tv Hannity FOX News June 5, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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i know the mcdonald's w drive thru. i see him alouldl the time.brav i mean, would you be bravelook enough to stick that out to him? and he takes my because look to at the technique. every nfl running back shoulddo admire that. hey two hands so you don't well done, jerry. hey, i love it. great to have you best. thanks, jimmy . have a great evening. s noeverybody. it's been fun to be with you.. sean hannity is now all right. aharris, thank you . kri so i'm thinking imagine if it was a krispy kreme donuts. oh, no i i'd like to know which one theru raccoon picks. i don't know. hot but i can tell you that i did reach out to the back . i would reach out for that,s toa especially a hot one , a threert hour shoot today. great job, harris. thank you . the " all right. tonight, another profile i n courage from the new york but times. they're now all the praising p joe biden'raisins scary fallpate on friday and demanding patience and understandingiden's surrounding the , quote, complicated reality of biden's being the oldest president . now coming up, newt gingrich will weigh in an address that also 2020 four presidential
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candidatsenatoe senator tim scos will join us . he confronted the ladies of. the view today and he exposed hg their hateful rhetoric. we have full highlights coming up. also, chairman jim jordan and chairman james comey on together. they will joinchairmanes comer . coma is now preparing to hold she fbi director , chris wray, in contempt of congress. and tonight, in a possible effort to shield president biden from a congressional investigation, director wras ty is refusing 12 to hand over that official.3 ten docu, twenty three document that purportedly describes a criminal foreign bribery sch. scheme from biding his time when he was vice president .fb now, fbi officials have been in possession of these allegations since june of 2020.f they have also been in possession of biden's laptop since december of 2019il. they have seen emails and texts from hunter biden detailingto pp possible foreign payouts to the big guy and half the money going pops and complaining
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about paying for pop's home repairs. bills. now, the fbi is also fully aware of the dozens upon dozens of suspicious activity reportsbe filed to banks all linked to the biden family syndicate. yet no charges, no doj, the special counsel, no search warrants from the fbi. in fact, chris wray is now happi obstructing a congressional investigation. so you see what's happening w here. this is your two tiered systemor of now worse than ever. now, despite a mountain of evidence of public corruption,pi protfbi, the doj, they have been protecting and continue to protect the biden family, just like hillary clinton was protected in 2016. and before that, the clinton foundation was protected at a the very same time. after an unprecedented swatr pr style raid at the home ofmo former president trump, the doj is apparently moving atwhy?
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lightning speed to prosecute donald trump . whdocumenty? >> over some documents storedo t in a secure room thahst the fbi had access to months earlier at hor-a-lago from trump's time in the white house. fow today, former s attorney metp' with the special counsel, jack smith, and other doj officials and what many nowdicte believe is a precursornt to an r indictment, maybe as early as this week. according to reports has, a fedl grand jury has been hearing evidence in this case. they are expected to meet again this week. and breaking tonight, sources close to thi s program. ideratio we're also learninn g that thern is consideration of a possibleea hunter biden indictment this poe day as aayhe sam possible trump indictment. my sources say obv obviously the justice department is extremely nervous. this will be viewed properlytrio as political retribution. n th so now the question is ,n how much is politics really a factor in the biden justice department? now, of course, trump'lis lastne name or clinton or biden, he'd
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never be charged in any document probe. wouldn't have gotten raided. it would have never gotten t clas as far hillary we all know she mishandled top secret classifiedat material on private servers likely hacked by foreignco countries. s, she then deleted the thirty three thousand subpoenaed emails, white those c devices clean with something we had never heard of called . phones a had she remove sim cards from the phones and blackberries? estroyedand had them destroyed with hammers? but according to james comey jad no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges against hillary clinton. now, keep in mind, another special counsel ting joeis investigating joe bin the exact same issue except biden allegedly mishandled classified material in multiple unsecured locations. locationincluding secret documea biden's time even going back ash far from being a senator. but surprise, surprise, thater case appears to be goinge kn nowhere. there are no impending charges, no grand jur they that we know s
