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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  June 6, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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harris faulkner taking over for us. i will see you on "the five" tonight. we'll talk about governor newsom going after ron desantis as if it will hurt ron desantis. i think it actually helps him especially in the gop primary. lots more to come on "the five" tonight as well. thank you everybody. "the faulkner focus" is up next. john roberts in for harris. >> john: i'm thinking you would look good in the bat woman outfit, dana. house republicans going on offense. they plan to hold a contempt of congress vote for f.b.i. director christopher wray. it is over that document showing an alleged bribery scheming involving president biden while serving as vice president. i'm john roberts in for harris this week. harris is anchoring fox news tonight. tune in later on today. the contempt vote is on the schedule for thursday comes after weeks of the f.b.i. refusing to hand over the form
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to the house oversight committee despite a subpoena. yesterday the bureau allowed only committee chair comer a and raskin to read the document. comer said it didn't fulfill his subpoena and he got a tip the f.b.i. is actively investigating the case attached to the document. listen here. >> why do you need the document? why go forward with this when the f.b.i. says you are cooperating? >> you are supposed to take my word and the f.b.i.'s word. >> raskin says the case was opened and then shut. >> they decided there was no grounds to investigate this chain. if there is a complaint, it is with attorney general william barr, trump justice department and the team that the trump
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administration appointed to look into it. not only were there no criminal charges, there was no escalation of the f.b.i.'s investigation that was ordered by scott brady or by attorney general barr. they all signed off on ending that investigation. >> bill: sources tell fox that claim by raskin and a similar one from the white house are simply not accurate. congressman andy biggs of the oversight committee weighs in in a moment. first to griff jenkins with more. >> good morning. a lot to unpack. let's start with the document in question. known as a 1023 form dated june of 2020 alleging then vice president biden was involved in a bribery scandal. co comer and raskin saw it. >> this document is not even classified. what is the first thing that director wray said? he didn't even acknowledge whether he had it. he said he wouldn't provide it.
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i had a phone call and explained if he doesn't provide this we'll hold him in contempt. now he said yes, we do have the document but he will only show it to the chairman and ranking member. that is not how the constitution works. >> after viewing the document, comer and raskin walked away. >> the investigation is not dead. it is only the beginning. it appears this investigation is part of an ongoing investigation which i assume is in delaware. so we feel that this accusation is consistent with a pattern that we're seeing, frankly, in other countries, too. >> sources tell fox news assertions of closed case are not accurate and the document was flagged and sent to the u.s. attorney in delaware who is actively investigating to this day, including the business dealings of hunter biden. meanwhile, the white house is
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slamming it saying this is yet another stunt by comer not to conduct ill edge mat oversight but try to damage the president and get himself media attention. what's next? wray has 48 hours to produce the document and mccarthy will move forward with the contempt vote. what's unclear is chairman comer with subpoena everyone including people like scott brady who oversaw this at the d.o.j. >> bill: you said he is working in washington, d.c. >> he is in private practice in washington. perhaps he can come before the committee >> john: a lot to keep watching. let's bring in andy biggs, republican congressman of arizona member of the oversight committee and take part in the contempt vote later this week. why the need for a contempt of congress vote on wray? he did show the document to the chairman and ranking member. >> yeah but the subpoena
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required him to provide the document to the entire committee and turn it over to us and he has chosen not to do that. so people like me, i haven't seen that document. i am going on what grassley and comer told me who have seen the document. he is required. he has a congressional order and chosen not to follow it. so that's why he needs to be held in contempt quite frankly. >> john: he said/he said situation yesterday when comer said it is part of an ongoing investigation and raskin said it was looked into and they closed the case. what we have learned here at fox is that while part of that may have happened, the document was then referred to david weiss in the state of delaware looking into the whole hunter biden matter. what is your understanding of
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where this is? >> my understanding is similar to what you are reporting. it is in the hands in delaware where they are actually conducting further investigation based on, in part, on this document but on other matters as well that we have seen and that you've reported on. other things we've seen in the committee as well. >> john: we had this a second ago in griff's report but worth repeating. this is the white house response to all of this. they say this is yet another fact-free stunt staged by comer to spread innuendo and damage the president and get media attention. as senator grassley admitted, they aren't, quote, interested in whether or not the accusations are accurate, which rings even truer now that it has been reported the trump administration's justice department looked into the claim three years ago and found nothing credibleible. he cherry picked what chuck
