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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  June 23, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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maryland senator ben carbon and thanks for watching "special report." i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. don't forget to watch fox news at night midnight in the east, 9:00 p.m. in the specific. >> pete: just another week. just when you think there couldn't be a wilder one, another one comes. >> trace: see you, pete. >> pete: you got it. welcome to a special edition of jesse watters on a friday i'm pete hegseth. now, nobody likes a showoff. but we all know someone who just loves to rub it in. >> i haven't had a carb since 2004. check these out. see these b boys in this is whai live with every day. i lather this up with in the shower. you want to touch these bad boys? sorry. not gonna happen.
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pet pete not going to hand. there is no one in washington who loves to rub things more than joe biden. >> joe: i'm going to be fine with your jokes but i'm not sure about dark brandon. >> pete: you see, but joe was never laughing with us. joe was laughing at us. and he has been laughing since the moment he stepped into the white house. but nothing like we saw last night. while joe was welcoming the prime minister of india to a state dinner, you won't believe who was in the crowd, rubbing elbows and shaking hands with his fellow so-called washington elite. and that's hunter biden. he was at the white house just like it was any ordinary week. have you ever seen someone fresh off of federal charges smile this much with fake teeth? well, you have probably never met a biden. if your last name is biden, can you dodge your taxes and wave an illegal gun in the face of prostitutes while high on coke and you will get the sweetheart
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deal of the century. but if you are a law abiding gun owner, the fbi will come comes ablazing and take your gun. so why was hunter at the white house anyway? >> the president invited his son hunter to the state dinner last night. i'm wondering if you could take us into the thinking and decision-making why the decision was made? >> i'm not going to get into personal family discussion as you know hunter is his son. i'm just not going to get into it. >> if hunter biden wasn't the president's son, would he have invited someone who had just reached a plea agreement with federal prosecutors? >> a couple of things, again, that's his son. it's -- he is a family member. it's not uncommon for family members to attend events at the white house. you could look at past presidents. i'm sure you have. >> pete: she is historic. i don't remember barron trump or the bush twins flaunting the law. hunter biden the only person plead guilty of a crime and it
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take off air force 1 to places like ireland with the big guy and stroll around the white house. that's what i call biden privilege. and when you have stooges like a.g. garland doing the dirty week from stalling on charges to tampering with evidence, you can get away with anything. and that's exactly what merrick garland did. >> u.s. attorney of delaware david weiss tried to bring charges in the district of columbia around march of 2022. and was denied. investigators had probable cause to search a northern virginia storage unit in which hunter biden had stored files. attorneys for biden were made aware prior to any search, unjustified delays pervaded the investigation including authenticating a whatsapp message in which hunter biden demands payment from chinese officials noting that his father
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is in the room. >> pete: hey, we might raid that unit. might want to take a look. biden's department of justice tipped off raids, shot down charges and then tried to bury the piece of evidence tying all of it to the big guy, including you, as was mentioned a whatsapp message where hunter was demanding money from the chinese. here's the quote. i'm sitting here with my father and i'll make certain the man sitting next to me and every person he knows that you will regret not following my direction. i'm sitting here waiting for the call with my father like a mafia boss. and the day of that message hunter was photographed at the big guy's house. but joe knows nothing. he is driving around in a comfortable. so does it sound like joe wasn't involved in any of hunter's shady business dealings? and don't call this russian disinformation their favorite phrase. hunter's own attorney confirmed e message. but he just blamed ion hunter
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being a track head. e midst of a horrible addiction, are solely his own and have no connection to anyone in his family. he went from hunter did nothing e was just as high as a kite deference. but have you ever seen such powerful people go bat this hard for a druggy? if i don't pay my taxes, garland is not going to help me. i'm sure -- i know he is not going to help you either. if you have ever seen an attorney general have dinner with a guy he is still investigating. still slow-walking, well, last night garland had a v.i.p. seat to biden's state dinner. the same dinnerrer hunter went to. i'm sure they enjoyed the best champagne and vegan delicacies that your tax dollars can pay for. garland says he has done everything by the books?
