tv Fox News Tonight FOX News June 22, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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someone is lying. the only question is this is it joe, or is it hunter? >> the house ways and means i committes ite obtained a july 3, 2017 whatsapp message betweenese hunter biden and cfc china energy offician l henry zell. >> watch what hunter wrote. hu's kind of hard to reah whdat becausnte hunter has a pretty od way of texting. i wonder why. i wonder what he was on. i'm sitting here with my fatherd and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. tell the director that i would love the dirr to resolve this e it gets out of and now means to night and z. a if i get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than using or the chairman, i will make certain thatxt t between the man sitting next to me and every person he knoweo and my ability to forever hold h a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. >> i am sitting herefo, wait for it, waiting for the call with my father.
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sounds like a shakedown. three references to hunter biden sitting directly by his father, joe biden, as he pursues his internationaliona shakedown of a chinese executive. >> but wait, i thoughtt jo joe biden told us this device. r president, how many times have you ever spoken to your son about it? s de overseas business dealings? >>te never spoke to my son, bu i have never discussed with myso son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their business, perioanyth >> well, hunter says the opposite. hunter says, my fatherosite. wai sitting right there. so who's lying? my money'sgh on joe. between 2014 and 2019, hunter biden raked in more than $8.3 million from ukraine, romania and china. l cash. incl that valuation includes both a large diamond and a portion. must be nice. be ni hunter biden. hece owed more than 2 million in taxes and he escaped with just w
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ita slap on the wrist. and now we learn that the deep state, the doj, the fbi, the irs, they interfered with the hunter biden probe e. . according to house wayss and means committee chair jason smith, therean was a delah divulge and deny campaigern testimony. we have just released details. a lack of u.s. attorney independence recurring unjustified delays, unusual actions outside the normals course of anoutsidy investigati a lack of transparency across the investigation and prosecution teams and bullying and threats from the defensstigatioe counsel. this was a campaign of delay. divulge and deny whistleblower say reoccurring, unjustified delays pervaded the investigation, including an author that authenticating a whatsapp message iann which hunter biden demands payment from chinese officials, noting
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that his father is in the room . >> they delayed, passed the statute of limitations for some of hunter's crimes. they divulged by tipping off hunter's attorneys. and they also denied a key searchhu's attor warrant. listen to this part. a whistleblower named gary eblowe, who oversaw hunter's irs probe. he became a whistleblower and he testified irs at hunterhr biden's whatsapp message, quote, made it clear w whatsaped to search the guest house at the biden's delaware residence ,where hunter biden stayed for a time. so why did they doiden stayed f well, according to shapley, assistant u.s. attorney inaid ts delaware, leslie wolf, said this optics were driving w or a driving factor indr the decision on whethe ex to execute a search warrant. optics, that was despite admittinec warrag that a lot of evidence in our investigation would be found in the gues etouo house of former vicef president biden. >> so they know wheree
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the evidence is, but they don't go get it. thatsaid there's no way we will get that approved. it's all according to shaple is shapley also said that they wouldn't allow questions about the big guy and dad. i wonder why the doj. they also allegedly denied u.s. attorney david weiss's attempt to bring chargesnied dav againsr in d.c. around march of 2022. they denied his request in the fall of 2022 to bring charges in california. and they denied his special counsel status request in deniering of 2022 that would have protected him from justice th. rtment influence merrick garland, he assured us in his senate testimony that he never testi interfered with weiss's work. >> hunter biden investigation. a as i said, even in my own is bnation confirmation hearing ,is being run by and fopervised by the united states attorney for the district of delaware. he is in charge of that investigatior ren and there will not be interference of any political or improper kind. i have pledged not to interferrn
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with that investigation and i have carried through on my pledgehave car. i have promise to ensure that he's able to carry out his ablen and that he be able to run it. and if he needs to bring it inr another jurisdiction, he will have full authorityju h too that. >> that's a lot of assurances. did merrick garland, did he lie to congress? doj again, today, they claim ll aut that weiss had full authority. >> but we have questions. arkansasho senator tom cotton joins me now. senator cottonjoin, thisexplosiv is explosive. joe biden's in the room. what does congresse. dowhat d oewith information? >> well, kelly, it's getting to the point. it's hard to be shocked by the corruption were allegations against the biden family. but these revelations today th that you hadhighes fami the highest reaches of the department of justice, fbite and the irs meddling in these career prosecutors and investigate theirs work, refusing to allow them to bring charges or chargesm orr the appropriate so the statute of
