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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  June 14, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> greg: thanks to everyone. "fox news @ night" is next. i love you, america. [applause] >> welcome to america's late news, "fox news @ night." i am trace gallagher in los angeles. but cannot, they crossed the border illegally and oftentimes get into additional trouble with the law. now one major california city since the taxpayers will pick up the tab. for defending illegal immigrants. educators in massachusetts are furious that middle school students at a private event began chanting usa. but we begin tonight with a case that could change how we protect ourselves. the grand jury has now indicted daniel penny, the 24 roald
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marine veteran will face trial for the chokehold death of jordan neely on a new york city subway train. ashley strohmier is live in the newsroom with the breaking information. ashley? >> reporter: hi, there. a man who put a new york subway ride in a fatal chokehold will be returning to court. daniel penny will be arraigned following an indictment by a grand jury that he has been out on bond after being initially charged by manhattan prosecutors for manslaughter. in the second degree after the death of jordan neely on may 1st. the grand jury indictment is a procedural step that will allow the criminal case to move forward. penny's attorney maintains the defense that his client believed neely was a threat to himself and passengers. >> the standard in new york state is not -- you don't have to wait until someone physically attacks. you don't have to wait until somebody is lying on the ground or worse. the standard is whether a reasonable person in my client's position would have feared --
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would have feared imminent harm. >> reporter: district attorney alvin bragg's office has so far not commented on the indictment. but new york's mayor, eric adams, said in a statement to the associated press, "i have the utmost faith in the judicial court process and now that the grand jury has indicted daniel penny, a trial and justice can move forward. the statement of penny's, appearance has yet to be determined. but it is worth noting that the indictment could include other charges but they are under field -- seal until that day. back to you. >> trace: ashley strohmier, thank you. it's been in the author of the upcoming book "was killing america," talk radio host jason rantz. great to on. we don't know the exact charges because the indictment has not been unsealed. what are your thoughts on not a big surprise, jason. but still, notable. >> it is not a surprise but it is a disappointment at least
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based on the fact that we have right now because this is not going to change the way we defend ourselves. it is going to mean we don't defend ourselves until it is too late. when you have someone on a subway or anywhere who is screaming their intent and they are dealing with potentially a mental illness, concern, you got other people concern. what are we supposed to do? are we supposed to wait until they strike? are we supposed to take that risk? i would argue there's going to be a jury that says, no, of course not. and it comes down to one of those things instead of right or wrong it has become clear, and that is kind of the sad part for daniel penny. >> 100%. i do think that there's a lot of racial elements and politics playing into this. i don't take if the races were reversed that this would be the same story or gain the same level of interest on the left that this has become. i think they liked the fact that they can turn this into some sort of racial argument, which there's no indication that that
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played a role at all in any of this. and it, it can still see folks on the radical left pushing that narrative. >> trace: meantime, the opposite, special counsel since before the 222 -- 2022 midterms, karine jean-pierre said mega maga republicans, which are related to hatch act and the white house doubling down. they are going to use the word maga every chance they get, jason. >> i love this because their argument is so silly. they are seeing, what was used during the last administration which is true. that was the name of policy. that was not the name of the political group that you are targeting. the end of the day, i'm going to be honest. i care about the hatch act. you know, these are politicians. they are going to be political. they are going to be political at the white house. the whole point of what karine jean-pierre does is to spit on behalf of the white house for political purposes. >> trace: listen, i had to look up the hatch act and i had to
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write it down to make sure that i read it to you quickly. just so we are all the same page, the pride flag, prominently, more than the american flag and higher than the american flag, something. here is tulsi gabbard, according here the biden and mr. shinn continues to push their woke transit agenda with a new pride month display which could not only violate u.s. law, it is offensive and shows complete disrespect for the flight. so many of my brothers and sisters in uniform fought and died for. i mean, republicans are now pushing for a new bill that is in federal buildings you can only part of the american flag except on very special occasions. what is your thought on this? >> yeah, i generally accept that. i think that is a good idea. i would just caution, and served as not to push too hard on this as much as i understand the concern and agree with it. but this was pandering. that was offensive. in the sense that it was even comparing this to the american flag. however, i don't think the average person looks at this and
