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tv   FOX News Saturday Night  FOX News  June 18, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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show. good night america. >> hello america. hey girl, i'm jimmy failla that is fox news saturday night >> hello, america, i'm jimmy failla, and this is "fox news saturday night." ♪ now >> now, before we begin, i'd like to wish everybody a happyth erfather's day, especially the b dads, because withouect you, weo wouldn't havnge half things in y search n history. course, there's no greater responsibility than being a dad, and i'll never forget how both those feelings just completely overwhelmed me the second maury poe slip said i
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was the father. even aids the other six men on e stage high-fived and call my wife a harlot, i'm just kiddingh for thoso e of you who don't kno i have one son named lincoln, but even that name's become controversial in the past few yearrancs because a san franciso school district wanted to remove abraham lincoln's name from one of its high schools.n' thankfully, it didn't happen, but from now on just to be safef whenever we're ie,n california,y son goes with by his middle name, o.j. yes, san francisco kept abean lincoln's name, bukst with it jt lost its biggest shopping malle. thanks to the high crime and high taxes in the state. it's obviously a disaster from a financial standpoint, but evensi onng an emotional level, losing the mall is a big blow to californians like dianne feinstein who will no longer be able to shop at her favorite store, forever 91. drugs and homeless have floodeda thnde streets,al to though
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democrats want you to call them free range people or unhousedha heroin enthusiasts.o regardless, the tateba of california's gotten son bad, ie been taken over by lizard people. >> mad the state has not made progress in the last two decadea as it relates tote tore homelessness. i've been here four years, ie can't makefa up for the fact in 2005 a we had an historic numbec of homeless -- >> right now there's a -- >> that's governor gavin newsom who wants you to know he can't get rid of the homeless in four years, although he has managedse to get rid of all the businesses in the last two.'s not to mention he's gone througr most of the hair gel. california's goingugh through t right now. they actually got snow this year. at one point iand t got so coldn advisory telling californians to go poop indoors. but what bothers me about newsom's leadership is not pass the buck mentality of blaming republicans for homelessness, it's the defeatist mentalitystop that wants you to believe it
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takes more than five years to stop people from from going potty on the sidewalks. if america could put a man on the moon in 1969, you damn sure better believe we can put a man on the toilet in 2023. bu wt everywhere you turning wee abandoning the idea of american exceptionalism that launched thn space race. we're replacing our never ending quest for victorhood with the lazy, cheap thrills of victimhood, and city after city is accepting a stunning qualityi offe life decline like the one we're seeing in my hometown of new york city. new york used to have these famous walking tours where you'd check out the architecture, weei till have them, but they're now called running tours because you're getting chased. brawndz it's bad with, man. and all this societal decline ia happening because a decade and a half 56 barack obama won then of presidency with a slogan of yes, we can m, the democrats have mod on to, no, you can't, becauseas it's aie lot easier to give peoe
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pretend depression than progress. and this whole depressing defeatist mantra, it actually works to get democrats electe because america's beinamg plague by ad lack of strong fathers in the home. dads were fierce competitors who push c you to be your best atry every urn.ount dads who hold you accountable instead of teaching you to blame society. dads who lead by the example of if at first you don't succeed, try, try, again.e atwa least he was going the rig way fofor once. yeah, joe biden got a root canal thisge week at the age of 82, a while hese was sedated, we had a temporare y president that peope enjoy as much as a root canal. [cheers and applause] [laughter] >> and to my divine nine family. >> when the tooth fairy comes to the biden house, she leaves ukrainian money under the r pillowep. a new report accused then-vice
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president biden of receiving $10 million in alleged bribes.ey now, i don't know what they spent it on, but i know they weren't buying underwear forod hunter. lord. more photos from hunter's laptop hit the internet this week.bu put some clothes on, dude. not even hunter could win the week the in nudity, because transgender headlines by goinghw topless on the white house lawn during a pride celebration. >> hi, mr. president. are you? >>s the an honor. trans rights are human rights. are we at the white house? >> now, to their credit, then biden administration has banned the influencer from the white house and says if she can does it again, she'll get sent where ever whoy cross-dressing persons who wants to get naked in public, to a kindergarten class. one in three kids in america can't read at grade with level, but don't worry, because if the democrats get their way,s what is going on in this country right now?st
