tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News June 8, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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that witness said while prosecutors in the trump case aggressively focused on his personal comments and the biden one they asked about mechanics. isn't that interesting? trump agreed they are aggressive. biden, it's just mechanics. >> we have to leave it there. we are out of time. thank you both. that's all the time we have left. laura is next. we will have more tomorrow night. thank you for being with us. i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. earlier this evening the news came from the defendant himself donald trump. he told his millions of followers on true social that he would be indicted. and he is also being ordered to report to federal court in miami on tuesday by 3:00 p.m. the criminal indictment and the supporting filings against trump have yet to be officially unsealed, but we have been informed the seven counts in them include the willful retention of national defense
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information, corruptly concealing documents, the conspiracy to obstruct justice and also 18 false statements. let's not pretend here. over the next year, maybe more than that, maybe longer, we will see a very complicated legal process that will unfold regarding this indictment. we will cover it every step of the way as it does unfold. i am sure at different points you will see merrick garland the attorney general on the hill insisting that this prosecution is all being done by the books without political fear or favor. motions will be filed. cross-motions will be filed. leaks will happen but maybe in an unconventional way. i want to be very clear upfront here. tens of millions of americans believe that donald trump is being indicted by the fbi because he is a political opponent of the dc establishment and joe biden. and of course he is the most popular republican in the gop
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today. the swamp cannot let it stand. they cannot risk that trump will actually win in 2024. that's what the people believe. after two and a half years of positively ruining democratic policies, more voters than ever across various ethnicities are saying that trump's foreign policy that was far more practical and his economic policy brought. trade policy kept china on its heels. the border was not out of control. by comparison, look, biden has been a complete and utter nightmare. his approval is sitting in the low 30s in the economy. immigration, foreign-policy, you name it, he has blown it. it's why the supplicants in the media were breathless and hyping the drama tonight. >> it's historic. we have never seen a president face federal charges before. >> it is absolutely historic. this is the most significant politically historically most
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historical important criminal case since the ehrenberg case at the beginning of the 19th century when he was tried for treason. >> let's be real. if trump, let's say, agreed along the lines with liz cheney or mitt romney or mitch mcconnell, he would not be getting indicted tonight. by the way, gavin newsom has already said he thinks ron desantis has committed a crime by sending all those migrants to california recently. the lesson here that the elites want you to learn, everybody to know, is that if you are a serious threat to official washington, they will investigate you. they will figure out a way to prosecute you, and they will hound you until you give in and give up. it has always been within the capacity, we know that, of the executive branch to put political enemies in prison. we as a country know that that
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is a terrible precedent to set. it does enormous damage to our standing in the world. all the people that claim they care about the world community and their views. how do we as a nation go forward railing against vladimir putin or prosecuting political foes and harassing political foes, intimidating their political foes? how do we do that from now on with a straight face? and finally, if you are a republican in office today or you want to be in national office, and you consider this indictment a big relief, your ticket to relevance, finally a way to dump trump? boy, are you in for a rude awakening. the gop base, even those who aren't sure about trump, will not stand for a party that allows its defective leader to be relentlessly targeted, maybe even imprisoned if they have their way, by the agencies that we the taxpayers fund.
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so tonight more than ever, we need gop officeholders and would-be officeholders to speak up and to speak out as soon as possible. this indictment will be an embarrassment to the country and should be dismissed immediately before any more damage is done. joining me now is jim trust the attorney for president trump and former federal prosecutor. jim, thank you for joining us tonight. what can you tell us about the charges as you know them? >> we don't have the actual indictment yet. i suppose they will give that to us at some point between now and tuesday afternoon. maybe they are too embarrassed to give it to us early. i don't know. it's a combination of theoretical charges. we just have a summary. we don't have the indictment in front of us. it looks like the espionage act which is laughable on its face, several types of obstruction and conspiracy and then false statements. they are throwing everything and the kitchen sink up on the wall
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in an investigation that even in just recent days we have brought to light criminal obstruction behavior by the investigators. it is an amazing moment. i have not built a career attacking doj. i was a prosecutor for 27 years and spent 17 years there. i loved it. but this is outrageous. they actually have prosecutors who literally among other things and we have categorized a number of abuses. literally told an attorney that he probably won't get his judgeship if he doesn't flip his guy against the president. you don't have to be a lawyer to recognize there is something really wrong with that. one of the main investigators and main prosecutors i should say said that in front of five others and looked down at their shoes and did not say anything. basically committing a federal crime at the department of justice to try to bring home cooperation from who they viewed as an important witness. it is astounding that that is not the real headline as opposed to this indictment. >> nbc news justice
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correspondent says that trump doesn't have a defense and that this legal strategy that he has that you are leading will just focus on discrediting the doj. watch this. >> trump's lawyers are not keen on arguing the facts here or the law and are arguing that the client is not guilty of these potential charges. they are more concerned about arguing how the doj played hardball. they did play hardball. we have to see whether the justice department did anything wrong in prosecuting this case. >> the argument that you won't actually argue the charges. your just going to argue the reputation of the department itself? >> look, this was basically trying to appeal to somebody in that chain the praetorian guard for the democratic party to have a conscience. the attorney general is hiding behind the special counsel. he still controls special counsel. he sat there and hit and didn't want to meet with us and didn't
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want to consider the ethical problems. we raised it quietly at first and loudly now that they have the investigation that is fatally flawed from outrageous misconduct. perhaps even criminal misconduct. make no mistake. there are layers of defenses to these charges. the most fundamental thing so your viewers get this, there is this thing called the presidential records act. it's precisely dealing with former presidents and basically saying that doj agreed with this years ago in a case involving bill clinton. the former president gets to decide what he keeps. he should work really closely with archives. they can ask him nicely. if they get mad and think he is holding on to too many things they have a remedy called civil suit. there is no criminal penalty for violating the presidential records act. itself reflection of the fact that before nixon they had completely unfettered rights to keep everything. now we say. with archives so we can see some stuff you created while in the white house.
