tv The Five FOX News June 7, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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dr. jack carvanos, the expert there at nyu and we'll be hearing from the governor of new york. an hour of that the mayor of new york city and how they deal with this. we're told this could be with us for the next 48 hours, but just be careful. that's it. just be careful. here's the five. >> hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine piro and jesse watters and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. dangerous smoke from wild fires in dan canada choking out america. an orange haze blanketing the skies over adonis states and causing air quality alerts from
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minnesota to as far south as the carolinas. but it is the most hazardous right here in new york city. we're experiencing the worst air quality in history and smoke forcing faa to shut down multiple airports during the day. and major league baseball postponed tonight's yankee's white sox game due to the air quality. the city's mayor warning vulnerable residents to stay inside. >> new yorkers must take precaution. re-recommend vulnerable new yorkers stay inside someday inside, close windows and doors and use air pryor fioers. >>-- pure fieres. >> wile americans choke on the
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smoke, the far left smells a opportunity. aoc thinks this is a great time to push her green new deal. she says that we must "adapt our fooour, systems, energy grids, d healthcare to prepare for what's to come". other democrats are pumping up climate hysteria and bringing back, you guessed it, mask insanity. >> i wear my mask in solidarity. environment change is not a hoax. we're not only seeing the haze from these fires, we're also feeling it in our very own lungs. >> the work to protect our climate is far from over. we're dangerously behind. >> only getting worse, but this is why the president has made climate change a priority. this is why he's taken the aggraggressive actions he's takn and historic actions. >> neil: what are our friends in canada doing about this? they're prime minister justin
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trudeau not issuing an apology and seems worried about the kids. >> people across the country are being affected and seeing vulnerable people at risk and outdoor events canceled, kids having to be kept inside at reassessments i can't help but think -- recess and i can't help but think in any conversation to liam yesterday and conversation withs my own kids, the past few years have been challenging for kids. whether it was through the pandemic, whether it was readjusting to school, whether it's now dealing with wild fires. >> the mayor of new york city asking millions to stay indoors and talking about whatever it is going directly into our bloodstreams and yet we haven't heard a peep from president biden and don't know if the white house has spoken with canada. >> might be a lid on the white house to protect them from the
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smoke. a few things, canada has done something that many have not been able to do and that's united americans in anger against canada, our northern neighbor and thank them for that kidding. about a week or two ago, my sister in denver was complaining they had been able to see the mountains and hazy and smokey for a week or two and i reck adds a kid, this would happen. these are wild fires in canada and wind pattern sending it down here. where were aoc, schumer, anybody else talking about anybody care about the west that's been dealing with this for a long time? they don't care about it till it hits here. did they know there were wild fires in canada? and canada is experiencing really bad wild fires on their public lands. we have a similar problem, and it has to do with forest management. the biden administration has policies in direct conflict with one another. the first is that they say they want to restore and preserve old growth and mature forests. on the other hand the department
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of agriculture declared a wild fire crisis and declaring money in order to deal with large swath of forestlandsed where you do not have this problem on privately owned land because peep that own their own land figure out a way to keep it a bit more in tact. wild fires can occur naturally of course, but if you're actively managing your forest, then you can prevent some of these things. the left has never wanted to do that. let's say you have a project where you want to make sure this old growth forest you deal with the underbrush. one thing that happens is the environmentalists will throw everything single thing they have in its way to present you have do -- prevent you from doing that and you have a problem that's not just rural america dealing with this now but because we have built so far into its called the wui, wild urban interface, more and more people are being affected by it. i worked on healthy forest legislation and it's coming back to me so i'll shut up now.
