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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 21, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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women and men. >> i'm putting it into context of the conversation we're having. >> is that a yes? i'm trying to get a yes or no. >> there are definitions for biological sex. >> you're not answering. >> laura: ted cruz you don't want to go up against him, human rights are women's rights and women's rights are, anybody's guess? gutfeld is next. ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ >> greg: yes! yes, yes! oh, what a sexy audience. yeah. all right, happy wednesday, everyone. so great news out of nyc this week, i made it another week
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without being murdered. but also four nypd transit cops caught an alleged killer and a suspected serial slasher in under just 24 hours. [cheers and applause] >> greg: about time, huh? it wasn't that hard since they were both wearing i heart murder and slashing t-shirts. but, seriously, you won't believe how the police did this. they used this amazing technology, pictures. yep, the cops recognized both the perps from internal department wanted posters. it's may i seeing how the whole thing works. you have a guy's description and then you circulate it. and that helps you catch the guy. it's insane. pretty awesome. except, well, we really don't do that anymore. that's why i bring it up. mug shots, as you know, are now considered racist. just like everything else is
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racist. now, you've got to remember, after the george floyd riots, one of the first things to go when we decided policing was evil was the use of mug shots. san francisco police chief william scott announced it early on. they would no longer release mug shots of those arrested unless they posed eminent danger to the public. now, i know, i know. isn't that why they're under arrest in the first place? no. they're under arrest because we're all bigots. you racist homophobic transphobic meat eating monster. but yes apparently there's compelling research suggesting a correlation between mug shots and a perception of bias. translation, if a picture was once worth a thousand words, now it's just four. nothing to see here. now they're not the only city with such a policy, it's everywhere. it's like all liberal city governments spin a wheel and every answer's the same. racism. but wouldn't releasing the mug shots lead to transparency?
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to see if these arrest resist actually justified? yeah, yeah, only a racist would say that. your white hood's probably at the dry cleaners. look, there's no need to recount san francisco's horror. not when they talk about the big one. it's never about an earthquake, it's after a sidewalk pooper eats tacos. the list of companies fleeing that town is longer than the list of kat's exes. and according to the wall street journal, hotels in san fran are selling so cheap crack houses are complaining about the declining property value. they turned a city with beautiful weather and an economy worth billions into a third world hell hole where will the only hope is an earthquake. the city's a metaphor taken to their logical end where criminals do as they please and residents are told that's life in the big city t i was thinking
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i should move back to the bay area and become a war lord but i still can't afford a one bedroom. [laughter] >> greg: fact is ignoring mug shots as your city hits rock bottom is pretending your gang green will go away if you don't look at it. first they told you not to believe your lying eyes now they want you blind. the truth for anyone with eyes the truth is the fantasy that is democratic urban policy. and i can sum up that policy quite easily. there's no such thing as evil, other than you. so, when real evil does strike, we won't bother warning you, because you're the problem, not them, and you won't see it coming so you can't stop it. look at chicago last weekend after 75 people were shot, and 23 killed, including two kids. a police chief there responded, it's unfortunate. yeah, strong words. that's what i say when i forget my assistant's birthday.
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and we share the same birthday. i get two presents. but two real life dozen murders in two days bummer man. chicago mayor brandon johnson blames crime on disinvestment. funny how investors don't want to keep building stores that get set on fire. this is the pattern in our dem-run cities mayers and legislators invent new ways to handcuff the cops than hire police chiefs who will go along with this kabuki theater and kids die mostly kids of color because they can't find a mansion in a city that has law enforcement just like a black lives matter founder did d let me suggest something to the top cops out there. ignore the mayors and do your job. and to the people living in these cities thank them when they get the job done. that's what they do every time they escort me -- [cheers and applause] >> greg: i should just end there. i thank them all the time. especially after i wake up nude in the central park fountain.
