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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  June 25, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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in your show, in your living room for this show. on sunday eve evening, see you next weekend, good-bye "life, liberty and levin" starts right now, actual we lied it is in 10 seconds. >> it's a great one. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ mark: hello america, i'm mark levin, this is "life, liberty and levin," i want to thank you for joining us. i think this is an important show we'll dis dismantle the hunter biden case and also what has been done to donald trump, and look into foreign policy, but before that. you know, i really believe
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in fate. i believe god gives us a path to follow, hopefully we can find it and follow it. some people do. some people are athletes. some people are professors. some people make sure we're fed, they are farmers and truck drivers, you name it. me, for me, the path is this what is this? ladies and gentlemen i spent my weekends and my nights and early mornings doing this. getting the bags under my eyes, sleep a lot, i don't, things worry me, they concern me. my wife will tell you, that i have a pad next to my bed i take notes about certain things going on in country, i am a voracious reader of mostly history, finding out
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what is taking place. if i can't communicate that to you, if i don't have a platform like this or radio or books this is all interesting but what is the point. i try to convey it to you as many ways as i can, here. and airwaves. and specially through books. there is a book i completed, a project that has taken me about 16 months but writing has been about 12 morning, noon and night. and i said, we have to come to grips with something, you and i, yes american marxism. but who is responsible for this? does not just happen. professors, yes. ideologues, yes. activists, yes, it is the democrat party, democrat
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party has never accepted america from its birth to today. after the civil war the democrat party formed a group called the c ku klux klan. one of their generals did. we have a period of segregation to plessy versus ferguson, a private rail company in louisiana that wants to allow blacks to ride with writes, what said no? the democrat party, separate but equal? the democrat party. cigarsegregated school, the democrat party, jim crow, literacy tests, the democrat party, i could go on,. today it has sort of
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switched position, of american marxism, doing great of grave damage to the country, i am calling them out in a way that is substantive, and brutal. if we're saving this nation, i mean it, the democrat party must not just be defeated, it must could obliteratedded. is that provocative? no, they are. and so, i want to read this to you. this comes out of the box out of a book that i wrote, the democrat party hates america, it has never embraced americanism. promoting racism. enshrining racism. they used to be a party of
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women's rights, now they hate women, with transgenderrism and destroying women's sports under title ix. and citizenry, they rate it, joe biden talks up foreigners even before they come into this country, while trashing half of american citizens on a regular basis. do they like separation of power no, and supreme court, only when it does what they want to do do, what do they like? nothing, listen. i point out, this book, democrat party hates america, is not intended to be provocative. but in democrat party centric parts of off country it will be. it is written for you. those patriotic americans
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who fear for our country and the future. america is unraveling. our founding and hefty are under assault, family and faiths are being degraded. individualism is substituted for groupism, and color blindness is now racist. classrooms are indoctrination mills for racism, and sexual perversion and teachers unions are hostile to parental involvement in critical decisions about the health and welfare of their children --
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>> our borders are wide open to millions of foreigners who seek entry into the country. the democrat party is responsible for most of this. and much more. it seeks to control our governmental institutions. justs it dominates our cultural entires from media that a academia and entertainment and science, and seeks to eviscerate the constitution. separation of powers and so forth. obstructs if ideological designs and abuses rule of law by targets its political opens for harassment, investigation, prosecution, and imp imprisonment.
