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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 20, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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juneteenth holiday. >> oh, boy. >> right, gayle? because that's the only reason why anyone is allowed to be off today. that's it for us tonight. i'm judge jeanine pirro in for laura ingraham. watch every day at 5:00 p.m. co-hosting the five check me out on instagram at judge underscore jeannine ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> greg: i gave my pen to jesse and he didn't give it back so i've got to use one of these stupid pens. >> it's a good one though. >> greg: screw you. happy monday everybody, what a monday it is. it's going to be a big show because it's the first gutfeld
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super durp jourduper journalism super durp duper journalism super duper journalism awards. ♪ ♪ >> greg: i don't know. so this is where we honor writers who impress us with their brave journalistic pursuits and tonight's winner, we get right to it, jeremy bailey a writer for the rap an entertainment web site. friday he broke a major story about a famous tv anchor saying something shockingly disgusting to a co-anchor. i believe we have tape of what actually caused the uproar. >> a lot of these homeless services that are getting a lot of money, more and more money, it's not working. the solution is, in listening to
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the homeless, like the woman who says we are spoiled, we need tough love or we're never going to get off the street. >> greg, what do you think about that approach? >> greg: i agree with everything the little lady says and i'm sorry about the cart: now did you catch that, panelist greg gutfeld otherwise known as me referred to dana perino as a little lady. talk about a micro aggression. here's a quote from bailey in the rap. perino and gutfeld trade witty barbs and anchors but perino dates to a white house press secretary during the gw bush administration. gutfeld's reference to her as the little lady, she laughed it off and she continued. now you think i just told dana to take off her shoes and get in the kitchen where she belongs. which, by the way, is what i say
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to jesse every day. but apparently the writer was shocked at dana's response which he described as, quote, unfays. . yes unfazed like she's a war reporter continuing a live hit while bombs are raining down. what an ass. what was she supposed to do fly into a rage and slap me across the face even when she knows how much i like thatting? so why doesn't she care? well, the reporter could have answered it himself if he knew the topic he was writing about but that would require journalistic ability. so why should she be unfazed? would she be unfazed over being called a little really? >> flunky you must be tall sign at an ant farm. she's small enough to be a stocking stuffer. >> an oven mitt is her sleeping bag and nothing slows her down except for glue traps. >> i have a seen chihuahuas carry her in their purses. her aboveground pool is an empty cool whip container.
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she was the bride figure reason on her own wedding cake and her pronouns are teeny tiny and itsy bitsy. althoughs picked first for limbo. used to being under the microscope when having her clothes tailored. she goes shredding on i a pink eraser. she proves good things come in small packages especially when she's smuggling heroin. >> greg: breaking news a woman can take a joke. not deterred by this sorted history the writer knowing he had the scoop of his lifetime actually reached out to fox, our company, for comment. and that led right to our gutfeld complaint department. >> hey, joe, we've got another request for comment. i really need you to take care of this, all right? >> i'll get right on this. >> thank you. [laughter]
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>> greg: so the wrap expected dana to be offended and they decided they would be offended for her as well. but how offended was she really? well we go to dana for comment. >> hey jeremy if you think that's offensive you should hear what i call greg in private how he's a no talent [bleep] chicken [bleep] full of horse [bleep]. i have more talent in my [bleep] than he does in my entire [bleep] and just being around that [bleep] makes me want to [bleep] all over the floor. i mean, i know squirrels with bigger [bleep] than him. do i need to go on? [chee [cheers and applause] >> greg: oh you clap for that. being fair and balanced and unafraid and gorgeous we went to jeremy for a comment right? because that would be fair. we reached out on a comment on him reaching out for a comment and tried to review his other writing to see if it's parody or if it's always this stupid. here's the e-mail we sent and so
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far no response. what a perfect microcosm of the current journalistic landscape people who don't know what they're talking about trying to create a scandal off a single throw away line. that's journalism. not just them, yahoo news reprinted the story. and i know what you're thinking. what's yahoo news. but a whole ecosystem of lefty takes, look at this headline from media matters just a few weeks ago. fox news greg gutfeld calls for the arrest of dr. jill as pay jack for the indictment of donald trump. again, they wouldn't know a joke even if it started with the words knock knock. here's the clip they were so offended by. >> i'm not that interested in locking up hunter or joe biden, but the other side would lock up every one of us if they could so let's go. let's f'ing go, let's take them out and put them behind bars. every biden. dr. jill. i want dock -- she's not a real
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doctor. how long has she been practicing on patients telling them that she's an actual doctor? [laughter] >> greg: yeah. i guess you can't tell when someone's joking if you have no sense of humor. but that got picked up by these hacks who realize they can't write what they really want to write if they admit that it's a joke. so instead they lie to their viewers or their readers. but can you see how nothing matters when your filter is preconceived and you're desperate for content. it doesn't make you a journalist it just makes you a hole fill tissue. wake up, fill a home go home cry yourself to sleep. you would be happier if you worked on potholes at least there you would be something to be proud of at the tend of the day, and this ain't it jeremy. >> period! >> greg: tonight's guests, he was on snl before it stood for sorry no laughs.