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that was the starting point. one quick point on this. the referral from the national archives to doj came from the white house. actually violating the administrative procedures act and they lied about this. they started this thing, the political archives pushed it forward into this praetorian guard at doj who is hell-bent on prosecuting no matter how many rules they break. >> one of the claims, one of the accounts will involve potential obstruction of justice. which as you know in my old career as a white collar criminal defense attorney was always considered very seriously a long with conspiracy counts, which perhaps will be involved in this indictment as well listed in the indictment. the concern that is raised that if the president was told not to move boxes and they have someone on video indeed moving boxes. even if there was nothing in the boxes, those particular boxes,
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that could be a problem. or if tape recordings exist where someone tell someone to move that, that is where people get into trouble. how concerned about that are you tonight? >> look, not as much as you might think. if you really know the facts, and i cannot play out all the facts on tv. but if you know the facts there is no intent. nothing makes sense. you cannot even obstruct a non-crime as a starting principle. when you have the presidential records act defense and declassification as a defense, there is nothing. you could have had a party throwing stuff in a bonfire and it wouldn't be obstruction. the reality is these guys are desperately grasping for political reasons, which is they keep trying to set up this joe biden is wonderful and holding on to stuff that he stole from the skiff in 1974. but trump did not answer the bell. the last thing the president said to doj to that same guy that extorted a lawyer was if you need anything, just ask. he told his lawyer at the time,
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show him where the stuff is kept in the storage room and they did that. he says just let us know. the next thing is he gets a letter saying put a lock on the door which he does. doj goes black because that prosecutor was desperate to get a search warrant even before he even met the president. the washington post reports that the prosecutor before they did a subpoena was saying how do i get the nose under the tent at mar-a-lago or words to that effect. that's what happened. they dropped off a cliff because they didn't want to cooperate with president trump's lawyer. no lawyer would have been, but they went radio black until they show up with the laptops and guns and badges and they do an unprecedented raid with a general warrant that violates the fourth amendment. we will do a separate show on that some other time. >> do you think of president trump, this is rhetorical, had said last year or recently. i am actually not running for president. i will not be involved in the
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2024 campaign. i am retiring from politics. how likely would it have been that they would have gone after him? >> well, i think the fervor would have dropped .5%. what does that mean? less than one. a really small percent. there is abject hatred for president trump in some of the circles at doj and fbi. he could have basically saved an orphanage from a fire and these guys would say he is lucky and still go after him. the other thing i think affects the whole equation is delaware where all investigations go to die. in delaware you have horrific family wide corruption, foreign corruption scandals involving the biden family. as well as the laptop from. they are slow walking the heck out of that. that's whatever soft deal they want to give hunter to do something against president trump. look how balanced we are.
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we softens a misdemeanor tax plea for hunter and we also indicted a president for something. >> that is absurd. "the new york times" just reported tonight that one of the charges is in fact a violation of the espionage act. that reaction to that, if that is indeed the case? >> yeah, they are dusting off stuff across the board. it was apparently not in play when hillary bleached 30,000 e-mails under subpoena. the espionage act includes a whole bunch of language not just that the documents implicate national defense, but that your intent is to violate the sovereignty of the united states, to hurt the united states or help a foreign power. that is absurd under any theory of this case. they have a whole bunch of rotating theories because they cannot find the facts they want. there is absolutely nothing remotely like that. if he holds onto some documents
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or people packed documents and he has them in a storage room, even if he talks about the documents or the existence of them, that is light years away from the specific intent that they need for an espionage case. >> what is the president's mood tonight? he knew it was coming. give us a sense of what the man is feeling tonight. >> you know, it's an interesting mix. people think that when you are accused of something it is pretty natural at least from my client base to turn inward. what the heck is happening? it's a particularly hard moment when you are innocent. he is actually innocent. it's easier when you have done something wrong and say they finally caught up with me. that's not what we are talking about. there is the initial shock. he has a lot of people around him expressing support. that's a mixed bag. it puts it in your head as a depressing notion. he also doesn't lose track of the absolute crossing of the rubicon as a country. the historic nature of a sitting
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president unleashing the hounds to go after a noncriminal event, to basically incapacitate the opposition. it is an astounding third world moment. again, that's not my shtick as an attorney to go around saying that. but that is where we are as a country. the other people celebrating tonight better realize they are letting something out of the genie bottle that will hurt this country for generations. >> the investigations can and will be turned on them if this is allowed to stand. we appreciate it. we are covering every aspect of this. thank you very much. joining me as mike davis, article three founder and president as well as david shown the former impeachment lawyer. let's start with you, david. it is pretty clear what is going on here. they are going to end up making this about obstruction instead of the retention of this document so we can try to draw a distinction between what biden did and what trump did. do you agree with that analysis?
