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tv   Fox News Tonight  FOX News  June 19, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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forgive me of my sin. i've fallen short of your glory. i want to know you. i want a relationship with you . in name, i pray. amen. if you just prayed that prayer with me, call that number or text that number on your screen right now. >> hello and welcome to fox news tonight. i'm kelly mcinerney. there is a massive search underway this hour for tourists trapped in a submarine beneath the atlantic ocean. the tourists were on a trapped titanic wreckage tour and have been missing since sunday. we'll haveanic more on that inti a few moments. but first, it's no secret thatch the liberal media is akin to a ferocious pack of hyenas it is roaming around in search of their next conservative target. nd for txt consei would know th.
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i got to know them quite well during my time as white house press secretar y, there wasm jim acosta, kaitlan collins, the playboy reporterosta, hyena. >> lately, they've had some rather harsh words. >> former president trump. i mean, he's a hoarder. >> these horrible stories about hoarding of animals and he was doing the sametoriesof thing with thee classified document hoarding of nuclear secret>> hoas. os it's almost a kind of gollum in lord of the rings moment.oment. you know, my precious. yes. it's it'mys like a hoarding instinct. it's pathological. g >> in addition to being criminal after wonder, could a presiden>>t trump unshackled by any opposition, it is somehow use the justice department to imprison his enemies. >> iison t was really starting to freak me out. is the idea thata that we're non discussing changing the constitution to make it say you cannot be in jail? the
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well, that part. i mean, i will, because my fear in a government would be that i you know, i'm a i'm a big fan of amendment. >> and i thought it washt innocent until proven guilty. dt i must have had that entirely wrong. trump, to hi s credit, well, he's never shied away from challenging the media's dishonesty. cenginghehere he was just mome an exclusive interview with fox'susive in brad baer, explaining why he needs to be combative with the media. >> i would like to be less combative, but i find press is extremely dishonest ex i don't get my word across. if i'm not combative, i don't knowif i at . i don't think you could win. i think regardless me or somebody else, if somebody else got the nomination, thes radical left maniacs would come after themnation, at a level le you've never seen before, and they're not going to be able to withstand it aa . our country is sick. it'sy is sick.s we have people that will do anything. and it's a very sad thin g. hoa
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like the document hoax, they should have never been brought. we're in the middle of never sue a political campaign and they want to arrest the opponen t who's leading the person that's in theory, in charge o if government. >> and this stuff shouldn't happen. pen.but the media attacks on tr, well, they're backfiring. >> look at these numbers, according to harvard. harris 55%. harriview the trump indictmente political exercise and 56%, well, they say it constitutes election interference. >> and the media, while a they're having a conniption poll from quinnipiac on a possible biden trump matchs bide match up puts biden at 48%. trump at 44%. >> this is a poll again taken largely after the i mean, that's got to makeerro you a little. >> that's within the margin of error. that is a statistical tie. the race was close beforee wa the indictment. the race is going to be close. noe matter what happens. so what does that say aboutbo biden? if they're rebuildinut, g or in some polls, actually, they say,
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well, jon karl, he was the president of the hyenas when i was white house press secretary, and he might fall i over if he reads the latest harvard poll, because that poll show s trump beating biden by six points. >> meanwhile, these hyenas, mee a little more sheepish when reporting on president joe biden, get this number, 20 fundraisers on the books between nowing th and the end of june involving the president, the vice president and othe vice r top ct officials involved with this operation as well. so a big ation as effort underway here. >> wow.s effort underway here. 20 between now and the end of june, that averages to more than one a day. >> that's a lot. now, get thi s, the media, they have spent precisely 0 seconds covering the biden family corruption over a four day period earliera fourio this. that's according to a brand new analysis from newsbusters. and they're busy covering for. this. >> thank you very much, mr. president. we really appreciate it. and we love you. thank you. i might add, if i didn't, i'd se be sleeping alone at thisi bett
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point. i better explainer that some time. my wife's a philly girl. headi all right, where are we going? all right, we're going to goe over. >> you get the briefinbrg well. and this as well. >> and now i'm standin g nextt o to the president again, next to a collapsed bridge here. and he is here to commito work to work with the governor and the delegation to make sure that we get this fixed quick, fasttion, as well, too. this is a president that thd. d to and then on top of that, the dual kind of the law of phrase, immigration bill thats c is going to make sure that there's going to be bridges all across like this, all acrosse america. god save the queen man.
