tv The Five FOX News June 28, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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stress test. mimicking financial considerations of a meltdown. they seem to have enough cash on hand and discipline on hand to deal with that but it's just test, it's just a way of saying let's not repeat what down in the meltdown a decade ago. so far, so good. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone i'm judge jeanine pirro along with jessica tarlov, jesse watters, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ joe biden has a wonderful new word to sell his failing economic agenda. >> not just working. it's about building an economy from the bottom up. it's about the future.
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it's another way of saying restore the american dream. i didn't come up with the name. i really didn't. i claim it. >> judge jeanine: the president trying to sell americans on biden-omics but they are not buying it. most people feel the economies in horrible shape as their wallets get socked by high inflation and soaring interest rates. it's why no one for 48% of americans say that joe biden's policies are hurting their family. but never mind that, his delusional white house thinks biden-omics will catch on. >> here to talk with you about biden-omics, the word of the day, word of the week, word of the month, word of the year here at the white house. rooted in the belief that we grow the economy when we grow the middle class. >> biden-omics. the middle-class in in this country, that's where our strength is. we tried trickle down. we tried top down.
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didn't reach regular folks. he could make sense, it flows off the tongue really well. >> judge jeanine: biden's that economy will surely be fodder for republicans battling for the 2024 nomination ron desantis wasting no time to hammer biden-omics. >> i can tell you what biden-omics has. it's everybody pays more for basic staples of life. people are paying way more for groceries, paying way more for other necessities like utilities. at the end of the daily average working person knows it's harder to make ends meet under joe biden as president. >> judge jeanine: 7 out of 10 americans say inflation and the economy are the nation's top problems. 52% think the country is too extensive to live in. is going out and touting biden-omics the smartest campaign? >> dana: it's going to be, as larry kudlow says, a pocketbook
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election. he was on the fox news run down. he makes the point that everybody's feeling which is wages have not kept up with inflation so prices are up even if you got a raise you can't keep up. you feel it. one of the things that's interesting about politics over the years is that in presidential elections, people don't necessarily think for somebody running for reelection about what you're going to do for them the next four years, they remember what it's been like the past three years of people who have struggled with gas prices, food prices, everything they want to advise a little more extensive especially younger people, judge, they think about the mortgage rate, they can't find a house. then you add on top of those things not just cost-of-living but your weld being, pursuit of happiness, crime and things like that. that's why you have a huge number of people that say the country is moving the wrong direction. i think on this with bidenomics they have no choice but to repembrace it. they have no choice but to talk
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about the health care plan obama wanted to do as obamacare. it was a criticism for a long time and then finally obama, i remember it one of the events, he said you know it, yeah, let's call it obamacare. and then it actually is pretty popular. bidenomics. we would talk about biden inflation. it does kind of flow off the tongue but in a way that makes people, it reminds people that the inflation issues are not necessarily -- they want people to think about the chips act in the infrastructure bill, as if that's real day-to-day economics. that's not what people are dealing within their paychecks. >> judge jeanine: consumer goods are up 15 points, 5%. real wages have literally decreased i think 26 months straight. people's salaries are not holding up. in line with what dana was just saying, how do they sound like this with a straight face? >> jesse: there was a lot of trickle down in previous presidencies.
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/taxes and regulations. middle-class wages exploded. if the fastest clip in 50 years. $5,000, $10,000 for middle class americans. wages are going down with joe biden. inflation. prices are up. just last year the stock market was down. people are not earning money and joe biden's economy. that's a fact. i don't care what you call it. whatever you call it, it's not working. this was supposed to launch his economic message for the campaign. this was failure to launch. he gets out there. first he has a sleep machine indentation all over his face. his heart stopped when he sleeps so he's got a mask on. >> judge jeanine: , ask you a question. when his heart stops, is kamala harris the vice president? >> jesse: for a second. then the president again. the machine is keeping the country alive. he confuses iraq with
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afghanistan. fine. don't just send iraq $800 billion. then he comes out and he just babbles and makes no sense and it's uninspiring and i get it. get it. doing the best you can. dana is right. the chips act is not sexy. it's not. you're not going to see a new bridge. you're not going to see these chips on your phone. you can't see it, feel it, you can even smell joe biden's policy agenda. he's going to have to run on pretty much nothing. >> judge jeanine: it is typical joe biden. he is saying that as it relates to inflation, he said it was that bad when i got here, when it was 1.6 inflation. last year it was eight. i think it's time to 5 now. can we count on him to tell the truth? >> greg: no, no, no. and i'm going to call you jiro.