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>> i think that is right. the obstruction charge carries the heaviest penalty, potentially 20 years. i want to get back to one thing that mr. trust said. under the espionage act that they may be thinking of, 793 ee, if they were smart that is probably what they would charge. it requires them to get into this classified documents issue. it has to be national defense information. there are cases from dc that say you don't have to prove he intended to injure the united states like other sections of the espionage act. you do have to prove he acted willfully. willfully in this conduct means he knowing he did something the law prohibited. every one of the possible charges including the obstruction and including all the mishandling of documents charges requires a mens rea that is willfully intentionally knowingly or all of those things. this president did not have that state of mind. at no time do i believe he thought he was doing anything unlawful. i tell you this. if they charge a 793 ee charge
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this retention of national defense information i think president biden probably has the most at risk because of all the hundreds of documents. you can be sure some of them contain what is broadly construed as national defense information. president biden has been in government for decades. donald trump was a businessman businessman. president biden knows he did not have the right to retain documents with national defense information if that is the government's theory of the case. >> while. involving intent or no intent required. that is a big one. the biden people must be shaking in their boots after that analysis. there is some suggestion tonight , we are going with the timing of the trial and we will come back to some of the other substantive matters. a lot of americans are thinking, we have a presidential election over the next year, we've got the primaries, the debates. now we have the justice department's finger on the scale
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of our political system with this indictment. when would a trial take place? watch. >> i find it hard to imagine how there is going to be a trial of these charges which is what one would ordinarily expect sometime next year. >> we have a constitutional right to prepare your defense and participate in your defense. you have to build an even more time. now we are a year from now in the summer of 2024 when we are upon conventions and months away from an actual presidential election. i don't think a judge will do that. >> mike, your thoughts on that. is that how you are seeing things? any trial would take place before the presidential election? >> it is very obvious this was a political hit by biden and garland to take out trump for the 2024 presidential election. they did the same play in 2016. hillary clinton got caught with her illegal home server as secretary of state with the most
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classified secrets. it was packed by foreign governments and maybe russia. she destroyed it in the face of a congressional investigation. what did the justice department do an fbi do? they colluded with hillary's campaign, obama and biden and the attorney general and cia to come up with a russian collusion hoax and crossfire hurricane investigation on trump. trump declassified these crossfire hurricane records via presidential memo the day before he left office. he had those done at mar-a-lago. that's what the raid was all about, to get back the crossfire hurricane records. he was allowed to have these under the presidential records act. the espionage act does not apply. merrick garland needs to look at a 2019 office of legal counsel, legal opinion binding on the justice department that you generally cannot obstruct investigations. it was not a crime to have trump to have presidential records. >> david, do you agree with that
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in the way it is playing out now? a seven count indictment? we don't know when it will be revealed. mr. trust does not have it yet. we have a general sense of what is in it. >> i want to see the indictment. each of these charges has separate distinct elements to them. all of this talk is right. the presidential records act will be a key. the key will be the mens rea. whatever accounts they come up with what someone telling the president it could do this are that, he was given advice that he did what he did and he believed that advice. one of the worst things about all of this is prudential principles of prosecution, reasonably applied in this case would have led to no prosecution. it's important to have the country's belief in the integrity of the system. you have the same cabal of people. pressing for of criminal prosecution. wiseman is connected with lisa monaco throughout their careers.
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they wrote 186 page memorandum on why and how president trump should be prosecuted. you have tens of millions of people who believe this shadow cabal operates behind the scenes. now we have a document like this. we cannot continue down this path. no one is above the law. but everyone must demand the equal application of the law. it's a constitutional principle to which we are all entitled. >> mike, speaking of moeller's former pit bull andy wiseman, he is particularly worried about the venue in miami. watch. >> you may not really want florida. but since that is a safe bet that all of the charges can be brought they are, that would counsel a prudent prosecutor to go forward in florida. it's harder for donald trump to attack a case if it is brought in florida. >> wouldn't trump want this case obviously to go forward in florida? you have a better shot to get an impartial jury they are, yes?
