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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 17, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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10 p.m. eastern hour every saturday night tip your servers, and good night america. deeply and our core convictions, they are plainly marking it. >> laura: "gutfeld!" is next. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> greg: yes. how are you doing? happy wednesday, america. have a mix. we all know the story of the boy who cried wolf. i'm assuming you are old enough to have read that story before it got canceled for animal cruelty and transphobia. now we are in the middle of a
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similar fable, the media, robert rocha. ever since that guy came down as escalator and beat hillary clinton like the rented mule she is, the media has treated him like hitler times 911. which is weird because unlike hillary, he did not kill anyone. [laughter] you know the hoaxes, russian collusion, the pee tape, the moon landing. according to the media, the walls were always closing in. we got him this time with tweeted hollywood networks almost every week. when the only things closing in were meatheads arteries. they stick their reputations on bringing him down and if america had to fall to bring down the donald, they were cool with it, too. from gets a rate and the media can't turn up the volume anymore. they already went to 11. they already blew out their speakers. to use a common biblical phrase, they already shot at their
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water. [laughter] that is biblical. leviticus. now, now they are finally getting what they want. it is hard to care. and they fail to see that they gave trump the weapons to fight back. by accusing him of so many things that turned out to be false. so now do supporters care? the exams think they lead to a great orange whales but it turns out they are the real moby dic dicks. they lied to and insult it almost everybody and those that keep at it, they seem weird like a soccer. >> the response that we have seen in polling from republicans suggests that they are going to stick with him, that it is more of a cult than a political party at this point and they are going to stick with their leader. >> greg: hillary, you want to know the prime symptom of a cold? when the cult leader exploits his power to have sex with followers. [laughter] yup, he was original
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[indistinct] so i have heard. look what trump persecution fatigue is most hesitant to cnn. they once had a decent reputation but now they are like, will smith at a comedy club. they have the smoking gun but they are amazed that the bullets are firing only bounce off. >> you watch donald trump attempted to return his arrest and indictment into some sort of campaign commercial. we need to remember that the reason we are watching this is because donald trump is accused of breaking some very serious national security laws. >> the folks in the control room, i don't need to see any more of that. he is trying to turn it into a spectacle, into a campaign. that is enough of that. >> greg: cnn did enough of that. i have total respect for jake tapper. why does his face always have that looked like he is walking behind jerrold nadler? [laughter]
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sorry, jake. but you want the worst? how about those who do not intend to carry these remarks live? >> we do not intend to carry these remarks live. as we have said before in the circumstances, there is a cost to us as a news organization to knowingly broadcast untrue things. >> greg: a cost? i seem to remember when untrue things was her nickname. >> the presidency is effectively a russian up. we are about to find out if the new president of our country is going to do what russia wants. >> this guy keeps turning up and up again. constantine clinic. he is still russian military intelligence. >> greg: if you subtracted all the untrue things from that, it is what you would have. [laughter] and yeah, she is a respected gatekeeper of information. so what is . have to say? on the eve of his 77th
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birthday in bedminster, new jersey, he slammed biden and called the indictment a heinous abuse of power before discussing the boxes. i wonder if the boxes had all types of personal belongings, many, many things, shirts and shoes and everything? >> these boxes were containing all types of personal belongings. many, many things. shirts, shoes. everything. >> greg: fair enough. i wonder if he had a chance to go to the boxes because it is a long, cheap -- tedious job. >> i had not had a chance to go to all the boxes. it is a long, tedious job. it takes a long time, which i was prepared to do, but i have a very busy life. i have had a very busy life. they make it more busy because you are always fighting. traveling through. we all have busy lives. maybe biden can use the excuse to explain why he forgot he had classified docs and a granddaughter. [laughter] >> yes. >> greg: oh, fire. yes. you know it was -- it would not
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be a proper trip even if he did not come up with a new nickname for someone. is the prosecutor in this case a third? >> the in the case i will call our case is a third. i have named him deranged jack smith. i wonder what his name is to be. jack smith. it sounds so innocent, doesn't it? jack smith. what is his name? jack smith. he is a very nice man. >> greg: it does sound nice. his record absolutely atrocious. >> he is a behind-the-scenes guy but his record is absolutely atrocious. >> greg: later trump actually handled dj duties playing tunes from his ipad including "blue suede shoes" and "hound dog" by elvis. maybe it could include hit by mc hammer or maybe "jailbreak." the fact that he is having fun reflects the way the world is to him.