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some chosen to attack the justice department opponents and claim would he go do not treat case alike. this constitutes an attack on a institution that is essential to the american democracy and essential to the safety of the american people. nothing could be further from the truth. >> pete: two and a half years while garland was shutting down the laptop and biden's bribery scheme, trump was getting the full force of the fbi. he was getting raided, while the bidens were being tipped off to raids. trump was getting hit with petty charges, still is. while hunter was getting real charges dismissed. chopped right off. and if it had the name biden on it, the fbi, well, they just buried it. >> they were told to stand down. that's what our fbi whistleblower told us. when we learned of the discovery of the 1023 form, that alleged joe biden took a bribery from the most trusted highest paid
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fbi informant, they were told to stand down. the national archives, when they were trying to write a story on their website about joe biden mishandling classified documents, they were told by the department of justice to stand down. when they were obvious looking at the obvious tax violations by the biden family, they were told to stand down. >> pete: stand down. i haven't heard that much as much since bengals. if it wasn't for brave whistleblowers, we wouldn't know any of this. ant it wasn't too long ago if you blew the whistle on the president, the powerful people, you would never have to buy a drink in washington, d.c. ever again. but now, if you blow the whistle on biden, garland goes after you. >> there's a very, very real problem with retaliation here. and, of course, when you look at chris clark, hunter's attorney, he told prosecutors last summer that the to charge his client would be career suicide. we know coming for gary, the case agent and up to congress to
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protect them and make sure their not further retaliated against. >> what's worse is they think we are too stupid to see what's going on here. they cover up their crimes and toast with champagne and laugh at us. they think they are too good to even answer our questions. yes or no, was the president involved -- >> -- i just answered, steven. >> yes or no. >> i just answered the question i just said -- it's not up to you how i answer the question. i just answer the question by telling you my colleagues at the white house counsel has dealt with this, and i would refer you to them. go ahead. >> question about your statements from that podium. you stated that the president stands by his comment from the 2020 campaign that he never once discussed his son's overseas business dealings with his son. and you stood at that podium and you reaffirmed. that will do you stand by your reaffirmation. >> what i will say is nothing has changed. >> nothing has changed. >> i just answered the question you asked me does my statement change i told you nothing has changed. that's answering the question. >> pete: that's definitely not answering the question.
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a hedge, maybe? probably not that's the point. the bidens will never answer for anything. they will do the crimes and never pay the time. and no one is allowed to ask any real questions that they have to get real answers. biden told us nobody f's with a biden and that might be the truest thing joe biden has ever said. you see, the bidens just f with everyone else and rub it in your face. let's turn to andrew kerr an investigative reporter for the free beacon. andrew, have you broken a lot of this to include the some of the messages and i think the forensic evidence that ties the location of hunter biden at joe's house convertible to the very same day some of those threats were made to the chinese? >> yeah, that's right, pete. yeah, we know that hubbard was at his father's home the same day he sent those threatening shakedown messages to chinese businessmen just hours after those texts were sent. hunter biden was pictured behind the wheeling of his father's 1967 corvette.
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this is the same car that joe biden stored in the garage alongside classified records. these records are devastating blow against joe biden's repeated claims that he has never discussed foreign business dealings with his son. the president needs to address why shurent at his home invoking his name in these threatening shakedown messages to chinese businessmen with ties to the chinese communist party. and pete just 10 days after hunter sent messages the chinese company wired $1.5 million to hunter's accounts. >> pete: so the money is there so you have done this work. some of it i'm guessing on the laptop which the fbi the fbi, the irs, too, why won't they? >> right, the whistleblower documents released by the house ways and means committee yesterday showed that the fbi authenticked, verified the laptop way back in 2019, long
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before. 2020. and the whistleblower detailed how they wanted it use evidence from the drive but road blocks from the justice department throughout the whole bureau says. unclear why they didn't want to use information from the hard drive but that's the state of play. >> pete: they never wanted to charge hunter certainly in connection with to joe. back to what you up coward. the reality is we have a verified text message from the son of the vice president threatening, threatening a chinese national, remember the communist party with ties. high level energy executive pay up or else. obviously that stinks to high heaven. and foreign business dealings like that if you are not reporting it are not legal. why is it there not being more of this what the journalists are supposed to be doing in this country are holding the powerful accountable?