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maybe, maybe one day even liberals will realize that the rose-colored classes are actually covered in blood. [cheers and applause]. >> period! >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. his life coach quit after one session. actor, writer and comedian jamie lissow! [cheers and applause] >> greg: her pronouns are top and secret, former deputy national security advisor kt mcfarland. [cheers and applause]. >> greg: he starts every joke the same way, by apologizing for the last one. comedian joe machi! [cheers and applause]. >> greg: and she's like a pair of scissors, small, sharp and it's best to never run with her. fox news contributor, kat timpf! [cheers and applause]
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>> greg: jamie, you told me that you feel bad for the criminals when their mug shots are released. >> jamie: i do feel bad because i know what this is like. >> greg: really? >> jamie: yeah, for a couple years in almost every comedy club on america i was on a most not wanted poster. so it's so much crazy stuff going -- there's nobody that's happy about all the terrible things going on in the subway system, except for uber and lyft. >> greg: they're making quite a killing. >> jamie: i literally feel like they could say like responsed by uber and lyft. who would have thought the new york city subway would be more dangerous than jared from subway. [laughter] >> jamie: did you see did one guy was -- and them getting rid of the mug shots this was the original facial recognition software. and you're forgetting one key component that they're fun to look at. >> greg: they really are. >> jamie: but the one guy who stabbed people, i don't know if you saw, he's a repeat offender.
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he robbed a bank, like he robbed a bank with a note like just like two months ago. how embarrassing would it be to be like the teller that got robbed like with a note. you know? like if you're in the break room and the one guy's like remember i got robbed with that gun? remember you got robbed and note point. >> greg: it is true. >> jamie: yeah. >> greg: the note thing is crazy. >> jamie: and you have to think that's the only note a teller's getting. right if someone has a note, that's only -- i like to have fun when i go to the bank and act super suspicious and i hand them a note and on the back it says give me all my money. >> greg: all right. >> jamie: with my account. >> greg: that was four decent jokes. yeah, yeah. better than your usual batting average. kt do you have a mug shot? do you lead a wild and crazy life? is there a mug shot --.
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>> kt: what do you think. >> greg: i think it might exist but it's probably buried. >> kt: it's classified. >> greg: yes, it is. >> kt: but, look, mug shots, so this morning at a very early morning, i click on my wall street journal subscription and what mug shot do i see? greg gutfeld. >> greg: yes. >> kt: in fact fabulous mug shots of you. the wall street journal which usually praises nobel lauer yes, it is or billionaires, has this huge puff piece about greg gutfeld, king of late night television, super star of fox news, the guy who can do any hour. i mean, it blew me away. [cheers and applause] >> greg: yeah, you're right. i saw that. i saw the article came out. it's an interesting process when people write about you because you know about the story than anybody else does because you're you and you watch the things they remove and you watch the things they put in.
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like if they want to look like they're balanced and you have a fact, they will counter that fact with a non-fact. that's what they did. but the pictures were amazing. >> joe: the mug shots were terrific. >> greg: is this a way you don't have to answer the question. >> joe: if you would like me to answer the question. here's the problem with san francisco, they don't have mug shots so if you're a chop trying to look for a bad guy tslashers, the murderers, you have no idea who they're looking for. so then it's maybe i'll look at everybody. that's impossible. what's the other choice, i'm not going to look for anybody and therefore san francisco is murder capitol. >> greg: i see that in new york i'll be going up the street and cops walk by people, the person could be doing anything, why arrest them, there's nothing i can do. joe you must love this, huh? you can do whatever you want, man. >> joe: greg, i don't commit any crimes but someone who looks just like me named tony camaro
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is quite the swashbuckler around town. i'll tell you what, greg, whenever the government wants to keep something secret, it's for their benefit, not for yours. it's the same reason i wear a shirt in the swimming pool. got a bit of a stomach hair issue. >> greg: at what age did you decide to wear a shirt in the pool? >> 12. >> greg: yeah. and you never stopped. >> joe: i'll tell you what, greg, there wouldn't be any mug shot of me at the pool, because no one's taking that photo. >> greg: what if they actually changed the mug shot, joe, and made it more positive. called it like the perpy portrait and you can wear a nice hat, like one of those old western-type portraits. >> joe: yeah where you can select the background. you can have like a mid evil one, where you have chain link and all that stuff. that's a good idea. >> greg: thank you. kat, what do you make of this?
