tv Fox News Tonight FOX News June 5, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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since 1937, june has been dairy month. celebrate all dairy farmers. my son definitely celebrating dairy farmers. roc-- harris faulkner is up nex. >> hello, welcome to fox news tonight. i'm harris faulkner. we are the greatest nation on earth. right now, we need to remind some folk that we belong in our given place at the top. we didn't just stumble here. we are a nation under god. we have shed our might and our grace. we have been anointed in our young nation's history to fight for, clothe, feed and pray with more people than anyone else on the planet. we know who we are.
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we just needal jolt to revive the greatness we are destined for. we are still american patriots. we've been dabbling in dangerous things of late. squashing free speech through cancel culture. losing our sovereignty by overrun borders and tolerating a white house dedicated to redefining us and daughterring up the concept of patriot. there's a realignment of our system of law and order that's hardening already violent criminals and putting enormous power in the hands of the most radical liberals. it feels like the proverbial hour is midnight. now what what happens at midnight? the new day begins.
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just when we're bending to the will of things that don't make any sense. at one of our nation's darkest hours, that's exactly when our new beginning can be forged. i can tell you this, never under estimate the next chapter for america. we are the best. while the emboldened criminals do their bidding and woke folk trying to force feed their brand of holy than thouness. they know not what they did when they went too far. they overstepped when they began to pick at and attack our faith. sometimes with violence like in the case of the transgender national terrorist audrey hale. hale and shot and killed three children and three adults at covenant christian school. christianity was a target.
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>> we feel that very strongly she went to school here in the nashville area. she went to that actual school. there's some belief there's some resentment. >> >> harris: here we are. prosecutors won't let us see a lightly redacted manifesto. parents are expecting to releasal police report. the matter goes back into court this week, june 8th. we know. faith is under attack. enough is enough. is it enough for you? it is for me. we're in a spiritual fight for the soul of america. if you think that's not true, take a look around what's going on. the devil has gotten into some people. the worse part of experiencing our country ripping at the seams is that our enemies are massing,
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[ applause ] ♪ ♪ >> >> harris: i'm not sure there's anything to say. god bless him. god bless all of us. he is supposed to be the best of us. what we gist watched is a fraction what china be, iran, russia and all the like see. add to it, our own citizens are breaking us and if you are in an independent or conservative, look at the quieting you have suffered in social media alone. a billionaire had to take over twitter to wrest it from the hands of liberals. women and children are being redesigned by some sort of mad leftist science experiment. it's as though people on the left have more free time than anybody else. they want to acronym and pronounness us to death. know this. the lord has determined i am a
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woman. my pronouns are u.s.a. our nation's soul is at stake. we really only have a couple of choices. we can be bad at protecting the greatest nation on the earth. we can be averaged at protecting the greatest nation on the earth. we can be elite at protecting the greatest nation on earth. we know who we are. we know who we are. for those who believe, we must be bold in our faith right now. when you gather in public spaces, pray thankfully over your food. i had it happen to me. i've been asked to leave an restaurant for openly bowing my head in prayer hands. in america. it's all good. they don't deserve my money
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anyway. corporations are learning that the hard way as they choose odd course of dei public relations. my faith determines my values. i hope you are living by your values and what brings you joy and peace and love. i believe people can love who they want. be free. be happy. just don't force me to bend to your will and your belief system simply because you feel a certain way. enough is enough. when biological men begin to share small restrooms and work spaces with women, it won't be because anyone asked us, actual women if we're okay with it. it's going to happen everywhere. i know this.
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my spiritual weapon is the power being in a relationship with a loving god. if we go unapologetically forward by being excellent, god will put us back together. ned ryan is the ceo of "american greatness." ned, what say you? >> i totally agree with you, harris. it's time to get back to fundamental. at this time time to celebrate and love this country. we are the greatest nation. we should celebrate the free american republic. we should be proud of it. we've had our imperfections. we are a singular nation. it's time for us to get back to the transcendent, a belief in a
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creator who's given us life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, also, property, speech and conscious. what no earthly power, gave no earthly power can take away. that's a fundamental principle. we need to start thinking about things that we need to get back to, they are fundamental to this great republic. like the rule of law. the law is king. this is one of the fundamentals in which we believe everyone should stand equal before the law and there should be equal application of the law. whether you're in the white house or at the southern border. i think these are some things that those of us who believe hav get back to these fundamentals, we should not be silent. we will not be silent. we have obligations to those who came before us. obligations to those who come after us. i'm reminded one of my favorite men in history who said, the
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lives that millions of americans unborn are dependent upon what you will decide. he said act worthy of ourselves. which we are given we should not be afraid. >> >> harris: what do you say about those who look at our situation and they don't understand who they really are or what they are part of? how absolutely exceptionally special it is to even be born here? >> i think this is shames of our education system. we have not taught actual history. which would teach us an appreciation for our self-governing republic, which will highlight the importance of individual self-governing themselves. we have done a great disservice for not teaching the greatness of this republic.