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limitations would run out, refusing to allostw them to execute search warrants where they suspected evidence of crime. this tex warrantt message of hu biden saying he was sitting with his father trying to getnist money from a chinese communist official and that there would be severe consequences for those officials. if not, these are all shocking revelations. thi hope that the house will be able to call in all of the supervisors who were supe in these decisions and have them explain it for themselves. obviously, there's been nothineh from merrick garland, because merrick garland is running meand becatment ozed departmener of justice in modern times. but we've got to demand answersi as welmes.l from merrick garlanr and christopher wray, the director of the fbi, and janet yellenay the as secrey of the treasury, who oversees the irs. >> we haveary of the treas to yt senator cotton, at this point, if you don't believe joe bidenl lied, you know, he said, i kneww nothing about hunter's business dealings. if you believe that, i mean, yol as george strait would say, i have an ocean front propertyu to sell you in arizona. i mean, who could possibly believe atin arizo this point wn the evidence is in front of your very eyes that joe bide
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n did not tell a lie to the american people over and over again? >> well, we have it right in front of our eyes today. that text messag ofe from huntes biden saying he was sitting with his father and threatening someone about what his fathe far and his father's friends would do if the guy didn't fork over the money. but common sense has always said that. i mean, joe biden took hunter biden gallivanting aroundon the world on air force two for 13 hour trips, and now he's doing3 ou on an air force . does anyone really believe that joe biden and hunter biden wereas up not discussing what hunter biden was up to? like, why is he going to china? who'to?why iss he meeting with? how is he coming back with all this money? where is the source of alle the money that hunter biden is blowing on drugs and on , drugs as this investigator also revealed? i think those are questions that joe bidenan was asking andi think there's a lot of conversation about it. this these whistleblowers deserve to be heard and their supervisors need to giveswers. answers. >> you know, senator cotton, i'm not i get that you're not in joe biden's head and i'm not asking you to go there. that seems lik hi ame a pretty y place at times. >> but i'm asking you topty plac
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go there nevertheless. was his calculus this i'm leaving office. >> you know, president biden, he's endorsed hillary clintoe ap i'm done. i'm not running for president again, not seeing downrentagain.t seen d the roada that. i can get away with this. no one will ever look intoay win i mean, just do things like this happen in washington. people just get away with it unless they run for the highestt offi office in the land. get insi >> well, kayleigh, i can'td. get inside joe biden's head. and what you laid out whate. ibl i would note, though, that many parents have had to deal with troubled children , nd up children who end up committing crimes or fall precoes oyy to to addiction. every parent would have sympathy for joe biden if that were all that was at issue here. but this has never been about hunter biden or his troubles. this is about the corruption that hunter biden and frankly, other biden family members have committed by trading on joe biden's name and his office.. and it's not just when he was vice president goes back decadess when he was in
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the senate. so i'm pretty confident that when he waidens leaving the vicc presidency in 2016 that he thought it was finally time that he could get some of that money as welould gett moneyl. that's why you see emails out there talking about holding 10% for joe biden. but this has never been about hunter biden and hunter biden'sd troubles. it's always been about what hunter biden and other memberen it's alwut whas of the biden fay have done to trade on joe biden's nameve don, office and influence. >> yeah, and hunter biden, you know, he's front and center . you know, i think joe biden's made the calculation, this just calcgoingm. hunterck to hi you know, hunter biden's leading joe biden around ireland. he's at the state dinnerg jo right now. now. i mean, has joe biden just mad e the calculation, i'm just going to keep hunter front and center. american people won't care. >> well, i guess you could say ould that joe biden's gotten away with it now for 50 years. i mean, look what happened earlier this wee k. hunter biden got a slap on the wrist. they let the most serious crimes lapse under the statuteun of limitations. they didn't even charge any crimesder statute related to cr bribery or foreign influence
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peddlingn or. so joe biden probably thinks that he's gotten away with this far and with the complicit medi th it th thea. >> maybe he thinks he canaw continue to get away with it. well, good luck. ay d luck56% of the american peoply we think hunter was involved ink beese business hunte dealings. so best of luck,st senator cotton. than.k you. >> thank you, kelly. the liberal media, hyenas, they continue to deny thatsystem there are two tiers in our justice system. their vowing to get to the bottom of what they call biden's sweetheart o deal andale their alleged idea that there's a two tiered justice system. ts they want to use this on a daily basis to make the point abou t their perceived grievance tiee of a two tiered d justice syste that there's one for the elitesd and one for everybody else, that he's being treated differentl ody because his namethere is biden. and there's no evidence of this being the caseis nce o of two td system of justice. >> what a bunch of b.s.. but if you had any doubt, justha compare the way that hunter biden was treated versus lieutenant general michael flynn. you remember him iutenant generl
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move. and despite having no evidence of russian collusion, obama's intel community, they unmasked general flynn's identity in obammmunity e call with a russin counterpart completely destroying his constitutional rights. they did it because they suspected he might have violated this ac did it edt cald the logan act. it's a 200 year old law never before used to prosecute an american. in january of 2017, an internal fbi document found that flynn was no longer a valid, viable documentcandidate for investiga. but don't wait. here comes trump hating disgraced fbi agent peter strzok. he hasn' disgract given up, he , to keep the case open. and a few weeks later, strzok headed over to the west wing, where he interviewedr to the mil flynn. and before he did, an fbi agennt scribbled down on a note beforehand, what is our goal? truth, admission or to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired?
