tv Hannity FOX News June 19, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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birth reason i'm not on boarded it is america pretends to be who you are not. we have to pretend men can get pregnant that means one day i will have to go to baby showers. i all right. thank you. >> have a great evening, later this week i don't interviews with mike pence issue ron desan and is tim scott. you will not want to miss it. >> kaliegh. great to see you and welcome to hannity. tonight donald trump is fighting back against biden's doj, take a look >> they took everything. right. i don't know what they took. they will could be stuffing it. we wanted to be there when they were take they would not let anybody in the room of they never treated the president like this. >> president trump's interview is ahead. and anthony wink extent tony
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blinken humiliate in the beijing now taiwan is up for grabs. the latest from the north atlanta where a search is under way for a submersible and that is within down to seat titanic and 5 passengers on the way at the b. ocean floor. first let us recap i don't biden's troubling weekend that began with another reference to lying, dog face, pony soldiers. take a look. >> some of you know i come down and say hi they tell mow there is a storm coming in. is that right? is that still the deal? >> that's a truth don't make a lie. >> that seen in yawn wayne don't make me a dog faced lying pony
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soldier. >> he just is cringe worthy every time without exception. later biden completely malfunctioned at the safer community summit in connecticut which is a joke biden has done absolutely nothing to make any american city or town safer. but did end with a proclamation dedicated to the late queen of england. god safety queen. >> all right. god safety queen man. [music] >> must have airose the b. paper that says exist left and right. no one knows why he ended with got save the queen, man. the aids are mistified d. he think he was in englandful believe the queen is still alive
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in anybody's guess. this was a speech about gun control in connecticut. thissent did not have a thing do do with the queen the next day more unusual behavior. saturday traveled philadelph enthusiasm senator dressed up in best whoed competence athletic hors to greet the president on the tarmac the focus was the i95 bridge collapse in phily and here is how he described the dire situation last wednesday. take a look. . i would -- really like to 95 -- 95, 95. you know. you know. obviously you know you are preoccupied with 95. >> 95, 95, 95. don't worry the democrat in charge of your government have the situation under control.
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don't worry i'm sure putin and iran and kim jung are not watching this. you got feinstein and harris. this country is in great hands. >> anyway here is senator you can see bide then philadelphia, take a look at this. commit to work with the governor and and on top of that the jewel -- law. of the nab bhil.
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president called mow to see when we can do to help us that's all you need to know about this man. thank you very much, mr. president we appreciate it and we love you. thank you. if i didn't i would be sleeping alone. >> my wife is a phily girl. >> these othered people that are running your country. give you confidence. need more evidence. last but not least is biden proudly describing train tracks
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across the indian ocean it is 8,000 miles what the environmental impact study look like on in project. take a look >> we will win and we have plans to build a railroad from the pacific to the indian sxoegz plans to build andan goal at largest solar plants in the world i could go on i'm going off script i will get in trouble >> trouble and mad come yell at me i can't go off script they get angry with me. may be biden misspoke or not familiar with the indian ocean he should not run for a second term. i'm not so sure he is able to finish the current term baseod what we watch every day. americans don't believe bide 7 mentally sharp to be the president. evidence of his mental decline is every where. in 2 poles trump in spite of
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indictments and the nonstop legal attacks he has been taking is clobbering joe biden look at this pole trump up by 6. trump is up by more than 2 points in the real clear politic average that includes a pole i did not feel was real. i have add voice for my friend in thes democratic party you might want to find a new candidate or take your chances and anoinlt the big guy a lot of legal troubles. that we can tell you. a terrible president awful track record. lots of baggage barely string 2 sentences together. is there no one else in the democratic party more cape okay. nobody? here with reaction, mike huckabee. char and he texas congress man ronnie jackson. ronnie i have been requesting about his cognitive statism think it is getting worse come