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>> well, it's unclear exactly who the queen is, but according t accordto axios, this was justd timely expression. they call it a quirky aphorism weaponized by republicans. it's all the republicansa quir, and then they call it just one among many unique phrases and quote, an arsenal of wacky c phrases he deploys. notice they don't say gaffe since his white house staff, they can't explain it. axios decided to translate for us is what they said. as a proud irish man whose ancestors were no fans of the crown, biden may use the phrase more as sarcasm or in the sense of god help us.before before finally concluding hisin offbeat proverbs, while they are just biden being biden . vivek ramaswamy is a 2024 presidential candidate. he joins us no 202inw. vivek, welcome. you know, vivek, you're an interesting candidate. n intere i love watching you. and before i take you upre n
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go you're no stranger to going into a hostile environment. ck let's watch some flashbacks of you in hostile territoryyo. a there's absolutely no evidence you can show me some that president biden has had with this >> he put two layers in she respect. i think it is shameful thats i is a competitor to presidentcp trump in this race, have to ask questions that the media isn't asking the jobmedia is, th of tl media if it has one job is tone hold the u.s. government job i>s accountable. we know that. instead, we're doing the bidding. they're saying the media doing the bidding of the u.s we arbide government. >> ask the question, get to the bottom of what biden told garlan thebottom bidend and whad jack smith. if the same shoe fit the other foot, you would not takeck their word at facece value. >> do not take their word now. now, some candidates, they're not going into hostile territorndidatesg y motivating s >> so, look, i'm runningif to lead a nation, not a political party. and if i'm asking the people of this countryg the people to givf permission to represent the united states of america am the table from xi
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jinping, i better be willing to sit acrosnping, is the tablem dana bash or chuck todd or don lemon, all of whom i've visited. now, chuck todd and don lemon are no longer on the air after my interviews with them. >> but i think that if we're going to lead this country on te have to be willing to take the heat. and i'm in this race for a reason. we're runninin thig to lead a n. in fact, kelly, tomorrow i'll t be heading to kensington, e pennsylvania, outside of philadelphia, not only where many republicanselphia don't grr frankly, many democrats and even police officers don'ted go there. i went to the south side of chicago recently as well. so that's what i think takes to actually be a leader who's willing to show up. wi what i like to do. >> well, but to your point, ifer these guys no longer are and i have a few places i'd like to send you, but puttintog that aside, you know, joe biden, one of the things he's doing is stayin things doir the headlines. if you win the nomination, there is a good chance nce he hides in the oval. how are you going to smoke him out of the ova thel? >> so, look, i want to see him on that debate stage and have him meet stage the same fate thn
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don lemon did, put him out of a job. but the real issuet hi here, o kayleigh, let's get to the bottom of what's going on. biden's cognitive deficits areb, not a bug. they are a featurehey're, becaur he's really just a puppet for the managerial class and the administrative state as it exists today and actually haveet somewhat of a contrarian prediction. >> kayleigh, if there's a scenario president trump'sce out of the race, biden is actually the puppet. is thethey want to put up againt him. but the reason they have the document investigatione reaa going against biden is they're going to pull that card on him whenever hn e stops being a convenient puppet for them. >> so we have to see through that the farce. this is not biden just being an unintelligent rambler. >> he is a puppet forthat's the administrative state. that's the truth. vivek, thank t t you. >> joining us now is flori congressman byron donalds. congressman, you know jonathan turley, who has such a wahay words.t we talked about the trump documents. he basicallyp said we're not to far off from putting robert herr.
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from for the biden documents case from putting his face biden on a milb carton because he's missing in action. where's robert herr? >> that's a good question, kayleigh, because i have no haveidea. frankly, nobody does. and so you mentioned his name. mostmost a americans didn't know that. robert herr is the guy investigating the joe bide numes classified documents issue. nobody knows. what's going on? and this is one of the fundamental problems that we have when i t comes to donald trump. the wheels of justice, quote unquotjue, turn very, very fast some would say recklessly. l most would say completely out of control and political. but when it comecal. t whens to, when it comes to hillary clinton or any democra t, they turn very, very slowly. verys a lengthy investigation that typically ends up nowhere and on the wrist. and americans aramericane sick . >> they are turning to 2024. i got to tell you something that worriesomethingt me a lit
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you and i, both floridians lovev our great state. at s republican presidential candidate has won that state every year. goinverybackg back to 2012. but there is this headline fros politico. ink headline says, florida democrats think the unthinkable. we're in play in floridae and they note a jacksonville mayor's race that went their way. are you worried at all aboutway the state of florida? >> no, i'm not.yor' and i've kind of looked at that mayor's race. ra listen, right now,flor as we st we're probably a five, 6% state in a general election, some might say three. but at the end of the day, with the citizenths of florida, understand is that we have become the home of conservativr, policy across the nation. it's happened under governor desantis. but really it's been going on for a couple of decades now. and so when you comparw. e us t a state like california, a state like illinois or new york, the reason why people continue to choose florida is because conservativ ce policies have flourished. they have. they have thrived.
