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tv   Fox News Tonight  FOX News  June 20, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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france. there's enough boycotts going on with mexico and the threatened boycott of canada. carol from montana, my husband and i want to go to mexico this summer. can travel advisory still active. only during spring break season. we revoked the advisory. despite my producer breaking it. always remember, this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> hello, and welcome to "fox news tonight." i'm kayleigh mcenany. james comer that he has just seen two additional fbi documents pertaining to the alleged biden family's foreign bribery scheme. he will share what he found. there will be in just a moment. but first, surprise, surprise. today we learned hunter biden, bogut he got eight sweetheart deal from his dad's department of justice. who would have guess that?
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hunter will plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors but he cut a deal on the felony gun charge. find that interesting. of hunter's dad, he talks a lot about enforcing the laws. >> president biden: it is time we establish universal background checks. we also established that zero-tolerance policy for rogue gun dealers. now instead of a slap on the risk of their license is revoked. you have a lot of gun dealers who are engaged in shady actions. guess what. it used to -- used to get a fine. now they lose their license. >> kayleigh: shady interactions? sounds like hunter biden. well, joe wants to enforce gun laws. start with your son. hunter, he allowed haley biden his sister-in-law who he was intimate with to throw one of his handguns into a trashcan across the street from a high school. sounds say. hunter was not charged with a
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crime. instead, the secret service, they covered it up for him. and according to a doj press release, "on or about october 12, 2018, through october 23rd, 2018, hunter biden possessed a firearm despite knowing he was an unlawful user of an addicted to a controlled substance." well, that is a felony. if convicted, that means hunter should be what is called a prohibited person. prohibited from buying a firearm. but hunter, he got what is called a pretrial diversion agreement. as bloomberg law notes, this could lead to weapons the defense being dropped if he complies with certain conditions for a period of time. wow. you take a 20-year-old kid in chicago gets a deal like this? no. guess what he gets. he gets a fairly. but hunter, he walked. a former doj official told me earlier today, i would never allow a pretrial diversion agreement for a crack user may be marijuana, but not crack or
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cocaine or heroin. but hunter, he is special. he is a biden. how can you claim the moral high ground on guns when you have a habitual crack addict buying and possessing a weapon. you can't, joe. president joe biden, he has no moral high ground. he was busy tipping the scales of justice. >> president biden: i'm confident. >> reporter: sir, there is something personal affecting you. your son could be charged by your department of justice. how will that impact your presidency? >> president biden: my son has done nothing wrong. i trust him. i have faith in him and it impacts my presidency by making me feel proud of him. >> jesse: and. >> kayleigh: and hunter knew it. >> what is it about can you say anything -- >> i can say this. him cooperating completely and i'm absolutely certain, 100% certain that at the end of the investigation that i will be
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cleared of any wrongdoing. >> reporter: you are 100% certain? >> 100% certain. all i can do is cooperate and trust in the process. >> kayleigh: former president trump, he knew, too. >> i called this one too. and i said that hunter will probably be charged with some minor offense like jaywalking. so that the fbi and the doj can pretend that they are fair. oh, we got a hunter. so while they are going after me under the espionage act, that is like the creation of missiles in your basement. [laughter] they got him for nothing. >> kayleigh: and now the liberal media hyenas are trying to use the hunter sweetheart deal to shut down the biden investigation altogether. >> now we are seeing hunter biden take responsibility and plead guilty. >> this is a day of closure for
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the president's family. >> historic in and of itself though it may not satisfy some critics of the president and his son who will be looking for perhaps more blood here. >> republicans have been trying to stir up conspiracy theories left and right. one after another have been disproven. they don't like the fact. they love conspiracy theories. well, this is another one that did not play out for him. >> it will cut to hunter biden as being someone with a criminal record and they will insist that the biden justice department gave him simply a slap on the wrist. >> this is not some sweetheart deal but this is pretty sta standard. >> kayleigh: those nasty republicans looking for blood. the media that they a running cover a running cover photo the bidens. the white house, they worked to portray hunter as a victim. in a statement, the white house said it is. the president and first lady love their son and support him as he continues to rebuild his life. we will have no further comment. so hunter biden is just a guy trying to rebuild his life.
