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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  June 3, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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yes, you are the best! you are the best! [laughter] do it now? holy cow, secret mission. i got my shower we have not shot rachel. have a great saturday everybody. see you tomorrow. ♪. neil: all right, time for a little candidate dunking if you will be the blitzes on for the 2024 field as it keeps growing and growing former new jersey governor chris christie former vice president mike pence. also north dakota governor doug all expected to jump in formally next week as presidential candidates themselves. the hopefuls hit iowa today we are all over what is at stake in the hawkeye state. we are all over a new push for a big business leader to take on a president biden. gosh, that is not happened since
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donald trump in 2016. one billionaire said one ceo jamie dimon perfectly fits the bill for a job support smashing expectations, is beating joe biden going to prove an uphill battle question political storm story tropical storm the first named a storm of the hurricane season churning up the coast of florida. we are tracking arlene and the surge that has been coming with it. welcome everyone i am neil cavuto. in the meantime were going to iowa a lot of the contenders are gathering today. an event no prospective white house bidder can pass up on. let's go to rich hudson in des moines with more. >> hey good morning it's the annual roast and ride fundraiser. look to the roast apart with the barbecue a couple hours now behind me at the harley place this is the right portion. we are about 12 minutes from the iowa fairgrounds i'm sure some of these cover that territory much faster than that.
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we are going here for most of the republican field once we are there giving a handful of speeches at the iowa fairgrounds afraid you're going to hear from tim scott, asa hutchinson the former governor of arkansas. larry elder, perry johnson, businessman vivek ramaswamy. mike pence deployment by president he is going to be here riding a harley himself from here only to the iowa fairgrounds before he gives his speech former un ambassador nikki haley former governor of florida ron desantis. for some of the past week it was the trump/desantis show in iowa. the state's argument next republican president needs to full terms to curb the federal government. trump shot back said he could take care of in the first six months. desantis says that's nonsense ready handle other cats are trying to break their trump asked what the purpose was of some of these other candidates getting into the race. he talked about hutchinson former new jersey governor chris christie. more are jumping in like
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christie. member back in 2016 he ran in the republican field, dropped out and endorsed the trump is now a critic former vice president mike thence former north dakota governor doug burgum are all jumping in the race the next few days. got the polls essentially former president trump present joe biden leading in their prospective primaries. there is a story in the wall street journal that wall street does not like that. they do not like that choice. it's showing general motors. of 2020 with that were hearing all about possibly jamie dimon getting into the race we suggested he may be interested in serving a different capacity. j.p. morgan ceo. he said he thanks diamond. [inaudible] for today i don't think either will be getting on a harley behind me unfortunately.
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back to you. neil: i apologize my friend were having some problems there audio there. that should be an interesting event going on in the buckeye state. juliet manchester with snl on the hilt national politics reporter. you have the math are better than i. we are closing in on the possibility of this field of republican candidates being every bit as big and maybe even bigger than 2016 if you include those considering a run. what you make of it? >> a cup kinda brings him back to 2015 the following fox news held the first year of the primary debate. there are two debate stages. there is a pre-debate with candidates who are not pulling as high. then there was of course the primetime show. i am curious to see if we'll see any of that in the upcoming rmc debate some republican national committee recently released their polling and fundraising criteria. a lot of candidates say they have met that criteria including
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vivek ramaswamy who just said on twitter he has met that cri criteria. another point it brings up in my head is does this help donald trump? we saw in 2016 he sort of let the others almost cannibalize themselves or duke it out. he was able to get a plurality and go straight to the nomination. we'll see if the same case here. if it is anything like 2016 that might be working in trump's favor. neil: is trying to follow the money these guys are raising it. i'm a nerd here in fox's you know you've always been patient with that. by my methods more than $40 million raised by the likes of ron desantis if you include senator tim scott, nikki haley, in various ways and capacities their packs and what have you. that is donors betting or seeing the possibility of someone other than donald trump getting this nomination. but as you alluded to the possibility of these guys canceling themselves out.