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do you think that mug shots are racist or discriminatory >> kat: no. >> greg: no, you don't >> kat: i don't. >> greg: that's good. all right >> kat: i think it's also interesting that both of these guys basically got caught because they were trying to use public transportation without paying for it at all. which i think now criminals are going to start maybe wanting to pay for the public transportation. because, i mean, like if you've done some really bad crimes, like killing or slashing, then you might want to be like, maybe i'll pay this small amount of money to avoid getting caught. but one of the guys he had gotten kicked off the bus and the cops said that they found him on the corner on the street eating a bag of chips he bought. how do you make that circulation? not going to pay for the bus, but the chips, crucial. >> greg: how do you know he paid for them. >> joe: he probably stole them >> kat: they said bought. >> greg: you just proved the point that they've broken windows because you arrest the guy who jumps the turnstile you
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find out he's got murder. >> jamie: >> kat: that's not true there's a lot of studies. >> greg: how's it feel >> kat: feels like you don't understand the difference between antidote and empirical evidence. >> greg: empirical evidence is made of up ant dotes, that's called statistics, little lady. there you go, in your face >> kat: by being dismissive or missing my point. >> greg: no you just brought it up that the guy was busted jumping a turnstile and it turns out -- >> kat: there's comprehensive studies on the nypd that it doesn't make a difference in terms of violent crime and i think that civil liberties are crucial and we can't be giving up our own freedom. >> greg: typical communist >> kat: communists don't believe in civil liberties. >> greg: like i said. >> jamie: am i the only one who actually do have a mug shot >> kat: really. >> greg: for what. >> jamie: i got in trouble for
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peeing in a pool. >> kt: how old with were you. >> jamie: i was 16. >> kt: it was a typing pool. >> greg: i ruined your joke. sorry. i ruined your joke. >> jamie: that's okay. >> kt: you can't make it up. >> jamie: your show greg. >> greg: my show i'll ruin your [bleep] joke anytime i want. [laughter] >> greg: all right, up next, democrats are masters at ee spinningdi natural disasters. sorry about that. ♪ it kills 99% plaque bacteria. and forms an antibacterial shield. try parodontax active gum health mouthwash. sleep more deeply. and wake up rejuvenated. purple mattress's exclusive gel flex grid draws away heat,
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♪ >> greg: a forest, a forest burst into flames but it's climate change the liberal blames. yeah, the oak fire destroyed more than a hundred homes and a hundred thousand acres in
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yosemite forest last july it started with little known about its clause liberals were quick to blame it on global warming. surprised it wasn't racism trump or gluten. one says worsening drought and severe weather will only continue to put lives and property at risk from wildfire if we don't take climate action now. and here's al gore three days after it sparked jabering on about the end of the world. >> more people will be killed and the survival of our civilization is at steak. that's why the heat records are being broken all the time now. that's why the storms are stronger, why the ice is melting and why the sea level is rising and why the droughts and fires are hitting us so hard and so many other consequences. >> greg: he loves the planet so much he's starting to look like one. turns out it wasn't climate change at all. nope. it was this guy. a former fire fighter and democratic donor, edward
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whackerman. oh, man. that must have been a great last name growing up. he was arrested just last week on arson charges. whackerman reportedly donated more than $1,700 to democratic candidates and committees since 2020 and gave 400 bucks to the lincoln project. you know it's the group of creepy never-trumpers. just look at them. they're like the most pathetic row of strip club customers ever. imagine being a lady looking down at that? i'd just slit my wrists. but it looks like whackerman was right about the threat of global warming. he just left out the part where he was the one holding the matches. and that was met with silence, joe. perhaps anticipating something you might say that will bring laughter to their hearts. >> joe: i hope so, greg. i'll tell you what, though. [laughter]
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>> greg: there you go. i knew you could do it. >> joe: greg, saying everything is caused by climate change is emotional manipulation to scare people into making them to do what you want, and it's wrong. but it's a good strategy. i use it whenever i ask a woman out. i say that if they say no that i'll kill myself. i'm just joking, they still say no. >> greg: do you ever try to trick them with a call later? i'm doughed, if you hear this phone call, i'm dead. i am dead. this phone call was recorded. and then you drive around their house like six times. you ever do that? >> joe: no, but i have, i have followed them home, yes. >> greg: and then you say ah-ha i'm not really dead, you want to still go out with me? >> joe: no, i say i was following someone else who also
