tv Hannity FOX News June 22, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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well, andrew gruel, it sounds like you got a busy restaurant, so a bu go get to it. thank you.ou v >>ank you very much foerr having me. >> well, don't forget this programing note we've been prg you and we do promisehapp you this will happen tomorroen w night or 2020 for candidate onestionnaire on how to keep your kids safe at school. we will bring you the answers from the candidates live on videoe answhe candi o tomorr it's been asked nowhere else. ha,s nexteat evening sean hannity is next. >> all right. kayleigh mcenany, great to see you. thank you. great show.yleigh, great to, as. wow. welcome to new york city.k. we're back with our lives. wow, what a rowd y. i love it. all right. big show tonight, tomi lahren, jimmy fallonbi clay, travis,, cy andre jarret, alan dershowitz, and a specia, gregl report on the ocean gate submarine tragically implodert on thd in the north atlantic, killing all five passengers aboard. also tonight, congresswoman lauren boebert will join us. >> shelart wil today introduceda articles of impeachment against joe biden. rticleyour president, and appary
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is in this battle with marjorie taylor greene. maybe i can be the peacemaker because they will inherit the eart h. we'll see. now we'll also hear from house ways and means cmi chairman jason smith. earlier today, his committee released bombshell testimony from not one but two irs whistleblower. now, based on their serious allegations. get this payons, get close atte. it appears the department of justice, she thought it was corrupt, even more corrupt. thi this is a corrupt organization. they wennizationt to great lengs to protect joe and hunter biden from eved r facing criminalchar charges. despite what is a mountain ogesf damning evidence, according to these whistleblowers, the irs recommends se felony taxns charges against hunter after they uncovereder get this, $8.3 million that he took in that was mysteriously excluden d from hunter biden's tax returns. now, that income cam reture fori entities in ukraine, romania and china. that'sraine, romania a only thr.
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what about russia and kazakhstan and mexico and a dozen other countries? in fact, hunter reportedlycounte around $6 million from china. and it appears tha t his father was in on it in one encrypted text message. listenn on i to this. between hunter biden and a chinese business partner, this july 30th, 2017, hunter was 30,2 very that a, quote, commitment, from china was not fulfilled. threatening big consequences. th quote the big guy himself, his dad who was sitting next to himn that he wasn't made whole quote. i amote. sitting here with my father and would like to understand whand wouly commit made has not been fulfilled. hunter continued quote, i willet make certain that between the man sitting next to metthat and every person that he knows and my ability to hold grudge foll you will regret not following my direction. i am sitting here waiting for
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the call with my father pops, who takes half his income. the big guy, joe. now with my father. >> now, didn't joe promise agaiamerican people. >> over and over again. i never once spoke to my son about his foreign business dealings. not one time. but it appears. joe is a critical part of thattt business. instead of investigate the suspicious activities. sut n the doj went to grea lengths we now know to protect joe biden and his son. e bithese whistleblower's testimonies were mind blowing. biden appointetimoniesd u.s. at. they blocked felony tax charges against. hunter in washington, d.c., and in the california estate of gavin newsom. merrick garland refused a requesmerricd t to appoint a l counsel. >> he also delayed hunter's cose until his multi millionuntil dollar crimes were passed. the statutthmultimile of limita. the doj also stalled an. investigation into possible crimes outlined in hunter biden's laptopve, especially onh
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that impacted his father, the big guatisy. and according to whistleblower testimony, hunter's infamousrdio laptop was, quote, verified by the fbi in november of 2019.. that's earlier than we thought. but investigators thereafter were barred from seeing it. ba attorney leslieslie wolf also discouraged investigators from pursuingestin questions related to joe biden. >> now, wolf, alsos delayed investigators from interviewing one of hunter's business partners inter because, quote, e did not want them to ask about joe, the big guy. >> now, federal officials also allegedly barred investigatorsni from searching a guesthouse sear was living in september of 2020, despite more enough probable cause that would have warranted such a search warrant thave. had n now, they had no problemin raiding mar-a-lago, but a biden guesthouse where hunter was living. that was totally out of bounds. now, the bidens were allegedly tipped off by the feds priorof