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donald trump potentially picking them off one by one. all that money might not do any good. >> it is very true. think a lot of this has to do with the questions surrounding the grassroots and really the power of the grassroots. the big day in iowa today which is a big part of the conservative grassroots and the republican primary. that is obviously all on dis display. we know that trump, even though he is this millionaire former businessman, he certainly has a lot of pole with a republican grassroots. you saw that really mattered in 2015 and 2016 he was obviously had his own funds. i think you are going to see super pacs like never back down support ron desantis continue to raise money as his name idea grows. we are going to see all of these candidates push for that very important fundraising to grow their name idea. the fact of the matter is they are practically running against
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an incumbent a former president who has that id who has the warchest is going to be a tough pill to climb. six he has a prohibited lead in the polls as well. another thing that might be different than 2016 is the way these candidates treat donald trump. back then, if memory serves me right, i let a couple of debates at the time there was a reluctance to take him on and criticizing thinking he was not really serious. that he would not materialize as a serious candidate. it was a gloves off approach. they did not want to get into a nasty tit for tat is a primaries weight on you get a sense of a chris christie potentially in the case of ron desantis they're going to come out guns a bla blazing. it won't just be on donald trump will be on ron desantis it could get nasty. >> that is what chris christie is really hedging his run on. he wants to run as the anti- trump candidate. before trump got into the recent 2016 chris christie was known as
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the tell it like it is a party. i think he's going to try to win that sort of a label back. but what is interesting as you have desantis starting to go head-to-head with trump and hitting back at trump something we knew he was going to do. but with tim scott, nikki haley, mike pence when he gets in i think ron desantis regarding saint nikki haley start to do that, talking about desantis is a many trump. versus desantis dynamics. i am curious to see how that battle for second place ends up playing ouch. julie you are right great seeing you again have a wonderful weekend. with these potential candidates you get 15 or 16 at the rate were going, 20 at the bit of a stretch. many people are saying is not our cup of tea. we like to see a business guy
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the name jamie dimon comes up i've talked to many times over the last few decades including this little chestnut from back in 1996 when this network first started, take a look. cook short mind a nasty per personal? politics come interested? >> not really know. >> your college pals that you would be the guy for. >> then we all sit around in college which is a weaker. doesn't seem as appealing as it used to. two things i noticed there i have a far better to pay. just a month after that puberty kicked in. that's off to the races had connections and well-regarded but there's a lot of baggage a business guy running sometimes i scrutinize you in ways that success in business is not necessarily translate to success on the stump. donald trump himself people like
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ross perot in 1992 guarded 19% of the boat back than a single electoral vote. it is difficult. self is dabbled in politics who joins us right now what you think of this. a lot looking for business guy. >> whether it's republican a part of the political establishment they want a new direction. it's feeling you had back in 1976 with a rush of jimmy ca carter. ronald reagan was considered an outsider in the heat been governor california in the late 1970s. the democrats that he be the easiest candidate to beat. but the people wanted an outsider. and he became a great president for this talk about jamie dimon i think you have some other names floating around as well.
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people want not connected as the mess of the political establishment in washington on both sides. neil: a talk to kevin o'leary about this. a lot of people do not know in this country but he was a serious consideration and almost got the head of the conservative party and cannot which the conservative party will win and a parliamentary election there but you know the rules he would be the prime minister. that was an uphill battle. he told me something about why that has certain appeal. this is kevin o'leary. >> have often told people and studying business types to rent for high office via in canada or the united states that it is not as easy. making in the political world is just not as easy as well. that is what made donald trump's victory back in 2016 so remarkable. it was so unusual. now the fact they are touting jamie dimon to run. what do you make of that? >> what you want to find in this
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i think is very interesting given the race the way it is shaping up stateside we find someone at legislative skills that are proven. has executed at a governor le level. and also some great executional skills in business. >> getting the two together which is why it is very keen on north dakota governor former businessman running for office because he had the best of both. but again it is a tough sell, what do you think? >> it is a tough sell. the things jamie dimon coming in will have to be prepared for other nasty questions. what about jeffrey epstein. you still lending to companies and fossil fuels for a you discriminating against them? what is your stand on abortion and some allow up to the time of birth reduce support that only north korea or china allows that you're going to get a lot of nasty questions for you have to be prepared for that. that's why if you go into a race not only do you have to be prepared for the hard questions, but also you have to come before
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someone who has an agenda that's not just running for the sake of running but something positive to offer as reagan did as ross perot did back in 1992 is a guy who can really fix things, get things done remember he rescued some of his work are being held in iran. so jamie dimon has got to go out there. if he does go out there what is he offering that others don't have? he is a big banker he made $35 million laster's going to question about inequality and things like that. so you better be out there establishing her own agenda or your would be eaten alive by those kinds of questions. >> it happens it is the nature of the beast it can be beastly for steve forbes always good to see you my friend, thank you very much. neil: in the meantime maybe this is all a focus on something that might not materialize that republican saying the economy is horrific and along comes a jobs report that is just off the charts. so the same guy they are focusing on for stumbling, bumbling and tripping has a jobs
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report that could get him reelected easily? we are on it after this. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. you can save $500 every month.