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lives in your home. [laughter]. >> greg: yeah, all right. kat, are we unfair bringing up the donor's history when, in fact, it's that kind of history that causes people like him to go crazy over the climate, the whole climate issue, so maybe he deserves it. what say you? >> kat: well, i think that for the way some people have talked about climate issues, the fact that it appears to have been an arson situation, i don't think that they would say, okay, it still could be climate because of what you said, because he is so upset about the climate. or how many times have we heard that people are doing bad things because of climate change. we've heard that already. so they've kind of covered all their bases. there's nothing that can ever not be climate change if everything is. >> greg: it's like the kevin bacon of issues, right? six degrees of separation. this is just now two degrees of separation. climate change didn't cause the
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ferrics it caused the guy anxiety that led to him starting the fires. so it still took two steps to get back to climate, or three if you count kevin bacon playing a fireman. >> kat: and, unfortunately, most people don't talk about this, right? it's people have already made up their minds that it was the climate and they're not going to even think about this or address it. >> greg: that is true kt. is this the correct definition of the word ironic? or is it a --. >> kt: i was going to say hypocrite. >> greg: hypocrite's a better word. >> kt: much better word. al gore who talks about climate change all the time, he talked about it 20 years ago he said the polar ice caps would be all melted within the decade. and then you have greta thunberg saying don't even have children because the world's going to be over by then. >> greg: today was the day, i think today was the day it was supposed to end. >> kt: i do believe. what are we doing here? >> greg: i have no idea. this could all be a hologram.
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>> kt: oh, ai. we're all artificial. >> greg: i know i am. i'm as fake as they come. by the way the wildfires in canada everybody telling me they were started by arsonists and i'm pretty certain most of them are and i did research by doing none. jamie? >> jamie: i'm sorry? >> greg: did you want to --. >> kt: turns out that was the first thing everybody said, the canadian wildfires, don't go out you're going to diane it turns out it wasn't global warming it was because of the environmentalist that weren't letting them burn the underbrush. >> greg: also crazy people that were lighting the fire. >> kt: canada. >> greg:. >> greg: jamie it has to be hard to live in alaska and be an arsonist what have you done to change your interests and hobbies. >> jamie: yeah, the match just keeps going out. the only good thing is those canadian fires only burn 70% as
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intensive. that joke didn't work because of climate change. did you see, in this article, the headline of this article said that it was a ginormous inferno. to be totally honest i didn't know ginormous was a whole word. i have not heard that word since this one time i took my penis out at the park. seriously, this cop was like you're going to get a ginormous fine for that tiny thing. >> greg: there you go. >> jamie: and by the way, greg, you know in these troubling times sometimes i record some advice i like to share with people. >> greg: please. ♪ >> lisso's lessons, tips from a divorced dad. >> jamie: hey kids, do you know what the strongest part of your body is? your brain. so give it a workout and think of a really believable excuse to skip school.
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♪ >> greg: up next, we get our kicks from news the audience picks. [cheers and applause] ♪ with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at
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and to see bridget's before and after photos. ♪ >> greg: welcome back, everyone. a nasty movement is gaining ground, but is there better news to be found? yep, it's time once again for ♪ >> the audience decides the story! >> greg: you know the rules, you get two news stories and the bigger applause determines which one we'll cover. it's also how i pick which orphan gets to walk on my back. the other one's thrown in a wood thrusher. first up, according to the usda, crop conditions for corn, soybean-and wheat are on the decline this week. perhaps due to joy behar cutting out carbs. audience, do you like that
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story? all right. let's go on to another one. second topic, should you stop changing your underwear? [cheers and applause] >> greg: no surprise, dirty underwear wins. if you could see the audience, it wouldn't have been a surprise. all right. there's a new movement encouraging people to rethink how often they actually need to wash their clothes. and it's proven to be very popular and not just to flies. ha ha. many people working from home since covid have found they no longer need to constantly rewash everybody they wear every day. needless to say, there's a name for these people. smelly. advocates claim not only are you saving on detergent you're also