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that is the message that the president declared a few hours ago. now that he is proud of his son. [overlapping speakers] >> president biden: i'm very proud of my son. her to hunter's lawyers, they even declared, hunter deserves fewer empathy. >> there are people who treated him very poorly and i know hunter struggled in a lot of ways and i wish people -- i understand he is the son of the president of united states. all of us have family members that have struggled with addiction and other issues. i know it is hard to have empathy for that. but a lot of people showed no empathy. that is not a legal issue. is the world. >> kayleigh: look at these photos from his laptop. is this someone you feel sorry for? i don't. this is a guy who flew around the world making money off his dad's influence and power. you want to know who i feel empathy for? i feel empathy for the thousands of average americans without fancy lawyers, they don't have well-connected families, but
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they incur the full wrath of the american criminal justice sy system. let's bring in senator ted cruz. senator cruz to welcome. >> good to be with you. >> kayleigh: good to have you. is a 20-year-old chicago, does he get the deal that hunter biden got? >> of course not. today is a really sad day for the rule of law and every american who cares about justice ought to be outrage. what happened today is three things in one's. number one it is cronyism. number two, it is camouflage and number three, corruption. let's start with cronyism. this would not happen if hunter's last name is anything other than biden. if he is hunter smith, he is doing hard time. it is only because daddy is present that he gets this sweetheart deal with no jail time whatsoever. number two, it is camouflage. listen, i predicted months ago that what happened today is exactly what would happen. i do every week a podcast, three
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days a week and what i said on verdict is i said merrick garland is going to indict hunter biden because he wants to be able to say, look how evenhanded i am. i indicted a biden. i indicted a truck and i said there's going to be a child for whether they actually care about enforcing the law. if they go after some sticky tack tax offense or on crime and they make it all personal and they isolate it just, the hunter biden, then you know this is just about the biden department of justice departing -- pretending to be evenhanded. the third thing it is and the most troubling thing it is is corruption because the purpose of this indictment is what you just played a minute ago. it is for the media to say, it is all over. don't look into the big guy and the reason this is on the news ron moquett the reason we are talking about this, it is not that hunter biden is some troubled soul with substance abuse issues. it is that he sold access to his
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father who was vice president of the united states who was president of was president of the united states and the evidence of corruption of joe biden personally making millions of dollars is growing and growing and growing in the biden project -- and the biden justice department is doing everything they can to cover up and stonewall and hide. >> kayleigh: no doubt about that. sensenator cruz, though, what, though, what do you say average person sitting at home, who is frustrated, who says this is elitism, says, where does this end, who produced this go from here? how do you give that person hope? >> look, the only real hope is that you have got to win elections. you got a clean house at the doj and the fbi. we have seen the biden department of justice is i think the most politicized we have ever seen in this country. merrick garland sadly is the most political and partisan attorney general we have ever seen. and it has done an enormous damage to the integrity of doj and the fbi. i am an alumnus of doj.
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the department of justice has a long history of being a political, of applying the law fairly and one standard of law for everyone. what is clear with merrick garland is there's one standard of law if your name is donald j. trump and a totally different standard if your name is biden or if your name is hillary clinton. then the rules don't apply to you and you get sweetheart deals and that is really dangerous when the machinery of government just becomes a weapon to attack your political opponents. >> kayleigh: yeah, if you are pro-life, you are out. you are a catholic, you are out. you are a parent at a school board meeting, you are out. senator ted cruz, bralen. thank you. >> thanks, kaylee. >> kayleigh: after news of the deal was made for, chair james comer pledge to continue his committee's investigation into the family's business dealings made today. so far, he went over to the fbi a few hours ago. comer reviewed two additional sensitive fbi documents about
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the biden's alleged foreign bribery scheme. congressman james comer of kentucky joins us exclusively to share what he saw on the documents. chairman comer what did you see? >> unfortunately, we saw a lot of reductions in these documents. i would estimate that 55 to 60% of the two documents were redacted. also, the way i knew about these two documents and the fbi initially denied having was they were put footnotes in the original document that the whistleblower brought to grassley a and i in the footnot, they were -- they referenced two other 1023's. the two documents that they provided to me today that were heavily redacted, the one thing that was not redacted was the date and both doses were 2017. so i asked him to bring me the 2018, to -- when it was just a complete waste of my time. it is another example of the fbi stalling, stonewalling, doing everything they can to obstruct the house oversight committee's
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credible investigation of biden bribery. >> kayleigh: so what do you do? do you threaten to hold grand contempt of congress again? >> jim jordan and i had this conversation. we have a lot of questions for director wray pertaining to the 1023's. we also have a lot of questions for the u.s. attorney in denver. -- delaware. the last line in his statement said this is an ongoing investigation. that is important because the reason the fbi will turn vote -- turn over the 1023 forms and was in the treasury company won't let me have those suspicious activity reports detailed the bidens involved in money laundering schemes is because they say it is part of an ongoing investigation. >> kayleigh: so they are stonewalling. congressman good what do you do? do you offer -- i'm going to hold you in attempt to contempt again? >> we are discussing our opt options. it is. september is a big month. we are going to have to stick together as republicans and cut