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we got to get back to those fundamentals of teaching, real actual history with all of its blemishes and accepting who we are as a people, saying we have made mistakes. we have fixed them. we are moving forward. other thing i'll say is this, i think there's a choice for the american people to decide. i truly believe decline is a choice. we choose to be great. >> >> harris: it is so true. what you're talking about when you say that we have that choice to make. it's a shared history. we need to know what we've been through together. when people say i will tell my truth. i wonder what does that mean? there's only one truth. there's your perception of may be what it is. you're not entitle to your own facts, your own history. it is what we share together. ned ryun thank you for getting
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us started tonight. god bless you. across the country are friend o, family and neighbors are fight back gets gender ideology. the latest example involves a 15-year-old student athlete in vermont named blake allen. allen was suspended about a boy being loud in a girl's volleyball locker room. allen's dad was fired for defending his daughter, blake. they sued. you know what they just did? they won. blake and her dad were just awarded $125,000 settlement. it's a victory for their values. baby steps. may be the minute hand is moving past that midnight hour i just told you about. we are glimpsing some daylight. another person who knows about fighting for free speech and faith and values is coach joe
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kennedy. he's well beyond the hour of midnight. he's basking in little bit of glory for us to see. you'll recall, he was suspended from his job as a high school assistant football coach. for praying. he took to the supreme court. it took more than seven years of making his case. he won. he has a new book out about his story. called "average joe." coach kennedy is with me now. great to see you. >> great to see you, again. >> >> harris: talk to me about being on the other side of victory that you understand how young blake and her father must be feeling? >> i know what they went through. i don't want anybody in america have to go through that. that's something nobody should be worried about especially today with the way the constitution was written.
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we all have the same freedoms. you can't take them away and give thome a certain people. nobody is special. it's just awesome to see that the courts and the law is still 100% on america's side. >> >> harris: i know that you feel that your two cases are similar. >> them having to fight for just freedom of the speech. imagine being in a locker room and having to hide yourself or worry about the things that you're in. i had to make a decision between my job and my faith. that was an easy one for me. it's discouraging to think that other people are still going through this stuff. also the school district never
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wants the responsibility for anything they did. i was reading what they wrote out to the school district. using words we tried every attempt. we tried to do this. >> harris: was that true? >> absolutely not. that's why it went on to the supreme court. it's just really sad that they can't take some kind of ownership them screwing up. >> harris: you said there's some work that we have to do. what is that work? >> now that we do have cases that we have won and everybody has been starting to stand up and waking up as americans. we see the evil and wrongness. now we have to take action. i always say that christianity is not a spectator sport. question need to keep driving forward. >> harris: step from woke and
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to being awake. >> love it. >> harris: coach joe kennedy. thank you. take care. the biden administration is erasing and tearing down american history all in the name of being more inclusive. at least that's what they are saying. a big example making big news tonight. the pentagon just changed the name one of the largest military bases. i remember it as a middle schooler. my dad you see in this picture here, god rest his soul, served at fort bragg. stay close. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin.
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we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game! cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? (woman) what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (avo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar, and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro, if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro, and call your doctor right away, if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy.
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♪ ♪ >> harris: you heard us earlier talking about shared history. a war by the most liberal americans are going against our shared history. i'm earring to why they changed name of fort bragg to fort liberty. after the other base, -- eight other bases adopt new names to make it seem more inclusive. where does it stop?
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will democrats change the name every structure after every slave owner? we're looking at the hudson river and the george washington bridge. hundreds of thousands people go across the george washington bridge connecting new jersey to new york. i'm one of them. george washington owned slaves. are they going to rename that iconic bridge too? please don't. representative michael walsh is a current colonel in the army national guard. i understand, we haven't talked about this before, you served there too. you know my dad did at fort bragg. i'm going to call it that? do you have to change? >> this is a manufactured issue. this is manufactured by activists by politicians and the by media. i served for 27 years. not once did i hear any of my green berets, anyone complain about it, say they were offended
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and saying they weren't going to stay in the army because of fort bragg or fort benning. i served with every soldier from every single background, color, creed, religion. they are proud where they serve. saying i was fort bragg soldier. i went through basic training at fort benning. what is a point of pride for every soldier that i know. not only is this a manufactured issue, it's a massive waste of taxpayer time and money for the military right now. it's one more bit of evidence that this pentagon is focused on all the wrong things rather than focused on war fighting and defending this great nation and making our enemies afraid of starting wars. >> harris: it was north of $6 million to ching this -- change this name. that's a lot of cash.