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>> the point that dana makes is a great point and has to do with forest management. we first started talking about this when there were wild fires in california and gavin newsom was blaming everything but, you know, any kind of forest management. yet we're at a point when i think 49% of americans believe climate change is caused mostly by human actions and lowest reported apparently in many years so why are democrats and americans pushing climate change over something that could be prevented. >> god to be back around the table and be in this conversation. ily it's hard to the bill and links to and the case for them
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being open to the debate and what's harder for those o urnses and even harder to debate about that, is climate is changing some set of reasons. few facts day that pointed out things that work that the west is running out of water scarcer than it's been out west. it's hard to buy home insurance in florida because the companies are reluctant to buy price because of the frequency of hurricanes. what's happening in can darks i hope they learn from -- canada i hope they learn from this because it's beginning of their wild fire season and this will supposedly -- according to the meteorologist will last deeper into july and maybe even early august. this may >> one thing i was
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reminded of this and one thing when i realized we were inhaling the air from the fires in canada and something i referenced and we shut down coal plants here and building them over in china, you know, in multiples to create the lithium bait reigns leadings and we all -- bait reigns leadings and we all -- lithium batteries and we all build coal plants here and isn't that virtue signaling? >> i want to acknowledge how brave all of us are for showing up to work today in the city. >> some people have called us
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fire fighters and i don't know if i'd go that far and coming down the line and yesterday we looked upstairs and smog and thought it was the free crack pipes and the mayor was handing out and town out it was our neighbors and then the neighbors in the south and neighbors in the north to the smoke bombs and canada, are you kidding me? not a single the combination is from campers in canada that can't put out a campfire and lightning strikes. i'm not asking trudeau to apologize for the lightning strikes but the reckless campers, i'm going to demand an apology. a woman coming into work today took off her mask and lit a cigarette. i'm just happy my marathon training can resume tomorrow
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because we got a big race coming up. i also want to note something to all of you climate crazies. new england's dark day, it occurred in 1780. this was when the entire area of new england went pitch black around noon. people were lighting candles and it was because of forest fires in canada. we did not have the internal combustion engine in 1780 so this stuff just happens. fires in the forest are actually less prevalent. is this the apocalypse? are we looking for the signs? we had a ufo situation the other day. i don't know. we had an eclipse and trump was looking up with the stupid goggles. i found a frog in my pool. >> oh my god. >> we had a pandemic. >> off pool? >> there's a lot of suspicious things -- how about the witches in canada feasting on the deer
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flesh under the moonlight. you didn't see jesse watters prime time last night? >> no, i didn't. i'm going to go to you, greg. started in ukraine. >> greg, does it matter what the question is? >> it doesn't much the wnba, the wnba, which plays indoors suspended their games. you know why? there's a good reason, they were worried about the health of their fan. so already, already the media is blaming climate change. abc is connecting it to climate change, usa today asked if the fires were actually caused by climate change. harold, you're right, your substance abuse intuition is it's manmade. 90% of all wild fires are
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started by humans. >> people. >> campfires left unattended, burning of debris, dis-guarded cigarettes and equipment malfunctions and get this, a lot of people in california know this corning the hopeless. concerning the homeless, one if four wild fires caused by arson and people start them because they're mentally ill. we've advocated real forest management and a lot more to burn and insurance companies are leaving california. i love the haze. it's the best thing to come from canada since jason priestly. first it's really hard to see what's going on on the street and when you live in new york -- >> that's a good thing. >> that's a good thing. got junkies shooting up, homeless defecating, kilmeade hitchhiking. all of that is obscured by that surreal magnificent haze. it even better the air is so thick it actually can slow down bullets so it helps when you're on the street and caught in the cross fire. you're eight about the
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apocalypse and new york city needed airborne environment to match the current state of despair. it's like the road warrior and got the gangs and deer hunting d ranged street maniacs and toxic icing on the crusty cake and this is as hazy as harold's dorm room in college. >> harold. >> fake news. fake news. >> he said, they say it was like if you're out there for an hour, it's like smoking six cigarettes so thinking of smoking one and then being ahead of the game. >> no. >> oh, no, never. coming up next, parents brawl over kid's education. while the far left calls a parental rights group extremist. ♪
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♪ >> ballet over parental rights lits l -- battle over parental rights turning into one and the battle outside of glendale, california, schools and antifa broadcasting the school board with lgbtq+ material into the curriculum. parental groups coming under attack and far left southern poverty law center smears multiple pans rights organization -- parents rights
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organizations as hate and antigovernment groups and lumping them in with neo-natzis and kkk. this splc stuff, they're a bunch of moms. where do they come off labeling them like that. >> there's a group called parents defending education. that's what they call themselves. the parental rights group, and they've been basically trying to do things like highlight public schools misusing covid funds for example. especially to hire consultants teaching crt. they've basically been attacked not only by the splc but also possibly by the attorney general. this is the same group. so i think what's happening is you're seeing a possible tipping point in this matter when you have when antifa has to come out and fight parents, something is happening and that means parents are out there wanting to be more engengaged and they're realizing that the left has tried to take over their parenting as well as education of their children. they don't like it and want to
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be more involved and that is going to be a big part of the election. if you think about governor glen youngkin of virginia when he won, basically on that issue, and i don't know how it'll turn out in 2024. you're going to hear a lot about it on the campaign trail. >> judge, antifa is an idea. >> it's a myth. not even an idea. what i love, why is it always the upward mobilities on the left are wearing the masks; right? if they're not the fascist, show your face and don't be worred about it if you're in the right. why do you need to cover your identity. it seems the schools right now are ground zero for the cultural war that's breaking out right now. and the fact that parents want to be involved in their kids education because covid lifted the vail of what they're teaching our kids, which explains why so many corporate heads are woke and clearly, you know, off the rails.