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>> right. it's important to note that this message is not from the laptop. it's -- the result it's from an electronic search of hunter biden's icloud account from irs investigators so this is a 1k5bs digitally authentic message. vet same day cyber forensics expert digitally authenticated those photos when we first reported them back in january. these are verified text messages these are verified photos. it's beyond dispute. the president needs to answer for this. it's just too much. the white house tried to ignore this today the president needs to address. this. >> pete: you wonder, we keep saying it's too much. you wonder if there is a moment where the dam actually breaks where the press actually latches on. we saw some stories in the "new york times" and others where they are starting to have to be forced to cover this because of the whistleblowers. maybe eventually it becomes too
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much so much corruption before our eyes they are hiding in plain sight. andrew, thank you so much. keep on the case. >> you got it. >> pete: coming up, why is the supreme court helping joe biden? , you knows ones that were nominated by trump protecting joe biden protect illegals? oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah.
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>> pete: 17 million illegals are living in america right now according to a new estimate. no one knows what the actual number is. probably higher than that we know millions of illegals are
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breaking into our country every minute of every day every week, every month. every year, ongoing. and ice, immigration and customs enforcement has their hands tied behind their back. when biden came into office he restricted what illegals ice can target to deport. remember that? joe told his department of homeland security so much for securing the homeland. the just being here illegally isn't actually illegal and it's not enough to get you deported. only get the booted if you are deemed a threat to public safety. a threat to national security. or are caught in the actual act of crossing. no wonder record numbers are flooding our border. but, a texas judge blocked it before it was then appealed and went to the supreme court. and today the conservative majority of the supreme court ruled 8 to 1 in favor of biden. they put ice back in shackles
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you think that's probably why trump nominated them. the justices' reasons the state doesn't have the right to tell the federal government how to arrest people. if they really want something changed, the court said, federally it has to go through congress. but justice alito, the only one who dissented who said the court is giving way too much free range at this point. that's putting it lightly. stephen miller is the founder of america first legal. nobody better to talk about on this topic and many. steven, what do you make of this ruling? >> well, i was on the phone two years ago with ken paxton talking about this very issue and my organization worked alongside the state of texas to begin initiating so many of these important lawsuits and so, today's ruling is obviously an historic disappointment and i will say that this underscores the psychological intimidation campaign that is being waged against the supreme court by the radical left.