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more obvious. i don't think they will be it the not be easy this time to hide him in the basement bunker your thoughts? >> they better hide him it is getting worse by the dame i don't know what else to say i thought it would be comkelly if not a disaster for you our country. with fedderman this weekend they are banering. he can't understand either one. i think that upon biden is the fedderman whisperer the only one that understands what he is saying and vice verseasm they created their language now. may be when they were tucked away in the races in the basement. they gotta do something with this guy. shawn, i know 10 year olds a bunch of 10 years olds that can do a better job and more competence in what is going on than these guys can. i'm at a loss. you don't have to be a physician
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to seat disaster that is looking us in the face. we gotta fix temperature you are right. i don't see how they can keep him as their nominee this . is a ways out t. is going off the rails. >> i mean people that have decline like this is degenerative and gets worse over time. just the fact. of speaking as a nondetermine mike huckabee. god safety queen man. 77% americans say he is not aware enough to be president and half democrats don't think he simple my question is, now i hear behind the scenes that democrats the chatter is building but you are not across the country why? you said half the democrats don't think he is comp felony. who are the half that think he is? those other people i like to
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interview and say issue what does he say that gives you confidence. when i watched them together i thought a was watching a rerun of a laurel and hardy comedy routines. it was sad. my 2 year old grandson makes more sense and he is 2 years olds. if it is about reading a prompter or making a speech itch think i could put the kid at the podium and more people understands him. this thing of god saves the queen may be the rock band queen and hoping without freddie mercury they will be able to tower and fill the stadiums around the world. jowl know and charlie, is this a back doofrm mir andza suggest in the a pos in the new york post today about you know for kamala harris. that most people think shield jump in?
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okay but this is a woman who herself has, in terms of giving a peach. she talks about the significant cans of passage of time and the passage of time so when you been it there is significance in the passage of time of never mind it is time to do what we have been doing that time is every day to do what we do. the one that loves vin diagram. is she the answer to them? i don't think so. mike is cracking up. >> be careful you will be hired to be a speech writer. for her. >> no, i think that is one of the big problems for them you know what do you do with her? you have been so much easier if they take joe out with the garbage and replace him and a backup who was comp tent but i think that -- kamala harris would do worse in a general or a
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primary fight and of course this is why the democrats are terified of the rise of rf k who is through his hat in the ring and i understand wining up with double digit 20% of the vote among democrats and would pick up independents and moderate says if he were to run a third party campaign. i think without a doubt, you know more of the poles come out that show trump sound low beating biden. the democrats who are very, very you know they are good controlling their party and theyville to get together the party leaders and make a decision about what they want to do. and if they do make a decision i don't think that joe biden or kamala harris or rf k to their liking. >> all right. so. ronnie jackson, let's look at rf k. now at 21 in the poles against
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biden. bide then 30s. marian williamson is 10%. rf k takes a different position than his party on immigration on biological men playing women's ports and covid in particular that got a lot of attention. and but he seems out of touch with the base of the democratic party if you look for an alternative to biden he is the best option now. >> he is now. i think there will be somebody from the progressive wing that will jump and and with the darling of the left and take off. democrats now are anybody but biden and you know, you know they are opposed trump and all costs. this is another example like. what you will get what you will let the country evolve into because you don't like trump's style. his leadership was the best we
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had. i think anybody who gets in the race is going to do well on the left now. because they are just00 eye hear them talking behind the scenes they don't know what to do they are at a loss. this is a cover up. i said tht white house and the west wing is covering it up. doctors covering up and they will say you need to tell us and i think that you know when that happens tell be obvious that he can't serve anymore. >> okay. a lot of speculation since my introduce with gavin newsome. i have no one him and invited him he came on. i thought he dodged a lot of questions. one question he would not answer that was how many times his phone ping aid day by democrats begging him to ruvenl another is he pulled back on the issue of would you under s challenge biden. he said, no. he defends biden as alert.