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helping the environment by using less water and energy. yeah, you're saving the earth by smelling like you just crawled out of it. in fact one man interviewed by the telegraph suggests you can wear the same underwear for a week without the smell becoming a problem. to you, i guess. and fans of the movement on social media say you're overestimating just how soiled your underwear becomes in 24 hours. well, that's reassuring. your dirty underpants, they're not that dirty, so just keep wearing them. that's disgusting. by cutting back on laundry, indeed will you save money on detergent but you will also save money on dates as you will most certainly die alone. kt, this is one of the reasons why you're on the show, to address topics. do you think we overwash our clothes? do you think maybe it's time to dial back, maybe do underwear every other day, maybe once
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every three days? >> kt: let me tell but the time i went to visit one of my sons at college, luke. so i walk into luke's dorm room and what do i see strewn everywhere? by the way this is cleaning up for mom. so i see the underwear over the desk, and then i see the underwear, a couple, on the floor, and then i see one near the window, and then one in the bathroom. and i said, luke, do you ever wash your underwear? and he said, well, mom, no, i air it out. because i figure that by the time, you know, it's been airing out for a couple days it's clean again. so i said do you ever wash your underwear? and he said, well, mom, you know, i go through this air it out wear it, air it out, wear it. he said when they get really dirty i throw them away and go by new ones. >> greg: he has adopted the soaking pan theory that men have with the sink. i'm not going to wash the dishes, we'll just soak them and you come back and the whole sink stinks. that's what happens when you let your underwear dry out.
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jamie, who does your laundry now that you're divorced or have you given up on that as well?. >> kt: so sexist >> kat: welcome to the show. >> greg: wait. he could have divorced a man. you don't know that. >> kt: i guess. >> greg: i think you're the sexist to assuming he was once married to a woman. >> kt: i'm so sorry. >> greg: yeah. >> jamie: it's okay. >> greg: do you still talk to jean. >> jamie: i take mine to wash and full. i was drunk one night and went mucks door to the rub and touch. but you know this story's disgusting. i'll be totally honest just because we're amongst friends if you guys promise not to tell anybody. i did not wash a pair of underwear for a whole year once. this girl left them at my house. [laughter]
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>> jamie: they were crotchless. not like sexy, she bought them at the thrift store. did you -- i could barely get through this article. there's this thing called sob nuts, instead of using soap they use this, this soap nuts. i thought soap nuts is when you're taking a shower and the water subbedening turns off. come on man i have soap nuts. come oh man i have as you said ass. >> greg: anymore? maybe quit while you're behind. >> jamie: yeah. >> greg: all right. kat, us there such a thing as being too clean? >> kat: yes. but that's not washing your underwear. i don't want to be like too harsh, but i would say if this is something you're considering, then you need to be medicated. i'm serious. you don't want to wash your underwear for a week you're in a
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depressive episode. you need to call a mental health professional. you're not washing your underwear for a week. >> greg: there was a time in my life where like doing laundry was really bad, i was living in east harlem i had to bring it to the laundry matt, all kinds of riff raff going on around, not a fun afternoon. i still was not like i don't need to wash my underwear. so thoughts and prayers to all of you, it's going to be fine but it is time to make a phone call. >> greg: joe, one of the ways around this is just not to wear underwear. >> joe: i'm one step ahead of you there, greg. [cheers and applause]. >> joe: that really shouldn't have gotten applause greg. people say don't wash your jeans more than once a year. my jeans, they say that ruins them but i have a pair of acid wash i don't remember dashes
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from 30 years ago but i don't wear them because the truents that hang outside my apartment will make fun of me. all this stuff about the environment is trying to make you live like a surf from the middle ages. don't wash your pants that's bad for the environment. don't drink cow's milk. that's putting co2 into the atmosphere. i'm going to wash my pants. you could say the same thing about human clim. i'm going to keep drinking human clim. >> greg: let's move on about critters south. plyta is proven r significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients
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♪ >> coast to coast with stories that matter most. you're watching local news with 25-time emmy award winner, chet van jansen. and now, here's chet! [cheers and applause]. >> greg: yeah. just to inform you that it's no longer 25, over the last 12
