tv Hannity FOX News June 14, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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great to see you, brian. all right. meanwhile,.dr. si i goteg to ha you watch me. listen to my radio show from nine to noon tomorrow. brian kilmeadeen, come amongstw my guest, china expert michael pillsbury. mand mccarthy on all the trump legal stuff and so much more on fox and friends. you're going to love me between six and nine. pete hegsethn 6:00, senator dan sullivan, mark green and ainsley earhart and steve do to be joining me. but now it's time for the great sean hannity with a livenow the audience with better than that. >> all right, brian, thank you. by the way, just because >> sean: doe you walk in late at night does not mean you can show up late in the morning. i'll w upat be watching at 6 a.m..t : oh, call me.00 all right. than an: callk you everybody, thank you for being with us. welcome to "hannity". back with our live audiencure tonight and tonight, amid terrible polling numbers, your vice president, kamala harris, is looking to reinvent heg to reinvr image. they even now have chosen someone to help with the completen makeover. buckle up. we have a sneak preview of up, kamala 2.0. >> that's straight ahead. also later tonighter t, m
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democratic primary challenger marianne williamson is back. will i 10% in the.m i know. i'm not kidding. in the democrati kiddc primary.y's >> and robert f kennedy is at 21%. we're going to ask. why biden and the dnc are so afraid ofe so a little competition. but first tonight, the oh so pious journalists in the mobas b and the media and, of course, their close friends. they are the willing allieses and press secretaries of the democratic party. they are living in an alternate reality. let's give you exhibit a. hillary clinton. we all know james comey admitted it. she mishandledjames coy admitt f top secret classified material. she attempted cover it up. that's the 30,000 emails they had. she destroye0 e-maild 33,000 ot emails that were subpoenaedinvet during an ongoing investigation. hillary, a democraigt. she was never raided. she was never charged with a crime. and now, of coursed north , lact and all self-awareness, which is typical of all things,d
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bill clinton and hillary clinton, my little pumpkin is callingllary cle the allegas against trump beyond anything she has ever thoughtanythi posst in this country. are you sure about hillary? >> take a look. their efforts to defend this man are truly beyond anything i i ever thought possible in our country. i mean, it is so profoundlybeent how this could have been the break. this could have been the opportunity to say, you know, thank you so much foro everything you've done for us. we really appreciate it. you knowus, but this is kind of serious. and so w we're not going to, the you know, continue to defend you. but no, they're aln l in again. >> that's what the psychology of this is. >> hard fo hard for me to fully. >> psychology of her is hardgra. to grasp. forember, we they believe that our foreign toughest adversaries saw in real timethek
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what was on her servers. they know people that did not have status. we're looking at her top secret classified materials. delusio hillary is delusional, but luckily she's never going to bed president. >> she should have been locked up. if this is the standard for donald trump on steroids.steroi on abc, a former top aiddse to bill clinton, george stephanopoulos, who's pretending to beclinton a jourb he's not. he's a talk show host. he's a partisae a journ hack. and he acts like a journalist on abc. he's not one. san hackand he doesn't seemnalit to understand why hillary clinton is relevant to the ongoing case against donald donl trump. well, he over the weekend,d am senator linsey graham scold him and help educate abc's paum anlt >> top journalists take a look at this. donald trump has said repeatedl t ais.p saidy reu he did nothing wrong. >> do you believe that ? if >> well, here's what i believe.o we live in an americu'rea where, you're the democratic candidate for president, hillary clinton, secretar cliy of state, you cant up a private server ino
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your basement to government business. and when an event is heard abou t your activity. >> now, let me finish. n but you didn't answer>> y the questionou. >> ridiculous. well, yeah, i'm tryingll to answer the question from a republican point of view that may noat m bt be acceptable on s show. yes. i don't like what presidene what trump in certain aspects. i don't like that joe biden had classified informationd n th on the garage. i don't like that mike pence carek that took classified information. i don't like any of that. but what i don't like is a system in america wherecr the secretary ofetary state, ws a democratic candidate for president, has people takeeopl a hammer to social media devices and break them apart,pl apply a beach bleach bit to ao hard drive to race emails, allow classified information to getd on a felons computer. anthony weiner you haven't even mentioned that.e
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most republicans believe we inys in a country where hillar clinton did very similar things and nothing happened to her. president trum happenep will has day in court, but espionage charges are absolutely ridiculous. >> wow. big moment. lindsey graham will be here tonigh t. wor the real favorite word of the liberal media mob and the democrat will. it's called whataboutism or what about hillary? what about joe biden? well, what about them? do we have equal application of our laws and equalhem? justicews under the law? because it's the very core, what we believe to bee a constitutional two tiered system of justice. but now we live in an america. d there's one standard for democrats, another for donald trum fornotheron conservatives. it is a blatant government abusgovernmee of power. the fbi's politicized the doj's weaponize and the media mob. they only care to support the the democrats, regardless of what the facts say or the double standard involved involv. you want to speak truth to power that disappears on all things fake newse ne, cnn and m,
