tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News July 1, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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i wanttime we to thank sean for letting me sit in this chair. it is very much appreciated. . a whole team of people just great work that bring this program for you. now don't forget you can read my column at a mac dot and you can also keep up with me ato tammy bruce dot locals .com. have a great weekend and i'llt e see you on monday. i'll be back. thanks, everyoneekeni'll seeou i'm laura ingraham and this is the "ingraham angle". >> thank you for being with us tonigh t. all right.o grea two stories today aboutie two great american cities on opposite sides of the country. should be a major awakening fort all of us. they reveal important truths abouhserict how america is faric as we're about to commemorate our nation's independencee po on july 4th. and while politicians in parties try to spin, we needre the truth now more than ever.fee now, if you've been in l.a. ino
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the past few years, you're not sug be surprised by this.t but homelessness grewst a staggering 10% in the cityd 9% last year and 9% in l.a. county. >> my office staff is afraids ,a and it's so sad for the people that are homeless and a tragedy for the community. >> when i went outside, there were jus just like families walg around, people walking it w was completely quietring i and safe and boring and a good way. >> and now i'm afraid to go out without my pepper spra>>y. >> horrific. and in the big apple, things are off the charts. ba e chd with city shelterse seam busting at the seams filled with illegallled wits. , now, it's so bad that earlier this month, mayor eric adams, even the idea of housing, they would be asylees intos. private homes. >> that's a bad idea. you don't know>> youout nothin those people. what he's doing is not for, illa the city. >> he's destroying the city. well, i wouldn't mind some stranger illegal orl, justf illegal, just a stranger in general.
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so you're saying if this opportunits u yoy came to you,e you wouldn't take it? >> i absolutely would not. now, it would be a real mistakae for us who don't live in eithert place to just wave these stories of wavf. no, it and i know it's kind of the tendency, oh, now it doesn't matter to me. meinsteabut instead, let's use s information that i just gave you to win in 2024 and begin restoring america. unty's and l.a. county's last count, 75,518 people were living in interim housing or a tent, a car, a van, an rv or makeshift shelter. and that was in l.a. county, compared with 69,140 four the previous year. and check this out since 2015, that's, figure has risen an inconceivable 70% in the county and 80% in the city of los angeles. so city of this is insane. so now why is this happening?nig oh, is it trump's fault?ns well, who runs l.a.? who runs california?
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those are the questions we have to ask. we know who they areregula they're democrats and they like to tax, regulate and spendpend v the city and the state into oblivion. and, loodit.ey wante they voted for it and they got it. and the officialcial w in charge the agency dealing with homelessnesssfollowins saih following in the l.a. times. the reasons for the spike in homelessnesse are not fully known, but then pointed to economics as the underlying cause. >> you think? ya tt she noted a study by us, i san francisco, that found thats among people who had leases before becoming homelessng home a decrease in income was the most common reason for losing their housing. well, biden nomics strikes. >> not a lot of trickle down a was my parents kitchen table when i was growing up. so we're changing. this we decided to replace this theory with what the press now calledtheory biden nomics. >> i don't know what that is, but it's. ,
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>> oh, sure, joe. now, let's get you back to bed now. okay. now, what's obvious is that biden nomics plus an open border equals a total nightmare for americans who want to bed independent but are overwhelmed by inflationnflation and other y that the democrats policies are pog. when >> the middle class has beenyoe left behind. when you go to the grocery storgrocere, you do not see anyg >>at's decreased. is your grocery bill higher? absolutely, yeahely, it's inflan through the roof. do you think that the country is on the right track or the wrong totally the wrong track. would you say you're better or worse off since? >> you took office? yeah. much worse off ce. . e ever >> i'm worse off than we've ever been. now i know what you're thinking. when will new yorkaura: i t youo vote to save themselves? >> s when is it going to happen? now all democrats can do in response is somehow blame republican governors like decent, like or, you know, abbon
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texas or proposed tax hikes or o try to the subject all together rather than urge new, saned the approaches to fix the economy and the border. they try to hold, th try on to g by stoking more division and dangling freebie mors. now they're doing the same thing with reparations. just yesterday, the california reparations task force releasedo its final reportrt and providedk 115 recommendations on how black residents should re. ompensated >> it could include cash payments. paymen free tuition to our ucs and c issues. it can be a first timefi homebuyer assistance, down payment, interest free loans state tax relief, free health care, on and on anree d on.e >> we can do this. t the key here is that they have yet to put a dollar figure t on the reparations payments themselves. >> now. n cali >> so that kind of pivotal, especially when california has. a $32 billion budget deficit. >> if they really wanted to dos
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reparations, they'd pass a bill, they'd raise taxesd on the rich donors of the democrats, and they'th sd st sending out the checks. but the angle does not thinkat ever, ever going to do that.hey >> insteadwant, they want to kep doing studies and, you know, launch commissions and, all a bunch of news reports and polls and all of those sorts ofan things to make peopli thatk that any day nownk bee money's coming. >> we have a debt that needs to be paid. it needs to be paid by time has come. and this reparations will be re right. >> the many centuries of wrong reparations about repair. >>to me, i qualify.>> i >> i would like to see you guys give out letters of credit where we can buyf property. we can do things instead of waiting. i'm 78 years old. >> i don't want to wait two or three years. hate well, i hate to tell them this,e but unlikely that that moneyneye is ever going to come because.