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it's a combination of jeanine pirro. there is nothing like smooshing two words together and treating it like it's a big policy success. a word replaces achievement. hey, biden, economics. put it together. it's not even clever, like brunch. you know what i call larry kudlow? i call him ludlow. these are the people who think they are clever when they add "gate" to an issue or they write a piece on historical force or when they see a trend and that trend is when two things happened in the day and they go, we need a third one. they look for it. it might not be like it but they will still do it. all of these reporters get so excited. oh, my goodness. we have a word. have a word. joe is like, i don't even know what you're talking about. i'm not even alive. no one has defined bidenomics so i will help them define it. this is what bidenomics is, and it's real. bidenomics, selling influence
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for money to foreign countries, finding ways not to pay taxes. that's bidenomics, right? hunter should get a nobel prize for coming up with this. he's not going to jail. he's raking in millions while not actually doing the thing. that is bidenomics. he raise the gdp of our country by raising the gdp of i his family. as long as they put their money back in the economy, biden should buy american crack. not foreign crack. i'm done. >> judge jeanine: what do we call you? >> greg: you can't smoosh me. >> judge jeanine: all right. a study by northwestern mutual found that 1.27 millions is the magic number americans think they need to retire comfortably. the average person responded to this has 89,000. >> jessica: it's something i worry about, everybody worries
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about. dana talks about what's going on with interest rates. he wants to buy apartment. it doesn't make sense the amount of interest were going to pay on principle. it's not worth it so we are going to pay a highly inflated rent because we need to stay in the city for work. it's a problem. millennials are not able to get on the property ladder which was a hallmark of what the american dream was. but joe biden has a tremendous economic record to run on. there is a nifty chart floating around social media. everyone should check it out. the u.s. has the highest post-pandemic growth in the g7 and the lowest inflation. all the countries we compare results too. 13.1 million jobs created so yes, all the ones were lost during covid came back and we are gaining jobs at a faster clip than we did under the trump presidency. 800k in manufacturing. articles all over talking about the manufacturing boom. unemployment is below 4%. we have 35,000 infrastructure
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projects. saying that you're not going to see a bridge for 20 years. there are republican senators humiliating themselves on twitter talk about how excited they are there the broadband is coming to them. $3 billion. tommy tuberville. says broadband is coming. joe biden gets to say see you at the groundbreaking which is what he did tim mitch mcconnell. john cornyn has been doing it. people who voted against things that their constituents are going to get and they want to take credit and they don't deserve it for voting against it. ten points 5 million new applicants for new loans. one of my favorites, u.s. consumer confidence. we talked about that. it's a 17 month high. i'm not saying -- >> jesse: you are going to say 17 year? >> judge jeanine: firmware? >> jessica: from covid. it does matter.
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you say when he doesn't have stuff to run on, it's not true. >> judge jeanine: the ordinary american looks at their pay paycheck. can't buy what used it to buy. they can't retire. you can't buy a house. stop talking about jobs after covid. >> jessica: why question mike that's the reality of the jobs. >> judge jeanine: he lied and he said he created millions of new jobs when it was covid jobs or coming back and he lied about afghanistan. he said it was a successful operation. enormously successful. >> jessica: afghanistan has nothing to do with bidenomics. >> judge jeanine: it has to do with this guy lying. >> greg: i am old enough to remember jessica tarlov complaining about the price of berries. >> jessica: just driscol. >> judge jeanine: bret baier has a revealing interview with
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the irs whistle-blower in the hunter biden investigation. >> i had him repeat that because i knew how important that fact wasn't a wonder make sure i understood it. >> y you were there and you remember it crystal clear in your mind. >> not only do i remember it crystal clear t that i documentd it. >> judge jeanine: catch it at 6:00 p.m. coming up next, teen violence is way out of control. a democrat mayor thinks breathing could be the solution. at red land cotton, the bedding start right here on our family's cotton farm in north alabama. the heartland of america. we rely on hard work and honest manufacturing to deliver high quality, heirloom inspired bedding, bath towels and more, all made in the usa. experience the farm to home difference for yourself.