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comedian and hopes of the new fox show woke up in america, rob schneider! [cheers and applause]. >> greg: he's got the mind of a newsman and the face of an even better looking newsman, america news room co-anchor bill hemmer! [cheers and applause]. >> greg: he's the rebel rouser with a face like doogie howser. host of the guy benson show, guy benson! [cheers and applause]. >> greg: she's wiry, fiery, and has a tear-stained diary. fox news contributor kat timpf! [cheers and applause] >> greg: so, rob, i'm trying to figure out, what kind of connotation is there to little lady that i somehow missed? could you imagine watching that and deciding that this is a journal -- this is a story that requires following up on? >> rob: i just think three fifths of this group here are
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all insulted by what you did. no, first of all i didn't realize dana was a midget until this whole episode. >> greg: i think we call them little people now. >> rob: i don't know. what's interesting, little people live a lot longer. you know what you never hear? the nba seven foot basketball player turned a hundred today. you don't hear that. >> greg: true. they're always tiny people. you know why? yeah, i think it's because you take these smaller steps, you know. so there's no science there. no, not at all. hemmer you're a journalist. >> bill: yes, sir. >> greg: you claim to be one. does this embarrass you? i'm sure you've had to do bad stories but this feels like a story you don't have to do. >> bill: what i found offensive was the way you motioned with your right thumb for one split millisecond. that was the offensive act. >> greg: why was that offensive. >> bill: i saw tonight the replay and saw the write up and thought, he's on to something. >> greg: do you think this was a
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subliminal alt right symbol i was doing. >> bill: only you can answer that. >> greg: i'm sorry it's a signal. >> bill: maybe you're on to something. i work with dana every day. >> greg: yeah. >> bill: and she's convinced she's taller than you. [laughter] >> greg: some people are convinced they're like the wrong gender. i mean, if she wants to identify as 5'7", that's her right. but she's four 11. it's like an old joke of mine my parents are short i married a girl shorter than me. we're breeding down >> kat: also wouldn't have to be the 5'7" to be taller than you. >> greg: why? >> kat: you need to be like 5'5". >> greg: why is this turning into an attack on me? didn't we have this argument already on friday >> kat: what? >> greg: were you here on friday? >> kat: always here. >> greg: we did an entire round on my height >> kat: i'm always here and you've said way worse stuff to
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me than that every single day. why does yahoo news never get upset on my behalf? i would love to be called little lady. it's always like mentally ill alcoholic scare crow. this is actually not as bad as some other things i've seen, too. i remember in like 2015, salon did something about me where they referred to me as an outraged parent or administrator. of which i'm neither. and they could have google -- they could have rewound the clip they're posting to see how i'm introduced but they don't care, they're so lazy. everybody hates fox news so nobody will care that's what they think. >> greg: they also realize no one will check to see if someone's making a joke. the one about me saying dr. jill should be in prison was taken seriously by so many people. they don't watch the clip either, they just read the headline. guy i'm sure you've had like some entry level reporting jobs.
