tv Gutfeld FOX News June 9, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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i thought i would never see in this country where wery actually tur actuan our departmo of justice and our fbi against political opponents, right. as we're going into an election year . my friends, this is going to be a wild ride over the next year and a half. wilride owe will be with you ee of the way. of course, analyzing >> greg: all right. happy thursday, everybody. yeah. all right, all right, all right. yeah, just when you thought new york couldn't get any nastier, it now smells like a humid day inside joy behar's mumu.
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smoke all landing here, making it the worst thing from that country since seth rogan. human elm john kerry commemorated 79th anniversary of d-day comparing it against the fight for climate change. note to john, it is okay to visit easter island, just don't turn into one. requires same level of mobilization required to fight the nazis. today's threat comes from all of us. if you don't recycle or buy an ev, then you are the new hitler. found that funny. he is last guy i talked to about the environment. the guy threw away his limedals that is littering. this is a power grab. if this smog keeps up, this just
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shows how unprepared we are for the climate crisis. we must ajust energy structure, blah, blah, blah. when the government says adapt, they mean restrict and destroy. does she think this is the first forest fire in the history of the world? she might. she has economics degree and still thinks shutting down businesses creates new jobs. she's not bright. five cows part in calcutta and ready to go back to the days. are we teaching kids as smoky the bear. and there is human chinchilla
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chuck schumer who claims we have a lot of work to do, does that include teaching people not to throw a lit cigarette out of the window of a car or douse that fire when you are through playing davey crockett. we must do more, he claims. oh, wait, that is why you passed the inflation reduction acts, i thought it was supposed to stop a pound of bologna from costing the same as pound of lobster. and then you see the skies filled with smoke and don't think we need immediate action. imagine this lady on the fourth of july, light a roman candle and she says it is worse than 9/11 sxchl what is canada's
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nonb nonbinary bozo doing? >> we are seeing outdoor events cancelled and kids being kept inside. the past few years have been challenging for kids. >> greg: for god's sake, please stop thinking about the kids. at least trudea has a plan for using the left-over soot. meanwhile, "u.s.a. today" asks, as candidate burnes makes skies eerie, is climate change to blame? no, people burning newspaper to get a grill lit is more likely the cause. fact is 90% of forest fires are caused by humans, campfires,
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discarded cigarettes, equipment malfunction, or like when i set fire to those letters from larry kudlow. it was hard to do. one in four fires are from arson. according to forestry data, the number of forest fires inun ka has declined, which is not to say they are not aided by bad forest management leading to dry wood ready to burn. only bigger fire hazard is brian kilmeade's playboy collection, pervert. you can think green activists for that. they are getting phased out and canada is having problem with fires on public lands due to lack of funds. they are too busy prosecuting children. our white houses they want to
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exchange mature forests, i guess which explains this. bottom line, more controlled burn than future devastating wildfires. i say we start with a palette of jesse waters' books. welcome tonight's guests. he is not the dub, he gets love, former new york congressman lee lee zeldin. just like me injuries kept her from performing in the olympics, charlie anault. tom chileau. easy on the eye, but murder on the ears, kat timpf. tom, you have been out and
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around the city. what's it like to you? how have you been experiencing this? >> pretty good day today, it was eerie, but i did like the light. people are reacting a little bit. mollie hemingway, made the observation that they are covering this big. i loved your monologue, i was going to talk about smokey bear and you did that gay slur. >> greg: what happened to smokey the bear? >> that is the thing, we haven't talked about it, only you can prevent forest fires. >> greg: only you. >> 90% are being being careless. we could do this with fire management and by educating people to put our fires. fire management is a big thing,
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controlled burns. environmentalists fight against controlled burns. if you do them, you reduce amount of refuse and dry stuff out there and you will have fewer forest fires. environmentalists love anything they can blame on climate change. >> greg: climate change is the new white guy. charlie, welcome to the show, how do you say your last name? >> arnault. >> greg: i said arnold. what do you think of the media coverage of this? >> it is ridiculous. it is crazy because john kerry is the climate czar, yet knows nothing about the climate. 2009, he said there was no ice left in the arctic and aoc wants
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to spend 94 trillion on the new green plan when really there is no evidence it will do anything to help the climate, it is nothing but a money-grabbing fundraising effort who help her cronies who are excited to see us wearing masks again. >> greg: that is true. when you make apocalyptic predictions, you don't have to provide solutions. you can ask for the money, untethered to action, and move to the next panic. lee, if you were governor and you should have been. kathy hochul is doing the same thing, making a pronouncement and goes back into the house and orders sushi. >> she banned gas stoves. she banned sale of gas cars after 2035. they won't approve new pipelines. they won't allow extraction of gas. they are running out of dumb
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ideas. the photo, amazing similarity between new york city and hunter biden's crack den. have you noticed that? >> greg: that is true. we have an issue, we have to be smart on this. talking about the climate crisis and they want to push forward. i don't know how much more damage they can do in new york. watching new york democrats, they want to bring us to a city and state near you, so pay attention. >> greg: kat, you are an expert in forest. >> kat: i've been to one. >> greg: what do you see the story here? we talked about failure in government and media hype and some other catastrophe. >> kat: i agree with you and mollie's point. the media love it, we can make it about us. the smoke went to the media.