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all a lie and it's all another thercal ploy to trap people into thinking there's some magic pot money out there and that the government is just going to take care of all of. you forever. ant into votes. the democrats hope for for themselves. now, today brought us another example of the left's power raue play biden's fraudulent promise to pay off student loansnto . now it's a scheme with one purpose. again, buying off the votesple. this time of young people. hy diddid you give millions of borrowers false hope you dated, yod your own authority here in the past? >> i didn't give any false hoppe . what i did, i thought wasriat appropriate and was able to be i ne and woulde ans able get do. i didn't embrace false hope, but the republicans away the hope that they were given. and it's reaiven andl, real hop. >> now, they could have eliminated student loans through legislatio ated stun or. tried to do that. but they didn't. insteastead thd, they pretendedo
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something that never had a chance of surviving school court scrutiny. so if you're someoneeme voted r the democrats because you thought your student loans were goingbecaus be forgiven, or ifd fo you voted for democrats because you thoughbecause t that you'reo to get a big pile of money in t the form of reparations. tha well, i'm here to tell you that you were played for a foolfo. we the left knew exactly what they were doing. they knew that this wasn't going to in any way be uphelde by the. and they don't have anyt intention of writing checkhave anyone for reparations. joining us now is fox news contributor lisa boothe and chris bedford, executive director of the common sense society. chris, let's start with you. you know society , there is no one i know and everyone knows that i clerked at the court manyo is years ago, but no one i knew who is a serious lawyeras thought that this case would had a snowball's in ofrt
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surviving court scrutiny. and you have to think that the white house knew that as well. e knew tas why do you ti anyway? they did know.bout and joe biden even admitted it when he was talking about he ws he was tryinge powe to forgive here. the white house doesn't control the power of the purse. that'sr up to congress. and as long as congress is going to exercise it, whichg. less, less they seem willing to do. so. exactly. like you said, it's just a calculusaid, a cpoliti limiteu political play by the white house to gin up some support amongst young voters. >>p su lisa, to further prove: a my point, listen to biden and pelosi just a few years ago. people think years that the pret of the united states has the power for debtr forgiveness . he does not. he can postponhe cane. he can delay, but he does not have that power. congd if there has to be an act of congress. we student loan forgiveness beyond the potential $10,000your your administration has proposed. what will you do to make thadmil
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happen? l no >> i will not make that happendr . >> lisa, i found it rich that pelosi's comments were evendecii quoted in the court's decision today. >> that wa ts bravo. >> i love that little talk. it was. and look nit i, nailed it in your monologue. >> i mean, that's exactly what thii mean exacts was, righ it's a ploy to buy votes. he did this before the midterm elections, as we heard there. h >> he even said he didn't have e the power to do this, but he wao dos it did kind of work.t >> i mean, democrats did really well with gen-z, with younge wr voters in the midterm elections. so to some degree, it was effectivgen-z e. that's what reparations is as well, this push. thdon't think joe biden justis the student loans, he hasn't care if this ever gets done. he just wantr ges to use it as a political ploy. not about reparations, the idepa is done right. no one is owed anything in life. one ag inno one should have to persons that they did not commit. and i think that reutersy fo investigation really, really underscored the reason why this is alli stupid. >> i mean, donald trump ended up being the only living president. that's nott why stupid a descen
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and this investigation that reuters did, and looking intot f politicians and people in politics to ses e if they were d descendants of, obama is a descendant of, but not trump. >> right. and you could even see, amu know, black peoplebu, in america, black on black slavery took place in africa for thousands of years. so this is nonsensical. it's a politicalousands . cal >> and we should all reject it. now, chris the squad, which has been tamed for the most partt pa by nancy pelosi, the lion tamer. ilhan omar of the squad, reacted to the court's decisions toda reactede y. >> watch this. if you take all of thesef caser together, you think about all the grievances that have brought about the trump electiont . what you're seeing is severe backlash. and in you'r the sense that peoo not want to see black and brown people excel in this country. >> chris, apparently she hasn'te seen any of five or six recent e