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it sounds like a setup. the fbi, they assured flynn that hree didn't need a lawyer. we're just going to have a little chat. they said, well, thaa t chat turned into a felony crime of lying to the fbi, justinitia as the initial fbi note had suggested. but the onlyte crime michael flynn had committed was incurring the wrath of the deep state. commg thso the deep state, theyd to create a process crime casese was eventually dropped by the department of justice. but the fact remains two tiers of justice. if you're hunter biden, tate the deep state, deep state, they cover up your crime. but if you're michae cover upl y they invent one. >> matthew whitaker is the former actinmattheg attorney ge. >> he joins us. matthew, good to have you. i meanw,, how can you deny at this point the two tiers of justice? >> are you astonished by this explosive hunter biden information? >> yeah, i am. and there's so much to unpack. and you inthere the senator dio a really good job covering some of it. but, you kno it.w, the example f the two tiered system of justice is reall ty
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the individuals and it's not the celebrities. you know, we've heard their nameritiess, but it's the individuals whose names you will never know who went to priso ner know n for similars and remember, this investigatioimn was managed verr carefully from main justice. ma, with, you know, really preventing investigators from lookingh at real evidence, from getting behind where this money came from. it wasmoney slow, walked and dd until finally, you know, most of the moneywalk and hunter madl these illegal business deals, from this influence peddling were past the statute ofations limitations for the tax crimes. and now, you know, based how on everything that i know about how the system works, i thin thi hunter biden is going to go int front of a magistrate judge like you. if you had got a speedinof a mg ticket at a national park, natio because he's only pleadingna two misdemeanors and the diversion agreement is just an agreement between the u.s. attorney's offic e diven e and theeys of defendant. and so this is a very strangefit casehethis i, the way it's being handled. >> so because we know about this foul play, if you wil>> bet main justice, can this plea agreement be undone at
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all? >> is there any power a judge would have? yeah. sony powerge would a judge would have power on a plea agreement. but again, as i've thoughtbout about this today, you know, these are two misdemeanor attacks, failure to file charges. and soeanor tax that would typiy be handled as part of the misdemeanor docket. you know, obviouslhay, a distri court judge could take thattake case t of over themselves and decide this. but in a typical plea arrangement, 11 c, one c, for example, where a judge has to approve it, that would be the entire federal system. but righ syst now, the way that this has been set up appears to me and my experienctoe, kell, that this is intentionally being made in this manner so that a federal judge might not be able to undt be ablo it or rt it. >> so on that point, though, there was some reporting aboutrn a judge that would oversee this case. the judge's name was mary ellen noriega. trump appoint a judge. t ov so she just overseeing the gun component of this, that felony, that diversioner
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agreement thatt that might not stick to him. >> yeah. so that't stick s i mean, that's the the question is we're going ha have to wait until the plea happens in julppy to see who is the presiding judge. if it is thas t judge and it's a trump appointed judge, i mean, certainly she will look at the entirety of the facts. y thd i think to your point,ou one of the things that that judge is going to consider is other similarly situatee judd defendants, because in the federal system, everyone should be treated similar. no matter who their father happens to be or what their political connections. baseso, you know, i think based on my experience in doing many of these cases as a u.s. attorney, i know that similar cases have been punished a lot e more than what the current deal is for hunter biden. >> and matthew, you haveor huntg history in law. i mean, it wasn't just acting ag for. trump.torney you were a u.s. attorney in the bush administration. have iistratio you ever in youre there seen a case where, you know, let' s say an irsas agent, the guy, the guy leading the case, overseeing the case says, i need a search warrant and someone says back, nope, sorry, optici searchs.
