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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  July 4, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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thanks so much to laura and her whole team. just muc kind of wonderful teamv letting me sit in tonight. hope you have a chancece to. b check out my new book,oo the puppeteers, the people who controlled people who control america. three weeks of the new york times bestseller the puppeteers . love it again. thankspuppetee for watching. >> have a wonderful 4th of july. enjoy it [cheering] >> greg: ha, ha, ha, almost almost july 4th, everyone. i'm tom, in for greg, who is celebrating 4th of july reading to orphans.
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it is almost independence day, give this thought. we keep asking politicians to get things done, get gas cheaper, who will pay my student loan. i was looking at the jfk inauguration speech, you remember the one. >> ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. >> a great line, right? and a gutsy line for a politician. think about it, his first day, he says, my fellow americans, don't look at me, you want something done, do it yourself. that is refreshing and that is what i want to hear more of from now on when i look at candidates, i only have one thing on my wish list. give me one thing and the other things fall into place. give me freedom. it's sad we have to say that, isn't it?
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it is supposed to be a given. remember the constitution, the first amendment is about freedom, there is a reason founding fathers put it first, thanks old white guys. yeah, yeah. [applause] >> bureaucratic sas freedom is great, it will have to wait, we're in a climate crisis, a health emergency, we have a banking crisis. we'll fix it, your freedom will be back soon, thanks for your parkinson's, we're all in this together. thank you. i am sure we are not all in this together. let's try freedom, shall we? freedom to run my business and if you try to take it away, i will throw pizza at you. [applause] >> yeah. and medical freedom. this has to be absolute no required medical treatment, none. and never again will we engage
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in foolish protocol by people who look like they think doughnuts are vegetable. no testing, i will not stick a swab up my nose for you and no temperature checks. in order to come into my establishment, i will point this gun at your head and pull the trigger, okay? sounds great. no contact tracing, i'm 23409 going to tell you where i've been or who i've been talking to. and freedom of thought, the big one, one they fear more than anyone else. no matter what merrick garland thinks, you are allowed to think whatever you want to think, whether it is true or not. second part is very important. people say, you are allowed to believe what you want, but you are not allowed to spread misinformation.
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yes, you are that, is freedom of speech. you can speculate, opinionate and blowfishiate like we are about to do on tonight's show thchl is america, not canada. say it with me at home, would you? you are allowed to say things that may not be true. things like, i'm a journalist. [laughter] >> or bidenomics is working for the american people. or, i am tall. [laughter] >> tom: you can say it. let's hear it for freedom and remember the words of jfk, ask not -- when it became to freedom, those guys didn't ask, they went out and got it. yes, otherwise -- [applause] >> tom: go ahead, go ahead. [applause] >> tom: a little applause.
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with the way this country is going, we're going to be seeing commercials like this. >> because of the current state of theination, bank failure, sky rocketing crime, civil unrest, inflation and a tenth damn fast and furious movie, the united states government has decided to throw in the towel. >> that's right, it is the united states of america going out of business sale. enjoy nation-sized savings on bridges and tunnels to note pads and flighter planes. that's right, nuclear powered aircraft carriers priced to move. not to mention rock-bottom prices on courthouses and office buildings. enjoy 3.9% finishing on lightly used national monuments and
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we'll throw in a predator drone with every purchase. united states of america going out of business sale, call your congressman dear details. but hurry, when america is done, so are the savings. [cheering] >> here he is. [cheering] >> tom: welcome tonight's guests, she taught katy perry what a real fireworks is. morgan ortegas. this jesus is looking for apostle, apply on twitter. and he's got nerves of steel and feet to match, retired marine corps bomb technician and fox news contributor joey jones and police use his act to disburse
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on unruly crowds, comedian joe mackey. [applause] >> tom: i'm sorry, joe, that joke was left over from gutfeld's introductions. >> surprised the crowd didn't boo. >> tom: so true. this monologue, morgan was something i wanted to do, i hear conservatives say this all the time. someone will say, you have a right to free speech, but you can't employ misinformation. no, no, if you are conservative, this is called the right to be wrong, do you know what i mean? >> morgan: you have a right to be a dumbass in america. >> joey: democrats build a whole party around it. >> morgan: do what you have to do. note, the camera keeps showing