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dnc and the "new york times" and. "the washington post" and abc. nbc, cbs. especially nbc the feds are protecting democrats and targeting republican jo america. self-proclaimed journalists. they are gutless. lists, te they are partizans. n they're not journalists. they pretend to owotn the truth but refuse to hear any perspective that just doesn'tvaa validate their own left wing fantasies. >> take a look. picture and that's the picture over your brilliant words. we don't need to see that anymore. >> we know where he is. this case isn't going to be sey in a cafe. > t t >>'s going to be settled in the courtroom for the facts and law. the folks in the control folks i don't need to see any more of that. this he's trying to turn this in. he's trying io he's trying to g a spectacle. >> into a campaign ad. that's enougn adnough of >> we do not intend to carry these remarks live, as we have said before, in these circumstances. there is aos cost to us as a nes organization to knowingly broadcasy t untrue things. >> i mean, all the lies, alles the lies that she told about
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russia and collusion, talking about trutnclusionh pretty laug. deter all, the nbc news host is a devout tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists in her own wa foiy card carrying member of the russia collusion cult. in fact, for years, sher ma and many of her media mob friends were breathless, pushing nothing but lie after pushy, er lie day after da week after week, month after month for three long years, fter w a complete hoax. >> read the durham report. driven by nothing but rage partisanship stupidity. they lied to their viewers. every single night.. >> here's a small reminder he's afraid of the president ofe russia. why? well, i think one can speculate thaty that the russians maynall have something on him personally that they could th always rule out and make his life more difficult. >> this past weekend is illustrative of what a great case officer vladimir putin is. he knows how to handle an asset and that's what he's doingo majo with the president. >> no major thing from
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the dossier has been conclusivelyr thin . disprove you know, i think we're going to actually have to stop calling it the infamoustop cals increasingly, it's the accurate dossier, increasingly the dossier. >> not one word has been disproven ind has fact, a lot t turned out to be right on the money. >> it hasn't been discredited in >> idiscredi fact. it's been the opposite. it's been corroborated. really? yes, really all your , your community, your intel community has corroborated all of the details in there. after spending years obsessing over russia hoax. that never happened. and according to durham, that investigation, crossfire, hurricane neveoathatr should hae been open and other anti-trump endeavors. can you guesd other ans much tim these very same people devoted to the foreign briberythe allegations against president biden and his son hunterigd hi on, june eightn both the trump indictment and biden briberctment ay story? guess what? abc, cbs, nbc, they devotedd a whopping 291 minutes to trumpo
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to indictment and 0 minutesalle to the biden bribery allegations. ganot one single minute. oddly enough, the fbi doesn't seem intereste d in thesek allegations either. now, think about the credible fbi source. by the way, the fbi deemed t the source ohef this 1023 sotheb credible. the fbi had previouslyi paid this person hundreds of thousands of dollars for intelao . and now this person is accusing biden of accepting a $5 million exchign bribe as vice president in exchange for a policy decision. i guesdecisis is credentials go the window. the source claiming that the e sourcea executive has 17 separate recording of phone t calls, 15 with hunter two with then-vice president joe-presiden backing up his allegations and the tape s made as, quote, an insurance policy that would mean your president's s compromised. and yet the fbi seemingly doing itngly, all, all they can do
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to obstruct lawmakers like james colmeres and jim jordan from investigating these claims. >> and needlesmss say yesterday on capitol hill, the fbi deputy director not exactly forthcoming and he got an earful from senator ted cruz. >> take a look.>> t the informant allegehes that president biden and his family engaged in a $5 million briberyl schemeio during his time as vice president. deputy director about. is it true that the fb diri has a report making those allegations? >> i'm not going thos to comment on that, senator. and why is that? senator andi'm just not going t on information. we received investigations, you an obligation to the american people to be candid about evidence of corruption by the president. >> united statesle t. t i' this is an area that i'm notto going to get into you, senator. >> well, i understand you don't want to. and that's why people are mad at the fbi peoe at the becae you're stonewalling and covering up serious
