tv The Five FOX News July 4, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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think of them. reac them,each outh out to themd stand beside them. because ultimately the greatness of our comes dowe to the people that that inhabit it. and what we passed to the nextn. generation. so i want to thank you both for everything you've donethank yo. >> you continue to do. thank you as well. thank you, guys. al l right that's all we havee youe tonight. we hope you've had a great independencereat day. god bless our country. hello, everyone. i'm dana perino, along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, joey jones jod jimmirroy failla. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is the five. happy birthday, america, it celebrating our nation's independence with a fun filled show ahead, includinfilledg a patriotic trivia challenge. >> i will definitely win. just kiddingia. champi who will be crowned this year's champion?
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stay tuned to find out. we a off in a 4th of july edition of supermarket showdown. we're also going to answer your fan mail questions. and we have a brand new segment for you. we'rionse looking back at our 4h of july. favorite memories. fourth oebut first is the five n fun extravaganza. g into we're diving into some summer topics to celebrate. some su4th of july. first up, butter up your popcorn hollywood summer blockbuster season is in full swing. >> hey, barbie, can i cometonigh to your house tonight? sure. >>ure.i don't have anything big planned. just a giant blowout party with all the barbies and plat n and a bespoke song, you should stop by. >> so cool. foould wy we go to the middle of nowhere. for who knows how longr who kn? why? why? mporta how about? because this is the most important thing that ever happened in the histornt y, the world. >> and those are just a couple of the big flicks hitting theaters. soe bi our all time favoriteall- blockbuster. i guess we have some that artime
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coming out this summer. maybe they will be our favorite. i know you were justy wir favorn the commercial break that barbie, you cannot wait. >> you know, obviouslyreak as ag collector of the toys. stop it. the barbie movie looks goofy. okay. i don't know that. i'll say it. i'll tell you what i want to see, but i feel like it's guilty of false advertising. is mission impossible seven.s ts okay. is thitechnis technically the eh installment of this film? okay. if they've pulle?they pd the min off the first seven times, it's not that impossible. possib mission. fairly difficult, but you never know. okayle , bu. but i'm excited to see it because he does his own stunts, and he's. he's a gangster. okay . of and of course, there's a reboot of my favorite summer blockbuster serieser blo all tin which is indiana jones, starring harrison ford, who i love . there's a little more cgi in this one. from what i've told. it's more likethis onem what ieo he's not really there for most of the stunts, but i think it's >> dg to bsts e a banger. i'm looking forward to those too. jessica we a lot of us tura lot. you for our entertainment recommendations. what do you have on your list? what do you havewell, i'm so pst
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barbie. that's yes. okay. i so i love ryan gosling and i love margot robbie. and greta gerwig is a champion. everything that she's done, i think is fantastic. everand they're making such incredible fun of barbie and the ridiculousness of this doll set and this world that its seems obviously dumb, but also very smartobviousl. like i love in one of the promos, they get arrested and ryan gosling is holding up his nameplate and it says and ken becauslate and it sayser can right barbie and ken and they say girlfriend boyfriend which is my favorite thing. anyway i'm excited about independence day was my favorite all time. i think i remember going with my parents to see independence day when it first.o yeah, yeah, i remember like it was yesterday. what about you, judgute? >> you know, i don't have ha list.te from this i mean, i'd like to see, firstau of all, barbieghter]. >> it's. that's not one of the ones
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i'm going to see. 't watch are you going to watch it on ice? but i wouldn't watch it on a plane either. no, but i like what i celebrateo . i think like a 4th of f july would be top gun. 'eu know, to me, that's kind osf a, you know, go get them. and that would probably be my 4th of july movie.a: okay. on this list o, the little mermaid is your favorite. >> no kidding. oh, well, you know, i'm waiting for it to come out at home because i'm a little bit cheap l azy thand lazy that way.n un so it's not going to come out until september for me. the t the two that i really hond in on the most are oppenheimer and barbieeimer" a, because thee oft on my birthday and, oh, really are like two sides of your personality, you know, a whole bunch of pinks and war>n and bombs. >> like that's really just sums me. can you tellan y us one thing tt you said in the break, which i think is great? you watched the notebook. ." we know the ryan the ryan gosling connection here. doesa big fan of margo>> joey:se and pretty much anything. she's funny, man. and i just think she's ie i th n credibly talented butd. ryan gosling a guy i only