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me. everyone thinks joey loves america the most because he gave up his legs, i have on my american flag pants, so joey -- >> tom: it's close. >> morgan: i will raise you for my america pants. >> joey: for fashion only, you have tremendously better legs than i ever will. >> morgan: i had to digress and talk about my pants. >> tom: how do you feel about freedom in america? medical stuff is worst infringement on american freedom we've seen, that we've ever seen. >> morgan: luckily we have this show, greg, you, joey and everybody that can give the middle finger to the self-proclaimed censures, so i'm okay with that. [applause] >> tom: what do you think of the state of freedom? we're here, i don't want to be a downer, we are here 4th of july. where is freedom in america today? >> we have lots of freedom,
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especially this election, we have lots of great options, juiced-up anti-va xer, a dement ia person with a crack-head son who doesn't take care of his babies. >> tom: who is he talking about? joey, do we have to remember what our founders put in documents and bureaucrats say, we believe, the president say, give me a break with your freedom. i heard schwarzenegger say, damn your freedoms. >> joey: he needs to get back in the chopper and get the hell out of here. the plague, the scourge we're dealing with is institutionalized insecurity. we're no longer told to go make it for ourselves, we don't
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believe we can have children and take care of them anymore. things we don't do like partake in our freedom, we have been indoctrinated and not believing to get a risk to get it know did. you can't starts a business, you need to work for the government. you don't need to have five kids or you don't need to have them. we institutionized insecurity, insecure people lash out in irrational places and create safe spaces. they call everything ist, racist or misogynist. not to say ists do not exist. they have been learned. it is not within us, spirit of america lives within us. tell me i can't do it, dare me, i will go do it.
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that is what independence is. >> tom: there you go, jeremy. joe mackey, should americans appreciate freedom more and what can we do to get it through to them? >> of course we should appreciate freedom more. i almost wore my flag pants today and had we both wore flag pants, we would look silly. wow, that was inspirational. i wish you could have helped me out when i didn't father all those kids. [laughter] >> i will say what the problem is, tom, the government will mess up and then give itself more power. for instance, on 9/11, the hijackers violated the rule of their visas and committed this atrocity. instead, they have to see mien
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52is when i go on an airplane. if i say you can't see my penis, then we get to touch your penis. that is worse than the first one. >> morgan: that doesn't really actually happen. i don't know who you are going through security. don't let them touch your penis anymore. >> are you offering? >> security machine can see -- okay, let's talk about this more offline. the thing i'm trying to say, tom, stay vigilant against government overreach. fisa court is up for renewal. it is a fake court, you can't have a real court that is secret and has one side. instead of saying with indigination this needs to end, people are not paying attention 6789 we're spending the whole
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time talking about flag pants. >> tom: it is controversicontro need that spirit again. instead of begging for freedom, go out and take emthis, right? up next, are joe's morals on the skids because he only counts some grandkids? [cheering] >> if you're in the new york city and would like tickets to see gutfeld, go to and click. commemorate our nation's birthday with festivities and live fireworks, all-star lineup host during a big independence day celebration, presented by tunnels to towers.
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so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only $30 bucks a line per month. that's hundreds in savings a year
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when you wave bye to the other guys. save hundreds a year on your wireless bill over t-mobile, at&t and verizon. and right now, get up to $1000 off select samsung phones. switch today. >> tom: joe ignores his grand daughter, which makes him seem back wourt and his staff mastered lying for the old
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bastard. according to "new york times" report, white house aides are told that the bidens have six, not seven grandchildren, that leaves our the granddaughter of hunter biden and london. joe can smell her hair. settlement over child support payments, the child receives some of hunter's paintings and roberts allowed the child to change her last name to biden. ma makes sense, why become a laughing stock. -- going 72 mile per hour in 160 mile per hour zone. another photo taken weeks
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earlier shows flashing a crack pipe while driving through a residential "the neighborhood" in virginia and worse, he was using a cell phone while driving. i wonder what the big guy thinks of all of this? no, no, look, first of all, i learned those six grandkid names and i can't learn anymore, i got other things to do. i don't know if i believe this whole thing, right? hunterhad to do a court case with this girl's mom and entered into a financial settlement with her and i don't believe a word of it. if this were legit, i would be getting 10%. thank you, joe. all right. ho hotep, does this show hunteris not the family man we expected