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and by the way, there's been noe leaks at all whatsoever. din contrast, the documenth nee investigation into donald trump has been riddled with never ending leaks. disclosures, includinguding fb d photographs from inside mar-a-lago, all designed i to embarrass and impugn the former president . this is a brazen level of political bias and corruption at the fbi and the doj.d they now, think about it. the biden doj is now preparing to charge joe biden's chief political opponent heading into an election year. donald trump with the very same crime that he himselfil is under investigation for all. whiln e biden walks away scot e free. now, that is whaxpect you would expect from a banana republic, not from the united states . and sadly, that extends far beyond donald trump . and it'suite been going on for quite some time. in 2005, you might recall housei majority leader tom delay. far left, he was indicted. he was convicted of far left
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district on bogus conspiracy charges. heentenced t was sentenced to te in prison and was forced to resign from congress before his case was overturned and acquitted. by a higher court.te that was an eight to 2 one decision. a few years later, in 2013, coe irs admitted that they were targeting conservative groups for extra scrutiny and special investigations simply because of their political affiliations. and then in 2014 gop rising star, then virginia gov. bob mcdonnell, he was indictedpo on cooked up federal corruption charges and prosecutors attempted to put mcdonnelld bars behind bars for 12 years.he he los lost his job. he lost his house.the co he lost his marriage before the u.s. supreme court overturnednanimous a convictionn that was a unanimous decision. and in 2016, donald trump and many of his associates, they were targeted by an fbi the investigation, all based on ain russia hoax, a hoaton cax propad by the clinton campaign
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and echoed all over the mainstream mob.pent countless lives were ruined. f millions of dollars was spent,nd all in legal fees.ny inclu reputations were tarnished. wa and many, including trump , witness their privacy violated iny the worst way imaginable ie case after case after case. the process is the punishment. instead of investigating real crimes and building strong cases, investigatorsg are now putting republicans and conservatives through and that means we have a two tieredn justice system. so we have a serious problem at the fbi and the doj,troy a political rot that could, destroy our republic, could shred our constitution, meaning that there is no equal justice under the law, no equal application of our laws, no self-awareness at the doj and the fbi. they think they're doing great. they're getting every republican they can and they're going after donald trump .d it the fbi, by the way, in a statement praised its commitment to accommodating coma's request while denyingoena
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a subpoena. colmer in jordan. they'll be here in a moment. we'll get the very latest. here now with reaction to today's news. senas senator ted cruz, senator , one of the brightest, best debaters, according to alan dershowitz at harvard law. you're watching this case. s, a your observations, am i right?au about a dual justice system?la is this equal justice under app the law? tion oor equal application of? our laws? >> sean ?book you're absolutely right. as you know, the last bookupt. i wrote is entitled justice corrupted how the left has weaponized the legal system. and sadly, we're seeing it come to life in technicolor. the book justice corrupted talks about how the obama justice department and the fbi e and the irs were turned into political weapons to targetrner their enemies. you just talked about loist wa. lerner. that was part of that. it parthen talks about how those career, those those vicious
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partizans burrowed into senior career positions in waged war the agencies and the deep state agr against donalded t trump during the four years trump was president . ev tried to dock i everything they could to destroy his presidency. now, those partizans are back in the open. they are brazen.e they are runningdepafbi, the bin justice department, the fbi, the irivess and sean, it gives no pleasure to say it. this attorney general, merrick the mogarland, is the most parti he is the most political attorney general in he has our nation's history. and he has corrupted the department of justic.e, has corrupted the fbi. he has corrupted the machineryyi of governmenllint and they're perfectly willing to use it. it is effectively an arm of the dnc. the hypocrisy is massive. --and mark my words, i believe merrick garland will indict donald trump . he wantsp. to indict donald him trump because he hates donald trump . he hates him. he's angry. merrick garland is angry that he wasn't confirmed to the
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supreme court. he wants to indict him . i think the plan was to indictho him over classified documentrms and then he got the enormous dom problem that joe biden seemede, to have class documents everywhere, including in. the garage by his old corvette m . i don't think merrick garland will indict trump , overclassified documents. documt here's my prediction. he'll indict trump over, quote, obstruction of justice for hiding the classified documentso . now, mind you , he's not saying the underlying classifiede to jocuments were a crime because he'd have to indict joe biden, too. he's going to instead create a crime about a non crim thee. that's going to be the basis of the indictment. and i think you're right. henter will also and don't india hunter biden, but he'lttl do iti on purely personal matters, dealing with drugs and guns and ta x issues for hunter that have nothing to do with joe biden. dojbecause this doj wants to protect and insulate t joe biden and the biden family's corruption and they wanten a to use hunter biden as.
