tv Gutfeld FOX News June 17, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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laura ingrahamsean i, tune in fo my fox business show, the bottom line, our air. and every weekdak y, 6 p.m. eastern. also check out my podcast ad with my wife, from trachel campos-duffy. >> from the kitchen table. we have a special edition father's day that drops tonighringt starring yours trul. thanks for watching this special edition of the ingraham angle. >> gutfeld starts right now at del rey. very good. all it's my goodness. >> i'm i'm getting scared. ight >> please don't ravage me. all right. know whay. you know what that means. we film the killing of a random audience member. monda
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>> check under your chairs. i'm kidding. anat's monday y. >> let's welcome tonight's guests. she's an independent, but she knows kurt loder, host of the kennedy saves the world podcast. kennedy. to he brings florida heat to hisrea congressional seat. florida congressman byron. she's like a blow dryer full of hot air and usually in the bathroom. but snooki dream here catches and finally hammers out his roller skates. >> my match sidekick and the nwa world heavyweight champion tyrus. it's hot in here. i think it's obviousere.. >> all right. so before we get to some new stories. >> you know, it's friday, so that's when we do this greg's leftovers. idn'
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>> mm. yeah, it's leftovers where i read the jokes we didn't use this week. and as always, it's my first time reading these. so if they reading , blame >> blame joe machi, one of our writers, as you can tell by his pasty countenance, pudgy, pale sad joe machi. >> all right.e go sorry. . thewow. r acti here we flaswhite house has banned a transgender activist for flashing their during a pride p evenresidet. pose president biden initially had no comment on the exposed as she was busyd br restraining hur from sticking a dollar bill between them. la all right. thda i know where this is going.y that is at his 46th birthday bash. >> kanye west served sushid susf the bodies of naked women. >> worsewors i'm pretty sure it wasn't kosher. yo cold lady booing.
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are you booing semitism or antisemitism at all? sem >> john hopkins universityfining is under fire for redefining as non men, which is also code for professors at. john >> johns hopkins. >> a woman whose remains werermn found in a garment has beenolic identified after 45 years. police remain baffled as the dry cleaner said she'd be ready by thursday. i that's funny. >> even though she's dead, it's still funny and interesting. and that's sad for it is a belgian prankster. don't we love them? yeah. faked his own funeral before showing up at the ceremony and iptera helicopter where hes greeted by family and friendsto who promptly beat him to death . pathetic.e fi >> the fda has approved over-the-counter sale of
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the topical treatment for erectile dysfunction calle d. >> iraq sign. consumers are encouraged to combine it with their other product. your rocks off. >> what a weird thing. i guess you'd call that an ointment. topical treatmentse used to cal. them ointments. >> yeah, we might call them. yeah ointments. >> such a gross word. all right. life san francisco is squeezed by crime and other quality of life issue everys. every hotel, even hotel owners, are starting to leavdoe. e sear in fact, downtown is so unsafe.h many san franciscans are searchinw g for new places to . pat sajak is leaving wheel of fortune after more than 40 years. >> when asked for comment, sajak replieplied, yeah, yeah. >> that's just when i feel sorry.
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our blind viewers. very, very confused right now. o why are they applauding? serious. squinting. >> air qualiyeah. air quality across new york city was slightly worse last week as smoke from canadian wildfires passed over the city once agait n to get a breath of fresh air, new yorkers actually had to get into a cabtually ho . cab it's a pretty uber joke. >> as the immigration crisiss rages, new york is opening u two more emergency centers on the city's upper west. an elementary school is so overcrowded with migrants, administrator had to cancel this week's toy demonstration . yeah, it's sad, but it's it' tr what's coming to this world? a man in the u.k. was busted ini a park for having with a treehu stump. >> he said he woulldd have liket to have kept on going, but he was totally sappedas. you i didn't even. i didn't even like. why are you clapping?
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at least you wear a so het wouldn't get a splinter. >> but i guess it gives new meaning to the word woodpecker. d >> >> i feel dirty. >> thanks for coming. yeah. this week. this week, president biden had to undergo rt after re a two dah after reports that he eats like a child. he also walks, talks and his pants like a child. oh, too easy. >> too easy. paul mccartney says the beatles last record will featurele's john lennon's boys with the help of a.i.. meanwhile, yoko onennon'o is wog on a robot that will destroy the other robot. >> archeologists in spain areeoi expressingst their excitement stter unearthing a 500 year old six inch stone. well, they're claimingey are six inches. >> finally, pizza hut just debuted a limited d edition pickle pizza.