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it gets offended. i think when we focus on the issues around gender identity, the 17,000 different genders we are telling kids that they can choose from, the surgeries and wanted to move forward in that way, i think focusing on those issues are winning battles for us. and i don't see this as a winning battle to the moderate. we need to win over. >> trace: yeah. jason rantz, good to have you. thank you. >> thanks. from in the meantime, we have been watching illegal immigrants fled across the border. many have come to california where they oftentimes get in more trouble with the law. now san diego county has decided that taxpayers should be the ones who put the bill for defending illegal immigrants. mayor richard daley is here with his take on the plan but first, jeff paul joins us live on set. good evening. >> reporter: good evening. now san diego board of supervisors have voted to keep it around with a budget of
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$5 million. people who face possible deportation have a right to an attorney. that right only helps if they can afford one, at least when it comes to immigration. after the immigrant rights legal defense program comes into the picture. its aim is to offer employers to help immigrants, asylum-seekers, and those facing deportation. according to the [indistinct] of justice these programs make the san diego county similar defense funds can be found in 55 jurisdictions around 21 states. what makes san diego county [indistinct] from the others, is the first one to offer the services and the location that is along the u.s.-mexico border. supporters of these programs is a offering up legal representation only makes the immigration system a little bit more humane but actually the county money. attorneys can reduce court time and attention time and judges
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don't have to spend as much time trying to explain to plaintiffs and help them understand the complex proceedings. the state assembly member proposed a similar program that would impact all of california earlier in the year as of now it doesn't look like it is going anywhere in sacramento. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in mayor richard daley and the whole thing is sometimes you get, you incentivize this stuff, mayor and it worries some people. san diego supervisor said the following quoting here, the first border region in the united states to provide free legal press representation for immigrants refugees and asylum seekers facing removal proceedings. we are declaring with one voice that our justice system must be based on facts and laws could not access to and resources. she says based on facts and laws he forgets that once you cross the border, you have broken the law. >> that is right, trace. and asked him a check to immigration is a federal issue. the fact that we are now
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requiring san diego county taxpayers to foot the bill for the legal defense and immigration court, federal issue is really a head scratcher especially in the context of we just had a report the other-day homelessness is up 22% year over year. robberies are at a 10-year high. we are having this housing affordability issue. is a head scratcher that this would be the priority for san diego county. >> trace: so many stories. toward the southern border and they all have social media and they are all following the laws and rules very closely. they know when someone is incentivizing, when some state or some jurisdiction is offering stuff, that is where they go. >> you are exactly right. and so san diego county, we see about 50 of these hearings on any given day. and so this new funding source for this legal defense fund will undoubtedly attract more immigrants into san diego county which has other local implications as well. >> trace: it is interesting because gavin newsom was on sean
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hannity today and he said this about handling the border. watch. >> look, we will deal with it. come on. this is california. >> i know it is california. >> we can handle it. i'm a border state. ron desantis is not. i know he is desperate to get into the action. >> trace: this constant battle with ron desantis. california can't handle this and new york can't handle this and as we learned, illinois, chicago cannot handle this. the influx of these migrants, california even though it is a sanctuary state cannot handle this kind of foot. >> they really can't. especially when you consider that local and state governments across all of california are actually failing to fulfill their core responsibilities as it is, so the fact that we are now turning our attention away from these core responsibilities, public station, to focus on immigration. is very questionable. >> trace: i want to talk about crime.