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allegationcoverings, evidence of corruption from the president. >> does that inspire i confidence? no, it does not. that's whynspire i'm more peopl do not trust the fbi. according to aeopl new rasmusses poll. meanwhile, the feds are only getting started with donald trump reports. now they want even more charges out of washington, d.c donald . and maybe new jersey and then, of course, georgia. is that everer going going to s? tht as of now, even hunter, he's a free man. they've haeyhid his laptop from since 2019. no chargesrges.. there's a lot of crimes right there on the on the laptop. take a look at it. and overtly. now, abusively biased justicen system. it is broken beyond belief. if left unchecke bed, it will destroy the fabric of our country. we might as well shredl destroyd say bye bye american pie. because you have, you know, all these people, these ivory tower democrats and their media mob don't seem to care. sena with reaction, texas
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senator ted cruz. >> senator, how arr ted e you? yeeat to see you, senator. >> all right. t jo>> tball, grea yesterday. it that's why alan dershowitz sayss you were one of the best debater students he's ever had in his harvard law class. buer had it in all seriousness o they have done everything evty can do to obstrucne james comey's investigation into the biden family. familythis is a this is a witned that the fbi paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to in the past for intel. they'v e had this now for years. why have they sat on it? >> well, i believe because they're covering up. look , the fbi at that hearing dir yesterday, that deputy director i askedectoi aske dired they have did the 1023 allege ag that biden had received a personal bribe of $5 million? he refused to answer. i asked him, well, will the fbdh give the 1023 to the senate judiciary committee? he refusediciary to answer. i asked him, is it accurate that there are 17 voice
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recording of this burisma official 15 talking to hunter biden. two talking to joe biden. he refusedo he. answer i asked him, does the fbi have those 17 voiceto a recordings? he refused to answer. i askenswer.i asked him, will ti give to the senate judiciary committee those 17 voice recordings so we can assess for ourselves? s so whe refused to answer. they are utterly and completely stonewallingey are u. and what's important to know, there's no legal impedimen impt to his answering my question. there's no legal barrier. he's simplt toy there with that smug smirk on his face because the fbi senior leadership believes they're unaccountable. they're noves theyt accountable to congress, they're not accountable to the american people. he the american and these allege ,joe biden should be impeached. he should be removed from roffice, should be prosecuted, and he should go to prison. >> : >> you know, if you look atok and if you look at this recent indictment , the mar-a-lago raid, i mean, this was done,done
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what, seven, eight months after the special counsel was appointed. they were at warp speed to get this done. they've had hunter, his laptop . for all these years. we know of low hanging fruit ino terms of issues of drug use and crime and etc., etc.. but don't we need a full accounting senator? how mucht don' money did the bi family do in business with china? russiaunting h, ukraine, kazakh, and a dozen other countries? what do we know about these disces that the house oversight committee has discovered? you know, why did it take so long to get this suspiciouy didt reports? why is director wray? well, you know, why does it take a threat of contempt of congress to get him to cooperate with? c the committee that's charged with oversight on these very matterwith thes. ver >> look, part of the reason that the fbi and the doj can be so contemptuous of the american people is thatse te is they believe they will not be called to account. senatey won't b democrats certu
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don't care about the answers. they don't care whethet thanr ie or not that joe biden received a $5 million bribe from a foreign national, not a single senate democrat. asked about that. senate democrats will not hold a single hearing on thatt ho. wt and they know that corpo the corporate media will coverme it up and hide. you mentioned none of the corporate medir the a evenaa mentioned the allegations when when when joe bide n was asked, at a press conference about it, he laughed and said, where's the mone y? you know what? al capone said the same thing. he's mocking the american people. and let me put something else out. listen, i don't know whether i tbiden, is true or false that biden, in fact, took this bribe, but do you know who knows to 100%certat certainty? joe bide n. and if it's false, he could call on the fbi, could directer the fbi hand over the 1023 hand over the 17 voice recordings, because will exonerate me.
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they will demonstrate my innocence. he's not doing that. instead, his henchmen at dojd th are stonewalling. i asked the deputy director, did you do anythindeputyg invese these credible allegations from a trusted informanomt? he refused to answer that question as well. this is a rogue that is thoroughly politicized. it is thoroughly weaponize d. and i got to say, look, you contrast that with the trump indictment, which is utter and complete garbage. e and they issued the trump indictment as this news about joe biden was breaking. and compart e and contrastndictm the two with the trump indictment. there's a complete and utter ent double standard. if you're going to indict someone for having classified documents, how about joe biden d and the classified documents he had stuck ind th just about evey orifice of his body. he had stuck in a garage. next his to his old how about hillary clinton? nope, they won't indict them. cr why? because they're on the team.