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scapegoat to justify targeting donald trump . i want i want you to focus like a laser on this issue. -crimethat you're talking aboutn a non crime, but issuesy surrounding a crime thate, they turn criminal in, thati age being whate you believe and int think i agree with you completely that this will be swo i have nothing to do with the documents or the rate of mar-a-lago otherwise, how would you justify hillary clinton? james comey acknowledge she hada top secret classified material on her servers? no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute. how do you justifyhodo joe bide not one , not two , not three .c i think itatio was four locatio we had classified materials. imaf the special counsel made it about those issues thatu do thesica would look well, why didn't you do it to these people? there is nand there is no good r them. and what about the idea that,re okayhis, well, now that we're going to go after donald w trump this week for obstructinhr
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an investigation into whatimthey they're saying is a non crime or not one that they're going to prosecute, okay, we'll thrown you a bone and we'll arrests. hunter on lying about his gun application charges. that's that's fair. yeah. no, of course, it's not fair. m and this is something i've talked about at great length on my podcast verdict with ted cruz. we have talked aboutre i here'ss a tell the investigation into hunter biden. if ifocused t stays focused on s personal issues, if it stays focused on drug use or gun issues or things dealing with ,n look, hunter biden i is a deeple troubled soul. and the media, the corporate media is prepared to say, yeah,h you know, every family hasn. people who are struggling with addiction. >> he's someone he needs help. bu s doest the tell is , does the investigation cordon off joe biden? biden?ason we care. listen, if hunteter bir bidedend some poor schmo who had reals problems with substance abuse wouldn't be a matter of public concern.
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you and i wouldn't be talking about it. the reason that matters is , is hunter biden. the evidence suggestsuggestss, e a business of selling access to, daddy, to joe biden. selling it to enemies of america, selling it to obama. ukrathe ukrainian natural gasis. company, selling it to the chinese communist. you're going to have shortlyuser james comar and jim jordan on the show bookgettin. the house of representatives is getting ready to hold chris wray in contempt. d an why?le bicause the fbgei had a whistleblower come forward$5 i to allege that joe biden wasbe personally involved inry a five million dollar bribery scheme. co know the details or does, but i don't we don't know the details. but my understandingt from the public leaks is it did nots concern china and the fbi,t as far as we know, sat on it, didn't do anything about it, didn't investigate it. and so todayfb the fbi brought the document over to show itidel to colmer, but said it must remain confident. and apparently chairman colmer decided this is serious enough c
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the american people need to see. and so i have a message fo ray r chris wray. i've known known chris for w twenty five years. chris is not a left wings partisan. by he's a company man. he believes that he's protecting the fbimethin by circling the wagons. g, tell you something, chris . r the americthe fbi works for ta people. the american people havebi t o knowa right to have accountaby to know is there evidence thate joseph robinette biden jr., the president of the united states , was personall yery from involved in bribery fromforeign a foreign nation? don't protect the careerisans in partizans and doj instead had put the public good above parochial concerns. the american people deserve to know what is the evidence that joe biden was personallybrr involved with bribery? >>y.>> all right, senator , very powerful. senator cruz, thank you . a and tonight, the fbire, as we'vn been discussing, is in possession of a documenta allegedldocumey detailing a cril scheme from biden's timece as vice president . accordin presideg to the claims
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and what is known as an fauci3 or ten , twenty three document, biden is accused of takingexchan foreign bribes in exchange for policy decisions. culmer believes these claims are crediblee . need to be investigated.ocumen the fbi is refusing to turt na e overna the classified documentng even after a subpoena. the white house is calling this a fake factory stunt. but ife stun the document is not produced by thursday, it won't be a stunt. james come hold now promised he will hold the fbi director in contemptn contem of congress her with more house oversight committee chairman james comey along with house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan. let's talk a little bit. ch showed you the document today. you'd already seen it. congressman colmar. fbi ha but the question is , my understanding is the fbi has had this since, what, 20 , 20 ? correct me if i'm wrong and you want to know if it's beenlao investigated. >> right. cumentthis particular document s dated in 2020, but there areis notes in the document that date
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back to twenty seventeen. we believe that this human source initially informed bribe the fbi of the bribery screarym back in 2017. so my question to the fbi was,ig what exactly have you done with this accusation? because the fbi admitted that this is a highly credible in fact, one of their most highly credible human sources. they admitted thd that they hade paid this source a substantialau amount of money and he had beeni part of the bureau for 13 years, dating back to the obama administration. i and their answer to me, sean ,fn was, well, it's now part of an ongoing investigation. we don't know which investigatis . we don't kno aw wheno ac the investigation began. all we knot likew is two weeks they tried to act like thisfoex form didn't exist. isand here we are today with the fbi bringing the form to the >> j that.epresentatives jim jordan, let me bring you in here. according to news reports, all, over the country today, the arrest of donald t trump is imminent. imaybe as early as this week,er
