joe biden needs all the help he can get. he needs help from the mexican president, the drug cartels, the fbi, silicon valley, big media, why, clay? because he can't walk. i mean, that is one of the reasons but, i mean, if he can't walk, we know he can't talk, if
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he can't walk the whole protect joe biden react that we have experienced the last three years falls apart. what are they going to do if this guy can't make it? >> it's reckless for him to be candidate running in 2024. frankly reckless for him to be president right now. i will tell you what they are going to do, jesse. they are going to run the john fetterman playbook. fetterman can't do the job of a senator. dianne feinstein can't do the job of a senator. democrats don't care about your competence when it comes to being able to do a job. they just want raw naked power. it's why, jesse, they are trying to put donald trump in prisoner, right? not because of anything other than politics. and this is why biden is the worst president of our lives. jesse, we used to be concerned that he didn't know how to leave a stage because he would get lost deer in the headlight moments when he was trying to
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exit the stage. now we have to worry that the guy can't walk. he can't walk. he almost fell down the stairs at the g-7. he just fell over on the stage at the air force academy graduation. remember, he made fun of trump for slowly walking down at west point but, remember, trump said hey, you know, it's better to walk slow than fall on your ass like biden did. it's a perfect met for for his presidency. we have to beat this guy and beat him bad. >> jesse: clay, do you think kamala put the sandbag next to joe? i'm surprised they don't have video of kamala sticking out her leg to trip him. here is my concern she will be put and running alleges the incumbent in 2024 because biden isn't physically competent to enough to win president. to say nothing of him written with w. inning in 2024. i don't feel like is he going to be able to hardly finish this term. it's a mess. >> jesse: not if gavin newsom has anything to stay about it.
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>> he has already been in to measure the drapes at the white house. remember the most disrespectful presidential visit of all times. he visited the white house when biden was overseas. disrespect on a different level. >> jesse: all right. see you later, clay. >> i appreciate it, jesse. have a great weekend. >> jesse: coming up, a woman who married herself. she joins us next. ♪ come in now and experience the intense thrills and incredible offers on any of five mercedes-benz electric vehicles. including two years complimentary charging and pre-paid maintenance. the vehicles are all electric. the feeling is all mercedes. the choice is all yours. but hurry, these dream days are only here until june 5th.
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>> jesse: love isn't easy. we have all been let down before. stood up, heart broken. we all have onto come to pint and look inside yourselves. you can't love anybody until you love yourself. some people are taking loving yourself to an extreme. they are not just loving themselves. they are marrying themselves. hi my name is sophie and two years ago i got married to myself. >> marrying yourself san expression of self-love and it's a commitment to love yourself and be responsible for your own happiness for the rest of your life. the wedding was spectacular. i had about 15 bridesmaids all
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dressed up in different colors and we all processed through the pavilion gardens dancing to kendrick la mars i love myself. my dad gave me away and my friend dressed up as the pope. >> jesse: i just have so many questions that we had to invite on an expert to walk us through it. danny adams married herself and she joins me now. all right, so danny, how was the wedding? >> the wedding was beautiful. i had a wedding with 50 people in my small town stanford, florida. my friends flew from south africa, dallas, all over to be there with me. >> jesse: how did you consummate the marriage? [laughter] >> that's none of your business. >> jesse: so, do you have a prenup with yourself? >> no. i do not have a prenup with myself. >> jesse: okay. if you were to get divorced, how would you go about doing that? is this a legal arrangement?
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>> so, self-love and traditional romantic love is not the same thing. i don't think that people need to divorce themselves in order to be married to someone else. i think people who are married in traditional marriages should also have self-love. >> jesse: what happens if a nice, tall drink of water with great hair and great suit just strolled on by and you forgot all about yourself and fell in love with this other person? what happens next, danni? >> i don't want to be in love with anyone that requires me to forget about myself. but i would vet him and see if he was a quality match and aligns with my values and we will get married. >> jesse: oh, so you would cheat on yourself and run away with someone else? >> self-love does not mean that you are cheating on yourself. >> jesse: okay. >> but there are married people who cheat, right? >> jesse: that is true. >> okay.
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i just wanted to make sure. >> jesse: yes. that is a fact. my ultimate question though, danni is why? >> well, i decided to marry myself because i went through a traumatic childhood and i just went through this therapeutic process. and i told my therapist like when i was a little girl i wanted to marry myself in and i couldn't do it. and after covid i was like i'm going to do it. i'm turning 30. this is my moment to start life all over again. >> jesse: if you start hating yourself, do you go to marriage counseling. >> well, i'm still in therapy. >> jesse: that doesn't surprise me, danni. >> you should get some, too. >> jesse: trust me, i have been in therapy my whole life. [laughter] >> okay. >> jesse: all right, danni, listen, i don't know what to make of this. i think it's crazy they call it
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slogomy. tomato, toe mat toe, i don't know what to think of this. i'm glad you are open to normal relationships. it gives men all across america hope, too. i think you are a catch, danni. >> thank you so much. >> jesse: all right. have a good one. >> you too, bye-bye. >> jesse: coming up, what do people think of electric school buses? >> charging station? >> no. >> what about you? you are excited? >> no. ♪ baby, keep on riding now. ♪ ♪ hey, hey ♪ you got to ride. ♪ serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,
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had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save.