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to other possible searches and interviews. now, if these are true, thisis u is public corruption on a massive scale. these are two credible irs whistleblowers, not one to. this is on top of and separatepe from that 1023 allegation.legatn now, joe biden is all smiles. hunterjo is feeling great. >> take a look at how goes when the doj has been weaponized.e >> they have made a mockery ofme our justice system and ouronal constitutional order. >> a biden commits a crime ordee the democrats, the doj, they bury the evidence. it is repulsive. but of course, the doj says they have done nothing wrong. quote, as both attorney general and, u.s. attorney david weiss have said, us attorney weiss has followedeiss authority overh the matter, including responsibility for decidingwhena
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where, whendn and whether to fie charges as he deems appropriatte . yet somehow, weiss never fire filed felony tas x charges against hunter or any ofhe the other possible other detailn hunter's laptop. now, after a lonng five year investigation into hunter biden, the feds come up with whato huntet two misdemeanx charges for missing an irs deadline on just over $200,0002 in taxes on, what, $3 millione r in income over two years? and a gun charge tha t mea that means hunter biden will not spend a day ins n. t >> that means the big guy a car doesn't have a care ine he the worl worldd long as merrick garland is the ag. and christopher wray is running the fbi. that means that joe biden'smento department of justice, it is a part of the executive branchf ,. is a disgrace. our two tiered system of oujustice had never been thiss e egregious, but the american but , thankfully,ygi
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they are not blind to the reality. a majorityo th of americans see right through this and believe that biden is corrupt. and 62% believe that the charges against donald trump by joe biden's justice department are politicallyu, motivated. and you, the american people, as per usualthe , you correct. joining us now with reaction, house ways and means committee chairman jason smith is from missouri. >> sir, great to see smith f yo. great to be with you, sam. all right. i want to i at length about exactly what these these irs whistleblowers told you because, you knoyow we have1 this 1023 whistleblower that the fbi obviousl02y deemedd pa credible because they had paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars for past intelligence. so my question is, let'so over go over what these whistleblowers were telling you and your committee. >> absolutelouy. you know, we set up a whistleblower hotline in a my first week as chairman, and we've had a lot of whistleblowers come forward.
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but they started out basically what you will find in there,wor 14 hours worth of testimony, is that the federal governmentm. has a two tiered justice system. they don't treat all taxpayers the same. unfortunately, americans aren't just average. americans aren't treated the same way that wealthy and thwae politically connected, especially if your last name is biden. and we saw that with countless examples that they used how the department of justice intervened in the prosecution of hunter biden, they delayed, they divulged and they denied numerous example of where these investigators tried to go into e a further prosecution of hunter biden. so by delaying that, that allow the statute of limitations to pass so thae statutt other tx issues that likely would have come up from, say, would 2014 and onward. he would have been charged with those hh and likely they would have been felonies. is that a fair statement? that's t stateme right. actuall
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the whistleblower's actually showed thatshowed in tx years of 2014 and 2015. hunter biden, on a conservative estimate, would have owed $300,000 in unpaid taxes for his foreign resources thatn he received and because sta they delayed the statute of limitations has expired for. inp any criminal penalties foren 204 and 2015 tax years? >> let me go and letrs me go toa this chinese business partner and let me go to this, i guess, whatsappnde go is an encrypted s that people use to prevent anyp type of spying or it erases tha itself. it disappears. is that would that be a proper characterization? it's exactly right. it's a it'?>> that s messaging . and what was what was brought tu our attention by the irs whistleblowers is that in there was a documented message
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on hunter hunter biden's whatsapp account that went to chinese business partner. like what you said sean, and it was pretty much demanding for that that business partner to contact him in regard s a future payment and he highlighted that he is sitting right next to his father sponse. atr his response and that absolutely contradicts what president biden hasdeus ocs said on numerous occasions that he knows nothing about his son,b hunter biden's business dealings. why did we not hear abouess t thiso read before? and i want to i want to read this again. , my father,here thi and would like to understand why the commitment made has no t been fulfilled. i will make certain that between the maled. betweenn nex, he's talking about joe biden and every person he knows and my ability to hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. i am sitting here waitin g the call with my father.
