tv Hannity FOX News June 9, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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two, 250 head a year. ooh, save and save in livestoc k on the highways. i'm most of the time is in rural areas, which is a lot safer, but this one ended up blowing up pretty big being you know, just north of detroit t of fo it was pretty pretty pretty unheard of for most of thoser oo peoplese. >> great to see you. god bless you both. thank you. ricky little john, there. have a great weekend. it's been my pleasure. my honor of blessing to be with you this to sean hannity is nosew hi, welcome to "hannity". >> the 45th president of the united states, donald j. trump, now been indicted by the biden justice department overruh alleged crimes that biden himself is alsasindicto accused of committing. but while the ongoing federal documents investigate nation into joe biden is going seemingly nowhere, donaling fedd trump is now being forced to appear before a federal judge on tuesday to face what is now criminal charges. alar beforl seven felony countse
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way. it's calleunts by d count stacku 31 of the counts of willfulul retention of national defensede information, six process crimefs . president trump is calling this election interference at the highest level. members of congress are now openly comparing the u.s..presi government to a corrupt banana republic. and ondelling this elect progra onrk levin, called it a war on the republic. and coming up tonight, we'll get full legal analysis from our own great jarrett alan dershowitz, former acting attorney general matt whitakeret . we'll also hear from former speaker of the house newt gingrich. hous matt whd the former se judiciae chairman jim jordan. and later, stay tuned for my preview of my exclusive interview with california governor gavin newsom. that's all coming up this friday night. but first, wnewte begin with aih statement that you hear a lot from the left. nobodycalifoovernor is above t. they say there is one set of rules for every american. in fact, the doj special
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counsel jack smith, who iscial c prosecuting donald trump, emphasized thiou s a press conference earlier today. unfortunately, i'm not buying it. >> and i'll explain in a minute, but take a look. how did the fbunfortunatg plain ini, the incident in which hillary clinton instructed jake sullivan to take the marxist markings off of a document that wasn inst to be sent to her? >> yeah, we looked at thatru pretty closely. there was some problem with their secure fax machine, and there's an email in which she says, in substance, take the headers off of it and send it as a non-paper. >> we have one set of laws in this country and they apply to everyone. there are hundreds of classifiedthere was cure fax doe servers. how many people withou we havet a security clearance had access to that server? eds of assifiedi don't know thea as i sit here. less probablt servy more than t, less than ten. >> we have one set of laws in10 this country and they apply to everyone. 110 emails in 52 email chains
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have determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. in eight of those chains contained information that was top secret the time they were ey wer36 of those chains contaim secret information at the timea and eight contained confidential information at the time. although there is evidence of potential violations ocefolatio statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgmentns es regar is that nojudgme reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. >> we havereasonab set of laws in this country and they apply to everyon one sete one set of n this country, and they apply to everyon set of e. really, no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges against hillary clinton, even though hillary, we now know, mishandled thousands of classified documents. >> james comey says it, which were illegally stored on herargg private servers, likely which they believed hacked
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by foreign countries or adversaries. she then attempted to covegallyc tracks by deleting another 33,000 emails wipeksd all of those hard drives clean, which something we had never heard of before called bleach bit.someth and then, of course, wes, lackberries, the iphonein they were smashed with hammers and sim cards were removed. >> now, take look at a screen. this is joe biden's garage during a campaign filmed in 2020 next to his precious corvette before biden was president at that very same location. right in that same garage right there. classified documents were d possibly in a c the cardboard box on your screen. noamnextw that's next to joe's t precious car. but more classified document tls were also found in biden's office at his house in ified nt wilmingtons were. and even more documents were discovered in an unsecured privat in bideis housee at the n center at the university. in this case, washington, d.c. some materials dating back to biden's time as senator. university of delaware.
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in other words, biden's pattern of mishandling secret government. nator at tirrell went on for decades. there have never, ever, everneve been any charges against joe biden. no talk of even a grancharges ad with the special counsel. in his case, no information at all whatsoever in the lead up to trump's indictment. one leak, one day afterthe le another. so given today's news,ad up to s there are two sets of laws, one for clinton, one for biden, one for democrats and other high profile liberal democrats, and another whole set ofan standards as it applies to donald trump, his supporters. any other conservative, when you're a democrat or a trump, either, guess what? you can just say oops and all forgiven. it's that simple. or in case of joe biden, you just lie. for example, biden swore that he never once spokample e to his son or his brother or family about a shady foreign deals. that's a complete lie. we've proven that over and over again.
