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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  June 28, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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best. >> bret: a north carolina pilot celebrates a milestone. he turned 100 years old and marked the celebration with a flight. he has been flying since he was 16 years old, loves aviation. flying is the best feeling of freedom you can have. here is jesse. >> i would rather celebrate 100 on the couch. >> bret: see you. >> jesse: life has a way of hitting you when you least expect it. you have to play it cool. a girl tells you it is over, thank you. you can do better. teacher calls on you in class, be strong and wrong. if you get called up on stage, act like you have been there
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before. >> i am not prepared. >> this is a surprise. >> keep it simple. let's take the baseline for a walk. i am not hearing it right. >> jesse: when you are the president of the united states, you have to channel your emotions. joe biden lost control and the whole country got a taste of his rage. >> were you sitting there? >> no. >> that was a warning shot, the press hit a nerve and he sent a
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message, don't ask me that question again. the commander in chief tries to scare you out of following the facts. joe biden has never been asked direct questions about his family's extortion racket but it is becoming impossible for the press to make it invisible. new text messages released by whistle-blowers chip away at biden's armor of denial. in a message, hunter says i am tired of this. i can make 5 million in salary from any law firm in america. if you think it is about money, it is not. the bidens are doing the best out what the chairman wants from this partnership. let's not quibble over peanuts. to the bidens $5 million from china is peanuts. it makes you wonder about the money we haven't found out about yet. this could be as large as
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50 million when we are done. the bidens wanted 10 million from the chinese communists and they would do anything for it. the wires, they have to clear up by tomorrow or the big guy is angry. i will make certain between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge, that you will regret not following my direction. i am sitting here waiting for a call with my father. the bidens were shaking down foreign scoundrels for bribes and they were good at it. >> hunter cleaned his dad was sitting beside him, just days after he sent the message, a
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$5 million wire transfer. there is money there and that is how the bidens operate. joe biden set up a meeting that has been part of the meeting prior to any money changing hands and hunter would squeeze foreign nationals. >> jesse: the cracked out bagman, the entire federal government went right under barack obama's nose. maybe that is why he told biden not to run. now that he is number one.
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>> he was directed to and void -- to avoid -- that involved hunter biden. >> we needed to take them but we were not allowed to take them. >> jesse: "the new york times" today verified bidens justice department obstructed justice in the investigation. biden was supposed to be -- joe was supposed to be the honest person from scranton. if joe biden is a phony, and everybody else is a phony. if washington, d.c., can push that for decades, what else are they lying about. joe lost his wife in a car
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accident and his son to cancer. they are thinking, do we need to look into his finances? let him make a few dirty millions on the side. that is the thinking. at 80 years old, nobody has told him to shape up so he is going to sell you his fantasy. >> the american dream, that is the next phase of the site, making the tax code fair. while he wants to raise your taxes, it was failure to pay. it was fraud.
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>> there were club memberships, hotel rooms for drug dealers. if this was any other person, they would have already served their sentence. >> if you don't pay your taxes, one of the irs agents come knocking at your door. when the bidens ignore their taxes, the tax man never comes. >> there is outstanding tax above that, that because of this deal, they will never recoup. the most substantive felony charges were left off the table. >> jesse: the guy dodged taxes
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in 2014, 15, 16 and 17. why didn't he get charged for those? they said too late, cannot charge you. hunter has been a tax cheat his entire life. >> he has some explaining to do. how hunter, who is a lawyer, who also had his passport revoked by the state department because of his tax liens, and he is a lawyer and then he is not charged with tax evasion, not charged with felonies, he gets misdemeanors for not filing. he had tax issues going back to 2009, 2010. the bidens have been skirting laws their whole lives. is this about to change.