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now, congressman, is there anything more incriminating of o joe biden than that encrypted message that he has with the chinese partner? it >> it definitely says a lot right there. and that'slo very disturbing. that's why it is so important that the american people get this information. it's so important that votehouse ways and means committee voted today to allow this information to be publi thc because of statutory aut authorities undehorir something they call 6103. we were the only one s able have th to have the information from the irs whistleblowers. and in order for thatade pu information to be made public, we had to vote to make it publicbld to vot. we did that's why we did it is so that. the public can see thisan information, they can hear it, and the facts can continuet an, lead to further further progress. >> sr progresso the three counte i referred to, what was it, china, romaniarred t and one otr country, and ukraine and ukraine, it was $17 $17 m million. and ofil that 17 million,
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you been able to trace back over 8 million to hunter biden that he received himself a right at 8.3 million. and when you look at the payments and gifts, hunter biden received a portion valued over $140,000. he received it. he gota the repordit from the y in kazakhstan. did he get a car from that guy to i don't know. s from. recall who it' i just remember it like a freeld car, like a z06 corvette. i am if they can get me one withli the zero seven package, i'm on a listst t to one, but my name hasn't been called yet, and i'm waiting. >> what? hannit y if you change your last in name to biden, you might get that car to say, congressman, you know what? i think i'll stick with the name. i havei will stick w. even though in some circles, maybe not. well but but let me go to l the length and the depths that deptj went to to protect the entire family and the
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family syndicatean or the family enterprise here, because everything that whistleblowers were telling us, just lenses to an argument that the doj the knew that they had cause and reasonable suspicion and that purposely did nothing and that they gave the bidens speciay l treatment. is that consistent with whath wt your interpretation these two whistleblowers are? >> yeah, the whistleblowers bothlowers a them pointed out s alarming activities that the department of justice, they pointed out how the department of justic een had been delaying the tactics in the investigation, whic tacth ultimately led to the statute of limitations expirin g in 2014, 2015. they also provided information showing that department of justice prosecutors, in fact, led hunter biden's attorneys know of warrants being issued.
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for example, they had a search warrant where they were going to go after a storage unit. he had northern in northern virginia, and they had contacted hunter biden's attorneys beforehand that that is absolutely unreasonable and somethinat ig that typically doesn't happen. we also have a lot of evidence from the whistleblowers that shows that there is, in fact, not independ ence as as attorney general garland had said in numerous testimony before the united states senate. all right, congressmand c incredible work. a lot of courage and bravery. one last thing. these whistleblowers. i thought democrats love whistleblowers even here say whistleblowers, but apparently there's been retribution to the asm. there absolutely has been retribution, according to the whistleblowe>> therer. and that's something that we are going to take aggressive measures and lookingill take inf these whistleblowers after they came have been removedremo from that investigation, that they have been parved atiot of e 2018. >> chairman, great job and iat j
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hopeob american people are. paying attention because if we don't have equal justice, we don't have equal application of our lawsation. syst if we have a two tiered justice system, we might as well take that document known as ouron and constitution and shred it because it's meaningless. grea s t job, sir.ou >> thank you. appreciate you being with us. all right. with more now is author of the bestseller get trump, harvard law professor alan dershowitz, along with the author of another bestseller, the trial of the century foxthor o legal analyst gregg jarrett. there's a lot to sink your teeth into here you. >> i'll just let you take whatever side you want, but it's time for this fbi f director and this organizationd to be altered. >> they need a cleaning up from the top to bottom bottom to top. and the same thing with the doj. it's been weaponized, politicize as been d, and this is nott equal justice or application. >> clearly, i'm in the wrong profession. i drive a 74 volkswagen.e '874 v
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>> greg, i'll help you out with that. >> you can do better. you ease or vet z06, but get the zero seven package just numbers and letters to me here. look, this makes a mockery ofocy our system of justice unequal. >> equal justice under the law. it has bee n blown to shreds here. >> i agree with you. merrick garland. i thinth you.merrick, to congre. he should resign in disgrace.ra cei'll give you just one exampl. he said.he sai oh, david weiss, the u.s. attorney is n. d >> delaware has complete jurisdiction to do anything you want. true. he knows wants. that's not true. he was a federal judge. maybe he was a lousy federal judge. but david weiss has jurisdiction, ends at the state risdictiline. >> so he tried to go to california for other taxer tx cheating violations, felonies to washingtotions, fn in d.c. te places where hunter biden also committed crimes. and he was denied by biden, appointed u.s.
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but it's not just that wat.e learned today the irs wanted wae to raid joe biden's home in delaware. they had probable cause for a search warrant probabl that incriminating documents were there because hunter biden living there and an assistant u.s. attorney shut it down. they wanted to raid hunter biden's storage unit. same assistant attorney shut it down. and she said, ohit down., the oi are not good. >> look, this is rank. it was the optics of mar-a-lago. okay. yeah, that's perfectly okay pere because, you know, it's donaldct trump. >>nald tru the the trouble withs is that, you know,on american eyes realize what's going on. you cited one poll. i've got a different pol u saw itl 63% of americans believe that hunter biden crimes and a majority of the same people say that joe biden was complicit in intimately involved.