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in fact, biden was pictured with numerous hunter businessfay partners, including a fellow nurisma board member abusine an. now, thanks to chairman, commerce, house oversight w committee investigation, we nw know that the trusted fbi source accusing joe biden of taking farm bribes in exchange for policy decisions. while we know a lot more about this individual, we already know that biden as vice president, was tasked with leading america's policy in ukraine during the obama administration. and we that hunter was raking in at least 50 grand a monthwe k fromno a ukrainian oil gianttion and gas giant the very same time. er was we also know hunter excepted lavish gifts from the founder of burisma r a ukrai. we know it was paid a fortune, but yet he admitted on good morning america he had no experience. then he had gifts. by the way, did he ever file taxes on those? did he ever register now he farahe eve fbi act? and were there any policy changer le taxesegister s? re what did he do in exchange forhi
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this money? t joe viceo know thad president all he leverage 1 billion us taxpayer dollars to get a ukrainian prosecutor fired. that prosecutor investigating 1 hunter's employer, burisma holdings n us tax and, hunter himselff fo for corruption and son of a . he withheld that billion and inf 6 hours they fired the guy. now, according to fox, the fbi is confidential human source who has now been out there. this is the james colmer and charles grassley, 1023 form that they've been looking for. but that person apparently detailed conversations with the burism jamesa executive this executive reportedly referred to hunterersations ast then said, quote, i had to pay the bidens because, the ukrainian prosecutor, viktor shokin, the one that was fired by joe or because of joe, a. investigating burism and it would be difficult to enter the u.s. market in the midst ofter the that investigation. that was the very same ukrainian prosecuto thar tt
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biden forced out in 6 hours, leveraging your money. >> now, the source claims that a $5 million payment was directed to joe biden, another $5 million payment to hunter biden and his fox news .com reports. these were not direct payments. instead,report they were made qe through so many different bank accounts that investigators would not be able to unravel this for at least ten oh, jim's call. james cormier seems to bears getting there. again, these are allegations. they are made by a confidential human source. sourc that's what he is saying.e and he worked for the fbi fosarg years. in fact, the fbi trusted this source so much. they paid this individual $200,000 plus four previous plu intelligence. and yet, as far as we knows foej have known about this since 2017. e doj haout and are pursuing a case against the big guy, joe. they're not looking at laptop where he complained bitterly about giving half his income to pops or paying for perhaps his home repairs. so after, you know, pushinger's
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the russia hoax, committin lapg pfizer, falsifying documents, squeezing witnesses over process crimes, and, of course, using heavy handed raids to intimidate witnessesnd and then leaking a lot of it to the press. i alsoit to th pushing big tech to censor the hunter biden laptop story that we all know was very real and now seemingly ignoring a bribery allegations against biden. i think it's pretty fair forkna to conclude how insulting it is for ipretty f a doj special l to trot out and lecture all of us so that we have equal treatment under the law, because i'm not buying that inou america. s joe biden's america. the sheer lack of self-awareal ness is beyond stunning. but in reality, biden's far leftlack of beyond doj. they probably don't care. they just want to get trump at any cost. anyway, here now with more. the author of trial of the century, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, also the author of the bookauthor o get harvard law professor
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alan dershowitz and former acting attorney general matthewo whitaker is with us. guys, good to see you. okn know, greg, let me start with you tonight because one thing you keep referringyou to is the presidential records act conspicuousleep y, in my view,sly absent any reference to theiin >> why would this be relevant in a case like thia s? it's the main defense and it's the prevailing controlling law. >> the presidential records act, a statute gave trump the right under the law to maintain custody and control of papers, whethe r they're classified or not, john, it's a civil not criminal statute because it's a specific statute. >> it takes precedence over general statutes. >> and indeed, for more a decade, the department of justice agreed with that. it became own established standard. >> they even argued it in federal court init became thei l clinton case, stating emphatically that clintonatical
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entitled to keep whatever he wanted after leavinglyton was ,o it was classified or not.r >> so that's trump's main defense. >> and the judge in the case endorsed it. rsed i >> the judge ruled the national archives doesn't havt.d the e ay to decide presidential records, and that seizing from a former president is unfounded and contrary to the law. >> so trump relied on that standard that should be his defense. >> all right. let me let me go to the statement, professor dershowitz. today. we have one set of laws in this country and they apply to everybody. n we can go to the tapean that i just played and then this particular case, it was james comey admitting that hillary had top secret classified materials all over her servers. mittin i would argug e that deletingwo 33,000 subpoenaed emailsar and destroying devices that may have that information on it. that to me, and maybe i'm just told that would that would fit