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thursday or friday. so we hear last thursday you sent a letter to the agt eric garland demanding details about the extent of fbi involvemen involvet in the speco counsel probe that is being run by the special counsel, jack smith. >> have you hear have you hd back ?ine is now we have. it's on . but this the bottom line 201 is this never end. you go back to twenty sixteen when they use the dossier that they knew wasns garbage to go spy on presidentid trump's campaign, then they got 2018. er you got the whole mueller investigation in that election. investi2020. they suppress the one hundred biden laptop story and then ofst course in twenty , twenty two , ninety one days before the election they raised to t president trump's home. and now here we are heading into the presidential election. and you got joe biden's justice department going afterg their opponentin, the guy leadig in every single poll, and that's after alvin bragg has already indicted president trump and this family, this fani willis in george is probably going to doin
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the same thing. so it t never ends their quest. to go after president trump. and i woult d just say this abot the document on this. y crea this isn't a document that's in the possession of the fbi. this is a document they created and they created it based a on what jamie culmer just said . they had a credible source,y one of their good sources, reat who they paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, bring this information to them and thento see create this docue we want to see it. how much you want to bet thishro source is a lopht more credible than christopher steele? o createthe guy who created the. that they used to go aftere ha president trump? let a lot you this source has at more credibility, but they will not let us see this document.e i hope they do. i hope i mean, the american people, i hope they let the american people see it.te and , jim , i would argue that i don't think i think ted cruz is right. i don't think any indictment that comes this week is going thenave a thing to do about top secret or classified documents, because then you have to apply the samebiden standard to hillary and joe biden. that bring bringe bides joe bidy into that. so it's going to be okay, obstruction of justice or
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whatever a crime about a non crime. inu will you will, because if they're not going to indict on the original premise of the investigationsyou obgation,t you obstructed the investigation into the non crime allegation. ably and yeah, i think you're righte . i think that will probably obstruction on senator cruz is right. but but we know this. ght. they've started they startedo ge out trying to get president trump at 2016. here we are. eight years later and nothing has changed. it's all been baloney.ll it's all been bogus.t is and i think the american peoplec see it for what it is . james . let's talk about where your committee is ultimately headed with your investigation and okay. and let's assume that you holdrw director in contempt. >> what does that mean as of thursday? well, we're setting an example.o when we subpoena information, w there's a reason why and wecommt expect to get that information.e the house oversight committeeter was created to have oversight over the federal government ji ted cruz mentioned earlier and jim jordan talks about all the time is we hadburu these federal bureaucracies that think they're immune
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to oversight. so we're following the money. and i said this in december when we announcedmoney. the investigation, we were going to follow the money.w wee and obviously what we we sh demonstrated a few weeks agoow when we showed proof that there were many wire transfers fromn a romanian national to the bidenst family to shell companies that the biden family createdamil thi were then dispersed back down to various biden family. these pamembers. these payments were made while o ofe biden was vice president . these payments were made soon after, just days after he flew off, flew out of romania on air force to what the whistle or ina what the human informant alleged in the fbi form is exactly the same as what we saw in romania. the vice president at the time, joe biden, was in the country. t he was talking about foreign policy and then soon, soon afterwards, according to this highly credible, well-respectede
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human source. then there was a mate and it specifically detailed allegationgations that the brit be made in a way that would be very difficult to find, that they would use various bank accounts and various shell companie>> wows. >> wow.on jim jordan, the central question thaa ist i think ameria is going to be asking by the end of the week, if all these all these rumors of a pending arrest of donald trump turn to be true, is is the veryion io heart of your investigation in the judiciary committee. >> and that is is the fbi it? politicized and is the doj weaponizes? is it if you've gotten enough evidence to convince you . >> yeah,t th just look aty the durham report. he gives countless examples ofdd how they had no credible evidence, no predicate, nod no probable cause. that lost its investigatio prob in fact, there was credibleof a intelligence that came into our government that they put ind the form of a memo. they gave that memo to mr. comey and mr. strock. mr combet, mr. strock failed
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to share that memorandum with key agents working the crossfire hurricane case, working thiswhen m case. and when mr. jerm interviewed one of those agents he showed in the that e-mail the guybecamv read , the memo became visibly meset, became emotional, stepped out the room, came back in and said, i should havei seen this memo. igation. this could have changed what we were doing in that investigation. ye from them.t so, yes, there's two standards. and the peopleth at the top ofea the fbi know that was the case.n and that is not supposed to be a how it works in our great country. ja >>me i agrees with jim jordan. thank you , james comey. thank you . when we come back , senator tim scott, he joined the ladies. that hard hitting news show on abc called the view a fieryei interview. we've got the highlights and much more as we continue. >> i'm over forty five . i realize i'm no springby mai chicken . chicken . i know what'l. i've got a plan which i've got a plan which i'm sticking by doc wrote me