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it's really time to get involved and education is a local issue and parents know their strength for what happened in virginia, loudoun county and the left wants to simply destroy education as we know it and the idea of joe biden who's been talking to the schoolteachers and they're our kids when they're in school. no, they're not your kids. they were never your kids. they're our kids and we'll decide what we want them to learn. that's what education is all about and they have to fight it. no, they don't. teach the rigors of education. >> have you gotten into a brawl outside of your child's school, harold ford jr.? >> i have not. that picture is unsettling and it's unfortunate. we -- parents can agree or disagree about how and what their kids should be taught and because i may disagree with someone, i would say that
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southern poverty law center doing great work in other areas, denounce this, no one is a tebrese resident because you disagree with them. i agree with you, judge, we should return to many of the basics in science in math and reading. the core of what helps kids be able to critically think. i'll probably differ with some around the table -- i differ with some who have been presented and portrayed because i'm -- the greatest gift my high school and college and law school education gave me was the ability to think critically in to be accepting of ideas and views that i didn't know a whole lot about. like for instance, you presenced about new england dark day. those that believe that chime change is induced by all these terrible things like the engine and gas and this and that. to your point, there was not a combustible engine then. democrats should not no want that to be taught just as some who may think that teaching about race in school -- and banning ap histoafrican american
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history is a good thing. this is part of our history with the good, bad and unfortunate and the great thing about our history, we've gotten stronger and better because we stands on it. i don't know but the terrorism language and all this stuff has gotten crazy. people are afraid of ideas and thoughts, and i hope parents can get together and figure out how to get back to the basics and the basics involve learning a little something about our country and may make us at times a little unsettled. >> nobody is arguing about learning history. who's doing the labeling? splc calling these people terrorists and i agree with you -- >> but desantis is banning books. >> not true. there's just books being moved from one part of the library to another so it's not involving like -- banning a book means taking a book out. means you can't have it in one area. but can i just focus on this and destroy you in front of millions? all right. the splc is the equivalent of cancel culture's bad housekeeping seal.
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designed to ruin lives; right, by labeling them as a hate group rather than your suggestion of debating the actually ideas. you can't do that because they're labeling you undebatable. because you are a terrorist. they've lost a lawsuit because i think it was [inaudible] over this but i don't think you can just blame this new splc alone. you can blame charles manson, but the real hate should also be directed at his family who committed the crimes and the equivalent of his followers with the splc is the media and weak bloggers and reporters and hacks who would type up splc's latest smear as objective news. portraying splc as an expert in terror, pretending it's a legit outfit and had morphed into the very thing that it used to condemn. i mean, that's -- i mean, they're trying to ruin people's
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lives. that's >> google has to decide who gets blocked or banned on special media. >> harold is a hate group. >> a one man hate group. >> 350+ books have been banned in florida school district since last july. >> what's your site? >> define banned. >> who is the source? >> miami new times. >> come on. >> never heard of them. >> that's a hate group. >> we got to go. rfk jr. showing up joe biden at the border and has democrats shaking in their boots. >> oh, man.