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a video game. admits the challenges that so it is a game. it might be incorrect, but it works. i wish i had that frame of mind. and the next time i'm in court, i demand the same sketch artist trump has. look at that. i'm sorry. that guy has to be on donald's payroll. [laughter] he makes trump look like tarzan went to brooks brothers. [laughter] that jawline. so now what? will trump be the first ex-president to go to jail and will kari lake make him . him a cake with a foul in it? will joe biden be in a cell next to him? that is if he is still standing upright by election day or will present kamala last like she is doing with his every time she is in public? [cheers and applause] [laughter] >> to my divine family. [laughter] >> greg: i don't know what she is laughing at, at her record, i
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guess. it is all pretty weird. the charges sound real. but it is clear that they are important -- their importance is being inflated. why? because they can't say what they are really doing. the democrats are arresting a political rival. that is what it is. they are taking him off the table. after targeting for years. it is funny. joe biden suggest he made sure trump would not run again. >> president biden: we have to demonstrate that he will not take power. if he does run, i'm making sure he under legitimate efforts of our constitution does not become the next president again. >> greg: remember that? yeah, he did not say beat him in an election. he said make sure he does not want. i guess this is what he meant. [applause] let us welcome tonight's guests. she was a woman in men's locker rooms before there were men and women's locker rooms. host of the podcast, which miche
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doyle. they call him a baker after he killed a man with a low -- a love of pumpernickel. former operative mike baker. [applause] the odds of keeping her quiet are like her dress size. extra slim. fox news, jupiter kat timpf. >> kat: i know that. >> greg: there is a severe weather warning in the northeast or maybe he just sneezed. my massive sidekick, tyrus. [cheers and applause] you know, mike, it is always good to see if you. we will talk about that later. the thing that bugs me about this whole story is that i think we are all exhausted by this whole thing. and we all want it to be over with. but that is the strategy. and i resent the strategy. i resent the fact that the strategy is to run people into the ground whether they are trump supporters or republicans. so you just say, oh, [bleep],
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give me desantis. i can't deal with this crap. they are playing and trying to run down and i sometimes feel that it is working. >> it is working. look, the democrats do messaging very well. they stay together and they stay on message. and, you know, they kind of have been given this gift because honestly, what trump has done is self-inflicted wound. he has had a series of those over the years. but by that i mean he did not have to be in this position. this is not a difficult thing to not hold on to classified documents when you leave office. i mean, i know others have done it. but then just hand them over. >> greg: he should have gotten in there and taking them. >> we took some. and we have someone in the seats that everyone [indistinct]. as a parting gift. but i think the problem for
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president trump or former president trump now is going to be that all this noise as you pointed out is this constant drum breed now it is going to remind all those voters who do not vote for him in 2020 but previously had in 2016 and 2020, they were tired of the chaos. talking about whatever you want to call him. margaret or whoever. 2020, they were tired of the cast. the only reading -- recent joe biden won was because he was not trump. i think the problem he has is because of what is happening, he is reminding all those people, again, of the chaos that counsel he surrounds his presidency and i think they're going to look and go, yeah, i really don't want any more of that. >> greg: i think in one way, they maybe reminding the kids could also reminding them of the energy and the fun. [laughter] michelle, i often feel that when they are going after trump, they talk about the supporters. i feel like it is a proxy for american voters. or half of them and they make them the proxy by calling them
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the portables. so i think that is part of the thing that i'm feeding off of is that it does not matter if it is trump. it could be anybody. they just don't like us. >> whoa, that is definitely true. but i do think his supporters are continuing to support him because they are tired of this and they see this as an unequal application of the law. hillary clinton, joe biden, hunter biden, we could go on. people who have alleged wrongdoings and we don't hear or see anything about it. joe biden has documents in his garage and everywhere else they talk about and oh yeah, we will that. we will get to that eventually. there's no urgency to that and so trump supporters sees and what the -- why they voted for him, what the hell? why is there this uneven application? and i'm going to stand by the guy who is getting persecuted.