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it's all part of a bigger plan to increase sales at domino's. >> all right, let's let's doh no some news. the president with no brain thinks we're building an ocean train. >> it'. ols. joe came up with an ingenious transportation plan this week. geniugod, i hope it's. i plans to build a railroad from the pacific all the way across the indian ocean. >> we have plans to build a railroad from the pacifid c am the way across the indian ocean. i could go on, but i'm not. i'm going off script. p >> when you get in trouble, get trouble. once again, the presidens out sa out loud that other people are in charge. oc across the indian ocean. >> what's next? an elevator to narnia, any escalator to candyland, a beanstalk to tyra says house you welcome to come up yeah. meantime, you better not ask him about his family's wheeling and dealing with ukraine or get testiellr than supermodelsse
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when they run out of greg. all right, roll it. >> why did the fbi use. why is that a more effective question? >> well, someone's doing, i' their best trump impression. apparently. i'm old enough to remember that behavior was considered hateful. later in the evening, biden held a screening. eva longoria, his new movie, flamin hot. i was really disappointeds by the misleading title. >> turns out it's not about natalie from facts of lifeabou.i all right. she's still alive. i'm just sayinracterg the charar doesn't exist. anyway, the audience on the white house law feadn featured many hispanics, and to joe's dismay, they weren't there to mow the grass t g. ras i know. i know. he's a racisn t. sts. i on the bright side, no man flashed his. ng tim >>e. i wonder if joe knows evave for a long time.
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>> we've known each other a long time. she was 17., i wai was 40. >> i didn't know eva longoria was 70, she reminisces.. yeah. ohthen l, yeah. lit then later he went in for a hug that held a little too long. >> oh, yeah. l slap it's probably. it's probably payback for dr.pi jill slapping tongues with dougm emhoff, but even had to physically remove his liver, spotted hands, her taut torso. and it's not his fault he thought she was an ice cream cone. >> meanwhile, north carolina focus groupsgroups show swing vs are concerned by his advanced age. participants who backed bide age, tnwith 2020 after supporting trump said they feel exhausted and without confidence. r theywhatever they see him mumo nonsense or fall on his face, but they'd stillm vote for him m in a trump rematch. unless, of course, rigor mortis sets i urigon. doe
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>> what's joe got to say? nae na na. >> that's fine. ava is a good sport. she just got stuck in the old joe pincers, that's all. if you don't want me to have a snack, don't put a spicy chicken tender in my face, i'm afraid. and i knew about was goi the. i was going to build a trainbetw track on the ocean. all right. i know the differencee e. a boat and a train. i just mix them up because a boat goes to dude and a traina goes choo choo. >> all right, i can mix up a toot toot and a choo choo. all right. bup t just don't mix up a popcon . d a corn pop you're going to be saying bye bye, jack. all right penny, is it possiblen because i'm hoping this is true, that he spilledomethins on something really amazing because the worst story that hee thinks it's happening. >> but what if we are building a traidiann?