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last week the l.a. dodgers helde theirsr big pride night eventev where theyen horned the controversial anti-catholic, d cross-dressing nuns the sisters of perpetual indulgence. former whitece house nuclear waa manager sam briton is reportedly a member of the sisters of perpetual indulgence. the dodgers finally found a guy who can steal. but on the minus if side, the new female pitching staff has a lot more balls thanh strikes. good night, everybody! of course,ek r the biggest storf the week revolved around another one of america's leaders. [applause] our triple toss the-up, proper name, the category tonight. >> the great pat sajak announcee he'll be retiring from wheel of fortune at the end of the upcoming 41st season. sajak's an icon who's going outr onou top, and i'm proud to have me ft him and call him a friend. yeah, that's me in another fine jacketov froerm my overweight fe
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skater collection, and, sure, i'm a mess and i used to be aow broke new york w city taxi driv, but i'm up here hosting a u freaking tv show because i grew up with a dad who pushed me to be better at every turn because that's what real dads do. they don't teach you to search fot r excuses,fi they teach youo find a way like the time myki babysitter canceled, so i had to bring my stage on -- kid onos stage.e probably lose a custody battle over that one someday. his firsonort words were long id iced tea. when i was a cab driver, ir couldn't skip work for lincoln's first day of preschool, so i had to drive him in my tax i city, and we were so poor, i had to chargedidn him. i didn't see myself as a victim, i saw myself as a guy who had an opportunity because he lived in america,ica and that's all bece i relied on leadership in my house an d not leadership in washington. u see, real dads don't teach you to, you know, cop out andar searchch for victimhood, they teach you to bust your ass and hold yourself accountable.
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i grew up in an america where not only did your parents smack you if g you got out of line, be times other people's parentstoo smacked you too. it wast actually prettywh hot n yours mo friends' moms did it. to bcleae clear, i'm not endorsu violence, because yoseu were --f into violence, be watching the real housewives. i am endorsing the commitment th a greater good that made this 2 country the team nobody wants to play for 200 years. yeah, donald trump may have indicted this week, but he was reminding anyone who would listen thacut our american values are under attack fromng every angle. >> i thinkle it's a rigged deal here. we have a rigged country. we have a country that's corrupt. we have a country that's got no borders, we have a country that's got nothing but problems. we're a nation in decline. >>kn listen,ow man, i don't know anything about handlingut classified documents, bu it i do the know he's not the first person to do iit tt the wrong w. there was hillary clinton shamelessly fund raising offme trump's indictment like she didn't break the same laws hert
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didn't. >> totallyia impartial potential juror -- [laughter] >> even bill clinton saw the s hypocrisouy on this one, which why hewh decided to shut up and stictok to doing what he does best, his sidechicks., but whateverth happenses to trur nextis, the presidency, prison r something way worse like another appearance on morning joe, donald trump's message of victorhood over victimhood must enduref if thisth country has y shot of getting back on its feet. which is why if i could give america's dads one gift thisth father'ser day, it would be ake naked picture of julia roberts. it's the least we deserve after all those lousy is macaronie necklaces, but i wouldab throw n the ability to embrace theiron responsibility tsio raise strong kids who don't fall for all the wokewo grievances and pretend oppressions coming from thee left. yo, nobody's under attack in this country. nobody's being oppressed, askwe we'd all be so much better off
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if more dads stepped up and pushed the need for greatnesst over grievance that got this can moon in the first place. as a modern day neil armstrong woulhad say, that would be one small step for them, one giant leap for they we got ad wig show ahead on "fx news saturday night."e i've got an amazing panel, dogoe the onety hunter in the -- bounty hunter e in the house,of plus, i searched times square a for search of alien life, i got an interview with former vice presidend t mike pence on ufos, so stay tune or you're dead to me. ♪ ♪ (tense music) ♪ one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? ♪ ♪
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- why are these so bad? - if i would've used kayak to book our car, we could have saved on our trip instead of during our trip. ughh - kayak. search one and done. mamá, growing up... you were so good to me. you worked hard to save for my future. so now... i want to thank you. i started investing with vanguard to help take care of you, like you took care of me. te quiero, mamá. only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. helping you take care of the ones you love. that's the value of ownership.