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i think he is too mart to irrelevant believe that. i don't think he was lying i think he was trying to be a good democrat. mike huckabee? >> he gets credit for coming on your show. a lot of democrats will not and will not sit down with you that was to his credit but he deep downess biden is like a pack of bottle rockets soak in the water all night. never going to ignite and he has to know that the worse thing for the democratic party is for joe biden to be the nominee >> why are you laughing, charlie? >> you know. >> to me >> it takes mike huckabee to invoke fireworks a not gee and it is perfect. >> he is from arkansas they are illegal there. go ahead. >> right. >> right. >> no. it is a. >> what, you know -- i want your take on him was it accident
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he decided to accept my invitation or. >> no. and you know i agree with you. the my favorite part of your interview when he waffle when you asked him how often does his phone ring with democrats. >> he ended that exchange with he was not about to answer that. >> he ended can i'm not going to answer that question. flat out tuesday. >> i give credit to answer that way. >> but you know -- but what is great captures how desperate democrats torfinds anybody who can string a sentence together to challenge bide sxen gets a lot of those calls >> i will can the exit question, ultimate low will there be any democrat that challenges joe and do you know joe will be the nominee in 2024? ronnie jackson >> somebody will challenge him.
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heel not be the nominee he can't make that far >> governor huckabee jeechl you think somebody will challenge him could be gavin. joe biden will not be the nominee heel be defeated or somebody will convince hymen it is time to step aside. go to delaware and drive the corvette and go throughout bok of classified documents he kept. >> charlie. >> i greet, in the end he will be taken out by party leadership. >> okay. >> exit question governoror huckabee said likely newsome. ron and he charlie who do you snng i think will be newsome. he is the one that is purke the hardest and coming from california. you know the progressive left loves him. despite the fact his state is a disaster. >> charlie last word. >> you know, i can see democrats going with that the consensus.
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the real the real bar bearian will be rf k junior i would love to see what he would do to his party >> interesting to see how many democrats push kamala harris >> all 3 will right tell not be joe biden. appreciate you >> former president trump sat down with brett for an interview. got the highlights that and more ahead.
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charge. had phenomenonal people in the military i'm not a fan certain of the television people i knocked down isis. >> and spoke about his classified document's case. take a watch >> they raided my house. they raided we were discussing having discussions with neara a read cal left group and all of the sudden my house dot raided >> do you have sensitive government documents >> i don't have anything. when i will say they took everything. right. i don't know what they took. they could be stuffing it. i don't know what they put in there. we wanted to be there they would not let anybody in the room. they never treated a president like this. >> all right then the president compared allegations with those against the bidence. take a look >> i told my kids were good kids and working kids not scam
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artists we will don't want deals. i don't want to we got a lot of stuff. run it proper low like this run it properly. i don't want to do deals any deal i doll be perceived a conflict. then i start to see it the stuff this biden's done he is scamming every country. guess to a country and millions show up in accounts and these are not deals this is cash coming in and here and the press does not want to cover temperature >> highlighted stance on china said today's problems would not have happened if he were president >> if china invaded taiwan. >> he knows what i do and by the way, for 4 years they did not invade taiwan and nerve even
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talked about at this time president biden speak of the chinese spy balloon yoochl more embarrassing than intention. >> what do you think >> what would have you done. he does not know they would not had a spy balloon if i was president. there was not be a spy balloon over our country that was going over our nuclear sights taking pictures we kill today and it was going to china. but we shot it down overnight ocean after it had done its work. >> we will have more on the china story later. more embarrassing for china than it was about intelligence? really? we will have more coming up. first with reaction steven miller and greg jerret. let's start with china steve miller. and okay. that was not intentional? really. it looked intentional and embarrass to them but not him. see it flew over alaska air