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i know you are in san diego. it is across california. it is sky high levels. the westfield mall pulling out of san francisco. we see it up and down the state. california retailers association said the following. the problem now is people who are drug addicted who have mental health issues, they can legal go into stores and they will steal. they will sell those items out on the street. they then continue their habit or continue a destructive lifestyle and that is what we are seeing. i mean, this is, again, it took about that migrants being given social media clues about where to go. it is the same thing. these retail gangs are picking on the targets and cvses as they know it works. >> you are right. we have seen lawlessness spread throughout california due to the state's soft on crime policies where they allow theft up to $900. it is basically a misdemeanor. and now we are seeing believe it or not despite the rising crime,
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we are actually seeing our jails at a lower population than they were pre-covert. we have rising crimes. but we have a decreasing jail publishing. what is going on here? we are not actually putting bad people behind bars. were not actually protecting the rest of the public that one clean and safe open spaces. they want to be able to go to retail outlets and not have to worry about getting mugged. they want to be able to live in a nice neighborhood and not to have to worry about crime. >> trace: it would be a big relief for a lot of people. richard daley, thank you, sir. ♪ ♪ walk of the fox news @ night comes in's department has a cautionary tale about things overheard. in baltimore an amazon driver who is black was dropping off a package and claims he heard a racist remark come through the door bell speaker. he notified amazon who shut down the homeowner's amazon echo system which controls electronic devices including the lights for days. the homeowner who was also black
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did not know why he had been locked out of that. finally he contacted amazon and got the cold shoulder for the racist remark except he did not make the remark. he was not even home for the delivery. what the driver heard was the ring doorbell saying excuse me, can i help you but the driver was wearing headphones and misunderstood. amazon acknowledges the mistake saying, "we work hard to provide customers with a great experience while also ensuring drivers who deliver amazon packages feel safe." common sense wonders how with zero evidence and zero due process amazon feels it has the power to punish customers? for saying something in the privacy of their home. should be close the windows and fearing doordash might catch wind of an offensive political debate? shall we soundproofed the walls to ensure u.p.s. does not hear tell of a religious conversation. common sense thinks maybe it is time to say, hey, alexa, tell me about the first amendment.
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with donald trump now indicted by a new york city and the federal government and joe biden facing allegations of a bribery scheme from republican lawmakers, the front runner is to face off for president both set by legal issues. international correspondent kevin corke is live in dc to break it down for us. good evening. >> kevin: good evening, trace. you have heard the old expression, kicking them when they are down. in the case of former president donald trump, it is more like kicking some cash. that is despite being targeted by the doj, for allegedly mishandling classified documents, the former president is in fact raking in campaign cash from supporters. 2 million since last night's indictment. after the new york indictment and 15.4 million in the two weeks after he was indicted by the manhattan d.a. in late march. a lot of money you may be saying. yes, indeed. men to according to the latest quinnipiac survey, gop support for the former president shows
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no sign of wavering. 50% -- 52% support for mr. trump. and the closest behind him would be ron desantis of the great state of florida with just 23%. this as jill biden's and favorability among voters sits at a whopping 54% in that same poll. some republicans really worry that i vote for biden 2024 is frankly a vote for kamala harris to become president. >> this is really about a kamala harris. this is really about the democrats making sure that kamala harris is the presidential nominee for the democratic side and i think we're going i think we're going to continue to see it go in that direction. >> kevin: perhaps one of the reasons for the low polling for mr. biden is the fact that he has been credibly accused of taking bribes while as vice president. by the way, according to the popular political, harris' and favorability sits, trace, 56%.
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back. back to you. >> trace: big number. thank you. let's bring in the author of the brand-new book, the puppeteers, former house oversight committee chairman jason shea fits. it is always great to have you on. i want to put this. career progress on the book, by the way. i want to play this because this is some of the liberal media talking about why they don't want to carry donald trump. watch. >> we do not intend to carry these remarks live. as we have said before in these circumstances, there is a cost to us as a news organization to knowingly broadcast and threw things. >> i don't need to see any more of that. he is trying to turn it into a spectacle, into a campaign ad. >> trace: and taberner went on to say that he is dangerous. we are not going to tune into them because it is dangerous. it is all they talk about on cnn and msnbc. they don't want to show him because he is dangerous. >> he is ratings gold for these