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it's clearly having an impact. it's important to note they just ruled that the state didn't have standing. they didn't address the question of whether joe biden's conduct is illegal or unconstitutional which is. it's a giant copout. texas doesn't have the standing. >> pete: help me out with that, steven. how in the world if any state would have standing, it would be texas. how do you make the argument that a state being invaded because the federal government won't do their job doesn't have standing in a case? >> you can't make the argument. i could sit here and i could pretend to make the argument. and it would go-out argument would basically be that is the federal government declines to arrest somebody or declines to remove somebody or declines to prosecute somebody that that's a decision that exists only inside of the executive and states don't have a right to weigh in on that. here's why that doesn't work. because every time you try to deport an illegal alien that illegal alien gets to have a judge block it. every time you try to keep somebody out of this country, california and hawaii and massachusetts can run to a court
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and they can have that shut counsel. how can you live in a country where only illegal aliens can get justice and american citizens can't get justice? and i will say one more thing. listening to merrick garland preach about the rule of law when he is exempted along withmakers 99% of illegal aliens in this country from the laws is an insult to the intelligence, honor and decency of every single american citizen. >> pete: exactly right. they are lying to our face. what -- what's left for border states and all states to do in the wreckage of the last two and a half years is blatant and laid before us and i know states are trying. your organization is trying. but it's an open wound that won't heal. >> well, we are obviously going to continue the litigation barrage and at this point working with patriotic states like texas, like indiana, like missouri to keep on fighting. but, also, one of the things my organization is doing is we are giving congress language that they can include in the appropriations bills so-to-shut it down. and the supreme court said in
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this terrible ruling that congress can shut it down by defunding it. so that really is what has to happen in september with those funding bills expire. that is in september. the last year's budget expires and you have to pass new bills and the budget has to be appropriated by the house. so if the house includes and we provided the language that says that you cannot use any federal funds to release or permit into the country illegal aliens that, would stop this thing cold. >> pete: stephen, real quick we are almost out of time. they are shuffling around impeachment proceedings. stick to immigration. is this the kind of thing the abdication of insovereignty should lead to the impeachment of mayorkas and/or the president? >> that's what has to happen. the supreme court is saying it's in congress' hands, then congress has to step up. if you can't impeach mayorkas
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over facilitating trafficking on grand scale and child smuggling level never seen before. drug trafficking violation of our sovereignty. if you can't impeach over that then you are saying that any cabinet secretary from now until the end of time could completely disregard the constitution and laws of the united states. if that becomes the norm, then we are not living in a democracy anymore. >> pete: i hope republicans step unand play the kind of hard ball our republic needs right now. stephen miller, thank you. >> thank you. >> pete: you got it. up next barack obama says you, you're the problem with america.
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healthier planet for generations to come. for a better tomorrow, we're focused on making plastics better today. >> pete: well barack obama's worldwide whining tour continues. a couple months ago he was crying in australia. this week is he in greece complaining that republicans don't like him. it's like the apology tour never stops. is it because he gave mexican
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cartels a bunch of guns? is it because his healthcare website crapped out? is it because he spied on trump? oh, no, of course not. it's because of. >> if you're watching fox news or following some right wing radio host or getting facebook feeds within that bubble, you're reality is different than if you read the "new york times" or watch your program, and when people are getting such fundamentally different different facts or what they think to be facts and world views so skewed in one direction or another then it's very hard tore democracy to work. >> pete: barack obama has a point if you read the "new york times" and watch cnn, you would live in a completely different world. fantasy world, you would never know about hunter's laptop, the
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borders, biden's classified documents in chinatown and in his garage and you would never know that the trump-russia collusion thing the whole thing bogus i can see why obama doesn't want us around. no looking into left wing dirts 23406789 talk radio. certainly no independent journalists, no fox news. if obama gets rid of us, he could say anything he wants, like traditional men are scared of women and gay people? >> changing gender roles have fueled at least as much of a backlash as the racial backlash. this enormous fear among men and those who like the traditional structures and hierarchies and patriarchy get very nervous when you have women suddenly being outspoken and thinking that they should have the same rights and