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and that's what'an's ws leading our state. and people are choosing our state. i'm not worried about what'si'mo going to happen here in 2024. >> there's no doubt about that. i mean, florida,t abou what it what aav juggernaut of an economy we bide but look, when i look at president biden and i played some of those sound bites, it is hard to believe that this is our commander in chief, that this is the guy goin is thg toe to toe with china and a north carolina focused group of swing voters. china. na fthey said, yeah, he't nine out of 11 said we'll still vote for him as president. so how do we take these arguments and put them as identa winning choice to voters? you can have him or you can voteimr z conservative candidate.conservative >> well, look, i'm verdidate. yu clear about 24. the question is my views, since i'm endorsines vieg trump in the race, who did the job better? you havebetter. two guys that werey bett commander in chief. one was significantly betterer than the other. that's without question. look at every issue facing our countrt y crime, the border, inflation, foreign policy. y of joe biden has been a disaster. look at any of our nominees. o
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even though i'm supporting president trump, any one of them would do a much an than the current commander in chief. and last but not least, you can't have somebody out there who is just fumbling words every other time he takes a microphone. >> it's embarrassing. yeah. takesand joe biden, well, he hs a new challenger on the democrat side. we'll tell you about that at sidew. how. congressman donalds, thank you. quick programing note fo r you. for we sent the top candidates for the republican nominationt no a question that almost no gop c candidate has been askedandida.s we've received a variety of videotaped responses from the candidates, and we will share that question and their response s with you tun later in the week. >> stay tuned. a massive search is underway a massg titani right now for a missing titanics tourist submarine with five dis people on board. it disappeared off the coast of canadaed o hours ago. and we will have an update on the search. that's next.
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>> this is a fox news alert. a massive search and rescue mission is now underway to locate a missing titanic tourismissint submarine with fie people on board. they're lost somewhere ie lost t the atlantic. >> fox matt finn has the latest. n has thmatt kelly tonight, theg
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states and canadian coast guards are searchinguaar for tht missing sub in the atlantic ocean at a depth of about two and a half miles under water, facing pressure o f up to £6,000 per square inch. the sub went missing in a remote area about 900 miles east of cape cod, near the tita easn wreckage. its deployed airplanes, ships, sonar buoys, and it's even relying on commercial boatcialss the search began yesterday when the coast guard says the sub was reportedt missing. c it reportedly lost contactne about one hour and 40 minutes hn after submerging a few hundred miles off the coasdred t of can. the sub is a part of ocean gatef oexpeditions company that a provides staffed submarines for exploration research compa and tours . the coast guard will not th who is on board the missing sub, but it has one commander and four other people, possibly passengers , who pay to tour the titanic wreck site. the sub is equipped with any to
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oxygen supply that can last 96 hours ago. now, two days ago, an instagram account with the name captain hamish harding , a billionaire from the united kingdom, posted in part, i am proum d to finally announce that i joined ocean gate expedition for there ari ji rms titanic mission as a mission specialist. also, within the pasc ssiot few hours, u.s. congressman brandon williams of new york posted to twitterein the p that the u.e should deploy a nuke. their submarine and the best sonar operators in the world. kaylee mattson, thank you. as you just heard, five tourists are trapped in as yfivee and likely more than 10,000 feet under the atlantic ocean. they've been there since sunday when they were on a tour to find that titanic wreckage.fd so how long do they have to be t found? president and founder of lifeguard systems international, a water rescue and recovery training company, butch hendrick joins me now. butch, that's mes the question.i how much longer do thesevi five individuals have? e rese well, from all the researchar we've ha
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d, we know that the machine, this submersible hable atd a 96 hour window of survival. so if it went in, the water was entered the water yesterday g. we're now somewhere into the neighborhood of 40 hours. so we look at just that. 0 ho they still have a reasonable 50 hours of life support on boardurif, if nothing else hs gone wrong. soe if if we look at that, we'e still got another day and a half. wee an well, they could still, be alive, which i cannot fathom . being in this, it's the size ofa a mini van in this cram quarterh and you're in this ocean, this vast ocean granite. we know they were on the way to see the titanic wreckage, but it feels lik e finding a needle in a haystack. how do you even begin trying ha? to find them? >> well, first off, would be the fac>> firstt that thisibe particular submersible was designed that if it had mechanical or certain certain difficulties, that it would diff w and float.