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the classic definition of obstruction to me. but i'm not a prosecutor. do we have the same standards being applied to hillary clinton? joe bideion but not an, and don these cases? e do and jackink w smith try to persuade us that we do. you know, probably listened to your show. and so he deliberately did not indict trump under the provision of the statute because of my show for the provision that talks abouted of what he learned in what he did, what he didn't indict him under the provision that talks about negligence. he indicted him on the much higher standard of willfulness, which will make it much hardero to prove, but will allow him to say, see, this is distinguishableto e from hillary clinton not arguing negligence. i'm arguinfrlinton ng, look, ths only two paragraphs, adam,nt only almost 200 in the indictment that donald trump has anythingald trum to wy
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about. >> they're paragraphs 34 and 34 the tape.lose the consensually recorded tape that trump allowed to take when he spoke to a writer about a book concerning, meadows, inw which he essentially admitted that a documenhehat t that he sd him maybe just flashed it in front of him. >> we don't know, could have been declassified. it was not declassified. those are the only two paragraphs 34 and 35 that i think are unanticipated. and he has anything to worry about. the rest of themcould been de covered either by the records act or, lack of intent.lack o f it's very hard to prove p the kind of level of intent, buro t the the the two paragraphse are troubling and think trump's defense will probably be, look, i was just showing off i didn't really show him these of materials. >> i just let him see that we lh
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had them. we didn'imhat we ht read and of course, the government doesn't have the materials . emselvesnment do and so it's going to be hard to prove what's in them. but if i were trump's lawyers,b those are the two paragraphsif i would be focusin ihose of g o. i think the rest of it is duplicitous and typical and predictable and probably not criminal. >> all right. so matt whitaker, let me go to what james comey said in the three days in october 2016. he talked about about top classified information being faxed and hillary insisting or asking that the heading be removed, meaning the classification. but it didn't declassify the document. people that didn't have clearances, including a lawyers and others, also looking at those documents, at least ten people, they said at the time, foreighe dn governmens likely having hacked into that and.m and then comey statement that 30,000 emails, forgettingment t the 33,000 she deleted. , 110 of them in
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52 email chains determined by the only agency to have classified at the time they were sent or received. eight of those chains had top secret, 36 had secret. >> tell me how this any way comports with the statement that was made by jack smith today that we have one set of laws in the country that applywh to everyone. >> well, the laws applied in that cas e. >> yeah, they weren't. and in that hillary clinton case, under the jack smith standard and in this charging document, hillar? y clinton have should have been charged on many, many counts of violatin g this statute. >> and this is the problem is the equal justice under, the law. that concept is out the window now, because, again, that was e and th is the g moment inthatw american history, i guess, where the fbi director can momee a pass.givasing and now we have a the biden administration, you know, through their special counsel, jack smith, who directly
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reports to merrick garland, is targeting their main o . tical opponent and, you know, listen, he stood up there today also and said that essentially he was representing the intelligence community as well. guess who the intelligence went after? and 2015, 2016, donald trump. and here we go again. the m all right, matt whitaker, thank you. alan dershowitz, thank you, greg. oppoay k you. now, by the way, now to some shocking news last night. let's seco intellicommune, const of all theorists, rachel maddow said something true on our show. take pause and note. >> you have to wonder if the justice department is consideringg true o whether e is some political solution to this criminal problem, whether part of the issue here is not just that trump has committed crimes, but that trump has committed crimes crd plans on back in the white house. do they consider as part oiminal a potential plea offer something that would prescribe e him from from white from running for office again? i don't know. again?n't knowi would imagine g
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like that happened, that it would have to come fromwould the defense side of the negotiation that o come f they thaty the trump team would would say, oh, by the way, and with we will also, you know, drop out of the the race president. otherwise it would put the justice department in this position that donaldt donald trump claims there and he claims they're trying to stop him simply trying to stop him from becoming president again. >> and that's the only reason they're doing that. becomingall right. so it turns out that this ab about stopping trump from or even running for president. how judiciary committee chairman jim jordan, he's now raising specific answers about the doj investigations. he joins us now. mr. chairman, let's get your reaction overall to this. and i've been focusing a lot on james comey's defense of yollarfoy and in july of 2016, you remember it well, even taking off classified headers so they can fax documents, docue