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>> there you are. aliens have landed in las vegas allegedly. a suspected ufo captured onn police body cam. it happened in the h april, but the video dropped this week. als and it also involved a family who who called the cops to t report something strange on their profit watch. >> what'd you see?id >> it was, like, a big creature. >> a big creature? i'm not going to b.s. you guys, one ofpa my partners says he saw
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something fallm out of the sky too. >> whaawt i saw right now, i do believe in it. guy >> you guys seem legit scared, so i don't blame you with. >> so either the alien flew back into space or these guys foundll some really good hallucinogens on the strip. are ufos real or fake? i asked some real creatures in times square whawat they think. watch. fellas, ufos, real or fake? >> real. >> they're real. >> a aliens are real. >> they are, right? are aliens real or fake? >> i think they're definitely real. >> are d the aliens real or fak? >> real.t? >> what? were you abducted? [laughter] blink wise if you're beingow abducted right now. you're safe? [laughter] are aliens real or fake in. f >>ak fake. >> do you believe aliens have w come to earth? you say they're real, right?k? are aliens real or fake? >> i don't know, dude. >> you're in times square. haven't you met a few by now? >> i mean, every kind of alien.
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>> you've seen aliens. >> oh, get out of here. i'm pretty sure everyone in reno is an alien, no? is that what they're doing with the aliens? they're just teaching them to play blackjack in reno? is are that where they are? some of those strippers in renom were not t from this planet, and don't even get me started on the bunny ranch. excuse me.e are aliens real or fake? >> real. >> they are real, right?u th you think they've come to earth? yo, fellas, are aliens real and fake?ab >> aliensos are absolutely real. >> givhee itar a minute. you heard this gentleman, this guy knows things. oh, girl, the verdict is in from the streets of new york city, ufos are real, but i had to ask someon re who has access to the classified information. s time for my exclusive one-on-one interview with former vice president mike pence. the great mike pence is here. mr. pence, can i ask you if ufos aree real?
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is. >> not in that jacket.that [laughter] >> pence, shooting me down! well, i think to you learnede le anything, this isn't the week to sharing classifiedng [laughter] oh, snap, jimmy.will will we ever learn the truth about ufos? joining me to discuss, former michigan candidate for governor anord host of the tudor dixon podcast, tudor dixon in the house. hey, girl. >>gi hey. >> let's start here, you are aom hoeot pick to be someone's vp. [laughter] i saw you,say i think it was 1% in the polls -->> >> i'm almost polling as well as aliens. >> listen, if they were smart,cr everyone be declaring right nowr but let me ask you this, as ati potentiaall vp if, in fact, you werefact a vp, would you push te presiden pt to declassify all uo materials? >> this isee a big discussion ii mysc house, so we have this conversation at home all the time. my husband is, like, they are real. this is being held from us. i don't know why it knt would be held from us except for maybe they're creating something out of t the aliens.