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yeah, yeah, you're right. i haven't. s bothve also tried case. as a prosecutor and as a defense lawyer in federal court. and i have neverd ae lawyer i se like this where members ofme the investigative teammbers crl and say that this is not the way that crime should have been investigated and we were prevented from doing our jobves it is truly unfathomable. matthew whitaker, thank you. >> thank you, kelly. a virginia teachers unionmember member suggests remote learning loss wasn't that bad because get this sg , it made everyone equal. governor glenn youngkimade evene to respond. he it best purchasing cabella stands tall in our unwavering commitment to honoring our heroes. we extend our gratitude beyond words. i proudly offering a legendary salute discount to those who protect our freedoms, our dedicatio's not to thosey a
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sun protection measures, go to slash health. >> american schools are failing, and that's according to a new repor amt. sch middle school test scores are falling faster than any in the past 50 years. parasitic teachers unions.s and left wing administrators have taken over and they don't want to help student haveer and one teachers union executive in virginia defended the learning loss that was associated with remote learning. that wyou those covid edicts, the school shutting down. but she defended them by saying they made everyone, quote, equae,l.
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>> virginia governor glenn youngkin ran against the corrupt education establishmenvirginglenn yoran a. >> he joins us. welcome, governor. hey, good evening. thank you for having having me. this is just another example off what the left liberal progressive establishment wht is trying to do to our children. i mean, we watched randi weingarten come ou.tout an and advocate for keeping schools shut when in fact, they needed to b act theye open. and of course, in virginia, where we had democrat rule thatd lowered expectations and standards for our kids year after year, they combined. and we're seeing the results in virginia's own testing last year. we sawin virginia's ow that, in, our fourth grade kids had the largest learning loss s in the nation in reading and math combined, closing schools unnecessard mathy early with tht that expectations had to be lowered. and we'v had been e got a wholee generation of kids that are behind. and so we got to go to work to catch back up. >> we do. and i believe a lot of voters, i have seen you,ng seen what you'e doing and supportingdoing.
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what you're doing. and i mean, to have a republican winning on the issue of education, it's almost unhearda republ of. but you did it in winning virginia. virginia, of course, a state n.l presidential candidate on the republican side has won since george w bus cann theh. you won the state, though. you had these endorsements in your primary race this week. you were ten, four, ten. for 1 your candidates winning by 18s n point margins, 40 point margins. inhow central was the issue of education to those victories? >> well, it's going to continue to be central. and let me just remind you that, in fact, virginia was a state that was blue. and education has always been a topic that republicans have kind of shied away from. and we ran right to it. s because, of course, loudoun county became ground zero for parents rights and for breaking througground zh established stas that the school unions get to dictate what happens in schools. and this is now the top issue across , not just virginia, but i thi i think america. and this year, we have our own
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midterms. our primaries were a great momentn for us to once againto c reclaim education as a republicr and stronghold. we're going to carry it all the way through to our elections in novembey ther. s o and this is no longer just republicans against democrats. this is virginians. ns and and i think eventually it'll be americans who much preferfaca the fact that republicans are standing up for our kids and empowering parents versus democrats who are just in lockstep empower democra with ts unions. >> and randi weingarten. >>u know, one question i have is the achilles heel of the primary was a huge night toa for you. i don't want to take away from that. but the only pro-life democratat lost is race. abortion was a key issue on this coming from a pro-lifeet american. but who i you know, my eyes are open to the political realities po the issueo th . ue >> how do you message on that issue as you head into these general elections in the fal hel l? he >> well, of course, in virginia, just three years ago, there were debates on ourbly general assembly floor floor controlled by democratmocrats tc
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constitutional amendments that would enable abortion all the way up through birth and paid for with with funding from the from the state. and that virginianith funds this is too extreme. they expressed it in 2021. eme they want fewer abortions, t more. after abr the supreme court rulg came out, we came together and really felt we could bring people together around a bill to protect life at 15 weeks. and i believe that's a place virginians will come together. and so this is thi prog a moment for us to make progress on this issue. and i look forward again. hop to getting our legislators to hopefully bring forth a bill bra bille in 15 weeks, this next legislative cycle after we hold our house. cycle af our senate. >> worth remembering your predecessor, governor ralph northam. m wo he actually wanted infanticide and children outside of the . we'll never forget that statement. ement but final question for you. so if you win in the fall,fo in which you could you could take back the senate from the democrats, you could have unifierom thd republican contron what was previously a blue