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go to red land cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news. i brought in ensure max protein with 30g of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uh... here i'll take that. -everyone: woo hoo! ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar. enter the nourishing moments giveaway for a chance to win $10,000. subway just keeps upping their game. break it down candace. just look at the smashed avocado... made with only haas avocado and sea salt. ingredients like these make the subway series elite. that avocado's - got bravado. try the subway series menu. their tastiest refresh yet. mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are --
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>> dana: america's teens are in crisis mentally and economically. mayor eric adams thinks simple breathing techniques could be the antidote. public schools will be required to offer students to do 5 minutes of mindful breathing exercises every day. >> two to 5 minutes is a game changer in your physiology on how to move forward. instead of having bullets, we will have breath. instead of having violence, we will have balance. we must deal with the stress that our scholars are dealing with every day. >> dana: taking a breath may not be such a crazy idea, schools grapple with the disturbing nationwide rise in student violence against teachers. others are concerned that it won't fix the nations public test scores which reached new historic lows in math and reading. that report card was horrendous.
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every presidential candidate was horrendous. but let's talk about breathing. i'm not against this. i feel you could use those few minutes to do whatever you want to do. breathe or pray. >> greg: it beats drag queen story hour. no one is going to be trying on chest binders. it's important advice. the problem with this advice. you can look up wim hoff, his breathing techniques. you are an adult. you have time. you have the discipline to do this. it's the problem of age appropriateness. you do not go into a school and go, we are going to do breathing exercises. half the kids will be making farting noises and spitballs while the other half will be try to do it. it's not something that's easily incentivized because there is no immediate gratification. that's why adults understand breathing and meditation and yoga because they know that it
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pays off. kids don't understand that. they are locked into immediate gratification. that's why they take dumb risks. the sad part is i think he means it, he means well. trying to do the right thing but it also shows you that he's powerless to solve the real problems. focus on the fringe solutions. plant-based diet. lots of deep breaths. because you can't deal with the classroom anarchy or the antipathy that rages in these schools, these terrible unions, these teachers that don't teach. it makes you think that maybe made errors are just, they are absolutely powerless. they are the hood ornament on a sinking ship. >> dana: don't you think it's a choice. the mirror could do more, could say more, could take on discipline in the schools of he wanted to. but it's a choice. >> judge jeanine: absolutely is a choice. i don't know how i got to where i am, where the heck it is i am, without learning breathing.
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i mean really. breathing instead of bullets? are you kidding. what does one got to do with the other question market rethinking of shooting someone, just pause and do one of these. not going to shoot you. shoot that man tomorrow. okay. the other thing is they take this breathing time out of english. take it out of phys ed, something where you can say you shoot after you breathe. you can teach them relevant stuff. here's the thing about the mayor. he's a vegan. he wants kids to be vegan. he was a cop. he should know better how to handle this but i'm sorry. i don't have a lot to say. but less than half -- not finished yet. [laughter] 1 out of 3 teenage girls has attempted, considered attempting suicide. we've got to worry about that kind of thing. that's all.
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>> dana: does cleo get two to 4 minutes of breathing time que?>> she sleeps like 14 hours. i think she's getting plenty. i agree with you. i don't see why there is a negative to bringing this up as an issue. >> dana: taking it out of english. >> greg: it is an elitist issue. if you got people trying to kill each other, breathing isn't the problem. >> jessica: coming from a pro-police mayor, someone who talks about crime issues in real terms who says we have a problem. he's not going through life with blinders on saying if you eat and possible burgers and take a breath everything is going to be fine. he hasn't pushed veganism on anyone. i think this is something that he knows from his own life. we see it. how popular it is for people to meditate or find quiet time, to journal. all these things that folks would laugh at ten or 15 years ago, they have become part of daily practice for some really successful people and maybe it will work. maybe there is one kid who was going to be violent to could
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take a breath. isn't it worth a shot? not a real shot. you know what i mean. >> dana: you're a successful person, jesse. are you spending two to 5 minutes? >> jesse: i do breathing exercises in the morning. >> jessica: during english class? >> jesse: i discover them about a year and a half ago after had almost debilitating back surgery and nearly paralyzed myself. do you want to breathe through your nose. sometimes you want to hold it at the end and then you want to breathe out through your mouth. if you do that for a couple minutes each morning, it sets your register at a certain level and then you can go throughout the day. i have other self-help techniques. >> greg: tell me! >> jesse: i've been taking ice-cold showers. >> greg: so that explains it. >> jesse: in the morning i get sun right away. sometimes i take my shirt off and i stretch in the sun. and then i guzzle about 40 to 8g water, mineral water. you can't get this from the tap.