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people that don't have clearances, getting a hold of those documentntho don'tnce s ft adversaries, having a hold of do, and the exact same thingin that jack smith says that donald trump did. >> right. no, this is a sad day for the equal application of the law. we all know that. but i think more importantly, this is about election interference step. >> i think about this for a second, sean. we have an email that the biden administration sent on day three,den sent on day three, te house rob flaherty sends an email to twitter saying, take down this tweet, a.s.a.p. and the tweet is by robert f kennedy jr. so think about it. the white house is working to censor their primaryse i election opponent. now they are going to indicts gn their general election opponent all while joe biden's familyowg took millions of dollars from foreign nationals, all while s family, joe biden has classified documents at four different location sites. and then, of course, there's the comparison that you make, to how they were treated, secretary clinton.
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this is ridiculous what's going on. and the country understands that and sees clearly thatdiculs they've been out to getn president trump inthe co 2016 wt was the trump russia hoax, the crossfire hurricane investigation, 2018, bob mueller, 2020, suppression of the biden laptop story with the 51 former intel officials. and now this. >> it is wrong and the country . ows it's wrong all right. so you have your colleague james comer is looking into, obviously, the biden family business and how much money. i would love to know we can get a final number. how much money did they make from every country? what did the biden nine family members do to to earn thatmemb money? what services did they offer? did joe himself get a cut? c did he commit any actsom involvd with it? i mean, this is stuff that we now know should have been investigated in 20. , 16? 17? now we have the situation wher e biden has four separate locations, top secret classified informationbide that he had in his possession. and yet there's been no leaks.
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there's been no talk of grandpoo juries. that seems to just lea. drop stop dead. no, no. raiding his no raiding his office, no raiding any one of the four locations. what is the average american to think watching this and saying ,well, wait a minute, these two did it. they got away with it. why are you going after thisave guy? >> yeah, allic the intensityanrs is going after president trump. >> there's no intensity in these other like sean, just thisid past wednesday, we we interviewed we had a deposition of the former head oterviewef the washington office of the fbi, steve d'antonio. mr. d'antonio told, us right from the start. we can see this thing was a sham right from the start e said, where's the u.s. attorney assigned to this this raid that we're going to that's going to happen. this case of the classified documents with president trump. where's the u.s. attorney? they said there's no u.s. attorney. we're running this out of headquartersus . d he sai he goes, there was a problem is when we did that, what's crossfire hurricane? why are we doing that now? they said that's how we're doing it. then mr. d'antonio said, well, when work if we're going to do this raid, why don't we just call president trump's lawyers and worke going
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with them, why do we have to go in with a subpoena, a subpoena and do the raid? they said, nope, we're goingand to do it that way. then he said, how about this? how about when we get there? we then call up president trump's attorney, have him meet us, and we go through this raid like for did for joe biden with. his attorneys got to look through the pen center in his home. ought not noto tha the way they did mar-a-lago. and again, the folks at the headquartersd said, no,go t we're not going to do it thatth way. so the intensity that camee heaf of this, it was right fromro the get go. >> this thing was a sham. and oh, by the waything wa, sea, the lawyer who overruled mr. d'antonio and said, no, we're not going to it that way. that lawyer is the same one who supposedly said to a lawyer representing someone who worked for mr. trump threatened him with this judgeship position. this is this has been in the news as welltorepres. this thing was a problem from the start and everyone sees it . all right, jim jordan, thank you. when we come back, the house oversight committee is finally house fin now view the that 1023 document that jim was referringdi 1023 d, detailing joe and how hunter's alleged criminal bribery scheme
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. what does that mean fo rwhat i the current president? we'll check in with newts meano gingrich. he's here as we continue. when president trump was just starting to drain the swamp, ron desantis had already voted repeatedly to cut social security and medicare. and when trump passed huge cuts for nearly everyone, ron desantis was pushing a bill for a 23% national sales tax. making families pay a lot more. in washington, president trump put america first, while desantis let us down. >> make america great again inc5 is responsible for the content of this advertising. ,i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life t,h, the colonial pen program. >> if you're aged 50 tat are t e and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, insurance on a fixed budget, remember what are the three p's?