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>> of course he would want this in florida. i don't know if that's the reason jack smith would bring it to florida. maybe jack smith brings this to florida because of the 2012 obama ruling in the clinton case that a dc judge might have a hard time getting around where it's not binding on a florida judge. there are many factors involved. you'd rather be in florida where it is not a trump deranged jury full of 93% democrats and 99% of people in dc hate trump. there are many factors involved here. i just don't have any confidence jack smith will do that. >> stay with us. joining me now is missouri senator josh hawley. senator, we have had every major member of leadership in the house of representatives tonight. we just got a message come out against the indictment, against what the doj has done. no one in senate leadership to my knowledge at this moment has come out to say anything
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similar. the only one in the house who has and is tom emmer. he has said nothing. he is the whip. where are your colleagues tonight? where are they? >> good question, laura. here is what i will say. if the president in power can gaol his political opponents, which is what joe biden is trying to do tonight, we don't have a republic anymore. we don't have the rule of law or constitution. our constitution is built on the basic law and due process. nobody should be in doubt of what is happening tonight. joe biden and his cronies are trying to take out the chief political opponent. this has never happened in american history. we are in dangerous dangerous waters because of joe biden. >> senator, lots of commentators on other networks are making the point that merrick garland and joe biden have never talked about this. there is no pressure being brought there from the white house. totally independent. but let me tell you. remember from april of last year
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"the new york times" reported that biden, quote, said privately that he wanted mr. garland to act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor who is willing to take decisive action over the events of january sixth. that was about the january 6th issue. they always claim that biden's hands are clean. but clearly merrick garland if he is able to read and he is very smart, so he does read. they know what biden wants done. they know what has to be done before the election takes plays. >> this is the same group of people that said when it came to calling parents domestic terrorists that the white house had nothing to do it. it turns out the white house wrote the letter. the white house told doj you go after the parents. you know that is what they are doing. i don't buy for a second that the white house is not involved. merrick garland has the ultimate signoff. he is an independent counsel. he reports to merrick garland. merrick garland have signed off
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on this. the indictment of a political opponent by a sitting president. it's just unprecedented, laura. i cannot emphasize enough how much danger this puts our country and from the rule of law. this is banana republic stuff. joe biden has led us straight there. he will do anything to hold onto power. that's the message tonight. tonight going back to senate leadership here. you cannot as an officeholder in the republican party sit by. even if you can't stand trump for policy or personal reasons, whatever it is. this is your moment to step forward and say we cannot allow this continue to happen to our institutions. not to the justice department, the fbi, cia, intel. we cannot continue this. you are right, banana republic. this is what putin those. this is not what we do in our country. we have elections. allow the election to take plays. mitch mcconnell, this is your moment. let's hear from you tonight.
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>> i would say that this is not about donald trump ultimately. this is about the united states of america. this is about whether the constitution is still real. this is about whether many american can expect the due process of law. make no mistake, if merrick garland can send in a swat team to the homes of pro-life catholics to terrorize them, if he can call parents domestic terrorists and if he can jail or try to jill biden's political opponents, he can do anything. that is what this is about. that's not what we are fighting for. >> do you also share my concern that this is a warning shot fired across the bow by the fbi and doj to anyone? ron desantis? anyone like him that has more of a populist point of view, not an establishment point of few and a shot at the presidency. don't get too close. watch out.
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we will come for you. we will never stop until we relentlessly pursue you until you give up. that's what i think is going on here more than anything. i think it's about that. >> it is pure power grab. it is pure power grab by the people in power, by the biden people. i come back to the fact that this is is an administration that will do nothing to silent political opponents. they will turn the fbi on parents. they will turn the fbi on catholic parishes. >> social media companies. >> social media companies. they will do everything they have to try to shut down political opposition right up to indicting the chief political opponent. this is not the united states if this is allowed to stand. we cannot allow it to stand. that's what the next election will be about. >> senator, do you have confidence that senate leadership will at least, close to expressing your frustration and deep concern about the republic tonight?
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>> i don't know. i cannot speak for anybody else. i have given up predicting what any other senator might do. i can say for myself that i think this is a critical moment in our history as a nation. this is the time to stand up and say we will fight for the rule of law. >> senator, thank you very much. trump responded to the indictment tonight on true social. this is some of what he said. statement they know they cannot stop because it is election interference at the highest level. there is never been anything like what has happened. i am an innocent man. i am an innocent person. they had the moeller oaks. this is what they do so well. if they would devote their energy to honesty and integrity it would be better for our country. they could do a lot better and do great things. i did nothing wrong. we will fight this just like we have been fighting for seven years. it's wonderful if we can devote are full-time to making america great again. that is exactly what we did.