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the lawyer who headed the doj's tax division joins us now. do you suspect this judge will say no way, jose on this plea deal? >> it could happen. it doesn't happen often. i wanted the public to understand what happened. informed citizens, from my decades as a tax practitioner, i
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read the testimony with deep interest. when i got to page 95, my jaw dropped. as early as june 2021, the prosecution team understood because crimes must be prosecuted in the district where they occur, attorney general garland's failure to make attorney general weiss a special counsel guaranteed hunter biden would not be prosecuted for his tax crimes. every opportunity is responsible for the law enforcement in his district. the u.s. attorney general is in delaware. it was clear that without special counsel authority, he
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was not going to be able to charge hunter biden's tax cr crimes. >> jesse: you are saying two u.s. attorneys said no, you are not going to do any indictments in my jurisdiction and he was not allowed to get special counsel powers, so he was blocked and left with a few charges in delaware, but that is not one of the attorney general said. do you see a cover up here? >> i wouldn't call it a cov cover-up. i want to throw a bouquet to shapley for bringing this forward it is so important malfeasance and the administration of justice be brought forward and do something about it. what is so disturbing here is --
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i want to thank "the wall street journal" for publishing my op-ed. and giving it a catchy title. any of those might actually describe what caused what happen here to happen here. attorney general garland testified in march that he had given u.s. attorney weiss all the authority he needed to do what he needed to do. when rod rosenstein named robert mueller special counsel, we were able to see the documentation of the authority and what that enabled robert mueller to do. there has been no documentation at all of the assertion that he gave him authority and we can see that he did not have it. either he didn't have it or he didn't understand he had it
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because what has happened here is a failure to bring charges that people who have been reading the news for the last several years understand is a serious miscarriage of justice. >> if you lie under oath to congress, there are consequences for that. go to "the wall street journal" and read her op-ed. joe biden had a rough day on the campaign trail. otc each morning blocks heartburn all day and all night. prilosec otc reduces excess acid for 24 hours, blocking heartburn before it starts. one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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many holocaust survivors are impoverished and suffering today in their final years.
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at this holocaust museum in israel, you see the names; the faces, of jews that were brutally murdered. this great cloud of witnesses cries out to us "comfort, comfort my people." we're in a race against time to reach every holocaust survivor in israel and the former soviet union. many are poor and hungry and they have nowhere to turn. naroj has had such a hard life from the day that she was born into the holocaust. we were so hungry that we would go with my mother and find the leaves and grass nd we would pick them up and eat it. still today, she's suffering with no one there to help her. dare we turn our back on her now? for $25 you can rush a food box to a holocaust survivor or an elderly jew.
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the international fellowship of christians and jews brings them urgently needed food and comfort in their final years. let's do what we know god has called us to do. call the number on your screen now and help save jewish lives. no organization helps holocaust survivors and the elderly jewish people as much as they do. valeria is saying that, she didn't receive love her whole life. you seem so full of love, and not of hate. just $25 helps to rush a food box to a holocaust survivor. i hope you'll join me at the international fellowship of christians and jews. we can do something to relieve their suffering. please, do something now.
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>> jesse: biden unveiled his big economic plan. he calls bidenomics but he has no idea what it means. >> can you tell us what it is? your economic team is calling it bidenomics. >> the press started calling bidenomics. >> jesse: perfectly sums up the presidency. later, in his speech, he plagiarized walter mondale. >> i am tired of waiting for the trickle down. it does not come quickly. >> jesse: joe biden is going to run on his father being middle-class 70 years ago.
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he knocked down a home bridge and blocked four lanes of the highway. a new plant is being built. three quarters of u.s. industries consecrated. i am thinking i did not go to mass. >> his delivery was terrible. this was the kickoff of the economic platform. that was it. it did not make voters feel comforted. wages are down and prices are up. a poll shows 70% of voters are worried he is physically and mentally shot. he confused ukraine with iraq. >> has vladimir putin been weakened? >> it is hard to tell.
