tv Gutfeld FOX News June 7, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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arena last night. >> there was a very around 1:00 a.m. local arena to make its way into the night to go. >> want to be right?he oh, i love that. get her a contract. goo that's good. that's that's it, gutfield take its from here. [music] >> greg: why do i do this every night? happy, happy tuesday, everybody. ouch, indeed. somebody just got stabbed, it's new york city. the city is getting a lot of new faces, all those illegal aliens
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joe biden invited in, they're here. i haven't seen this many single men since they dug up kat's backyard. biting him in the ass, like he's backed into a hungry brian steltzer. faith-based spaces for fans will shelter up to 19 single adult illegal aliens each, that's 50 times 19. what does that amount to, kat? >> just kidding! >> greg: i'm sorry. unnecessary, really. we'll have a meeting after. i think that is less than a thousand, last week over twice that many arrived in new york. any other bright ideas, mr. mayor? do you have a vision? >> it is my vision toic tathe
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next step to this faith-based locales and then move to private residents. there are residents who are suffering right now because of economic challenges. they have spare rooms. they have locales. we can find way to get over 30-day rules. >> greg: you got that, move migrants to homes where current residents are already suffering. i hope it doesn't cost $4.2 billion. >> we can take the $4.2 billion and put back in the pockets of everyday new yorkers, everyday houses of worship, instead of corporations and some corporations are outside the city. >> greg: $4.2 billion, maybe 4.3 billion. who is counting? we are and that's a load.
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we will pay that to lead dudes crash on your couch. have you seen the hotel conditions where the migrants are currently staying? almost as disgusting a my toilet after eating a gallon of rocky road. i'm lactose intolerant. couldn't you already do that? how does that work? adams expects you to allow a strange to take your son's top bunk bed. good old days, sent migrants upstate to canada, but once they heard nickelback, they wanted to be shipped to greenland. they like pretending they will help, but they don't. like when i pretend to lift when
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i'm a palbearer. respect mayor adams for walking the walk. how about the mayor's house? it has spare rooms, i'm sure. when asked about it, he said, if it doesn't go against legal protocol, i don't have a problem if i can put a family in gracy mansion. just dump water on de blasio so they will leave. when do we stop pay something how many do we take in? can you kick them out if they keep eating your funyuns? have we lost our damn minds. if some process could deal with illegal immigration, like maybe a wall or follow the damn laws. on the other coast, sacramento is freaking out over 16 illegals
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flown in on a private jet. first of all, a private jet. i've seen 16 in a flat-bed truck, now the dems hair is onir foo, especially this guys, which makes sense. maybe stop putting ael grease in your hair. guess who he is blaming, ron desantis, you small pathetic man, this is not martha's vineyard, kidnapping charges? can you imagine calling the governor of the most successful state pathetic? like a last-place team jeering the league champs. i would be more specific, but i know nothing about sports. he's calling private jets that people willingly get on as kidnapping, guess that makes our entire airline industry -- secretly in the dead of night. the problem of gain have, has
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residents are flying, too, straight out of california. they will change the motto from the golden state to the golden shower state. ouch. don't worry gavin, as soon as the 16 illegals get there and see the squalor, they will head to florida, too. when desantis does it, it is hate crime and the white house is happy to echo that notion. i've said from this podium, bussing or flying migrants around the country without coordination with the federal government, we've talked about this, state or local officials, is dangerous and unacceptable. you are putting people's lives at risk and dangerous and unacceptable because you are putting pressure on states and local areas. >> greg: oh, she's stupid. [laughter]
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>> greg: unintentionally honest, though. the message is clear, if you live in a border state, good luck to you. don't you dare drop them off in blood cities because that is dangerous and funny how honest that really is. [cheering] >> greg: welcome tonight's guest, former michigan gop candidate tudor dixon. and just don't ask him where that finger has been. oh, now you don't put up your finger. it is there, it is coming. host of "fox across america," jimmy failla. his act comes with a warning, may kouz drowsiness, comedian joe mackey. and like a warm, summer evening,
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she attracts bugs. fox contributor kat timpf. how you doing, joe? >> joe: not too shabby. how you doing? >> greg: great. you got your collar popped. >> like elvis's 68th comeback. >> greg: you look like you are starring in "mild hog." i like it, though. says liberaci's -- >> i look like someone who doesn't belong around children, the moment i put it on. >> greg: would you be comfortable housing illegal migrants in your home? >> greg, it could be a bad situation for everybody going forward. what if i have a lady over and things are getting amorous?