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whether he is or not, whether he is guilty or not, they see him as a political martyr and they want to stand with him for that reason because they are sick of all of this other crap. >> greg: i would like to think, kat, if the shoe was on the other foot, i would not do this to, like, joe biden because, you know, i don't want to arrest the person. i think it would be wrong. but i don't think i'm that good of a person. i think that it would get through this, arrest joe biden. >> kat: i was going to say. >> greg: she pretends she is a doctor. you know? dr. jill. what kind of degree is that? i don't even know. arrest joe biden! yes, applaud! i want this in the news! [applause] [laughs] >> oh, no. >> greg: oh, the headline, kat. fox news audience applauds the rest of joe biden. i don't want that.
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>> kat: i'm sitting here looking unimpressed. [laughter] >> greg: thoughts? >> kat: well, he seems to be doing okay. my anxiety is way higher than his. i mean, okay, so for this indictment, which i have seen a lot of legal experts including ones who are more conservative say that this one presents a lot more problems for trump in the manhattan one. however to your point, i don't think that most people really know that because they have all of this fatigue of all the other terms that these things have been overblown and to be perfectly honest, i would not know that if it was not my job to read this stuff. >> greg: exactly. >> kat: i would not be coming home from my long hard day of charts and graphs or whatever other people with normal jobs to and from what i have learned
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from television. there's like a computer. there's grass there and they have this. [laughter] that is what my husband does, investment banker. models, the q1, whatever. i don't think most people are using their spare time to really look into this. so i think a lot of people, whether that is regardless of what it says, they don't really know the difference. they take it is just happening again because that is what has been the house been the case every single other time. >> greg: yeah. >> kat: i don't know where it goes. but what i do know is if i think i'm tired now, oh, boy. >> greg: yes. all right, tyrus. bring this home. >> tyrus: men can't be careless. just can't. >> greg: yeah. >> tyrus: unfortunately and here is the cold part of it was not like prison truck was carrying the boxes out of the office himself. had him loading up the truck and put it in for him. ivana was driving. this is pour staffing. staff, some are going, man, i
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thought it was sent declassified. but the ugly thing is and today, i was on "the faulkner focus." i noticed the things they hate about trump, that president trump is rude, it makes fun of people, he goes after people, they do the same thing. at a higher level, right? they nonstop do it. right? i brought it up. where is the decorum? where is the high ground? where is the teachable moment for the democratic leaders over this indictment and stuff? and i had the biggest troll attack ever because they wanted to bring up everything that trump has ever said. that was supposedly what you stood against. here is your opportunity. you are exactly your -- you are worse than him because he is honest. you claim to be these things and you are not. if they do get a chance, they are not going to stop. but at the same time, he cannot stop running for president. he has to see this through, even if he is in a jail cell and it has to be republicans that decide it is over with him.
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if the republican party goes with desantis, it needs to be done by us, not them. you stay in it until the end. >> greg: up next, turning sex appeal into an endorsement deal. >> announcer: if you'll be in the new york area and would like tickets to see "gutfeld!," g
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>> greg: fun topic, fun topic. no matter how well you play ba back, it is hardness that makes people pay. or as the great website the free press puts it dnc to a has a hot girl problem. and the problem is that we are paying attention to attractive female athletes. the ones who don't have penises.