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i don't know, you could bes. wearing alien shoes. >> is your husband a michigano. wolverine fan? no, no, no. kentucky. >> oh, kentucky? kentucky football? >> no, no, no -- >> basketball.trac i got you way off track here. if you root for the michigan wolverines, i don't trust hiswa judgment, that'ss the only pari was -- take that, michigan. let me ask you this because it is a o hot topic of conversatiot when youor hear a story like ths where it's police body cam footage, they saw a flare comine out of the sky is what we're being told and now, and the cop, like, i'm nervous, and theop people ilen the backyard said ty smet 10-foot-tall aliens, does the fact that this happened in vegas give you a little causet foisr concern? >> that is really prejudiced. >> no, it's not. i've spent a lot of time in vegas. look at this jacket, are you kidding me? >> if you were an alien, where would you choose tn o go? i think --o >> no. i'm no>>t even saying it's becad vegas is warped. this could be, like, a prop from the hangover 4.
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>> it seems like if you'rea looking down there from a spaceship, vegas is really bright with, i'm drawn there,e anand then imagine you land ther and you're, like, this is what thes--e people are like, they left. they would have left. [laughter] >> you're saying aliens landed in vegas, and it was too weird for them. >> yes. [laughter] >> when you say to me don't bet presented.ou freaking aliens wouldn't evena hang outne here, are you kidding me? >> i mean, well, it's good for us. >> tudor dixon, what fors l just -- i don't know, do you dro think it was drones? high-tech military drones? >> no. thi thinatnk ik that it was ali- because they've been looking fow us, you know? they've been looking for joe biden, they've been trying toe figure outis why he's slipping o much, you know? if what can we do -- >> hey, you bash joe biden all u want. he has told all of his friends he'soing going to beat teddyelt roosevelt. [laughter] >> that's right. >> thee former military intel official, the air force whistleblower who was, like, you know, we have some owe hf thesen
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crafts beingg. held, we have aliens in holding, he said alle of that which sounds sincere, but with he says he hasn't seen my s of them. t he[laughter] isn't that like the guy that has the really hot girl but sheoe doesn't livesn around here? >> from canada? exactly. >> where's then alien?a she's on a modeling shoot. >> this guy's, like, i didn't actually work there, and my buddies were, like, this is thee dude i'm going to trust with this information. >> people want to believe. my sister's dog walker met ralph ralph match owe, kne and he knea guy.di tudor, stickck around. new up next, mark cuban is wild for business. ron desantis is fighting with gavihn newsom, and antimay be -- a.i. may be driving people to the drink. but first, a look at some of the greatest moments in presidentiad history. >> the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. >> this nation should commitmmit itself to the achieving the goal before this decade is out of
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landing a man on the moon.>> >> so the best way to get something done, if you, if you hold it near and dear to you that you like to be able -- anyway -- ♪ muck (psst psst) ahhhh... with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary spraying flonase daily gives you long-lasting, non-drowsy relief. (psst psst) flonase. all good. my name is brian delallo. i teach ap and honors economics in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. financial well-being to me is knowing that
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i can be free to do the things that i love to do. i hope when i retire someday, they say, that guy made this place a special place to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the community.
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dude, what're you doing? i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. great. but where do i---? order. sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound.