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did you ever do anything like this? i feel bad that somebody has to do that for a living. >> guy: you actually avoided the key crime here which was not calling her doctor. you were very good about doing that. for people who may not fully understand at home what media matters is, it's this group of left wingers paid by somebody to sit chained to a radiator somewhere watching us all day long trying to find things to get angry about. this is their entire existence. they sit there like clock work orange. their eyeballs pried open. they all sit in this little hive mind. and i'm convinced at at least some point in our history we have converted one of these media matters people into liking us because we are irresistible. >> greg: that's why they stop. not just them the daily beast. you're not like exaggerating this, people are paid to watch this show because the clips, and the five and this show, the clips generate eyeballs and that pays for their advertising so it's actually like barnacles on
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a ship. all you have to do is create this ship and you create jobs for all these other people. >> guy: at some point when someone starts to have impure thoughts about fox news because they have to watch us all the time and realize we kind of like this, it's off to the gulag and next to find the next person out of college. >> greg: i think you're correct and i'm not going to call you a little lady. i don't know what that means. i still don't know little lady, what's wrong with it kat? you are a a >> kat: woman because -- thank you. because she's had a long impressive professional career, but also i feel like if you're able to handle being a press secretary to have the president you're able to handle being called thaw. >> greg: that's not bad little lady. see what i did there. >> guy: the rap is all over this thing. >> greg: we have to move on. coming up, brain dead politicians making bad decisions. [cheers and applause]
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♪ >> greg: joe's bad and fetterman's worse. so who's got dibs on the hers.? that's sick. over the weekend joe went to pennsylvania to see a crumbling highway but instead saw a crumbling senator john fetterman. the crumbling highway was in better shane. this was an absolute first. roll it. >> and now i'm standing next to the president again next to a collapsed bridge here and he is here to commit to work with the governor and the delegateation to make sure we get this fixed quick, fast, as well, too. this is a president that is
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committed to infructure and on top of that the jewel kind of a law of the infraction bill. >> greg: i know. first you're laughing then you feel dirty when you're laughing. he's like yoda, he's bald and can't speak. usually you see someone mutilate the language like that you have to watch jesse watters prime time. and he didn't have a stroke. biden's no better. watch. >> you'd see a truck pull up, pull to the curb and selling weapons. selling guns. selling ar-15s. selling weapons. well, guess what, you do that now you go to jail. made it harder for people to by stabilized braces, put a fissel on a brace turns into a gun.
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makes you can have a higher caliber weapon, higher caliber bullet coming out of that gun. >> greg: i believe that's impossible. first, no one has ever seen a truck pull up and just start selling weapons. of course, outside of ukraine. second, all a pistol brace does is attack to gun to your arm so it can be more easily fired using one hand. don't you miss the days when joe talked about corn pop? i mean, it actually made sense by comparison. where's katie pavlich when you need her? probably out shooting elephants for lunch. and, all right, god save the queen, man. >> all right. god save the queen, man. . >> greg: more like god help us. so this is more sad than funny but it's how a 1-party system works when it controls the
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media. it's a president and two senators, reminds me of a former soviet leader whose health deteriorated after several strokes leaving him practically a cabbage. his eyebrows though kept living it up. but the media hid it from the public. you would think our media would see some parallels. they did once an historian wrote about him in 2020 but compared him to trump. we reached out to see if she'd compare biden, no surprise she declined. competency is only what you would expect from a republican. what's joe got to say? >> yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. come on, man, i like this guy fetterman. i like him. he makes me look good. i might take him on the campaign trail with me. that's going to be my slogan. a berman than fetterman. i might forget my wife's name every once in a while, but this guy starts his speech with good night everybody. i have to be careful, though, i
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mean, he sets the bar so low, i might trip and fall. [cheers and applause] >> greg: you know, bill, i've been trying to figure out who joe was referring to when he said god save the queen and i think it might have been rachel levine. >> bill: possible. she might be on the list. i think with fetterman it's unfortunate. last couple days especially. he's not well, and that's a shame for him and his family. as for the president, i saw him in connecticut on friday, saw him in philadelphia on saturday, he's in california today. and there's not a single sandbag around. not one in sight. but when a senator shows up and he's dressed for gym class, i mean, what do you do? you know, you try and talk him out of it? >> greg: i get it, you need clothes that are easy to put on and take off or you'll be there for days. speaking for myself.