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is a fox news alert. i'm jackie ibanez live in new york. disturbing reports out of ukraine this hour and quite possibly a new development that could escalate an already brutal battle for the control of that war torn nation. keep now accusing russia of blowing up a major dam in a part of southern ukraine under kremlin control, as many as 10 villages downstream from the novak kafka are said to be in dangers of massive flooding over the next several hours or so. evacuations have been ordered. so far. there are no reports of deaths or injuries, but the regional military commander fears hundreds of thousands of people will be left homeless if floodwaters along the river reached the critical stage, accuses the russians of committing yet another quote. active terrorism. moscow on the other hand, claims the dam was destroyed by a series of missile strikes from ukrainian forces. ukrainian president vladimir zelensky is expected to hold an emergency meeting of his national security and
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defense council. soon footage from what appears to be a monitoring camera overlooking the dam that was circulating on social media shows. flash at explosion and then breakage of the dam. last october's lenski predicted that russia would destroy the dam in order to trigger a flood. it remains to be seen at this hour how he will respond. ukraine controls five of the six dams along the negro river. which runs from its northern border with belarus, down to the black sea . the dams are crucial for the entire country's drinking water and power supply. stick with fox news channel for more on this developing story out of the region, ths to succeed noty as possible. >> now, now, no. notably absent from today's panel was joyless. bajour, who came under fire for previous comments accusing scott of not understanding o racism. e gu >>ys remember these comments?u w and he's one of these guys. , you know, he's like clarence thomas, black republican, who believes in pullingstraps
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yourself by your bootstraps rather than, to me, understandin instead g systemic racism that african-americans face in this country. anothece ithis countr minoritiet get it. neither does clarence. right. theyand that's whyr they're republicans. >> all right. pr south carolinan to senator presidential candidate tim scott is with us with more about today's appearance. don' u liket like being lectured by a a white liberal about what it i relike to be to have an african-american experience in america. >> i read your book. i read clarence thomas i know your life story. i know clarence's life neither one of you had it easy>t in the early part of your livesr at all. >> plastic spoons, not silver spoons, but more importantly, sean , you hit the nail ext on the head. ten you imagine an extreme liberal elitist telling medy who how to be a black man in america when she's a white lady? who dresses up in blackface?e hy i can't believe the hypocrisy that comes out of that show. sometimes it is the height of hypocrisy to suggest thattheir
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i'm the exception when in fact they're policy positions of the radical left creates a ase a rule that simply says that in order for us to be successful, y you have to go to a failing school. you have to stay iu can't gon y. . you can't go uyop as higu hah am possibly can. the ladder you have to actuallyl stay at the bottom literally there, suggesting that the ruleg that they want keeps poor kids s in failing schools, keeps minorities at the bottom of a the ladder. nd theand then they remove the s of the ladder to climb. we are a meritocracy. your talent, your character,d ch your grit,arac take you as high as you're willing to climb. but according to their policies, they take the first three rungs of the ladde ladder i've got to give credit to wapi goldberg, who rightly, shthought, chastised the audience when they started to boo. and he said , now we'red going to let senator scott speak because they did attacu wt when you weren't there. i used and i think he had every right.
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to do that. lookit is no, i used to do that. it's not worthwhile to do that show for me. but what i liked about today'sed today's edition is, is they. were listening to you whether cm they wanted to or not. your message came through loud and clear. and i think it's a message thatn ,frankly, senator , transcends even race. and as much as you know, this should be the country with the ladder to success and and notti. we're not a nation of victims.el ci nation of people that can do great things, regardless of how difficult our circumstances were when we gre lw up or one hard our lives have been or some of the things we face.i hae >> absolutely.mon sois one of the things that you and i have in common is a very blue collar, everydaye out american background. you and i both had to figure out how to succeed in life, buti the conditions of america make it possible for the workingg in class person to come to the heights of being in tv.growin you can lookg at me and say, a kid growing up in a single
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parent household mired in poverty can one day be a congressman or a senator or i business owner. the answer is yes. s yes,yes, why?th because america continues to evolve in the right our direction. >> w e continue to call upon our men, our better angels. y tn we are a more perfect union las today than we were yesterday or last year. or last decade. >> we have to believe in the future of this countryould . and then lean into that future and make it what it should be .h spend more time in the windshield and less time in the rearview mirror. >> let's l talet's tk a little f about your run for president here. >> i knew because i ha interd. interviewed you and you said you were thinking about it. >> you'vy formide got pretty foe field that you're going up against. talk about the decision leadingr up to you deciding to make thisr run and what will be different,e about your campaign in your view? >> well, thank you , sean . one of the things you always should do is if you're if you're me.