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hi, i'm lauren, i lost 67 pounds in 12 months on golo. golo and the release has been phenomenal in my life. it's all natural. it's not something that gives you the jitters. it makes you go through your days with energy, and you're not tired anymore, and your anxiety, everything is gone. it's definitely worth trying. it is an amazing product.
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>> at least takes could not have been higher. if we had failed to reach an agreement on the budget, there were extreme voices threatening to take america, for the first time or two and 47 year history into default on our national debt. nothing, nothing would have been more irresponsible. nothing would have been more catastrophic. thirty-six the president using a primetime address left like to say we dodged a bullet. essentially adding to that in parentheses, thanks to me of course were everywhere on the political spectrum say he was the one that buckled, there is not going to be spending cuts and tax to a debt ceiling right that's exactly what happened others was a republican could not get nearly what they want. bottom line the debt ceiling issue is behind us. when the reasons wall street was jumping yesterday on the notion
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at least default is not in the cards. right now we are hours away could be minutes away from the president signing off on all this. lucas thompson at the white house with more, hate lucas brick. >> house after the president first primetime address from the oval office last night case anybody missed the speed perhaps they're out back at the pool, grilling some kebab and hamburgers whatever have you. we have more highlights from the president's speech, here it is. >> no one got everything they want to but the people got what they needed. we averted an economic crisis for economic collapse. we are cutting spending and bringing the deficit down at the same time it's neil, not all democrats are excited is present invited. >> this is a bill that weakens us in the fight against climate change protects food away from hungry people. it makes students who are struggling on student loan debt locked in harder on making their payments. and just for the cherry on the whip cream here, it is a
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giveaway to billionaires. wesley thanks she met the cherry on top. the sermonic new information of the fbi document house republicans they alleges divided accepted a bribe as vice president. for learning this person made the allegation was a trusted fbi source. now back to the debt ceiling bill, president biden as you mention has not yet taken pen to actual paper. we think that ceremony, whatever happens could take place later today. it's at the white house right now we are not sure how this is going to go if it's going to be ceremony inside the roosevelt room in the oval office the press bullet cameras in our we should be monitoring twitter perhaps the white house will tweet this out. but to think of go beyond something on twitter but what do i know. lucas, who have the jobs report the 39000 more than the latest month. the administration click to grow that in 28 months it has generated more than 13 million
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jobs. now of course a lot of republicans point out that is a boomerang effect on people coming out of covid. and that is what has materialized. they quickly point out and say worth jobs added than any president in a four ear. ever. that's what they hang their political caps on, what is going on the jobs front precooked is no question about that. statistics can be cherry picked there's no question as county child support and white outfits every recently said about it. as you mentioned when you look at the millions of jobs lost during the pandemic right now only about 75% of those jobs have recovered. as you sell the stock market the largest one day again in the stock market since november for treatment of the market is responding to it through that feeling is behind us. the president is excited about that i'm sure the american public a lot of reviewers as well are ready to move on. >> if you think about the run up in the stock market even now that it is so strong that puts
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the federal reserve back on great height alert. far from taking a pause which they might do in june is not a guarantee for the rest of the year. >> there is no question. of course inflation still a major issue we do not have tell our viewers you feel every time you go to a restaurant, put gas in your car, go to a grocery store may be a bar to get a pop than a burger it costs a lot more that you choose. neil: ensure you are aware of the price and italian sausage and heat up your grill is double from what was the year strong economic indication no question you are all over it. >> et al. goes so goes the country. alright lucas you are the best my friend britt thank you for wearing a tie you look great. lucas tomlinson. >> is adding up a little bit for. >> it looks fine looks fine. all these guys except ripping it from me. it's going to rib me about something for. >> red, white and blue today because i get it, get it. republican senator who voted for this thing in the senate.