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when barack obama shouted to a crowd we're 5 days away from fa fam. >> transforming the u.s., he was not kidding. michelle obama announced we would have to change our conversation, our traditions are history, to move into a different places as a nation, she meant it the obamas are not alone among democrat party and contempt for the country. it is the rare top democrat party politician who praised america, and is sincere about it. they mostly trash talk the country and sm smear millions, examples are too numerous to category here. and has a horrifying history of supporting most contemptible causes including slavery,
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segregation and lynchings from the start democrat party rejected principles and values of the american experiment today is home of another antiamerican movement. america marxism with various i ideological apendables. tthe democrat party hates america. and if you want to strong form something, you do not love it or like it. as i vec p on explained on my radio show, someone says they wish to strong transform their spouse, then you don't like or love your spouse. it is important to speak the truth. when dealing with such a dire threat to the freedom, society and way of life, we
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cannot dodge or responsibilities at citizens, in my case. when i have such large platforms to push back. it can be difficult, and unpleasant to speak out and write a book such as this. given the predict able outrage and anger that will result. nonetheless, the time is late. and the cause is too important to self se censor, li let us step back. >> this is the longest book i have ever written. it and i think most important book i have evers where i en. there is scholarship in it and history in it substance in it. present day events in it and iron fist. we cannot candy coat this any longer, people want to bipartisanship and coexist,
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i hear it all of the time. from mcconnell, i hear from candidates like chris & -- chris christie and sununu and h hu hutcheson, they do not comprehend what is going on in the country and what we're up against. to our faith to families. they are all under assault. they are all under assault as a result of this biggest political party in this country, the democrat party. time to call them what they are, that is what i've done in this book. the democrat party hates america. it is a phrase that we need to use over and over again. i'll be right back. ♪ neither snowcapped mountains, nor puddles of water,
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mark: welcome back america. this attack on donald trump you have been hearing from former federal prosecutors. is beyond the pail, really outrageous. most of us know this. but we had lawyers former federal prosecutor and others who said this is a slamdunk case. a former attorney general
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who has shown up on virtually every tv channel, trashing the former president, saying all he had to do was stop jerking around the government, he won't have a problem that is our responsibility at citizens stop jerking around the government, how about they stop jerking us around. that said. a former federal prosecutor, he is among the good guys, a candidate for missouri attorney general. he wrote a piece in federalist that was the most compelling thing i have read on the topic since i talked about it. and he said there are several reasons why the doj 's get trump documents case is flawed. i thought it would be important to hear. welcome my first question, why would they bring the case in the middle of a presidential campaign in a presidential republican primary, where donald trump is leading the pack, and he could very well be the
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candidate against joe biden, why would they bring in case in middle of the election cycle rather than not put it off, and could they. >> there some legal reason why this case had to be brought now. prosecutions are never to look political, they are never supposed to be political. but the times of this prosecution and their rolling out this indictment, just rookies of politics. -- there is no statute limitation issues, they could have announced their findings and waited to take further ske sketches until after the election, the fantas fact they didn't leads to appearance this being political prosecution. and that just really dangerous for america. mark: will. it is worse. he makes a statement, does the jack smith, and says speedy trial, he sites the
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constitution, says we want to move this as fast as we come that is nonsense. are there not motion filings and other things that defense will want to apply here? to challenge w waiver of attorney-client privilege by a judge. >> you know that is right. jack smith special counsel wants to world to think this is a simple case, it is knois -- is isn't, there are accusations of misconduct on the part of the department of justice in their investigation and prosecution of this case. speeding trial right is a defendant's right, they have the right to a speedy trial under the constitution and law if they want it, the prosecution in america, in this country, does not have
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the right to ram a prosecution through the courts and attempt to blind side a defendant and the american people about the real nature of the case. mark: they bring this case in mid e middle of this election, and say let's hurry up. does that not tell you they want to take trump out? that i want to remove trump from the republican nomination. they want to determine the democrats, the biden administration, that trump should not be the nominee. also this decision is made by attorney general of the united states because special counsel not so special, he reports to the attorney general of united states is this real what is going on here. >> yeah, at the end of the day, special counsel reports to garland the attorney general, who reports to joe biden. make no mistake. this is the president of the united states of america launching a prosecution against his primary
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political opponent. that is not the sort of thing we're supposed to see in america or any country governed by the rule of law, the fact that is where we are, that speaks to a break down in our democ democratic institutions. it is a really -- a scary development for are all of us who care about american democracy, it should be a scary development for republicans and democrats alike. however you feel about president trump. mark: when we come back, my concern is it, a prosecutor who is off the control, nope known co coto cut corners. he was rev reversed 8-0 by supreme court rewrote a statute. a jury would not convict on 6 counts involving edwards,