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he was? >> hotep: wait, what? you have quotes from joe biden? you sent it to my phone? hold on. that doesn't smell like my grandkid. if you ain't related to me, then you ain't on crack? damn, oh, my, i thought bill clinton was the first black president, it is joe biden, they don't take care of their kids either. >> tom: morgue knowa, if they admitted, we know, they are in court, everyone knows they have a granddaughter, they should acknowledge her. >> morgan: they should, even if they hate the mother, is it their blood, how can you not acknowledge her? what every little girl needs is a father, not her father's finger paintings and that is
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what he shoo was given. this is beyond ridiculous and infuriating for this little girl. i don't understand why they can't acknowledge her. hunter biden acknowledged it is his daughter, first lady tissuing is your grandchild, you should acknowledge her, bring her to the white house. [applause] >> tom: bring her to the white house and let her use the biden -- they don't want her using the biden name, an agreement in the settlement. in this script, i crossed out the line about the painting, i thought it was a joke, something you inserted in this script. it was not a joke, that really did happen, she is getting one of his paintings. >> joe: yes, and she is four years old, she is old enough to know that is a money lounderring
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painting. all jokes aside, a father is one of the most important things determining success of a child's future, except 234 hunter biden's case. for me personally, tom, you won't see that kind am tom foolery coming from me. if i impersonate a stripper, i will allow the child to have my last name. that is what strippers get when they are with this guy. they get to keep the name. >> tom: joey, what do you think of photos of hunter? not a big surprise knowing he was driving 175 and doing crack. >> joey: you could build a
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snowman out of manure and hunter biden would be a bigger piece of -- that is objective truth, not opinion. illegitimate children, all kind of reasons dads are disconnected from children, maybe society told them they were not good enough, maybe they couldn't forward it. maybe their dad treated them horribly, they think if they are in the child's of well, they would ruin them. maybe they didn't know their child existed until later in life. no one size fits all. with hunter biden, social embarrassment is there, child support is there. what does he have to lose by taking care of that beautiful little girl? he doesn't want to? he is fighting tooth and nail to not be a father to a child he enjoyed toic ma. what kind of person is his dad and stands there knowing this
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and says i couldn't be prouder, he is smartest person i know. how does that kind of person get to run the country? >> tom: good point, joey. hotep, the point from joey, it goes back to joe. i almost don't like thisip doctor, drip, drip of stuff off this laptop, people make it about hunter, he's an addict, poor him. he was in business with his dad, 10% to the big guy. biden family projects, not just about hunter, right? >> hotep: overall disgusting behavior from hunter. apparently this lady was his assistant, then knocked her up and tried to deny that was his baby. then he revoked her insurance so she couldn't be insured under
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his insurance. obviously great insurance. i don't know if we could find anybody on the planet that is a worse human being and the president trying to deny the baby in the highest office of the land, how can anybody vote for this guy this year? >> tom: not good, up next, what the white house is teasing will leave us all praising. [cheering]
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♪ ow! whoa! watch where you're going. yeah mom, pay attention. what if it's a concussion? hang on, i'll look it up. uh... i'm probably fine... probably? we noticed something wasn't right and got her to a doctor. i thought i was okay, but i had a concussion. sometimes, it's hard to tell on your own. don't mess with your melon. if you hit it, get it checked. >> tom: they can't get our planes to fly, they want to block the sky. biden new plan is bold, it will leave us all cold, white house is said to be open to considering radical new way to address global warming by attempting to block the sun. that is according to
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congressionally mandated report from biden administration on solar radiation modification or around the west wing, that thing joe can't pronounce. geo engineering alters atmosphere by manipulating how and when certain clouds form across the globe. breathe easy, it is air pollution, but it is good. all that is left is figure out how big gates can make money off of it. it can cool the planet and disrupt global weather patterns and even worse, make me even paler. i had an albino tell me recently, i needed to get some sun. the white house said, there are no plans to establish c
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comprehensive research plan focused on modification, we're open to blocking out the sun and ready to kill people to save the planet. so joey, i don't know, i think, did you see the matrix? they said humans blocked out the sun >> not supposed to mess with this. >> joey: we are supposed to do it with nuclear war, guns ablazing and you can survive. this is weak, terrible way to do it. throw bacteria into the sky and block out the sun. how do solar panels work? what this is, or else scenario, if you don't get on board with not running a gas car or not cooking your pizza, we will block out the sun, you better get on board.