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he did so for a specific reason. he is next. before the two shelves of tackle in the back of the liquor store, before the early mornings, and the short nights, it's
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neil: it was a hard time deep rooted republican support in the senate when it came to passing this debt default package. plenty of support in the house when all is said and done even with 71 republicans voting no. but only 17 gop type said that in the united states senate. senator mark of the beautiful state of oklahoma was one of them. sitting on the armed services committee. it's always an honor to have y you. we did that against heavy pressure from your colleagues who were bemoaning even with the 3% for defense.
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represent a cup for defense. how do you explain your yes but to them? >> have been in business for whole life. they have to learn to negotiate. we start negotiating after the cards you're dealt the best possible outcome. limit one leg of the three legged stool. kevin mccarthy was up against biden. son a perfect bill by any stretch. considering the outcome that we had, listed we negotiate the largest deficit cut in u.s. history. we actually negotiated work requirements for the democrats said they would never touch work requirements. we made it a requirement what able-bodied individuals have to go work. that seems like a strange way to do it but it is true. we required student loans to be paid back. for the biden administration in the democrats wanted to do away with repaying student loans for that is the two -- $5 billion.
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we also cut the irs by $1.5 billion for bidding them from hiring the army of irs agents. and as i said before the bill is not perfect but considering or we are at it is the best possible outcome we could get was some real conservative wins. neil: maybe what i don't understand maybe can help me with this for there are provisos in the debt limit spending increases one or 2% of the next couple of years. how do you stick to that? it sounds like one of my diet commitments. [laughter] i'm not one of anything fattening for the next two years, good luck with that. what are the enforcement provisions to make sure everyone to sign off on this makes good on this? >> the 1% provision is really good for only the remainder of the rest of this congress. but, also states is if you are not able to hit all 12 appropriation bills which is difficult for the house to get in the senate to get all bills
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it automatically triggers a 1% cut. there is provisions in the next congress but not this congress, the next congress they can pass another bill to go around it. we cannot behold one congress to the next. however it does trigger them to receptive deficit spending that they do. that will be difficult. but always pass laws to go around a law that was passed. >> are in the senate server, there is a move afoot among some of the more conservative members not at all happy with the deal that kevin mccarthy scored. a couple are looking for his head. they want to vacate his seat like now, what you think of that? >> these are individuals who want attention. they are screaming up financing look at me, look at me, look at me but nothing is ever going to be perfect for them nothing is going to be pure enough but they want to be in front of a television so they can be the person getting the news. it is observed going to replace peter cap mccarthy.
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he has been able to deliver unto big bills already this year. that is made considering what he hasn't done with the small majority. i'm by the way to look the individuals calling for his head you will see a lot of times they are voting with aoc and elizabeth warren. they're on the outer fringes they are always as i said, they are simply just wanting attention. one of the biggest ones out there are bob gooden can about i hate to call them by name but it is true. what is that they are looking for? what outcome do they think will be perfect that they could get signed into law? that is what it is. imperfection. if this bill was in 2025 and we have the white house and we had the senate and the house i would expect a much different bill. in the circumstances we are in, what do they think they could've got passed and signed into law several conservative wins? >> let me ask you vent about some the presidential candidates running in your party, senator.
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i believe donald trump it said about a month ago when asked on this question about how far republicans hold democrats feet to the fire and spending cuts he said then you default. that is an option. there is also governor desantis to criticize this package as being a disaster it perpetuates more spending in washington. think of both men's comments? >> i have not talked to desantis president trump and i talked multiple times. he was like listen if we don't get the deal we want the best deal we can possibly get. reminisced -- he is the dealmaker he has how to do that. we need to make sure we get the best deal possible if we do not get the best deal possible we need to be willing to walk away from the table. i agree with what his statement is. i went into negotiation deals i wanted 110% but i would walk away at 69 but i would accept 70. that is what heat was meaning as far as desantis appeared.