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people. only as rachel maddow janice beal's view, she says, we're not going to air it because he is going to say something untrue. how does she know that? it is not as if donald trump reads the teleprompter. how do you know when he is going to -- what he is going to say is untrue. they don't like him because he is successful, because he is a threat to their agenda and because he speaks off-the-cuff. that are the same reason that america actually does love donald trump and why he is blabbing people in the campaigns at this point. >> trace: it makes me laugh when they say, we're going to put him on for a town hall but we are not going to carry him alive because he is interested in what he says. here is the quinnipiac poll and this was taken just a couple days ago. it is very instructive because it has not budged. kevin talked about this earlier. you see donald trump at 53%. ron desantis and 23. the rest of it kind of falls in line. are you surprised that even with all the legal issues, the former
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president still maintains this huge lead, jason. 's. >> reporter: i think it is sort of the american way. i think americans feel like when somebody is being picked on unfairly, they rally behind them. whether it is some young kid at a baseball game or at school, or whether it is a guy running for the president of the united states. i don't think that they feel that he has been treated fairly. and that i think republicans and conservatives in particular have deep distress of what the government is doing because of the unequal application of justice and that is the impetus to get behind donald trump. >> trace: i'm wondering if that might be the plan. is it the plan to make sure that he wins the gop primary? >> reporter: perhaps. but they do that at their own peril. i don't know. sometimes they don't know the left from the right. they don't know what they are doing. there is still a lot of runway before the election and the debate i think this debate coming up in august with fox
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news, that is going to be one to watch that is for sure. >> trace: it is going to be a barnburner, that is for sure. michael goodwin writes this. millions losing faith in our system overturned by didn't provide. they can't vote our way out of this injustice going on. ultimately the notion that elections and exercising your voting rights will not correct a mistake is a disturbing and depressing ideas. unless the nation sees biden being held to the same standards by the same prosecutors in courts, the great divide will grow deeper and wider and more dangerous. final thoughts on that, michael goodwin. >> reporter: it is not just about biden. it is about clinton's. it is about all things democrats and the way they treat those they prosecute people in new york. and so it is bigger. it is a consistent pattern that we have seen play out over the last decade. donald trump personifies that right now, here today. but it is not the first time we have been to this rodeo, trace. people are getting tired of it. and the distrust is at radical
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-- record levels. >> trace: yeah. it really is. you hear it everywhere you go. the book is called "puppeteers, the people who control the people." always great to have you. thank you. >> reporter: thank you, trace. >> trace: coming up, we will show you some students in massachusetts who are pushing back on pride celebrations in public schools. and those living on the streets of san diego talk about what it is like to be homeless including what they call all the freebies. watch this. mist. >> to be homeless in san diego is actually not that hard. you get free phones. free food. free clothing. >> trace: yeah. the woman who took that video is coming up in moments and later, and the nightcap, if you were faced with a major devastating event like a natural disaster, maybe a terror attack on the major infrastructure, heck, even a zombie apocalypse, what would your survival game plan b? do you have food, water?
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do you have a bunker, a safe house? a vehicle at the ready? or would you just kind of wing it? let us know on twitter and instagram @tracegallagher. we will show you the results and read the best responses coming up. ♪ ♪ sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at
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>> trace: first up, starbucks regional manager was ordered $24.6 million in damages after she accused the corporation of firing her for being white. in response to the national backlash over the 2018 arrest of two black men, the former manager's attorney argue that starbucks was looking for a "sacrificial lamb" after the arrests of the two black men who refused to leave a table went
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viral. american support for black lives matter has dropped to its lowest level in three years. according to a new pew research poll. back into the 2020, two-thirds of americans expressed support for the movement. it has dropped to 51% of u.s. adults and there's more. majority of americans also say the increasing focus on issues of race in the past three years has not led to improvements for black americans. while the state department wants congress to pony up $76 million to fund its diversity equity and inclusion conference initi initiatives, the department's first-year of diversity and inclusion officer testified two-thirds of the would be used to increase her staff. and to track employee reports of gender and racial discri discrimination. while the southern baptist convention again rejected the church from rejoining the denomination today, after an, appeal, this comes after the church which was founded by rick warren was expelled back in february for having a woman pastor. california church has defended their use of bmo pastors.