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>> a democrat strategist thinks the president should "take rfk seriously, bind, if you don't we can create a stronger republican party that beats us in 2024 like bernie did in 2016. rfk has potential to activate fringe anger if we mock them". just this week the democrat candidate showing up at the border. >> this is a humanetarian crisis because of the understanding at the globe we have a border here and people are being drawn here and being ab abused and there'sl kinds opportunistic just horrific terrible, terrible stories and this is not a good thing for our country.
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>> i love this story so much. democrats that call him fringe call him fringe because moderates are now the fringe. >> listen together interview, he rejects the prism of two ideas and move past the mental it will and this is something that biden weaponnizes and pits people against each other and this guy wants to get away from that and persuasive enough to make you revisit your stances, and i know some people -- you have to joe biden is breezy and eve event te
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vessels laning san antonio and they should -- event and trump a brilliant debater and attack dog and feeds off anger and anger is his energy; right? where is rfk's energy towards trump? none. why is his energy towards maga republicans, supporters? none. he's the opposite, opposite of joe biden. he actually likes the deplorables and he condemn that had word. he understands he hangs out with the mechanics and rfq is the real deal. he goes out and fishes and explores and he reads books and i can't believe how much i like this person and i never could stand the kennedys, but i might have to switch my party just so
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i can vote for him in the primary because i honestly do think he's a serious breath of fresh rare and sees and feels the appeal of the trump supporter and even trump himself. trump has a hard time debating him and agreeing with rfk jr. on the deep state and military industrial complex on unseen and unheard americans. >> would you like to reply from the democrat point of view? >> not banning books. >> i think greg is largely right as is that strategist. if you look at what the strategist referenced, it was bernie sanders in 2016 who i think asensated the weaknesses and shortcomings that even some democrats and indianapolis dependents in the midwest felt
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in against miss clinton and trying not to give his campaign more fuel or seriousness but you can't dismiss someone that's going to the border. you can't dismiss someone that's saying what's happening there is unsustainable. i disagree with greg about his a greg is a not a serious candidate for president but raising serious issues that deserve as kind of attention that's been given. the border, i've heard him talk about middle class america and how the wealthy in the country, the wealthiest in the country got so much wealthier during covid and those in the middle, their kids didn't get educated, they lost a year worth, the ability to work and know how to work. these are issues we have to deal with, and i give him credit for bringing those issues up and hope the advice -- i think it was a young man that made that strategist. i hope the white house takes it seriously because i think he's right. >> know what else, jesse, we
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talk a lot about the visuals because it's a visual medium and interesting to pull that back up and rfk at the border, he's use ago selfie video. it's not like some highly slick political ad. it's more authentic. >> this is what bork wanted to be. he -- beto o'rourke wanted to be and could never pull it off. i like him a lot but had to uninvite him from jesse watters prime time and did every other show in the universe except my show and it was a matter of honor at that point. joe biden is rattled because rfk jr. is campaigning and joe biden is not campaigning. so r it canner k is not following, lying or hiding. he's doing interviews, maybe not on my show, but he's traveling, he is engaging. i bet you'd see him on the south side of shipment you're going to see -- chicago. you're going to see more of him in the venues and it'll resinate.
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he said interesting stuff about the border and interviewed 150 people coming in from west africa, afghanistan, nepal, kazakhstan, china, all unvetted and go to border patrol agents for like 24 hours and process them and they disappear. they said all these people are living tragedies because they've been physically becaused by cartel -- abused by cartel, coyotes and robbed behind by the cartel coyotes and it's a human catastrophe down there. he's not fringe but pragmatic and that makes him fringe and defense contractors are getting boat loads of money to build weapons they don't need and big tech is censoring us and big fharma in bed with the federal government and little guy is getting screwed. if that makes you fringe, we're all fringe. >> judge, wrap us up here.