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now our country is in decline. we are failing nation. this is what they do. i am an innocent man. we will prove that again. >> joining me now is maranda devine, fox news contributor and jason chaffetz also fox news contributor and author of the puppeteers. byron york, chief political correspondent and fox news contributor. miranda, let's start with you. you studied this doj up and down, up close and personal. your reaction now that we have comments rolling in from kevin mccarthy blasting this. steve palese and so many others in the house of representatives like jim jordan. your reaction tonight? >> look, merrick garland the attorney general controls the timing of this. the timing is really outrageous because it comes right as the fbi is finally being forced by
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james homer and the house oversight committee to hand over this evidence of joe biden receiving a $5 million bribe from ukraine win he was vice president. this is devastating to the president. it should be devastating. but of course they have just brought out this shiny object to make all of the media look over there. you will not see anything about the biden bribery stories in the new york times or the washington post. all you will hear about is trump, trump, trump. it is pure election interference. disgusting. >> byron, you actually spoke to president trump last night. did he see this coming? >> yes, he did. my dinner with him had been planned weeks ahead of time. i thought it would be to talk about the campaign. but this was in the news. it was clear he thought it would happen. he used that phrase you just heard over and over again,
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election interference. basically he said if i weren't leading in the polls, if i weren't ahead of joe biden in matchups, they wouldn't have wasted their time doing this. his defense basically is that he had every right to do what he did. and that this is politically motivated. we should say that this is not just the first time the former president has faced federal indictment. it's the first time a sitting president's administration has indicted leading opposition figures in the run-up to the election. >> jason, cnn's correspondent, doj correspondent, not that worried about the doj role here. the unprecedented role during a political cycle. but rather that trump might actually have the upper hand in the narrative setting. watch. >> i am astonished that the justice department really didn't
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seem to learn anything from last august when the fbi conducted a search of mar-a-lago and they said nothing for three days allowing the former president to set the narrative to frankly spin falsehoods about what happened. >> jason, this is what cnn is concerned about when we are bordering on the banana republic stuff? not boarding. we have ventured into banana republic territory tonight. seen at this is absurd, ridiculous and dangerous indictment. i cannot believe they haven't released it yet so we can see it. i agree with maranda. the timing is such that james comer and all the house republicans and democrats can see what is going on with the allegation from the credible source about joe biden. it just happens hours later to drop this indictment on president trump. do you think that's a coincidence? i'm with the chairman of the oversight committee. i issued subpoenas and was involved in these preservation
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letters on hillary clinton and all the documents that we wanted to see that she destroyed. she destroyed them on purpose. we had inspectors general who went in and looked at the irs documents with lois lerner. again, destroyed documents under subpoena. did they go in with guns blazing to say look at those things? absolutely not. but they do that to donald trump. his facility is protected by the united states secret service. it's not like you hid them out by the garage in joe biden's or at the u penn center or the university of delaware. you didn't pilfer and steal documents from the united states senate like joe biden did. why do they have guns blazing going into those places if they are so concerned about classified documents if they are so concerned about the integrity of the country. how, they didn't do those things? when i issued it i happen to be a republican. they did not care. >> obstructed justice and destroy evidence?
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that is par for the course if you are a clinton. maranda, ron desantis smartly reacted on twitter a few moments ago saying the weaponization of federal law enforcement represents a mortal threat to a free society. we have for years witnessed an uneven application of the law depending on political affiliation. why so zealous in pursuing trump yet so passive about hillary or hunter? maranda, this is a strong response. i will stay on the senate leadership vacuum tonight. i heard nothing from mcconnell , nothing from thune. the list goes on. what does that say? >> you are dead right to point that out. it is quite a despicable vacuum of leadership from mitch mcconnell. this is a time when all republicans need to put aside their differences and come together because ron desantis is right. this is a mortal threat. it is to conservatives and
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republicans at this point, but really it's a mortal threat to every american. once power has been abused in this way, it will be abused again against anybody. and so, mitch mcconnell, i am really shocked that he hasn't come out and exerted some leadership. but he and lindsey graham have publicly said that their number one priority is ukraine. they are using some sort of grace with joe biden to make sure he gets what he wants from biden for ukraine. that's all he cares about. >> i am so glad you raised that, maranda. tonight that is what was referenced in the news saying that biden is very confident. i know biden is confident they will get the supplemental money for ukraine no matter what it takes or how long we stay. that's the focus. speaking of the former trump
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chief of staff mark meadows. he testified to the grand jury and special counsel with president trump. did he mention anything about concerns of former staffers including high placed staffers like meadows having the screws turned on them before they went into the grand jury? >> no. we don't know about that. we do think that one of the charges in the indictment is conspiracy, which involves more than one person. trump did point out that after the manhattan indictment, which a lot of people who are not even trump supporters thought was very weak, that his pole numbers went up. one interesting thing you just pointed out what governor desantis said about this. the republican candidates in the presidential race have a bit of a conflict of interest. most of them will leave as do their voters that trump has been unfairly targeted since 2016.