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while the group of boston area middle schoolers have been accused of homophobia and intolerance by educators after protesting a pride month celebration at their high school. for their school. here is correspondent alexis mcadams. >> reporter: a controversy brewing at a middle school after a what was supposed to be a pride month celebration ended in protest. staff assist students destroyed banners and ripped up all of the rainbow decorations but one of the protesters' mom says this was not about intolerance or homophobia. >> this is nothing to do with the lgbtq club not supporting them or showing them hatred. it is just the kids simply wanting to perfectly help my daughter said it was, i want to go to school and i want to learn math and english. i don't want to talk about sex. i don't want i don't want to talk about pronouns. >> reporter: this happen at the middle school. school staff says a group of
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students decided to hold a spirit today to celebrate the beginning of pride month. in a letter sent to families, the superintendent condemned any anti-lgbtq+ violence. but explained that students and faculty were invited to wear clothing with rainbows. putting out participation was not required. later other middle schoolers planned a protest which the staff says included wearing red, white, and blue. now the burlington equity coalition says there should be consequences for the students who protested. tonight, advocates are pushing this district to refill a diversity equity and in, and roll at the middle school. as for if any students were punished, no word yet. trace? >> trace: alexis, thank you. that's been in the author of the book "brooke army," that is destroying america's freedom and independence women senior fe fellow. it is always good to have you on. 's boston middle school, i want to put this up because this is the school principal who said the following. want to public state that i stand in solidarity and support
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of the members of the lgbtq play community who are impacted by these events. i am truly sorry that a statement for you to celebrate your identity turn into a day of intolerance. look, that mom in the piece had it right. these kids are allowed to protest. that is the whole putback. they can protest this. just like the kids, the pride movement has a right to pick up their stuff. these kids are allowed to protest. what do you think? >> yeah, this is exactly what they talk about when we talk about the rainbow mafia. we just saw this data about how the approval for black lives matter movement has declined. we have had so much advancement for the gay community in the united states of america but now this mafia is going into our school system. these kids, what are they exposed to now? gay bcs and that mom put it so well because i looked up the data for the school.
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60% reading and math level, trace. they need to be learning to read and write their abcs, not their -- and these kids are simply expressing their opinions about this and this administrators are doing what administrators are doing right now around the country. which is trying to pronoun police these kids and basically handed them to a reeducation camp where they decide to revolve. >> jonathan: we talked a little bit about this last night. huntington beach tenth graders were showing a math class described video and some of the kids protestants. they did not want to see the prime video and it is the same thing. teaches that if you don't watch this, you will have to go to saturday detention. so they are mandating it and again, in california, the math scores are at a three decade low and they are doing anything but teaching. >> so this is the indoctrination. the kids are refusing because
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kids know what they need to advance in life. they need to learn their reading. they need to learn their math and this is happening in ottawa, canada, montgomery county, maryland. i was at a protest last week. we had children there. now is saying, we don't want this and trace, one of the educators, you know, one of the major cracks, came up and said that the kid, a muslim kid was now a white supremacist. and so these kids are doing the revolt that parents have been leading and it is great to see the young folks practicing critical thinking. right? that is what we want them to do and they should not be punished for it. >> trace: so the virginia attorney general as you know this and this is -- delayed. with talk about the fairfax school district. so he subpoenaed the documents and the school said nope. and here is what they were looking for. the a.g. has no need. the a.g. has no need for this information. information the a.g. six is a
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privilege. the a.g.s actions threaten the privacy of the cps staff. they are putting individuals at risk. the last one is kind of one to the left always uses. and this is an assault on democracy. you're putting kids at risk. you are harming people and there's no evidence of that. your final thoughts on this in your neck of the woods? >> yeah, trace, i'm sitting right here in fairfax county, virginia. i'm one of the moms that was interviewed for this report that the superintendent is refusing to release through the attorney general because the school system withheld my son's national merit award two years ago. withheld from kids over these past two years, including this last fall. and they want to keep their bindings a secret from the chief prosecutor of the state. we don't trust the school system anymore. and they are doing this across the border here in loudoun county. and what we need now is
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transparency and the two teams that connect to this is let's just have transparency and honesty and keep education in our schools. forget all this other nonsense. >> trace: these kids earn those merit scholarships. asra nomani, it is great to have you on. thank you. >> thanks. robbin lang record -- marine corps veteran did investigation and she spoke to some other people camping camping on the streets. they seemed somewhat happy about how easy it is to make a living. here is a preview of what she found. >> my sister is like, where do i sign up? >> trace: but first, the washington commanders football team gets a new addition to their roster and one famous singer's surprised fans in the most epic way. today's best viral videos next. ♪ ♪ avoiding triggers but can't keep migraines away? qulipta® can help prevent migraines.
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>> trace: first up, the washington commanders have a new addition to their roster. a yellow lab named goldie. gold it will stay with the team for skills training as a partnership with k9s for warriors, the organization that appears in service dogs with veterans suffering from ptsd or traumatic injuries. he will go to her new home at the end of the season. yeah. no start i don't need somebody to hold me ♪ ♪ don't need somebody ♪ ♪ don't need somebody to -- ♪ >> trace: kelly clarkson in los angeles, giving them some extra pep in their step with a new tune coming from her upcoming album, "chemistry." she put on the show in true flash mob fashion.