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will ever know him as noah, the dude who's a carpenter and he's poor and he steals the heart of some rich girl, and she treats a treats him lia complete garbage his whole life. but he loves her anyway. he even ha even as kids with her, and then he dies right beside her. i think that's a cool movie. ma with a bunch of marines in iraq when i watched it and we all walked away from thaten ialke going, man, she war horrible. she came she came around.o yo but, you know, do you know what men are crying during the notebooku kn a? it's because he was banging after them, being married for 60 years. >> on getting his single life back for a few years tting . a same d yeah. now they die on the same day. well, she treats him bad, and even in old age, she's like, i don't even know who you are. >> i just. i do love the image of. all the marines watching the notebook. i got to show one. all right. vac up next, everyone loves a good summer vacation, but pleasatioe take your time when packing. one in five people say that they always realiz thays realiee to pack something after they've arrived. top items, we leavarrived.e at o include water bottles.
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who leaves that deodorant? sunscree bsn a hat often you forget your hat, judge. you travel a lot travel . you forget anything. i travel all the time. the one thing i always forget and never remember all the a coh there's something about a comb yoat's just never there for me. but i do. you know what i do? i doi pack things for one overnt and then something for two overnights. overnigh right? so i just pull that outght -- and pull that package out, and it goes right in . that's put a comb in that bag.: yeah. then i'll do thingknow, s aboud. jessica. sunscreen. but it's intentional because of the tsa rules. i really struggle with thiugglee make any good sunscreen. i know they make it like the mini ones now, but regulation-ations gs giving you, i love that we've gotten to a government problemnto a go righe in the air, but it's so butensive when you buy i wherever you're selling it is $40. and so i'm always like, please>n don't take it away. i get the sunscreen wipes. are those good. >> yeah, sure. like, and as americans, they don't dry up before it gets frop thm the box to skin.
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no, i don't think so. all right, problem solved. al probll right. what about you? well, i'm a professional traveler because i'm on the freeway. i end upfessionathis. e forget this is what i've noticed. the things people forget are the things you can get when you get there. what's on that list? it's like deodorant paste. you can get that tooth you c. you're not supposed to forget the big thing. so to me, big things. if you go on to the beach, you're going thingsoad, on the road. i need a speaker with a bluetooth speaker. have you seen my act? i'm kidding. that's not quite magic, mike. it's tragic. thke the point mik is, a lot of chubby chasers don't sell me short a bluetootbluetooth speakr charger phone. i have a basic standard outfit i wear when i travel. why? because as a fox news personalit a fox ny, i realized a year ago that you're going to be a lot of pictures you didn't know you were going to bs yoyou are e in. and one day i was at laguardiath taking a picture with a guy. he's like, this is going on my fridgeiss . and i was like, oh my god,probay i'm probably in a thousand fridges dressed like a circus clowd frn. effic >> so now i pack a little more efficiently. okay. all right. what about you? >>? travel a lot how about? yeah, you know, i do travel. is i just came back from a cruise, and it's not what i forget to bringnot t on vacation with. it's what i forget to bring that day. and leaving the hotel room, wet
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go on a cruise, you get off the boat, you know you're not byour stugoing to be back to yf and you get back on the boat. so what am i forgetting? sunglasses sunscreen.ed pretty much everything. you need to get off a boat on a cruise. to geat on a sei left in the rs like, is it worth going? >> then you have>> dana:r pairs? sunglasses at the end of the year. the things i hav things i have that i already owned. >> yeah. or why a clutter. otten. okay. i want to tell you this story about something i thought i'd forgotten. okay, so i go to thigo tferencsn montana every year, and we go out there, peter and i go therther toget, and one year we get there and it's hard to pack because there's lots of different thingsen. there's there's like an outdoor component, there's an evening thinn eveninheseg, you know, ths and there's sessions. i have my cowboy boots and i put all my undergarment in the cowboy boots, right? yeah. now i pack lik dana: id likee fs before because i was really busy. whatever. so we get to montana, we're unpacking, and i'm like, oh, and peter says, what? i said, i don't have any undergarments and i'm panicking literally panicking.