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>> to think the default threat was just that? it's not really embracing back. >> of the democrats wanted a clean debt limit remember this of the democrats wanted. they wanted a clean debt limit increase. and actually some of them wanted to do with the to do it automatic. that is where he was saying before we do that we've got to be willing to develop. i agree with that. we were never going to accept a clean debt limit and do it with a automatic pilot. that is unacceptable quickly got today are we got yesterday was acceptable for real quickly ron desantis comments? >> i have not talked to run. i really do not know what he was trying to get too. i have not had a conversation with ron in a few years. neil: got it, it's donald trump your candidate your choice by the way? >> absolutely endorsed him long time ago. a good friend of mine. tell people i endorsed him because he is a true friend of
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mine. my son got injured in 2020 he took a special interest, actually came to california and saw him when he's going through cognitive rehabilitation. we developed a very strong friendship. and i tell you what, i would take a bullet for the guy for quicksort senator well explained i appreciate it. senator, thank you. meanwhile the buzz has some worrying about the biz. the chinese threatened u.s. plane over international waters. some business guys states do not let it threaten doing business. because every appliance should have a personal touch. and now, buy more save more up to an additional $1,000. [music playing]
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subject 1: cancer is a long journey. it's overwhelming, but you just have to put your mind to it and fight. subject 2: it doesn't feel good because you can't play outside with other children. subject 3: as a parent, it is your job to protect your family. but here is something that i cannot do. i cannot fix this. i don't know if my daughter is going to be able to walk. i don't know if she's going to make it till tomorrow. [music playing] interviewer: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 4: childhood cancer, there's no escaping it. but st. jude is doing the work, continually researching towards cures, giving more than just my child a chance at life.
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interviewer: please, call or go online right now and become a st. jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. subject 5: those donations really matter because we're not going to give up. and when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world. interviewer: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt. you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. subject 6: st. jude is hope. even today after losing a child, it's still about the hope of tomorrow, because. childhood cancer has to end. interviewer: please, call or go online right now. [music playing]
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for. neil: this one got a little too close for comfort. you see this, about a week ago a chinese fighter jet came perilously close to a u.s. complaint actually shook the plane and got so close. then there's land concern back and forth. they were not talking to our diplomats would not even shake our hands et cetera. a lot of business type statement essentially said let them bust but don't let it hurt our biz. lydia hu has more on that. >> and neil, as tensions rise between the u.s. and china, tesla ceo elon musk and jpmorgan chase ceo jamie dimon are separately in china business leaders and communist party officials. >> these ceos really should be allowed to speak for themselves and for their travel. there's never been some sort of fiat by the white house for the
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u.s. government that american business executives cannot travel to china and cannot conduct business as they feel it is appropriate for. >> musk reportedly met with china's ministers on commerce, industry and foreign affairs. he also shared a lavish 16 course meal with the ceo and eight major chinese battery supplier. according to chinese authorities, musk reportedly said he opposes decoupling the u.s. and chinese economies. tesla did not immediately respond to our request for comments. jamie dimon is in shanghai for the j.p. morgan annual global china summit. diamond affirms commitment to business they are saying the bank will remain in china calling for real engagement to resolve ongoing issues between the nations. some republican lawmakers called for decoupling. >> we just stopped funding the instrument of what could be our eventual demise.
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trying it makes no secret they want to be the dominant economic power in the dominant military power in the world by 2049 progress another view from some of the business community is that business leaders could possibly accomplish influence over china that washington cannot. one example, apple's rotation away from china toward india for expansion. back to you. >> thank you. right now both excellent read on the global economy. danielle, this idea we fight fire with fire when it comes to chinese maybe sweat more economic sanctions on the punishments do not allow business guy's to fool us into thinking it's good to do business with china. how do you think something like that would go? are we prepared to do that as a nation? >> i do not necessarily think that ceos job is definitively to maximize shareholder value,
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necessarily want to go there which is somewhat ironic consider the brand examples of targeted bud light. that being said at some point the nation has to come together and recognize there is a bigger overarching issue that of national security. china has said for generations is going to open up its economy to u.s. businesses and consistently failed to deliver. all they do is take a more than we are able to benefit from. but again i think business leaders have to come together politicians and address with this is which is a national security confirmed. >> i'm wondering if you >> to do that our politicians are the american people think that we get tough economically with china that will have a ramifications for americans a lot of goods there used to getting will be a lot more expensive. is that what we hold back? that odd.