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we are losing the war in iraq and the war at home. >> this happens all the time. we are finding out biden is using a breathing machine to help him sleep. he had strap marks indented on the side of his face. not a great look. biden has a plan. he is going to weaponize his age. he is rebranding himself as a wise statesman with a dash of wit. >> the white house has come up with a new strategy to deal with the age issue. biden has been cracking jokes about his age more often than usual. >> i have been doing this a long time. i know i don't look that old. i am a little under one oh three. think about it. i am 198 years old.
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i believe in the first amendment. not just because my good friend wrote it, jimmy madison. >> they say i am over the hill. don lemon would say that it is a man in his prime. >> that is not bad. the country is worried about him, if he takes another fall, it is over. it is concerning. it is going to take a lot for him to convince voters he is able to perform. reagan was able to do it. when they tried to make his age an issue, he flipped it. >> i will not make age an issue of this campaign. i am not going to to exploit my opponent's youth and inexperience.
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>> if you look at clips from 2016, he looks different from 2020. if you look, compare, everyone ages at a different rate and the white house, the presidency, there is no higher stress job in the world. it is the most grueling job. what do we always look at? the wrinkles and the hair. it is very difficult. staff tries to protect him as much as possible. you can't hear him.
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should we have the conversation with grandpa about the keys to the car? >> he is saying he is wise. joe biden is rebranding himself as wise. is that going to play when he confuses iraq with ukraine and cannot get the words out? >> when the war first started, he was giving a speech and he meant to say ukraine and he said iraq. that is a gaffe. for biden, he is the commander-in-chief. he is deciding how much money to get. he is trying to keep the allies together. you can make a gaffe once in a while. if you make one every time you go out there, it does not give the community you are trying to speak to or the audience you are
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speaking to any comfort. >> jesse: can he pull off the middle class joe when his family is hiding the money from the tax man? >> there is some affection for them, plus the union's like him. bidenomics has helped make sure that is good. the problem is inflation has eaten up gains and wages have not kept up. people feel like they are behind and if things could look better, people will not forget what it has been like. >> i have embraced my age and i find it relaxing. >> i find you very wise. >> jesse: i am as wise as joe biden. thank you very much. psychedelics have gone mainstream and it is not just nfl quarterbacks. even members of the first family
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are getting in on the action and i am not talking about hunter. >> the number one story, lsd, ketamine, the drugs that power silicon valley. checking in on this subject, the brother of the president of the united states, frank biden. i didn't know you liked to eat boomers. >> who knew he liked to put on the visuals? biden is down with it. have you ever shared with your brother what you have shared with my audience? does he know your view of the world on this issue? >> he is a very open minded. brother to brother. the question is, is the u.s.
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ready for this, my opinion is we are on the cusp of a consciousness that needs to be brought about to solve a lot of the problems in and around, as importantly, to make it to where we are all one people and we have to come together. >> up next, transgender is and is eating into the church. >> i believe in the nondairy god whose pronouns are plural. i believe in jesus christ, their child, who wore a fabulous tunic and had two dads. you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain.
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>> jesse: transgender is and is the new religion.
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if you didn't convert, you would be killed. in this day and age, you are canceled. if you don't agree, you are a bigot and your life is over. it is also infiltrating christianity. there is the wokeness to church in the united states. if you attend one of their services, you will have the privilege of reciting the sparkle creed. >> rise in body and spirit and confess our faith today. i believe in the nonbinary guard whose pronouns are plural. >> i don't want to tell others how to worship or what to believe, but as a christian, this seems a little out there.