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this budget to where we hold these people accountable. that is the only way to do that in this town. would have exercised every option. we will use the contempt option. we will use the impeachment option. we will use any option. but i think the most realistic option to get rid of these people, to get you people in place in these deep state bureaucracies is to cut their budget. so i think the house of representatives committed to doing that. i hope that senator cruz and senator rubio and rand paul and those guys can hold the line in the senate and help us do that in the senate. >> kayleigh: so you can cut their budget may be uterine to hold ray contempt of congress and last time you were on with me you said you laid out very methodically how you're going to go about this and how you think this will result in subpoenas. the thing that happens this year. >> yes, i do. >> kayleigh: this year? wow. >> we are bringing in devon archer. he was a key in other deals that
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the biden's were involved in. we have a question that has never been entered by joe biden. what did your family do to receive millions and millions of dollars from romania and from china? we are also going to be asking questions when we reveal the next set of bank records that pertain to wires from russia and ukraine. what exactly did the biden family members do to receive millions of dollars that were laundered through shell companies that then went directly to biden family members? the president will not answer the question in the mainstream media will not demand that he be transferred with that. >> kayleigh: final question for you. this hunter biden situation today and the sweetheart deal is this going to impede you from getting bank records? can they now say this is tied up in an ongoing investigation or a court case or can you pierce through that somehow. >> i think i'm still going to be able to get the bank records. the lawyers said today that this was the end of it. if this is the end of it, then they need to get out of our way and try to -- in trying to block
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us. we're going to proceed. i don't think this will have any negative impact on our investigation. the american people will know the truth not because of the fbi but because of the work on the house oversight committee. >> : , the american people are depending on you. >> thank you. >> kayleigh: we have a lot to impact. former vice president mike pence joins us straight ahead to share his reaction to the news for the very first time. that is next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: it is not hard to see that there is a two tiered system of justice in this country. the president of the no states owned son gets off easy for a number of crimes and he escorts joe time. it seems like there is a pattern. if you are a democrat, you can break the law. if you are a republican, you can so much as breathe without the fbi based on your. former vice president mike pence ended up triggering chuck todd. >> i have to tell you after seeing hillary clinton get a pass by the justice department. >> no, no, no, jeff sessions had another u.s. attorney look into everything and did not bring charges.
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>> james comey in the run up to the election, you know, chuck. >> i understand that. >> hillary clinton was given a pass and then we went to and a half years through a russian investigation and we now know from the durham report should have never been -- >> kaylei vice president mike pence is now in 2024 presidential candidate. welcome, mr. vice president. >> thanks for having me on. >> kayleigh: it is an honor. your reaction to the hunter biden news. >> look to i mean, i like tens of millions of americans concerned as i said on that power program, about the two-tiered system of justice like one set of rules for republicans and one set of rules for democrats, and with all the issues that continue to swirl, around the biden family, the congressman comer announced today on their programming, new revelations. i have a sense that while i
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welcome these charges and the guilty plea, i have a sense that this will do very little to really the concerns of millions of americans that we just simply don't have equal treatment under the law and i am encouraging every member of congress to continue to do their job, use the power of the purse as congressman comer said to get to the bottom of these issues. use their oversight authority. but i'm also calling on the department of justice to finish your work. they released a statement today that the investigation is ongoing. and i think was all of the accusations coming off of that laptop that was suppressed by big tech and big media and the biden campaign going into 2020 election, i'm calling on the justice department to do their job. but bottom line, bottom line is the only way we're going to fix this is with new leadership and the white house, it is one of
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the reasons i'm running for president of the united states. if i have the privilege of serving back at the white house where you and i both observed, kaylee, i promise you we are going to clean house across all of the senior levels of the department of justice and the fbi and we are going to settle a group of men and women of integrity, that are respected on both sides of the hour for their dedication to equal treatment under the law. >> kayleigh: very important. you know, going back to your time in the administration, all four years i was there and the final year as white house press secretary. i sat in the situation room and i watch you lead the coronavirus task force. and i watered a lot since then. your assessment of vice president kamala harris because there is some discontent among democrat circles, people who think she is not quite up to the job. what are your thoughts on the vice president? >> i know the top of vice president pretty well, kayleigh. [laughs] it is a demanding job.