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talksecondly, so s you shoulpend spend a little time praying and talking to your pastors, talking about why it'sto throw important to throw your namet. into an ever increasing hat. pie and for me, the psa overtook me. was this notion that a america can do for anyone what she's done for me. ca in i have a chance to restore hope, create opportunities and protece americt the america made me possible, made in america is my story. and once i had peace abouti that, i decided i'm not runningn against a field. i'm running to be president ofin the united states to make sure that the next generation oft thy abe american dream makes mine pale in comparison. mplishto what they're ablethe fr to accomplish. so i'm making sure that we remain the freest, fairest land on god's green earth is my objective. and i'm so thankful thatblessi e the blessing of running for president in the only country where this is possible. >>frankly, and frankly, john , the truth of my life disproves e
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every single lie from the pit he that we're hearing from the radical left. >> all right, senator , i won't give the full announcement, but thanave a town hall coming up with you and we very much looko forward to it. thanks for agreeing to do it. great job on the view today.o we and thanks for coming on to share with us. we appreciatreciate e. >> all right.'s and straight ahead tonight, biden's big fall lasfall last we is raising real concerns over his age from both sides. fo plus, a surprising endorsement for rfq jr. we'll check iningric with newt gingrich. also has a great boohas k out wn we come back . it's about winning elections. >> imagine that the night before. let me show you can point your finger and say that's the bad guy. >> wants. >> what's the secret of america? money, carlito. >> we've got to do some . >> i got to do this one thing and then i'm out.
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now are rightfully growing, that did not stop the new york times from publishing their latest puff piece,tr they laughingly called biden trim and fitim sai and said at s he has, quote, exhibited striking stamina. but even you can make it up anyway. but even the times admitted hisc age as a considerationon with staff acknowledge they trys not to bother him on weekends, and he works an average ofe of a whopping four hours a dayd. and not all are on board. former twitter ceo jack dorsey made headlines over the weekendr with his endorsement of robert f. kennedy jr., who's polling at twenty 1% consistently espn host our buddy stephen smith said wes need a new president , citingid biden's age.orro here with reaction, author of the new book out tomorrow marched to majority the real story of the republican revolution. former speaker of the house newt gingrich. i was theryou. e with you and i'm going to talk about that in a second. so i got to see that march up
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close personal. and there's a lot of lessons that can be applied today. well, he seems fit and trim and has stamina. >> second, and nobody we reallyt do have a compromised dem president at this point. >>w is iocra at so few democrate willing to say the obvious? >> i well, i mean, first of all, if you're the united states and your staff and you spend trillions of dollars, why would you go out and make an enemy when who knows what you could do to help you withwir regulations, with contracts, with a varietyactsriet of thingc so there's a huge intimidation, particularly insidtye your own party. jimmy carter, after all, beat teddy kennedy inside par the democratic party. tygerald ford beat ronald reagah very tough inside the party. the problem for biden is that week by week, he looks liket be he's less there. . and you can' t be president of the united states four hours a day.