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state of virginia. k ab >> remarkable to think about. but the question becomes then, ar bece you waiting on the sidelines for 2024? there will be a lot of people saying of peop ron young can rug that happen in the falkil. >> well, it's a humbling question. and i'm always reminded thatyeag 40 years ago i was taking out trash and washing dishes and for having to have a moment trere people are considering leat topic for me is is truly humbling. let me just be clear. i'm focuset med on virginia. we are wwe ae arree going to wig our win our senate back this year, hold our house and continue this big transformationhouse . a state that was blue and was really lost and people thought was gone we have turned red.have we have had great success incess pushing forward an agenda to cut taxes and to back the blue and to empower parents. we're growing and it's working. and it's not just republicans anymore that are recognizing. and that's what's so exciting. so i look forward to this fall
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and making sure that we can complete the effort that we started. ure we ce effortand make in vir. >> well, governor youngkin, a lot of people are going to keep asking you that question. so you say categorically no, but thank you so much. you're doing a lot righttntil ye in virginia. >> great. thank you for having me tonigh>t . >> all right. democrats, they appear willing to eradicate women'scrats ap rin the name of supporting so-called trans rights. several members of the squad shockingly admitted that on tape today. we'll showit you nextet friday. tyler farr on fox and friends goes down, you get a little hotter, maybe a little more. it's a must see performance friday on the all american summer concert series presented by lowe's. lowe's knows home improvement. >> hello, i'm mike lindell and i'm here to tell you about my brand new product, my slippers. >> what makes my slippers different from those other slippers is my exclusive
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are human rights and human and first for everyone, right? we're humans. we're human. we aren? h you huma yes, we are human. and we got to take care ofe humans. congresswomacare on, do trans rs comes but come before women's rights. >> trans rights are human rights, period. if boys have a right to competgs against girls in high school sports, then should we repeairll title nine? >> trans rights are human rights. qum. i don't want to answer the question. trans rights are humans rights. that's trans the position of the squad and the democrat party. e democrats takeht precedence over women's rights? no. liberal will never answer that w i question. joining me now, tulsi gabbard. she's a former presidential candidat formee. she joins us. trans rights are humans rightsft . >> where are the feminists here? that's a great, grearet questiow kayla. you know, two things i want to point out it to pn their repetition of that mantra, trans rights are human rights. s rightss rights are also human rights. we are also women, but they refustse to say the word
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woman. and number two, they refusethis to defend title nine. this was a historic law 50 years ago histori50, as chamd by an amazing congresswoman from hawaii, patsy mink. , pats and yet they have, iny av their lack of a defense in te title nine, just shown us that they're not interested at all in protecting women prn or girl. they're not interested in protecting their rights to equality in sports, which is the heart of this historic legislation. and frankly, they are trying to change our language. and this is very evident in this johns hopkins university, lgbt cu glossary, where they i couldn't believe it when i read it. they defined a as a non man attracted to non men. even in that definition,en they refus in the to use the wod woman. and that's where this just this is such a bigger issue than sports itself because they're trying to change theyh is how we we co see the world. it's how we communicate to each othemmate to er. a c they are trying to erase women
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as a category of people. they're startingat with the wori woman. and the democratic party is leadingth the wor the most anti-woman movement in history in doing so. yeah, the aoc, her word of choice is menstruating person. so that's an interesting one. but on that topic of language, you know, it's just interesting. they say human rights, humans rights. >> and then there was this oklahoma bill and it was abouthe bannin is billg castration of ma and the activisttis thereus protesting use the word this will be a . lf and, you know, i just think ge myself,, is what they're doing to the in china, where their birth rates down 60% by a dictatorship. but they use here. they use human rights. their language is so extreme i. it is. and they are literally tryingaya to redefine the way that we have historically referred to. thesstoricale words that are vey commonly known and understood not just in america, but, not jd the world. and we can't we can't understate the dangerous worlwe cane of that.