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it is clear that vice president harris has lost the confidence of president joe biden. look, her first assignment was the border and we continue to go to worst border crisis in american history. all that being said, look, there's only one place in the white house the buck stops. and every crisis that we are facing in this country is a man-made crisis and that man's name is joe biden. whether it is the gusher of spending that much the worst inflation in 40 years whether it is and doing everything we did at the border and that created the crisis there that were on energy or the disastrous withdraw from afghanistan, i have to tell you, my focus in our campaign for president is going to be foursquare on the man who has failed and weakened america at home and abroad and that is president joe biden. >> kayleigh: since the american people agree with you on the assessment, another thing that comes to mind, i have -- i am committed to the pro-life. so, too, are you. i was in kansas recently. as you remember, they had this
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ballot initiative that failed. but one thing that stood out to me as interesting was some of the data. i was looking today. new voter registration among young women skyrocketed in kansas when the dog's decision was the -- decided. it drew more voters to the polls than i were in the history of kansas. meanwhile across the country, every pro-life ballot initiative has failed since dobbs and i were there what will your case be to young people across this country on the issue of abo abortion. >> well, first this coming saturday, we are going to mark the one-year anniversary of an historic decision with three of the justices that our administration appointed to the supreme court. we sent roe versus wade to the ash heap of history where it belongs. i'm so proud of nearly 20 states around the country that advance the cause of the right to life. over the last year.
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we celebrate that, as you know, kayleigh, i'm pro-life. i won't apologize for it. there's no question in my mind that what we need today is an unapologetic advocacy of the right to life. we need to take our case to every corner of this country and i mean, we need to express compassion and principal and as a candidate for president for the rest of my life i promise you however long it takes, we are going to continue to work until we restore the sanctity of life to the center of american law in every state of this country. >> kayleigh: do you think that will include federal legislation on the issue of life? >> well, there's a lot of misnomer on that including some other candidates for the republican nomination this time around. a lot of people are saying this was a return only to the states. look, you know, the dobbs decision a year ago we the question of abortion to the states and the american people. the american people elected president, kayleigh. the american people i like congressmen and senators and i
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would support it without hesitation senator lindsey graham proposal for a 15-week threshold. that would more align american law with most of the country's those countries in europe that frankly limit abortion past 12 to 15 weeks. 15-week ban at the national level, i believe, is worthy of support. coming to our laws at the national level today are more align with china, north korea and iran. we can do better than the. but the reality is this probably mostly going to be settled at the state level and i promise you and all the time i have left in my life, not just in this campaign. i'm going to be a champion for life. >> kayleigh: vice president pence, you probably don't remember. before my first white house press briefing, i had a lot of trepidation and he looked at me and motioned towards me with spraying hand and i want to thank you for that. it meant a lot. former president -- former vice president my pence, thank you. a quick programming reminding. we are asking candidates for
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president, one questioned nobody else will. we have asked them to sign in their responses on video and we have gotten quite a few. we will share their responses right here starting tomorrow. frantic search still underway for the titanic tourist submarine that remains stranded in the atlantic. the clock is ticking before their rescue might be too late. the very latest next. ♪ ♪ my mental health was much better, but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. ingrezza is a prescription medicine to treat adults with td movements. ingrezza is different. it's the simple, once-daily treatment proven to reduce td that's #1 prescribed. people taking ingrezza can stay on their current dose of most mental health meds. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to any of
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>> kayleigh: time is running out for the rescue of those aboard that sub. >> reporter: the premise of the five people aboard the sub have been notified that there is roughly 33 to 38 hours of oxygen left onboard the vessel meaning they will likely run out sometime thursday morning between 3:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. eastern time. u.s., canadian, and french authorities have not expanded the search area to some 10,000
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square miles. that is about the size of connecticut. it is important to note that weather in the area has not been good. meaning visibility on the surface of the water and beneath the water is a very bad. and if the sub is down near the wreckage of the titanic, some 12,500 feet deep, it is pitch black, complicating things even more. retired u.s. navy captain army canadian and the search and rescue expert who will also be on fox news @ night coming up says he believes there -- they are approaching the search almost as if they were looking for an attack submarine. first using sonar buoys that can listen to moses up to 30,000 feet deep. if the titan sub sends out a ping or any other significant noise, it would be picked up. there has been a lot of speculation that the taking vessel may have suffered some type of catastrophic implosion because when you are that deep, the pressure is around 6,000 pounds per square inch. captain craig young says the implosion would be very loud and would likely be picked up on