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for me, it is like babies first, forest fire. i've never been around one before, but a lot of people are around them all the time and it is like, yeah, that's bad, but we don't talk about it this much because we can't talk about ourselves. the solution with capitalism comes innovation, comes to solutions to problems and a lot of people don't recognize that, they bring more attention and justin trudea is one of those climate guys, but this still happened. can you imagine if it happened here and there was a republican president, you think justin trudea wouldn't bring that up? of course the world is on fire, republicans. on his watch. >> greg: where is your black face now? more like red face. see what i did there? i changed the color.
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you can bet there will be new york writers writing about this. what we did when the sky went orange. >> kat: forever. >> greg: that is the headline. >> kat: amount of people who posted on your instagram story. do you not think i can get a better picture by googling it myself. >> greg: like the picture of the full moon, it is like picture of a moon. >> kat: or go to a zoo and post blurry picture of gorilla. i can google gorillas. we can listen to music on our own. >> greg: get rid of all zoos and replace them with google. it's a solution. up next, newsom tries to be mean with his tough-guy routine. come back.
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we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they're basically sitting on a goldmine? i don't think they have a clue. that's crazy! well, not everyone knows coventry's helped thousands of people sell their policies for cash. even term policies. i can't believe they're just sitting up there! sitting on all this cash. if you own a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, you can sell all or part of it to coventry. even a term policy. for cash, or a combination of cash and coverage, with no future premiums. someone needs to tell them, that they're sitting on a goldmine, and you have no idea! hey, guys!
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>> greg: the twirp who won't arrest violent cons says he's going to handcuff ron. it's time for, okay, okay, mr. tough guy. yaw! >> greg: i don't know what the horse was there for, i would have assumed the horse would have kicked him or something. too late now. california governor and walking oil slick, gavin newsom, doubling down on his warning to ron desantis for sending migrants to california. afterall, just because sacramento is a sanctuary city doesn't mean a republican should act like it. earlier this week, newsom tweeted to ron, you small pathetic man, this is not
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martha's vineyard, kidnapping charges? stick to destroying california, plus your name is gavin. no gainvines here, right? it is tough to provoke fear when you look like you just escaped from a catalog. is he just weakness masquerading strength? >> he is weakness masquerading strength, flailing, desperate for attention. here is a governor from the state of florida that is using taxpayer money and had to go to another state to find people under false pretense. i don't think this, i know this, i talked to the migrants. >> greg: about as threatening as a hamster on nyquil.
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brian kilmeade in a costume is more intimidating. took forever to get that picture. now heading to -- next week, should he be worried law enforcement are going to arrest him? >> should he be worried he is going to be arrested when he gets off the plane. >> now hyperbole. >> you raised issue of criminalality. >> greg: what a jackass. the reporter said, are you going to arrest him? let's not get into hyperbole. he's just taking at your word. they don't mean it literally, how could you be so unsophisticated. desantis defended sending migrants to california. these sanctuary jurisdictions are part of the reason we have this problem.