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trump is their enemy. and i believe to indichim,t ford president or a sitting president, the threshold should be vera foy, very high. you know what kind of conduct? you should need to indicto in a sitting president or a former president? something on the order ofng taking a personal bribe of $5kia million from a foreign national that meets the threshold. >>llio this classified stuff dos not. senator. we need that information . t >> need to know how much moneyrt this family did with every one of these countriesion ch mo. and whether or not maybe that's why china got away with spying on us. maybybe thate that's why they g with aggressive maneuvers against our own fighter jets ini international airspace n and international waterways with our navy. frightening time, senator cruz, great job, by the way, yesterday. >> we appreciate it. joining us now with more , south senat carolina senator linsey graham is with us. oram is wii think i like this a. >> maybe we should have lindsey graham let me finish. let me finish. you knowstagram they call itsm
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what about us? and that's the new favorite phrase of the left and the media. democrats not. me. aboutism isn't it about equal justice and equal application of our laws? well, number one, george stephanopoulos had no idea. what i was talking about. and that has all been targeted in chinese. n he didn't know that hillarylint clinton's people took a hammero to blackberry. he didn't know the why. wee emails clean. he did know that anthony weiner wound up with classified informatio wn on his computer.yf he didn't know any of that shcause when the democrats release something, they don't know who needs to watch this show? >> you'll learn. yeah. there you go. i agree. pres,appy birthday>> i birthday president trump, because he's watching this show so good. hey. hey, pal. yeah, you hal, youad dind with and vodka. we got your backur. president trump, we have your back. this is not abouyou.t you. it's about us. you could take the dalai lama and make the republican
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nominee. they're trying to destroy his life. they hate conservatism. this is a bunch of b.s.. oing t president trump. you're going to prevail. you're going to be the republicand be and you're g to be president. pre. st hang in ther what do you make how is itble th possible, the things i you're explaining, you don't believe that george stephanopoulos knew? i give him a little morehim credit than that. >> i think he knew well about the 33,000 deleted emails.h he's not. he's heard about bleach, but he's heard about hammersbit. destroying blackberries and iphones. >> they know all about it, and yet they protect their own. and they're willin proteg to hae a complete double standard because the media is basically an extension of all things, you know, radical new green deal, democratic socialist, oka party, are they not? yeah. okay. john mccain wan mccain wass, gr. until he became the nominee, then he was the crazy old man. mitt romney was a heartlessa her billionaire who put the dotlgha
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on top of the car.wa here's what i want to tell eve every conservativecons republic, whether you like trump or not, it is not about trump. ife pr you're and you believe i responsible gun ownership and you wantt want to limit thee of the federal government, you're the enemy of the peopleee . president trump was one of all a president on all things thatd i care about. >> they're trying to destroy his life.. that's not gonna work. and here's what's coming next. watch fo indicr indictment in washington, dc. you can. you could convicd convt republit america of anything inhin washington dc.y he got 5% of the vote. here's what i worry about. mr. smith will then die. president trump for january. th, the six activity in washington dc. if he does that meant means he o confidence in the florida case. i hope and pray that mr. smith will not do that because that will tear this country apart. president trump has been treated unlike anybodyunlike a e
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known in this business, and i've been around since 1995. tewhat they hate about him the most, he's broken through to people. he's a threat to the left, unlike anybody sinceef ronald reagan. >> and. mr.. mr. president. president trump. back. talk about the future, pal. we've got your back. let me askean: letu you last qn now. now we're talking about- new york case with album break and you're talking about miamihm case. now you're even now they've been mentioning all day in new jersey casing a new je e. washin now you're talking about a washington, d.c. case. i have every belief thatve ever, just like in new york, when you have aigs and prosecutorsam want a campaign to go afteren one man, the same thing's going to happen down in fulton county, georgia. >> how do you run forr president with all of those legal hurdleth alls in front ofs >> that's not easy. so hillary clinton said something that was very, t i think, telling. they have no t broken. i can't believe they haven't broken after this.d someth
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the goal is to find something that will break us from trump. t and the reason they're not going to break us, we see through this that if donald trump took a hammer to at woul blackberry, it'd be front page news. the doublent standard is reallia and they're literally trying to find somethinll tg to break the republican party from donald trump. they fea fro r this man.y to they fear his ability to come fa back and turn america around. they fear him more than ann anyy else. sod that ought to tell you something aboumet president donald trump. the democrats want to destroy his lifes because they fear hi. >> and from my point of view, from my point of view, conservatism is in good hands hn bigg president donald trump. and that's his biggest problem. all right. senator linsey graha m, southg wi carolina, thank you for being with us. >> coming up, according to a new reports , the white house now trying to rehabilitate kamala harris' image. rehate kamal we'll kamala 2.0 wr
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we'll check in with charlie hurtt, miranda devine, they're here next. >> stay with us. we're glad this great audience mirand, this here to with alleg. >> allergies don't hold us back . allegra starts working two times faster than claritin and unlike sir tech, it won't make us drowsy. allegra gives you the fastest non-drowsy 24 hour allergy relief so you can live your greatness. >> who do you guys think came first? the chicken, the baby back with baby back ribs. chicken tenders. all the way that grilled chicken. her baby back ribs, baby back ribs, baby back in ten years. >> on second thought, it really depends which side of the buffet you start. i wish i could bring milk and cereal in the car without making such a mess. >> introducing the crunch cup. now you can take your milk and cereal on the go. >> it's just not possible.