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it has not done that. not the guards from multiple countries have deployed fixed wing deploye that are searching and they can search for hundreds of miles a short matter of time. it's not at the surface. ce. so therefore, we think thatw it's got to be somewherehe on the bottom. two reasons for that. go ahead. o the two reasons. i reason number one is that something has happeneds ing ha t integrity and its dry seals. and therefore, it tooky water and flooded. the other is i f they got close enough to the titanic, there's so much debrisso muc and so many pieces of entanglement, possibilities on that wreckage that if they simply got themselves caughy got a position and i'm going to useic a little plastic bottle here for a moment , they gotitio themselves caught in a position wherthey ce they can't get out.a it's just a simple piece being ,trapped.
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they can't back up. they can't rotat an'te. tuck. they're simply stuck. we see that. we see that happen to divers as we're teaching diversh to work underwater with no visibility entanglements areeatt our single greatest danger they need help. we do an enormous amount of training on howe dw to save eact other in those kind ofhe here if if they're looking at trying to find it along the wreckage, most likely the military will deploy a unmanned underwater rover robot like the a pac-man that they can control they can change the manipulator arms on it. so basicallyth, they can literally put on cutting tools, grab techniques. so if they did find it entangled in theory, they can cut it out and get it hendr
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back to the surface. >> well, butch hendrick, we certainly hope that the latter is thee certai case and that th. vessel isn't flooded. thank you very much for th. >> well, thank you for having me. karine jean-pierre sheme just appointed herself as a historic figure. you will not believe thisthat quote, because that's what historic figures do. they bra'sstoricg it to all of . i give her a reality check. that's next next. hello, i'm mike lindell, and i'm here to tell you about my brand new product slippers. what makes my slippers different from those other slippers is my exclusive four layer design. i wanted my slippers to have everything you'd ever want in a pair of slippers. >> when first put my slippers on. i was like, wow. they feel. and most importantly, they have the support that i need in a pair of slippers. >> i'm interrupting this commercial to let you know we're having the biggest
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(t nine eastern on fsex1 when news breaks fox news is reporting on the stories that matter. idaho and florida are sending national guard to the border. biden trying to keep distance between himself and the doj. new reporting on the nord stream pipeline explosion. that's why we are number one in cable news, fox news channel. weble news, fox news channel. with ap. we found out this week white fou housnde press secretarys karine jean-pierre thinks of herself. and let'secretary karis just sas a pretty high self-esteem, and that's putting it mildly. puwell, it's been a year in this role. >> there's been a couple of thingse of that ha that i that e incredibly proud. many thingmanys. many things that made me incredibly proud to be at that podium durinm duringg historic s again, this is a historic administration.