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the indian ocean? that's awesome. i mean, that's like going to the moo moon somehow on a balloon or something. >> yeah, that. greg, you you probablyup thepoiu the best point because that's like some jetsons. >> it is. gh ying we thought flying cars would be a big deal, but flying, floatingt is goi hovering trainh yeah. that's going to change the course of humanity for the better. and we're the ones who get to do it. yeah, i know. you know, we all think tha h man, mat he's this doddering old man, but maybe he's an engineer. what an genius if this. this is all an act.hose wow. i said it here first. never. those confused voters are going to vote for him again, even though he's the president we'veg ever seen. >>h he is th hey, if you applau, you're just eating my time. f ts >> congressman, welcome to the show. does any of this really matterdt any of this criticism? because, i mean, the democrats are going to do what the tos do.e oua they're either going to support joe or they're working behind the sceneswho is trying to figur
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who's going to replace it. but none of this like the jokes that w e make or anything, really, really matter, right? no, the joke. yos. us and >> okay. you got to do this because it'ss so and so hilarious.y my hope is that voters are like, is guy really with us? is he really this gone? ooh, i can't mak that'e that den but to the train thing that's actually a violation of the espionag acte act.e this thing is happening. yeah. he leaked information to themat. world. >> that is true. that's true. lock him up. yeah>> i, i know.s your >> so, cat, what up?ater nothing.? it' how you doing? >> how's your water? it's t. excellent. excellent. so, dyou thinally what do you to going on? >> what's really going. n thyou. your finger on the pulse of politics. i sure do. ye -i s. f >> see, i really. i do get a little tired ofhe. s all of the criticisms always being about his age and how hisr makes you unfit for the job when really, i think it's more accurat tthate to. say that the things going on with him physically and mentallyy make make him unfr
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any job. like, i wouldn't want him helping me at zara.u kn yeah. and it's regardless of the number that designates your age, this stuff is concerning. like, if i were walking around the office and i was shakingg rs hands with the air and talking about being raised by puerto ricansedricans, , i wouldn't wat you guys to be like, you know what? sh she's 34, so she's fine. >> put her on the air. yeah, it's not. there's plenty of 80 year olds who don't act likeho don't that >> right. that's true. some of us, some of them are st. i am tal >> i don't even know who i'm, t. talking about. >> >> so i'm drinking, jack? yeah, it's friday. what do you think's going on right here? i feel like people are jockeyinpeopleg to replace joe. you had the gretchen whitmer profile. you goo t. en you got gavin newsom everywhere, including him. even went on "hannity" , whiche me
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is amazing. >> you know, gavin's doing the don't make me sing thing. don't make me ruin. yeah, don't make me wrong.hi i don't want to run. okay, i'll runnku . >> i think, you know, it's soth he's. eehe's the green president, right? so how are you going build thi e this train? you're going to have to rip upce the oceaann, kill all the little mermaids and flippers and stuffi . >> and then, according to aoc, it's got to be. he ocean and we got four years left now, so we got to get. and then with tharee ocean risi, so our little trains are going to end up being submarinessubma and let's not forget, the 560 day trip is going to be fromnewh new york to india on the train. and when you get the good news is you get pushed out, you're not going get run over, you get hit by a shark. so that'ark. is s going for yous quite possibly the most incompetent president.ator congressman, senator, r you name the title. >> he would be the worst greeter at wal-mart you ever. dh and behavior that where.
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i'm sorry. but even the audiencughing, e. a where are the feminists? he just groped a woman. womat -- that was not that is a hands off reaction. pop yes, it is a whoops.e or bring it in, brother. yeah, it was. whoa! >>y. aye. and then if there was, she almost ran on a stage. yeah, she did. away from him. had and everybody's okay with this? yeahpresiden. s if that had been president trump. yeah, it would have been. it have been billboards outside. >> he's like the grandfather and mad men. remember that?they put >> they started going crazy. they put him ie n the closet. m >> no, he's the grandfather from road trip now. yes. >> way to reference is that no one remembers. >> we need to start going to sleep at nighsleestopt and sk trading movies. >> yeah, that's true. all right. up next, we're working froe tum home. >> turn you into a hideous gnome. >> chevy silverado factory capab liftedil trucks.