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>> i don't have a number yet. i'm hearing it's costing a lot more than that. it's costing the local communities. you have businesses, the fort benning, fort bragg barbershop or tourist sites. they're all having to rebrand many of them were opposed to it. the bigger issue is, when does this stop? you alluded to that. are we going to t tear down the jefferson memorial? you had world war ii generals who may not be slave holders but they presided over segregated military. when does this end? we've got to take a stand. it's not an issue. what is an issue is the chinese communist party. >> harris: 100%. i want to share a different perspective as a military child,
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a bragg, born and raised and transferred. when my father passed away, my sister and i received the flag. we were there for a salute to our father who had served as a combat pilot for many years. it was a beautiful short cold outdoor ceremony that had the warth of our love. i won't let anybody take those years away by renaming things that were important to my father who served at a time when this country may be was under construction as he used to say in the '60s with no colored here signs and so forth. he saw the potential in america. in he could see it then, we must believe that our shared history is worth preserving. we have to believe that. >> look, this is about how -- the military is about uniting us. itwe're all americans.
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only color we worry about is red, white and blue. this is about how we move forward. not focusing on what divided us in our past. that's why this is such a shame. >> harris: congressman michael walt dis, thank you. former fbi director james comey has been promoting he new book. he has not taken questions from the revelations of the durham report that showed dirty politics of the fbi and the d.o.j. instead, comey talked about the 2024 presidential race and even made an endorsement. because it's totally normal in a democracy or republic in our case. for former intelligence chiefs
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to endorse candidates. >> it has to be joe biden. i'm glad he's willing to serve. it has to be somebody committed to the rule of law. committed to the values of this country. i'm not talking about policy. people can disagree with policy. there are things above those disagreements. the president must be someone who abides the law in our constitution. there's no one else but joe biden. >> harris: comey says he's a republican. tammy bruce joins me now. top line thoughts on james comey hitting the book tour. >> it's almost comical. it's like a satire because of his history. these interviews nobody asked him about what he'd been accused of, his firing. he was fired. he passed on alleged classified material.
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notes that he written about president trump to the media to continue the smear against president trump. these are awful actions of someone in his position. he still has the gall to walk around and endorse as though he's a master of the universe. one thing he admitted, concerned about trump prosecuting what he said were his enemies. these are individuals who are worried about once again the -- what are they highlanding and what will the new president find. people were concerned about elon musk and what he would find at twitter. he found a lot. >> harris: it's pretty clear president biden will be running his new campaign. much like he did the last one. this is the fourth time he's run for president. he had two failed times. this guy is determined. he likes to do it from the basement of any number of
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houses. it's all funded in part by his uber rich friends like illinois governor j.p. pritzker. he's planning a major fundraiser for biden this month. does money make up the difference from the public or your contemporaries? >> it makes a difference especially for other donors. if you take the money and -- desantis and trump going through this as well. where the donors go? it's going to then limit the big money that's available for a bobby kennedy. it's going to limit money for anybody else who might be running. it sends a signal. what this tells me, he's still worried. his team is still worried about whether or not he would be the nominee and he's still fighting to become the nominee. >> harris: that's interesting.