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i'm a historicadministration fi, and i certainly walk in history every day. but this is also but a historic making administration because of this president. i'm a historic figure. woa histw now, that's quite a statement. kareenshe' is the 35th white hoe press secretary. i was the 33rd. and let's be clear. no white clear house press secry is a, quote, historic figure yos as white house press secretary. you speak for a historic figure elected by the american people. you yourself. well, you're notrself, a histor figure. and that's the fact. someone who is o a historicn figure the biden administration should be a little worried abouministraworried t is presidg he met with secretary of state. antony blinken today in beijing. here's a photograph from their meeting. take beijing a look at that. look at the body language. it's obvious. blinken look vious and nervous around xi jinping. after the meetin xjig, said thee chapter on the chinese spy balloon, well, it should be close
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. isn't that nice? he also basically gave the chinese communist party a green light to invade taiwan. >> we do not support taiwanence independence. we remain opposed to any unilateral changes to thwe are e weilateral changes to thwe are e we continu ce to expectt the peaceful resolution of cross-strait differences. >> gordon chang he's an authoran and senior fellow at the gates stone institute, and he joins us now. gor welcome, gordon. thank you, kellydo . you know, the bidena bi administration, they had this big international trip. they come. they're bragging. we got more flights betwee ging, wen, china and the united states. and we have a working group to talk about fentanyltes and meanwhile, china is committing a against the . they have this aggressive posture towards taiwan. >> what did they get out of this? an. we got nothing out of this. >> i mean, an agreement to talkt about, you know, the chinese communist party. it's behinesd the fentanyl gangn it gives them diplomatic support. it launders their profittangs,s
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>> well, you know, the united states should just say, look, stop it or we're going sae costs immediately. matter of fact, we should have e been imposing these costs becaus sho e. aus sho china has been killing65 t somewhere between 65 to 70000 americans a year with doses of illegal chiness ofe. and yet we're going to talk about this. this is just horrifi?c. you know, i think biden and blinken certainly make neville chamberlain look like a strong figure in history. >> wow. thatamberlai is a statement. trp you know, former president trump, he was on with bret baeon witr and he said, you know, i ended the relationship with xi. the relationship with xi. table. biden they're out there bragging that they're betterint relationships with xi, but she won't pick up the phone, won't even talk to him. >>k what language to xi understand, see, see, understand, see, see, he understands superior forchee and. that's about it. you know, the biden administrationknow, th and party the president thinks if they're meek, they can avoid a wa avoidr. and biden, i guess, has been
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told by europeans, don't be the american president that starts a war with china. and that's obviously impressed biden. and biden thinks that if he is nice to see jinpingn kss nico won't be a war. but all he is doing is he's feeding the audiencein jaded egoe audiencein of xi jinping. that's really dangerous. jiyou know, henry kissinger wro is wrong all the time, except a day agng o. ht wheg he was right when he said wewe e are close to war and that war with china is probable. and he's sayin g that war yin will occur unless something changes. well, nothin, nothing is changis kelly. and this is one of the most dangerous moments in history i. xi jinping is committing a against the tigers. i don't think he understands the niceties, but that's my guess. gordon chang, thank you. thank you, kelly. some divide prevention after the los angeles dodgers honored an antiquervention christian drg group. we'll tell you about that divine interventiohristiann nex
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>> thousands of people protested peacefully outsideully dodger stadium in los angeles on friday to protest outss embrace of ant anti-christian drag group called the sisters of perpetuall ers indulgence. i refuse to call them that. i call them the mockers. this group, they are known for mocking crucifixion and drag. they even pole danced arounded n a cross the day after the dodgers gave the so-called drag nuns aned dra award. the team suffered a 15 and oh shutout loss.that's that is the worst loss in 125es years. i guess you can call it divines intervention. >> peachy keen. and she was at the protest. f five at she's a mother of fiv author. she joins us. peachy. how many protesters would you say were there? i observed at least a thousand when i got there, right when it began. and then another thousand atd cars least were coming in and cars were pouring down the street trying to get of course, the local media reported hundreds of people, but it was a couple thousand at least. you can always count on the hyenas to get
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the number os wrong. >> you know, pce, you mentioned in a piece i read that there were these you me above, as if the media was just roving, looking for any signs of violence. what did they find instead? in>>y i mean, find instead? you know, i lived in l.a. during the summer of 2020, and the riots there were not as peaceful. this this was just a beautiful, prayerful event. people were on their knees i pe, the hot sun, praying the rosary, praying the litany of the sacred heary t. as i mean, there was, you know, not a peep was heard, no hecklers. it was really about love and really about, you know, trying to figure out a waytest, to protest what we all think is just betrayal by our our hometown teathinm. yeah. you know, you mentioned something that was interesting in your piece. that w in piece. you said shamefully, the los angeles archdiocese choseese to remain neutral. how can an archdiocesee to thist represents tons of catholics choose to remainon neutral in something like this? >> yeah. i mean, i think we're the largest catholic ink the archdiocese in the country,