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polls done on the issue of affirmative, where the numbersn, are overwhelmingly against racial preferences, their use in admissions to dole out benefits. i mean, this is one of the rare benenecausee there's bipartisa . >> yeah. because the american people on a bipartisan level suppor tm meritocracy, they support system where people are th suppo their. and that's not something that's always been perfect and that is states. but it's somethingt somethin wen working towards and race based admissions. fly directly in the face of that. bug racet i wouldn't get too exd about the supreme court ruling and you've already seen an attack on standardizedi' and gps or sats for admittance. gp i think a lot of these colleges are pretty seamlessly going to shift towar id what they're e going to call a holistic approach where they get to choose who they wan t and. they're going to hide some of the evidence that they're actually discriminating against people to try and choose de the elites that they want. but the core matter of this is that our to t p, whethermous they're harvard or yale or princeton, are synonymous with decline. no longer putting forward the leaders americans need. instead, they're just indoctrinatingting
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people. and unfortunately, that's probably going to continuenatiny yeah, go to sec schools,o everybody. lisase, finally, this has been a stunning series of decisions aties of. exceptio the end of this court term, with the exception of the of the state legislatur stae votine case, voting issues case. it's been fabulousfabulo. i mean, the court's basically returning to a more originalist understanding of the constitution. >> your reaction? well, i went to the of tennessee, so i agree with the scc point. >> but also i. >> regarding. but look, schools are going to try to find ways colleges universities are going to try to find ways, college, skirt itd still points on the board. these rulings today are pointshs on the board for conservatives. we need those points on the board because we've been taking beating oboars under this administration. but this drive for equityqualit and the ditching of equality is going to be a death knell for our country. we can already looy isk the impt on corporate america. we're no longer seeking seexcellence as country. everything is racially driven. jobs are given out on a racial
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. adu can look at this administration, good judge chosen because he's , black karine jean-pierre, black, and a woman. lots osbiaf less in a box. checking on democrats list of of hierarchy ohierf you politicl power in the country. kamala harris released vice popl president in american history, chos e and says she's ak black woman and the administration's a disaster as a resul t of government.stration >> in the end, the results speak for themselves. the voters are going to have to decide do they want excellence or do they want r me mediocrity and a slide downward. lisa chris, have a wonderful independencearrest.. thanks so much. all right. we explain why the trans ndence issue has become like a cultish or orthodox faith for the left. >> stay with us. south dakota's hiring. we stayed open business during the pandemic and now businesses are growing so fast, our workforce can't keep up.
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still so controversial to this day. >> the diversity verdict streaming now on fox nation. >> you can't stop me, grace. welcome back as the baddest superstars on the planet unleashed in primetime. all new friday smackdown at eight eastern on fox, where in america the best quotes come from. this is master chef like you've never seen it before. for regions, 20 contestants. welcome to the united states of america. the northeast is bringing what's up west side at the best side in the south. we're praying for everybody, men and women. sharpen your knives, master chef, united states of america, wednesdays on fox. the supreme court's high stakes rulings from protecting i think you will too.
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i can be the winds of change. >> we have some guidelines that say that a providers me who receives medicare funding, medicaid funding must off be prepared to offer gender-affirming care. if you want thater gende medicad dollars to come to your state. we're going to make sure you check the boe tostatx. >> why not do gender-affirming care in uteroyh ? >> because obviously those babies in the , they're not really sur aren'te they are yet.