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a major shakeup of former president donald trump's legal team after he was indicted on charges of mishandling classified documents. >> two of his top attorneys who spoke with special counsel jack smith earlier this week are off the case. the charges come nearly one year after the fbi raided trump's mar-a-lago estate, found documents from trump's time at the white house. >> listen to this. >> a miracle in the colombian jungle. four children were found alive 40 days after surviving a plane crash. colombia's president says the children are receiving medical attention right now. >> all three adults, including the pilot, were killed. and it remains unclear how the children were able to survive alone for such a long time, youngest being 11 months old. the crash happened last month when the propeller plane's lone engine failed. w. kie ibanez no wildfir >> back to "hannity" for all of your headlines, log on to m. >> so a convenient twist of
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fate, the indictment of former president donald j. trump came on the very same day that members of the house >> oversight committee viewed the fbi document, the 1023 form alleging that joe biden took bribes in exchange for actions as vice president. onw, sources that have seen the documents tell fox news digital that it detail of s anj alleged $10 million payment to joe and huntetook br from a burisma executive. the executive apparently route the paymentsb through so many shell companies that the transfer would take at least ten years to uncover it. and what did burismaecutive , ts executive want in exchange for that money? , he wanted to halt an investigation into his company by a prosecutor in ukraine that prosecutors,d to hal the one thi joe biden leverages a billion taxpayer dollars and demande dd he be fired in 6 hours and son of a . they fired that guy. yesterday, when asked about these serious allegations, president biden, he just
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laughed them off. >> take a look. i'm supposed to walkfi off the stage going my way, way, way, way, way, way outtake a l.i the bribery allegation, congresswoman nancy bass says there's standing evidence in fbi file that you sold out the country in response to the congressional republicans. where's the money? i'm joe. >> mr. president, i just heard so much malarkey. >> all right. joining us now, author of a really good new book , i get around in bookstores all across the country. >> hannity,, march for the majority. former speaker of house foxat hn news contributor newt gingrich is with us. >> all . there are two things that are beyond puzzling to me. that one is, you know, inar the midd. of the trump's impeachment, we joe biden on tape bragging that he leveraged $1 billion to get a ukrainian prosecutor fired and gave him 6 hours to do it. they fired him. it turns out that thatbillio prosecutor was investigating burismana. r was and it turns out that a the prosecutor was investigating hunterand it bid
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hunter biden does an interviewvt on "gma" and admits he has no experience in energy, oil, gas, coal or ukrainoes an ie. now, to me, that seems like a quid pro quo, joe. nobody showed any interest in that, mr. speaker. why? . look, i think all of us who are conservative have misunderstood what's going on. it's a lot like hillary. they didn't prosecute hillary because she's so likable. they didn't prosecute hunter because, after all, he's such a nice guy. they're not going to go after joe because, after all, he means well.n't i mean, what you have herebecau is absolute total and i a couple simple trust, frankly, for the housetion. anh release the document. it's not classified. there's no reason every american can't read it. put it on the internet. let all of us read. rican ca remember, this is a confidential fbi informant
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who the fbi believed in enough to have paid him over $200,000 over the years. so they thought he was a very serious person . so let's read what he had to say. second, i might just add a newsletter. gingrich basically saying that this is the wrong indictment. the donald trump indictment is wrong. the first indictments ought to be all the people who are mentioned as breaking the rules and breaking the law. in the durham report, those are fbi agents. the second indictment oughtrules to be the two universities that still haven't told us how muchdl money they got from the chinese communist while taking care of i agents at the university of delaware and the university of pennsylvania, you know, recipients got two ambassadorships out of the deal. and there were ten biden administration senior people being paid by the university of pennsylvania with money that i think came sity of from commb china. y the third indictments oughtch to be the biden family. i mean, how can you have allinde you know is a very simple just ask yourself why the widow of