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>> get what you deserve. all right could working at home to blame for turning you into the hunchback of notre dam juse just as we guess future tmployment will make us fa pale and depressed. researchers in the uk or uqmpte have attempted to visually lises the negative health impact that remote working will cause by the year 2100. check out these grotesque 3d renderings of a remote worker in the future. >> how wrong one.e righ here's the right one. by s's the future remote worker, no doubt created by some nerd who's working at
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home. anyway, the model, a hunchback, sunken eyes, sagging skin and claw like handgs. . ho >> and that's that's the year 2100. how about 2150? how about 2200? then how about 2300?. yeah >> yeah. thr yeah. you thought we were going to go one way, we went the other one,r threw one of our own into the fire there and balance there. fair and balance how.aracteri yes. so these are physical characteristic researchers sayec will result from chronic poor posture and screen exposure and. things under the hood don't look good either. a lack of sunlight, fresh aifror from a life spent indoors will contribute to anxiety, depression and a compromised p immune system. or, as pfizer likes to call it, the perfect customer. worried
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>> congressman, are you worried about this? you got kids? the you? they're going to turn into little, little gnomes like me? >> it's possible. no, because all my sons are taller than you even a 12 year old madam. yeah. i'm not going to give them back to back. >> yeah, you know, i really thin w greatk your first and lae here was. >> oh, you thought. he was coming back. las oh, no, no, it's over. yeah. look, you remember the last good disney movie wall-e? yevis. where all the adults are t on the ship and everybody's too slovenlyoostan to even stand uph on their own two feet. this is what happens. we got to get out of the house. yeahe taks ou. work from home anymore? yeah. i think my kids out all the time. they hate me for it. i meanea, it makes me a great dad. >> it does. happy father's day, everybody. >> happy father's day, cat.been thank you. you're welcome . you've been a great dad., i know, i know. yes. do you think i've noticeyo --d ,
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like, women? >> you know, we're. i can't wait to see where this goes. yes. no, we're evolutionary animals. we react ove, wer time to our environment. >> our bodies change. and i notice, likee is a is a t hunching and there's a neck and neck thing that's happeningn . and in the office, people, girls walking around like this and that over time . >> that's going to change exactly. in the office. yes, including m offic e yeah, in the office, which means this whole thing is corporate reaally estate propaganda. >> oh, it is. because every single thinged h they listed here. oh, this never happens in the office. only at home. looking atlooking o much the to. hunc am i doing here all day and at the screen hereed bec i'm hunched over here. her immune system is weakened because anxiety and depression.o >> oh, yeah.rk you never have anxiety at work g regard . >> this this is all stuff of that's happening regardleswhetsf whether you're in the office or not. mm. i demand to know who is behind this. . yeah. big believer at real estate. yeah. l estate e lithey're, they're going to probably 30% on average in every, in every. although i d ause i do don't liken
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working from home just cause i don't have like a home and i've an apartment. yeot thamanys. there's not really that many games. i just, i just you know th homelesstally hurts because they can't work from home. >> oh, i don't think anybody ye, is ever to that work. everyone. yeah, they work. yeah. you know, next to this. yeah. you know, i'm trying to be nice, but i've been to englanden and. thi. . yes. this is just every day walking around england. yeah. >> my , my god. i'm just saying they're. it's cloudy all day. they eat really bad food. there's like one dentist per continent. >> so also they get to be all the smart roles in movies and stuff. so take a little heat. but thiss is dumb cat is 1,000o chopt because i would i would to work at home yeah i would do this show chopping wood my back yard yeah efficiently. yeah republicans are cool democrats. oh better you great like i'llu r
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be living my best life. >> we should record that when you're not here. >> yeah, just i'm faking injur,y whatever you need. get me home. but this is. this is. th is ridiculous. >> cat is what? this is propaganda. if you are sloppy, pasty, and don't do your thing, it's because of you, not your job. and ii actually was talking to his son in the green room and he said he's forced outsidtr and he sits outside by himself because all his friends are on his electronics. el, but my son is outside somewhere too. he was actually taller than greg at 1009. nice taller. m ta th i had to wait for. well, i have the photo up tonight. kennedany i believe i'm taller than your kids. >> no, you're not. by. by a long shotshot. not. s not even close. what does this havo doe to withe you? if you got on the one shoulder, >>u would be almos atht too tall as the older one. so do you also not buy this? >> no, i cat is absolutely right. this is from the return to work cln. tio >> and, you know, they paid for this study. and you know, if you're not
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careful, you'l will have claw hg and you'll be grabbing it. >> invisible a throughout the room and you'll have a cotton candy pink camel towel . it's like it's like mex to explaining to my children.a it's like if you laughing, a boy's near you, you willr your get warts all over your body. that will be disfiguringic and you'll have chronic b.o.. oh , chronic b.o.. >> i love their music because,i you know, i don't know. i think the more. yeah, the more time you spend at home, the worse you areu has >> isn't that right?e fo you have to go outside. i think that. oh, let's do an experiment. send d mide home for three mont. we did that experiment? yes, yes, already. i had a great time then, i was outside all day. no one was around three years to stop the spread. yeah, yeah, yeah. all right. up are skeletal fingers your fate when you lose a ton of weight? >> they've been after
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trump from the beginning. but questions swirl around president biden's handling of classified documents found in president biden's garage. >> multiple classified documents. you and the former president are both now under investigation. the justice department. but they didn't indict biden. instead, doj went after trump. anything to block him from becoming president again, stand with president trump against biden's corruption. make america great again inc is responsible for the content of this advertising introducing veneer of breakthrough superfood with a full matrix of polyphenols from the red grape vinegar is clinically proven to increase your blood circulation for an investment of about a dollar a day. enjoy the health benefits of one bottle of red wine in each capsule of vinegar, minus the alcohol, sugar and calories. a clinical trial showed that vinegar significantly increased dilation of arteries for each person who took one capsule of vinegar daily for three months. i'm harold.