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one choice of online sellers. go to ship station .com slash try. >> get two months free. t >> are you president joe biden had to take a break from his not so busk fromy hardly ever wk schedule this week to get a root canal which for weekn how many have root can canals here about root canal. okay i never had one take two days. why did hioks take two days?. i've had plenty of root canals.p i have a guy that can knock itl out in an hour and a half. he's great. anyway, luckily, vice president harris was thereand a to step in and take his place.m i'm sure really hurt his littler tooth a lot.lleg
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anyway. greeting college athletes at the white housat thee. som >> now, apparently some on the left, they want to make that chang lefe permanent. look at this new poll. almost 90% of democrats are comfortable with harris taking over from biden now should be should he be unable to finish his next term. e he i'm not betting. i'm not so sure he finishes this term. he does not look well to me. and others think that biden's reelection campaigbiden'n simpla trojan horse for a harris presidency. now, in preparation for our time in the spotlight. oh, kamala prayings is now reportedly trying to revitalize her tarnished image. >> here now with reaction, fox news contributors charlie hurt imagand miranda devine. >> thank you both. vine. all right.k somebody sayyos to me, hannity,y your poll numbers. not people don't tend to like you. >> we're going to we're going i'm o a makeover. >> i'm thinking that i'm not doing too well at that time. well
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, first of all, anita dunn don is doing it. what do you make? what is the makeovere oing? well, i think the makeover is about the fact that ibout. fl your poll numbers are below joe biden's. you're in real. e that's dangerous and you knowou that. w and you know, the idea the whole thing about the root funnl is so funnsee aby becauses like a root canal. you know, i have not. and e i don't ever want to havi one. >> okay. my parents didn't send me to a dentison't, to t a few years. i had a couple. yeah. okay. and i'm not blaming them. howeve didn'r a r you know what. >> it doesn't take that long tha to get a root canal. you sit thert e, boom thing, they go in, they do this little thing. next thing you know, the nerve e is out. you feel nothing. you walk away. yeah, but it sounds. it sounds prettything and you miserable. e and the only thing worse than that is having kamala harris as acting president during a root canal. du oh, well, that might be worse. miranda is finding out if we can get to the bottom of these briber a roo y. er >> your thoughts? well, look, i think anybody who thinks that joe biden is a
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shoo in for the next electiont is not because he's a verye different candidate nonow tow tt he was back in 2020. 61% know, i think something like 61% of voters no longer think that joe biden is honest, joe. so for joe the voters, it's foo once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me. pad so i don't think that that is a a package deal of kamala harris and joe biden.b an but the democrats have to have theyen b and they'll hav to find some nice cushy gig for kamala harris to shuffle hero th out of the way so that they can put in somebody, like, dare i say, gavin newsom. i don't think. it's any coincidence that your interview with gavin gawsomk it'sny this week coincis with these stories about kamala harris stepping up. >> so you see a possible>> connection here. what's interesting is and let's
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just put it very nice, gavin newsom has a ver vy ideology philosophy, but he makes the liberals in washington look moderate. >> i mean, california is harlibn core left wing. and i mean, look, hean makesd, s case, he's articulate, and you can even say central casting. i he went into that oval office that one day when biden was not there, flung that jacket overdy his shoulder and he was ready to go. i thought he's going to sit down in the chair and take over i that daythhair and. miranda. yeah, he was he was measuring the drapes that day. he's a very lucky man. k at >> and you just look at the state that is in how he has the hot spot to actually think, that he has a chance. that's the best campaign bes adt the other side is just look at san francisco. look at los and look at the high taxes. >> you know, the the one thing i tried to highlight and with gavin and he was gracious