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i can't have my style cramped. plus, what if i like to walk around naked and enjoy country music? they will not enjoy that. fascinating situation issue the left is surprised anything has consequences, like open borders, people might cross them. if you give people free crack pipes, somebody might enjoy delicious crack. >> greg: i enjoy tudor dixon enjoying something you said, right? i saw your face. country music line made you nauseous. >> tudor: yes, i thought this could be so dangerous for the new yorkers, but then i realized it could be dangerous for the migrants. they could end up with this, how bad could that be? it is dangerous either way.
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being honest about this and think about this, you are talking about putting people into someone's home who admitted these people are vulnerable. vulnerable people. i don't know how they have an extra room, where are they putting them? it is foster care for undocumented citizens, illegal aliens, whatever you want to call it. it is incredibly dangerous. just own a room in your home. i have all this money, just take it. >> greg: by the way, the money then becomes incentive, if you do $125 a day, $3500 a month per person. $3500 a month, almost as much as i make in a day. >> tudor: it is very reminiscent of paying nursing homes to take patients. look how that turned out. >> greg: boom. speaking of opposite, jimmy,
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should we give mayor adams credit? unlike gavin newsom, he's saying, okay, i'm not crazy about being sanctuary city, i am a sanctuary city, i doll my best. >> jimmy: look at positive, looking at great "friends" "amigos," and you can play the game, pin the tail or red rover, they sent everybody over thchl is conseof actions and now they are trying to abandon it. there are people on the terror watch list, not all good people coming over. how does that conversation go with your kids. you kids always wanted a big brother and he likes to fly, do you like to fly? it is bad, that was dark.
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>> greg: it's okay. kat, this kidnapping line, is gavin newsom really stupid to actually say, was he like, does he believe this is kidnapping? >> i don't think he came up with it, somebody else called it kidnapping, that makes you sound passionate. i don't think he does, how much of the things they say do politicians overall generally believe? i think they want the fiery hot takes. i don't know, i think a lot of issues come with the fact they are incentives and not migrants themselves. it is economic issues. idea of housing, i knew eric adams was out of touch, but idea of housing a migrant in your house, who in manhattan has a house?
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>> greg: true. >> where? i can't even do a youtube aerobics video in my apartment without bruising myself all over because i'm kicking it all the time. i tried. >> greg: $3500 a month, just take in five people, that is like 18,000 a month. you are almost rich. in theory, the money makes sense, but who is paying for their groceries if they are eating the food or wearing your clothes? think about the spin-off porn, debbie does dominican republic. think of where this is going. >> greg: what you are talking about, though, squatters. you can't get rid of people that actually rents, what happen here? >> you will never get them out. so stupid. >> greg: up next, a
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it's mine. you, ok? yeah, are you ok? we're fine. my serve. maybe we should stop. this pinewood pickleball champ stops for no one. we got our melons checked. she had a concussion. admitting i was wrong is worse than losing at pickleball. saving your brain is a definite win. don't mess with your melon. if you hit it, get it checked.
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>> greg: round of applause. smattering. here we go. so here we go again. about the little green men. air force vet david grusch is blowing the whistle on a top secret ufo program that the military is supposedly running. he worked for national geo-spatial intelligence agency or gpoc. and said the government is hiding stuff from us regarding unidentified flying objects which are called unidentified ariel phenomena. apparently this is so top secret, president biden has offered to hide in his garage
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next to the corvette. david grusch claims this is a program for crash landed and been able to maintain nancy pelosi's face. i honestly didn't see that one coming. here is grusch. these are retrieving technical videos, call it spacecraft if you will. no kidding, nonhuman issue exotic origin vehicles that have landed or crashed. >> we have spacecraft from another species? >> we do, yeah. >> greg: spice craft? i could get into that. yeah, all the spices flying around, going on your food. but like a clean restroom stall at "the view," is it too good to be true?