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grassley said. what grassley said was it is not in our interest or we're not interested whether or not the accusations are accurate. what we are interested in is whether or not the f.b.i. is doing its job. it would be the f.b.i.'s job to determine whether or not the accusations contained in the form 1023 are accurate. what do you say about all that? >> yeah, i think there was cherry picking going on there. mr. raskin comes out and incredible -- i don't believe what he has to say. then the white house, they will run the spin on it. the bottom line is, we've been investigating and seen multiple documentation which indicates there is something going on there with the biden family and multiple nations and bad actors in multiple nations funneling money into various accounts and
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fictional business entities. i think it is incumbent on us in congress to get to the bottom of it. right now the f.b.i. is -- doesn't have a great reputation here on the hill. it has been dubious. we view them as being weaponized. >> john: i lot of people saw it as not a big deal. it didn't register on nightly news. network news coverage of the viewing, abc 0 minutes. cbs or nbc 0 minutes. does that surprise you? >> not at all. what you are seeing here is the media conspiracy, if you will, with the white house. they want to keep this -- a lid on this and don't want it to come out. if we get the document and it is not classified. we all get a chance to look at it guess what, they will have to
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answer to the reality and not their own spin. >> john: there is a lot of smoke at the moment. the gun on the other side of the smoke would be proof that the money that has been detailed in the suspicious activity reports and bank transfers that chairman comer has and alluded to in the 1023, if that money actually bought policy decision. does that proof exist? >> well, that's what the 1023 and why it's so important. it should lead to more and more evidence. as we're building that and looking at the sars and banking transactions we're finding more and more leads. i think we thought it would be fairly small, a small nut but as we get there, there are more and more people involved. more and more countries involved. countries we have not even named yet where you have fund transfers there. it is amazing to me how big this thing really is and this 1023
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may be the link to something that -- to joe biden. other than that right now it's the family but the family is -- there are temporal ties but needs to be further strengthening in evidentiary ties. >> john: we'll keep following it on thursday when the contempt of congress charge is pursued. congressman andy biggs of arizona. thank you for being with us. appreciate it. all right. now there is this. a whistleblower many say the very credible has come forward. he claims the federal government is covering up the fact that it has recovered -- wait for it -- multiple ufos of non-human origin. some of them intact. chad pergram with the story. this is right out of the film "independence day." >> the truth may be out there but unclear if the government is being truthful.
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a former intelligence officer contends there is hard evidence of spacecraft potentially from other worlds which the government is not being straight about. he filed a complaint alleging retaliation. >> well, you know, my whole effort on the intelligence committee has been to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and create a space where people can come forth with their stories and my hope is that he is encouraged to come to our committee and come to congress and tell his story. >> he told the debrief he prepared documents for congress better known as uaps. he said he reported to congress evidence of uap crashes going back decades. but congress has not seen any physical wreckage or non-human objects. some lawmakers are dubious. >> all i know i heard the rumor but i'm a skeptic. i'm not sure. >> the house intelligence
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committee is taking it seriously. congress convened its first hearing in ufos in five decades last year. >> we have our questions. we want to know what's out there as much as you want to know what's out there. we get the questions from you and family members and we get them night and day. not just in committee hearings. >> congress approved language in last year's defense policy bill mandating investigations of uap sightings and protects whistleblowers like this one. >> new questions are we really alone. chad, thank you. the gop primary about to get bigger today and again tomorrow. three new candidates all jumping into the race. plus reaction still pouring in after senator tim scott called out the hosts of the view in person over this comment. >> he is one of these guys who believes in pulling yourself up by your bootstraps rather than to me understanding the systemic
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racism that african-americans face in in country. >> that's a dangerous, offensive, disgusting message to send to our young people. >> john: how the audience reacted to the senator's appearance and who walked away on top.
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former new jersey governor chris christie is going to give it another shot. he is set to join a gop primary field this evening. not the only one getting in this week. former vice president mike pence scheduled to announce tomorrow and filed the paperwork to run. north dakota governor doug bug rum doing the same thing.