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>> billionaire mark cuban one of the most successful owns mansion private jets and nba basketball team feel like i should be talking in a success sent right now and some are questioning his professional judgment. and in an interview this week shark tank costar said woke ideology is, quote, good for business. and it comes after companies like bud light and target have lost tens of billions of dollars. cuban insist it is just a damp and that companies will bounce back but it begs larger question -- when you go to the store, do you really need to know about the politics of the store or just the products they're selling? we've got the greatest panel in all of saturday night television in the house -- comedy bad girl joselyn here to rock 'n' roll radio host and problem drinker. host of the ritz show the only one philadelphia radio legend
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and former ganged candidate for governor host of the tutor dickson podcast and the crowd goes wild listen to them go. did you notice how i took a shot at everybody but tutor because she take it is study in the green room if you come at me i'll -- [bleep] what she said it was unkivel we went with it. let's talk about it you have a family, you have children do you have time at the store to investigate the politics of the goods you're trying to acquire do you even have time let alone a motivation? >> no i'm ignoring that but when i see mark cuban doing this like did he hire a democrat strategist for president his presidential run or launching gets tore to target. and he's like keep doing it -- >> can i tell you something if he sticks with this strategy he's dining show called lone shark tank. [laughter] with all going to be broke. philadelphia radio host spent a lot of time on main streets of
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philadelphia dot locals ask the crack dealers their stance on climate change before they exchange currency? >> and pronouns -- [laughter] >> in fact when someone car jax you in philly we leak to know is it they, them taking my car or assume -- >> might want to consider it. >> one thing i notice about drug dealers they're all tucking thanks to target. tucking -- >> let me ask you this joz linn what a crazy time to be alive. >> crazy place to keep your weapon. >> when you're shopping on the roads, is there anything more ridiculous than the store that has the big sign up that says in this store -- we don't tolerate bigotry or hatred as if any other store has a sign that does. i know we love bigotry do you care about store pleks? >> virtue signaling anyone can go into a store as america you have the right to enter a store you don't need a store to tell you by the way you are welcome here did you know? >> they're taking these stance nobody asked for it is like when
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disney was lecturing us on inclusion like you're charging 200 to get in that is not inclusive you know what i mean last night shacked rock 'n' roll next subject. look at that called a pivot you guys. [laughter] the man leading war on woke florida governor ron desantis with gavin newsom. watch this. >> you know what, stop pussy footing around are you going to -- [applause] are you going to throw your hat in the ring and challenge joe? are you going to get in and do it or going to sit on the sidelines and chirp so why don'ts you throw your hat in the ring and then we'll go ahead and talk about what is happening. >> oh, no you didn't gavin newsom yo those frighting words so get in the race or help the president save the british monarchy first? >> all right. god save the queen man. [laughter] that was from friday --
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in connecticut -- i think it is too late. apparently joe biden -- apparently joe biden watching crown he thinks it is live. [laughter] it is live coverage. >> the queen is still dead just so everybody -- still dead i hate to be when they tell them about winston churchill going to be a mess. joselyn do you that i can video as proof that joe biden should step aside for somebody younger like moses? >> i did hear that news makes you agree to do the debate and three hours which i think he's running for president why would you as a governor not running for president -- >> such a good point for a guy who claim he's not running for president he's doing a lot of presidenty things. you know what i'm saying for a guy not turning into a elvis impersonator you're buying a lot of rhinestones is he plays by party rules if you don't want to leapfrog and waiting to play it out like what is it? >> we don't know but this is what i can tell you for sure he can't come out now or take biden