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>> best piece of what you're looking where you on vacation adventure. i walked on relaxing trails took on exciting new challenges make new friends and together we train more like dogs. download best pizza begin your exciting adventure take me no oh, i love you. okay. no, i mean. >> yeah, just hit my balance. should we see a doctor? a doctor? i slipped on a toy. i'm a triathletedoordinary. to >> oh, i had a concussion. >> oh, i had a concussion. mostage. things. sometimes the tough thing to do is to get help to prevent serious damage. i like your sensitive side . >> don't mess with your melon. >> you hit it, get it checked
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out. ids. at least hit all right. >> for losing weight as epix. but you'll also losed your wedding band. you'veof heard of hbo's epic. it was created to help diabetes patients control their blood sugar, but took off thanks to a side effect of rapid weight loss or what we call the pompeo effect. >> oh oh. i', i'm nuts. >> anyway, people have postedcer all over social media about it,t including several celebritieis >> and now there's a new epidemic sweeping the nation called ozempic finger. es and unlike some rapidly didn, thisdiseases one didn't originate in a chinese lab or hunter biden's groiten. >> i need a better word thanha groin get on that cat. t fingasically, women are on the weight loss drug, are discovering that their fingers and wrists are getting skinnier than ever, making it more likely that their jewelry will fal makinl off, which would
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rob them of the experience of having it stolen from them at gunpoint. >> in fact, the number of women going to jewelers get theiry upf wedding ring the size down is reportedly way up fro m year . >> and if that's not legit, et, knowrd data illustrating though, is that big finger trend. >> i don't know what i whas. ao >> at any rate, anthony fauci recommended still wear masks, at least to protect against flying cubic zirconi a. >> when doctors were asked if mn rings were falling off of men too, they said yes, but forn some reason it doesn't bother. i know men are pigs, am i rightw ? it's funny because men cheat on their wives. >> yo gi you go, girl. >> i wonder who the men are cheating with, though. ith s oh, yeah. >> they're wives. best friends. yeahiend.. i didn't know. you watch vanderpump. so, kat, this is interesting. bi
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what do you make of this? i am becoming this wholepi ozempic thing just exploded mir because it really does sound like it'acledrug eves the drug y was waiting for because nobody likes to exercise. nobodyercise, to eat healthy. c this allows you to do both, except doesn'tept t it sap sappy out of life because you don't want to eat it all>>. e joyf >> no, there's other things about life that are joyful fro besides eating. >> i mean, i know you're shocked to hear that juste. >> i just there really are. there's no such thing as at. i shortcut i feel like you wouldeo maybe want to be concerned thsut some of the other effect . also, i think it's because celebrities talk about it whenever celebrities or there'os of celebrities doing something, people are like, oh, she did it. she's fines . o except celebrities. they can have like just doctors come to their house. i would lovee. i i would love te so famous and rich that i could call a doctor and be like, hav e them. >> tell me that i'm not dying. yeah, that's a normal thing to want, right fee? >> i feel a little dizzy. it's okay, right? yeah. that's>> all right.octo
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it's really easy to get a doctor to come to your house. just come make some weird psychological threat to somebodl threaty. >> or for what it's called a concierge doctor. oh, yeah. come to your house. yeah, i was. i've o. got one.g mone let me. oh, very, very. yes, i manage my wrestling money right.t. epubli yeah. so let me ask you responsible. hence republican. yecas. you follow stuff, you knowic medications pretty well. why are you what is it about ozempic that we're not seeing? well, fat fingers, for one. >> yeah. u >> i mean, greg, this you this here. >> yes. you're not going to get better. didn't get this one. not bane. ug tha >> people taking a drug that makes you lose weight and your d fingers get skinny. >> yeah. oh, my godyothin. t finger you would think if you had fat fingers and you lost it and you walked in with your hula hoopfo and ringr it, it would be asizi