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sonar. and that it is just as possible that sub is floating somewhere between the titanic wreckage and the surface of the water. if the people on board are still alive, they would be bagging on the hall with hard objects to make as much noise as possible. we are told the best case scenario is if the titan is stuck on something attached to the titanic, and that it could somehow be freed and brought to the surface. they are using remotely operated vehicles to survey the bottom but it is unclear if those are obese, actually be used to free that missing vessel. other equipment including submersibles should be on scene tomorrow. but kayleigh, right now, time is not their friend. >> kayleigh: wow, scary stuff. trace gallagher, thank you. you can kachmar from trace midnight on "fox news at night." climate mechanism is a religious movement for some liberals who have lost god.
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ecotourism and vandalism as you see there. climate zealots think there's no shame destroying great works of art. in fact, you have done something wrong by not joining in with them. watch congresswoman rashida tlaib egging on these radicals. >> just continue this. you know, we don't get the policies we need if the legislative process is failing us. >> kayleigh: this same group called karma defines was kicked out of an event where jennifer granholm was promoting the green agenda. that apparently is not radical enough. but the most devoted democrats make it religious. party's climate czar, john kerry, had the audacity while visiting their. i wonder if he took a private jet. he was visiting the actual pope to claim that his own climate agenda was a "christian obligation."
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i think his wife is, to reach. no matter what democrats do, it is never enough. monica crowley is former assistant secretary of the secretary and host of the monica crowley podcast. welcome. >> great to be here. >> kayleigh: you have her on the call with 2500 activists and she is saying, i was being -- i was saying be aggressive. it sounds like a dog whistle. >> and the radical left has been interested in the green agenda and climate change and they keep redefining what actually that means because the data keeps changing. i mean, the science has not settled here at all. to keep trying to redefine it and at its base, you talked about how it is a secular religion and that is absolutely true. at its face, climate change and the green agenda is an economic policy. the reason why the left keeps going after fossil fuels, they keep attacking our energy sector is because the energy sector is the biggest lever available to them to fundamentally transform
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u.s. economy away from economic freedom toward a more command marks this kind of model. so when they have that line of attack going, they are never going to let it go because they can attack small businesses which they do. they can attack all kinds of elements of the u.s. economy but the energy sector is the biggest of them all at once they gain control over that, with this green agenda, then they can really transform the u.s. economy, take away your economic freedom but also change the very native of america. >> kayleigh: i think you're right and maybe we can pop up those images were more time because i want to zero in on monica, this is civil disobedience. they are shutting down highways, vandalism and i got to wonder, where is the fbi because they are out there arresting i think it is 84 pro-lifers. they can somehow find the people attacking catholic churches. i don't know about you, monica. this looks bright and sunny. merrick garland, some of these
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are broad. that was happening domestically are happening during the day. >> the doj and fbi are too busy targeting a former president, donald trump, and, you know, railroading january 6th defendant. they can't actually be focused on real crimes like this. all of these people engage in this kind of vandalism in the name of climate change, this is all a fraud. and these people should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and in particular, those climate activists who were destroyed priceless works of art in europe and elsewhere, they are trying to make a point but keep in mind, it is not about the climate. this is about trying to slam the great reset and a more marxist kind of economic model. one world government. and they are just using climate as the topline argument. >> kayleigh: no doubt because if they were, john kerry would not be on the private jet if it is truly about the climate. he would be on a boat with greta thunberg. but i'm still waiting for that
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day. thank you. colin kaepernick, he has found a new way to enrich himself while trashing the country. we will tell you about what it is. ♪ ♪ - i'm sherry - and i'm john. i'm a pharmacist. as we were starting to age, it's like, well how can we help our cognitive abilities? we saw prevagen. i did read the clinical study and went ahead and gave it a try. i feel that prevagen is helping me with overall clarity and as a pharmacist, i've recommended it to, not only just customers, but also to friends and family as a safe product to try. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. i don't know how long it's been there. long enough to produce eggs, it seems. it would appear that it has begun moving towards us! visionworks. see the difference. ♪ the only thing i regret about my life was hiring local talent. if i knew about upwork.