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down now because then they have to use kamala right so they're like okay we have to do this in the right you have to wait gavin put on a your commercials. buy a little moose and then go and threaten ron desantis that will be good for us. [laughter] >> let me ask you this, though, isn't the idea when you look at policy on biden and kamala least popular to seek reelection do you feel you're at a wedding everyone in the church doesn't think it is a good idea -- like really these two -- do you feel like we're watching that slow motion marriage that shouldn't happen? >> the bar is no longer open, and we're all waiting for it to end and we look around going how did these people get in this spot but a kamala harris issue is the problem you can't get her off the ticket woke would go crazy can you imagine for a white guy with gavin newsom greatest hair in politics. good hair -- >> returnable? >> you know what the issue will be they have to replace her with a woman of color so that does open the door for elizabeth
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warren. [laughter] >> that's true. >> meanwhile more bad news about artificial intelligence and i'm not talking about gavin newsom employees working with a.i. more likely to experience loneliness and binge drinking and louisiana on the road and new robots overlords are also suffering with insomnia get this researchers suggest big tech is considering equipping a.i. with human like voices to help with the need for social contact. yo how about they hire more humans -- >> we dongt want humans. i for one welcoming robot overlord colleagues because they're not going to go to hr and really -- they're not. >> can't to a robot. it is hard to work with somebody not only do they want to take your job but destroy you and humanity that's going to be uncomfortable work place. >> i do feel like they're warning us like a.i. will kill you and now a alcoholic what are
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we watching here? >> surprised that this suggesting they use human like voices in the a. i like how about you spray some perfume if you feel like eating bacon. >> god i'm hungry you're in luck. yeah it is so bizarre but you know what ask you this do you think they're drinking because they're working with a.i. or because it is long hours because humans make you want to drink most of the time. >> i think they know what a. i. is about to do we're all like we know too much. waiting to know too much. >> you should be like a bunker salesmen because i was like they're drinking because they know where this is headed because doesn't it feel that way on some level like we're at a "jurassic park" moment with one scientist and in this case it was elon musk like maybe we shongts build dinosaurs are you kidding me the ticket sales at the zoo they'll be amazing. >> does it count if you're drinking a loan if you're drinking with a.i. if not i'm signing up but guilty when you
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open it by yourself but like no i've got my machine friends okay not a alcoholic. >> like i have to find a spouse but a.i. is our friend so why are they so lonely? what do they know? >> what about the people who want to drink alone think about george and destroyers. drink alone. nobody wants to -- >> wasn't that your wedding song -- the fact that i can talk a. i. like i thought a minute ago a.i. meant alan iverson oh basketball finally a subject i can cover. but all hope isn't lost one thing we can still be thrilled about driving cars. unless, of course, you're from new jersey a study says self-driving cars can consistently fail on picking up on human behavior sounds like kamala harris at a meet and greet after happy hour with your coworkers rather in a cab driven by me jimmy failla likely the way the show is going or a.i.? joselyn and i will come to you in hopes you will make asian
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driving joke before he does. [laughter] yeah. even though a.i. driving has gone such bad it is better than asian driver. >> to that -- i love it. fantastic. listen we yo-yo the legal department owes you. thank you. on some leferl tutor don't you want to drive tip like listening to music. >> yeah and i want other people driving i love how in the article it says well they stop for people to cross the streets but then they look at them and wait and when the person starts to cross they hit them. i'm like half of new york wiped out overnight everybody is walking in front of these cars. >> that's a huge upgrade. you know what nobody else talks and you can respond but we're going to talk as dirt bags first if all of the cars become a.i. deep down some women will be upset by lack of whistles coming out of the cars and cackles are they not? >> that's an app you hit the -- >> and what you need for ai cars
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or a new jersey app to give the finger to people. robot finger comes up and start kurgs at people. took me three hours to get here today on the jersey turnpike i saw a lot of reactions all right and the tesla and self-driving cars -- they're also weak and meek they're targets my friend get out of my way machine. >> i love to see a.i. having road rage what does it do? >> destroy robots shooting each other. that one blows up. >> in new jersey only state in america where you can see someone high beaming cop like speed is up buddy step out of that ambulance we got somewhere to be ever wodgesder what bill bill hemmer do on the sidelines and i'll walk you thereto video next.