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guy, everybody gets really touchy about this. >> guy: yeah. >> greg: oh, my god if you laugh -- you're being ableist, is that the word. are you being ageist? well, we're not running for office. we're not the president. i think nothing -- everything is on the table. you're seeing it. >> guy: axios wrote a story about some of the things that come out of the president's mouth like god save the queen, man and i'm going to quote, axios said republicans are weaponizing biden's quote, quirky aferisms. that's how they described that. if we didn't have any form of recording device in society and we were just taking their word for it then maybe we would say we have a president who's a bit older and has quirky aferisms than republicans are weaponizing. the thing is we have cameras and recording devices and seen him say things that are nonsensical
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blather and we know his age and that is something that i think is fair to consider and talk about and occasionally even joke about on a show like this. >> greg: yeah k you just made me think, and that's hard. i try not to think. kat, what that guy said, that "guy" said, imagine we didn't have modern technology. we had no idea. what if a lot of our presidents were like that, we just didn't know? >> kat: possible. my favorite defense, though, guy, in the axios piece and some other pieces was, it's ridiculous for conservatives to be pouncing on this because it's not the first time he said god save the queen when it makes no sense. like, okay. how is that better? like, you know, he never makes sense so he's consistent about that. but nobody really cares. i don't think people care. i don't know if it's more sad to watch that or to watch that knowing that i still could never get elected.
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>> greg: it's amazing. you wouldn't let this guy fly your plane but operate on your kid but have him run the largest freest country in the world. rob it's amazing if you look at late night comedy, nobody -- this should be a nightly conversation. this should be on every single night. what did he -- i remember chevy chase going after gerald ford because he tripped once. remember? >> rob: the fetterman thing, look, just because you can't talk doesn't mean you can't dress nicely. you know? but he goes if neiman marcus and it's hard for guys to get like shirt fire bad, i need the shirt for the back of my head. it's hard. they want to get him out of the store. just give him a quadruple hoodie and some basketball shorts and get him out of here. you know? he's affecting our business right now. [laughter] >> greg: i used to love dressing like that but now i can't because it's the fetterman look. [laughter]
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>> greg: it bugs me. >> rob: fire bad. >> greg: fire bad. but you better not point this stuff out. you point this stuff out, you know, you're cruel. and you're right. i am cruel. but i'm also honest. >> all right up next, the academy holds down the scales to keep out the straight white males. [cheers and applause]
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>> [cheers and applause] ♪. >> greg: is the woke curse making movies worse?ie oscar voters are slamming rules for 2024 that would require films to meet diversity requirements in order to be nominated for best picture. film makers have to submit to the academy a dossier.em oh, i love a good dossier. that points to the race, gender, sexual orientation and disability status of their film's cast and crew members. not only that they have to show evidence they drink bud light
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and still shop at target.d so that's new. producers will now have to ask people who they sleep with when before they used to just ask them to lock the door and take off their pants. but many producers and directori have called the new rules ridiculous and crazy with one claiming very few people in the industry support them. true, it's about as popular as the nut mixes in vending machines. not so muce h funny as it is tr. that's why i left it in there. t having second thoughts about it, though. maybe ini should have taken it out. >> keep it in. >> greg: should we have a discussion? okay. but all of them have chosen to remain anonymous because they're afraid for being cancelled for p speaking out. same reason i pretend to like one nation with brian kilmeade. and you have to wonder how many of the great heest films that might not have been made if these had not been many in the past.