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no pictures or videos of the recovered spacecrafts have been released and he has little first-hand knowledge of this. if they could kill jfk and cover it up, why tell us about space aliens? he alleged the government has recovered alien bodies. >> do we have bodies, species of -- >> naturally when you recover something that is landed or crashed, sometimes you encounter dead pilots and believe it or not, as fan t fan test cal as ittund sos. >> greg: their hair smells fantastic. tudor, is your dress made out of the skin of little green men? >> tudor: i think we have a lot
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more technology made out of the skin of green little men if this guy were telling the truth. i've never seen an interview where i thought, this guy wants to be famous. in intelligence agency when they have top secret information, the two guys were like, dude, you are not cleared for this, you will be the one. i know you will keep this secret, i had to tell. i went out and told, are there bodies? there are bodies. there are not bodies. we were be far advanced if the spicecrafts were in existence. >> greg: true, we wouldn't take forever to come up with advanced technology, it would be there like plastic. this comes around, people want it to be true.
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it is exciting. if it is true, it is the biggest story in the history of the world. >> kat: maybe it is true and the reason they don't talk to us, they are all mad at me. that is what i thought when i read it. >> greg: what did you think you did to them? >> kat: sometimes not anything, sometimes people can't handle the realness. just kidding. inintimate secrets, nobody is telling secrets to that guy. >> greg: you get voices of other people going, he's reputable and stand-up guy and you see the person and you go -- >> kat: don't tell your secrets to a man. you are laughing because it is true. everybody thinks women are the biggest gossips, it is the guys that want to hear the teato make themselves more interesting.
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>> greg: interesting. >> greg. >> he's laughing, he knows it is true. he is first to come in and say, tell me what is going on. >> greg: guys are good as keeping secret, has anyone seen the client list at epstein island yet? those hookers talk. would you -- i don't know, be interested in this story as a -- did you find this persuasive? keep it mildly racist. >> greg: i don't find him persuasive. in the time i spent driving a cab, i have met people from other planets, a thousand percent. that is not racest, i have met people, you are like, no way. if aliens are real, eric adams wants them to live in your apartment for $125 a month.
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>> there you go. stupid. >> greg: this is the thing, the government lies about a lot of things, i don't believe him. i didn't watch him and go, this guy has the goods. they lied about weapons of mass destruction, about covid -- >> greg: i don't think they could keep the secret. same time, they have lived about everything. joe, do you think aliens would enjoy your style of comedy? >> joe: they are probably intelligent, so yes. >> greg: nice, joe. >> joe: if this is true, "independence" day is right about crashed space ships and wrong about will smith being a tough guy. if this is true, it is not like the greatest idea we're trying
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to reverse engineer alien spaceship and have our own spaceships capable of crashing. sounds like a trap, greg. >> greg: does sound like a trap, too many things to reverse engineer that would be interesting. like a turtle. i don't feel the need for speed, turtle. i don't know, it seems like reverse engineer, plenty other things out there. >> nice to have a shell. >> joe: we reverse engineer a turtle, i can be well protected. >> no way, if you add a turtle shell, you couldn't see all my curves. >> greg: i'll move on now, up next, why spend money at all, when you can just steal the haul?
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>> all >> greg: all right. they were fired for their stance on stopping theft of yoga pants and their boss is glad to eat the loss. lululemon ceo doubling down on firing two workers for trying to stop a robbery. evidently he is pro robbery, which is why they charge for yoga pants. two women confronted people stealing merch. the ladies were canned for physically engaging suspects. i thought only cops weren'ts allowed to chase criminals. these ladies are out of work. the ceo says it is to keep customers safe. i'll bet it is only merchandise. >> it is only merchandise, they are trained to step back, let the theft occur and know we are
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working with law enforcement. >> greg: i get it, it is not worth getting shot for overpriced leggings, i don't care how good they make my butt look. you didn't know because i'm always sitting, but now you know. if it is only merchandise, why can't we all steal them? only suckers are people who still pay for this crap. why not just hand out yoga pants at bus stops and street corners. no consequences has hit a dead and ugly end and prison may be only part of prison reform that, wos. this is where you clap. [applause] >> greg: all right. yeah, jimmy, you don't own anything worth stealing. is it hard to relate? >> jimmy: stop it. the about this story they call their employees educators, the
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most pretentuous thing i've heard, not employees, educators. do they pay $140 for pants? no. i am happy, thank you one guy. love you got that know wo. whole pretentuous aspect is what? you can't call the cops because society put them in this position and it is dangerous to bring cops in, they represent a bad element thchl is part of the ethos with the sign on the front of the store. we don't tolerate racism or homophobia, they post that like there is a store next to them like we do. i have your bigotry right here, baby. >> greg: they put workers in jeopardy, theyent cabe protected by jobs coming in.