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>> oh girl it is saturday night here in the u.s. i'm sure a few of you probably enjoying a adults beverage or five. but if you ever wonder what stars of fox news do to unwind on their weekends well i grabbed camera crew and ambush this entire office to find out. [laughter] it was a rough week in news here in america presidential indictments, aliens are landing a.i. is coming to get us all. i'm, obviously, not a meteorologist but i assume the forecast calls for a lot of drinking we decided to let the halls of fox news to ft who is hitting the bar and who is moving on to much stronger stuff than alcohol. if anybody can write this country a prescription it is america's life coach bill hemmer should america given the week that was be drinking more this weekend? >> jimmy for me it's a kettle -- three lines on the side. not that he's particular in any way. >> great, great here on the set
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of network reports with the great sandra smith do you recommend american people drink more or less this weekend? >> drink responsibly it is not for everybody but never a bad time reach for a cold one. >> thank you. well said going to have a word with one of my life coaches, in fact, highest paid guys on payroll mr. kudlow after the week that was -- how was larry kudlow unwind do you shoot a gun or ride a bronco what do you do? >> i do a three hour radio show. [laughter] man i played tennis in the afternoon. >> well it is a good racket. i take another -- i crash the makeup room with a legendary katy should america be drinking more or less this weekend? >> oh. you know, maybe a little less because we just had a big holiday weekend forth of july is coming up they're going to need to save some time for that. so in the summer is young so we have to pace ourselves. >> can i tell you nobody has said that everybody is like keg stand toga here brian bren burg's office if anybody knows
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about drinking it is a twins fan. >> what else do you do this weekend? i can name -- >> hang out with your family or, you know, go to a -- you have to do what you got to do. bren burg says drink more. >> best remedy is not hang out with jimmy failla in the first place stay away from him you're going to be fine. >> good stuff, man. that's the facts jack. so how do rest of owe blow off steam after insane week let's ask tutor dickson now i know you're so sweet and nice. like everyone here feels that way. so i have a theory that you actually go to like a rage room and destroy everything. do you have a little of that in you because you're so nice like so nice but i see you smashing stuff. >> i'm watching this like i want to be cool and i have four kids and most exciting thing i do on a saturday night is hide in the pantry and eat the candy they don't know is hidden in there. you know -- and you're like really --
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hopefully they don't hear me. >> a different story if you're 425 pounds. hide the candy on my kids. cigar liquor guy cat calling these two. keeping my artificial intelligence self-driving car and jersey road rage and watching every fox news show that jimmy failla was on the week before so i'll be doing that until monday morning at about 10:30 i don't get booked a lot but i sneak on the set. like we can't get him out of the shot. >> charity grab this guy. your weekend is spent helping people unwind because you're a comedian. >> now like thank god it is monday. [laughter] >> do you have a ritual on the weekend to take the edge off like i don't drink before i go on stage i feel more relaxed
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sober. >> i don't drink before stage but after it was party time. >> ever seen her in the greenl room leak a motley crue biopic it is bad, bad, but, of course, they can't sing girls girls, it is themes themes. the panel coming up on fox news saturday night if you forgot to get something special for your dad this year pull up a chair and tune in. the gift that keeps on giving -- dog the bounty hunter is here to put the deadbeats on notice next. ♪ ♪ pepcid complete works fast and lasts
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l >> it is father's day weekend, and while some of you are trying to find perfect gift others are trying to find their father. sorry if that hit home for dancers but one happens to be good at hide and seek and legendary dog the bounty hunter is here. dog, >> hey brother how are you sir? >> i have theories about you let me jump in okay i reference hide and seek -- let's go baby. i referenced hide and seek. is that kind of how you got
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rolling as kid you were so good at hide and seek like this is a career? >> yes. absolutely. that's how i got rolling. it is hide and seek. olly olly oxen free. >> i was one of them always that got in free because they couldn't ever find me. i picture you open up with a where is waldo book like he's right there. yeah good stuff. absolutely. give me dog intel your dog worked as a bondsmen speak to that making you a bounty hunter? >> my dad worked for me so i was a bounty hunter in '79 and he was from the nave is a welder. and then he started seeing that, you know, what i was doing and i said dad. why don't you write bail for me and go with me once in a while on bounties and my dad has said
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okay, and became my dad the bounty hunter so -- he loved the bail bongdz part of the business he didn't like too much the catch and release but he liked the, you know, getting someone out and chewing them out for doing crime he loved that part. >> got to be rad my dad didn't take my bounty hunting but we did go to hooters which is not nothing. >> yeah. right. are there life lessons that apply to people watching at home in everyday life? >> well, you're, you know, it is good versus evil so you tell your mind all of the time which you are the good guy. and fear comes in and -- worry comes in and you do a lot of praying and you know go to god and say i'med good guy. god please help me find this person and then once you find the person at least i do -- when i hunt them down i hunt them with a vengeance and all of a sudden when i capture them i
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don't know what happens. adrenaline goes away and -- not pity takes over but kindness and you're like -- you know, i was at that point once in my life and early 70s. and there's some a cop talked to me, and told me you can change your life you can be something. and, of course, i, you know, i have. so i use that with my fugitives and tell them you can change your life and be something. >> really quick do you have any good cases coming up? >> yes, sir. i have one right now -- at which, you know, is extremely important because the father -- the mother of the child her name is ashley durham she's wanted for kidnapping on the federal level right now. so she kidnapped my friends 'daughter or her daughter is on the run and said if you can't have -- if she can't have her no one can have her.