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this is not going to be the last that we're going to see of them. once again, trying to erasen fr women from our language, erase omwomen from our society. this has been happening now forb some time. and they areeen happenin they'ru to continue to try to race us as women, unless we all men and women alike, stand up s and call out their insanity. it no doubt about it. tulsi gabbard, thank you. thank you. >> president joe biden has assembled an army ofs influencers for his reelection campaign. smart his team plans to mobilize gen z voters by reaching out to them on platforms such as tik tokorms and instagram. >> what the republican party in>> wha zourstand about gen is we don't like you.yo you claim you want to appeal to gen z, but you call stupid. you say we're dumb. you say we're doctrine. gy and i promise it's a losing strategy. and gen z is watching the republicane republ party exy closely as they destroy our environment, take rights away from women, do nothingn sc about kids being strong schools. and if they think they can give thehool middle finger to our generation and get away with it, they're sorely
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mistaken. >> so false. i'm a republican and i think gen z smarcan and t. they're intelligent. they're creative. but republicans, my party, w. but e need to fight for the next generation. we need to spread the conservative message and spn places that don't hear them. so do republicans have a plan? n >> ronna mcdaniel is the chairwoman of the rnc. she joins me now. ronn a, what's the plan? are you assembling a digital army of influencer s? so, yes, we have put together a youth advisory board with names thah advisot know, lc pierson from prager u, riley gainesj pearso, others across the country. and we are absolutely workineg through tiktok and other platforms to make sure we're gettinrms toe arg our message o, but you're also going to see more than that, kelly. we partnered with younkayleig dt america's foundation for the first debate with rumble. e.we arefor the first debate, we going to have influencers at these debates. we're goin g to give them access to our candidates, and we're going to get our information out there. nd get ormatioand i'll give youe little tidbit. my son nash, who's 18, was talking about all this stuff with me the other day, and he sounde me the other d like a ree
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i said, where'd you hear that? he said, oh, i saw it with aarn influencer on tik tok.. so it's already starting to work with my kids. i love to hear that it's so important and indispensable for the next election. s indispe foyou know, another qn i have for you is this candidate pledge to enterou hav the debate stage. you have to pledge to support the nominee. totally agree with you in principlsuppore.e. i christie calls it a useless idea. trump i don't thina uselesk. ede you'll ever get him to sign that pledge. do you think you'll have to do away with this pledge in order to not have one person debating themselves? emselv that's the republican party nomination. es?and the pledge is staying. and anybody who wants to seek the nomination of our partyplede should pledge to support the voters. if you go throug to support h ts and you take time on the debate stage and you're going to be there,e goin the number one plee should be beat. biden. it's called the beat and pledge ther number ld, because atbe uni the end of the day, we all have to be united in one thing. joe bidene tn is destroying this country. his policies are making our families less safe are. we are less prosperous under him. our border is open, crime is risin g, schools are failing.
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and if we can't commit that, we're going to supportmmit tha who the voters choose as a nominee, then you don't deserve to be on the republican part yod ys debate stage. so the pledge is doing great. well, you know, ron,st and one other question i have. we know when covid happened, we k liberalhese secretaries of states that abrogated the will of the legislatur states d the, hah voter integrity measures like voter id, but the rnc, i found out you guys have been codifying around the country the pre-covid voter integrity laws that keep our elections lin safe. where have you been doing that? so it's actually the and governors,n gove republican governors across the country. the rnc put out anacross the con integrity report and we gave intetlines as what we though the best practices were. and you saw states like florida and georgia and iowa. codify these practices like voter id, like notlike having two months g voting. like getting rid of zuckerberg. seen that across the country. it's making our election safer. we saw i n georgia they hadion with the best election with more voting early than ever. but we have to keep doing it.ofh