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: america's favorite champagne socialists, colin kaepernick, is editing a book with two self-professed marxist academics. the book argues that "black liberation is not possible under capitalism." let's not forget kaepernick signed a multi-year, multimillion dollar endorsement deal with nike after he already left the nfl. capitalism seems to be going well for him. he made tens of millions playing football and according to daily mail, he had a $5.4 million home in vegas. will cain is cohost of "fox & friends weekend." he seems to be doing quite alright. >> will: yeah, and don't forget, kayleigh, he called the nfl basically modern-day plantation
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and it was water day form of slavery that he tried several times in trials. he was not allowed back on that mentation in his own discretion. contact -- colin kaepernick has been a count. but i want to say, at least colin kaepernick is consistent. i think he is actually getting somewhat educated on the black liberation movement. he is all in on it. the black liberation movement for the better part of half a century has been intricately tied to marxism. it was directly tied to the ussr through much of the 20th century and not just in america but all over the globe as racial tension was fomented by the soviets in order to divide societies and then implant boxes ideology. don't you think it fascinating that in all the anti-colonialist movements, they never argued to go back to the days before western colonialization. he only argued for a different type of western colonialization.
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marxism. and marxism was to play here at home when it came to malcolm x and others in the united states of america. so kaepernick is educated on the intricate ties and we should be as well. after george floyd, we all acted like and wanted to believe it was this empathetic, you know, kumbaya everyone, let's get along. but what we learned frequently with blm is there's a deeper ideology under all of this that wants to upset not just capitalism about the foundations of the united states of america. kaepernick was consistent. he does not like america. and he is telling us here with a bit more education and a bit more honesty, he likes some types of marxist black liberation vision of the future. >> kayleigh: you know what: does not like? he does not like facts. when you make an argument like marxism. the wall street journal pointed out that under former president trump, conservative policies, capitalist policies, you saw a hispanic real median income, up
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7.1%, black median income 7.9%. asian, the same. foreign-born workers, more so than white families. these are facts. but another another fact is you got colin kaepernick. he has had this left-leaning ideology. he kneeled. we all saw that. you have this guy, anthony bass, in major-league baseball, toronto blue jays. he endorsed the bud light boycott. and he wrote a piece on guess which athlete is being punished for his views. it is anthony bass he had to apologize. he gets demoted to aaa and he is released. you can have an ideology, just has to be a marxist one, i guess. >> that is exactly right. the love your vax. here is one fact i would add. what we have to understand about marxism is it is not actually the pursuit of widespread success. you just measured out, you gave us facts about the way that
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various minorities in america's -- americans succeed under president trump. the widespread success is not the goal. the goal is -- it used to be what they would have called a quality. now it is equity. but we know that means is kaepernick has made millions. and not just in football, and sponsorship, in every other endeavor that he has had. what he is advocating for is equality for everyone just more equality for him. he is about the enrichment as every marxist is of themselves while selling equality to the masses. >> kayleigh: same story you three -- you see throughout history. will cain, thank you. the american medical association has just announced, get this, that body mass index is a racist health metrics. you heard me write. that and more absurd stories after the break. ♪ ♪ ase for years and the pain in the back of your eye
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air travel is increasingly becoming a total nightmare mainly because of stories like this one. a man is now going viral on tiktok for filming his revenge against an annoying traveler who put her smelly feet underneath his seat. here's how he dealt with it. the only way he thought he could. he poured a drink on her feet. it seemed to work. she quickly pulled her feet back. interesting tactic. raymond arroyo is a fox news analyst and also an airline etiquette expert and he joins us. raymond. >> i do have my rules for travel, kayleigh. here is rule number one. do not put your stinky feet anywhere near your fellow passengers. don't even take your shoes off. we don't need our pretzels with a side of tow cheese. but if you do encounter something like this, just call the stewardess. that's not a permission slip to attack your fellow travelers with soda or anything else. just called the attendant and let them take care of it.