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so he's afraid that quite a few is going you know -- commit suicide and murder with the baby. so the baby turned three years old two days ago. smg that is intense and she's on -- listen issue she's on the run. i will say this she's running from the best i believe you can find big foot if we put you to it thank you dog and happy father's day my man. >> happy father's day to you too. >> you too my man crowned dad of the year or permanently banned from the t ball field. but first -- another look at some of the greatest moments in presidential history. >> and not -- what your country can do for you as to what you can do for your country. >> tear down this wall. go home to mommy go home, bye go home to mommy. go home to mommy. tell her to tuck you in bed.
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>> going to school is a lot different fo ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ going to school is a lot different for a kiand in 2023 tn it was when you and i wereth growing up.oo princess smoking and the boys room is now vaping in the boysn room. you cannotbool plaicy red rover because thanks to joe biden's border policy they have already sent everyone one over. f despite the onslaught of identity politics the classroom kids are still fighting plenty of humor and the hallways for joining us out to discuss is a good kid and even better tax write off. what is out. thanks for coming in. i can't believe you were me my shirt. >> it looks better o-n me i'mnc skinny you are [laughter]
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you feel like your dad looks like a mail stripper who letn himself gori? which of 8 pounds of makeup on right now. [laughter] lincoln, i will have you but kne it's only about six. the kids make fun of you at school because of what i wear? i need to know my being a bad d dad to this father's dayay weekend? let's they wil l say no mygo parents haodd your dad on prefis is a? good things are bad thing? what's in my helping you with the laser hurting you? >> not with what youu wear. [laughter] will congratulations on finishing ninth grade. do you think adults are forcing politics country young kids too aggressively? >> not even like the teachers. i think it is any curriculum they kind of not have to help ae thought that teacherrss want too that hoarsely fostered prophetic couple teachers last or i don't want to teach this but y iea l e too. >> really they flat out say thec don't want to do this? what does a couple of topics i don't want to teach but they make us appear in court as good preparation for marriage i dhaoo
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not want to do this but i have to take it from your dad. it is of course father's day weekend am i going to get more swag like some of the awards you presented me in the past question up with people watching at home i am an all-star two times correct, once voted world's best dad nothing to snicker at. i've been all sorted out over ves never forget best dad ever which is hall of fame material to make of this this year? >> maybe. >> what you meanyos maybe? >> are going to have to go how you were a father this year progressed do i get a report card? okay igh sf it's anything like h school and going hom ee empty-handed. happy father's day to you and you need to know this the coolest thing for being me as having you as a kid. thank you. i'm just saying that so i don't lose custody public crops havei' done to over the years.on it is all for tonight check out fox across america with these n new 3:00 p.m. eastern fox newseg radio. tickets are on sale now for the laughs and liberty to coming top
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a city.m. the summer set your dvr for 10:00 p.m. eastern our writer every saturday night, to your servers and good night america. elko ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ stay for secretary of state antony blinken said he had candid talk sitting this chinese counterpart in beijing. little was done on improving relations. lincoln's counterpart says it's at its lowest point they were established nearly 50 years ago. that evening i am jon scott this is the fox report. ♪ secretary blinken has one more day in china. it's unclear whether he will meet with chinese president xi jinping number two in the chinese communist party is out


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