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neil: we hope to fix your mic it is bad. hopefully we can do something on your end. but danielle, i went to pick up on that with you. in any kind of tough economic measures we take could boomerang on us. i don't think there explained that part of it. >> note they really aren't. in fact you would be hard-pressed given the last few years of history with china have been so tenuous and so contentious to say hey, 2022 is a record year for imports of chinese goods of five and $50 billion. we have never bought as much of the country of china in the history of trade relations between the two countries and you are right there is a lack of appreciation for the inherent inflation that would result from addressing what i agree with the national security concern. china is not on our side.
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they are fine to benefit economically from what we buy from them. but it is not a two-sided relationship. i think a really big name ceos need to be more responsible and how they portray american terms of outreach given what china has done to us. neil: i do wonder i'm not usually a black helicopter type person or alarmist but maybe china has figured we are ready for that. we are ready for whatever the u.s. can dish out first but we don't think the u.s. will do that. we are ready white literally to go more and we are willing to sacrifice all the stuff i not shake hands with u.s. diplomats even though that was a big deal yesterday but was read into that but nothing came of that. what do you make of that they have moved on the bill economically they are in a position to say screw you to us? >> i think that is a speechless argument at best for the lesson the global economy was in
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recession we had 87% the country reported from their manufacturing sectors in contraction over the past week. but the last time this happened china was able to shell out trillions of dollars buying everything from brazilian soybeans to copper from chile. that is not happening this time. they do not have the resources they portray themselves as having or you would see things like chinese shoppers in paris, in london. that is not happening either. the chinese economy it was at the lowest growth rate in 30 years and 2019 prior to covid rate do not believe in coincidences. the chinese economy has only round-trip it is not strong enough to not have the united states as a major buyer. certainly cannot afford to go to war though our administration might be in favor of that. neil: jonas i think things are good for you now i apologize for that but it seems to be your fault i will leave it at that. [laughter] let me ask you about this. obviously relations are at an all-time low between our two
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countries. i am just wondering can we have a global recovery the two biggest economies are essentially not dealing with each other? >> any breakup of relationships to cause a recession. if the much larger economic impact than any other country this is the price increase alone we would have to deal with it cause inflation, that ceos it's in their best interest to make money. don't think politicians are going to fight it too hard we are the largest investors in china now. elon musk owns a twitter he does not want that business taken away but frankly i don't if it should be taken away. if bmw goes into china and they can make cheaper cars than tesla can make, they are going to be the world leader economic cars. it's very difficult with the low cost country to not do business with them. and frankly having business if you economic letters. for all we know we cut them off 20 years ago they already would
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beat taiwan but it could backfire. if you get them too much power like germany did by getting rid of the nuclear power plants and all the sudden you are too reliant on other country they can push you around. went to have an economic relationship with a country pretty telling to be too one-sided when they get the call the shots. neil: got it, final word on that jonas. danielle, thank you. in the meantime it is hurricane season. we've got news that we have a tropical storm whirling around off the coast of florida. i wonder how that is going to affect the guy they called doctor deep-sea? he has been essentially underwater conducting all sorts of tests. close to 100 days but could this delay, here? next ♪ hit it ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪
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neil: alright, hurricane season is on the person named a storm of the season is out. but maybe not as much of a threat as she was certainly 24 hours ago. randy campbell has the latest. tractate neil, thankfully folks here in florida we are missing out from the action amount tropical depression arlene for the national weather service updated and downgraded from a tropical storm. now, let's take a look at conditions here in miami but it's looking pretty good but not for too long. we know the moisture from tropical depression arlene could fuel our summertime rainy season storms and fuel to that we are under a flood watch until this afternoon. for several parts of florida. so we know we can get several inches of rain. but another factor of this it is hurricane season. miami leaders are asking people to prepare for the season. contractor to consider are the newcomers who have not experienced a storm yet in december at the u.s. census bureau reported florida as the
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fastest-growing state. if you live here in miami you have gotten by 2017 without notable impact from a hurricane went back it for the last major direct hit was back in 1992 with category five hurricane andrew. i met one resident who has been here for two years regarding this season preparation. >> evidently as of right now i know my building you seen since hurricane operation kit. i get that in my home i'm going to start doing things their prey. >> i like to keep myself safe and always be prepared just in case you never know what's going to happen to think about my boyfriend and my three kids professional have to get out of her please you. fox all right guys, one thing the county hasn't done was send out these booklets to help people get prepared for tons of information also having a disaster kit checklist. some things being water, your medicines, nonperishable snacks if you are in a hurricane prone area or state, make sure to have one of these lists.