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and those american people are right. professor. they had one hearsay whistleblower that ended uhad on the impeachment of donald j. trump over a phone call or a basically is asking presidents wolinsky to pledge that he would not be like his predecessors and be responsive be a responsible steward of the taxpayers dollars that he was going to hanhe taxpa d over. me, p you tell me,ro professor, at d you hear this? >> what do you hear? well, first, let'su hear about . the evidence that it producedjoi so far against joe biden is true, and i don't know that u it's true, i hope it's notd fori true. i voted for him. but if it's true, if hm.e was sitting there while his son said, you know, basically send me the moneicallyy, else, e will be consequences, that would be an impeachable offense . that would be the crime of bribery. what congresswoman issued todayb are not impeachable offenses,. and i hope you'll ask that
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question. there's a little bit of shpocris littly. she voted against the impeachment of donald trump ond againsimpeachm the gra you needed to commit a crime of criminal type behavior. she acceptedal my argument. and now she's seeking the impeachment of biden, not im grounds which are impeachable, but because of dereliction of dut becausey andf of power, neither of which are in the constitution. so pleasthe ask her to explainn. how she took a pledge to uphold the laws of our land and our constitution. and by not enforcing our border laws and by pickingr la and choosing which laws he'll enforce, that that would be a violation of that pledge. >> now, professor, that's not a constitutional criteria for impeachment. it says treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors. >> but i think a misdemeanor is purposely don't enforcee sw the laws that you're sworn to uphold. >> that'n to s what i argued the successfully in front of the senate is not an impeachable offense. but the key point is it wouldt be an impeachable offense if,
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in fact, biden sat next to hisor son and heard him make that demand for money. now, we don't know don't whether it's true. we don't know. i don't know. i haven't heard the tape, bu now.ven't hetn was i don't know whether hunter biden was telling the truth when he said he was sitting nextte said heng nex to his father. but there is probable cause and this has to be investigatetd ,too. and thank god for our system of checks and balances that wem oes have a congress that is not controlled by the party in powe r and can do the kind of investigation. hid biden can't plead his fifth amendment anymore because his lawyers have said that he's no longers lawy subject to any cril prosecution. >> so please go forward with this. >> so let me ask professor, we have to do irs whistleblowerswea and then you havnde the whistleblower on the 1023 form that said that joe is that and by the way, this is a whistleblower deemed credible by the fbi, as evidenced by the hundreds of of dollars they paid this informant for past information
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. >> so then that 1023 that caught that a direct charge of bribery of a president, direct a actions were taken as vice president by joe biden inge for exchange for family money. >> i want him to get to the bottom of that fi want t to . >> let's find out if that's true. that's hearsay at the momentthai let's have direct evidence. let's listen to the tapes. bu tapes.t i'm here to tell you, an legal expert on impeachment, that if that turns out to be true, that is an impeachable offense. but what congrese that s womanbert robert today issued and tried to get you, if you want to debate her, i'll keep you for the next days. >> we got to. okay, but but, but, but i want to be clear here. you believ e do you believe, as we do, that there is nowis nw enough credible evidence showing that this fbi and thisd doj is favorinthisg joe and the biden family? >> yes, i do. and i think the durham reporttht confirms that. and i think that calls forl a special commission to be appointed to look into the fbio
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and to see whether or not we're getting equal justice. a nonpartisa eqn commission likeike the 911 commission to examine top to bottom,cause because the american public does notth the justice system i today. >> that's a fact. let mes a fact give a quick 30 l seconds to break. fbi and the department of justic gree are corrupt. >> chris wray and merrick garland should be tossed out on their casters. >> and the only way to do thatts is to have different president in the white house. >> it's it is outrageous thateot this u.sha. attorney has letp on hunter biden go with a slap wri on the wrist a couplste misdemeanors completely overlookinemeanorsg the foreigno practices act, crimes committerd fara violation crimes committed bribery, extortion. >> the list goes on and on. i could spend an hour describing it at all, but the biden family
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is alsot. corrupt. greg jarrett, thank you, professor dershowitz. great. , thank k you as well. coming up, the house voted as professor dershowitz made sure to send articles of impeachment against biden to the committee co >> congresswoman lauren boebert, who introduced those articlesn lauren boe, wil. also, we'll find out what the spat with marjorie taylor greenspat wite is all ab. and we'll show you highlights of adam schiff softball interview on that hit news show the view. and tomi lahren will react straight. eels m the thought of getting screened the thought of getting screened for colon cancer made me queasor . but now i've found a way that's right for me. right for me. feelgoay. ♪ >> my doc and i today's a good day. today's a good day. i screened with guard and didan iterage ri way. and n >> cologuard is a one of a kindg way to screen for colon cancer