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they have endorsed and agitated for open-border policy and bragged they are sanctuary jurisdictions and when they have to deal with the fruits of that, they become very, very upset about that. what are these people having to deal with here? i don't see the sympathy for them. >> greg: can't argue there and newsom should be happy to have new california residents, they lost 200,000 from 2021 to 2022 and a lot of them moved to, you guessed it, florida. no wonder newsom is pissed, his people are flocking to a successful dude. don't worry about him, i am sure he will land on his hair. charly, imagine boasting about your virtue and somebody says prove it, you say, i'm arresting you. >> i'm interested in conversations, gavin newsom is having with the migrants, what
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are they talking about? >> greg: how to trim his hedges. >> he made california a sanctuary state. ron desantis took the opposite stance. i don't see what newsom is whining about. only good news is when migrants get to california, see how dumpy it is now, they will probably leave on their own. >> greg: exactly, and probably go to florida, probably, lee. i keep prefacing, if you were a governor, what would you have done when the buses came? >> well, new york shouldn't be a sanctuary state or city. they have a new law to give noncitizens right to vote inside new york city and looking for ways to make this state and city more of a sanctuary. why are so many residents leaving for places like florida? why is it you have such a big deficit budget and florida has a big budget surplus?
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i want gavin newsom to answer that. hypocrisy test, ask gavin newsom what you think about eric adams and new york city sending migrants to red counties? if you sit on your high horse, tell us you share the same view that eric adams is wrong for doing that. we have an issue. this red state versus blue state, what we need happen democratic governor is calling the democratic president and saying we as americans have an issue and we need you to lead to secure the southern border and here is how. they want money and power and gavin newsom wants the attention more than anybody, he would love to be sitting in the white house. >> greg: he's trying to raise his profile going after desantis and they use this analogy, like when somebody goes on twitter and somebody that starts hammering at you hoping you will respond and your brain is
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telling you don't punch down, but you do it anyway. >> kat: you do that more than i do. like not even close. >> greg: but it's true. gavin is acting like a twitter troll. >> kat: what kind of person would do that, a politician. of course what ron desantis is doing is a stunt, but that is what a lot of politics is. he is trying to call the bluff of certain people and bring attention to this issue. g gain -- gavin, he assumed more people worealize, when asked, arrest him. no, i'm not being serious, this is politics. to say that is a stunt to somebody else when you admitted that is what you are doing, that has to be embarrassing, if you were the type of person that
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could get embarrassed and i don't think he is. >> greg: migrants signed consent forms, they were in a party bus. i never got you a party bus. >> kat: you never got me anything. for christmas he got me a "gutfeld!" branded sharpie, and threw them from my office door. >> greg: i did and didn't even get a thank you. >> i didn't even get a pen, greg >> we know what you would do with it. >> greg: what do you mean, he would write with it. he would use it. gavin can't see what desantis is telling him, this is a national problem and we should be working together, not red versus blue state. gavin going, i'm sanctuary, but i'm not going to help you. it is bizarre. >> in that clip, he says, he
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didn't even have real illegal immigrants down there, he had to get them from another place. this is bragging? in california, we have tons of illegals, border is wide open, we are swimming in them. also, he accuses desantis of seeking attention and yet he's the one who reacts every time desantis does something, he holds a press conference. he is going off the heat coming off desantis. i love what desantis did, i love it was martha's vineyard. go further than desantis, don't just land them at the airplaneport, helicopter them and have them parachute on to obama's property and obama would have to be nice to them, right? if they were camping on his proper and i'm sure he has guards with guns guarding his property.
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do parachutes, right? send them out in parachutes all over obama's lawn and he has to come give them cookies and milk. >> i like this idea. >> i do, too. >> greg: you will probably get a call after this show for a long, detailed interview and perhaps trip. up next, antifa losers have no qualms battling conservative moms. helps lower a1c, and it's covered by medicare. before using the dexcom g7, i was really frustrated. all of that finger pricking and my a1c was still stuck. my diabetes was out of control. (female announcer) dexcom g7 sends your glucose numbers to your phone or dexcom receiver without painful finger sticks. the arrow shows the direction your glucose is heading-- up, down, or steady-- and because dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm, you can make better decisions about food, medication,
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pride month and gender pronouns. here is more chaos with the sound turned up. >> no, no, no. [indiscernible video playing] >> back up. back up. >> greg: reminds me of our last staff meeting when i told writers to cut down on jokes about kat cammack. cops were called in, serving pelegrino. pepper spray helps antifa smell better. board designated june as pride month, good news, june is when school ends, but why the violence?