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or the plastic jugs. pcbs, whatever those things are called. >> judge jeanine: you can't do that. >> g>> jesse: exactly. you all make good points. if this guy had an arsenal of dings he was dealing with. studious notice. playing sports, fatherhood. you'd say you know what, yeah. do the breathing. >> greg: or, for school choice. >> jesse: doing meatless mondays! he is going after pizza ovens! come on. >> judge jeanine: emptied out the gyms for the illegals until the parents went ballistic. he doesn't even believe in phys ed. >> jesse: i am shocked that you breathe, judge. >> judge jeanine: why? >> jesse: you seem so relaxed. [laughter] >> dana: president biden and the g.o.p. hopeful. making some embarrassing foreign policy gaffes. how much will it hurt their campaigns, if at all?
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: can foreign policy gaffes still think that candidate? francis suarez fumbling a little bit after getting asked this question about persecuting muslims in china. >> will you be talking about the uighurs in your campaign? >> the what? >> the uighurs. >> what's a uighurs. is it a weibel. >> you really need to know about the uighurs. >> i will search uighurs. i am a good learner. i'm a fast learner. >> jesse: trying to clean up his comments by believing the interviewer. "of course i'm well aware of the suffering of the uighurs in china. i didn't recognize the princely pronunciation my friend used. that's on me.
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what's the big deal anyway? joe biden commits blunders on a daily basis. he confused ukraine with iraq. >> vladimir putin. clearly losing the war in iraq. losing the war at home. >> jesse: in the realm of gaffes, dana, where does this one fall? >> dana: which one? >> jesse: suarez. >> dana: when i sighed, who was the first person i texted? you. do you remember gary johnson in the 2016 campaign, libertarian candidate. in the middle of the syria and isis beheading people and he says "what is aleppo." if you're going to go on that show, you better be ready. it's a tough show. you need a staffer to listen and say maybe we are not ready for this yet.
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i don't believe his answer. i don't pretty says i didn't understand the pronunciation. his response is he writes something like you would find on chatgpt. china has a very bad human rights record. well, yes of course. use my francis suarez, you want to be president of the united states. you want to be the commander-in-chief. tell us why. what are your qualifications question why would you be better than donald trump? donald trump's fo foreign policn his interview with bret baier. >> jesse: talk about uighurs the entire debate. was this a trick question or should he have known the uighurs? >> greg: you know what i call hugh hewitt. hewitt. are you always have to have the stock answers to stuff you don't know about. sly, someone says, what about
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the uighurs? you go, well, we're looking into it. you want, it's really interesting was happening right now. it's even more interesting what we don't know. that's what's scary. we don't know. can i just finished my last point in the new go to the other points. >> jessica: i thought you were talking to me. >> greg: you go to the other point and by the time you get to the other point hugh hewitt has forgotten he's asked you about the uighurs. in defense. trump was good at this. we would -- he would do that. "we are looking into it. because we do have to wonder how when people giving them speed 24 actually don't care about the uighurs. we have been talking about the uighurs forever. imagine how lucky politicians were before tv and radio. what of george washington and abe lincoln were gaffe machines and we just didn't know. if you are doing more interviews. you make some mistakes. you've got to be prepared to live.
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>> jesse: george washington can do that, though. >> judge jeanine: and i don't know, uighurs. we know if they are. our audience knows what they are but how do you spell uighurs. the spelling. maybe he just read about the u-y-g-h-u-r-s. maybe he didn't know that it is "wee-ger." >> dana: it would've been better. >> judge jeanine: the first time i heard someone say it, i went to look at the spelling. but to me, biden's tumbling is the thing that i want to talk about. how does this guy --
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by the way, calling ukraine iraq. he did it at a fund-raiser last night. he did it again this morning when he had was lines from his cpap machine. we should be happy xi jinping doesn't return his calls. you know how much i believe the end and if this guy actually got on the phone with a world leader? that guy is clueless. plus he can't breathe half the time. maybe that's what it's all ab about. >> jessica: making fun of people for having sleep apnea. >> judge jeanine: what time did he get up? 10:00? >> jesse: navy should follow eric adams' breathing exercises. >> greg: are sleep apnea patients and other protected class, jesse? >> jessica: don't. i think that was the most generous thing i've heard about the uighurs mess up. i think when you don't have good name idea, you can't make mistakes.
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joe biden, people have seen him make plenty of mistakes. nobody really cares about this. it's baked into the proverbial cake. whatever trump says has been baked in for years. he can mess up for something people are still going to like him. they indict him or impeach him for real things. you can't make a mistake. it will haunt you. if you're going on hugh hewitt's show. he is not going to be blindly defending trump. he is open to the other candidates out there. need to know you're going to be having substantive conversations. he's not going to want to just talk about what's going on at disney. he's going to be asking about hard issues. it wasn't a great moment for him. people coming from jobs where they don't have to deal from foreign policy, he knows what's going on. immigration is something that he knows about. you're going to have to show that you have the chops for this. i thought it was so meaningful fail on that front.