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she had a vanilla latte. cincinnati zoo is thrilled to welcome its first ever baby slot. seen here cling to mama. the name and gender will be determined at a later date and now for some time lapse video showing lightning strikes that happened overnight in the skies of oklahoma. the national weather service is now issued a severe thunderstorm warnings for altus and neighboring cities. and if you have any viral videos to share, send them over @tracegallagher or @foxnewsnight on social media. ♪ ♪ well, a vigil recorded by a marine corps veteran in san diego business owner is going viral for shocking conversations with homeless people including one who described being spoiled by free stuff including phones. that's been in the founder and ceo of that comment, caitlyn rohe. it is great to have you on. i want to play some of this. here is a longer version of a homeless version talking about getting free stuff. watch.
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>> to be homeless in san diego is actually not that hard. because usually we are low income and when you are low income, you get free phones, free food, free clothing. i think we are spoiled, homeless in the underprivileged and i think we are spoiled to be honest with you. my sister is like, where do we sign up? >> trace: i guess two questions. why did you go out and shoot these interviews with the homeless people? and did you find it instructive? did you learn stuff by actually talking to them? >> yeah, i learned a tremendous amount. it was totally not what i expected. but the impetus for me doing it is on the executive director. it is a charity that seeks to take military veterans who are in transition from being homeless and help them get all the money that they are owed in compensation. i thought i would catch these guys way too late. they are almost done with their homeless journey and so i invited kevin down and we went into san diego so that i could understand how they arrived there and how i could catch them
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earlier. >> trace: what did you take away from talking to these people? are they drug addicts? are they mentally ill? are they people who are just down on their luck? what did you take away from it? >> you basically just covered the three buckets of homelessness. i mean, i ran into all of them. the first bucket being circumstantially homeless. they may have been housed in a month or two ago. in the next bucket being that mentally ill and it's very close, all of the drug users. so what i found is we leave people the circumstantially homeless home is too long. and they get mental illness and then get drug addicted. and so what we saw out of there was just a nightmare of the wrong kind of people being helped. we need to get these people jobs and get them off the street today. >> trace: the pictures we are seeing, it is kind of staggering because the pictures look like los angeles. they look like san francisco. they look like san francisco. san diego's homeless problem is awful. and people don't realize it. it is not get much recognition.
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>> yeah, i want to bring recognition to our city. i have lived in the city for 20 years. when i went to the bottoms, they nicknamed it that. there's more than 2,000 people there. and it does not get the recognition that it should get. there's no toilet. there's no showers but they are doing drugs out in the open. there's some feces on the streets. i stepped over multiple needles. there are dead bodies. every single person i talked to had been raped, assaulted, robbed. we went down two days in a row, the second day. my partner kevin got beat up after being out of the car for 4 minutes. >> trace: i know this holding is about solutions. can you give us an idea of what solutions you recommend? >> the solution i recommend is nick naming home sweet home is. we need to sanction camping in san diego. there are so much robbin lang. there are campground. if we put everyone in one place,
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we could get, all the people into this transition every housing who want jobs. the next batch, we can get them into rehab. we can get them, all of the health services that they need. and get them going. putting them in the apartment is not safe for our public. putting them in hotels is just going to lead to their suicide. that is not the answer. >> trace: it will be a tough ordeal. >> very difficult. >> trace: kate monroe, best of luck to you. first opened today's crime roundup, a los angeles city councilman has been charged with perjury, conflict of interest and investment for allegedly misappropriating city money. he stepped down as president pro tem of the council and because the charges unwarranted. he joins a long list of current and former l.a. councilmembers caught up in scandals and corruption charges. homeowners in florida caught a cruel prank on camera. a shirtless person banged on the front door of their home in the middle of the night and then dashed off. the homeowner says that likely
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teenagers take home invasion because his wife a panic attack. >> whether you are just playing a prank or actually trying to do some type of break-in, the likelihood that somebody is going to get harmed in that situation is very high. >> trace: the suspect in detroit tried to rob a officer in full uniform. he met their match when the officer fought back. the criminals took the offi officer's, and forcing a scramble. one of the suspects pointed a pistol of his own at the officer. he fought for his gun but no shots were fired. the officer got his weapon back and disrespects fled but both were later apprehended. are you a survivalist? what if the world was suddenly hit by some major disaster? massive earthquake. terror attack on a major infrastructure system? even a zombie apocalypse. do you have a plan. or is yours plan to just kind of wing it? there's still time to weigh in. trtrace gallagher. nightcap crew. next.