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hours chet won another six emmys. so he's up to 31. in local news, i mean a lot of people think it's easy to get an emmy but it's not. it's not at all. and chet, you know, he's in the hospital. we wish him luck, he's hanging by a thread. where each guest has to share a story from wherever they're from. that's what local news is. and then i vote on the winner and that person gets to spend the night at jamie's place. all right. i've got to go to you first kt because you have a great way of telling stories. where are you from again? >> kt: i'm from madison wisconsin and i'm going to tell you a story from nearby. in the midwest, particularly in wisconsin, the big thing to do on the weekend is to go to the church rumage sales, the church fairs, and they're so fun because there's something for everybody. so usually the best ones to go to are the catholic churches, in this case saint joseph's is having theirs tomorrow, the
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rumage sale and the reason they're so great is because moms take the little kids and catholic churches always have the catholic school so there's always a good playground to play at. the next thing is there's stuff to buy, there's strollers, there's toys, old clothes you probably don't want any of those but all the stuff every little kid wants and every mother doesn't want to have to buy new. so everybody's happy, the people who have the stroller is happy because they didn't want to the it away or throw it away because it costs money. they give it to the church. the church is happy because it makes money t little kids are happy because they're on the playground. >> greg: i never thought we would do this segment. >> kt: are you not having fun with -- >> greg: i thought it was interesting then i started to just drift. i mean, i think the rumage sale. >> kt: it is a a midwestern thing and you're too urban. >> greg: i'm too urban. i've been told i'm too urban. you should see me rap in my car.
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i drive an iroc. it's a t roof joe. >> joe: of course i know what that car is. >> kt: rummage sale. >> joe: 40 years ago. greg i'll tell you what a fun local news story is. the university of pittsburgh after commencement told some students that they didn't really qualify to graduate. that must have sucked, huh? oops, you didn't really graduate. oh, and one more thing, you owe us a hundred thousand dollars. and i'll say this, greg. when i was a student at penn state there was quite a rivalry with the students from pittsburgh, and now we have something to make fun of them about when they bring up jerry sandusky. >> greg: don't you have that nightmare, the college nightmare, that like you didn't get your diploma or you. >> kt: yeah. >> greg: it's like, oh, my god,
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or then you find out you're still in school. i have that dream now. it's very creepy. i'm like, but, wait, i'm in my early 40s [laughter]. >> kt: it gets worse in your 70s. >> greg: really you start remembering really weird --. >> kt: you remember where you went. >> greg: that's true. jamie what's your local story. >> jamie: that graduation thing i don't have nightmares about it, i have a video of it where i don't walk across. i like to always start mine by saying not a lot of stuff happens in alaska and that's my disclaimer. so there was a rabid moose. this is the first case of a rabid moose seen drooling, do you know how hard it is not to make a view joke? very aggressive. >> greg: it's in my head right now. >> jamie: i'm not going to do it. it's like when someone tells you not to think of a pink elephant, you think about the view. dam it, i did it anyway. >> greg: they just egg it on.
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they egg it on, jamie. >> jamie: but this dude was being aggressive toward people, we wouldly unstable on his legs, this is why i quit drinking. and basically so, the first case, first rabid moose so they were recommending, even though it was just one moose that all moos wear mask and that they maintain a six-foot distance or one ant letter length, and -- but kind of a happy ending, they killed the moose and fauci's still recommending the moose wear a snoofk if something's rabid, you have to kill it. i learned that i think in an episode of andy griffith or something. >> kt: old yeller. >> greg: old yeller. was that dog rabid? >> kt: oh, yeah. >> greg: i don't remember seeing that. >> jamie: i want to win this so bad so i can just sleep alone in my van. >> greg: all right, kat, give us your story. where's it from >> kat: it's from berry county michigan. and guess what? >> greg: what?
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>> kat: a bat there also has rabies. >> greg: really? >> kat: that's it. that alley the whole story. >> greg: did you guys meet before the show? we can't have similar stories >> kat: no. we sure can, but it shows it's a widespread threat. i know it's nice out and people are thinking this is a perfect time to go out in the woods and be about it by animals. you better think again. >> greg: this is a direct effect of the animal's anti-vaxx appearitude. they've been listening too much to rfk jr., the animals aren't going to get the rabies vaccine. i had it bad in my apartment once it was crazy. we had to take an old cream of wheat box. what's the guy with the funny hat and the round tube. you know what i'm talking about. >> kt: no idea. >> greg: quaker oats. and you duct tape it to the tend of a broom and you go up there just like that. scoop it and put it in there and
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you take him inside. >> jamie: that's a very specific container you need. >> greg: yes. we have to move on. i don't know who won that. i'm going to have to give it to kt even though that bored the bleep bleep out of me. up next you must if you tweet the pre fix. fights back pain two ways. for 8 hours of relief.