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we cannot take our foot off the gas. and this is why i say thisethatw about democrats. they're always investing in process. they use unionats. s, they use process. they know how to go and organize. and tho go ande republican parth counterpoint to the unions and what the democrats have undendr randi weingarten and thn culinary union. so we have to invest and process year roundgartenhe.k that's why we've launched bank your vote. text bank 280810. we cannot wait till an election year to organize. >> we have to be doing it now. for sure. thank you very mucweh, ronna mcdaniel. >> thanks, kelly. miami mayor francis suarez,te he's thrown his hat into the gop presidential race. he joins us to make his case for your vote. that's after the break. ian he >> providing for your family is a top priority, but what happens when you need what happens when you need affordable health care christian health care ministries could save you uwith to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without networ a k
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se well, the 2024 republican field seems to be growing larger by the day. justg largere day. a few days az mayor francis suarez announced he was entering the raceannoun.e >> here's part of his announcement. when i was elected, the city was broke and broken. but we came together and i won e my mayoral election with over 80% of the vote. i dad taughroft me that you get
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to choose your battles. and i am choosing the biggest one of my life. well, how doese. suarez plan to stand out in a crowded field? >> we thought we'd ask himma mayor suarez. welcome. thanks for having me. i want to welcome to the race.f. you have a lot to offer. you've done a lot of great things in miami, and i want th there, but i want to start on your vote in the gubernatorial race. i know you voted for andrew gillum. he was backed by a sorosm. group . bernie sanders endorsed him. i think a lot of conservatives are going to say whybernie andrew gillum. >> well, i voted for him. i didn't support him. i didn't endorse him for him. i actually supported and gave money to ron desantis inand gavd the primary at the same time that donald trump did win evene the governor said at the time that it wasn't a smart move. bu t, you know, i never got a phone call back. i never got a return call. he just didn't didn' build a relationship with me and he lost my city by 20 points. didn't connect with my voters. r and so, you know, i supported him in his reelectios. hisn. >> and unfortunately, he just wasn't able to build a relationshipasn't abld with ha
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with what was at stake. >> i mean, gillum would have driven florida ints o the groun. >> i mean, not call hillinm bac is that a reason? well, i think you have to build relationships with people. >> i'm a loyal person. and i think the fact that, for example, he was supported by donald trump, donald trump sort of got him to the finish line and now he's turned aroundw he has and not only runt the former president, but also sort of betrayed some of the people that helped him get there. i think it says more abouthelpem than it does about me. you >> well, you're running against trump, too. so i think some would say that m back. i want to get to the interview i just did with ronna mcdaniel. she is sayino intg you've got to support the nominee. you've got to sign that pledge to get on the debate stage. i know when it came to trump, you were accused of voting for hillary. you did not. that's true. you wrote in marco rubio. you wrote in vice president penc io.e both great men. however, will you sign a pledge. given trump is the fronte th runner, he could be the nominee. when you sign that pledge to get on the stagnominee,e ple >> absolutely. i think the alternative between donald trump or joe biden is apn scary alternative. i certainld joy don't want to gw
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up in a country. joe biden's america, you know, a place where our enemies get stronger, a place where, you know, my children are not in a more prosperous situation. prosp. not the kind of country that i want to grow up. t so if if that ifhe the options were donald trump or joe biden,l certainly i would have absolutely no problem dm suppsupporting the former president if he were the nominee. >> good. good to hear. we all got to support d to here. e. sure. mayor suarez, you're you know what's at stake because your grandfather, if you don't,. mind me bringing this up, hee th is in a cuban jail. >> he was. could you share that storystor with our viewers? >> yeah, my my grandfather was jailed by castro ather wa, you know, in cuba, where my parents exiledy frompare their country of birtht 12 and seven. you know, a leader there said,e give us all your property, give us all your businesses. don't worry. yo bus equal. rybody and he did. he made everybody equally miserable and equally poor . and that's fundamentally un-american. socialism does not work. it's that is created poverty and mas poverty in this hemisphere, which is driving immigration pressure in our country.