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now we're back to rewriting espionage acts. tonyacts i am to talk about that and circle back on attorney client d privilege thing. without ability of a person to speak with their attorney confidentially there is no due process, that means that prosecution plays both sides of the case. we'll be right back. ed. take your lawn back with scotts turf builder triple action! gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong. get a bag of scotts triple action today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it. ahhh! icy hot pro starts working instantly. with two max-strength pain relievers, so you can rise from pain like a pro. icy hot pro. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪
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>> welcome to fox news live i'm jon scott in new york, worlda still waiting for russian president vladimir putin next move in wake of short lived mercenary revolt on v moscow, wagner group stopd march to avoid bloodshed. >> leader is now exiled to belarus. and president biden spoke with zelenskyy today, and said he reaffirmed his unwaivunwavering support for ukraine. >> u.s. supreme court to issue major rulings this week ahead of summer recess. spstudent debt forgiveness, affirmative action and lgbtq+ rights are a few of the decisions they need to issue. conservative leaning court gave biden administration a major victory last week ruling in favor of immigration up fo enforcement plan, i am jon
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scott now back to "life, liberty and levin." mark: will a real former federal prosecutor running for attorney general of missouri. he would be great attorney general in the show me state. that could be misinterpreted these days. espionage act, presidential records how do we make it simple, a former attorney general all over television saying, this is the espionage act. and you can tell me any other former president who has been charged under the espionage accent "1917". >> it is never happened before. and this is a controversial act to begin with. a lot of free speech advocates think this is unconstitutionaly oy applied as written, jack smith. wants america to think this
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is a very simple open and shut case. they found documents at mar-a-lago, and therefore president trump is guilty, anyone with a famty with the law knows that not the case, it important we might back against dominant mainstream narrative, under presidential records act with a president leaves office he has the right to determine when of his records are presidential records, official and personal records, items of a personal name, diaries, journals, items that are personal im importance not official, that determine naing a by president courts have said are essentially unreviewable. it is not enough to show that president trump had documents with a espionage count, hig they have to
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show he knew he was not supposed to have those documents and they were a particular type of document, called national different information and so he -- defense information and he willfully failed to turn them over to a government official who he know had the right too receive them, you take that put together. and case it more about trump's state of mind than anything else. and i think that when you look at the president's responsibilities, duties and rights under the apprpresidential record act it will be i impossible for smith to prove he had the documents he -- >> he has said, i have declassified this. and your point it does not matter he thought he did, or has said over and over, that information i believe
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belongs to me, if you have -- this information done didn't belong to him, that is n not enough, it is what in president's thinking his state of mind, not the prosecution on some stalko talk show. what about attorney--client privilege issue, everyone knows what that is. you have to be able be able to consult your attorney and into them whatever questions you want. does not mean you are luring them into a scheme. >> so, under america law, attorney-client privilege is one of the most ve crucial guarantees given to a defendant, to con consult with his attorney and ask his attorney what he is and is not allowed to do, smith has taken those conversations between president trump and former
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lawyer of his corcoran and they said, that the questions president trump was asking, amounted to his enlisting that to some kind of criminal conspiracy, they have used con c -- coul -- conversations and his lawyers that would otherwise have been client-attorney privilege. they have run rough shod over that and i a that -- intruded on conversations they do not have the right to intrude on. >> that is why he wants a rush job with a trial. he doesn't want the issues challenged, he wants to have the whole field to himself, i notice here. they are trying to intimidate the federal judge, who was appointed by
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donald trump, we have article she's is limited on criminal background experiencing, and screwed up on somewhere appoint ment issue and in the trump camp. so she could get straight with the left, media and anti-trumpers. >> yes, instead of letting the k case play out in court, jack smith and his team are playing to peanut gallery, the mainstream media to make arguments in front of media this judge, who was a former federal prosecutor herself, and legal minute, saying she is some how biased or not up to take the case, they are terrified of litigating serious legal flaws in the case they strung together against president trump. mark: yes or no.
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i'm n the documents in question, the defense has a right to see everyone of these documents. we have not secret trials but public trials. and to see everyone of these documents, in public. in the court of room. courtroom where press there and all of rest of us looking over their shoulders yes or no. >> absolutely, the jury has a right to see all of these for the documents, not to be made public would be highly irregular, we'll get to watch the case unfold in public that is what special counsel is scared of. mark: i wish you of best, you will be a fantastic attorney general in missouri, will thank you. >> thank you so much. >> great to be with you. mark: we'll be right back.