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happy day for you.i my ring'startes down four sizesl i started working out. >> it's a humble. yeah. oh, i like your problem. likem. my. because the cold part is they lose the weight on their wristse and their fingers, but not their belly. so i guess that's you gey dot in which they do, don't they? >> so they lose in their belly. i don't know, gregr. i do it the old fashioned way. i overeat. go. i got to go to the gymt off,, wt off, then i get it off and go, go. let's go eat. and i go. yoi got to do it again. so, you know, i don't like needles. , shor so i couldn't do those. yeah. you got to you got to inject it once. but again, it's one of those things where cats write short shortcuts never work. short termtcr. short-termol, ons cold part. once they get the little ring fixed, once they get it, guessth what? bad fingers are bad. yeah, the ring don't fity says. >> that's when the guys say, honey, that's why i wasn't wearing it. that fingeingersr, you know? do you love that punk band? yes. you know, kennedy, i. >> i posited this theory that vi that was epic.n th would have been a better vaccine than the covidcovi vaccl
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which is a low bar. because if you low if you if ris you slim down, that was like the major risk factor. aside from age for covid you could have saved more lives if you just pumped them full of ozempie whenc mean, but where in society when we're all about body positivity? and if weigh £600, you're a you're supposed to be a hero for flying a in a coach seat and taking up three seats and making other people uncomfortablt th e. but at the same time we're ide obsessed with easy weight. we have no idea who we are ort what is important to us. but anyone who loses weight, you know, they call it. it was a big phase ozempic. espl it was a big finger. when you lose weight, especially, when you lose weight quickly, you lose weight in all parts of your body and you don't have muscle. your sags. yes. you know sag, have, katherine de famously said you have to choose between your face and yourur -. >> oh, no. d and that's you know, you can't hey, don't do it. i just get it. so don't do it. i was thinking to tell you now
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this is a preemptive strike that way. >> all right, he's going to do it. so it's passing. it's passing>>. >> there it goes. i don't do it.n will >> congressman, throw this - building. >> congressman, my face or my . >> oh, i remember me. welcome to the show. do you >> yeah. what do you what do you do to exercise? what do you do -- do you? less n >> you do you find a challenge? because when you're a congressma gn, you're always going around. >> you eat, you eat everywhere. tyou have to eat corn dogs.t g. >> they're secret gym. yeah. oh, i ha no d secret gym. >> well, no, i think you for mel ,it's just a lot of a lot of weights. yeah. it's lift weights alla the time. it's my time and not answer my phone. get away from everybody. ac great time, actually. tha yeah. what concerns me are the guys who like for like, for
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president and for governor. all of a sudden lost £20. yeah. what happened? yeah. and i see it's the ozempic thing. yeah, i know. lizzo's really mad about this. is taking three shots at one time. i don't. sorry, lizzo. sorry. shots of whipped cream? yes. shots of. >> but no, i like, you know, i just want to make sure, like my shirt buttons. exactly. so i'm staying there. i'm good there. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> i'm trying to stay plump. yeah, i think my wife likes it. i'm staying. we call it staying in our frame. yeah, we're in a frame i'm saying we're in a frame looking at it. >> we've got to move on. coming up. our tongues. >> what's in the mailbag? yes, it's michael's lowest prices of the season. save to 60% at our store wide sale. save on all summer floral decor, all artist block canvas, all frames by studio decorrhousl
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>> and then we make the choice. ask or face. >> i'm just going to say it. yeah. you're not going to stay forever. all right. thank you. kennedy, fio you're first questn from stacy dogg. mom. that's perverse. verse,something you learned embarrassingly late in life. >> tyrus hmm? hmm. hmm hmm. embarrassingly late in life when they say nothing's wrong. >> oh, man man, don't just turnt your heao d. >> go back to your xbox. f yeahella, they know they should have classes on that stuffe cl. >> they do not. they don't. they don't. because we go into this blin blf >> what did you learn embarrassingly late in life? a tyrus took my answer. oh it's a good thing i'm stillrn young. mm-hmm. yeah. i've got a lot to learn.