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a nonbinary god with multiple pronouns? i have always looked at god as a man. in the bible he is referred to as a he. he can be everything, everyone, i get that. listen to how the creed talks about. >> i believe in jesus christ, their child and had two dads and saw everyone as a sibling child of god. i believe in the rainbow spirit who shatters our image of one white light and refracts it into a rainbow of gorgeous diversity. >> jesse: two dads. does mary know about this? they seem to be taking artistic license with the holy bible. is that allowed? i don't know. it if you angered the god, you
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will feel the wrath of the rainbow. >> let's remember our own government and the actions it takes. last month, more than 20 states had imposed bands are limits on transgender athletes in schools. at least 18 states have passed laws that bar gender affirming health care. still, other states have limited bathroom access for transgender citizens. this is our government denying a people exist. >> does god want children chopping off their sex organs? doesn't god love us the way we are? these are legitimate questions. we were told religious fundamentalism had no role in public policy debates but now we are told men should get naked in your daughter's locker room because that is what would have
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wanted. tony perkins joins me now. you are more devout than i am. as a devout christian, how do you interpret this type of sect? >> it is a stretch to call this a church. it is a group of comm community organizers. i believe in the bible, in the god who wrote that bible and this is where we go when we reject the word of god. once you reject the word of god, you can end up anywhere and what we see here, to speak at this from a biblical standpoint, this is biblical idolatry, where we create god in our own image rather than seeking a relationship with the one who
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created us in his image. >> they are not a legitimate christian sect in your opinion. >> you can claim the title christian, but to be a christian is to follow. if you read the words of him himself, he says god created the male and female. he is not confused about gender. they have every right to do it. you have the right to be wrong. this is not orthodox christianity. >> that is very clear. follow me here. if you are saying had two dads, that goes beyond your normal interpretation of the bible, the way the protestants, the catholics, the baptists each interpret the bible. this goes beyond that.
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>> can i use a word that is not acceptable? blasphemous. i would not want to be near that church with what they are proclaiming. this is a people that have lost their way. this is a problem, this is an extreme example. they are not the only one. as we reject the word of god as authoritative and yield ourselves to his word rather than trying to change it to match our desires and choices, that is where we end up. this is the extreme, but it is the logical conclusion of those who reject god as the creator, making boys & girls club and creating us in his image. >> what would the apostle say if they were at the ceremony?
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>> they would be stunned. they would have thought they looked like good guys. this is political. what you see here is an audition for the democratic convention. i would not be surprised to see them up there doing an invocation of chant, the whole thing. that is what we see here. >> we were just as stunned as the apostles would have been. they can worship how they want. this is america but we had to put it out there and see what you had to say. white guilt is making the united states more dangerous. >> did he do what he did? >> i don't want him thinking he is -- that i did it because of the situation he is in.
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>> jesse: social justice is a contagion. we are affected by it. join us, hate yourself, and all
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your sins will wash away. the left will make you feel guilty for protecting your family. in georgia, this man says another man pulled a knife on him in front of his family. >> shut up, leave me alone, go away, you are bothering me. i just ignore it. i tell my kids to come over here. we are not bothering you. nobody said a word to you, so he pulls out a knife. you are not going to tell me what to do the father didn't think the cops. he was guilty, he started crying
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and pleading for the cops not to arrest the guy who threatened the family with a knife. >> i just want him to leave us alone. i see is going to think i am doing this because he is white and i am black. >> but did he do what he did? >> i don't want him to think i did it because of what situation he is in. >> is that how you would respond if a man threatened your children with a knife? why do people act this way? let's ask an expert. why would he cry and plead like that? >> he is more concerned about the suspects perspective of him as a potential racist or someone who looks down and disdain at
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homeless people than feeling relieved nothing happened to his family because the police intervene. there is a disconnect between his emotional reaction, which appears to be sympathetic towards the suspect and what he is actually saying in the entirety of the footage. you can see him say, it is because he pulled out his knife and said die. this man knows the suspect did something wrong, but his emotional reaction reflects his fear. >> does he not see by letting this guy go he can threaten other families? does he not see that? >> in that moment he doesn't appear to be grateful for his own family safety but grateful for the police having mitigating the risk to other people who were in a public park.