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that is what this is. >> tom: joe, why would they deny they are doing it? there is no plans to do it, they are studying it, we see literature. >> joe: they say there are no plans and you don't have a gas stove anymore. there is no plans to take away your stove that we took away. it is funny we are coming full circle. don't pollute, they have taken away our stove and car and pollution is good again. >> yeah. [laughter] >> tom: morgan, the -- i don't understand the science of this. it is chemicals they are putting in the atmosphere and hope it will reflect the sun back. they admit, if we do this, they don't know the side effect.
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they want to spray mrna into the atmosphere. >> morgan: i feel like everyone from florida that i know would march on washington if you try to block the sun and take away our sun tan. in the '80ss, they told us aerosol hair spray cans were bad and now take aerosol and put in the sky, it makes no sense. >> tom: i spent my childhood talking about ozone, we had to do pump spray and pump spray didn't work. >> morgan: i'm vain, take away my hair spray. >> tom: hotep, once they do it and find out side effects, it could have an effect, right?
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>> hotep: this is most racist policy ever. i feel attacked, i cannot survive in the cold weather, i'm so anti-white, i can't do it. my bad. my bad. seriously, this is reminds me of the movie "forest g.". it is raining and raining, guess what, operation popeye, you probably know about this. he is looking at me like saying don't say it. >> been trying to weaponize the weather for a long time. >> hotep: he said it, not me, operation popeye, wanted to make it rain in vietnam, henry kissinger was behind this. he is behind everything. i shouldn't have said that either. i will totally get 1409 af after
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this. >> tom: they don't shoot people, they will poison you. >> hotep: moo my case, it will blob out the sun. when i look and see this happening, to me, it is not new, they are telling us what they are doing or already have done. and you did touch on this. >> tom: if you block the sun, don't do it in our atmosphere, put it in the atmosphere. what if you put up a seattle up to go at 20 minutes. >> joe: the solar wind would push it back to the planet and massive explosion, it would be awesome and terrible. there is histore cal precedent for that. little ice age happened innen tla00 from volcanoic explosion. they take about 1.5 degree rise
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in temperature, talking from 1870. we are getting warmer from really cold artificially cold from vol cannism. is it a big deal? i don't think it is. >> tom: joe, did you turn into a scientist? that threw me? >> joey: there wasn't even a script over there. >> tom: ice age, wow. coming up, most americans support the ruling from the supreme court.
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(school bell ringing) (door opening, mixed chatter) child: you're so stupid! (mixed chatter) (laughter) child 2: please just leave me alone. >> tom: most americans agree on race, it seems the court made a good case. only a tiny faction supports affirmative action. according to a new poll, majority of americans, 52% agree with supreme court 96ing
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affirmative action in college admission and agree that indiana jones movies should have stopped at three. [applause] >> tom: most americans of all races agree race shouldn't be deciding factor in college admission or anything else. 75% of republicans and 58% of independents agree with the supreme court decision compared to 26% of democrats. to be fair, they have low standards. >> to be fair. [applause] >> tom: and democrats used to believe in content of a person's character until they met this guy. don't worry, liberals will likely find a way around this supreme court decision. "washington post" pointed out colleges will scower recommendations and life
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experience gleaning information about racial and ethnic background or ask for a picture. right? isn't that make sense? show me who you are, right? joey, this decision people were losing their minds over it. this is what the supreme court, why we went to them, it was about fairness. they were building unfairness into college admission. >> joey: premise of the argument, post-jim crow, not post-civil rights, post-jim crow through civil rights and where we are today. commonalities affected the african american community and they don't have the opportunity to learn at early age things necessary to impress college application, but have intellect and when given the opportunity
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merit. i'm going, what risk do you have in taking race out and still looking at other things? background and socio-economic position, i don't know this cases you can't take those factors into play, unless you support a poor appalach ian, wh wants to educate one of those folks? it is more class divide than race divide and college probably should look at where they can lift people up. isn't that what education is supposed to do? have work ethic and didn't have the circumstance. i'm behind that. aoc is right, get rid of preferential treatment, you might want to sue before you ask to do it, not pull out of thin air. >> asian students got together to sue because they were being
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discri discriminated against. >> tom: hotep, you shy away from racial issues, do you want to being tael this one? >> hotep: relax, i got this one, all right. huge issue here is integration. i spoke to my uncle once scomb he told me integration was disintegration of black culture and black people, democratic party seem to be out to destroy black culture and black conservatism. i studied under the guy who wrote -- amazing book, if you look at brown versus brown of education, it says the word culture. it was taking black kids and bussing to white neighborhoods