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>> that's not going to cut it anymore. let's get things done. in north dakota, we listen with respect and talk things out. that's how we can get america back on track. >> john: alexis mcadams is in new hampshire where christie is going to announce his campaign. >> he is expected to get on stage in new hampshire to try to convince the audience and voters watching this town hall that he has what it takes to take on former president donald trump. take a look. exactly what we know so far about the tiktok for tonight's event. he will take the stage later tonight. former new jersey governor expected to jump into the presidential race taking the stage at that town hall at the new hampshire institute of politics. he has been spending a lot more time in new hampshire.
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he spoke in 2016 campaign here. that didn't go so well and came in sixth in the primary and dropped out of the race then endorsing president donald trump. since then he has slammed the former president for everything from january 6th and even for claiming the election was stolen. they don't see eye-to-eye anymore. the former governor and federal prosecutor is taking trump on, on the debate stage. although he is not a paid assassin he knows trump better than everyone. too many candidates could be good news for donald trump. >> a large trump lane. every time a new candidate comes in -- somebody has to figure out how to take trump head on. that's what christie would like to do. >> bill: chris sununu announced he will not run for president and tweeted yesterday in a "washington post" op-ed linking that also saying he will focus
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the most important thing for him is beating trump. he doesn't want to see people who don't have a great shot get into the race just for the heck of it. back live in new hampshire once again where the former governor of new jersey will take the stage for the town hall. experts say if he gets on the debate stage and goes after donald trump it would help the other candidates running for president. john. >> john: alexis mcadams a breezy day there in new hampshire. a former communications advisor to chuck grassley and senate judiciary committee is here along with richard fowler, fox news contributor. christie is giving it another shot after sixth place finish in new hampshire. "wall street journal" says they think he is out to get trump. his 2024 mission is knocking out donald trump or does he think he can win? i'm not a paid assassin christie insisted. when you wake up for your 45th
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morning. you better think you can win. if he isn't a guided missile aimed at mr. trump is he an unguided one able to blow up florida governor ron desantis? garrett, what is his role here? >> his role will be the 1% lane. not much support for chris christie. when he left office in new jersey he had a 13% likeability rate. "wall street journal" editorial board and national review and folks who don't like president trump will cling to anyone to try to take him out. if history is our guide since 2015 we saw jeb bush, marco rubio and folks like liz cheney -- i don't think chris christie will be any different and dominates the gop field. he is beating ron desantis by over 30 points. continues to have the strongest numbers handling things like the economy. even strong issues for ron
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desantis the woke issue, polling has donald trump up over double digits over ron desantis handling that issue. hard for the candidates to get traction. he dominates the gop field now. >> why would christie be any different now? >> i don't think it will be. it is rare i agree with newt gingrich but his thoughts are spot on. the trump lane has stayed the same. as more candidates get into the on lake no more water, just candidates in the lake. this creates a problem for them. how do you break through in this media cycle where the trump lake is just so big? those voters are just so committed to him? this is the problem in the republican primaries. the first debate. donald trump might not have to be on the stage for him to have a presence because it will all be about he is not here, what
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are we debating about? it creates a problem for the entire republican field and the question every campaign should be asking themselves. how do we break through and how do we take on donald trump in a world in which his supporters are so loyal, his voters or so lawyer? we like desantis we like the other guy more. >> john: two pots. senator tim scott squaring off with the co-hosts of "the view." not holding back. >> one of the reasons i'm on the show are the comments made on the show. the only way for a young african-american kid to be successful is to be successful and not the rule. that's a dangerous, offensive, disgusting message to send to our young people today. >> do you think disney is radical left? >> they've been in a combat zone for a number of months over i thought was the right issue as relates to our young kids and what they are being indoctrinated with.