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>> rfk is giving the democrats something that joe and kamala cant and that is a plan. that is a coherent argument and appealing to issues that are important to us. i mean, him at the border when i saw that, i said good for you. i know him and he was in west chester for years and an environmental guy and he's a guy that works hard and he's genuine and believes what he believes and whether the kennedy name is a pro, i don't know. i mean issue everybody has gotten an opinion. i'm not a pollster and don't have the slightest idea and i know he talks about the immigrants coming into this country. the numbers being unsustainable and the fact that it's humanitarian crisis, that kamala cant say it, joe biden can't say it. this guy is more than an annoyance to the white house. he's the real deal and i'll tell you what, he's not placating, he's not the kind of guy that's going to say, oh, you know, i believe in assault weapons ban and i think the election process is perfect. he's going against some of the
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democrat, some of their plans and he's not afraid of that. i think that even though he differs in fundamental issues with democrats, as long as he stays on that one cultural issue, abortion with the democrats, they won't care because they see him as credible. those people in the pan for joe biden are only there for joe biden because they hate donald trump. if they think that there is an alternative short term orientation joe, they'll jump in. this is a story just beginning. >> martha stuart going on a ram pain -- stewart going on a rampage on remote work. that's coming up. ♪ our heritage is ingrained in our skin. and even when we metamorphosize into our new evolved form,
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♪ >> martha stewart is going on a rampage to get people back in offices and telling a magazine "you can't possibly get everything done working three day as week in the office. should america go down the drain because people don't want to go back to work". martha doubling down on the today show. >> my kind of work is very creative, and it is very collaborative, and i cannot really stomach another zoom, you know, zoom here, zoom there. it just doesn't get the work done in the right way. i don't agree with it. i just don't. >> greg, your work is very creative, smart, collaborative. do you agree with martha? >> well, she hates work at home employees because it's no fun yelling at someone on zoom. that could be recorded. she was a boss and she was a notoriously tough one and bossed in the era when you could throw things at people's heads. i killed one of my assistants and had to bury her out in the woods. all right, pete carla.
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tell somebody they look great and have a picture of your wife on your desk. everything has changed and having people work at home takes the fun out of it. like the difference between being a cop making arrests or just working the desk. >> dana. >> well, i think that -- i agree with her but i think it's a losing battle because younger people have decided that they like the flexibility. at most they want to come to the office two owe three day as week and a lot of companies are finding it they feel this way, their fight for talent is being hampered if they require people to be in the office. i have a friend who just lost three employees to go to a competitive firm because that one offered work from home. so that i agree with her but i also think that companies have to find a way to be creative to accommodate what the younger workers want. >> judge with thnaonal newspapers over the weekend it was report that had younger workers today that's point, they want a different kind of work
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balance, work personal lifestyle balance. something that we should -- is martha wrong about this or if she's right, do we get to this? >> i agree with martha and people are striving to be lazy and not ambitious and covid taught poem they could run around in their pajamas and go to the super market and go to airports in their pajamas and, you know, do the bare minimum than go above and be the best. the truth is sooner or later people will be in this country that want to go above and be the best and compete. those people who are lazy want to stay at home and never want to make as much money. i get it. they're willing to take less money and stay at home. they'll be losers in the end because we are ultimately, and i believe we always will be a capitalist country. >> if i'm the boss and my workers pull this garbage, i start garnishing wages and docking vacation days and know what i do, i get my private security guards to go to her house on thursday afternoon at
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3:00 seeing what he's up it. maybe she's at the mall, maybe at tgi fridays and throwing back cocktails and trying on blouses at anne taylor and i give her a opportunity to be honest. i say, listen, were you working on the project? on thursday afternoon? and if she lies to me and says, yes, i was. i present her with the evidence. you're trying on blouses and knocking back cocktails. and then she says, you were following me? i said, i will waste my own company resources on frivolous petty things like that however i dam well please. and then she says can't file one because you got fired and know what i do? i hire someone half her age and pay her half her salary. >> then you know what, she charges you with stocking and harassment. >> that's why i got a whole team of lawyers to vet. >> are online reviews totally