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so let's give them. i mean, this is insane but. it basically summarizes what the biden administration is about checking and normalizing, mainstreaming the radical agenda.. now, just last week, the dojd pledged to fight on the front for so-called gender-affirming care, i.ele. mutilation of children. and in the states like new york, they're callin the nee they're calling themselves a safe haven for kid s who want changes. >> and in maine, they're trying to make it easieges. ther for ms to take puberty blocking take the consent.e now, these minors cannotvote vote or get tattoos, but a change, well, that's totallyllyi fine. >> joining me now is laura becker, a detransitionne. n care whose story was featured in a film that was abruptly pulled ouer whot theaters earlier thish and the angle covered it. >> laura, want to get into your story in a moment, but why dor you think that this issueou has become such a dominanta domi
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feature in the agendnaa of the political left? it's sheer fanaticism at this point. >> but why? that's complicated. but guess is that this trend, tris new form of radical trans rights activism has piggybacked off of activ the original gay liberation movement of the 90s. and because and have reacheda e so much of a level of equality u organizingal actions that were w promoting lgbt rights, now something else to do with their funding. so they needed a new thei to champion. and with all the issues around w and all the discussion of wokeness in general. trans became the new pillar for the left to their new vulnerable cause. so they need a new class of victims in order to keep the coffers. >> yes. you know what's interesting?
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a lot of friends ofrf mineo be who happen to be,utrage they're they're outraged by this. they're not in any way on with the trans movement kind of glomming on to what they've achieved and what they've they've donet th and they're vey much opposed to this. op and these are people across political spectrum, by the way. andrew sullivan wrote a reallyp. interesting piece about about all of this. >> but is theriece aboe is some more nefarious involved except mone, excey, power? could this be a more concerted attack on traditional norms or c the nuclear, as many worry? i >> yeah, it's a really intense issue. and i do have to agree that there is a an attack on traditional values. the family unit, marriage, children, women and families. i mean, if are getting to theino point where we are sterilizing t childrenhe and cutting
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the reproductive organs off of women and having, you know, hysterectomy occur for women under 21, you know, is aen concerted effort to reduce populationde, an anti humanist sentiment and a trans humanist sentimenulation,t. d a tr >> at the same time, you hearan sa. repeated everywhere if you're against the surgeries for minors, you are for they're committing suicide. >> how cynical and misguided is that? laura?>> that that is extremely that's extre egregioumes and unethical becaue from what we know in mental health care, promoting suicide in media, promoting this myth of suicide addiction causes contagion of people soo normalize. and so that's the opposite of what is considered best
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practice. additionally, it's also just lilie. >> the quality of researche. on these topics is extremely low. small sample sizes losllse to follow, and really no regard for detransition whatsoever. . >> laura, thank you very much for sharing your story and your perspective. we really appreciate. >> to no one's surprise, the media defended that chant. a >> wnbc said that the group has been doing it for years, so it's no bigroup g deal. joining me now, sean duffy, co-host of espn's the bottom line, and michae l, bestsellingl sh author and founder of public. >> michael, i know you've written about how this thi.s is really a disinformation campaign being waged by the left. campeing wagyou a lot of similas with how they covered coviwith ? and, the way they cover our covering this issue, but now it's extended to children.