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introduced articlewomanom colorf impeachment against joe biden, citing a dereliction of duty , r abuse of power over the out-of-control border crisis. out of contre ultimately votedlt along party lines to refer the articles to bothy and the security and judiciary committees. congressman boeberjut joins us now with more details. co, i tendswomanwi to agree that if a president takes a pledgeen to upholdns the constitution, that means the laws of our country. >> and you the don't get to pickat you w and choose what you want to enforce enfor. and that's exactly what he's done down at the border. but i do feel i need e borddo fee to giverofess you a chance to respond to professor dershowitz. >> if you heard hior m. yes, yes, i did heai r the professor and the founders designed impeachment as a built in accountability mechanism for such a built a time as this. i when a president is ignoring it iduly enacted laws passed by congress, then it's our duty to act and be that check and balance on the executive by deliberately choosing to ignoree congressional enacted laws. biden is trampling on our
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constitutionn and congress's j. is to pass the law. the president's jo b is enforce it full stop by unilaterally. nullifying border security laws. joe biden has threatened our constitutional separation of powers and his oath of oath office. >> all right. let's talkof office. a little b. it's been referred to the homeland security committee and the house judiciar homelandy. >> that's jim jordan's committee. where does it go from there? n well, first of all, shawn, i just want to say as as a mother, it breaks my heart vi watch joe biden turn a blind eye to the victims of chilctd sex trafficking. the tens of thousands of children that have gone missing from being trafficked. i've been to the border. i've seen children in cages wrapped mylar blankets. joe biden is responsible and it breaks my heart that he has caused these children to suffer, to pursue his radical open borders. lawless agenda for joe bidenessn children. we have chronicled all of this.
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you're 100% right. and human trafficking, the fentanyl, that's killing our kids and, you know, massive numbers of peoplkilling e and ty seemingly don't care. they haven't lifted a finger dto stop it. as a matter of fact, they're aiding and abetting and in the lawbreaking. 't i'd be negligent if i didn't ask you. all right. what's goingwhat i on? >> you and congresswoman marjorie taylor greene. sean, anawn, i did not put my life on and leave my four boys and my now grandson to come here and just get in and spats with people. i came here to legislate and to be effectivend t for coloradansm coloradans who are suffering from the democrats policy. marjoriethmocrat not my enemy. joe biden's policy. the democrat.s. that is my enemy that i ambating combating right now and i'm doing everything i can to make sure i put them in check and hold them accountabled and take our country back from this radical extremism that we are seeing. and that's why, seanseeing., for
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the first time in 24 years, a house republican majority votetime in d today, unanimousl republicans voted to begin impeachment proceedings against a current president. i jumpstar t t this critical effort to ensure that joe biden is impeached for his t dereliction of duty, violating article two of the constitution conseborderto execut our immigration and border security laws and my articles of impeachment, like you said, s referred to the homeland security committee and the judiciary committee. ecittee an so we can expedite theseite th impeachment proceedings against joe bideesent procn. >> all right, congresswoman, great to have you, as always. thank you for being with us. a crucia u r being l yesterday, the housa voted to censure congenital liar adam schiff over his endless lies pushing the russia hoax. toda hoax.y. >> join the ladies. this is a great crowd. i really enjoy you coming. anywayy yo, today he joined the ladies of that hard hitting new show on abc, the view to brag about the century. >> take a look. i think they hope that they cane
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silence others t. and that's where the danger in this kind of a device lies. time roosevelt said in his time, there are times when you could judge times e a person by the es they make. and sadly, i think we're in that kinadly id of a time. a and by that standard, i'm doing pretty well. you know, it's tragim c. ally t it really tears down the house mf representatives froea what once was. >> this is what the house has degenerated into. but look, we'll get past this. i have every confidenct paste tt too, shall pass. i think that if we beat themooat next year and god help us, if we don't, they may just decideai abandon trump. not because he's a liar. they're fine with that. not becausar.e he's they can lie with that too. not even because he's a danger to our nationat l security. but they just might decide to ban them foust mighr the rean you mentioned, which is he's a loser. >> that woul d be you, adam.anyway >> anyway, here with reaction, outkick host tomi lahren, his