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>> i don't know. i am not endorsing pouring a soda on anyone, but i can tell you if i had a baby bottle right there and i saw a foot by it, i may think about the soda on the foot. i may. mama bear may show up. >> all right. >> is that all right? >> you won't see my feet on your i'll. don't worry. >> i certainly hope not. here's the next one. you will love this. the american medical association announced that body mass index is a races metric according to the ama. bmi does not appropriately represent racial and ethnic minorities. raymond? >> kayleigh, i don't even understand this. bmi, body mass index is just an objective metric. it is your weight divided by your height and there is a formula that the physician goes through. it applies to everybody equally. it would be like heartbeat or height or any other objective
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metric. i am half hispanic. i don't ask my cardiologist to give me a few extra beats because i got assaulted. it doesn't. that way. you have to have a standard for everybody. they say this is racial exclusion because it is generations of data taken from white people. okay. the ama should go out and take data from the general population and see if that changes the equation in any way. but bmi is bmi. if you are over a certain threshold, you are obese or fat. you have to deal with it. it is not healthy or good for you. >> part of me kind of understood the explanation on some level. i get the aggregated data. this is a health metric. we have to make sure it represents everyone fairly. however, i think the skepticism comes with the changing science. like covid, everything changed. kids can't go to school and now they can go to school. heartbeat. stacey abrams as there is no heartbeat at six weeks.
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esther has been trying to convince you he owns her body and it's a manufactured noise. the science changes. that's the skepticism. >> we have to have a standard metric. we cannot shift faced on the race of the person or their gender or ideology or anything else. this is health. there is a standard metric and we have to stick to it. whatever it is. let's agree upon it and say this is healthy, this isn't. the outcomes will be the same, kayleigh. you deal with cancer and heart problems and all the other comorbidities that, with obesity. that's just the way it is. >> i heard that all the time from dr. fauci, the science. this one is right up your alley, ramen raymond. a california restaurant owner found a new highly legal way to test his employee's oil loyalty. he has confession with a fake priest. he was under some sort of investigation so he needed to coax something out of his employees was the deal.
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the employees started to suspect something was wrong when the priest kept asking them over and over again work related questions like if they had ever stolen from their boss. the department of labor says it's one of the most corrupt acts they have seen. raymond, as a practicing catholic and very strong in your faith, would you be able to suss out a fake priest? >> i think i probably could. these people obviously did. give them credit for ingenuity and creativity. i guess it was either this or the aliens have arrived. unless you spill the beans on your coworkers they will take you to mars. they figured bring the priest in. we've heard of the sisters of perpetual indulgence. meet the father of perpetual indolence. who knows at this point? the fake priest could be honored by the dodgers next week. it was in sacramento. we will see what happens. this is an outrageous story of religious impersonation being used to steal from workers. this guy had taken $140,000 in wages and tips from his workers.
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the labor department is demanding that that be given back to those people. to use a fake priest in this way, shame on them. >> if he changed his gender maybe he wouldn't have liability anymore. thank you. tomorrow night florida governor ron desantis joins us here exclusively. tune in. have a great evening. sean "hannity" is next with his town hall with senator scott. welcome to "hannity". tonight we are in beautiful myrtle beach south carolina. we have a massive crowd here tonight. great to see you all. thank you all for coming. in just a moment 2024 presidential candidate senator tim scott will join us for our townhall. but first, big news today. your federal government has betrayed you. it's a


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