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>> greg: it is an interesting contrast. it's a candidate who knows more about what's going on our country than what's going on in china. >> jessica: i like mayor suarez. i thought he had believed the most compelling launch video of any candidate or he is running around talking about, his story is unbelievable. you should know these things. if you are writing on china, they have a million people in work camps. >> judge jeanine: how do you spell uighur? >> jessica: starts with a u. >> jesse: well done. >> greg: we'll be right back. >> jesse: up next, america just got more free. another state will let you pump your own gas. ♪ remember the things you loved doing... before your asthma got in the way? get back to the things you love...
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with fasenra. fasenra is an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma. having too many eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, can cause inflammation and asthma symptoms. fasenra is designed to target and remove eosinophils and helps prevent asthma attacks. fasenra is 1 dose every 8 weeks. fasenra can help patients to breathe better. most patients did not have an asthma attack in the first year. and fasenra helps lower the use of oral steroids. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. and get back to your life. ask your doctor about fasenra. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ if you struggle. ♪
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>> jessica: folks who love pumping their own gas can now add oregon to their summer road trip list. the state will be ending at 72 year ban on self-service gasoline. stations will still have a staff of at least half their open pumps for customers who require assistance. that leaves good old new jersey is the only state in the union that requires waiting on a gas station attendant to do the job. people who love new jersey. do you love having our gas pump for you? >> dana: perfectly comfortable with new jersey keeping this policy. i love having a little chat when we are getting our car filled up. >> jesse: you talk to them? >> dana: yes. you know what, i tip and i tip well. >> jesse: you do not. if you are supposed to tip? >> dana: yes. >> jesse: i had no idea. >> dana: yes, tip.
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>> jessica: they are doing a job. >> judge jeanine: stop it, jesse. >> dana: on oregon, you are seeing a lot of these liberal cities shopping around trying to find a courtroom that will accept their idea that severe weather is caused by oil companies like exxon. i think this is the 36th suit that's been filed. most have been dismissed because of absurdity. but it doesn't stop them from trying. what is it doing? raises your cost of gas. >> jessica: greg. what do you think about the frivolous lawsuits? or how your gas is pumped? >> greg: i think it's great to pump your own gas. it makes you feel like you knows on the about cars. you get up, you feel good, twisting the cap off and you pull up the lever and light up a cigarette. [laughter] you are just there. sometimes i will just be smoking
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and just filling up a car. when i'm done, i toss the cigarette, hop in the car. off i go. jesse, you should love self-service. you get to get out. it's a chance for people to recognize you. >> jesse: one i do it myself, i put it in and then i reversed it and stand with my back and i have the reverse grip and i look out. i just look out. you can't stand there like this, that's kind of lame. >> greg: do you ever do offer for pay for people's gas? >> jesse: do you? >> greg: all the time. >> jesse: you're lying. i think you're lying about tipping. >> greg: similarly behind me and i will move up and i will wait and i would tell the people inside, put them on mine. i will do that. >> jesse: i only do that with police officers. >> judge jeanine: figures. >> jesse: your lunch is on me. that's because i get something back. i'm never going to see that person again. they haven't saved any lives.
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>> jessica: you don't know that. >> judge jeanine: i like the policy but i'm from upstate new york. if anyone was from new jersey, they didn't know how to pump gas. they should include in the driving test. you should be able to pump gas. because now it's just new new jersey. we pay so much for gas. why shouldn't they pump it? >> jessica: more good paying jobs. >> judge jeanine: you could want a cigarette. i want to blow up. may be a woman at night is alone and you don't want to be standing there alone. i'd rather have a guy there outside. >> jesse: how much do you tip? five bucks. >> judge jeanine: it depends on how much gas i've got. >> dana: at least. >> jesse: at least! you guys are over tipping. >> dana: if you give someone who's pumping gas a tip, they are definitely people who could use the money. they will use it wisely because they work hard. >> jesse: all right, i will start tipping these guys.
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>> jessica: i do sometimes forget which side my gas tank is on. >> judge jeanine: you know how you know. in your car, there's an arrow on the tank. it depends on which way the little triangle. >> greg: how many times have you driven away? >> jessica: i embarrassed myself. >> jesse: you don't have an electric car? >> judge jeanine: you don't? oh! >> jessica: i will by 2030 like the rest of the country. coming up, do jesse and greg cry? what we just learned about men and their emotions.