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i'm telling you, there's one store and there's some tiny ,you know, like, what am do, i going to do? what i'm going i to? >> and i was almost in tearshi because we got in a huge fight. i thought it was his fault. and i just go to lay everything out. and then he was going to pack it in the thin g and at the last minute he said something like, wait, did you put it in the shoen the s? >> i oh, there they were.s. they're my cowboy boots. oh, i forgot. i was i never told that story n out loud. okay, let's breaexk the radio. a good summer music playlist is always essential for a good time. and, you know,ic i'm tuned into the country station, but what other songs are we into statgsn got to go to you, joey. >> what do you like? oh, way down yonderwhlike th the chattahoochee, jo is the is the new saw songs new guess for joey jones. that's my oc. all right i really like i'm still into taylor swift. i have not gone to the concert and i now realize also tha t the prices will never drop. so taylor swift and the milethem the new miley cyrus. yeah, but i always think of summer as kind of throwback. yes. a ki old phone verses., thin
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i get it. the things are songs ofgs the summer and like dua lipa has had a few amazing ones, but i like listening to stuff. i know all the wordsi like to s. in the summer i was at a wedding where they the joe barrett court, a band in kat a ba new jersey covered the miley cyrus miley cyrus flower son g and they were fantastic. oh yeah so what about you do chop onef your yeah i love i lol miley cyrus and i like the new song alseyhe newo last night mon waylon that that's a great songg and that's about it i'll i'll cosign the judge on morgan wallen last night because i don't listen to a lot of current stuff when i listen. his highway music the summer it's a road trip summer that's where you go so i'm listening to a lot of like leonard skynyrd. mr. breeze they call mkynyrd, te that jam. i like that a lot. z.z top sharp dress man, which is now sharp, zz top them but sp with me. still a good song but i like a lot of those jam ," bs and reallypecifica like on the highway specifically like eighties retr80o that's what you said throwbacks tears for fears. everybody wants to rule the world is a fears,ts 80 miler song. >> i think that's how you do it. it's the best song on the guardianst song o of gal. ride.
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thank you. that's very well said. my favorite summer song right now is gold by dirks bentley, followed by sunsets in colorado by dirks bentley. wow. and i could go on. there are more. are they all dirado.t might all really go mine used to be >>, butime by will smith it makes the comedians i'm traveling with think i'm going to smack them so i can't playsmit. stay wi >> kenny chesney. summer last year, the won this year. all right. stay with fox news f allsall day to celebrate july 4th tonight at 8 p.m.. don't miss the big independence day special. we've got live fireworks fromene new york city and d.c.nce tic and patriotic musical performances. then at 10 p.m., fox newperforms presents home of the brave, where we will feature people who make us prou ture peod to be americans. up next, we're squaring off in a patriotic trivia challengequa >> stay with us. italian ice, spanish models and just another american saturday we have pick your shots carefully, fly off until you see the whites of eyes.