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is there a chance he might not be? >> i think so. let's see what happens. lot of weird things have been happening. >> harris: i forgotten he fractured his foot one time, playing with a dog. that was couple of years ago. it is sad. we don't want him to be hurt. the people in his party has to see that. great to have you on the program. thank you. here's an american being a blessing to others. a louisiana man is being called a hero after he rescue an entire group of kids, people and pets from a burning building. he joins me. stay close. ♪ ♪ (vo) if you've had thyroid eye disease for years and the bags under your eyes are looking more like purses, it's not too late for another treatment option. to learn more visit that's
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this 26-year-old say says his tenderloin neighborhood is like a zombie apocalypse. he raised more than $5000. he wants out. darren, welcome to the program. you want out of tenderloin. how bad is it? >> thank you so much for having me, ms. harris. i'm witnessing in the tenderloin is fentanyl genocide. >> harris: i'm looking at the video. y not just leave all together? there are plenty of new yorkers that are faced with so much. needles in brooklyn all over the ground machine area -- ground in certain areas. >> i think it's important to understand that fentanyl is just
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not a san francisco problem alone. seems like every major city along the coast is struggling with a fentanyl epidemic. san francisco has the cheapest fentanyl in the united states of america. it's cheaper than a gallon of gasoline and a gallon of milk. i feel as if in my heart t that san francisco is truly one of the greatest cities in the world. what's happening in our community is a shame. this is the direct result of electing corrupt democrat who played profits above the family of our community. they enabled fentanyl. i feel as if progressive policy is making things progressively worse. harm reduction is actually in fact, causing more harm. any notion, otherwise is
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preposterous. many have left the city and state. i can't help but feel like if i leave san francisco that i will let these democrats win. >> harris: you found a place higher up on the hill and that slows down the drug trade in san francisco. i've been looking at your twitter. you say people seem to be under the pressure that i'm poor. i have a job and a website. i enjoy painting aillustrating and making music. -- do you think it's fair toasko you can stay in a place like that? >> well, as you and i are both aware, it's impossible to afford to move. you have to be working two or
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three jobs. my life is in danger every day that i'm living in the tenderloin. i felt as if the sooner you move the better. i was getting millions of hits online. i figure may be i can start a go fund me. i'll be able to relocate. i'm currently looking at the chinatown neighborhood. i'm open to over districts. >> harris: i know you want to go across the country covering fentanyl as a story. you have one to tell where you are. your family is in bay area. i do get it. continue to show the world the truth and stay safe. darren mark stall cup from san francisco. there are angels among us. they're not perfect. don't need more than a thank you. this guy truly blessed a house full of people. over the weekend in new orleans,
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jonathan mccray was driving down the road when he noticed smoke coming out of a house. he ran inside and started saving children, pets, adults who were inside. i loved that he told the reporters and the first responders that showed up that he was afraid of fire. jonathan mccray, who was your first thought when you saw that smoke? >> thanks for having me today i was like, this is a smoky situation. i was like, should i go in. automatically, my mind went from the car to the door. >> harris: i understand. you left your car running? >> i left it running for over an hour and a half. i realized afterwards my car was running and keys was in there. >> harris: did you have any idea? i'm think think, you got couplef
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kids and pets. there were 15 people in that house. i didn't know what i was facing. i went into grab and trying make sure people were okay. i wasn't sure. i didn't know who was in there. i seen little wing in front of the house. i said it must be a day care or something. i started grabbing people and dogs. >> harris: how close were you to the point where people might not have made it out? >> i don't think it was that close because of the timing. >> harris: how much time did you have? >> i don't think i was in the house no more than three minutes. i seen the smoke from the back. before you know it, by the time i went for the third time around, smoke was everywhere.
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>> harris: i know you don't want to be called a hero, i will call you an angel. >> thank you. l [ laughter ] >> harris: good to see you. a capital police officer is under fire after taking action against a group of singing school children. what was the threat? they were singing the national anthem and the capital as part of their choir group. the video is is now viral. we'll show you. ♪ ♪ salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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before bass pro shops even had a name, before we sold boats, and gear for hunting and camping, before the two shelves of tackle in the back of the liquor store, before the early mornings, and the short nights, before the first road trip, even the first tournament. before all of that, there was fishing, and there was dad. thanks dad, for always making the time to take me fishing.
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>> harris: a south carolina children's choir was singing the national anthem in the capital rotunda. capitol hill police shut down that like a crime. fox news kevin cork is with me. what happened? >> kind of like that old southwest airlines commercial. the capitol police said the singers with the rushing brook
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children's choir was stopped because of of miscommunication. that happened ton may 26th during a patriotic performance. this happened. ♪ ♪ >> capitol police said they weren't aware that the speakers office had approved the performance. they later said, they are not allowed to do demonstrations of music performances in the capitol. they've been invited back by kevin mccarthy the house speaker. >> harris: i saw it all over his twitter feed. somebody didn't listen to the speaker. oops. kevin, good to see you. thank you. washington d.c. politicians have ab-- their duty to protect the border.