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first tomi, great debut. you know what the funniest part is? he was berating durham over the issue of the possible campa bility that somebody inig the trump campaign might have reached out to russight have a. and as durham pointed out, there's no evidence of that operation crossfire. hurricane never should have been open. there was no causened. the doss they couldn't prove a single item i n that.this >> and he went out. there quoting all this. but the only guy on tape is idiot. >> he got pranke bd by twoy two russians who said we have compromising material on donald trump. what's the nature of the compromise pictures thatdidl naked trump naked? does this vladimir seead them. but but of course of must showir vladimir that okay he's the idiot that got caught on tape trying to get intelligence on a presidential candidate with a russian. >> yeah, he certainly is. and every time a democrat invokes democracy or national security. ht i
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i have to laugh and i have to look at the gaslight in the room, because that's exactl. exay what they're doingn but i have an interesting take on this. do i think h.e deserved to be censored? absolutely. he did deserve that. do deserve i think it was the bese strategic move for house republicans? no, i do f republic, because as you'res seeing, he is taking a victoryta victorki y lap. he is now the martyr. and i fear this is going th elevate him, especially in california, into the senate. so that's what i worry about, falling into that trap. this is only going to bolster him. and everl y they talk about abot the mega republicans, i think everybody in the state of california tverybody to cheers. that's my biggest concern here. do we make a martyr out of adam schiff instead of just letting him go away in disgrace? >>f i you know, dianne feinstek does not look well wel. ay about >> gavin newsom, the government might have a say about all of this. the thinhis. g is what was amazing to me when you look at this durham report, tommy is that nothing that they said for three years was true. that corrupt mob and the mediaom
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,that they lied to the american people every single day, day in, day out, week in, thek out, month in, month out for three long years. they've never corrected the record. they'dreears never, you know, pd to change their practices and they all got away with it. t and all the people that use the dirty dossier, even for pfizer, warrants to spy on people. they all got, you know, no no penalty, no consequences at all whatsoever. >> that should bother every american. your thought s? oh, it absolutely does. and the fact that the mediath is also complicie fadia is at, s bothers me even more because i expect more out of the media that's supposed to be a watchdog and protect the american people. but the way that i thinktchdog e going to beat all of this is at the ballot box. so we better get work and we better work on our election strategy, make them pay their that'sd make tere. what wd to come out in force and say, you lied about our guy. one, two, three, four, five, six times. now you're hiding and covering up forw you the biden crime fa. let's beat him at the ballot box. box.s back and forth
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with the censor and this that i fear that we're playing their hands here. and i like to see us be more strategic, play chess, not checkers. so we can actually, i don't know, win a modern day election. wouldn't that be nice? >> well, republicans finally are now encouraging the call on a ban k through your vote for rep republicans and conservatives to vote earlub y by mail and stopctant being reluctant and resistant. the next step has to ban e legale ba ballot harvesting to match the efforts of democrats, especially in swinllg states. not done that yet.i i am calling on them to do it and do it as well, if not better. great advice, tom. tomm.y, for being with us. >> appreciate it. all right. straight ahead, a tragic end to theapprec rescue mission for the last titanic submarine. a very old mike tobitanic son ie latest. and renowned explorer michael harris knows a lot about this. about this. straight ahead. it's positive. we're having a serious breach of fitnesnouns, having
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on sirius xm america is listening. >> all right. the rescue mission for the missing titanic submersiblec came to a tragic end todayd an with the coast guard announcing that the crew had been killed in a deep set thea catastrophe.. and new tonight, the u.s. navy now says it hearw d what they believe was the submersible explosion two days earlier. our very own mike tobin has the latest on that. mike, san has d day to day. >> it certainly is.. and for all the worrying, searching, the hope against the odds, there's every indication now that submersiblem titan imploded. the pilot and passengers were lostpl lot an. time af just a short time aftersu the submersible lost contactbme. with the surface last sunday, a u.s. navy official confirms to fox news that some top top-s secret acoustic technology detectedecic techn sounds consit with an implosion in the area where the wreckage was that was last sunday. l now, a remote operated vehicle t
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off a canadian ship today found the debris. thpre.and when we talk about de, you're talking about what they call the pressure chamber or tae hull of the sub in. five pieces, about 1600 feet the from the bow of the titanic itself. the u.s. coast guard says there was a catastrophic failure of the submersible pilot and passengers died instantly. no decision has been made aboutr salvaging the wreckage john. >> all right, mike tobin, thank you. sean w, previous alerts had a long history of problems indicate that this traged prevy may hn prevented. the company was warned on numerous occasions flaws with the vessel, and some were even shocked thatcked cheap store bought parts were actually used inside of the su b . >> there were many red flags e compven director james m cameron remember, he did titanic the movie. he compared it to the sinking take. titanic >> take a look. e similarity ofh the titanic disaster itself, where the captain was repeatedly warned about ice ahead of his ship, and yet