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it's not possible.mala now, h what protects him in part is kamala harris. gges i mean, not , nobody inbetter their right mind is going to suggest that she would be a o better president than biden becausden ise four hours a day f biden is better thanit i three minutes of kamala harris would have just been possible, wouldn't you bet that gavinom p newsomroba probably on a dailype basis is getting dozens of calls, calls from peopleu reallg you really need to get in? >> oh, look, i think that's true. for four wittmer in michigan. i think it's true.f the new governor of pennsylvania. you know, there are a lot ofknoi people out there being to look and think, you know, the biden biden literally. i can't imagin how hee how he could campaign in twenty , twenty four . and i think at some point this will all catch up with him. robert kennedy. jr. may turn out to be a much bigger threat u because the american people, when there is unhappy as theyh are with biden, the numbers are devastating. they find a way to express t themselves if he's down there in the 30s or below that
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somehow they will find somebody ,even if they have to write them in. you know, inin s saoo paulo, b, one year a rhinoceros won a write in for mayor as a showing of disgust by the citizens. so if over the biden team, i'd e be kind of worried aboutod the general mood that's none building and the fact, frankly, that none of his policie s work the . they don't work on the border. they don't work on the economy.t they don't work on crime.n fore igthey're not working in foreign policy. and i think that'sk a hugthatee burden for somebody to carry nbo matter what their age is . >> let's talk about what i was honored to live through with . and that was you becomingac the republicans, taking back the house, you becoming speaker for the firsand t time n 40 years, a republican, not an easy feat. you built the foundation over years renewing american civilization evolves into the contract with america. you run on it, you pull it out of your pocket and every interview you keep those promisesiew an and you brought
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the republican party back to life. >> you know, see, how is that applicable to this upcoming presidential election? upcomingial elecin light of thet today's news that it appears the special counsel by week's end or maybe next week,ue the latest is about to indict donald trump on the issue of mar-a-lago. >> well, i mean, first of all,f, i was very honored to have you recently interviewed me for a podcast. some podcast. that i need you on your podcast. yes.ha thank thant.k you for doing tha. look, first of all, indictinge w donald trump at a moment when we know more and more and more about just how corrupt the bidens aree and the bideng o team is simply going to increase the anger of the millions of americans who e that the durham reports. right. that the fbi was corrupted, that the intelligence community was corrupted, that the current attorney generaleys is corrupt.w certainly the current secretarya
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of state who is gettin lotg a lt of money from the university of pennsylvania, probably from the chinese. what don't k we don't know, because it's all secret. i mean, all this is going to do is strengthen the notion that to be against but to be against donald trump in the republican primary is to help the lefis le and one of the things which has propped up the trump campaign v is that the choices and trump versus one of the republicans,e the choices trump or validating all of these terrible people e o are doing terrible things to america. and i thinth tk he'll just skata through it if he has anrk and indictment in new york , an indictment in d.c. with the special counsel, and then i'll assume fulton county is going h to go full forceav. i mean, you even have prosecutors running on going after one man, one organization ,one family. how problematic would that be , do you think? the general election electorate and , you know, in novembeinr o twenty , twenty four , if he's the nominee? >> i mean, first of all, if you point out to people that inn
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washington, d.c., donald. trump got five percent of the vote. now, i evef 19 out of every 20 people was against you , how can he possibly have ans pe thnest trial in front ofer a juy of his peers? thisiss is exactly what the american revolution was all about. this is the corruppower of govef the power of government to rig c the game. and in thiass case, against one particular individual. but also, let's be honest,e gone they've gone after virtually everybody who was for trump .e the effort by the fbi and the justice department intistimidate, haras and attack people who supported donald trump is stunning . we hav nothingand we've seen not in american history except for a very, very brief period undere woodrow wilson, which was later on condemned as the quote, scar. red scare. i mean, thiss is really a despicable and dangerous misuse of the government and the power of the government to her to go after somebody who , after all, is the primary political opponent.
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>> you see this. and in venezuela, you see this in zimbabwe, you see this in cuba. but to see ame it in america, i think it condemns everybodydon who's doing it basically to themselves be at risk. and i thinrisk.k a lot of them e going to end up being indicted. remember john mitchell is the only other attorney general ever to go to jail who was forui obstruction of justicece. em and and i think the current attorney general is very close to that same problem. thfband the current director of the fbi is equally close. rich andall right. newt gingrich's new book,, th by the way, applicable to this very dayst, march to the majority, the real story of the republican revolution,, hannity, .com, bookstores all across the country. mr. speaker, thank you .e come we appreciate it when we come back . co next, the left is accelerating their attacks on conservative women aftefter a years of attacking or ignoringey melania trump . all right. now, goi going after caseyu desantis. so, okay, you can go afterca people, christians,es african-american conservatives and conservative womennservati.
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attaches in seconds and holds up to heavy traffic. let fresh air in, keep bugs out available at a retailer near you . so remember how the name of o the media when donald trump was president , they either ignored or they were attacking melaniafa trump for most of her timea mo as first lady. unnow the media mob just found another target. that's the first lady ofa,caseyw florida, governor desantis, his wife, casey, who , by ththe way, for the record, recentlyt un survived breast cancer. daily beast unloadinon herg on r for wearing a jacket, promoting florida as a place where woke goes to die, calling her the wal-mart. >> melania, an attack on botho women and comparing her to lady macbeth. m and that follows a piece from politico calling casey's husband the greatest liability, blindly ambitious, the powerone.