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>> how pernicious this given the landscape as it's developing? it' >> yeah, it's reallys disturbing. i mean, i see parallelreallys al between the radical left affirmation of gender dysphoria and the medical mistreatment . adolescents very similar to thee affirmation addiction and mental illness and the deprivatioo n ation and medical mistreatment of people that we call homelesent of plls. >> and so what we're seeing is a kind of psychopathology on the left that's affirming a kind of illness and medicalf mistreatmentil. h is tha and i think it's just kind ofer' what you said, which is that there's sort a cult of victimization and of victimhood where victimhood i actually celebrated as a moral virtue rather than as somethingt that people would overcome to lead a better life. and sohething pe think it's a vk period for movement of liberals
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who, you know, once stood for very grand ideals of who oppresg ,of achieving human liberation. and now we see really contributing to a kind of a across and sickness many honorable groups and, children, especially. sean, you're a dad of eight. did am i getting that right? eight children? yeah. getnine. okay. i missed one. i'm sorry. i can't keep up with you. can't keepra: nine'm sorryi can and we know how our kids change and our kids are. they're so interesting at different ages and they really they just change. they're, you know, they're the same. but then they change dramatically, too, to really, ta you hone in on on children at that vulnerable point of their own changes and their own growth. growthge. that to be demonic i know, i know that's nots no popular to say. i find it to be absolutely. ic. >> at this point. wan it's one thing to say if you want to transition when you're older and you have alt tn of your faculties and you developed as an adult, that's one thing. but to go after children
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you're right, laura, our kids evolve over the course oo aftef their adolescence, even into young adulthood, they become new and different people as their views change and perspectives change. so you have to think that the left as thei going to target kids and say that that's gender-affirming care. g we're going to actually mutilate their bodies, affect their life and their reproductive lives forever, is unbelievable. i think this is something different. i think this is cultural marxism. this is intentional using racee and to divide america. they used to usexts to economics back in the old marxist handbooks. now it's this new marxismth and it's a way to take power and control away from people. e po and i think most americans sit back and go, i can't believe this is happeninericans g. wha' and what used to be a free country. be. they do it despite i think all of the outrage from americans across the land and,s in religious groups and those of all backgrounds, muslim catholic, other christian denominations are nowh branded as haters. if they don't opt in to thesee l
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programs or if they decide to opt out il ben schools or shh up at school board meetings. >> and michael, that's a change in americad . the religious and the involved parents to be branded that way. that's a that's a radical change for america. well, that's rightl , because wokeism is a religion and it's also psychopath, illogical. is what you see is a demandocal that we obey a new external authority on climate change. hav you see the demand for a newmora moral on race where we havee whr some idea that we would have a moral order based on who was most victimized historically by race. it's a very racist system. and then on the trans issue, this idea that we are gods who can remake our bodies and change our in order to align with a kind of gendered soul, i think what you se youose e with those three iss is a sort of complete psychowoke woke religion that has really h taken hold of people in partand
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because they they have abandoned traditional religionsn ,also abandonedod e some enlightenment views,ews, traditional enlightenment liberalism. so i think it' tradis very dangs time. these are the same people that are demanding that wthese samee be censored that are waging disinformation campaigns to maknsored e us, try to try to make the american people hate trade. and in fact, our support for religious, racial and differences is higher than ever. so it's i think it is scary. and i'm glad you're drawing attentio carri n to it, laura. >> it's so important for people to see what they're doing with the languagyou'ree, manipug it, owning it, and then>> propagandizing laurang children who think, oh, inclusive, that's great. i want to be inclusivedren, . >> i want to be loved like these trans kids are loved. and so it's very it's very, very dangerous to the young mind especially was dangerouhe p because all of a sudden it's an oppressed group that's not really oppressed, who has a montppressedh celebration whee you have parades every fortune 500 company celebrates you that
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you have the dodgers offen d of america that are christians for a celebration of the community. laura there was a time thatre's most americans would sayit's there's a constitution that protects us against this. it's the first amendment,on i whether it's religion or speech. but the constitutions jun just words on paper. if you don't have people who have been taught it and believndite and defend it, and that's when you see this seep come in where they can they can shut down her speech. they can shut down a religion all for this ideologr th y that for most americans, it's foreign to and most of them reject o. and also with medicaid, force us to fund irced ut against. our beliefs. that's the next stop. hill sean and michael,thanks wonderful to see both of you. >> thanks so much for. >> all right. i know you've seen some bad legal analysis in your days, but we have among the worstbu supreme court analysis thatnalyi you've ever seen or heard. next. and raymond arroyo's three wishes go boom. he's to explain it. >> friday follies is next.
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>> welcome to fox news live. i'm marianne rafferty in los angeles. the supreme court finds a christian graphic artist can refuse to work with same couples. the court ruled 6 to 3 friday in favor of the colorado designer. this despite laws in the state barring discrimination for sexual orientation in some field. the decision will open the door for businesses to discriminate lgbtq+ customers. but justice neil gorsuch says people are, quote, free to think and speak how they wish. >> hazy skies, hot weather and powerful storms put a damper on american's 4th of july holiday plans. the east coast and midwest are blanketed with the thick smog from canada's hundreds of wildfires. it's so bad officials were forced to issue air quality warnings. meanwhile, utility companies are scrambling to restore power to thousands homes following powerful wind storms in the midwest. i'm marianne rafferty. now back to the "ingraham angle".