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space the coast western canada to idaho, montana, missouri and kansas up to kentucky and out the coast of the carolinas. i'm sure none was intentional exempt we know that they were sending back intelligence in role time when part did joe not get briefed on? >> china does not make america seriously they think we are a joke >> the world thinks we are a joke began with the pull out in afghanistan you had scenes of the airport that locked like the 7th circle of hell. the deathidation of americans since that moment not one other country least of all china had the qualm about disrespect and bash and pieing on the united states of america. i traveled with trump to china. i saw how he shook the president's hand and locked him in the eye and made clear you will not mess with america we
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can have a relationship but on our term and for america's national interests. for 4 years china did not mess with us. trade deficit down. manufacturing coming home and we were treated with respect we deserve as a country. >> i watch the larceny over tvr you have the trump hate and say the presidential record's act you referred to is not irrelevant vanlts in this case. even though there is no way a president is declassified documents say, he likely did not declassifiy it. the tape in the indictment. proved that the president knew that one document was holding had not been declassified. whether that is what the president ment or not time tell. you take a different tax you think the president urn the records act did nothing wrong here. why is there a deparity in the
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interpretation of the law? >> the disparity come from bias and ignorance of the law. and trump i thought used the law effectively to dem fend himself. he cited the president yell record's act. that is a specific lu. takes precedence over a yes or no law like the act. >> the right of former presidents to maintain control of presidential papers including classified materials. trump noted in the interview that was endorsed by the d. justice and the bill clinton case involving classified take place and the doj felt so strong low an expresident can keep what he wants they went to court to enforce that and won it is federal judge agreed the doj can't seize records from an
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expresident. merrick garland ban its why? because it is donald trump the remedy was a civil action. trump offered other valid arguments. he did not pack update box the gsa does that he was going through them when he got the subpoena and insists he was cooperating not obstructing the fbi agents or justice >> that is evidenced by not steven mirlt fbi had access to the room where they found the do you means at mar-a-logo, they were in the room and did not take anything they don't claim they requested to take anything and called back 2 days later. can you put another look. there was another look they wanted a second. which the donald trump and mar-a-logo complied with. and so. tell me where the president
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broke the law here? >> he didn't break the law, shawn. reality is the president of the united states under article 2 has the authority unilateral authority to decide what is a classified record. unclassified roar a national defense record what is a personal record. in those decisions are made by a president as he leaves office this sill final willing determination. it final. it is complete. now if the national archivesments to engage with the president. about what they want and the president wants can you have a civil process. you can have an administrative process attach is not and cannot be a criminal process. moment the doj got involved with criminal stand pinlt they violated the constitution and yet trump went above and beyond as he said in providing access and accommodation and legal team make clear they would get when they need. they were determined to
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criminalize this document dispute. despite what the constitution requires and lurequires depilot what greg laid out. they wanted put president trump behind bars. that is the scandal of the century. the scandal of american history. >> so well is no set government policy i can look at that say this is is how a president -- the procedure the president has to follow to declassify a document that is true? >> yea. it is trough with the exception of the department of energy and those documents which well, does involve nuclear. you know, so as for this controversial iran daurment war plans whether or not they involved nuclear or not trump said there was not such document in his possession referenced in that audio recording.