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that is a sticking points for me. i know. i just came up with that. [laughter] really, sometimes i just -- [laughter] turns out it is the best looking players not the best athletes that earn the most cash. so it is appearance over substance also known as the mike baker principle. it is also a result of a 22 and one supreme court ruling which allowed college athletes to finally make money on their name, image, and likeness. if anyone is sympathetic to cashing in on your looks, it is this collection of hot ass. athletes can now utilize their name to sell stuff. the kevin durant twins who does not love twins? started earning the endorsement deals while playing basketball at the university of miami. since graduating they now make a living online. thanks to a massive social media
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following and just be hot. know the feeling. [laughter] you should see the traffic on my myspace page. [laughter] in fact, good looking female coach athletes are now making way more than men. critics say it is sexist to embrace objectification for profit. but shouldn't we be celebrating female entrepreneurs? so there is in fact a hot girl problem and it is that people have a problem with hot girls. myself included, they won't stay how stay out of my hot tub. >> announcer: a sexist would say! >> greg: let these attractive 22 results capitalize on their looks. they will turn 30 soon enough and it will all be over. >> announcer: yet another sexist would say! >> greg: i got to get rid of those guys. bad influence. you are from the sports world. >> yes. >> greg: is this how nature operates? beauty is female currency status, created through strength, mail currency, that is
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just, man don't care if you are the best fencer, michelle. they don't. but women care that mike baker iis the best answer. >> yes, i'm quite the swordsman. >> greg: yes, you are. >> yes, this is capitalism. right? so the fact that the ncaa did not see this coming or they say they did not see it coming is a joke. you open this world up, guess what, you get to now endorse. that maybe the hot looking people who have a little bit of an advantage, i'm sure the hot men, do, too. there probably is a double standard that the male athletes who are really, really talented and skilled are probably going to get closer don't look at me. don't you think? they are going to get their endorsements. but these women and i saw a commercial last night for some yoga wear and it was this college gymnast. and she was hot. because you know what? you go wear the good on hot women. >> greg: yes. >> so therefore, they wanted
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her. now, there is this reaction from the ncaa. you know what? maybe we should just pull all the money and divide it up evenly between all the athletes. >> greg: wrong. >> that is socialism and the only good thing that would come out of that is these young people would finally learn how lame and unfair socialism is. the ones who are scoring the most points are doing the best are not getting the money. >> or just scoring. >> or just scoring. touche. looks are eating, greg. >> greg: yes, they are. [laughter] with this kind of funny when you think about it, who cares about sports? right? think about it. 20 of women are hot and making money. they don't need to play volleyball. hot lady in the corner, [indistinct] there's nobody there. >> kat: this article was like really, really long. for the thesis being, if you are hot, you will make more money on instagram. [laughter] yeah. it does drive me crazy some of
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these 22-year-olds, some of the endorsement deals that they get. here is my second to looking young and beautiful. and it is like a cream. it is like, no pictures, like, post a picture of your birth certificate. you look young. as you are. -- because you are. >> greg: is the easiest thing for young people to do. >> kat: and if you are not hot, there has never been a better time to pretend that you are. like, i don't look like this. [laughs] and also on instagram, though, the filter. you can edit everything. have you ever been out and seeing these people in real life? they don't look like that. i'm not judging because fame. >> greg: you know, tyrus, it is really kind of a shame. if you are young, you are not good looking, that is on you because you are at the genetic high-point. you should be exploiting the way you look because it is all downhill after 23. >> tyrus: okay, first of all, this guy does not wear makeup or anything. what you see is what you get.
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i think if these young women athletes, they are training. they are busting their ass. they are playing at a high level and if people want to support them and direct their brands, good for them because you know what? why are they attacking them when you can be 900 pounds on instagram and put a filter on and everyone wants to watch the train work. is it that group that is getting upset because they are getting attention put away bike -- and it is always attacking women. it is always women. oh, hot women. why are they hot? because they are in the street. we got their butts into college on a scholarship? good for them because most athletes don't go pro. most athletes don't have that opportunity and even women that do go pro, they don't make much money because feminist women don't support their careers. >> greg: exactly. >> tyrus: good for them. not every guy is going in the nfl. so if you have a cool weightlifting habit, which is gutfeld.