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it's friday and that means it's time for friday follies. and for that, we turn to foxbuto news contributor raymond ray arroyo. all right, ray, the supreme cour t down racial discrimination in college admissions and apparentlyo we whoopi's not happy. >> why do we scare you? who are they? d well, why don't we ask? why don't we scare you?? it just makes kid an asian kidan and a native american kid. a black kid feel like you don't matter. >> is this leading to no women in colleges s soon? laura sister act like a legal scholar. bu >> laut she clearly is. c this ruling has nothing to dleo. with women colleges. and the gop invoked asian and black kids at harvard ifif they had the same grades. an asian kid had a 5% chance of getting in. a black kid had a 44% chance.che that's called racial bias. and this rulin g should make all kids feel better and equalaura: then. not today. after the high court ruledth tod
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on religious and free speech grounds in favor of that web f designerav who refused to create a web site for, i guess it was a wedding. the ceo of the group glad didn't sound too glad. >> se ceo what business can now deny myself and my wife access? we walk in, but i haven't d read the decision yet. but from the top line analysisec ,itht i think that this is anpe open license to discriminate againse t lgbtq people in america. >> maybe should. he should read the whole decision before sounding off. on beforlaura, the ap tried to l this thing as a setback. but it gay rights, this supreme court ruling. but it isn't. it allow.s all americans, even, ones, to speak freely and notto the government, compel that speech in any way. that seemscompel ec like a win americans to me. yeahal . ga and if you happen to bey and run a businesans and some artistic creativity involved with that business, thene some
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you have to, you know, give give a, you know, artistict service to someone you disagree with or that violates your your deeply held beliefs and faith. yeah. religious beliefr s. yeah. so i don't know. it seems like it's it's beste. for everyones it's this way. all right, ray, i'm granting you just before the 4th of july. >> three wishes. goodness, you are so good to me, jeannie so good e . pro in addition to hoping the president learns the proper time to exit after a tvstruct interview, laura, which is instructionio he desperately needs. i wish someone on the president's team would ta teach him where to look during campaign adsch. they need to show him where the camera is. something. one of his predecessors already knows all too well. the >> here's five reasons whyrem i'm asking you to donate $5 to my campaign. your donations are the reaso$5n president biden won the last election. so take it from me and make it go to joe biden .com to join our campaign.
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>> laura, you think anita dunn> or somebodyoy could say look sal there the camera the one that obama is looking aoothere,t is r camera. you know jeffrey katzenberg said hollywood should come in and help camera.d hollyw and thd embrace being 80 like harrison ford. mick jagger. well, you know, they dance and crack whips. th man can't walk or cracka a joke. so i don't know how that's quite going to heljokep, but we'll see. >> well, raymond, they have every hollywood mogul much kind of on their team and they still thn't help them. >> they can't help them.ey h exit stage left, exit stage right. >> look into the camera. i mean, cecil b, the mill couldn't helte stagep this guy. it's pitiful. it would be like me doing the show looking this way. how are you doing, it'e doin sh? everything. and no one tells me i'm doing well. who are you? me. my second wish is that>> i the media would stop covering bud light slayer dyland ligh mulvaney's every complaint as if it wert e a state of the union address. mulvaney drops a social media post and you would have thought
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eleanor roosevelt returned from the great for a last messaget for the republic. watch. per a company to, hire a trans person and then not publicly stand by theliclm is worse, in my opinion, than not hiring a trans person at alopiniol becs it gives customers permission to be as transphobice and as they want. >> and, you know, we're customers, too. i know a lot want. trans and pn who love beer. >> laura mulvanes peopley lost budweiser $27 billion in market share. they're givinge givi a $15 rebae 15 15 pack budweiser this weeken pd. they okay. i understand why they don't want to talk to mulvaney anydont longer. >> yeah, but we went overeah. to buy some libations for 4th of july. that stuff stacked up, raymond,. and they just they can't get rid of it what it. all right. what is your final wish as we go into this big my finatol weekend of sort of celebrating our national independence? >> well, laura, i wish that peopleal indepen would stop tryg