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mark: welcome back america. you know country can unravel from within. while it is unraveling from without, we have talked about from within, this is a disaster. but now talk about what is going on from without. we have talked about china's lot. i'm not d done with china or russia. i want to talk about iran. does not get any attention. iran isy on the precipice of becoming a super power. it has missiles that can reach the united states, now has nuclear technology and working on putting them together. to hit l.a. and washington, and new york and challenging which or any damn place they want to hit. this is a fundamentalist regime that talks before and over about destroys america. what is happened is obama sold us out with first iran deal. basically giving the united states rubber-stamp on fact that iran has the right to pursue nuclear weapons.
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my guest, is someone that i have enormous respect for, richard kemp, retired colonel, he has more awards than fit on his lapel, and combat veteran, but she a -- he is a scholar and i thinker, thank you colonel compakemp. >> the world should be concerned. what is about to happen, i believe, we don't know yet when or precisely if but what looks likely, president biden is about to go in to a worse nuclear deal with iran than president obama struck with iran that deal as you alluded to was very dangerous, rubber-stamping iran's ability to become a nuclear state, now biden is
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going further here, is making this situation which was bad worse. under the obama deal for example, the ir t the iranians are limited to less than 5% enrich. since the obama day, iran has inriched to 60 pe%. that is the bottom level that biden will allow. he will allow enrichment to 60%, that is a very short hop in terms of technical capability and time to get to the extent required for full weaponnization, what happened before, as i am sure your viewers am recall, president trump recognized that the obama deal was terrible, was you know paving the way for iran's
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nuclear weapons, he ended it. and he ended it and imposed maximum pressure, sanctions on iran. which kept them suppressed and kept the enrich. enrichment levels down at 5% or below, since president biden took office he eased up on that right from the beginning allowed illegal oil expert from iran, country to u.s. law and international law, allowed that to go ahead and allowed iran to enrich from level of 5%. to 60% now here, says, you could do pretty i much whatever you want, carry on building weapons and carry on with other aspects of our nuclear program and carry on with your terrorism around the region. you can't enrich over s
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60%, and our reward, unfreeze 20 billion dollar worth of frozen iranian assets immediately with more to follow, that will enable iran to work hard or their nuclear program and to continue supplying vast stocks of drones and future ballistic missiles to russia to attack ukraine. because iran not only threatens the middle east and world with their nuclear program but they also part and party to russia's war in ukraine the main weapon supplier to russia. all of these will be facilitated by president biden's deal, a capitulation to iranian blackmail, it is surrendering to iran, follow in a serieses of foreign policy disgraces by biden
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administration, starting with the humiliation of the united states over the withdrawal from afghanistan. and continue with the invasion of ukraine, by russia, which i believe happened mainly because of america's weakness over afghanistan. and role of power broker in middle east to china, this is pro president biden foreign policy record, adding to it, total capitulation by allowing this deal to go ahead, i read this deal as u.s. administration has given up on trying to contain iran's nuclear program, they are just accepts iran will be a nuclear armed start. and what that is all about is trying to apply pressure to israel, apply on israel to prevent israel from dealing with iran 's n nuclear program, that i
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think is the real purpose of this deal to make it much more complicated for israel to carry out a ser serious military strike against iranian nuclear program, only israel has taken an active role in inter -- iran's nuclear program and netanyahu have out maneuvered u.s. efforts to facilitate the iranian nuclear deal by carrying out covid operations, and cyber sabotage. they put back the nuclear program by a number of years. but by the biden administration efforts will be curtailed and allow iran to become a nuclear amped state. >> i don't think that israel will sit for this.
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it makes their situation much more complicated. with a president who appeases the iranians and sillsells out the israelis, he i -- he is bending over b backwards, i want your opinion d about, that it israel boy toking to allow iran to have nuclear weapons? to threat its population? they are close. they don't have an ocean between the two. i'll be right back. eat music ♪ ♪ take it wherever. with whomever. ♪ this is the no-holds-barred, multi-purpose vehicle with the capacity to take life on, and the audacity to say, [engine revving] what else ya got?