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power as men do and when you have people of different sexual orientation saying i'm here. i wi want a seat at the table. that has been very threatening. >> pete: our friend rachel campos-duffy is the co-host of "fox & friends weekend." i will see her tomorrow morning. it's always a delight. rachel, are men -- i mean, when you speak up, i'm afraid. is this really the issue? >> yeah. you know, listen, division is just what obama does. i mean, can you look at the data. the racial harmony in the country was better before barack obama. and it served its purposes. right? as you pointed out so many of his policy failures were easily papered over by just blaming it on racism and he did a lot to fund it, too. he gave a lot of our tax dollars to ngos to help push this sort of cultural marxism that tries to divide us by race and gender and sexual orientation. but by far, pete, the most destructive and divisive thing that barack obama did in his presidency we are feeling right
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now. that is that he basically stuffed or packed the doj, the fbi, the cia and the top military brass with his leftist partisan radicals, people like john brennan. somebody who admitted he voted for the communist party. people like mccabe. people who could do the dirty work for the democrat party and that is what we are seeing right now. you have these institutions. the cia, the intelligence agencies, all treating half of the country as if they are terrorists. literally making documents saying we are terrorists. we are white supremacists. they have more contempt for us than t they have for terrorists. that's the country we are living. in i will tell you, this pete. we have lived under all kinds of policy and i'd logical differences. but we will not have a democracy, what he claims to care about and talk about in that interview, we do not have democracy because right now half of the country believes this government has been weaponized
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against them. it's not about trump. it's about all of us just as you said in your little statement here before i got on. >> pete: right in front -- he complains about fox news and talk radio while having basically, i don't know, what? 95% of conventional media in his pocket? it's got to be 100 percent. there's that autocratic tendency well, if not search glowing about me then the ones who are criticizing me have to be the problem. >> yeah. just think he worked with -- he and also joe biden, these democrats in power they work with big tech to censor us. it's so easy to win debates if your opponent isn't allowed to talk. that's what they have been trying to do. think what the numbers would be for republicans if they weren't meddling and using the government against us to censor us. i think our numbers would be a throat greater. >> pete: next time we have a debate on the show between you and i i'm afraid of you and i because you are talking i will
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mute your debate. >> rachel: you will win second time. >> pete: second topic real quick there was a graduation ceremony where a college student ripped off the microphone out of an administrator's hand and accused her of being racist. watch. >> nic. [shouting. >> let go. >> you didn't let me get my moment so i want to say my name is and i'm graduating today. i would like match the mic out of my hand so today is going to be all about me. >> oh, drop the mic. congratulations. >> help me understand the instinct of this day is all about me. help me. >> i'm trying. so let me say this. she later went online to say i'm a black woman in america. i'm always in the right. i did it for all the girls who look like me. look, this was a disgusting display of narcissism and it was not pretty for her. it wasn't fair to the other people who were there.
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but we just had a white house rose garden pride affair with people not wearing their tops, transgender women going topless and degrading the white house. how do we not think -- how do we think we are going to keep decorum up in a graduation ceremony like this. this is a social media, narcissism, a lack of decorum and civility that's degrading in our country, i will only add this, pete, she is also an only fan. so perhaps this will increase some of her -- in that department. based on her attitude. that may be the best line of work for her. she might not be employable in other places. >> pete: you got a degree but you learned nothing. and. >> rachel: nothing at all. >> pete: absolutely staggering. rachel, you are the best. thank you. >> rachel: see in the morning. >> pete: bill gates just got the green light to go in your refrigerator. yum. he likes vegan food, i'm sure. ♪ ♪
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>> pete: i don't have to tell you the world can be a scary place. as parents we want to protect our kids. that's why we get upset when we see places like target trying to sell tuck them in bikinis. it's like you can't run the basic errands without propaganda forced in our kids' faces. of course, it's not just at the store. what's even more alarm something that our children's classrooms have become ground zero for gender indoctrination. instead of trigonometry kids are learning about trans identity. "primetime" spoke to one high school student last week who was forced to watch a pride video in math class. what does sexuality have to do with math? well, nothing. but kids of all ages have -- are having images like this shoved in heir face leaving them confused. and then once the school day ends, well, the indoctrination is just beginning. because kids are being exposed to far worse things on their