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to recreate the fireworks in d.c. on thei r block. >> it never really works.on does it drive? oh, it's going to be great. you can have it's not going to work. who did that? get put in the shoes. good lord, i love the whole car goes up. look, john adams did say w aeteu should commemorate our independence with illuminations fireworks from coast to coasr inndence wt. i don't think he meant illuminations to your vehicle yo literally in the faces of your children and neighbors. don't do that. just go watcurren anighbors.h o displays, you know, or your car. okay? okayets. i love my dog. and he shakes she shakes like shakes like this with fireworks. so they go on for days and days and days in d.c. and she's like, shake. ets but i'm still sam mad at you and sam and tommy, everyone else who was
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responsible for putting those fireworks ine, for my dress. jut >> oh, that sounds bad the way t i just said it, but that'shat .t you remember that time i did? we're testing out the new th, and i was like, why do you guys want me to sit here for this long? >> and then when i wasthatong. , oh, i look. >> and then i appeared inu know the dress and you what's nice, laura, you didn't get any burns are going from the experience b that too bad. nofr i actuallomy i thin thek iy across quite well i didn't lose my head or anything else. there you go hea, raymond. >> have a wonderful independence day. happy independence day to you. all right. all right. you take care. and did joe biden finally say yn something that i agree with? plus, we dig deep intoi agre plu the pulse of america. >> mark penn, ned ryan, examine next. equity, equality, diversity, all terms heard throughout our culture. we explore the origins of affirmative action and why it's still so controversial to this day. >> the diversity verdict >> the diversity verdict streaming now on fox natio
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>>♪ i got the i am dude and i got the eye of the tiger. >> it was nice you know, i showed up and immediately these kids respected me and i did the other 99 personal best here, made a letter go by where many holocaust survivors are impoverished and sufferingof jew today in their final yearss ats holocaust museum in israel. you see the name gs that were brutally murdere, d. that were brutally murdere, d. this great cloud of witnesses
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cries out to us comfort, comfort my people. >> we're in a race against time to reach every holocaust survivor, israel and the former soviet union. many are poor, hungry, and they have nowhere to turn from surviving all now. raj has had such a hard lifed gs from the day that she was born into the holocaust. >> we were so hungry that we the leaves and grass and we would pick the thp her. m and e >> still today, she's suffering with no one there to help her. with no one there to help her. dare we turn for $25, you can rush a food box to a holocaust survivor or an elderly. >> the international fellowshid ,christians and brings an urgently needed foodha and comfort in their final
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years. >> let's do what we know god has called us to do. >> call the number on your screen now and help save jewish lives. >> nuch as they do. o helps hols and the elderly people as much as they do like you. >> listen, valeria saying that she didn't receive love her whole life. you seem so full of love and not of hate. >> just $25 helps to rush. a food box to a holocaus i hope you'll join me at international fellowship of christians and . we can do something to relieve their suffering. please do. >> something now. the first republican primary debate, the racel spray.
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>> get 911 on the phone, get the emergency responses. >> they're on their way. i the poll numbers are not that good, but they were the same way when i ran and won.. >> the polling isn't good. f that's an understatement if i ever heard one. noi rdw the latest economist yov poll is basically a complete sto disaster for biden. i couldn't stop reading it last night thatreadint matt does itw him losing to trump and a head o to head poll, but it has him on a sky higa skh, 55% overall disapproval rating and on
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the issues, 61% disapprove of how he's handling inflatio 61%n 57% disapprove him on immigration, 54% on guns 54% and crime, and 52% on the economy. >> so, yeah, joe, guess,say, you know, an up means down, i'd say. yeah. yeahokin. od joining me now, mark penn, former clinton pollster and adviser and bagwell ceo. also with me is ned ryan, american majority. s amer mark, you've read through this yougov poll, what are biden's biggest vulnerable partiesvulneb right at this moment? >> well, i think read that polli right. his biggest vulnerability is simply his performance as president. pol less than 40% approve of the job he's doing as president and they disapprove overwhelmingly of the job he's doing on the majorove of rs . that's why he generally switches the topic to talk about other issues, because these issues are jusset favorab.