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only by sorting through two centuries of fact and fiction can remember the men who helped shape the nation. we became. this is more than just an opportunity for personal glory. it's a chance to save the united states. america. >> do you have trouble hearing conversations? are you constantly asking loved ones to repeat themselves? do you miss out on discussions or talking with friends? then you would benefit from m.d. hearing aids. don't waste thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids or settle with the frustration of cheap amplifiers. right now you can get to m.d. neo hearing aids regularly. $999 for only $299 a pair. >> i feel that m.d. hearing is a super buy because for the price point, anyone can pretty much afford it. don't be fooled by higher priced hearing aids. the neo is a true hearing aid, not an amplifier. it has rechargeable technology
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that many customers say are superior to more expensive models. >> i think that the m.d. hearing aid is a much better product, the more expensive hearing aid that i tried. >> every neo is supported by m.d. hearings team of audiologists and licensed hearing specialists call eight hundred and 45 1700. >> now the fda registered neo offers superior noise reduction and tiny in the ear canal design that is almost invisible. best of all, they are incredibly affordable. and if you call now, we'll add in a portable charging and ship your order absolutely free. without a doubt. i'd definitely recommend m.d. hearing to anybody for any reason. do your research. look into m.d. hearing. if you've got mild to moderate hearing loss, give m.d. hearing a call and just try it. nothing to lose. >> it will help a lot of people that can't afford expensive hearing aids. stop missing out on important conversations or wasting thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids. order now and you'll get to
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know your hearing aids with a portable charging case. free shipping, free lifetime. u.s. based audiologist support and a 45 day risk free trial for only $299. supplies are limited, so delay. better hearing is just a phone call away. call 845 1700. that's 845. 1700. >> get ready. this story, everything. one hour, no filter. i'm a go getter. i i.
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my man found when it happened down in l.a.. stranded in downtown birmingham ,a runaway train ticket. almost midnight. there you are. >> welcome back to the five's july 4th special. welc. for it's time for our patriotic trivia challenge. let's get it o on. >> i'll be hosting and playing, but i do not know the answers. come on. i wentt i do nots. . >> to community college. what do you think? i really. nobody's copying off me. but if we're ready dy is co to do this., st okay, we're going to start with some abc questions. all right? perino has declared herselfino a the favorite. >> that's how the show opened. i don't know how heavy money in vegas on perino or my money on dana. i would. yeah. yoree rite go first question ths is an abc. hold up your panel today. the u.s.dle toda is home to ovet million people. but how many lived in the countr0 millioed in thy in 5 million. b 6 million. c, 1.2 million.
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i am going with b just so everybody sees it because i've got to read you the answer and the correct answer is a two and a half million 17 7201 those numbers might get a fact check. >> are you telling me the other 40% of the population, two and a half million? >> i don't buy that. wait a minute.n in >> who did that include?d th yeah, i was just goingat questio to about. i'm not asking question number two, the star spangled banneriss tune is based on which sonedg a british war hymn, be a scottish ballad. see an irish drinkinsh ballag sd >> all right, you know what? i don't know. onebu i wt i know the one i wat to be. okay. a lot of variety on thiso . >> but the answer is c and about half them now in the irish drink. >> well, let's hear the song. ? yeah. what is this song? >> frayke francis scott off ke . drink it away. here we go. it was in a bar. all right, on.
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>> let's watch this. i feel the need for need for speed. just >>to just to be clear, that is top gun one. what year did top gun come out? "topt a, 1981. b, 1986. c 1990. >> i'm going a lot of b'suple a on the board. couple of a's from the ladies. it - is 1986. you know what i thought it's '96 a nine. >> you know what? that wasn't even the best thing to happen that summe.t even tr e i came into this world. >> whoa. just even going to be honest.'9. first thing i thought it said 96. >> listen, i still got it day n wrong, dennis. i know it's no good way to do it. also, i might need glasses . h yeah. here we go. this is a whiteboard question. there is a photo on the screen coming your way. who is this? >> former us president was the. oh, that's. i'm so mad. m i'm soad. mad.