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mark: welcome back america. with c c -- colonel richard kemp. it seems to me that the way biden and antony blinken and others are formulating this, is that they are pointing to israel's hostility toward iran as a national security issue for the united states that but for israel we would get the deals underway you
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know, they keep threatening military action against iran's nuclear sites. wouldn't israel be foolish to follow biden's lead, your foreign policy is a disaster. >> i think that prime minister netanyahu is alrmade it clear, that israel the kn not be bound by any agreement that united states or european partners make with iran, israel will not be bound by that. to say that he is right. israel cannot be bound by that the iranian f nuclear capability, they are pretty much a nuclear threshold state now. that threatens the world and the united states and europe and the whole of the region, above all it threatens israel, israel time and
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again, ayatollah khamenei made it clear, israel is in their crosshairs, if you say that enough times and he has, so have his henchmen and you develop the weapons that allow you to do so in addition to other aggression khamenei has shown by fundfunding jihad and hamas, if you do that, you have to take it seriously, i don't believe that any prime minister of israel could accept iran becoming a nuclear arm state. they do not have the area to absorb one nuclear attack, it has to stop that web open weapon program from taking place, i believe israel will do so, they have been active to covert operations against the iranian nuke loo
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nuclear program that set it back when gets to a point that they feel they have ballistic missile cape capability, whatever prime minister of israel is in the chair, right now with prime minister netanyahu, i think he will not simply allow that to happen, high he will have to take action, we've seen israel respond to these kind of threats before, we saw israel as country that preventinged iraq from becoming a nuclear state by coming a nuclear reactor the same with syria, the world condemned it at the time, but the u.s. and other world governments recognize the threat that israel prevented from happening, i think we'll see the same. because particularly if there is a deal in place and biden is bying is
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trying to get deal through behind congress. if that deal is in place, then this makes life more difficult for israel and complicates their decision making, i have no doubt the world, will condemn israel it has has to take act, but then, as we have seen in iraq and syria, it will come to realize that the wisdom of israel's action and the way that israel protects itself and the world. mark: you say something i want to under score. joe biden is negotiating a deal with this regime, behind the backs of the american people in congress. behind the back of the israelis. on his own. he is one offing this with antony blinken and an ambassador to israel who is a disaster. and negotiator who is an obama disaster. they have now intention of taking this to congress to
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vote on their claim this is nothing more than an extension of a prior deal which have have been handle under our constitution in a treaty process, you have a situation where you have a president of united states, who'll commit the united states to a position without input. from congress. not in writing, to claim that it is an extension of prior deal that we already withdrew from. i just want people continued to how sinister this is. i want to thank you so much my friend, colonel richard kemp for your insight, very much and i appreciate it god bless. >> you thank you, a pleasure. mark: be well. >> we'll be right back. (swords clashing)
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>> welcome back america. we really need more time on the shelf but i only have a few
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minutes after want to address the hunter biden issue. what a complete disgrace again by merrick garland. it's not two tears of justice, there is no justice. when he came to hunter biden foreign agents registration act. he did not even come up. it was not even an issue. here is the requirements foreign registration requirements and clearly without question cover hunter biden. they use this against manafort they put that man in solitary confinement and put them to the meatgrinder. they don't even raise it when it comes to hunter biden. no investigation of the millions of dollars of the communist chinese shell corporations. none. they did not even look at hunter biden's laptop computer. there they will find joe biden. nothing there even though you have tony bobulinski and others that can verify what is in th
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their. as for the two tax misdemeanors. this man abated taxes on one and a half million dollars on income in 2017 and 2018. his father goes around and say rich people don't pay their fair share. his family never pays his fair share. what does he get, essentially nothing. when it comes to hunter biden, the purchasing of a firearm, he filled out this form, right here i just printed it out. there is a warning, you may not receive a firearm and prohibited by federal or state law this form requires warning the use and possession of marijuana, marijuana, he was using coke remains unlawful under federal law and they will deny you a gun. you have to sign this. i certify any answers to the questions in this form are true, correct and complete. people go to prison for lying on this form, what will he get, a diversion plan, who approved that, merrick garland. i am sick and tired of this. sick and tired of this.
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it is time to impeach merrick garland and that is just the beginning. we won't be able to remove him in the senate. give it a shot, what do you say. i'll see you next time on life, liberty and levin. ♪. trey: good evening and thank you for joining us i'm trey gowdy, it is sunday night america. debates can make a difference. >> there is no soviet domination of eastern europe and there never will be under foreign administration. >> guided discussion with my daughter amy before i came here to partner she'll and she said weaponry. i will not make age an issue of


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