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that's gotta be true when the fbi raid his property they did not find temperature they did not finds it buzz he didn't have temperature refer when he brandishing papers to a journalist to articles and magazines summarizing it. and conspicuous low it is nowhere in the indictment. >> this is now. donald trump gave. go ahead wrochlt this is an inflection point. that is and the favorite word of media mob and democrats what aboutism. hillary clintson we know james comey told in july of 2016 she had top skwet classified information on her servers and has no ability to declassify as a former secretary of state or her time at secretary of state. we also know that's only the 30,000 e mails they had. missing 33,000 e mails because she destroyed them on her
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servers and hard drives something nobody heard. any device that had copies we were told were destroyed with hammers. blashg ber and hes i phones destroyed zip cards removed. so instead. what aboutism is it equal justice, application of the lus in the country greg? it does not seem to be applied joe biden in 4 locations or hillary that they admitted had the materials. >> d. justice did not sick the fbi armed individuals to bill clinton's house when he had take place or hillary's same house when she had hundreds of classified do you means. this is obviously selective prosecution. that will be one of the motions
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made. that this is unequal application of the law violation of trump's 14th amendment rights to due process. >> all right. >> we'll watch it. >> joe biden documents in the garage. >> in the garage. the pen biden center. university of delaware and beach house. how convenient not one of them got raided either yoochl thank you steve and greg. when we come become a live report on the missing titanic towerist suband the race to find the missing crew and the biden administration's appearing to bow to china nikki will be here weave will discuss when we come back. (swords clashing)
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>> we tournament a story out of the north tonight a submarine takes tourists around the wreckage of the titanic missing for a day. 5 on board. matt has the latest. sad story. any updates on this? >> shawn, nought united states and canadian coast guards searching for that missing subat a depth of 2-1/2 miles down. the pressure well is up to sick,000 pounds per square inch. u.s. coast guard said it within missing 900 miles east cape cod notoriety titanic wreckage. it has deployed pliance, ships and and relying on commercial boats. rescue ors using technology trying to pot suband listening for sounds under water. search began yesterday the subwas reported missing about 1 hour and 40 minutes after the
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submerged off the coast of canada. the subis a per of ocean gate expeditions a company provides staffed subs for exploration, research and tours in the past few minutes ocean gate confirmed the subwas trying to visit the titanic wreck site. coast guard is in the identify who was on the board the sub. has one commands and 4 other people. the subis equipped with oxygen supply that lasts only nic hours. u.s. congress machine williams of new york tweeted the u.s. navy should deploy a nukes clear suband best sonar prirts in the world. yao mentioned the 96 hours of emergency oxygen what the length of any tour they take down there. how long does this take before they -- return to the surface in >> we had an expert on said tican get to the wreck site in a couple hours the submarine
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submerged yesterday we're 24 hours plus in this trip and have 96 hours of oxygen. if they are still alive. >> they would be up before this. where potential low. takes a few hours to get down >> thank you, today also biden weak stance on china vow to china during his trip tony blanken said the u.s. does not support taiwan's independent. irrelevant? >> on taiwan the u.s. one china policy. that policy has not changed. it is guided by taiwan relation act. the 6 assurances. we don't support taiwan independent and oppose to changes to the status quo by either side. we expect the peaceful resolution of difference. >> it gets worse biden trying to
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down play the spy balloon across our country for days before he took action when it was too late. take a look >> one thing that balloon caused was not so much it got shot down but i don't think the leadership knew where it was and what was in it and knew what was going on it was more embarrassing than intention. >> it was more embarrassing than intentional. and ecoath bide 18's weak stance said that chapter should be closed following talk in china here with reaction. nikki hail is with us. embarrassing more than intentional if he believes his lie i have a bridge to sell him to straight across or train to tracks to sell him straight cross the indian ocean saying the u.s. does in the support taiwan independent why did seal
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he say you don't have a right to invade a sovereign country which would have been stronger. bragged china success in our interests excuse me, what part of them declaring a cold war on us have a missed? >> it is naive. first you electric at janet saying she wants to have more economic ties with china. you got blanken and biden saying the spy balloon was a mistake. china is cheering now. let's be clear the past several years china is at war with us. we know it because they are building up their military. got the largest naval fleet a hyper sonic missile. steeling billion dollars of propertiful we are not doing anything about temperature they continue to as well spy centers all over america. buying 400,000 acres of u.s.
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soil most reasonable near grant forks airforce base where our drone technology is the spy balloon went over south carolina because we are military state. china is making it very clear they are at war with america. and the biden add stragsz is making very clear he has no clout that is when they are trying to do. >> i contends the chinese considered biden is leadership role in the world abroad. i believe that they now have created a new access of e vil with alliance with chien at china, russia and iran. i contends they are laughing at joe biden and are taking advantage behalf is great weak innocence america. >> we have to get serious about this. we have to let them know what they are doing. first thing we have not seen anybody do anything about the
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fentanyl. nothing done about the fact 20 million died from covid. nothing has been done about that 600 billion dollars worth of intellectual property. not doing anything about that. what is america doing? china get its. the weakest we have been and so they are have been their way with us and we are not doing anything. we have to hold them acco accountable. blanken should have said why are you at war at us? i agree. >> why are you sending fentanyl over for him to say this was a good meeting that shows they got the concessions they wanted from the u.s. and it it is embarrassing another time. >> what would you do different low if you were president? >> well first i think that president trump did a good job bringing both parties but focus on the trade aspect we didn't get what we wanted with trade we have to focus on the military.