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and i'm going to be wrong. don't cheat. e >> i think i could be wrong. i don't love the penmanship. wee >> does everyone have their answer down? yes. on?lia illiam hm howard taft.>> jea oh, windsor. yes. well, okay. oh, is it taft?? >> okay. he said after garfield. yeah, i got it. that's it. that's called a heads bet right there. .i took sales games in, so i won. >> you did not you glorious. okay>> jeani. i didn't even you. i had no idea who got it wrong. he i every president. so he technically got it right. i named a couple. all right, let's go on to make that. >> you know, that's taft. i mean, reallythat i talk about. was a snap picture that makes you. makes. yeah, like. that's right. yeah. and he had that that stash you don't see on a lot of presidents . >> i didn't know teddy roosevelt. all right? it wasn't a bad. i have been informed from booth . >> yeah. just winning right now as they is winni. question go. he is winning. oh, that's why he's running. so. yeah, yeah, yeah move ri. ana: >> promo right there. we h birthday july 21st of 1986.
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>> yeah. he got bonus points for his birthday. >> another stole my identity >>after. that's not a bad thing the last time the last time it got score stolen, my credit score went up 12 points. wt actually. hacke thank you, hackers. all right, here we w draw the state of west virginiah on your whiteboard. whoever is the closeiteb wins a point. >> oh, that's virginia. ancan't draw anything. >> i wish i could just draw john denver. i don't like ioey: i wist on het like i like the numbers onesumbn better. yeah, i'm good. i'm with you. although i did win on this one. that's the best of what we do in west virginia. >> oh, yeah. west i inverte d in west virginia. >> okay. > inh going to tell me whoever's portrayal is the most accurate getwhoeves the points.h okay, everyone, hold them up. west is west i virginia. i have a lot of family in west virginia. i have chosen to. >> depict them with a natty light can. okay. now there's i think everybody ji
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either goes to the right onerthi the leftgh. yeah. i'm not sure what is happening. that's the family tree. that's both of all. yeah, that's it. answer the screen.eanine i think i'm saying let's know, y i got that. you hear the opposite way, right? it's a potatmine io. the natty light did not win,al nor did the two seals. nor did >> dana won with her depiction of west virginia jab day. and the favorite is alive. >> dana, does that mean we'res tied now? ohthat mwe are, what is the scoi can i ask, am i good? the might the clear loser is half a point ahead. >> no, not okay. joey half po. , and da >> winning with joey, jimmy and dana right behind. oh, grab me, judge. >> here. i see you're still the jackets. you look great for a question. >> who are the four us presidents on mount rushmore ? >> give it to us presidents on mount rushmore. i don't know. mor gets the most. for 4 so you don't have to go
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four for four. you could get three or four and take this. whicd h would be an embarrassment to the network. >> by the way, we need a four for four out of somebody. ne get this right.a: i all right. i'm holding mine. i spent most of my summers there. okayter get i spent most of oww is good. >> washington jefferson,coln, ro lincoln, roosevelt. >> the correct answer. washington. jeffersot. whon in lincoln.>> je >> roosevelt. i did it. anybody elsenybody e put teddy roosevelt? >> no. no, you didn't put that either. no, you just with teddy. i'll put fdr in the other roosevelt. i put them both down. >> okay, so roosevelt, that's fdr and lincoln. i think being the most. >> the most correct? yeah. listen, seeing as i have a child named lincoln, i should get a bonus point. i get the correct answer. i doet abonus po is dana. >> she had all the votes for four for teddy jefferson, although. no, you did all right. the booth has that. i'm sorry. the booth looks like a question mark after one. >> i was. one more question on the white boart it r d. >> here we are, erasers not working. okay>> jea. ver is >> what river is george washington crossing in this
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iconic american painting? >> the route. what river? the rubicon. let's see that painting. >> je you go. >> i know. i got it. i got a very good answer, bu haa still kind of want to cheat.t >> look at it. mine is in the bottom of my screen. it was correct. scre. laware >> he was going to get it.s co let me see if this is correct. it is the delaware river got >> j gets everything. >> joey gets the win. what is it? win an all? paid trip pai to chick-fil-a on the sunday of your choice. picktrip t sunday. >> you can buy chick-fil-a at mercedes-benz stadium on sundaya in atlanta. you know, you can't buy a mercedes benz stadiutl. m. tickets will be back. the falcons will rise again. play up next, it'ske a supermarket showdown for the ages. >> sta for they tuned to our 4tf july special. >> hey, girl, i was so harth ofd right now.