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and they wouldn't let you know. cad they wouldn't let you know. with a procession from the cathedral downtown all the way to the stadiumthwn t anr was called off because they wouldn't let people park in their parking lot. park they don't want to begment. seen as being judgmental. they did a statement, but just there was just not a single priests from the archdiocesele there. and it was just i mean, it's embarrassing, but noest, it andt surprising at all. >> another thing you said is thaher thint the dodgers engd a reign out of the mockers. what do you mean by that? well, it was really funny. i think the dodger s really ae dodger the organization got a little bit scared at the end . . on the field an hour before the game started. and therfiel whee was basically no.d one there. i think they were worried about abn boos. ey were worried about and there were a few boos, even though there were only a few peop there whenre only a few they did it, they really they really copped out. and it's really sad. you knoyou know, some people ie most people like you just want to take your kids to a baseballd game right now. there was a story i read about a stadium changing names like climate change stadium. so we're supposed to driveck up
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to climate change stadium, pick up a bud light with dylan mulvaney'sligh face on it, sit n and watch nuns, so-called nunspe who a pole danced around a cross. i mean, do you think this is what the averaga e american faithful or not faithful wants, right? >> no. you go to sportsl or t faithf to escapes an politics, to escape the culture war. and unfortunatele y, not even t able to, you know, walk into a target, go to disneylando , rn enjoy a dodger game anymore without this stuff being thrown in your face you. . and it really wasn't about the event itself, which was really a nothing burger. it's just abouabout the dodgers choosing to honor a group and ignore their fans. and all these big corporations >>d all these big corporations playing out of the same playbook. yeah, but as yousaid said, and i love this line instead, you know, people were looking for violence ence i in the blazing o afternoon sun. people knelt on their bare knees, old, broken asphaltof the to pray. the litany of the sacred heart.t i've got to believe people look and they see peace, lovewhat a and kindness. and boy, what a contrast it
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whd boy, what a contrast it and a whole bunch of hate. peachy. peachy keenan thank you. thank you. so league baseball players,me pa they are brave enough to criticize the dodgersye brav that's their employers, some of them over there hosting of the anti-christian dragons.g >> here's the nationals pitcher trevor williams. it's a blatant anti-catholic message that they're sending regardless of how much, you know, quote unquote, good they've been doing in when've been doing in but when i saw how deeply offensive it was doing how awful things to the cross, doing awful things about stations of the cross, like it's it became a point where these negatives are are not they shouldn't be honored and they shouldn'tgr. mark a certain or a certain group. anyone with two eyes and a brai o eyesn can see that they'u know, they're they're mocking the religious habits the of nuns. they're mocking what we hold most deepl y and whether our core convictions they're just they're, they're blatantly mocking ite
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. ey're blatantly mocking ite clay travis is the founder of outkick clay. you know, i watch some of these guys, clayton kershaw, he spoke up. he's a dodgers. dodger but trevor williams, to do that interview, i asked my husband my husband played baseball for 11 years between triple- a s and big leagues. and i asked him, do you think an organization would greenlight an interview like that ion d grrview li? he said, likely not. so, trevor williams i mean, he took a risk there e. yeah, good for him. and kelly, i've been beating this drum for a long time now. why do we need to honor anybody in any way unaffiliated basically with baseball, the dodgers have a good product. chavez ravine is a great locationd , have a loyal fan base ove all over southern california. t this whole idea that we have i gotten into where i know if you saw 29 out of 30 teams had pride in major league baseball,n the only one that did texas was, the rangers. and they got absolutely ripped to shreds by the wokeok sports media. ight.
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but i think the rangers got itte right. why can't the texas rangerxas cm say, hey, we want everybodyse to come enjoy our baseball games of all differentball , but we all differentball don't need to be honoring all the different reality groups on a day to day basis when, to your poinwhent, i've been fighting this battle without kick forever. thsports used to be the one thig that united everyone. right. your team hits a waleveryone k off homehits a waleveryone run you turn it high five everybody in that stadium, you don'homerut think about their race, their religion, their ethnicity, or certainl ry who in the world they voted for. the most recent presidential electiont receal. ybody to we need more events that bring everybody together as oppose dbut atdy together as oppose to tearing us apart. but at some point, when you get slapped in the face over and over and over again, you have to stand up and say std it's wrong. and i think we've seen it with bud light. i think we thought with the ers, i. thehought with the i think this is an important response. and i give credit to the playeal there for speaking out g and saying this is wrong because i think that's the only way we get back to normalcetk s >> yeah, i do too.. well done. trevor williams we need more.