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look at the fact that they have a strong are military. we need to strengthen our military. make sure we close down the spy stations. call them out for the spy center in cuba they got now literally trying to spy on us. make sure we start holding hem accountable for fentanyl and they have to stop steeling our inlectual property and spop ecporting technology to china now we are 7ing the most secretive tech mology they can use against us. we have to stop that. we are asleep at the whole and i that are having their way with us. this is admit rocket science this is understands happening that they are at war with us. they want to e eliminate the u.s. and replace us. trying to turn western countries against us by paying them off. we need to put our naval fleet in the taiwan strait and than i can't have planes go trying to
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cut us off at the south china sea. we mead to start strong again and have not had that in a long time we gotta focus on that. >> and their efforts to devalue the u.s. drr and replace the world's currents. >> thank you. when we come back a week father's day article honoring a group the far left continuing to hit lose charlie, tommy we in straight ahead. but i wonder if you just take a few seconds to pray with me real quick. in the name of the father and son, holy spirit. amen. lord jesus, come to us now. help us to surrender ourselves completely to you. help us to listen to your voice. even when we're distracted or tired, we pray this in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit. amen. thank you so much. i just want to encourage you that if you want to join me in more prayer, check out hallow it's the number one prayer app in the world.
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pregnant and has two daughters or she. the transgender father spent most of the article complaining with the discrimination he faces. on friday the dodgers honored an anti-catholic pride group. a group of drag queens were celebrated inside a nearly empty stadium an hour before the game. here with reaction tom and charlie. tom, every aspect of society is impacted and every corporation is feeling the pressure. they either give in. i am old-fashioned. go with the golden rule and stick with that. >> i wish the golden rule was why can't everybody just do what they want to do in their private lives and the rest of us don't have to celebrate those unique
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choices. let your freak flag fly. the problem is when they make everybody else validate it and now celebrate it. if not you are called a host of names. it would be nice to get back to an area of sports and movies in hollywood where we enjoy the entertainment and don't have to worship anybody's rainbow. i think that day is coming. >> sean: can't mention the god part. but treat others the way you want to be treated. charlie, if everyone followed that rule, we would be well off. >> yes.
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the consumers are being ignored in every circumstance. take the dodgers, for example, at a realized they had a pr nightmare on their hands. they tried to sweep it under the rug. really it was just so ridiculous, they reversed course in the first place. they have a vastly christian fan base. this will be like we will try to keep the left at bay and appease our fans. there was a little bit of divine retribution. this was the dodgers's worst shutout loss since 1965. maybe if this were real nuns in attendance would not happen. >> sean: treat others the way you want to be treated. that means be nice to everybody. every adult.
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case closed. every hr department could save a lot of money. >> that would be nice. we have to go back and realize the place we are in this country. you can discriminate against christians and that's about and conservatives, but also christians. no other religion or group of people is allowed to be spat on. it's time for that to end. >> sean: christians and african-american men and the wives of conservative politicians are fair game in this woke world we live in. when we come back more "hannity" straight ahead. my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger.
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how do you get them? go to our website and register. joining us in studio everybody in the world and a surprise guest. join us. never miss an episode of "hannity." in the meantime filling for laura ingraham is judge jeanine pirro. >> the tickets really free? >> sean: they are not a million dollars. >> i have been selling them for $25. >> sean: i am fine with that. watch judge jeanine pirro throw a mean football. she tries. >> i love you, sean. i am judge jeanine pirro in laura ingraham this is a special
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