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>> greg: i know. >> kat: and you want to get an endorsement, good for you. this is a stupid article. leave them alone. they are allowed to make money and again, some people think it is hard to. somebody wants the train work. this is america. let them do their thing. >> greg: we got to go soon here, maggie. i want you to keep it tight. >> i will keep it tight. >> greg: how did being handsome help you? you probably cruised through life, didn't you? you don't have to worry about a damn thing. >> i make a ton of money on my onlyfans account. >> greg: you drive a car shortlist? >> i do. i drive my 9065. i will say to tyrus' point, the cavender twins, they were playing ball for a d1 school. how few people get to play at that level. 12 points a game, whatever, four points a game and okay, sure. are they huh? of course they are. and they are taking advantage of then that is the way the system
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works. right -- >> greg: right. the cavender twins, we are talking about two people. yeah, yeah, it is twins. there's two of them. >> it is like the polanski twins. >> kat: you probably would stay in great shape because you want to be like the fat one. >> greg: you got twins to feed off of their witness. you can't get fat and everyone more -- one has more kids than you then have to kill the kids. >> o god. >> just got weird. [laughter] i cannot see that that coming. >> greg: it always ends in murder. >> michele, boob again.
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>> greg: should a fire who can control their weight. the rest of us pay the freight? a woman who can't see her feet wants a free extra airline seat. plus signs influencer jaelene cheney is doubling down on her demand that the faa protect plus size travelers. by influencer we meet her affect on the tides. [laughter] >> announcer: a fatphobe would say. >> greg: don't underestimate her. she has a lot of pull on the moon. >> announcer: another fatphobe would say. >> greg: that is terrible. using the hashtag body equality and travel, she says in a petition, they should be comfortable and accessible for everyone regardless of size. wait, your travel should be comfortable? it sucks for all of us. but get this.
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her petition demands multiple seats to accommodate their needs and ensure their comfort and safety. at least she did not demand all-you-can-eat shrimp. i'm not sure what the airlines are supposed to do here. you want each traveler to be happy but there are limits. believe or not the role of government is not to make you feel better about looking like a boulder that almost killed indiana jones. take it from me. i used to look like this. [laughter] >> i remember that. >> greg: peloton, man, it works. cap, by this logic, you should fly free because you basically take up no space. what do you say to that? twinkie? >> kat: i stand with her. >> greg: okay, good. >> kat: and i think it is important and what we should actually do is make all the airlines seeds big enough for her to sit in. yeah. that way every seat for me is a delay flatbed. >> greg: yes. [laughter] that is a great point. she is actually doing the right thing, tyrus. by the way, tyrus, you have the same problem she does but it is not because you are fat.
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you are it is huge. >> tyrus: okay, first of all, we should not be bending because she chooses to be this way. do you want to celebrate it. they want everyone to tell them that they are perfect the way they are. so there's a cost. i'm 6'8", 345 pounds. twisted steel and control appeal. [laughter] but my size and strength and genetic diversity has opened a lot of doors for me. remember our job interview? i want the job,. [laughter] >> greg: it worked. >> tyrus: so there is a price to pay for being braggadocio is like that and i at one point was a biscuit away from 500 pounds. when i -- and living like that and i got -- i'm still working on it but the point is this. i have -- there are certain things that i don't fit in. most elevators.