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you do have a lo. hight to how y immature. how old are you? i'm 44. i'm very immature. >> we're about the same ag we e. >> kennedy. kennedy. you bet. a wild life. wild. >> . a you were famous as a as a youngt in there, regardedie with richih and the hot. >> you almost slept with michael jordan? almostlan.>> now yes. now, i. now i wish i had it right. . ah, i wish i did. yeah. to be. i'm embarrassed about two things. onone, i didn't realize i was about 25 that tortilla chips wereer tortillas cut into triangles. and when i realized that it felt really dumb. yeah. and number two, i didn't realize you should cut the . ryo, i thank you so much for coming. thank you. i'm going to save that by saying give this to you. put please stand down,. and it needs to change. if you put it, you put it right here and put your tennis in the pocket. right. so you always have a reaction if>> thank you miss the first s. >> thank you.
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greg cupping the , that' lessonh how we got caught inam the lesson. america, there's a new champion on set. yeahkennedy. , dude, champ.u >> america. all right,n late cat what did yu you learn late in life that you wish you learned earlier? i didn't learn how to ride a bike without training wheelsfo for a while. really? yeah. i was in girl scouts. we all did this, like, bik we d and i still went. >> and it took me, like, 3 hours longer than everybody elsenybody. d kid. >> but i still did it. you know, you're a weird kid.i w oh, you have no idea. i wish i knew you as a kid just so i could make fun of you. well, give havn age difference t i've been really strange. yeah, i've been a regular biden even longer to some 30 year old guy. >> not a kid. yeah some 30 training wheels. and anyway, got to go to work. >> i'm driving by in my truck. hey. oh, here she is. >> and she's like, there's a a ghost driving the truck.
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>> mommy. hi. p you peopleeopl. this is another earnest question. what'st way to f the best way te out what kind of job you should pursue o or out or what kind ofl major i want in college. >> thiass is good. >> but as you cat, what what's the best way to figure out what kind of job you should get? >> i think tha thit what you'reg good at is something you should go into. into. soing thatyou definitely makes you happy. but what you're good at because you're going into it to make dollartolars.o whs. but >> yeah. so what you're good at and makes you happy and also sct makes money. >> oh, scratch that. it' it's. oh, my god.ry yeah. an i'm sorry. just tell your family cards, man, that this was a repeat and a huge. they bumped it for breaking news. nee advice you have adv?
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>> yeah. yeah. now i tell my sons thi. find oua mm-hmm. find out how much it cost to live. mm-hmm. and thenjogoing to major on whal to be able to pay that bill. not good. thatfigure that out first. yes. nothw, here's the second sidey i to that. >> yeah. second side to thavest is making money gives you options. so when you are making money mor then you can do all the fun stuff you want to do in your spare time. >> coach. kids s cats, you know, save cat, you know? safat go on safari, you know, work at the local zoo. you can do all stuff in t your spare timhe e. >> do something that paysy. the bills. we need your tax money, by the way. yeah nee money., we need that my kennedy barry long, illustrious career. >> did you know what you were planning on doing? u kn you weri knew what i was g and i knew that i could make money. but i really thought i waso intl to go into politics for a long time. and that will neve happen. r happen.e is i do have a daughter who's going to college in the fall, and she's really obsesse obsds with idea of picking a major before she goes to college. and i don'. i don't think that's
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important because a lot of times when you read resumenecesa and stuff, you don't necessarily pick the person who has the major the correspondcorrespos to job. i think internships are actually really, really valuable excel . s ho >> and that's where people learn the most about a potential career. that's how ii madeoice made my s through interning at different places like the hospital in the morgue. >> all right, tara. so what was thing in the morgue after face? you don't have to answer that. i was always obviously, i was always a big proponent in bac following your dreams, but yoi always have a backup plan. yeah. and the second thing is, listeun ,your haters. listen to the people who tell you can't do things and nevebur no, but listen, the people who cheer for you, that's great. but the people who like to tellt you what you can't do. they're really inspirational. yeah, it's true. i got a lot of those. >> you know, i'm talking. i know, too, for sure. ye on s. all right.on we got to move up next, what's the with