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besides the fact antifa was there and that is their mission. it encouraging children to consider their preferred pronouns. of course, kids that age don't even know what their preferred breakfast cereal is. mine was crips. supporters say duh. here is one concerned mom. they need to stop asking little children what they sexually identify as. children are not sexual being, nor should they be. sexualization of children is pedophilia. >> they want to teach little kids in the school, six years old to decide about sexual things. they don't even know what is going on.
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>> greg: yeah, you can clap. [applause] >> greg: their argument is simple, schools should focus on academics and leave the weird sexual stuff where it belongs, my apartment. remember the good old days, when only sex talk between teacher and student was in bed? the school district says we are not in the business of converting anyone's child. yeah, the creep in the old van wanted to give the creep some candy. lee, i'm a peaceful person, i don't condone violence. when you insert yourself between bond of parent and child, you will get blowback. >> in new york, you don't get between chuck schumer and a camera. in board meetings, do not get between education and parent. parents can control the upbringing of their child, when
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they sent their child to school, they don't relinquish that to government. between new school curriculum and pronoun and bathrooms and know tras athletes in girls sports, you have inner pas who are pissed and people impleapting policy resent these parents, which makes it even worse. and i'm just afraid for our kids right now. fortunately parents are willing to step up and will not take any crap. board members are not listening and don't care. >> greg: they can't call this white supremacy, there are blacks and americans and armenians, what say you? >> kat: it was like internet -- section come to life. i just feel like i guess we've solved the issue of learning losses that happened during
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covid. how is the reading go ing? this is why government involvement in schools is scary. parents don't have choices they should have when it comes to their own child. i'm live and let live, everything, as long as you are not hurting anyone. i would never walk up to a girl and be like, are you a girl? ugh. serious learning losses happened during covid. we acknowledge that. now when it comes to school, we are talking about know trans stuff. how about they are behind and make use of time to do that. >> greg: good point. you know, i i defer on one poen. i say live and let live as long as it hurts somebody else.
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>> kat: he really is like that, yeah. >> greg: i don't think anybody said that, live and let live as long as it hurts somebody. tom, you have children and it is shocking to a lot of people that you reproduced with a member of the opposite sex and you were able to raise the children to a somewhat successful age and here we are now discussing a topic that involves children, which would make you almost an expert on this. >> i am an expert on this, yes, kids do not need to be exposed to this. i remember my teachers saying the most basic facts about sex and it was awkward and i was confused and i was in the 11th grade. they certainly don't need to be doing it in elementary school. don't do more months, every month we have a different thing and that is all kids do, draw
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rainbows and it is all ridiculous exercise. >> greg: what if it was tom chillou month? >> that would be okay, three r's, learn to sing barbershop quartet. >> greg: you wouldn't have to draw anything, it would be just white. you are white, what is your background? >> how much whiter am i than lee lee zeldin. they put makeup on me backstage. >> greg: charly, you don't have kids yet? >> not yet. it is good per this conversation. >> greg: i'd be worried bringing kids into this world. too many things being forced upon them by perverts. >> and forced to accept ridiculous ideas.
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you just talked about, we didn't have sex ed until 11th or 12th grade, in socal, a teacher was put on mandatory leave because she was forcing message on children about sex toys and this makes me -- to say it, booty holes, her terminology, which i find disgusting and that is acceptable in school under some standards. there was a pride parade in texas with leather-friendly crowd, they call them, really just a bunch of perverts into bondage and this is seen as family friendly. we have lost our minds. i'm glad to see parents pushing back. >> greg: dig deeper into the booty hole. >> the booty holes. >> greg: we have about 15 minutes, 20 minutes left in the
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show, tom, tell me what you think about booty holes. i'm kidding, i still want my job. sounds like a fun bar, though. lee, i'll meet you at booty holes. two for one night. >> horrible word, isn't it? >> greg: butt hole is way better. favorite word of every 10-year-old boy. >> exactly, and me. >> greg: same thing. >> yeah. that is what i was getting at. >> greg: tom brady makes a shift in local news about taylor swift.