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d the god father.r instead of leaveha the gun takee the cannoli it would have been leave the gun take the puberty blocksers. yes, guy benson, speaking of blocking puberty. [laughter]. >> guy: mine's all natural, ng though, greg. >> greg: how did you do it? you're 73 years old. what do you think about this? do you this i that this -- it's kind of interesting how hollywood would like everybody else to do this, and then they realizthe they need to be exemp from it because they understand it actually hurts your ability to be e excellent.exce >> guy: yeah, and also to make good art that's compelling or even historically accurate if dn that's what you're going for. you touched on something that's exactly right. the quotes in the various news articles about this of people complaining really sharp cogent correct complaints, almost sh unanimouslary anonymous because they're angry about it. they understand what's right and
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what's wrong and they don't havd the courage to say it out loud because they want to keep their jobs. sobe they'll make the movies wi the stupid rules because they want to make money and make a living even if they're sacrificing the art of it, with which they always talk about thr art, the art, the art, they're actively crushing the art with these stupid sfluls art is trumped by diversity and virtue signaling. does this bother you rob when you listen to anonymous quotes because you're not anonymous. >> rob: i can't wait to hear like the spielberg if he had to do another abraham lincolns wit one of his cabinet members being asian not saying anything. they're finally making asian movies and i'm not asian enough where it can help me. unless i where i a picture of my asian mother. do you guys have a picture of my asian mom. now does that count, do i get something? >> greg: it's a new show, n tonight on asian mom. do you [ guys solve crimes together. my asian mom has ancient chinese
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secret. by the way, filipino, no? >> rob: filipino, of course. my beautiful height and i have no eyebrows. >> oh, my god. >> guy: actually what is exciting i just found this out in my ear piece, asian mom has just been nominated for best picture. [ so congratulations. [cheers and applause] >> rob: i'm so proud. >> you're right no one can talk about it because there's so much fear. the thing about hollywood that's really a truism that no one will talk about is they're all afraid because they all know -- people want to make great movies, they don't. they just know like what will delay my inevitable firing the longest because they know th they're on theirey way out. it's great when guys like richard dreyfus who already won an academy ward and says this is complete [bleep]. thank god for guys like him and hopefully more stand up that's all it takes for people to stand up and say enough of this crap.
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>> greg: i think it's happeningp the problem is, kat, it's not like -- i think wokism stopped but not going down. i think it's going to stay at this levelst forever because ite never goesr. away. when something actually happens you're still -- who would have thought you would have the ladies of perpetual indulgence at a dodgers game, nobody there. >> imagine them being dressed in islamic outfits. at that would last. would that happen? >> greg: of course not. what do you think kat? >> kat: i have long been upset about how hollywood deters freedom of speech. i've noticeded that whenever a movie is on, people get mad at me for talking. [laughter] >> kat: i don't watch movies yot know that. >> greg: i know >> kat: they're too long. >> greg: but it's kind of ut interesting they would pass thih on to the rest of the world but they don't like it. that's exactly how you do climate. that's why they fly in private jets. everything they're exempt from they enforce on others
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>> kat: good thing there's t. nothing i'm ever thinking but can't say to keep my job. >> greg: seems like there's an undercurrent of stuff going on here that i don't know about. like some weird thinking going . on here bill. i don't know what it is. >> bill: i want to go back to the nuts in the vending machine for a second.he because we used to have a vendinngg machine in this buildg that dispensed nuts. they were $0.25 and they were the cheapest lunch in all of new york. but these days you've got to go toen the hospital if you want t buy new nuts. >> greg: yes. [cheers and applause] >> greg: didn't see that one coming. >> bill: i want to say t o rob and your friends in hollywood. >> rob: i don't know if i have any e left. >> bill: i'm still dubious but do they have to list them in th credits at the end of the film and in that category. >> rob: disability's another one. that counts, too. so if it's a good enough role, i would be willing to tell producers during production, if it goes good, if there's a
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chance for an award, i'm willing to hurt myself permanently. >> greg: i would tell them i have gentleman's bladder, because you can't prove it. i just can'tu urinate in publi that's a disability. >> rob: that ace true. >> greg: don't laugh. one in 20 people have it. all right, yeah, it's funny. but anyway that's a disability. >> hand me the catheter. >> greg: god i miss those ads. all right we have to move remember the catheter ads? they were like this, does everybodevy have a catheter. did i miss out on something? my. goodness.meth now it's a pillow. that's a step up. catheter out, pillow soft. y pillow you get a pi my catheter. >> greg: up next, from a wayward bird to tasty cheese, local news that's sure to please. [cheers and applause] sh more cash. you think those two have any idea? that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they're
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♪ >> coast to coast with stories that matter most.