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he steamed at full speed into an ice field on a moonless night. and many people died as a result. and for this very similar tragedy where warnings went unheeded to take place at the same exact site with, all the diving that's going on all around the world, i think it's just astonishing. >> it's really quite surreal. >> here with reaction, titanic, mitanic expedition leader mike g. michael harris is with us. sir, welcome aboard. say to you know, the first thing i'd say to you is you know, whenpeoe you think of people that do dangerous things, you know, the idea that there are people that look at the moon and say, i'm going to fly thered sa , e ho i'm going to land, walk around, come home. wow. i tiat to th to. and they're they're courageous. spirknow, explorer, explorer, adventurous spirit. i feel the same way abou t the people that want to go down and look at the titanic. i don't fault them forn' that. they had had successful excursions before or, you know
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what would happen? we wouldn't have jet planes if there weren't brave peoplehave t amelia earhart or the wright brothers, for example. arhart o so let's talk about this case. >> have you been down there yourself? so i've dove the wreck 14 times, led multiple ane. itions out to the sit we do all the salvage jobs on the ship to the recovery of all the artifact thes. so, yeah, i've got a lot of experience. i always a lot o to say that i m more time on titanic than captain smith. >> wele l, that probably is trud in the end, at the end of the day. s there was one guy that went on a previous expedition, i think it was from germany, that actually said it was, you know, a life or deatht situation and very dangerous. ap at any point did you feeoil this was a dangerous situation for you? >> well, no, you got to understanyou? d, john, that,living you know, when we were doing this for a living and you're out there chartering out the dit vessels, you get the best of the best because there have been more people to outer space than to this depth of the ocean.
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thn we're diving in this.make s we have to make sure thatur our equipment, we've crossedll e all the i's, we've dotted all the t's, and then we go back and do ien we got all over agaiu we put ourselves in the sub, muchthe su less some type off passenger or paying passenger. you know, there's a lot of explorerng p.s out there like yn you mentioned amelia earhart, etc.. she didn't have passengersed earhart with her, especially paying passengers was very irresponsible. >> well, let's talk about what you see as irresponsible. the idea is that the vesself itself, when you hear that they were buying partswhen off a a shelf somewhere and it wasn't manufactured specifically for this particular submersible, some of this particular when you're when you're talking 12,850 feet in depth, £6,000,-pd pfc pressure working on thatsu holere w, 29 degrees outside wa2 temperature. it's liquid ice, sal9 degreet we takes longer to freeze in fresh water when you're going into a hostilsh e environment like that. you have to go with the right equipment.
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you can't be buying stuff off the shelf and you sure can't be going iand yon untested, uncertified vessels to that depth of the ocean. it's just that's what mean by irresponsible. >> that's not exploring the difference between . t you us the equipment you use, the numerous times you went equi and saw the titanic and this equipment was night and day. >> that's what it sounds liks n >> oh, it's complete night and day. every every deep divine nigt th submersible that's out there, whether it's, you know it', the russians built the mir one into the jim cameron and, you know, filmd twthe ca the ti with you have the not till that the french government premie an navy built and you have ofyou ha course the alvin that belongvese to woods hole the unitedui states navy builltt every one og these deep sea diving vessels and the japanese shinkails all went through rigorous testing hundreds of hours long before i you even got into it. >> wow. and now we've been divinitg thiv for over 30 years. >> we've never had one accident, not a single had n
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it had to be pretty cool being down there and seeing that numerous times. >> what was that like? i knowwhat was titanic is i meas amazing. >> it's it's heart stopping when you get i on it. see and the first time you see that bow rise up, i mean, you just a stop. >> it takes your breath away because you know the story. we've lived itbecause yo and all the different artifacts that are down there that we'vat e been and able to recover and bring up and share with the generalwith e public, you know, and preserving it for future generations. i mean, we'rpreservituree theree working. >> and that's part the thee an science and the research, etc.. >> i mean, it's amazinresearchgr >> well, you're you're one of those great explorers that that risked their lifeaorers the. yo >> and we learn a lot because of the risks you take and you k. e smart ris our prayers go out to the family. we appreciate you being with us. thank you. e you being with uall right. up next, another blunder filled week for your president. your confused commander inlo chief. we've got his lowlights. you don't want to miss it. that real aheayod.