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>> jesse: joe biden's green new deal's coming to new jersey. he just gave the state $44 million for electric bus charging stations. so johnny went to newark to find out how excited everybody was. ♪ >> joe biden's giving this place $44 million! >> woo! >> woo! >> 44 million, yay! >> thank you so much, joe. >> we did did it, joe. >> $44 million is a lot of money. what do you guys need. >> cheaper food. >> cheaper gas. >> for them to clean up the drugs off the street. >> youth programs out here for
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kids. >> i would like a pool hall. >> help with the police so we can get it more safer out here. >> so you don't want to defund the police. >> not really, we need them. >> well, sorry, he's spending it all on an electric bus charging station. >> you serious? what's that supposed to do. >> go figure. >> oh, no. that sucks. for electric bus station, hey i need the outlet. anyway. >> hey how you doing. >> haven't you always wanted an electric bus charging station? >> hell no. why would i want that what's that gonna do. >> i barely catch the bus. >> hey, hey, wait! >> you can file. >> i can fight. >> it's electric. >> boogie. >> you can't do without it, it's electric ♪ >> you excited for the electric bus charging station. >> i don't really care. >> are you excited for the electric bus charging station. >> no. >> what about you you excited? no, you're lying. >> liar!
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liar! >> i thought this was a democrat town. what's joe biden doing. >> messing up. >> not helping us. >> shush up, oh can? thank you. >> what is he doing? he doing nothing. look. look around. what is he doing. >> i see trash on the ground there, trash on the ground there but you guys are getting an electric bus charging station. >> we don't need that [bleep]. that's to benefit him not us. >> kamala harris loves electric buses. >> we don't need that kamala. >> kamala. >> kamala. >> pronounced kamala. >> she loves her people. >> wheels on the bus go rounds and round ♪ >> in all seriousness, how excited are you to go green? >> what's to be excited for. >> they say it's good for the environment but you know what's required to charge these buses? >> what? >> coal. >> coal? what? >> wow. yeah? crazy. >> so where you going to get that from. >> your stocking. >> i have been a bad girl.
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>> johnny. ♪ >> joe biden's spending our money in all the wrong places. what's your message to him? >> maybe if he come and see how it is maybe he'll know what to spend the money on. >> get his [bleep] out the office. >> we don't need electric buses nobody cares about going green. >> joe biden says if you don't support him, then you ain't black. >> that sounds a bit racist. >> well, then i guess i ain't black i'm green. >> he's exciteded that you're going green. >> what color got to do with it i can be purple, orange whatever. >> if you don't love me because i'm black, then you need this. >> what a disgusting assertion. ♪ >> you're going to be on jesse watters prime time what do you want to tell jesse. >> jesse you made me very angry. >> hey jesse, how you doing? nice to meet you through the camera. all right, that's it.
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>> jesse: first of all, most importantly, happy birthday emma. i'm not even going to tell you how -- i mean, she probably wouldn't mind if i said her age because she's -- look at her, so young. i love you so much. great wife, great mother, and we're going out to dinner now. very excited. happy birthday baby. love you. let's do some text messages. rick from newport beach california, the media wants to know why desantis isn't taking questions but never once did they ask that of biden. great point. there are smart people in california. love newport. >> ed from reading pennsylvania, biden's better at hiding than jimmy hoffa. watch that on fox nation >> jay from davis california. are we sure joe didn't trip over a box of his classified documents? he got sand bagged.
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kamala, i don't think she has an alibi. >> paul from houston texas. so millions of people are escaping central america just so the mexican president can come around and tell them who to vote for? yeah, this seems like a big illegal vote scheme. i scratch my back, you scratch yours, the cartels get rich and we die. >> cecil from by land texas, maybe the reece ann joe is cozying up is because he was trying to get dr. jill a refresher course in spanish. send us more tacos. what did she call those things? breakfast tacos. fred from north carolina, jesse, the big guy must be getting 10% in pesos from mexican cartels. >> at this point pesos are probably stronger than a dollar. >> kayman from chicago, what's up caveman, he's wrong prime
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time will get a pulitzer prize for their reporting. are you kidding me? have you seen what clay wears? you trust a guy who dresses like a used car salesman. >> mitch, i'm sure the irs is all over your guest to marry herself. >> yes, is she filing jointly? >> chris from new jersey, jesse, did you know dennis rodman married himself in 1996. real story. >> i had no idea. you mean is that when he was in the wedding dress with the pink hair and the leadership ring? i thought that was the carmen electra wedding. wait he chose to marry himself rather than carmen electra? >> from new jersey, marrying yourself sounds a novel idea i'll have to talk my wife into it. you're in trouble >> steve from massachusetts, happy birthday emma, now go home jesse to help cut the cake.
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we're going out. do you think i'm going to make emma cook on her own birthday? actually she does -- maybe i should cancel the reservations and make emma cook me dinner for her birthday. that will be marrying myself. that's you will for tonight, watch the trump town hall at 9:00 with hannity and always remember i'm watters and this is my world. ♪ >> joey: good evening, welcome to fox news tonight, i'm joey jones. joe biden's been falling in the polls and now he's falling in real life again, too. we'll have more on joe biden's embarrassing tumble later but first, you may see the rampant idiocy in attacking towns and cities across the country and ask yourself, what in the hell is going on. i sure do. is this just the signs of the times or is there more to it? maybe this is exactly what our leaders want, to break our spirit


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