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phones. especially unsupervised. i don't know why we do that. this two fold approach of school and social media propaganda is damaging an entire generation of otherwise innocent kids. like the daughter of my next guest, erin friday. during a seventh grade sex ed class introduced to terms like pan sexuality trans ideology. things 11-year-old shouldn't have to hear at school. her daughter's confusion was compounded by the flood of images coming across her phone. social media brainwashed erin's daughter. >> when she made her pronouncement that she was trans, she was severely depressed. i got into all of her social media. i spent a week going through everything on her phone and seeing what she was exposed. to say it was just so perverted. they are coming after the kids and they even say it. it's really easy to trick a kid
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into things. it was shear indoctrination. >> erin's story is tragic but she is certainly not alone. parents across the country aren't backing down anymore. they are paying more attention than ever to who their kid or grand kid comes into contact with on their phone because the alternative can be devastating. erin friday is the mother featured in the new documentary "groomed" and she joins me now. erin, i wish we had more time. i encourage people to see the film groomed so they understand the entire story. what was the moment as a mother you realize my kid has been captured? >> well, it really started after her sex education class when she and all of her friends and there were five of them sat in my front yard and they all picked a different label from the alphabet soup. none of them picked heterosexual and they kind of giggled at me when they called me sis. that was the opening up oh my
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gosh what is happening at school and then it went forward into where i started to see all these kids coming over to my house using they them pronouns girls with blonde hair all the way down to their rear end calling themselves boys. and it was pervasive. i mean, just pervasive in california. half of her girl scout troop came out of trans. it's not organic. this is being foisted on these kids. these kids are being con. female to male on their instagram account. traffickers. for grooming. it's really quite alarming. really should watch groomed, and understand how this gets into a child's brain. it's virtually impossible to
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stop the, you know, indoctrination if a child has a phone or an ipad, it's just going to get through. >> pete: it's staggering. thank you for sharing this experience. i can't imagine. what have you been able to do? have you been able to undo it? this is clearly a social contagion. friends, teachers, social media, there is pressure to do it. you whole cis mom means you are straight so you are mocked for that have you been able to undo it? >> yes. luckily my daughter has decisted that means shoe no longer believes she a boy. she celebrates her female body and quite happy being a female. it was really difficult. the first thing one has to do is take away that phone. take away the internet. you know, that is step one and any parent who has gotten their child out of this did that same thing. it's hard. but it's what you have to do to bring your child back to reality.
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>> pete: you have to take the control back, otherwise it's an endless portal of whatever anyone out there with views very different than yours is willing to pump into your kid's head. thank you for your courage and i encourage people to see this film and get a understanding how far reaching this film is erin, god bless you. the film is "groomed." up next on a totally different topic. we shift topics on this show quite a bit. bacon lovers beware. the left coming for your breakfast. ♪ ♪ moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief
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>> pete: it's confirmed, bill gates is hell bent on making americans eat fake food. >> this company needs refined is using fun guy and then they turn them into sausage and yogurt, pretty amazing. >> when you say fun guy do you mean like mushroom or microbe.
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>> this is the microbe. this is the yogurt. >> it's good. >> wow. >> pete: it's not just microbes he invested a portion of his huge fortune into a company that grows chicken meat in a laboratory and that company is just one of two that was just approved by the government to sell fake meat across the country. great. fox business correspondent kelly o'grady has the latest. kelly? >> hey, it's good to see you, pete. yes, this is called cell cultivated chicken, so it's not your plant based impossible burger. it's supposed to be real meat made from real animal cells. california start ups. they received approval from the usda to sell their product. how it works animal cells are extracted from a chicken and fed nutrient. sugars, vitamins, minerals, the cells multi-fly and develop into fat and muscle tissue takes 1 to 3 weeks. you won't be seeing this in your grocery store soon.
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small and partnering with local restaurants because right now it's really expensive to make and sell. this upside foods can only make 50,000 pounds right now. the hope is scaling up to producing millions of pounds in the future and make the process more comibleg. not everyone is on board with this though. critics share this may take too much energy to make and we actually spoke to a chef worry between food and pharmaceutical is getting blurred. >> i personally believe there needs to be loot more research. more years to understand the effect that it has on our bodies. you are effectively synthetically building something in a petri dish with a lot of cells and rapidly producing goethe. growth to me this is moreof a p. >> when i hear this i hear v. two questions. looking at a future where controversial foods like veal can be made without hurting animals that i could find attractive. on the flip side what happens to all the chicken farmer jobs if this takes off do they become obsolete. >> pete: i think people will still want chicken.