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enough to come on the show and he sat there and i appreciate the fac t he did. >> we'll have more of that interview later in the week, this week. howeves week.r why? >> for the first time in california history, they're losing, they'r nearly 80 residents every single solitary day. compare that now. he and ron desantis have beee n having little cold war going back and forth with each other. florida's gainin florthousand new residents a day, nearly a thousand a day now. whearly are people leaving thatw state with the highest income rt tax rate in the country and crime and crimetion a and regulation and homelessness? >> and why are they going to florida? yeahnd h, and of course, they're not just leaving to republican states like texa s ,in florida. t they're also leaving and going to mexico, whichhey' is that out to be the most alarming thing. if you're if your policy, i you think your policies are a good idea, think like new mexico. >> sean: i changed. thing i guess we're going to have realtanorder wall buil
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on the mexico side. >> exactly. i know. i mean, give him credit. he that pricing that problem right there. we now have, you know, ingratio california, the the immigration is going the other wayn'. >> it's pretty interesting. all right. so, miranda, on the briber y allegations and this whistleblower, where do you see this headeallegad and do you bee have your sources confirm to you that these 17 tapes 1 exist? well, look, we don't know if they exist. all we kno w is that a very good and trusted fbi source says that somebody who's very high up in burisma had those tapes as insurance. and this is thup ie these people work. i know for a fac it froms th my sources that hunter biden used to quite oftet fromn put hn father on speaker phone and get him to tale ank to his benefact, his business partners overseas. but joe biden was always very
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careful not to say anything say waat could be construed as that he was asking for, but he neverk he never miranda he told us never once that he talkedo hi to his son about his foreign business dealings. was i wrong to believedealings that? what he's been shown that'ss be lie proven to be a lie over and over and over. >> and and i just think what ted cruz says is right. if joe biden should come, joe bi forward and say, i didn't do it and prove it, i mean why doese leav he leave these allegations hanging there? i'd likee to know how much mony they made from every country. and maybe that's whyy co he doeh take on china and russia or any of these countries. >> miranda, thank you. good to see you, charlie cook. all right. straight the marianne williamso. she's now 10% in the polls, using social media to rally gen z support ahead of 2024. but where does she stand on the issues and why is she are why is rfk junior? why are they doing sy doino agal joe biden if he was so popular? >> that's straight ahead's stra
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us right now. >> how are you? marianne? and grea you.t, frank. thank you for having me. are you worried at all that tiktok is a spy mechanism of the communist chinese, like so many havikmany he alleged? well, >> well, i think that thi the surveillance fornk many tec companies is an issue, whether it's an american company or a chinese compancan ory, it'syo certainly an issue. >> if you found out or the topcr security people in the country are telling you thaty thform you're using a platform that the communist chinese spy on us at thewould take it seriously. >> well, i'll tell you something, sean. the chinesell you e are spying n all kinds of ways. the truth of the matte ir is, there are many, many millions of young people. if it's definitives y, i'll jut say that. >> but this is. this is where younaskings is whe getting their information. and i think that for us to denye that is kind of ridiculous. i think that whatever regulations we have whk, themh tik whatever the government decides to do, i'd like to see them be just as stron strong in reg american companies as well. >> swe o i'm at your numbers.