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>> jessica: i'm sorry. [laughter] >> greg: it's okay to cry. survey finds 71% of modern men confessed to being in touch with how they feel and 82% of women are saying the same thing. i can't even see who this survey is. 37% of men say being called sensitive would be a complement versus just 23% of women. first i want to go to jesse. i think we are learning that rfk jr. was right. there are substances in the water that reduced testosterone and when you reduced testosterone you get these weeping men and rise of nonvoluntary affiliations. >> jesse: i am not drinking water anymore because he told me that it would turn me trans. >> greg: one is the last time you cried? was at the birth of your baby? >> jesse: no, i didn't. i've had babies before.
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i might have cried at the first two. i might've gotten teared up. i didn't wait. i have cried hard before and i will not talk about it especially with you on live television. >> greg: yesterday i walked into the bathroom. i guess you had heard the news. getting 8:00. you were weeping and screaming "i don't think i can do this. i don't the guy can do this. why wasn't it gutfeld?" >> jesse: that was me. i told you to keep it private. >> greg: dana, if your husband was crying in front of you, would you be disgusted and threw him out of the house? >> dana: he has cried rarely. when jasper died. those are big moments. all i often find it wonderful when people cry at happy things are kind things, when somebody is nice or somebody is sweet. that's always good. or when they cry when they laugh, like jesse. it's one of the best things. the interesting thing is women, it is often an insult.
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you are told you are too sensitive. you are so sensitive. it's an insult. you are supposed to try to build up your strength and your thick skin. >> greg: i always tell a lady that she is a tough broad. >> dana: i love that. i would take that. >> greg: it feels good. they love that, little lady. [laughter] judge, cry about death. is there anything else? if a guy that you went on a date and the guy starts crying because he sees you order veal. stabbed him in the throat. let him bleed out. >> judge jeanine: i don't care if the guy cries or if he doesn't cry. the truth is, it's funny that women statistically apparently cry less than men do. wait a minute. 33%. men on average cry about four times a month.
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[laughter] >> greg: this is kleenex. kleenex is sponsoring this. >> judge jeanine: this is what i want to say. i will never forget when the first cases that i went on. it was horrific. i was the first woman who ever went to a homicide scene and i just said if you don't bulk up, they will never let you back. and i have this shell now when i see horrific things and i don't cry. it's like i did this whole thing. if a man cries, i have no problem with it. >> greg: i feel the same way. i am the same way after i commit a murder. greg, stop crying pay >> jessica: you did do your breathing exercises. >> jessica: we found out, aveeno. what is of the no? it's lotion. >> greg: it's a scam by big lotion. we got older. they are trying to get us back in. his >> jesse: to lotion.
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you are still into lotion. i know you, greg. for his skin. it is chafed. [laughter] >> jessica: it doesn't bother me and i think it's important. there are certain moments, like if you don't cry at this, then i think something is wrong with you. but then there's part of me when i see a man cry, i think why are you such a sissy? that's not fair either. [laughter] >> greg: all right, "one more thing" is up next. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults.
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bear approaches barbie. it charges, causing the bear to back away. animals on the farm are scene or running to hide from the encounter. >> i have two pigs. check out my brand-new special on fox nation. it is available now on demand. >> tonight, what a show, douglas murray, janice dean, michael, he is funny. let's do this. starting to worry about our girl. check out this kid out of wisconsin. she bought this helmet and it allows her to sit and let hummingbirds land on her face. it has these nectar tubes and
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she just sits there. this is amazing. if i had one of these, i would be doing the same thing. i didn't even know it was a holiday weekend. >> lucky day. country music is taking over. morgan wallin and lou combs are making history, leaving for the 12th night in a row and you had a fast car, first time in 42 years to country music songs are at the top. it was i love a rainy night and 9 to 5. >> it is lying wednesday. look what they did at the bordeaux wine festival, look what they did. look at that.
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everybody was so drunk they thought it was real. jesse watters prime time, the most radical church in america, a prime time investigation. >> it is really hot in arkansas. >> that is it for us. "special report" up next. >> thanks so much. >> bret: good evening. breaking tonight, we will have my exclusive interview with irs whistle-blower gary shapley about the hunter biden investigation. we will talk about why he came forward, what he saw and heard, his analysis of the whatsapp messages and his pushback on the attorney general of the united states. firs
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