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thousands of illegal immigrantings have been coming. senator marsha blackburn is proposing new laws that can bring accountability back to the immigration system she wants to require dna testing to deter fraud. senator ballpa -- senator black, join thank you for joining us. what we facing now? >> what we are facing is the cartels are being able to continue to push children across this border. what has happened is biden ended the dna testing. the cause of that, the cartels are using forged documents to put children with car pell -- cartel members they are trying to get in the country. we know that 30% of the children that are coming across this
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border as a family unit have no tie at all to that family. these are children that are being trafficked for the purpose of getting these cartel members into the country. the legislation that i have would criminalize child recycling. which is where they use the same child over and over. it would also require immediate deportation of anyone who refuses a dna test and if you find someone who is trafficking these children, who are not their children, then it is ten-year maximum sentence. it would require the department of homeland security to process these children when they are coming in without a family tie. >> harris: it breaks my heart
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to say dna testing. like they are cardboard. it's unbelievable. in any other part of society, i understand when you say someone is aiding and abetting in a crime. that's what it sounds like the federal government is doing through its policies with the cartel. >> this administration is doing all they can to make illegal immigration legal. whether it is saying use the app. whether it is ending title 42 4. these are all steps they are taking. they are not protecting children. they are difficult. >> harris: i know you brought the news of those 85,000 who among those who dropped in different states and cities including your own in tennessee. we know from the attorney general, merrick garland, lot of those children, thousands of them, are unaccounted for now
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inside the united states. keep us posted on what happens with this dna legislation. great to see you. thank you. joe biden is 80 years old. it's fair to wonder how much work he does on a given day? a new analysis of his schedule shed some light on his work flow. my friend, stay tuned. 'm christi. i'm retired from public health nursing and from the army reserve. my retirement funds allow me to enjoy what i love to do. as long as you can make an impact, why stop?
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hello, i'm franklin graham. you know the most valuable thing that you own? it's your soul. you have a soul. you have a spirit. and the bible tells us that we'll live as long as god lives. one day your body will die and they'll bury you. but your soul will continue to live in the presence of god in heaven. or be separated from god for eternity in hell. the choice you make today can determine where your soul will spend eternity. you know that god loves you. and he sent his son jesus christ to save us. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in him, because he took our sins to the cross, he died in our place for our sins, and god raised him to life. if you've never invited christ into your heart, into your life, you can do that right now by just praying this prayer, just saying, “god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i want to trust your son as my savior and follow him as lord from this day forward, forever”" if you prayed that prayer, call that number. god bless you.
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i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna cashback on a few other things too. starting with the sound system... curry from deep. [autotune] that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? wooooo, i like it! i'll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase, make more of what's yours. >> democrats pretend that president joe biden is in the prime of his life, but his schedule would tell a very different story. the "new york times" is reporting that president biden's staff schedules his work around a four-hour window. between noon and 4 p.m. each day. that's all he's capable of. maybe he's busy doing this.
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♪ >> man, i remember when my kids were newborns. i tried everything to get them to do that. jimmy fala is with fox across america. good to see you. >> this is a big deal. biden's campaign slogan "finish the job" should have been" finish the now." he announced a presidential campaign six weeks ago. he hasn't had an event yet. everyone campaigned harder to be president of the fantasy football league than he did to the united states. and the problem with the article for real, you can't, you know, hold his cognitive state against him if he is in fact impaired. we are not doctors and we don't know that. that being said, when you hear his staff is managing his schedule between the hours of 10 and 4 -- >> noon and 4. it is only 4 hours. >> fabulous that they are doing that for him. you know who won't do that for
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him? our enemies. we can't pretend we are living in a world where we can tell china, hey, if you don't mind, please invade taiwan between noon and 4 and preferably not on a monday because he is getting back from delaware after the three-day nap-a-thon he has. it is not okay and shame on the democrats. >> when the president is asked what his day is like he is asked about the slow start in the morning. between the time he gets up and noon, i don't even know if that is that much quality. they literally have to wait. before we go, i want you to see something because we both love donuts. it is video of a raccoon at dunkin' donuts. yeah. he went there. he is working as hard to get to that donut as president biden does to get to his scoop of ice cream if you know what i'm saying. last words. >> i love this. i love this for two reasons. one it is an adorable video. two, this is why i love the state of florida. any other state would say, that's crazy. in florida they say that's jerry! i know him at the
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mcdonald's drive-thru. >> would you be brave enough to stick it out to the raccoon? >> yes. look at the technique. every nfl running back should admire that, two hands so you don't fumble. well done, jerry. >> hey, i love it. great to have you. >> the best. >> thanks, jimmy. >> have a great evening. sean hannity is now. >> harris, thank you. if so, i am thinking imagine if it was a krispy kreme donut. i don't know. i would like to know which one the raccoon picks. >> i don't know. i can tell you that i would reach out for that. >> i would reach out for that. especially a hot one. three hours today, harris, great job. tonight another profile in courage from the "new york times." they are now all but praising joe biden's scary fall on friday and demanding patience and understanding around the, quote, complicated reality of biden's being the oldest president. coming up, newt gingrich will weigh in and address that. and 2024, presidential candidate
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