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and you know what? 10% is not too shabby. that's a pretty that's a very respectable number, just lik>> e seven of kennedy's number, i think, is at 21%. is innedy's respectable.t i think it speaks to combined. we're talking about 31% of democrats don't want joe biden. that speaks volume of demon's. r so i started to do a little deeper dive into your positions d and for exampl, you seem to want to eliminate all domestic energy production or a lot of it in america. and you said that no phrase has been used, more manipulative. len e, than national security. and you said our military madness has not made us more secure. it has made us les secures secure. and i'm asking you, to the extent tha t you, china, russia,an iran, as national securitye threats and what would you have done if you were president andpd chinese spy balloon incident happened and the russia taking e down of our drone happened, what would you do in those two cases? >> wel y dl, i would i don't thk
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that that balloon should have gotten as far inlandn should aso >> what would you agree? clear here? well, i thinulk that that would have probably been shot down over the water. i don't know why it was able to get as close as it got intoot u.s. territory. >> for the record, agreeas com with you. once it was coming to alaska airspace, i would have shointat that sucker right out of the sky. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. but let' s be clear on the. sean: w >> what would you have done with the drone inciden wt? >> are you talking about syria? where are talking abouret you t the drone? sean: >> t i'm talking about the russians taking down one ofn our drones over us and taking down one of our joint. where? where are the. mean oneyou mean one of our droy what country are you talking about? where they took down our. it wasouking a high profile incident that a russian fighter jet purposely hit and took down an american drone out of the sky and joe biden did nothing. what would you have done? it would depend on wheres. the drone was. e bi you know, we take down drones. they take down drones. this is noe.big t the big pictur
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>> the big picture. how do you it matters where ite wait was goings when russia is g to take out one of our drones in international . >> that's where it was. well, you just said in international airspaceternatio. well, i don't know the case that how quickly and i thought i thought you knew the storye s. . the >> okay. so what would you do, though? the story? ryll, i wove twell, i'd have toy of the of russia's taking down inus by a us drone in international waters. >> i would. what do you want me to dl water like commit war against russia? because i took down a u.s. drone. down ayou have to be careful with military matters. you can't just go around like a you're a cowbo ywboy ally all. so if russia takes down a us drone. listen, we're dealing plenty rit with russia and in very important ways right now. but i think what's happening, for instance, going on in ukraine is far more significant in termswhat u of u.s. involvem with military matters in russia than they're takin mg down one drone. >> i don't know more about that. do you believe the u.s o you believ. havee the meanest, toughest, best military with the greatest technologytoughest mil on the ff
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the earth for the cause of defending freedofreedom? >> because when you talk about the phrase, you know national security is used, manipulative bully, that sounds to me like you don't support national defense to the extensupport hav. >> you're you're absolutely. well, you're absolutely incorrect. incorrect.e, united states needi a strong military. the way i see military is likeou a surgeon. if you have to have surgery of abd per absolutely the unite needs to have the best surgeon. but a reasonable person triesos to avoid surgery if necessary. you knowyou know, 60 minutes re did an exposé about the profound priceabe prof gougf the defense contractors towards the u.s. military. mione of the first things i woud do as president is to audit the pentagon. t thwe know that we have a bload military budget. we have an milita $858 billion military budget. and you know what, sean. i do not believe that the iraq war made us more secure. noti do not believe that stayig 20 years longer than we needed to in afghanista
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n us more secure. we have to learn how to wage peaco e. >>. >> donald rumsfeld. how would you wage. we need to learn. hot. e a tes have a how would you wage peace and prevent the communist chinese? they have stated their their territorial ambitionte to takee over taiwan, our ally. how would you stage peacetaking and prevent them from taking over an innocent, sovereign nation o soverei? chin one of the things that we needa to do with china is to be carefulwith with the languag, and we don't need to be in a cold war with china. and the last china.>> sean: is . do you not answer my question? we need to step back. >> this is an important question. i don't what would you do if they followed throug back.t wour territorial ambition to take taiwan, our ally? what would you do? >> i think that we need to do d. everything possible to help make w that not happen. we do not need american troops in taiwan. we do not need to be in a warr with china. wii would agree with that. >> now, last question. you want to replace fossil fuels, what would you replace
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it with? >> today, there is tremendous green energyu w possibilities. wind, solar. there are so many ways that wese can compensate.e >> you think we can use thatid long it takes to make the transition quickly if we invest adequately. you you said a few minutes ago o that i wanted to get rid of, i american energy production. no, i don't. i want to ramp down fossil fueda energy. i do. i want to stand upmpp green eny production. we need to make a just transition from a dirty energyol to a clean energy grid. that's the only, in your view, with that take? >> well, if you look at the money we spend, the oill co companies, we could take thatmp same money and subsidize t the production of green energy. we are americans. we can do whatever ws skies on and if we decide that we aree go going to make a massive intransition a just transition to a clean energy grid, you absolutely can it we havet the money. we have the know how, we have the ingenuity and we have the spiritknow how t and.
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>> what we need is fors what americans to be mobilized. and that is what i promise i y. >> we cannot replace fossil fuels in the next 20, 30 years. impossiblessil. well. >>ll, we have to in order itabave a habitable planet, we we are going to be a habitable planet. >> our planet is not fine right now. so there's a lot of battery. mayb sean.e, but i don't know. well, the earth. maria, thank you for cominge back. we appreciate the exchangethe e thank you. and congratulations on your success. up next, despite the intense your backlash, liberals keep pushing, their woke agenda is harder than ever. tomi lahre sus n, charli, are t all. join me next. and a big programingr announcement straight ahead. they've been after trump from the beginning, but questions swirl around president biden's handling of classified documents in president biden's garage. multiple classified documents.