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the mayor of moscow send $3 million to hunter biden? why would, marina have hire a guy who clearly didn't know anything. >> three and a half million. i'm low volume trying to be conservative. why would why would. but think about it. why would burisma be paying him? why would somebody in kazakhstan senhim d him money? why would a chinese billionaire be sending him a diamond when? and as chairman cuomo reported the other day, we know of at least one case where $3 million was sent to the biden family from china. and finally, what does it tell you that apparently the fbi leadership insisted that the irs disband the team thatir was looking into the money for the bidens? this whole thing is sick and it puts in context what'sd with trump. what you have is a deliberate, h vicious effort worthy ofatppenin zimbabweg or venezuela or cuba. but in the united states of
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america, to have this kind of totally ruthless use ofthe the power of the government. you know, it's ironic. this is the weekunited to that anniversary of the publication of george orwell's 1984. and what we're seeing is exactly the use of state powr power that orwell warned us against. and i hope that the republicans next week will release the document, puope thatpublicat on the internet, but every american see it. and then i ask the attornease ty general and the head ofey the fbi, how could you have had thisad of th for several years t investigated? >> i mean, there's something profoundly sick about this. newt spoke march of the majority, by the way. i had the honor of actually interviewing him on, his own podcast about his new book. bookstores all aroud the knew 360, i believe is where the podcast is. mr. speaker, thank you sir. all right. straight ahead, biden has once again embarrassed himself and the country in front of a world leader. we're going to play the tape.
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we'll get reaction. >> miranda devine and congressman ronny jackson straight ahead. >> overactive are oab can >> overactive are oab can change your world like going. hiking just to hike to the hiking just to hike to the bathroom reaching for the bar, just to reach for pads, waiting for the sunset just to wait for the stall. >> discover gem. tessa, a once a day pill proven to reduce all three key symptoms of oab leakage gemte episodes urgency and frequency in adultsas. ty you in adultsas. ty you >> do nor t take it if you have a known allergic reaction to jamak urine or its ingredien. tell your doctor right away. si your or if you have a weak stream. tell your doctor if tell your doctor if you're takindehe, a jackson or if you have liver or kidney problems. usea, headache, common cold symptoms, diarrhea, nausea, urinary tractl
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time to meet with the prime minister of the united kingdom, the u.k.e did to meet of course, it did not go well. >> what a shock. take a loo ster of k. >> well, mr. president, mr.>> w president, it's just a matter ofel. presid you..i mr. prime minister, it's greatbk to have you back. at your end. and there's an awful lot oful lt stories that are told, but o probably much apocryphal about that. the former prime minister likely to take parts of that anyway, wandering around at in the morning, winston churchill bothering, bothering mrs. roosevelt. >> yes. by the way, could you imagine being on biden's staff being o and every time he speaks extemporaneously, like, oh, no, pleasef and ev screw up. oh, please. anyway, concerns over biden's age ability are continue to grow. new polls showing 48% of independent voters now feel biden's agow 40 pee severely liy ability to do the job. democrat ls said desperately looking for another option erately rn primary challenge
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robert robert kennedy jr. now he continues to gain a lot of support. here with reaction, fox news contributor miranda devine, former white house physician, texas congressman ronny jackson. good to see you both. you i would not have guessedmar 21% consistently for rfk jr in the polls, but that's where is. pullnda and even marianne nearly polling at close to 10%. i mean that'nts amazing and an overwhelming majority of democrats don't want him to beof the nominee. your thought s? well, i mean, it's pretty doear why they don't. he's just not the joe biden that they thought that they were getting. they thought they were getting honest, joe. theyand all these corruptionrrup allegations. he's addletion alld, obviously,e falls over and it is sort of a part time president. and the problem, though, is that joe biden has been in
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politics a long time. he has a big machine behind him . and they're very canny at winning elections by fair means or foul. and so as you see with wharet v they're doing g with, joe bidens primary opponent, they're tying him up in all sorts of legal tactics while these allegations that are so damaging to joeegal bidewhile n and that have been swirling around since before the 2020 election and the fbi cover up, that has protected him. all of that is coming to fruition. t they've done verydone cleverly is now got this giant smokescreen of donald trump. sosmokes bad as joe biden is as addled as as he is, the machine behind him is propping him up. you know, ronny jackson, you ar you know, you're a medical doctor as well. and we've talked about biden's cognitive ctor as e for a long . it's very obvious and transparent. andyou know, is america now at