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shares a story from where they are from and i vote and that person gets to see my booty hole. >> so no one wants to win. >> the laundry basket where i throw the booties. >> massachusetts hero, tom brady listed by the n.f.l. to make educational video for other n.f.l. players to remind them it is illegal to gamble on football. i think it is going to be an awkward video from tom brady. he is like, hi, i'm a billionaire, i know you want side money issue but no gambling allowed, maybe you should have million dollar endorsement deals and sign a broadcasting contracts, even though you can't talk so well. >> greg: he is such a loser. >> i can't say bad things about massachusetts. >> greg: talk about graduates
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being from san mateo, california, me and him being one of them. lynn swan, greg jeffreys, not bad. i'm the winner. >> kat: every time. >> greg: we will keep doing it, kat cammack. >> was there barry bonds, too? >> greg: barry bonds and his giant year. he cheated on him in know spaish, kicking my desk. i moved my paper over so he could look. he was always a cheat. sorry, charly, hope i didn't scare you. >> no, i'm excite. i'm from indianapolis, indiana, thought i had seen the craziest. mitchell table is in jail guilty of harassing and stalking taylor
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swift and he had interesting tactics. a, he made messages on social media telling her he was her soul mate and left a voice mail for her father and showed up to her apartment and told security he was a reporter and to pass along the message he was single. seems logical, right? he's proclaimed himself smartest man in america ands he has plans to run for president. if between him and biden, tough call. >> greg: that is true. that is true. you know -- [applause] >> greg: points for persistence, that is the thing crazy people have that we don't, persistence. didn't you share a stalker with taylor swift? >> kat: i did. a-list moment. it was a big deal, police were involved, same guy that stalked taylor swift, we're on the same
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level. >> greg: did he start with you, kat cammack? story? >> ohio, guy in car, ferrari going too fast, how fast? 132 miles per hour, how fast? greg, you can't do that, they caught him. why was he doing that? i couldn't find why, it is because he is in a ferrari. >> greg: if you're not speeding in a ferrari, you should get a ticket, right? exactly. >> kat: not much else to do around there. i don't even see a perkins. >> greg: i like that median strip there, kept fresh and probably mow it, lee. i'm atentative to strips on the highways. where am i? am i still on tv?
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lee, what is your story? >> new york going to be underway on the buffalo bills billion dollar taxpayer funded stadium thchl came out of nowhere, 11th hour of state budget deal. surprise, here is billions going from new yorkers to this one project owned by billionaires. they swept $600 million from the seneca nation and i'm sure seneca nation wants buffalo bills tickets. kathy hochul's husband had concession for the stadium. sweetheart deal for the owner of buffalo bills nation, not so much for the seneca nation >> greg: do you say nope to soap? we'll find out.
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>> greg: what is a cuticle? >> it is this. i think if you do not wash your hands, if you are going to be dirty, come out of the bathroom with dry hands so everybody knows you are sick. >> greg: it is more disgusting to come out of the bathroom with wet hands. you realize there is no towel in the restroom and you don't want to wipe your hands on your shirt? do you know what i do? i don't know. >> i don't wash my hands ever since covid and hand sanitizer, i am exposing myself to germs. touch my hand, who wants to touch my hand? i touch the whole row and i touch my face. >> you are a hand washing
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truther. >> yes. exactly. >> that's new. >> greg: i heard there was a second faucet. charly, 62% use paper towels on door knobs and faucets, where i use my tongue. >> i just need to speak about the soap, here is problem, i wash my hands, i have an italian mother. she fills it up with water, it gets diluted, not sure how clean they are. >> greg: you never run out of soap. it tells you concentration of soap, lee. if you were governor, would you wash your hand? >> yes, i break, i am pro-soap. i believe five words, you need to use soap. to be polite issue start using soap now, please.
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five words, someone who needs to be shamed, dude, you smell like -- >> greg: yes, we have to move on. shout out to one of the greatest inventions of all time, soap on a rope, i don't think you can get anymore. if you know where i can get soap on a rope. >> great father's day gift. >> greg: you can choke yourself to death on it. don't go away, we'll be right back. t back.
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>> greg: final thought? >> july 22nd punch line in san francisco, i want every conservative in san francisco to come see me, should have 200 people there. >> greg: fantastic, you and i are doing show june 17th in atlanta. thanks to tommy, charly, lee zeldin -- love you. >> carley: fox news alert, former president donald trump will appear before a florida grand jury after being indicted on seven counts by the biden justice department over his handling of classified documents at mar-a-lago. you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> hi, carley, i'm griff jenkins in washington in for todd piro. so much news. hours ago, former president telling fox news digital this is election
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