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please just leave me alone alone. >> all right.ur pre your presidentsi joe hosted the prime minister of india at the white house today, and it went well, about as well as you would expect. biden kicked things off by accidentally placing his hand over his heart during the indian national anthem. rser >> only got worse from there. take a look.k. >> we had an incident that caused some some you might say. but president but the secretary. had a great trip to china having railway to go all from th
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the way across the southern to asia from the atlanti c afean to the indian ocean in africa. don't fall here with reaction. outkick founder and, of course, co-host of the very successfular clay travis buck sexton show. clay travis and fox across america, host jimmy fallonhat is and i don't know what's worse is it when the hand went down or when the thumb went up on eva longoria? , that well, when the hand wind down, that's just so funny because it was like he was hoping that no one would notice. >> right. just immediately take it off.. >> he slowly put it down like, oh, maybe there's something on the lapeln th of my jacket, which is pretty fantastic. now, i want to defend biden because was p actually tht they were playing god save the queen. re playiyou know, you got to hoe the monarchy. >> you feel for modi because he cameel for him because he wanteh with the guy in charge of the white house. >> but jingping wasn't available tonighe whituse but, . >> they summed it up perfectly. this is what it was like.ou
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>> he moves his hand. if you've ever caught your dogo, doing something he shouldn't do, they do like that and they pull it back away. >> and that's what happened. he was eating out of f the presidential garbage can for all intents and purposes. >> you ever see that, joe videos and smelling like little girl's hair and rubbingsh their shoulders and getting in their face. >> i'm like, oh. at least eva longoria is an fort adult. i mean, that's the only thing i can say for that video, which is. if er you look at those other videos we're talking about, really, you'll see that eva longoria see the. think, >> oh, you see that. what do you what did you think, jimmy? well, the we have well, the campaign slogan to finish the job is there because it was easier for him than finishing the sentencet wan . it sounded better than finish the grope, i guess. but it's reall finishey hands lo would get. >> man, i get in a lot of trouble for that. why does he sniff young girls hair? >> why it's so. v i'm not even allowed to show ity on tv because they're young kids, and i don't want these>> s traumatized. it's so weird. and also eva longoria, ioriat le
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she even thought. i can't believe he pushed hi s hand away. i like tried to slide away from it was almost the female version ofim trying to take off during the national anthem his hand off the chest. >> yeah, honestl nationaly i neversay thought i'd say this, but joe might have worse stuff on his laptop than hunteis.r. wow. >> i don't know if he knows what a laptop is. jimmy. >> i mean, that's a big part ofd the problem. does joe bidenen make it to the end of his term to to election day, november 2020? >> we talked about this on the show today, sean. >> i just don't see any way that he possibly can. jimi, what do you think, though? nk?biden biden 2024 as hunter's blood alcohol content, if anything. there's no way. there's no way. who's it going to be then? >> is going to be your boy, gavin newsom. >> what? i'll tell you. i got to take newsom newsom., too. >> just because clay's all right, you might be a factor. for all said and done, it. good to see you guys. thank you. thanks for having me on radio today. more "hannity" after this.
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we're all in this together. baby can have babies. i don't care what they say. i feel something. >> take some metamucil. this problem is going to work its way out. a woman is someone who gets mad at you for something. he did three years ago. i want a pilot who says we're going down in three languages and. he gave me command back home in china. and joe biden was a dog. he put him down. aliens are real. >> you should take a drink before this. an actual serious rob schneider woke up in america. >> streaming now on fox nation. sign up at fox nation .com. did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? >> i know it's scary unless you use relaxium sleep relaxium. >> sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from
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12:00 am
. >> all right. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this . evening. as always, thank you to our wonderful audience. thank you fodience a thankr. coming. we love having you. hannity econ for tickets next week, wednesday and thursday. you can join us for to hannity. .com. >> tickets are $1 million each. no arey free.solutel in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. there she is, laura ingraham takes it from here with a greatu take on my career. how are you. oh, there are new people there. >> tve it. now that there are people from more state, there's like peoplew from 20 different states here tonight. >> i know. thd the guy in the front from guam. and then the gal in the back from american samoe back froa, r every principality. now we got here talking carolina. t we got every state i goto to show to do. e >> all right. i got a show to do. but i love you and i love your audience. we love you, too. m have a good show. i all right, everybody.
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