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a point where you believe itso is so obvious and transparent that he's noand trant to the jot independents and democrats, they would rather have somebody that is a fighter. that's where that had a great, solid record on the economy, on energy, on borders, foreign relations with china, russia, you know, showed strength around the world. china where's america going to come d. n on this in the en >> i can't imagine america can r. ept this much longe well, i hope you're right, sean, but i think the big problem here is i don't think the american people are in control of what happens anymore. >> the bt steps're jus away from the biden administration being no different than xi jinping or the putin, you know, establishment. this is this is out of control, what's happening right now? and i think that miranda's rigt there using this as a big distraction to distract from his cognitive insufficiencies and to distract from, you know,
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the stuff that's going on with the biden crimcienciese family. and they can't keep him locked up all the time. they'll do their best to keep him in basement. but every now and then, they have to roll him out for things like this. with the british prime ministe rhem in . and he's going to say stupid stuff and he's going to declare to the to the to everybody a then roland mone that's watching thatwho he's incompetent and incapable. but they're doing a good job righis wching heand incat now or and authority that they have within the executive branchusin to stack the deck and to stack the deck against the decp. rum you're right. we need it. we need a man with his type of leadership and his of vision back, and we need him back. but i don't know. i don't know that american people are pulling the strings right now or controlling what's happening or going to be able to. >> amazing times for a living, and that's for sure. anyway, miranda, great to see you. have a great weekend. sure.. jackson, alway s good to see you. when we come back, a preview of my exclusive interview with california governor gavin newsom. you don't want to miss i iewt. >> so a fun day straight ahead ,parents, a frightening battle
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go to ship station .com slash. >> try and get two months free . >> all right. earlier today, i had the opportunity to sit down with california governor gavin newsom for an exclusive interview. no topic off the table. california gomi actually ended e of fun. we'll let you ultimately decide. nding a lo here is an exclusive first exclu look. not sure what they were airingst
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next week based on breaking news, but i think you'll like . the interview but you get but y the first look where i asked him about president bidethe fir >> do you think he's cognitively strong enough to be president? conversations all the time. yes. and i'll tell you what you do. i'm dead serious about that. he's nough toi've talked to him when he's been overseas. i've been in air force one, marine one. i've been in the limo with him. i've spent time with the country. and they never answerehim when d marin my directly. how many times is your phone pinging a day? people sayine and i hawith hg, t in this race because they agree with me that he's not up to theh job. >> i would say i see whae t you see where you're goingnot an with that. i'm asking. no, and i'm not answering. swg.right. i also asked the governor about the trump indictment. here's he said. >> all right. donald trump trying for you to be if i didn't get your reaction to what happened in the news would bdidn't g. >> sad. and i say that as an american i can imagine friendly with him. i was you know, i didn't have h a closed fist. i had open hand. wea ist but actually had an ine
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race during covid. >> right. it was incredible. he would play no politic dible. s, recover with california. none whatsoever. it's a fact. and by the way, i've got a lot of critique from the left by saying that. >> all right. here with reaction, fox news charlie hurt and outkick founder clay travis. guys, good to see you both. all right. let's get reaction, charlie. thisavis. o see yo is a long ranging interview. the thing i liked about it, it was fun exchange. we've known each other for a long time and we know we don't agreabout ite on on anyth politically. but we ended up having a funwe civil discussion. i pushed him. he pushed back. it was a f. you know, i'll let the audience ultimately decide. but it was fun to doi will l. >> yeah, well, of course, that's the most important thing that we have going on in can hav our country today where there emuch ouch of this incredibl division, much of it sewf n by the most powerful people in the country. so that's a that's a very good thing. but i do think it's kind of amusing the way he he really did dodge that question you had