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a killers weird last meal? >> i'm gonna sell my life insurance because i don't need it any more. >> my kids are grown. >> oh, it's great. let's settle up the scars. it's to travel to poverty and retirement. >> happy holidays, 70%. easy. it sounds so easy. it's the same. you can sell our cars and your life plates and so easy. and so sure, if you've had a change in health or you're over 65 and paying for $100,000 of work in a life insurance policy, you don't need get paid for it. >> instead, take the money that you get kind of help you, my colleagues, out eight,
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seven, seven, seven, eight, eight, eight, seven, seven saturdays. and so your saturday it's baseball night in america on fox get on this flight from new york boston the deep rooted rivalry continues as john carlos leave the yankees against rafael devers and the red sox for randy arozarena and the league leading rays take on juan soto and the padres. it's baseball night in america. saturday seven eastern on fox, where america the best quotes come from that this is off the shelf like you've never it before. four regions, 20 contestants. welcome to the united states of america. the northeast is bringing it. what's up? west side is the best side in
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this is strange. a death row inmaterange. at a bn cheeseburger without the bun. >> but isn't it a little too late to go gluten free? i mean, that'so glut a. i mean, that's an optimist. he's assuming that his disease is going optim to help him out.u and also, like they should haved given him the physiologye givehs briefing before he goes the electric chair, because he's going to his pantsg eithen way. so as as someone with celiac me, take this. >> it's your last chance. take the bun, takeg tohoose. th you're going to choose. yets. have you ever thought about a final meal? i think it's weird. thai ric>> no, ie now have a fil every night before i go to bed . yeah, that's true. >> it's true. my, if i was on death row, probably for killing you going to get. i'm going to have as you should. i'd with veal parm. yeah, yeah, yeah. and i don't care if it's
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baby cow. >> i don't care. you know, i have a back story kn on that. i thought veal was a separate animal. you did? yeah. i mean, kind>> i didn't ow it wa yeah, but i thought it was. van i didn't know it was a baby cow. i just thought a veal was like >>co >> that was a veal. jus well, it's a cow. it'scow in. it's just a cow in the box. yeah, it's just a cow in a box . >> yeah, there's an idea. amazon, get in thathere. ki imta i imagine that you wouldn't even have a last meabecause l ba you don't even eat. i do. ated this was okay. i know you're so fixated on the bun, but what was weirder to me that he had coffee. >> what do you need energy for? yeah. yeah, it. it's. and i was thinking more. it that caffeine is the only drug let you do.ou >> yeah, it's true. if it were me, i would like to petitio n to pick which drug overdose. you should be able to have 24 hours of a fun opiate. you know, just fun o pick your o injection. >> yes, exactly. what do you want to overdosevers ? yeah, maybe it's food, maybe it's bonds , maybe it's face. he end
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>> all right, congressman, you almost made it to th. ie en. i did. this could be. this c couldstroy yo destroy yor . it probably will. you're florida.o co >> you're good. we're. but it is interestingns to consider carb intake right before you go to the chair or wherever you're goine befog. i think that's again, i have to say that is that's an eternaeternal optimist.- if y >> well, two things. first, you know, if you're going to ifng you're getting a bun less burger as your last meal, there's probably a reaso anng you're on death row. that's like sad eating for>> a long lif y it'e. s yes. inside your mind. and that's where your mind goes . yeah. there's other issues. yeah, there are other is his priorities are off. yeah. >> yeah. the tomahawk steak from del frisco's brother that should have done said that is the best. yeah, that is the best. all right. i burned my hand at on that plate many times. >> no one asked why i. >> at least it was my hand,
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get free spins and win huge jackpots on your way to vegas. download slots now new winner every day we are out of time perhaps literally. >> thanks to congressman baron donald kennedy. ten time miss our studio audience. fox news tonight is next. and greg gutfeld and i love. no. hello, everyone. i'm jeanine pirro along with richard jesse watters,eryo martha maccallum, and greg gutfeld. ne.s it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five we haven't . >>n ron desantis knows who hens wants to in the general election, and it's not joe biden. the florid a hitting back after relentless mudslinging attacks from gavin newsom. the pair have been duking it out over hot butto
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