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and i believe in american exceptionalism. i believ i bee that if americans are given an opportunity to be i prosperous, to lean into these generational opportunities like technology, then we're going to have a better country. bett why i'm running for thing president. >> one thing i want, i want to say one thing i like about your message. you were bol id and you said, i support federal legislation on abortion. not a lot of people in the primary havefederal legisla. bold. but also your intriguing appeal to gen z, you've brought tech down to miami. i think this is goinn g to appel to a lot of young people. we only have a little bit of time, but can you share with me what you've done? a litt canyoyeah, we're number the nation. >> wage growth. we have the lowest unemployment in america and we're numbewage r one in tech job growth. we also lost gen z workers and we're number one in gen z worker tech growth. but we lost gen owz workerths, voters under 30 by 26 points to joe biden. that that's unacceptable and would never happen under my candidacy. sond would important, huge partf your message. >> suarez thank you. compclimate lunatics, they want to completely ban meat. well, it looks like they might
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be getting closer to their vision. regulators have just approved a new lab grown chicken.ds hmm. sounds yummy. it could be coming to a table near yummy ominable you. more on that next. i knew this country was in trouble when i went to a bank and the guard's like, excuse my sir, you're in a bank. you have to wear a mask. this was going to be a deposit. now it's a robbery. we're all in this together. men can have babies. i don't care what they say. i feel something. take some metamucil. this problem's going to work its way out. a woman is someone who gets mad at you for something he did three years ago. >> i want a pilot who says we're going down in three languages. and i read that he gave a command. now i come in china, and joe
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chickens. so you're saying in this factory, you can make more meat fastern make and cleaner than an average farmer? >> well, ultimately, yesaverage >> bans on gas stoves, eating bugs and now fak.e meat. lef why is the left so consumed with controlling our diet? che >> andrew gruel is a chef and restaurant owner in rest e he's our food expert. now, andrew, whyxp i want to eae fake chicken when i can have the real stuff a thet fillet. de you can have the real stuff. and the real stuff is actually in more environmentallyhrow friendly, i would suggest, than this stuff that they're trying to throw on us. at the end of the daat they, knr this is a novelty item. it's probably going to come at the cost of likehecost $200 a p, number one. and number two, only the elites ononly thee to try its and tell their friends about it. but the thing that i feaabour i, is that the government gets involved here and they subsidize this because it cost s so much money to produce. it's not economically viable at all. and then it'viable ats in theirg interest to get more people to eat this product and they
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to eaisstart it through all thd of government programs that they're involved in with fooe ih whether it's school lunch programs, whether it's the military, etc., what have you. what and the next thing you kns this thing is just slipping into our food system. and we don't even knowral. the health effect that it has on our bodies in general. it's od for about they eight years. so for them to say that they've done enough research to determinehave drmin it's hea, that's a little scary to me. yeah, those studies always seemr to change. it's really interesting. and apparently the way they makesng.he waye this it's g cells that come from a living animal and basically they stir aro it around with all these broth like mixtures. i mean, this sounds completely disgusting. to your point, we don't know, is this even safe? well, i mean. right. what's happening? so they're rapidly producing these cell producis and then these cells are growing at a rapid pace. i'm not a doctor but that sounds like something very bad that that's been happening ove r the decades. right. cells reproduce so rapidly out of control repng rol..
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hmm. do you really want to ingest that? but once again, as i said, from an environmentalthat perspectiv, the amount of energy it takes to produce this is at magnitudes highe takes te r tha you were just out there naturally growing your beef. this also removes farmernaef se stew the land and they're the stewards of the environment. thatow everybody's going to beot wearing a white lab coat and that doesn't work that way and we can't plawe cy god. for and apparently they're coming for rice index, which is a staple food foe nextr half the planet. but andrew, just from a pr standpoint, apparently.o put they have to put a usda label on here that says sell cultivated label t chicken. if do you think that's going to sell? well, if it gets into grocery >>ores? no, no. i do the marketink is going to take this up at alla and look at what happened with kind of beyond meat and all those fake burgers thatt started out an ipo of like $240s a share and it's down to about $11 a share now. the market doesn't want this, which is why the i worried about the government pushing it on us and subsidizing thison us an inu and not giving us a choice. let the consumers decide. i'm not saying ban . let the consumers decide and give them the necessary >> iation for themconsumer.
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make their own research. well, andrew gruel, it sounds like you got a busy restaurant, so a bu go get to it. thank you.ou v >>ank you very much foerr having me. >> well, don't forget this programing note we've been prg you and we do promisehapp you this will happen tomorroen w night or 2020 for candidate onestionnaire on how to keep your kids safe at school. we will bring you the answers from the candidates live on videoe answhe candi o tomorr it's been asked nowhere else. ha,s nexteat evening sean hannity is next. >> all right. kayleigh mcenany, great to see you. thank you. great show.yleigh, great to, as. wow. welcome to new york city.k. we're back with our lives. wow, what a rowd y. i love it. all right. big show tonight, tomi lahren, jimmy fallonbi clay, travis,, cy andre jarret, alan dershowitz, and a specia, gregl report on the ocean gate submarine tragically implodert on thd in the north atlantic, killing all five passengers aboard. also tonight, congresswoman lauren boebert will join us. >> shelart wil today introduceda articles of impeachment against joe biden. rticle
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