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to make them white, to bring them into the white liberal culture of things. when they went to down south, ncaa -- nbe aacp says, we want to help with the race problem. we want the same funding, we don't want you to have the same funding, we want you to integrate. it is not about making black people better, it is making black people,a simulate to white culture to share the equity of white places, it is about destruction of the black community. >> tom: naacp said let us build our own -- >> they said no to that, naacp have their own agenda, white
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liberals have their own agenda. they had co-ops and this is what people were building mutual aid societies, they didn't need welfare, this comes later to disintegrate black families. >> tom: morgan, can a white person do anything that is not racist? is that where we're at? >> morgan: joey hit the nail on the head, if universities care about diversity, get rid of legacy admission. make everybody compete on equal playing ground. >> tom: everybody compete. [applause] >> tom: joe, like you had to in your stand-up career, everyone was equal? >> joe: hotep said i could
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relax, he said i got this. college could make it more affordable instead of one administrator for every two students, the bloat of staffing and the run away costs make it prohibitive to lift people up. i remember -- >> tom: cut your costs. >> joe: not a very confident applause. when i was a student, i started getting stuff from japanese student organizations because may last name is last name in japanese. i wouldn't want to fake ethnicity that made it harder to get in school. >> tom: exactly. up next, drones acting like firework clones. [applause] >> if you'll be in the new york area and would like tickets to see gutfeld go to fok
1:48 am and click on the link to join the studio audience. and click on the link to join the studio audience. fo and click on the link to join the studio audience. x and click on the link to join the studio audience. ann the link to join the studio audience.
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we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. is it possible to protect my business from cyber threats? it is, with comcast business.. helping every connected device stay protected. yours. your employees'. even... susan? hers, too. safe. secure. and powered by the next generation 10g network. with comcast business, advanced security isn't just possible.
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it's happening. get started wih fast spees and advanced security for $49.99a month for 12 monts plus ask how to get up to a $750 prepaid card with qualifying internet. >> a story in five words. >> tom: story in five words, drone show replace fireworks. no. that is what is happening. morgan, toin spla, numerous
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cities are replacing traditional firework displays with drones flying and doing colors in the sky. what do you think about that? >> this is why i live in the south, we do not -- around with our fireworks. >> joey: did you just call florida the south? >> morgan: i live in nashville, tennessee. nashville, tennessee. my mom will be like, why were they beeping you on gutfeld? no reason, they are playing with me. >> tom: she said, hotep, they don't mess around. >> morgan: that is what i said. >> tom: would you just light off your own? >> hotep: that is one of the most anti-american things i have ever seen. i need to sound like donbas region. if i don't think this, it is not
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4th of july. maybe it is like ukraine. >> yeah. oh. >> todd: it is true. mackey, environmentalists don't like the smoke. with the smoke condition, everyone put masks back on, everyone is paranoid about health conditions. >> joe: this was never a problem before, now it is water pollution or forest fires and some boring drone flying around, people will not celebrate. it is ridiculous waste of time. no one will do it and hope people demand freedom back and their fireworks. >> tom: that is right. we demand. joey, this is obviously going to happen in liberal municipality, liberal people even want to see fireworks. >> joey: nothing celebrates free
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spirit like artificial intelligence drones controlled by the government. i don't know where you are at with this, tom, ittic mas complete sense to me. how dare you hand americans explosives and tell them to have a good time. i was specifically trained on explosives and every year a few million americans do it more successfully than i do. give them -- that is what the government is good for, give them all some fireworks. >> tom: you have a good sense of humor about this, joey. you did many successful before the final. >> in bombs, you either bat a thousand or you strike out, it is what it is. >> tom: let's hear it for joey jones. don't go away, we'll be right back.
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>> tom: final th >> tom: final thoughts? joe? got dates? >> joe: fireworks on the stage. well, bombs. i'm heading to greenville, south carolina, july 21 and 22 at the commy zone and salt lake city a and -- august 11 and 12,
2:00 am >> tom: thanks to hotep jesus, morgan ortegas joey jones. i love you, america. [cheering] * * ♪ ♪ red, white and blue. the stars and stripes, when it comes to a fight -- >> carley: good morning, hope your day is off to a great start. it is not just any day, today is the 4th of july, america's 248th birthday. we hope there is hot dogs and fireworks and fun in


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