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i can't be an astronaut. but i will take being world champion. i will have a wonderful career. i will walk in the room and people get out of my way. there are pluses and minuses. what she wants is she wants to eat her cake and have her ice cream, too. [laughter] so keep eating your cake. but there's one other thing. south was already does this. so if you are three seats wide, you purchase the seats and then after the flood, they refer to the two seats for you. airlines already do make exceptions for people. this is like stop flying spirit. trying to get free stuff like that or since you are an influencer and you are so over, fly first class. plenty of room. >> greg: baker, in the room -- greenroom, call it when takes fly. disgusting. i know. i was shocked. i was shocked. i was shocked and i disowned that and i want you to disown
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that joke. >> and then you read the business plan i had for the airline and you want to be an investor. look, i frankly, this may sound wrong. but i always pick up front. i don't care what the hell happened back there. >> greg: i love your honesty! >> you know what? you know? i did not even know there was a "back there." so you know -- >> greg: that sounded awful. >> but i do think -- >> greg: you look like you were born in first class. >> i was actually conceived in first class. >> greg: exactly. oh, my god. >> my parents, they refund. here is the one thing i will say. we have got to any point now where you have individuals and no matter what their issue is, they imagine that the world or a
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society needs to contort itself to accommodate them. right? i'm not sure how we got to that point because it used to be the other way around. you try to fit into society. but you try to fit in. >> greg: isn't that funny? we used to try to fit in. you can't fit. >> now we catfished. troubled by the way, not to be totally respect everybody is getting bigger. everybody. it is like, it is incredible. the rate of obesity in america. >> kat: i hate to say this but that is the elephant in the room, greg. if you will. like, yeah, fun fact -- pun intended. we are an unhealthy country. week two much. this is not about body slamming. i'm so tired of that. no, this is about i want you to be healthy and we consume way too much sugar and way too much hell in this country and we think -- crap in this country and we think that you are punishing me if i'm too. and i'm going to get so big that you can punishing me or it is
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really -- and then i'm going to make a stink about the airlines. like you, my brother is very tall. if he wants to be comfortable on a plane, he has -- he has to buy a first class tickets and if he -- yeah, he should. but if he can, tyrus, you know it. you are sitting like this. it is not his fault that he is tall but he has to deal with the conflict -- consequences. >> greg: that is why i'm glad that i'm short. >> tyrus: i have flown with greg before and watch him giggle at my knees in the seat. when it is fun because you let me ride on their shoulders. [laughter] coming up, from a two toed sloth to providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering
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>> greg: it is local news where each case has to share a story from wherever they are from and then i vote on the winner and that person gets to drink from the enchanted chalice in my bathroom. some people take it as a toilet, but it is not. local news. where are you from? what are you doing? >> idaho, man. it is the 70th anniversary of the parma. waterview drive in. and it is a classic driving theater and by that, i mean, two of my four children were conceived there. i don't told him which ones. i keep them guessing. but it is this a fantastic place outside of boise. you drive. we take the wagon here. you show up. you have a cooler full of beverages. you put the back down. and you've watched them. it is fantastic. it is a slice of americana. they are having their 70th anniversary and i wish them nothing but another 70 plus years. >> greg: i heard the process pls influencers is demanding two
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cars at the drive-in. >> yeah. [laughter] >> greg: you know, we don't let them sit up front because then you can't see them. stop it. you are so callous. michele, i can't wait to hear you. >> this. this is 7:30 in the morning, rush hour traffic and a big old big rigs full of hogs, 50 of them, 50 hogs turned -- turned over and the hogs, well, 10 of them sadly died and crashed. but they were running all over the highway. you can see there. they had -- they finally had to close down the highway because there was a mile of traffic. they had to get four different organizations in there to shut it down for 4 hours and collect all these pigs. most of them are going to slaughter anyway. exactly. >> greg: right. >> very sad. four-hour ordeal. >> greg: they were being freed from a slaughterhouse and they
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died. >> there is a report that a small spider was incorporated the truck and started getting a web made in the corner that sent freedom for the. and that made of the guy turn, you know, out of control. >> is that part of the actual story? that is crazy. >> tyrus: was the spider's name shawn lyght? >> charlie pickard. >> kat: isn't it weird that we were happy that wilbur got saved and we did not care about the other. specs they did not get saved. >> greg: kill the. [laughter] tyrus, sorry. >> tyrus: it is okay. i gotta be honest with you. this will be two parts because i will have to come back to you. i feel like this is a success story. a woman, a 28-year-old woman attempted to pose as a 17-year-old teenager and her mother enrolled her in high school where she was quickly
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discovered walking to class and someone said, i don't think she is 17. the reason why i'm so upset is they refuse to post a picture of the assailant because i want to know exactly what this 28-year-old woman looked like to even think that the temerity to pretend to be a 17-year-old to be in school. and i want to know why. the story is sketchy. i have my sources. i got waters looking into it. >> greg: good. >> tyrus: kilmeade is on it. bret baier is going to stop playing golf. eventually we will have a pitch to make this story more interesting. >> greg: at least it is a 28-year-old pertaining to b-17 as opposed to the opposite. and my right, kat? what is the problem. >> kat: how much time do you have? >> greg: what is the story? >> kat: for the very first time in the history of the cincinnati zoo, a two toed sloth has been born.