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irony be if it takes up more energy to prosecutes the fake chicken when you are supposed to have less chicken to save the planet in the first place. i don't know, i'm skeptical. kelly, thank you for the report though, we will see. moving on to another meat the left is trying to cancel and that is lovely bacon can't make this s synthetically no american wants that. >> just give me all the bacon and eggs you have. wait, wait. i worry what you just heard was give me a lot of bacon and eggs? what i said was give me all the bacon and eggs you have. do you understand? >> we all love bacon and you can have it with every meal, right? breakfast, you have bacon and eggs. lunch we have blts and bacon wrapped fillet for dinner. everything goes well bacon. there is a baseball team macon bacon out of georgia. summer college collegiate
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baseball team fun and entertainment. summer baseball. they have a piece of bacon as mascot his name is kevin. you know, kevin bacon? but some bacon haters want them to change their name and mascot to a plant based alternative. of the commission's committee for responsible medicine nonprofit that promotes plant based diets which mean they hate meat. they think the team moniker is the glorification of bacon. they put up a billboard georgia interstate calling out macon to keep bacon off their plate. here at "primetime," we are all about the glorification of bacon. so we say let the kids have fun, bacon is delicious and fun to eat. there's no need to take away something else. that gives us joy. the president of the making bacon brandon joins me now. are you guys going to cave to the heat.
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safety bacon. there is no way we said from the beginning we will not change our name, ever. >> i bet you saw a lot of bacon at the ballpark >> we do 6 degrees of bacon sandwich >> bacon wrap bacon my daughter came up with. we have a bit of everything. it is glorious. why bacon wrapped bacon. by the way, this team plays in a league in georgia. tell mow about the log. >> the coastal plain league from georgia to virginia and it is college ball players they play at the college university during the spring and play for summer 55 games and all over the country. staying with host families during the summer and they love the macon bacon and fans do, too. >> hope your fan base explodes
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and hope you sell more bacon than ever. ridiculous protests hurts the cause they promote. can you do sale produced baconful bacon but not bacon. you heard that, that is great. group wanted us to be the faking bacon. bacon is forever. we are not going. why bacon is forever. no wiser words said all evening and 58 machine in and bacon is forever. good luck with the season. brandon the making bacon we love you. thank you. >> thank you. >> all right now time for a few texts it is friday. >> craig from st. louis asks this. where is jessy in i have no idea. i don't know they call and ask, can you help out. fox and friend in thes morning on saturday. i say, sure. love jessy and his crew. we will get on the case and report back on monday. why another from suzanne from
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florida, love you pete you are dressed like a picnic basket. did you raid clay travis closet. why my wife said clay has nice jackets wear jackets like clay. i got this jacket at the patriot awards at the hard rock if you miss today they are coming to nashville at the grand ole opry. go to to get a date and nominate people for an award segue that. lauren from pittsburgh, pennsylvania. looks like you went through rodney dangerfield's closet. i knowledge he is a well dressed man who makes great phils i got bacon and the jacket it looks g. thank you for dressing me up. a special guest with me next time with me all night.
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there he is, gunner. he just does not have a mic. that it is a liability problem he turned 13. part of his gift was coming with dad and watchingly if a guest dropped he was ready to g. happy 13th birthday >> that's all for tonight. i'm pete not angels and he this is in the my world. have a great friday. >> hello and welcome to facebooks news tonight it is friday. irs whistle blower released the most damn and revealing evidence in the joe biden influence scheme that's what it is not the hunter biden scheme the joe biden one. message is show hunter biden wrote a shake down message to a chinese executive reserving his father beside him. told joe knew nothing about the foreign bu


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