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to him right now. and frankly, he's got to improve these numbers inhe n the next few months or i think he's going to see some primary oppositionmonths ok he. ra: >> now, ned, they've tried s to spin this economy now for really a couple of weeks. they started beginning the message thisinning. it. i don't think people are buying it. no, and you look at the top eight issues that the voters said were important to them. he's on. t to thehe's below 40% on all o and when it comes to inflation and prices, which they say is their number one issue, they put biden 29% approval on that issue, which is their top issue. >> i thought one of the things that was interesting in this, wa trump and biden with independent voters. trump' s beating him by ten.t >> and one of the strongest arguments that people have been making is that trump can't winee in the general because he can't win with independents. >>he can't well, he's up doublee with independents in this poll over biden. 't wini think that's one of theb interesting dynamics i saw
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on this that. if trump can win independents, he can win in 2024 by ten.ts h yeah, if he wins independents by ten, this is going to be a bloody bloodbath. exactly. if those numbers and obviously it's early. but mark, the poll also revealeds a 64% of americans t biderevealn is a weak leader. la and dei believr.e that trump que high on that same question. iv forgive me for not having the exact number at my fingertips, but on the on ving t the strength part as a leader, does that dovetail int doeo the question about his mental agility and his overall, you know, vigorous ness or lack thereof? >> well, i think in my poll, ins the harris poll, about 60% i think that president biden is too oldold to serve another term as president. clearly, i think that the weak e really goes to the issues ofue foreign policy and how strongis a leader that they think he is.
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look, trump's personal favorable really also negative. and most people don't want trump to run either. and so while trump's winning in the horse race, there's 21% undecided. so there are a lot of voterss , though they know both candidates who are saying they're not really happy with. thishids.s choice. now, it's not all bad for the democrats. we've got be fair here, becauser congress got hit very hard in this poll. 60% disapprove of how congresso, is handling his job, but those polled still said they'd vote forhandling democratic cane in an election in a generic if it wer e held today.f it's so party leaders like mcconnell, huge unfavorability. how could this play into. >> well, i mean, it's almost it's almost a dead eve almost nn the generic. i think democrats are up by one. i mean that's a horse race. i think it's going to come down to who's better at get outorse the vote, who who's better at pushing and generating absentee
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ballots and collecting next year in the key races. so i think when you're in that a race in the generic, it'se going to come down to who can execute the bestge game. right now, i'd say the left got an advantage. the gop underperformed in 2022. so it's got to figure how it's going to do better. get out the vote efforts in sam 2024 if the generic poll stays the same. of course, we're a ways awayof t those elections, but if it stays that tight, it's going ou to got the best opera get out the vote operation in the fall of 2024e poll. he mark, have you heard anything about the republicans effort in that regard? i mean, the gop has beenme frettingan this for some time. >> yeah. no, look, i right now, when you look at it, the republicans have a big on the issues. but really, when you look attrum it, trump's aheap'd three, congr they're losing the congressional horse raceonat really? people think the republicans are too far to the right. they think the democratsight mar too far to the left. and it's a pretty well split
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5050 country. and the republicans have been outfoxed prett the last couple elections between mail ballots and getting the votes in rather than counting on election day. ng oi think there's no questionr the republicans have to improve their ground game or yes, they may just lose again. >> yeah, they are. well y, i hope everyone's listening out there in the gop leadership and the republican hierarchy. mark and ned, great to see both of you. thanks so much. g >> thanks, even more change. is for our show. and i'm going to tell you what they are next. >> equity, equality, diversity all terms heard throughout our culture. we explore the origins, affirmative action and why it's still so controversial to this day. the diversity verdict streaming now on fox nation. >> spend the 4th of july with the five where celebrating our nation's independence with a fun filled show sharing special stories. >> we had the best fireworks on earth, one of the most fondrb
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so now she's just partul perso f the extended ingraham angle family. kate, we lov familye you. mis we're going to miss you so much. my whole family is going to miss you. thank you for everythingyou.thae done for this show for all ofnd us and for me personally. and best of luck to you. all right, everybody, have a wonderfuright, el day. i'm off next week. but remember, it is america no w and forever. >> and greg gutfeld. he takes it all from here. t i'm not. . >> yes, it's friday. you know what? thatt . we start at conga line in times square and pray we don't stabbed. leave it in. >> so let's welcome tonight's guest. he
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