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you guys. >> greg: i love how there's no picture. >> kat: you don't seem that excited. maybe you do not hear the number of toes. i said two-toed sloth. yes. [cheers and applause] the first time ever. these are unprecedented times. >> greg: yes. >> kat: i don't know if you have heard that lately. unprecedented times. >> greg: first we indicted trump. >> kat: there are two toed sloth in cincinnati. >> tyrus: and sloss are dangerous. remember that? you want to see the penguin and i said, can i hold it? she said, no, they are dangerous. i said, has anyone ever been attacked by a sloth? i would imagine. >> greg: yeah, you would see it coming. [laughter] >> tyrus: see it is funny. the lady did not last. >> kat: she was really rude to you. she was like, it is one of those things where if you are walking around an office building with a slot, you can't. >> people will not have
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questions. >> greg: i did hang out with that slot at words and they emit this food when they get excited, i mean from their hands. disgusting. i'm not lying. >> tyrus: i think chet wins the challenge for previous story. from by the way, chet now has 10 enemies. up next, he begged his own ♪ when you have chronic kidney disease... there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. if you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. ♪ farxiga ♪ and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare life-threatening bacterial infection
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>> greg: man takes that for attention. tyrus, with help from his wife and kids. his own death and showed up at his own funeral in a helicopter. don't you want to punch him in the face? >> tyrus: no, i want to kill him because he is already dead. i would get away from him. you can't charge me for the same crime. >> greg: that is true. mike baker, you are a spy. you can probably take your own death. >> i have done in a couple of times. >> greg: i have seen you die here a couple times. >> it started years ago on "redeye." what a plea move. i hope when this eventually -- die because nobody goes to his funeral. that will be proper karma. >> greg: have him run over by a karma. [laughs] michelle, i mean, he claims that
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he never got invited to anything. felt unappreciated and he wanted to teach them a lesson. >> kat: i got -- >> i got a response in five words. what a [bleep] selfish man. it was all about him. i'm not being invited places. i'm so sad. i'm hurt. let's see how you really feel about me. i would be so pissed. >> greg: i would kill him. i would, kat. is that not an awesome reality show? i'm surprised they have not done this yet where someone fix their death. that has to have been plugged or pitched as a reality show. >> kat: probably. >> greg: have you thought about doing that? >> kat: the way he did it was bad. when i through my own funeral, there it is. i entered my birthday party in a casket and i told people that i was still alive. although i did scare my cousin's daughter when i send the
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invitations were -- which were in the form of a funeral to announcement. holy crêpe. it is a very normal thing to do. >> greg: we go
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>> hello, i am charlie hurt along with tomi laren, julie and jason chaffetz. welcome to the big weekend show. the big story tonight -- a new twist in the assault allegations against usc star connor mcgregor. he's accused of attacking a woman at game four of the nba finals just hours after he sent bernie the mascot to the hospital during a bit gone wrong. now this new video shows his


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