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trevor williams. klayr , i want to move to anothr story. this is shocking. i couldn't believe it when i sawaockingaww in fact it's th. you know them, the big liberal organization. rida for they are criticizing the state of florida for failing to provide pro a convict. his name was dwayne owen with so called gender care. the state executed owen last week and he was guilty of, get this, and murdering several women, including a 14 year old, during his life. and yet the aclu, they attempted to paint owen as the victi am rather thana twe a murderer. in a tweet over the weekend, the organizationt over they refr to owen as a her and deliberately avoided d dementioning any of his heino murders claim. what iwhats gos on here? >> oh, it's ridiculous. right? and the thinridig always love cy that blows this up really in everybody's faces. what would the aclu have done if that murdering white guy had decided that he was actually asian, hispanic ohe wa
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black, that he was a differentt race? they wouldn't have said anything because that would have been consideredhave a horribly racist. yet, would you change your gender somehoyet whou chant and we all have to pretend it's real. now, look,pretend it i i to lik. you went to law school. i went to law school. they used to speak out in favor of the first amendment and in favor of the marketplace of now the entire organization has been overtaken by woke cowardst . and i think this is ofa perfecti example of this situation. murdnot a victim in anyon. way. >> he's a murderer. heerer. he's a 14 year old. he stabbed a 14 year old girl 18 times. and the aclu is worried aboutmid gender-affirming care. are you out of your mind? it reminds me of rem the nashvillee shooting. >> you know, this woman gunned down six people, three children ,and usa today, "new york times", you know, don't miss york ti gender. >> what in the world? this is insane. ther s e were even people quietly chanting seven victims. you know that person, ix the transgender shooter, killed six people three, three kidsle
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and three teachers. and at the protests, there were wereven chanting seven victims. and oh, by the way, the manifesto from that shooter. we're now several months past that. it stillmonths p, still hasn'tt to me, it's disgraceful. but i would just wan is tif you some consistency. right. if you can choose to be any race tha c choose t t you then n certainly choose to be any gender you want. but what is racist? heroi and the other one is heroic. it makes absolutely no sense. and in this particulartely no situation, shame on the aclu for trying to make this murder a victim. yeah, final question here. where is the manifesto? do you think we're going to get tho you ? nk we're going to get i don't think so. trumnifesto had been written by a trump supporting lunatic, ity would have been out within 48 hours. and every person who voted foror trump, me and everybody else would have been held responsible. we would have been tolsible. ldn blood on our hands. but when it's a trans shooter and the narrativtrans e fite the proverbial left wing chosen device, it gets buried. it vanished. i don't think we're going to see it anytime soonvanishedis
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unfortunately. kaylee, clay, travis, thank you. than thak you. >> next up, there is a new challenger for president joe biden. a year if there was ever a year tigerr king would run for president. yep, it's 2024. and yes, joe exotic. well, he just thre t inw hat in the ring. emily, can ponyo, jimmy failla next? it's today's biggest sale, the 50, 50, 50 sale, 50% off carpet and flooring, 50% off patagonia aerials and 50% off installation. that's right. half off your entire project. you can save thousands empires. 50, 50, 50 sale won't last long. don't miss 50% off carpet and flooring, 50% off patagonia materials and percent off installation. 898 to 300 and buy today.
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outnumbered. my co-host and friend. they join us now. jimmy, the new criteria they are going to take into account race, gender, sexual orientation and disabilityinto acc status, i means it's going to be much harder for you to win an oscar. >> yeah. there that went actually before. models aren't eligible to win an oscaror. not in the movies. i'm just in the commercials on the other half of the skinny guy. bu yore badt you know the rules ard when will smith considers them a slap in the face. y,hey, i'll see you soon. work with me here. this is so stupisod because it prioritizes everything. but what? we go to the movieo s, see?ting you understand? i just want to see a good movie. you want to see good actin g? m idt to see good actin you go to the movies to get away from identity politics, poe the real world.e julics, >> nobody wants to see julia roberts and richard gere in pretta richar y person. richar you know what i mean? in you don't want to see al pacino and a few good them, but that's exactly what you're going to do if you want to watch a film. so you think classic films thatk classic couldn't win, schindler's list couldn't win because it's predominantllisty white actors n schindler's list. so we can't tell the story of the holocaust. rs. of is not woke enough now e recognized by hollywood? the godfather couldn't win best