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>> trace: we are back with the nightcap crew. kevin corke ashley strohmier and jeff paul, tonight's topic, disaster preparedness. if a disaster were to happen naturally or otherwise, do you
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have a plan? maybe a broker or safe house? even bottled water or first aid kit? what would you do when disaster strikes were what you just wing it? the first man you got to ask this question is jason rantz because you know if anyone does not have a disaster plan, it is jason rantz. >> idoc csoka zero and mustard and pickles. i am not prepared. i have thought about this because i live in an area where amazon is located so i'm surrounded by very low self esteem computer programmers which with my charm i'm going to be able to create an army out of them. if that does not were, i'm armed. >> trace: you are done. that is the whole thing. ashley strohmier, i'm just wondering if you are kind of one of those married people, you always talk about with your husband, what are we going to do in case this happens. am i right? >> reporter: we just got a delivery of the survival kits,
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the emergency kit of food and we have stockpiles of peanut butter and crackers. so we are ready to go. i don't know about you guys but we are ready. >> trace: jason, you go to ashley strohmier's house. she will let you in. so kevin corke, the thought. i mean, you know, do you have something prepared? is there maybe a little whiskey in with the water? >> kevin: i am definitely prepared. i have and mariza all over my house. i'm with you. i got my clocks. let's go. >> trace: it is amazing. we asked, do you have a disaster preparedness? are you ready with a game plan and on twitter, game plan, i got it. 54% and i'm winging it, 46%. instagram, the exact opposite. 46% say yep, i got a game plan and 54% say no, i'm just going to wing it. jeff paul, are you winging it? do you have a game plan? what is the strategy in this?
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>> reporter: i think i will probably get stuck working but i think i will get called in to cover whatever disaster it is. you know? after that, i would just take what other people leave behind. you know? >> trace: if there is some kind of a world disaster, they are going to call all of us and say, we got water and stop here. but you need to come in and hang out for a while. asra nomani, your thoughts on disaster preparedness? >> it is a full tank of gas into my mom's house in west virginia. we have been flooded in virginia. electricity has gone out. we had snow storms and i always head west. it works every time and because i don't know what people say about west virginia but we keep the electricity going. people are armed. the zombies show up. we are good we are going to go. that is a one way to get those tickets for me. >> trace: steve deaf access, three day rule. enough food, water and medicine to last three days. in case of nuclear strike i tried to catch it.
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always ready. survival supplies are standing by is better to be prepared. knowledge will always help you in any survival situation. kate graves, my entire family gathers at the grandparents f farm. good luck with the grandparents. thank you all for joining the nightcap and thank you for watching america's late news, "fox news @ night." en trace gallagher. we will see back here tomorrow. ♪ ♪ (♪ country music ♪) (♪)
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(♪ well hit the clutch son and throw it in gear ♪) (♪ and check the boat in that rear view mirror ♪) (♪ bought some drinks and loaded our poles ♪) (♪ we're headed down to the fishin' hole ♪) (♪ and i don't care if we ever come back ♪) to clutch some throwing gear and check the boot in the rearview mirror. the rearview mirror. boston drinks and loaded our polls. ( to the fishing, though. fishing, though. >> and i don't care if we ever ) come, but that was fish in the. i don't care if we ever come. but then i always remember the fun we had. i love fishing with day and no ,i was fishing with the.
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>> the five remaining self-taught teams returned to the scene of the crime that got to do it right. we know we're on the chopping block. anything can happen. all the crime scene kitchen. monday at nine on fox. >> the sports world loves the usfl. here we go. this is the gridiron phenomenon that fans are going crazy for. >> look at that. the usfl saturday. hello and welcome to fox news tonight. i'm brian kilmeade and will be brian kilmeade all week long. >> now this former president donald trump's arrest and arraignment. and you saw it right here. is it a turning point in american history? whatever you think of trump, you may love him. you may not love him. this entire prosecution is unprecedented. no president has ever been federally indicted and arrested before. hopefully won't happen again. but that's exactly how most cable news covered it. this was unprecedented. >> wall to wall coverage, right? accordin


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