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for him. of course, you and i both know that a lot of people are the democratic party are freaking out about joe biden and are desperatu had.rse e fora alternative. and the alternative they have freakmainbiden any actually bea harris may actually be worse than, their current problem. so they're very desperate. and he was good at at avoiding answering that question. yeah. one thing that stood out to me is there were moments, a number of them, where he just fell on the sword. he just said, you're right. like on the french>> yeah.lay, . that was stupid. that was his answer. u are ri french i kind of apprel honesty. i don't think the i think sees what we see about joe. but i think he was being a loyal democrat in that moment . >> sean, he sat down for an fora interview with youn to talkudi to the fox news audience right in the middle of joe bidenden falling on the stage at airth force and refused and showed
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him the question you asked him. yeah, of course you did. goodan. you. you asked him directly. how often do you getyou. asked to run for president of the united states? >> he could have easilyent of said never worried. he could have lied. he could have said everybody t u uld loves biden. >> he's going to win in 2024.d v he didn't say you know what else? he didn'ybatt do, sean? he didn't really take a shot at donald trump. and that's why i think thise a h is so fascinating. it's almost like gavin newsom thinksot running for president already against ron desantis. now, maybe it's just a previewnn for 2020 eight and he thinks that's whag foagainst t might ep happening. >> but he sat down for an interview with you. happenin he refused to say that he s wasn't being constantlayy asked to run for president and he didn't take a shot at. a trump himself. he's focused on i just i'm just shotg you, this guy visited the white house, sean, when whenbiden joe was oh five and d to the media that, yeah, he did throw his jacket pretty slightly over his shouldertable.
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and he looked very comfortable, throw his feet up on the resolute desk measuring the curtains. i'll give you a preview of coming attractions because him and desantis have had this back and forth, i compareforth and contrast a lot ofia wit california with florida because of the contentioush relationshp they have. and then just a little hint, i got him to be willing to agree to. let me basically be a quiet moderator, just like a timekeeperttle hin for two ho he even said a three hourer debate with ron desantis. now, how great would that tbh. t that be? pretty tremendous. fascinating. yeah, but you know, but the thing i got to say though, about a guy, you know, he does an interview this and he. presents himself as a sane person and i think that's good. erview ats himseand i really dos very important for the republic. e ofink that having these same open discussions, open debates is very important. but that doesn't these the fact he runs california like v a lunatic.
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and that's evidenced by you know, when you when you look at their efforts to we disagree on people say for sure. >> yeah. and the idea that you're going to actually pass laws that prevent people from protecting themselves or protecting their their property and thenlas you know, and then you see the waves of people leavinm g, california for mexico, that tells you what kind of a guy he is wheyou see n comes to policy we talk a lot about that. clay, we'll give you the last word. look, sean, guy wants>> loo be president. he knows kamala harris can't do the job if they forck,uy wantspu joe biden i think he's going to be the nominee in 2024. justthe nomi all those people cg him, asking him to run that he didn't deny when you asked him abou t. he won't admit. okay. i asked him a number of times, won't tell you his answer about that very question. okay. him a nui got to tell you somett and there's there's a lot in this interview. anyway, charli in ewe clay. have a great weekend. thank you both. when we come back, more "hannity" straight ahea d ahead.
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12:00 am
s are free. just go to hannity .com and register. and we hop awednesday ane join . we hope you'll set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode. hannity in the meantime. hope you have a great weekend. and as always, thank for makingi the show possible. in the meantime, let your heart be trouble of hannreat d his lawyer, the angry man. >> go straight ahead. . hello, everyone. eryonea ingram and this is the "ingraham angle" tonight. >> thank you for being with us. lots of news. so let's iin get right to it. >> now, the american left has worked for decades, slowly but surely, destroying almost everyc norm that wean americans once held for >> they're gone. this is kensi. she fell in love with legacy, and they fel l love with amber. >> people assume that i'm. i'm the guy. i'm the center. and i have two girlfriends.
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