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joe, you look great when you wear lululemon, it is weird you wear them in the shower. it is way weird that you are at my shower. >> greg: i know when you work out. don't try to be a hero thing must be hard for someone like you. >> greg, heroes don't ask questions, when i've broken up knife fights, they turn out to be dance teams performing for "west side story." don't steal stuff, criminals are putting people in danger and politicians that are letting it go and letting them out of jail without punishment. >> greg: yeah. yeah. [applause] >> greg: hang them high, that is what i say. kill them all, kat. something some maniac might say. where do you stand or sit
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pensively? >> kat: well, i'm so glad you ask. i actually get and understand the policy. if you chase somebody doing crimes, they might hurt you, they said could kill you, they could hurt you, couldn't you get workmans comp for that? >> greg: she's right. she's not a lawyer. >> kat: sometimes it is about the money, not having to pay for slashed employees. >> greg: and don't want to get sued either. isn't he arguing against having a store at all. if you're an employee, you have to have some pride where you go to work. if you're standing there and have your folded leggings and somebody comes in, why are you there? >> kat: they are making an excuse for this crime. he is saying this is being00.
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not punching back, why don't we have police here, we have a lot of theft. i agree, i understand the policy, it is mostly women. >> greg: you are saying they are weaker than men? >> kat: there are differences. >> greg: she said it, who let j.k. rowling in to the show? >> kat: policy is good from the standpoint of keep your employees safe and care about them. do we have a three strike policy? maybe you had that instinct to yell, don't steal our stuff, i think that is okay, i think that is acceptable. it is no, you don't get a second chance at lululemon, one time, you screw up, you're out, how it works. >> greg: i think stores will be closed. you can't do this. >> it is brilliant he has that
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policy, if stores start closing, he gets fired and when a ceo gets fired caching. >> they are stealing yoga pants, yoga is the most peaceful activity in the world, like they are stealing pillows. >> way too many are wearing -- >> at the airport. >> greg: why everybody wear lululemon and shouldn't. they are overconfident because they are walking around with a better ass than they have. they make my ass look good, my muffin top look more noticeable. >> greg: that is opposite of arousing. coming up, did jesse commit malfeasance when he gave a weirdo credence? and it's covered by medicare.
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>> greg: stop it. stop it. i'm running out of time. should viewers worry he spoke to a furry? jesse lance's biggest guest, man dressed like a garbage pest. time for a new segment i'm calling "deep waters." ah. last night jesse interviewed a furry, like a mascot, but not for a school or team, just someone who dresses up in costume and pretends to be an animal. you understand, joe. they share a common trait, hair on their head. an event decided to -- jesse decided to pursue the biggest
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story of his career. it started off the way jesse starts everything. simply. >> why are you dressed as a raccoon? >> isn't it fun? >> for you? you tell me. >> oh, for me issue absolutely, i'm hoping it is fun for everyone around me. the joy of bringing smiles to everyone's face is the reason i like to do this. >> greg: sounds innocent enough like when brian kilmeade says let me show you my van. then jesse grilled him about this video of a furry getting spanked in a restaurant. it seemed jesse had the varment cornered. >> what is going on with the spanking at furry conventions? >> a popular restaurant called the harbor house, pretty close to one of the conventions we set up every year and at the harbor
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house, it is customary in tradition to i guess slap the asses of the patrons. [laughter] >> greg: i like the sound of that, maybe hemmer and i could take a road trip. to me issue the raccoon is winning. jesse brought up the children. why do you want kids around people dressed up like squirrels getting spanked? >> me personally, i don't. i think it is definitely an adult-only environment for that. the furry conventions themselves don't have anything to do with that, furry conventions are about community and bringing people together.