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neil: wide content wise words all for think everyone how that this will affect the guy they called doctor deep-sea brisbane underwater record time underwater without depressurization. that doctor was supposed to come up for air i guess early next week. what is he thinking of the storm what is he thinking of the storm estimate just ahead after this. ♪ lower your monthly payments with the three c's: pay down your credit cards, pay off your car loan, consolidate your debt with a va home loan from from newday. (woman) with verizon's new myplan, i get exactly what i want. and only pay for what i need. (man) now i'm in charge... ...of my plan. (vo) introducing myplan from verizon. you get exactly what you want and only pay for what you need. and it all starts at just $30. it's your verizon.
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six, i am passing by this starving south dakota professor make a big splash write notes on route to be in the world record actually has for time spent living underwater without depressurization. they call him doctor deep sean
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we called doctor deep-sea i think both are okay please one for 100 days. this is his last saturday underwater and now is a tropical storm just overhead. professor is kind enough to join us. how are you holding up? >> i am well thank you sir. thank you for the opportunity to interview i appreciate it if it works i'm fascinated by it. why did you do this? >> there are many reasons. there are three main. one i am a phd in biomedical engineering. i wanted to do the research that follows what happened when you have to put a human and isolate extreme environment for a long period of time second thing is outreach to the kids for science technology, engineering and math mathematics. third and final i'm talking to all of my phd and md friends who are experts in the undersea realm and we are learning about marine science and how it is affected by us as humans and then push out to the kids as well. neil: a very admirable.
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it's a tight fit it's just you, you get lonely? >> i do. i get lonely but that is part of the isolationism is truly real. i'm not totally alone i do get some visitors. but what i miss mostly is honestly the tactile touch the human touch and the connection, high-fives, and shakes that kind of thing. neil: when he went down the two begin with, professor, you get as enough food for 100 day supply where would you put it? >> no, sir. thankfully the people at marine research foundation the nonprofit are helping us with this entire endeavor. i get regular resupply is about once every three days i get food and that gets dropped off by pressurized boxes. six you get a chance to see the person who is delivering it? that would be your only chance of contact. >> oh yes, yes i see that. you deafly do see people like you on video and zoom and i also
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do get a couple of rare visitors that are phd's and mds so that we can talk about preservation and the marine environment. neil: you got a storm to contend with pretty down parade a little bit knock on what ever it should be good for your third statement re- emergency air. what if it doesn't bow? what if they tell you no professor, for safety sake we might have to keep you down a little bit longer. affect well, that might be an interesting. staying a little longer it may be very interesting and intriguing but receptive 100 day mark only because it was a line in the sand. i would stay longer and truly enjoy myself. but it is hard on the family and heart on the separation. that would be a really hard to hit. that's kind of why we planned it just at the end or start of hurricane season if you will. neil: i wish you well professor. but you are doing a lot of good helping people make sense of what it would be like in those conditions.
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doctor deep-sea. all right, in many of you want to put our politicians in some underwater cavern and leave him there for good. there out in the open a lot in iowa today the back and forth on some of the candidates entering the race including the unique fixation on one chris christie. not over his political viewpoints, over something else that seems extremely nasty, n next. it with a new one of the same make and model. get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ ...
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>> all right, 11:00 on the east coast of the united states. welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto and this is cavuto live. we're focusing iowa live today which is going to be sort of a mecca for pretty much most of the prominent presidential candidates. rich edson, our fox news senior correspondent on what shapes up to be a busy day in des moines. my friend, to you. >> okay, we're at the harley shop and 10 minutes to the iow


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