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you're watching local news with ten-time emmy award winner chet van jensen. and now here's chet. >> greg: a little housekeeping, over the weekend, chet won three more emmys. so if we could justification that, he's up to 13 and he's also in the intensive care because he fell on one of the enemy's emmys, and they're trying to remove it. but it's going to take a while. >> regional. >> greg: yes, regional. you can say that. local news, where each guest has to share a story from wherever they're fun and they vote on the winner. brand new portable cd player. there it is. guy, go first. >> guy: so this is from the dc area. there's a par rot named clause who escaped his owner's home in baltimore in april, was gone for almost two months and was discovered many miles away, more than 40 miles away in arlington, virginia. and was returned to his loving
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family, the wife in this family is named kat by the way. the bird escaped on 4/20, also a cat reference. and the thing is, i think this bird is probably really pissed. this bird got as far away as it literally could from baltimore appear then someone returned it to baltimore and he's just like what [bleep]. [cheers and applause]. >> greg: bill? >> bill: pretty good guy. i'm from ohio, i want to take it to east cleveland. it's south now, listen up here. i have found video, all right. >> greg: i like where you're going. >> bill: of a fawn, all right, a little doe in the backyard. to those who say defund the police they're killing animals. this cop is like snow white. that fawn is in the fence crying, and here comes the cop. >> rob: oh, man. >> bill: the cop is like snow
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white right? this is why we fund the police. >> greg: delicious venicin. >> bill: save bam business. >> greg: you don't see enough of these videos on loop the way we see brutality stuff. little known fact they're saving half a million deer a year. i made that up. feel free to take that out of context and co-according to greg gutfeld the national -- >> but, greg, that's bodycam video. i'd appreciate your vote. >> greg: there you go. isn't that nice? all right, rob, first, do you have a leftover joe biden joke you would like to share with us. >> rob: just seems so weird now. now i said i was so excited -- i said sometimes he speaks in code like where he's saying something like the queen, you know, god save the queen. it's like bring eva longoria back covered in chocolate chip minute ice cream.
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>> greg: i see where you're going with that. >> rob: it would have been better. where's your local story from? >> rob: i'm a current california tax refugee residing in arizona, my new home, and being asian this caught my attention, us customs and border protection made an unusual seizure of fish partsment by the way asians and i can speak being the only part asian person here, if it swims, crawls, flies, we will eat it. any part, it doesn't matter. the only thing that flies we don't eat, airplane. >> greg: you know what's interesting -- thank god for that. there has to be a genetic predeliction for disgust. people have a higher threshold for disgust. i have a low threshold so i can't eat anything that moves. >> rob: there's a word for that. >> greg: what? >> rob: starvation.
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disgust for starvation it super seeds. most of the stuff, like the endangered species stuff whether it's rhino horns, it's all going to korea. it's always some asian guy, you know, beep [bleep] let's just be honest, it's worth it. even if it's one rhino if he has to die for one asian, it's worth it. sorry rhino. because usually women don't want to bang us asians but if they ever do we're ready. >> greg: there you go. >> rob: we're ready to go baby. >> greg: he's a true rhino. last word you kat >> kat: so mine's from wisconsin where i'm not from and have also never been. because it's in the midwest and i'm on the show every day. so you can get paid to eat cheese. and everyone's like that's so cool you get paid to eat cheese. no it's not. you only get paid $15 an hour it's only nine hours a week but
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you have to go there. so you have to like revolve your life out of eating cheese at a separate destination. >> greg: why do they want you to eat cheese? you're testing it? >> kat: you describe like what the cheese tastes like. you have to taste about 24 cheese samples and 12 pizzas a week for like $135 a week where you have to pay for gas to go there. probably some days you get off and you're like i don't want to eat cheese today. i want to just blow my brains out. but you can't because you've got to eat cheese. >> greg: yeah, tough. >> kat: you take something beautiful and destroy it. >> greg: stringy brains coming out of your head >> kat: i don't think that's what brains look like. never shot anyone, by the way. >> greg: i don't know who won that one. >> bambi. >> greg: bambi, there you go. up next novels trade studs for wimpy duds.
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♪ >> a story in five words ♪ >> greg: romance novels ditch the hunks. kat publishers weekly say a new generation of romance books are transitioning, there's that word, to soft masculinity featuring sweet, soft and supportive man and not the hard bodied fab yo types we've seen h in the past. do we have any of the new n covers? i thought we might.