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behind the throne. apparently, the mob,th the medi, is now threatening by driven successful women because they are conservative or are married to or with conservative men . anyway, joining us now are- erv- the host of alex alex, tommy larin. and by the way, and host charlie arnold. good to searlie you bothe,. w charlie, to start with you tonight. so, okay, three groups seem, you know, full on . no rules apply.n atta you're going to attackck christians in america, african-american conservatives polimerica and y, and you could attack the wives of conservative politicians and no political correctness, no woke standards apply. yeah, well, first of all, can we just be thankful that they didn't call herlike the target, melania? because at this point in time, that seems like it would have been a bigger insult. but to answer your question, they is really just another page out of a tired playbook. the left acting and pretending a
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like they're obsessed with women's empowerment, except when it comes to a conservativervative they woman t they deem as a threat. quite honestly, i don't careo is who you want as yourther president , but to come aftersus a woman who is a cancersfr survivor, a mother of three , a successful career woman and a trusted adviser to one of the most loved governors in our country feels like an extremely cheaof touchp shot ant to mention the out of touch disgusting job from this elitist author, because theren h are millions of hardworkingop americans in our country for bad who shop for their clothing atro wal-mart and they should never feel bad or inferior for doing s so. >> you know, tommy a, i had what became, i guess, a somewhatwith classic twitter war with jimmye fallon. he wasbecause he was making funn melania reading a children'si wa book to kids. and she hakes an accent. t and i'm like, you idiot. h that is english is her fifth or sixth language, not her first language. >> yeah. again, they will take any shot at a female fat female alsoyou a happens to be conservative. they've proven this time
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and time againr sk. th you just had senator scott on . it's the same story with him. they really don't care what your identity politics are. what they really cart moree abot is that you are conservative, o. but more importantly, that you are a conservative threat. as charlie alluded pic to ,stats they don't really pick, on republican women ifto they don't see them as a threats to the status quo, to the wokete ism, to the wolke mine virus,is that's why you see them goings e after casey desantis, because they know that not only is herku husband a threat, but she is a threat, too. but let's also talk about some of the criticisms of caseys desantis. they're saying that she is ambitious, that she is the power behind the throne. so what, sincething? when is tht a bad thing? shouldn't we be telling younge women that that'tos exactly whan they should aspire to be? because don't they applaudout, a kamala day in and day out, a woman who literally does nothing and laudas her as this feminist hero, but casey a desantis being ambitious and being the powerful woman behind the man. asw, that's an attack, an assault? >> i don't think so. i would take that as a compliment if i was casey. yeah.
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by the way, charlie, it waskimme jimmy kimmel, not fallon. ai can't keep my late night hot straight because i watch greg gutfeld , who actually beats them all, especially culburra. >> i mean, what message are we sending our young daughters? is >> i mean, i want my daughter to be strong and she is strongod ,tough, a fighter. >> and somebody sticks up for herself. yeah, absolutely. i thiny dek we look at caseyt to desantis and we we look at whether or not she is an asset l to her husband and in his political campaign to become sai president . she absolutely is .d it i mean, f. scott fitzgerald m said it best behind every great man is a great woman.rive t sho e is an absolute role model for women. who strive to be taught me,p on like you said, ambitious. she's alreado manyy put her staa on so many different policies in the state of florida while also jugglinerg so many differeh roles as a mother. i think that she does ans th typ absolute great job. right and i'd say this is the epitome of the type of woman we would want in the white house. >> all right, charlie, thank you . tommy, always great to see you . more "hannity" straight toe
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cable news. fox news channel. >> all right. programing note, we have a live. audience show this wednesday. tickets are free. way just go to hanadi .com to register. and by the way, i promise eveni you'll have fun.d we hop all right.u that's all the time. d we have left this evening. m and we hope you'll set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, news any time, all the time. fox, .com, hannity. let not your heart be trouble. laura ingraham has a big show tonight. >> laura .? do you ever wear ties any b longer or is it always going to be tieless for you from now i on ? i'm trying to figure out profe because sometimes you do still e revert back to your c your professional days when you wore ties. but now you're just doing the the casual sean hannity lookhy t, i'm trying to figure , you know, why that is . >> i have been trying to avoidt it managed. okay, making a comment on this.t and all you do is rat me out every night. yeah. i mean, they don't notice. >> yeah, well he has he has gym shorts on under that
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