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on the other hand, they are looking at a case in which trump is leading the field by so far that they think something spectacular has to happen to cut into that lead. and frankly, some of them were thinking that perhaps an indictment might do that. on the other hand, this indictment might have the same effect that the manhattan indictment had which was increased trump's support. >> jason, i concur with what byron is saying. if these republicans chris christie, nikki haley and the list goes on. if they think they will ride this indictment to the white house, then i don't know what cannabis use they are participating in. but it's got to be good stuff. they are writing their own political death warrant if they think they are going to do that. >> donald trump is stronger than ever. this is going to make him stronger. it is infuriating to people who actually believe that this
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country, there is an unequal application of justice. that is core to their belief. independents look at that and say that they know this is the case. one thing i want to mention that i think it is noteworthy here. do you remember when prime minister of japan was in mar-a-lago visiting president trump a couple months into his presidency? there was all this uproar that he shared classified information. i was the chairman and did the investigation. do you know what the prime minister was showing donald trump? pictures of his dad golfing. and yet the media went ballistic for months about how donald trump shared classified information in a nonclassified setting. i don't believe that the only public display of the documents was put out by the fbi and the department of justice when they took that absurd picture. >> we never saw the biden documents. we still don't know what was
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near the corvette. maranda, the durham report, which going back to the republican's reaction to all of this. i know people were disappointed with the ultimate result, but they concluded that the fbi failed to uphold its mission in the 2016 harassment of president trump. republicans, what are they thinking about with the funding of these intelligence agencies and doj agencies being turned against the american people here? are we just going to keep funding this until the cows come home? >> look, i think jim jordan has mentioned for instance what the republicans don't have enormous power in this regard. they do have the power of the purse and the idea that the fbi will build a new headquarters at many millions of dollars is just off the table as far as the house republicans go. it's a big job for the next
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republican president to clean out the fbi and the doj, which is obviously completely corrupted. just look at the disparate treatment between the classified documents scandals of donald trump and joe biden. then you look at the fact that the hunter biden investigation, which isn't that complicated, has been going on for five years. two irs whistleblowers say that the doj has intervened improperly and blown up the investigation. >> how about the pen biden center? that was a revolving door of influence as well. that's like the clinton foundation. it is just assumed assume that if you are a democrat and in office, you will set up whatever shop you want as an influence peddling operation. at least on the surface at the very least. thank you both. cnn's van jones spoke out about the espionage issue.
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we will get to that in a moment. after weeks of stonewalling biden's praetorian guard at the fbi finally strong-armed by republicans into releasing the 1023 form. remember that was the fbi informant note that a whistleblower alleged documented biden family corruption. today committee oversight members were able to review that document and given what republican members told us about the contents of it, it's not hard to understand why the democrats are suddenly silent. >> talking about paying two different bidens $5 million each. and then later in another conversation he tells the paid informant that it was hunter biden and joe biden. specifically indicates joe biden's involvement in these corrupt schemes. >> money was moved on purpose through multiple accounts to get
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to joe biden. >> since those comments, some late news into us tonight. multiple sources telling fox digital that these payments were a, quote, retainer to deal with an investigation into the ukrainian prosecutor along with other issues. another source it said it was pay to play. joining me now marjorie taylor greene of the house oversight committee. congresswoman, the reporting would be if this were true that the burisma scheme is confirmed and then trump is indicted. i'm sure it's just a coincidence? this all just happened as sheer coincidence. finally we get the information on alleging bribes through shell corporations, et cetera. >> i have to tell you, laura, i feel like we are winning. we won some today when everyone feels like we are losing, especially with this indictment of president trump and this document hoax.
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what we read today in the skiff, and i want to let everyone know this was an on classified document. this was a document that all of america should be able to see. the fbi is stonewalling us and they would only let us see it in a skiff. what i did after reading the document is made notes when i walked out and went to the table. i wrote down everything that i had just read. some of it i can come out until the american people what i read. it's exactly what you and many others have been reporting for so long. it is what everyone already knew. i filed articles of impeachment on joe biden's inauguration day exactly for this burisma pay to play schemes. when he was vice president we now know through the fd 1023 form that we read today that joe biden was paid $5 million along with hunter biden being paid $5 million in order to get
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victor fired so he would not be investigating burisma anymore. hunter biden was working very hard to get burisma to by a u.s. oil and gas company. hunter biden was promising that there would be a lot of capitol invested into this business deal. >> when are we going to get those redacted bank records, congresswoman? redacted bank records of the whole clan so we can finally figure out how did the biden family get so rich? that's just a simple question that reporters don't want to ask. how did they become so wealthy with joe biden in public service for decades and decades? how did it happen? >> we have been investigating that on the oversight committee. i really have to applaud the oversight staff chairman calmer and all of the members on the committee. this informant, which is by the way the fbi called this informant for this 1023 form
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their most incredible credible pain fbi informant. they are trying to make sure that we don't get our hands on more. what we have been able to uncover is we read over 2000 pages of sars reports in the treasury department. those sars reports are bank records produced by banks. they are reports. they have to report them by law whenever they see evidence of a crime or certain types of wire transfers like a lot of money from foreign countries. and then on the oversight committee we have subpoenaed banks and bank records. we have bank records and evidence of wire transfers from many different countries into shell companies, llcs and evidence of payments out of llcs directly to multiple biden family members. now we also know there isn't just 11,023 form that the fbi possesses. there are multiple 1023 forms.