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picture unless halfway through marlon brando became ber and made someone an offer he couldn't hear because he was deaf. so, you get it, eaf. stupid. >> good point. anyway, quick question for you. there's thisthere' actress, jama jamil, who is saying, i'm against taking away the, you know, gender specific awards, female best actresecifi male best actress. you and i talk all the time. where are the feminists? we might have won. that's stillss, not with us.isw >> that's right. and i think the reality, too, is when that is applieappld, totally shut out women. and i'm talking about biological women. and so for those tha r thost preach inclusion, diversity and celebrating women,d then where are they have where have i they all disappeared to? because the result means that it stamp them s them all out. all of this is theater, which i guess that that's what giving themselves the oscars for. >> speaking of theater, my favorite realit >> sy tv star, het is a darkhorse candidate jumping into the 2024 presidential race. this is a real challenge for joe, by the wa gey. reality tv star tiger king no is known as joe exotic, also a great singer. >> he's announced he's running
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and he will lead his campaig ilt from prison. emily, you know how excited i am. we talked about thised . one i don't number, but you guys, i still have not seene one episode of the tiger king. so when i first saw this, i immediately though i sawt botf you guys. and i was like, i know they're so excited. i hope that it does takecited.he a little bit of attention in the democratic party away from the commander in chief thatief. seems to be running at runni a glacial pace. more per but the reality is that this is one more person doing their hat in the ring because t one butiden is ing because joe biden is better for that party. so i wish him luck. hat party.m i mean, look, you he a self-help guru who's like pulling in 5%. >> joe biden, exotic. one >> who's your money on in vegas? this is a tough one for me. i want to bash joe exotidon't wl i'm clearly wearing a jacket from the carole baskin tiger king collection. i >> but i think his windowss wind closed already. ow2020 was his moment because we had the pandemic and everyone was watching tiger king. he iwatching tiger king. because joe biden decreed the other day that we're living lie other day that we're living >> so why are we even havinga mo elections? righnarchyt. h he well, look, i wish he would have gotten a pardon from president donald.
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that mullet blew that one., exactly. guysone more thing, guys. yesterday was father's day. so, of course, nprso are they decided to celebrate to cwn cided to celebrate modern father, a biological woman who identifies as a transdentifies man? spac with people telling me that i didn't belong in certain spaces. i had to convince a loi had to people that i was pregnant and that i wasn't just some strange man trying to infiltratn e the ob-gyns office. >> people are always shocked pe people are always shocked me daddy, my children calling me daddy and.e conf >> they are worried that our kids are going to be confused iway, shan some way, sr form, and that's just simply not true. >>true emily, what do you prefer as a woman birthing people pregnantple, people, menstruatig people? i prefer the latter and i >>prefer the latter and i anything but that. thank you. yeah, i. i cannot stand this again erasure of women. and in the celebration of father'srstand the, there are af
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different types of dads out there that could have deserved recognition. like those who are deployed during this time. like those who have stepped in as father figures for complicated families. there's a lot of people that deserve highlighting. but this typmilies e of knee vie signaling, again, like similarly to the woke left, is so frustrating becausg ite it raises all of those fathers who deserve recognition on that really day. and by the way, the number one celebrated holiday, you know, christmas number mot two is mother's day. father's day is number 20. so why don't we give the real>> dads, a break. thank you. let's celebrate. jimi, i want to po jimp up. >> apple made an emoji for you.u it was in celebration of your pregnancy. pop it up. jimmy fallon's emoji got. >> there it is. listen, i think this guy just cooked up this whole scheme because he was tired of getting macaroni necklaces and bad tiees . yeah, it's like now it's good.o but no, technically, no. lincoln gets me good gifts. but technically speaking, doesn't this wouldn't this make womother? if he's having a baby, this should be mother's day. if we're going to pretend and go w full boat. but this is obviously
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biologically a fallacy. n but the bigger reason i'm not on board with it, it's america. pretend you going to be whatever you wana o be wt. okay. but the reason i can't embrace this is because we have to pretend men can get pregnant. that means e day.s on i'm going to have to start going to baby showers. i'm not giving up on footbali wl sunday because someone wants to pretend he's pregnant. >> i am sorry. whity showe. i'll send you an emoji. all right, jimi. emily, thankyou. you. have a great evening. later this week, we will have m interviewsik, mike pence,tt. ron desantis and tim scott. >>u won't want to miss it. greae hope you'll join us. sean hannity, he's next. all right, kelly, great jo youb great to see you. and welcome to hannity. glad you're with us this monday. tonighity.naldt, donald trump,is he's fighting back against biden's doj. >> take a look. >> they took everything right. i don't know what they took. wil they could be stuffing it. i don't know what they putl there. and we wanted to be there when they would take in. they wouldn't le t anybody in the room. they've never treated the president like this. >> for president trump'st intervielikethisw prepare. that's straight


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