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>> jesse: can white guilt be dangerous? >> incidents like this could lead to people being dis- incentivize to call for help, or if it becomes more concerning for people to not appear as racist, they will not be inclined to call the police if they are feeling threatened, which is a normal drive for any organism toward survival. we see a man who acted properly to call for help and second-guessed his judgment for fear of how the suspect himself or society would label him. > >> jesse: how amazing is that the race card is more powerful than the biological instinct to protect the lives of yourself and your family? >> it speaks to how bombarded all of us are with messages
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about being politically correct and using proper terminology and treating people fairly that even when we are threatened, we are more likely, or some might be more likely to question their own judgment and reality in favor of giving a suspect or somebody who might have meant to harm the benefit of the doubt. >> jesse: thank you. we just have to treat everybody equally. imagine that. major drama at wheel of fortune. vanna white just lawyered up. n i was told my small business wouldn't qualify for an erc tax refund. you should get a second opinion from innovation refunds at no upfront cost. sometimes you need a second opinion. [coughs] good to go. yeah, i think i'll get a second opinion. all these walls gotta go!
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ah ah ah! i'd love a second opinion. no. i'm going to get a second opinion. with innovation refunds, there's no upfront cost to find out. so why not check like i did for my small business? take the first step to see if your small business qualifies for the erc. knowing where you came from, it gives you a sense of “this is who i am”. oh my goodness... wow, look at all those! you get hungry for more and then you're just like, “wow, i'm learning about my family.” yeah, yep. which one, what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? look at grandma... hey grandma! unbelievable. everybody deserves to know who they are and where they came from. this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family.
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>> jesse: we have watters
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cooler. drama over at wheel. sseacrest is replacing pat saja. vanna white is lowering up. she might hit "wheel of fortune" with a gender discrimination lawsuit. >> i love that you brought me in. i would be the host of meal of fortune. i love pat sajak. we all do. he likes my jackets. >> jesse: love him less. here is where i am torn. vanna white was my first childhood crush. they used to do a promo, what would vanna white where tonight? if you are a 12-year-old boy,
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nothing is a family show. it is all i know what you need. if you can look into the world where the world is living paycheck to paycheck, this is an injustice because i turn three vowels a week, you are in a bad head space. i am not anti-vanna but i cannot get on board with this discrimination lawsuit. >> jesse: what about the other people who can't by a tv to watch her turn the vowels. >> i don't care what you say. you turn those vowels like i like. when you buy something at the grocery store and the kiosk ask you if you want to donate money to kids, that is being hijacked by democrats. this is overboard.
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>> jesse: it is in washington. they are taking the spare change you were going to give to the homeless guy out front. this scam about diversity, equity, and inclusion, we don't need a reminder. it is on the side of the ben & jerry's. my ice cream yells at me for having white parents. it is not supposed to work that way. >> jesse: wardrobe works with you? in washington state, grandparents raced on a horse track and there were some falls but no serious injuries. >> they are off. we had a spill. another spell. >> is it wrong to laugh?
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everyone hangs out a racetrack has a hard core gambling problem. there are people yelling because they are losing money. >> jesse: the guy that fell took a dive? >> someone bet on this race. your grandkids are not proud. people were not happy. >> jesse: you see the moment the achilles pop. thanks so much. i love the wardrobe department. they work with me constantly, consistently, complement me. i don't know why he got all these people fired. let's do texts. it is not bidenomics. it is bribenomics.
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and you believe four fingers trips? tammy from texas, hunter has cracked, fingers has shrooms, what is joe's excuse? al from minnesota, the sparkle creed, i am embarrassed to live in minnesota. >> you can move. come hither. we sparkle here. can we send johnny to the sparkle church? let's get the inside scoop. i think johnny should get baptized and where a wire. andy, from florida. if a guy pulls a knife on my family, i am going to drop him like a bad habit. if vanna get scanned, can you hired her to work on prime time? i think we could find room for her.
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johnny will have to take a pay cut. sounds like your birds committed suicide. just like epstein. i am sorry, birds. you had a good run. that is all for tonight. dvr the show and remember i am watters and this is my world. blasphemy. >> it's been left to house republicans not the doj to uncover this. moments ago irs whistleblowe


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