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what do you make of this kat? does this destroy your love e for -- those were the old school. do we have the new school? look at them now. see the one on the right? there you go guys >> kat: okay, yeah, i think fabf yo wroteir this, first of all. also, i didn't really -- it didn't convince me of its conclusion. because it was like romance novels are going woke.ok there's a man on the cover holding a latte. i'm like is a latte woke. >> greg: look at the difference obviously on the left you have a real man and on the other one you have some kind of kilmeade-esque atrocity. rob is this fab yo phobia. >> rob: first of all i know fab yo and he's hurt by this. >> greg: i love fabio he's been on our show. >> rob: he got his citizenship h the same day my wife did. >> greg: do you think there's something going on. >> rob: he came up to me and picked me up. we know people that do that, i'e going to pick you up now, okay,
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here w e go.i but fei feel for him losing worb but then again sounds like i might be gaining work. i've softened up for a reason finally paying off. >> greg: hemmer you're a hard bodied hunk. are you worried they're going to start doing this with news t anchors. >> bill: i'm jushit glad you finally admitted it. this is kind of like alpha beta, alpha male beta male. you send the beta male to my subway stop, good luck, right? you send the beta male to the homeless guy on the corner, good luck, all right? we're going to mafa, let's make americ a fabio again. >> greg: i was trying tog foll that, make america fabio again. i like
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gus. i just called you gus. >> that's his dog's name. >> greg: that's my dog's name. it didn't even register. i just called you gus. i i can't believe, and you just went with it.yo you don't care anymore, do you? >> guy: i really don't. i'm just adding it to the hr file, greg. getting thicker and thicker everity time i get on this show. >> greg: called you because because seen you on all fours. >> i'mou your witness >> kat: you are going to be so richem. >> i can't wait for the rap to get their hands on that. >> guy: feel free to keep going. i was going to say these books have to be terrible, like the lovee scenes in the books. like dozens of pages of him a stopping at every sexual increment to get a signed consent form from the woman and then they take an intercourse break so he can softly sob for half an hour. you're actually right. a in these books, what is it 50
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shades of gray, a lot of the sex is kind of bordering on like i'm not ready, like the old -- i'm going to take -- you can't do that >> kat: you read 50 shades of gray? >> greg: no. >> he'>>s saying if he did. >> greg: yeah. >> kat: you brought it up. >> greg: you're kink shaming me >> kat: i would never. >> greg: i'm. saying you can't n have that kind of instinctual sex because that's considered not consensual ijust say you're against kink shaming. >> greg: i'm a against kink shaming. >> guy: okaysham. i'm not sure about that. >> greg: don'tn' go away we'll be right back. s.ack.
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♪ he was in his thirties. 55 and far from home. 15 years old, with multiple disabilities. it was a traumatic brain injury. he's bilingual, but lost his english after the stroke. several surgeries led to his swallowing disorder. his goal was to get back to work. i use french during therapy. others, almost gave up on the goal of him eating. oh, he was dedicated. together, we built his life back. social interaction was the key to helping him. and he made it back to work. when he ate, his friends cheered. everyone has the right to communicate. and later, he was able to travel across the world to his family. are you or someone, you know, experiencing a speech, language or swallowing disorder? an asha certified speech language pathologist can help.
1:59 am
visit us at the mosquitoes are just all over the- quiet, please. okay. wow... hey! i said get a pro. i did get a pro. an orkin pro. i got you. got mosquitoes? don't call any pro, call the orkin pro.
2:00 am
>> greg: we're out of time.ka rob t schneider, bill hemmer, g benson, kat timpf. we love you america! ♪ >> a fox news alert. the clock is ticking to rescue five people on board a submersible during a dive to view the titanic site. they say the vessel has enough oxygen to possibly keep them alive about three and a half more days. >> an underwater rescue of this magnitude has never been done before. it would be the deepest recovery mission in history at an estimated depth of about 13,000 feet below the ocean surface. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this tuesday morning i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: and i'm todd piro. friends and family say the people o


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