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>> no, no, no, not here. i'm sorry, sir. do not boo. >> i heard obama say that once. an op-ed after the appearance arguing what scott did was express an alternative view regarding race relations on that show. scott has directly addressed the realities of racism just not in the way that the hosts of "the view" want. scott adding this earlier today. >> i think so. one of the things that we as conservatives have to do is go where we're not invited and spend time selling our message of conservatism to people who may be inclined to say yes to our message but never had a messenger show up. >> john: he is getting booed on "the view" for saying things that people simply don't agree with but are a reflection of his truth. >> i appreciate truth and whoop owe goldberg telling folks not
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to boo. tim scott is the only african-american in american history to serve in the house of representatives and the united states senate and now to run for president. his story in itself is history making and i think acknowledging that history making. goal should be how many for tim scotts can we create. we have to have the conversation. what's the barriers? a lot of other folks from other racial groups that served in the house and senate. only one tim scott that has done that in america history. >> john: don't you have to have a tim scott to say there is an example? ben carson was an example and decided they want to pursue medicine. >> he needs to acknowledge he is the exception. >> john: if you say i'm the exception i'm the only one and nobody else can do it? >> my point that i'm trying to make when he says that of course african-american success shouldn't be an exception but the rule. in that he must acknowledge that he indeed is an exception and
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that means there is more work for us to do as a country so there are more tim scotts. >> john: jackie robinson. now there is -- >> the things he is saying about optimism, hope, opportunity, upward mobility is really good. the point he made on that show is listen, we have had an african-american president, an african-american vice president, two supreme court justices now that are african-american. we've had three in our history. jeffries, the dem minority leader african-american. we're seeing a lot of opportunity in this country. >> john: you have a perspective that we can't have. when you have a breakthrough that opens the doors for everybody else. if you keep saying you are the exception -- >> let me make my point clearly. when you have these exceptions it is important for jackson to acknowledge it so we can create more. when you deny there is an
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exception and barriers to entry. there are barriers to get black women on the supreme court you can't work on fixing the problem. by saying there are no exceptions you say there is forproblem. we can knowledge there is a problem. one black woman supreme court justice, one black man lead a major party in the chamber. three black supreme court justices total and one man both serve in the senate, house and now run for president. >> john: an interesting conversation. good to see you. presidential candidate nikki haley with a warning. she says a vote for president biden is really a vote for president harris. what the white house has to say about that. plus new york city's mayor scrambling to find housing for thousands of migrants flooding the city. critics torching the new proposal. >> the mayor is now telling hard working taxpayers that they need
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to pay so individuals who cross into our country illegally at the border can live rent free? what planet are we living on? it is outrageous. >> the mayor floating people inviting migrants into their homes. strangers. ben domenech is coming up next.
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sent from texas to the big apple. pay city homeowners to house the migrants flooding its shelter system. no word on how much homeowners would get. social media lighting up about it. one user writing start with the mayor's mansion. new york city can't get any worse. hold my beer, says eric adams. madison is outside of a hotel where migrants are staying. not going over well, it would seem. >> it is not. it is important to note it is not yet official but yes, the mayor is, as you heard, considering asking private individuals, landlords, to open up their homes to migrants before it becomes official. landlord versus tenant rights. if you live in a building for 30 days you become an official tenant. that means if you need to be evicted, if there is a problem, you have to go through an official court sequence of events. that's something the city is working on before this becomes
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official. a plan that is official announced yesterday houses of worship will be the next stage in asylum seeker housing here in new york city. 50 houses of worship or churches will house 19 migrants each. at this point, 60 have applied to be part of the program and the first ten churches will open their doors to migrants this summer. they will be joining the 143 hotels and nine relief centers housing migrants. spiritual leaders involved say it is a natural next step even if they're concerned with churches getting up to speed to be compliant with the city. >> there is real excitement around this, a degree of nervousness and trepidation about all these other -- a daunting prospect. >> churches will be compensated just as hotels like the roe hotel behind me. the reverend says churches will be hiring full-time security. overnight manager and need to
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install sprinkler systems that cost around $10,000 each. local leaders are frustrated with the city's management of funds for the crisis. >> we are seeing hotel operators, churches now and maybe even private landlords become poverty pimps profiting off this crisis in ways we haven't seen. if you own a hotel now is the time. the getting is good if you want to make a contract with new york city. >> john, right now there are around 46,000 migrants that are in the care of new york city meaning at the are receiving housing, food, education, and healthcare. i'll send it back to you. >> john: madison, thanks. ben domenech fox news contributor and editor at large of the spectator is with us. eric adams clearly overwhelmed by what is going on in his city and can't figure it out. >> absolutely overwhelmed, john.