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>> greg: true, i guess anyone could be inside those costumes. it is not a furry's fault if it's a pervert. maybe furries are misunderstood as a group. >> we are misunderstood as a group and it is very easy to vilify us. >> do you blame yourself at all for being misunderstood? you're the one dressed up as a raccoon? >> absolutely. i think this is absolutely crazy and weird and fun and that is the point. i think it is supposed to gain attention. i like being onnige stage, performing as a character, bringing joy to people. >> greg: bringing joy to people, there is something jesse will never understand. never understad you win, raccoon. but at least jesse can still
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table dance. ♪ ♪ >> greg: kat, he thought he had easy prey and the raccoon came out and won. >> kat: you can underestimate people and the lifestyle. i should know, i lived the lifestyle. do we have video? you paid me to. actually you made it a condition of my employment in august of 2015 to do that. and it was hot. >> greg: uh-huh. >> kat: not in a sexual way, i was sweating my ass off.
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people like that bee guy think they can talk to you and hit on you because why wouldn't they think that, you are in the park dressed as a bee. you never did apologize. >> greg: you know, joe, you sounded like the raccoon and vice versa. do you think they get a bad wrap? >> joe: i have an alibi about that interview. i think the raccoon did get the better of jesse. >> greg: wouldn't have happened to o'reilly. >> one time i accidently went to a furry convention. they kept trying to get me to join, they thought wearing a costume would help my social
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life. i feel like furries are getting unfairly painted with a wide brush. there is sexual aspect to some furries, a lot of them are like that bashful raccoon we just heard from and i think the right could do a better job communicating like drag queens, i don't have any problem with drag queens, i don't really have a problem with a person dressed in drag doing a kids book. if people are stripping in front of kids, you got to stop this. >> greg: i told you that was a one-time thing. the problem is, we have our own, we know how to draw the line. the left has a problem drawing any lines, that is why drag queens, we get it, it is fun. not in front of kids, blah, blah, blah.
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>> kat: you presented yourself as the man who knows how to draw the line. [applause] >> kat: thanks, guys. >> greg: you know what, i'm not going to talk anymore. tudor, this is a problem of every group. 95% is identified by 3%, extreme. are we too mean to the furries? >> tudor: we're saying this about people dressed in costumes and there is so much going on here, when i look at this, i have to learn about these people now and then i was, just led to more questions. why are you in this suit, how hot is this suit? are you attracted to another furry by their furry costume and do they get off? you take that costume off, not what i was expecting. you do take it off, it could get
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dirty. >> greg: how do you wash it? >> kat: i thought about that the whole time i was wearing it. >> tudor: make sure the furry suit is clean. >> greg: i imagine a lot of people relieve themselves in it, like cabdrivers do. >> biggest take away from this interview, he said, there is a restaurant where you get spanked. like hibachi grill called be beni-spanky. >> greg: never buy a used laptop off tudor dixon. they are unfairly maligning furries, a lot of them put on the costume because they feel more free in the costume. jesse said to him, he issic loo, what is it with having kids at the show. even with the mask on, this guy
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it is about >> greg: it is about ducking time, new update for iphone will stop correcting the f word to ducking. are you excited? >> no, i have t-mobile, none of my texts go through. if i can fix one thing on cell phones, they need argument mode. nothing worse than arguing with someone and realizing they were disconnected and you have to call back and remember where we left off. your mother is an alcoholic or you're a whore. i don't know. >> greg: i'm visibly shaken by you. >> a lot of duck texts, i am not an angry texter. i'm america's sweetheart. i tell you this, i'm android user, this could be tough for apple users who want to hire a
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prostitute. i want a good duck. and -- >> greg: or think about this, if you're a grade school teacher and you're texting to a parent that you are playing duck, duck, goose. answer that question. >> tudor: that is not my fear, my fear is that it is going to teach the other apps and i'll have google maps like i told you to turn. >> greg: i would like that, that is hot. >> tudor: i don't want to know what you like. >> greg: you know, girl, you know. >> tudor: i'm getting in trouble. >> greg: what are your thoughts about this? >> kat: kind of worried, it might take away motivation to pause when you are sending
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emotionally feral messages. when they cost $.20 per text, i was social. now it like, that over. >> greg: we'll be right back. birth certificate. wow. and then you add it to the tree. it's like you discover a new family member. discover even more at we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team.
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we're ou >> greg: we're out of time, thanks to joe, tudor dixon, kat and jimmy. >> carley: a fox news alert. a gunman opened fire outside a high school graduation ceremony in richmond, virginia. one victim had just graduated. >> everybody started running, it was chaos. you heard eight, nine, 10 shots. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. 19-year-old suspect is in custody and will be charged with two counts of
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