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♪ >> a story in five words ♪ >> greg: five words. cis gender is now a slur. kat, in a tweet elon musk said the word cis or cis gender would now be considered slurs on twitter. mean if someone say a liberal or radical activist calls you cis they could get temporarily suspended. what do you make of this police speeching, or speech policing, or dream policing they live inside of my head >> kat: i read a really good book that predicteded this would happen. i have it right here. [cheers and applause] >> kat: i did. i was writing, talking about hate speech appear i said some people were cool with banning hate speech at first, might not be quite as cool once let's say the desantis administration said it's disinformation to declare anyone without a vagina a woman. that's the whole point of the hate speech, you can call for it but other people might not agree
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with your definition. i was warning everybody and now, boom, here we go. >> greg: all right. joe, cis means you still identify with the gender you were born as. and it's pretty clear when people call you cis gendered it's meant as an insult. >> joe: well hardy har, greg, you're so funny. greg, i will say this, i want people to be allowed to say cis gender. it's great when they're upfront that they're going to be the annoying. will musk bought twitter everyone was like oh, great, there's a conservative. i don't want a billionaire to have the power to censor people because it's a billionaire i agree with. what if something happens to elon musk and he can't go to work. say its electric car stops because its battery life ended. >> greg: jamie, i guess you're cis gender. you're a lonely man, so i
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suppose maybe you'll identify with any gender at this point just to make some interaction with some people. >> jamie: i would just like a friend. >> greg: yeah. >> jamie: isn't that fun you you just said cis means you identify with the gender you were born with so you could say cis or not say anything. >> greg: they call people sissies isn't that ironic. >> jamie: the problem with calling people a cisy it only works if you're spelling it. you're a cisy with a z. i'm not offended i think you can't spell. and the only problem is we already have a c word. do you know what i mean. did you know that's a nautical term. c word is a nautical term which confused me. i was on a cruise ship first and the captain was like we have a big c word wind, and i was like, yeah, these bitches are frigid. [laughter] [cheers and applause]
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>> greg: that was good. that was good kt. kt you know a lot about the navy, so i apologize for that. should speech be pleased like this? >> kt: look, it's so sad, the whole thing. who are these people? you know, i'm an old lady and my many years i've decided what's important in life is to be happy, to be fulfilled, to live someone, to have someone love you, to have that whole experience. like who are these people who go on the twitter trolls and they hate you because you're born -- i mean, the cis thing, i didn't even know what that meant by the way i had to look it up. they're mad at that, then they're mad at this, they're mad at the environment. they're mad at everything. who are these people and how miserable they must be. >> greg: they're filled with rage. >> kt: hate and anger and rage then they need more hate and it feeds on itself. it's a very sad commentary on where -- >> greg:. >> greg: the worst part is not many of them are attractive
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>> kat: the pictures are never of themselves. i'm like why is this dog calling me a absolute. >> greg: exactly. exactly. we'll be right back. ♪ roid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion. patients taking tepezza may have infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before getting tepezza, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. tepezza may raise blood sugar even if you don't have diabetes and may worsen ibd such as crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. now, i'm ready to be seen again.
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with two max-strength pain relievers, so you can rise from pain like a pro. icy hot pro. very >> greg: we're out of time, thanks to kt mcfarland, jamie lissow, joe machi, kat timpf. i love you america. >> trace: good evening and welcome to america's late news fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. and breaking tonight, special counsel john durham testifies that big red flags were ignored by the fbi in the trump russia probe. in another hearing, former college swimmer riley gaines lashes out at new policies that force women to shower with and compete against transgender athletes. but we begin with just a few hours until that missing sub runs out of oxygen. we are now being told that new equipment that could actually help lift the missing sub is now


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