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>> customer reviews are meaningless and new report says americans are handing out perfect five star ratings like it was candy and ruining the whole thing and thanks to the never ending guilt of potentially hurting someone's livelihood and this is fake news and we love giving terrible reviews, harold. >> i give a great review becausi want them to give me a great review and my score has come down a bit because i cancel sometimes when the cars are far and trying to get my score back up. five in five for the car. >> that's a great story. >> thank you. thank you. >> judge. >> i made it up. >> do you go on and give reviews own yelp or anything? >> i don't do yelp but something that struck me, it's like everybody wants to give good reviews and they're meaningless and kind of reminds me of picking a jury. you pick a jury and everybody is against crime; right. everybody is all against crime but you have to pick the jurorrer who's going to have tho
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have the stamina to convict someone and that's how i liken this. >> jesse. >> the jury selection? >> no, no, no, a lot of people say, yeah, yeah, yeahment crimes are bad but don't go to the end route and convict. >> i believe jesse is petty enough to go online and destroy a business because his french fries were cold. am i right? >> i will go on air and do that. i have a show and can do bad critiques on air. i give five stars to make stuff go away. >> very good. very good. dana, we've talked about this before, i hate people that go public with complaints beforehand ling it privately. they go on social media and trash somebody or they trash a company and it's like, well, they might have been able to help you with your service like an airline but people like that feeling. >> or loved one that lives with you asks you to go on your own
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twitter with more followers to complain about the company and you're like, i'm not going to do that. i'm not going to do that. but i think the bigger problem here are the people that give fake one star reviews because that's a thing and they try to destroy businesses and then you can't -- it happens all the time. then you try to appeal to yell and say this person is a disgruntled neighbor down the street and trying to ruin my business. that's the bigger problem. >> you're absolute chicago right that's why i think this is bo bus and i'll have to reigns wriw about this show. one more thing is up next. age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at
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hadn't seen his family since last july. arranged a surprise for his daughter. he traveled 30 thundershowers. it was well-worth it. congrats to him, to her, and the family. >> judge jeanine: that's great. >> greg: how could she see him? all right. tonight, 11:00, jamie lissow, kayleigh mcenany, todd piro, kat timpf, it's going to be great. now greg's world record news. oh, get ready for this. a 3-year-old lab odor german shepherd name zoey, the longest tongue on a living dog. thank god they didn't use dead dogs. that would be inappropriate. you would have to dig them all up and stretch their tongues out. must be hard to run around with a tongue like that. i know the feeling. keep your mind out of the gutter, dana, this is a wholesome family program. take that gene simmons. >> judge jeanine: can you imagine what it's like when he drinks out of a water bowl.
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got to be water all over the place. >> dana: messy. >> judge jeanine: criminals are thinking outside the box, inside the box. the guy in florida puts a box on his head to steal phones in a florida store and he is dumb enough to take the box off his head, revealing his face to the security camera. eventually they found him in a closet drinking with his buddies at a nearby liquor store. he was around charged with grand theft, burglary, criminal mischief. cocaine possession. all right, jesse? >> jesse: definitely the cocaine. and you are on hannity. >> judge jeanine: i'm on hannity tonight. >> jesse: a very special happy to michelle, the best hairstylist in the business. >> harold: happy birthday, michelle. vets jess she takes care of my hair every day. super talented and super spunky. >> greg: she keeps yours in a box, right? >> jesse: the same box hat on his head. tonight "jesse watters primetime" we made johnny go
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breathe some dirty air and interview people in new york about the smog. watch. >> new york city has new crack pipe vending machines. do you think this is all from everyone smoking it up. >> smoking weed? >> there you go. you got that have the vending machine. >> no i got this in virginia. >> judge jeanine: dana? >> dana: i don't have enough time i will be watching everyone's shows. >> jesse: dana is on my show. >> dana: i'm on his show. >> judge jeanine: "special report" is up next. hey, trace. >> trace: judge. thank you. good evening, everyone. welcome to "special report" i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. bret baier will talk with republican presidential candidate chris christie in a few minutes. the g.o.p. sweepstakes is one of the two big stories we are covering tonight. the other is the dangerously bad air quality in much of the northeast because of smoke from wildfires in canada. you are looking live at images from across the region tonight about 98 million people in parts of 18 states from new hampshire to south carolina ai
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