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it is a crazy thing to see. on a certain level it is as if all these sanctuary cities are being called on their bluff. they talked the good game about offering the kinds of services that those greedy red states didn't offer to illegal migrants who are here. when they are called to provide the services they have to run to find some new solution because they don't have the capability to handle this challenge that's on their doorstep. so now effectively the mayor is turning around to anybody who has a rainbow colored sign that says no person is illegal on their front yard saying i need your help now. you have to put somebody in your basement, spare room. you will have to learn to live with this just as i have. and that's something i think is not going to be a solution that will make any new yorker happy. it certainly is not going to be something that can be done in a very clean way legally as madison was just saying. there are all sorts of different
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rights and restrictions in place for people living normally as tenants. those will have to be waived or find a way around them. it is not a long-term solution. >> john: i lived there for a while. i don't know a lot of places in new york city with basements to house a migrant. most of them are very small apartments way up high in the sky. if he is looking for extra rooms, if he is looking for basements, he will have to take his sanctuary city problems outside the city to places like white plains, to those river towns that are up and down the hudson. maybe even to rockland county. he did that once. we saw how well that worked out with folks in orangeburg. where will he put all these people? >> you are right, there is already problems when it comes to finding a normal apartment for normal people who can afford to pay rent. finding places that can house this level of migrant population
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in the new york city area is going to have very expensive, a mess and expand outside of manhattan in just the way you said. >> john: you have some basements in certain parts of queens and brooklyn as well. by and large it is all apartments. i want to move to this with you. growing concerns about president biden's age and stamina. this warning from one republican presidential candidate. listen here. >> let's be very clear. if they think it will be president biden, a vote for president biden is actually a vote for president harris. we are running against kamala harris, make no bones about it. they know it's kamala harris that will be president of the united states if joe biden wins the election. >> john: listen to this exchange and the non-answer. >> this is a president, if you look at what he has been able to do, he has been able to push forward and get done historic pieces of legislation. he has gotten more done than any
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other president. the vice president has been a partner to this president. you've seen her do that out there on the road or whether it's even here speaking to different issues that are incredibly important to the american people. >> john: asked specifically about what haley said. she again fell back on the hatch act and we won't talk about it. biden and harris face dismal numbers. a majority disapprove of what they are both doing. biden will be 82. the tables suggest he will be lucky if he makes it to the end of a second term. if he doesn't and if he falls down like he did at the air force academy and doesn't get back up again harris could become president. nobody at the white house wants the talk about that. >> it is something that hatch act excuse, by the way, is ridiculous and everyone knows
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it. fact that she continues to lean on it when it's convenient is an insult to the entire press corps. when it comes to kamala harris think about the concerns to something you were talking about. the concern with someone like harris is she didn't get there through earning it and developed and proven strength as someone who can govern and lead who could be commander-in-chief. she got there because she was chosen to check the box on minority and woman who joe biden wanted to have as being a running mate. that's the reason for the lack of confidence. if she had been someone with a proven record of being able to govern through crises. someone we could have confidence in i don't think the concerns would be as great as they are. for americans who are looking at a joe biden who will be 82 if he wins. someone unlikely to last out the
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term. all of america can see the fact he is aging in front of us. becoming the president ages you more rapidly takes away from the strength you have physically and mentally. it is a demanding job. americans are right to be turned when they go to cast their vote even for joe biden they'll end up with kamala harris, an unproven politician who has never really had to face the kind of crises that are all around us all the time at that top job. >> john: great to get together with you. good to talk to you. it was fun the other night. >> good to be with you as always. >> john: officials in peru say the prime suspect the natalee holloway's disappearance will be extradited to the u.s. on thursday. his attorney with a last-ditch effort to try to prevent it. live from alabama where van der sloot is supposed to arrive later this week. that's just ahead. in my pocket. and my service
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was my down payment. i talked with newday on a thursday, put a contract on this house on saturday. 30 days later, we were moving in. i would tell other vets out there who are dreaming of getting into a home to stop dreaming. pick up the phone. call newday. you served your country. allow newday to serve you.