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>> what? >> yeah, there is more. >> when are we going to get our hands on those or will you get your hands on those? >> next week. this is what i want to tell you. in what seems like an extremely dark day and we are appalled and infuriated, disgusted and just outraged over the hypocrisy of merrick garland bringing charges and jack smith bringing charges against president trump for this document hoax. you are right. it is today for a reason. on this 1023 form and references two more 1023 forms. the oversight committee was able to read the first one today. next week chairman calmer and of course congressman raskin get to go in and look at two more 1023 forms. and tomorrow subpoenas go out for more banks related to ukraine bank accounts and wire transfers. we are moving along.
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i want to tell you something really interesting. the person reference, their name is redacted on the 1023 forms that we read today, said it would take us 10 years to uncover all the bank accounts and all the wire transfers involved with the bidens. on oversight we have done it in less than six months. we think we are onto a lot more. i want to tell you this. the evidence that i read today, joe biden should be impeached. this is not even something that should be disputed. he should be impeached. and also prosecuted. >> this is an etch-a-sketch of bank records, i can only imagine how many shell companies and llcs and cayman islands accounts and everything involved here. we want to know where this goes and where it leads. we appreciate you joining us tonight. thank you. >> back with me as mike davis. the congresswoman just laid out
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and it makes today's indictment look even more obviously used as a deflection. not just from joe biden's failed economic and foreign policy, but from what he has done. and allegedly how his family became so wealthy over all these years of public service. >> yes. my former boss senator chuck grassley is king of oversight. he has been on this like a dog. james calmer teamed up with them. they have the evidence. they have the evidence that joe biden has been corruptly taking millions from foreign governments for a long time. the fbi has had this evidence that joe biden took a foreign bribe of $5 million when he was the vice president. the fbi sat on this evidence for 2017. the fbi is pretending there was an ongoing investigation and trying to pretend they are protecting sources and methods. they are protecting joe biden.
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>> david, when you look at this in its totality tonight, it is an incredibly dark day for the country. congresswoman green is excited about what they uncovered. i cannot wait to see more. we have to go back to the fact that the man who is leading by 30 or 40 points in some polls is now under federal or shortly under federal indictment on seven different counts. potentially he could be put in jail. that is ultimately what the most fanatical among them want. they want to see him in an orange jumpsuit, do they not? >> absolutely. let's take it on the most fundamental level. you are talking about criminalizing conduct when it's applied against president of the united states. a short time earlier he sat in the white house and had full access to these documents to do whatever he wanted and declassify them when he wanted. now you want to criminalize conduct and potentially hold on
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to documents. he is proud of that in some cases or otherwise. we trusted him with the very lifeblood of the country a couple months earlier. at that level it doesn't make sense. two points i want to make quickly. the republican leadership should come forward. all leadership, all americans should come forward and speak out against this. you can be share if they find initial defense information with joe biden democratic leadership will speak out. bill clinton should offer to be president trump's defense lawyer. and finally you asked with a prosecute him if he weren't running for president? zero chance. jerry nadler said it a couple years ago. we cannot trust the voters. we have to use extraneous measures to go after donald trump. that's what happened. i had the conversation with him suggesting why not walk away from this and be a king maker. don't run for office. his view is he cannot turn his back on the tens of millions of people who count on him. he's a fighter and will stand
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and fight. >> most people would have said enough. i am done. >> they would be entitled to. >> you wouldn't have blamed them if they did that. donald trump is not that kind of guy. back to the top story. i referenced this earlier. the salivating and pavlovian response that some on the other networks we are seeing losing. when some of the most serious of felonies were bandied about in this indictment. watch. >> this is not a porn star thing. this is not robbing the piggy bank of your charity. this is a federal government talking about possible espionage. this is to me when constitutional conservatives need to stand up. at a certain point, people have to be clear. we have a system of laws. >> mike, the espionage act is what he is grabbing on to. who in their right mind believe that applies here?
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>> maybe they are talking about the current president of the united states joe biden who got caught with five stashes of stolen classified records from the obama white house and from even the senate. there is evidence he use those records. maybe they are talking about the current president of the united states joe biden who just got caught with evidence that he took a $5 million foreign bribe and changed american policy. this is nonsense. president trump was allowed to have his presidential records in the heavily guarded office of the former president, an office he used while he was the president of the united states and had secret service protection and federally funded secure staff. staff with security clearances. these documents never leaked for 18 months after trump left the white house. they only leaked when biden and garland sent in this illegal raid to get back the documents. they got back the crossfire hurricane records that were so to that regime.