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all right. despite widespread backlash and boycotts, the left sean: d are still pushing their woke agenda. now, dallas mavericks ownerban l cuban claimed in a recent interview. companies that areai a woke, st like, you know, target and bud ligh ht, he says it's good business. by the way, he's a smart businessman. that busine was a dumb comment.requ >> now, he did respond to oures request for a statement that g for years people have been saying, go woke,e. go broke, but none have. >> here with reaction, outkick hosts of them, charlie arnot and tomi lahren with us. all right. well, let me give some factswhat to counter what he's saying. >> the the target market capca rate has lost billions. they'r ten weeks after the bud light incident. okay. they're no a recorw down a reco% and they are no longer the top selling beer in america. >> it's modelo. yeah, a much, much better beer.r >> is it a better beer? i mean. u as, i if you ask me, .
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i think bud light is a horrible beer. i make too much money. i make tooy just, i'm just joki. >> to drink bud light. totally joking. ouch. no. here's the thing, though, with target and bud light did was suchd ligh a blatant slap in the face to its consumers. now, there's a lot of other companies that are in the top are tier of businesses around the country, and they are also ultra woke. alra wok but consumers don't ree that they are involved with the left's politic s. d that it's because they have the esg score. you know, we've all heard that being thrown arounwn around ved it's being given outuse th by independent agencies because they have gone ultra wokey ultrt just to give you a greath, example of this, just this month, tesla which is the largest manufacturer of electric cars in the world, was awarde e wod lower esg score thane philip morris, the maker of marlboro cigarette.ow i so how in the world cann cigarettes, which have killethd about 8 million people a year ongoing, be deemed more ethical than electric cars? and it's because the tobacco industry has gone woke. c carse thwow. >> let's get your take, tommy. thrk is a smart guy who's been on this program. i like him, but he's just wrong
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heregram i. >> mean the numbers speak fo r itself. d >> yeah, the numbers don't lie. and i think what mark cuban might have meant is, init the past, it was beneficial mayb. have had maybe in the last ten years, these companies have had an advantage by going woke.sean, but then something happened, sean. and i think your audience knowaa this very well. something miraculous happened. conservatives wokecu and we grew spines and backbones and we stood our ground back bo. s know we let these companies know that they will no longer get away with this t . an >> let me ask you this.g you've been is now going to bet. wrong. t why do i feel bahad for the people that have the beer roots? why do i feel bad forr the people that work atma anheuser-buschybe and their jol are on the line? if this decline continueins, i think about them. it's their idiots in management that did idiot. and i hate the fact that, you know, these are real important jobs for people. i worry about that part of it. what about you? >> yeah. these are good, hardworking
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people. don' they don't deserve this. and i feel badly for them as well. i wish that . thet their felt bo for them. i wish their company had the gract. r compane, the classe out and fix their mistake so that their employeesnd could ke their jobs, retain their employment and do the jokb that they love to do. >> but unfortunately, this company is refusing to do that. bu dd light, anheuser-busch inbev, the company that bought them, they could rightght th their wrongs here if they would acknowledge their mistake, but they refused to doeiwrongs it. e so while i feel badly, notba badly enough for conservativesdd to cede our ground, we can't do it. >> and how could they? how could they admit i they made a mistake? how do they do that? i think they just come right out and say, we made a mistaketi we care about our consumer base. we understand what you want. we're not going to force fee oud you sick politics anymore. >> yeah, you're not right. charlie greaugh >> sean:t. u, t see it. tommy thank you. when we come back, a programing note straight aheayou d. >> friday, justin roiland and everybody get like you.
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12:00 am
next tuesday, the show headsda to myrtle beach, beautiful south carolina, for an exclusive town halexclusivl wit4 presidential candidate senator tim scott. we are and tomorrow night, we're back here with a live audience for either the tim scott town hall or tomorrow night. go to hannity, aecom., $1,000,000 api. >> now api they're all free. i'm kidding. all right. but that's all the time we have left this evening. thanks for being with us. bein in the meantime,eart let your heart be trouble. >> laura ingraham. laura, how are be am, how you? hey, how's everybody there? say hello. how are you? that guy in the front row at the white shirt. oh, and i like the guy with the striped shirripet. lue striped shirt and the guy with the blue shirt of all the gathl. you know, you have a great fun. all right, sean, i'm going to pick it up where you left off. and you're great audience. great audi i'mi am. >> ingram and this is the "ingraham angle" from washington tonight. tonignow, this is another day n i say thank goodness merrick garlan id is not an associate justice on the supreme court as imperious
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