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>> natalee's mother has never gotten justice despite all of
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her efforts. she never got justice and now she has the opportunity to have van der sloot here on american soil with a justice system that we for the most part trust and believe in. i can't tell you what this must mean to natalee's mother. >> john: nancy grace on the quest for justice in the 2005 disappearance of alabama teenager natalee holloway on the high land of aruba. the prime suspect challenging his extradition to the united states. his lawyer trying to stop the transfer. interpol says the transfer is set to happen thursday. van der sloot is jailed in peru for an unrelated murder. charles watson in birmingham, alabama with the latest. what are we looking at later this week? >> john, van der sloot's attorney has filed a petition to try to prevent the government of
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peru to surrender him to u.s. authorities. we got an opportunity to look at the petition this morning and it claims peruvian officials never told van der sloot he had a temporary extradition process out against him. because of that his right to effective procedural and due process is affected. van der sloot's attorney says it is an effort he is working on with dutch embassy official eaves who visited van der sloot in prison monday and advised him against going to the u.s. they don't think the dutch national will get a fair trial here. at this point van der sloot is refusing to sign his emergency passport while this petition makes its way through the peru courts. we first learned of this hours after the head of peru's prison system told the associated press that van der sloot would be turned over to interpol on thursday and later put on a plane heading to the u.s. van der sloot, the prime suspect in natalee holloway's disappearance in aruba in 2005
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is facing wire fraud and extortion charges in the u.s. for an alleged scheme to take $250,000 from the mother of the alabama teenager in exchange for what prosecutors say turned out to be false information about holloway's whereabouts. we spoke to ward, a private investigator for the family. he says the family just wants to know where natalee is. >> there is overwhelming evidence which was put together in 2010 when he extorted natalee's mother. if he would just tell the truth and bring closure to this family, i think it will be a lot easier on him and may be a negotiation tool, as i said, for him for a lesser sentence. >> so, john, it is unclear at the moment if this petition in the peru courts will actually stop this temporary surrender. but the holloway family certainly wants van der sloot here in the u.s. to get some type of justice. that may have to wait a little
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longer, though. >> john: charles watson in alabama. let's bring in phil holloway, no relation to natalee's family. phil, van der sloot said not too long ago i want to go to the u.s. suddenly after meeting with embassy officials he says i don't want to go to the u.s. what's going on here? >> great to be with you. a habeas corpus is a legal mechanism designed to either challenge the conditions of confinement or the legality of the confinement. there is nothing illegal about van der sloot's confinement. he was convicted in peru of murder. he has been indicted in the united states. when he arrives in the united states, his confinement here will be entirely lawful. this is a long shot. a hail mary attempt for him to escape the justice that natalee holloway's family so desperately deserves. listen, nobody else is probably
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ever going to stand trial for any other crimes related to natalee holloway's murder in aruba. most likely. this is as close as we're going to get. this gives natalee holloway's family the opportunity to have him on u.s. soil in a u.s. courtroom and look him right in the eye, and to say to him look, we don't like what you did. we are victims here and we are going to hold you accountable. that's what this is all about. >> john: as you heard charles watson say the family wants to know where natalee's body is or what happened to her. do you think in the course of a trial about wire fraud and extortion those facts could come out? >> it's possible. we don't know what the actual evidence that will be presented will be. we've seen the indictment. it is straight forward. we don't know what type of
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defense, if any, van der sloot would put up. but this is really, i think, about his imprisonment more so than actually finding answers, which would be nice. he presumably can outlive the length of his sentence if peru, john. he might be a free man but for this case here in the united states. this is the opportunity that the united states has to make sure that this person never breathes free air again. that, i think, is the true meaning and purpose behind this indictment. that's the true measure of justice that the family of natalee holloway can look forward to. >> john: 30 seconds left here. in terms of the sentencing, extortion federal charge carries a one-year sentence. wire fraud carries potentially 20. he might go away for a long time. if he is convicted and sentenced here does he serve the sentence in peru and then come back here? >> that's entirely possible and conceivable the judge if found guilty can craft a sentence that
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doesn't begin until he is released from the peruvian prison. >> john: we'll follow it and see what happens. thanks. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." harris will be doing "fox news tonight" at 8:00 p.m.enter i will see you on "america reports." "outnumbered" coming up right after the break. (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? (woman) what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (avo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar, and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%.
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plus people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro, if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro, and call your doctor right away, if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (avo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro.
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9:00 am
>> hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered," i'm emily compagno, here with my co-host kayleigh mcenany and fox business correspondent gerri willis, vice opinion of coin, cassie smedile and douglas murray. we begin with whistleblower shocking new claims about our country's research into ufo's.


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