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>> gentlemen, thank you so much. now an update to the story we brought you on monday regarding the whistleblower documenting what he says is the evidence that the u.s. recovered alien spacecraft and beings despite being told for years all of that was a conspiracy theory. michael shellenberger has spoken to a number of military and intel contractors who say now that the u.s. is in fact in possession of 12 or more alien spacecraft. shellenberger also writes that the reason the pentagon's new program for studying ufos has not discovered any verifiable information is because, quote, they may not want to verify it. joining us now is the host of the need to know podcast and investigative journalist who covers these issues. he was present for the initial interview with the whistleblower and a spent time with him as well. why might the pentagon not want to verify this information on a night were so many people are
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raising questions about the veracity and trustworthiness of all the key institutions of government? why would they want to verify it? >> well, the information that we are not alone has always been assumed to be a destabilizing kind of thing. on one level they can simply say we are not ready to deal with this. let's continue with the political stuff, the back and forth on your show tonight. this is a interesting night to be talking about this. the politics of the nation are on the front page or at the top of the show. at the same time, if this is true, what the whistleblower has said, it's the biggest news story of all time ever. i think if there is an attempt to come clean on this it has been around for 80 years. i don't know they have a good plan for it. they will have to get one. >> how important is this, getting back to the core point that we have been making all show long tonight?
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we need to believe that our government actually represents our best interest. unless there is a specific and credible national security reason not to release certain information, that after decades and decades of questions and sightings and first-hand witnesses here. how do not come forward and say this is what we have and this is what we are investigating? how do you not do that? >> that's a great question that could have been asked for the last 12 presidential administrations. i will say this. this is the first time where this issue has been revealing itself to be a bipartisan issue. we've had the senate intelligence committee very interested in this and two key players are senator kirsten gillibrand who is a democrat and senator marco rubio who is a republican. they probably don't agree on many things, but they agree we should look into this issue of unidentified anomalous phenomenon. more power to them. that's exactly what will happen
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now. these very statements that dave gresh has made have already been made in classified sessions before at least two committees in congress where he testified for over 11 hours about this. he has provided names, dates, programs. he has basically challenge the senate and house. if you want to know about it i will tell you where to look for spacecraft. i cannot wait for this to happen. >> this is unbelievable. thank you so much. now to a horrifying story out of france where a syrian refugee was arrested after going on a stabbing spree targeting infants. >> harrowing cell phone footage shows the attacker roaming around the children's playground with knife in hand. what happens next is too distressing to show. witnesses say he began targeting toddlers, some in there baby strollers. >> the sickening police chase. they were able to overpower him
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but not before four children between 22 months and three years of age suffered life-threatening injuries. the syrian refugee had been refused asylum in france, but only because he got permanent residency in sweden a decade ago. joining me now, douglas murray, fox news contributor and author of war in the west. the quest for diversity in europe, we have to be welcoming to all refugees. it is up and in politics in sweden. we know what happened with the anti- refugee candidates and parties that have risen and now are in power. what does this mean for the future of this debate in europe and evens as it might affect us in the united states with our open border? >> europe is still struggling with the consequence of the 2015 migration crisis which i wrote about in my book. it has been struggling with the absorption that across the
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continent of 1.5 million people the governments of europe did not know who would come in. they mixed up asylum-seekers with economic migrants and people who came in from all over the world because the doors were open. that number that europe is still struggling to deal with is the same number of people coming across the border. in fact, fewer than the number of people coming across the southern border of the united states every year now. it's in abject lesson that if you lose control of your borders, you lose control of everything else. if you don't know who is in your country, if you stop bothering to find out, absolutely anything can and will happen. france has been through attack after attack over the last eight years. it is very likely that this is just an example of something that will keep on happening which people in europe have become use to and witch people in america should not become use to. >> douglas, a report by real
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clear investigations back in december revealed something pretty obvious crime of migration. they are intertwined. even after accounting for the variations among countries the data showed that each one percentage point increase in the immigrant population is so us loaded with a 3.6 increase in the homicide rate. again, northern european countries have else this. i don't know. the welcoming of the refugees and we have to continue with this open arms approach. how long can it stand, very quickly? >> most migrants will not become murderers just as they will not become rapists. there is a vast increase in both of those things when you have open borders. mo krohn and his cronies stood for a moment in silence. i wish they spent one minute trying to secure the borders of europe better. >> douglas, we appreciate it. thank you very much. tonight was something i
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thought i would never see in this country. we actually turn our departments of justice and our fbi against our political opponents right as we are going into an election year. my friends, this will be a wild ride over the next year and a half. we will be with you every step of the way analyzing the legal and political aspects. that is it for us tonight. got felled is next. happy thursday everybody! all right, all right. just when you thought new york could not get any nastier, it now smells like a humid day inside joy behar's mumu.
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