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i gave air, man. >> do you have trouble hearing conversations? are you constantly asking loved ones to repeat themselves? do you miss out on discussions or talking with friends? then you would benefit from nano aids. don't waste thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids. settle with the frustration of cheap amplifiers. right now you can get two revolutionary nano cic recharge hearing regularly $794 for just $297 or opt in to our payment plan of four easy payments. >> i love how affordable the nano hearing aids are compared to some hearing aids. they're as much as three for $5,000. >> don't be by higher priced hearing aids. the cic recharge is a hearing
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aid, not an amplifier. it has rechargeable technology that many customers say are superior to more expensive models of these hearing aids are fantastic. they're affordable. they're easy to fit into the ear. and what really impressed me is i'm hearing things i haven't heard in years. >> our friendly operators are standing by to take your order. 880 779 8600. the cic recharge offers superior noise reduction and a tiny in the ear canal design that is nearly invisible. best of all, they are incredibly affordable. and if you call now we'll add a portable charging case and ship your order. absolute utterly free. >> i love how they feel. they're very light. i don't even know they're there. you know, i've used other hearing aids before that were bulky. these are light and easy to use . >> to stop missing out on important conversations are wasting of dollars on expensive hearing aids order now and you'll get to see icy recharge hearing aids in
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a portable charging case were just $297 or opt into our easy payment plan and your order ships free supplies are limited so don't delay better hearing is just a phone call away. ma is just a phone call away. 877 eight 8600. again that's 877. again that's 877. nine 8600. many holocaust survivors are el impoverished, today in their final years ater thise brut holocaust museum ines israel. israel. you see the names, that were brutally murdered. this greatco cloud of witnesses cries out to us, comfort, comfort my people. an to reach every holocaust survivor in israeld to turn. anr soviet union. many are poor and hungry, and they have nowhere to turn and they have nowhere to turn from personal appeal >> it's like my marriage has from the day that she waans born
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into the holocaust, we were so hungry that we would go with my mother and find the leaves h and grass and we would pick them up and eahet it. for one there to help her. dare we turn our back on her now? intern for $25 you can rushat a food bd to holocaust survivor or an elderly. elderly. >> the interne christians and brings an christians and brings an urgently food and comfort in their final years. god has called us to dno oo. >> call the number on your screen now and help save jewisjh lives. >> no organization helps holocaust survivors and theshe elderly jewish people as much as they dodidn. so full >> but listen, valeria saying that she receive love her whole life. you seem so full of love
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and not of hate. just $25 helps to rush of food back to a holocaust survivor. back to a holocaust survivor. >> international fellowship of christians andease, do . we can do something to relieve their suffering. please do something now. welcome to fox news live. i'm marianne rafferty in los angeles. israel is withdrawing its troops this morning from a militant stronghold in the west bank. the pullout from jenin ends and intends day operation that killed at least 13 palestinians and one israeli soldier. the operation also caused damage and drove thousands of people from their homes. the israeli army claims it inflicted heavy damage on militant groups in the raids . >> that included a series of airstrikes and hundreds of ground troops. >> the streets of france are calmer after days of violent over the police shooting of a teenager. over 3000 people were arrested
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as tens of thousands of police officers moved to restore order. some critics are now accusing the government of trials to prove a point. the majority in custody have no prior criminal record and some are still children. i'm marianne rafferty. >> now back to the five founding of the place, des moines, trying to take a chance and dance and find a way in it s the place. >> welcome back. all right, it's time now. we're going to d time foo a 4thy edition of what we call supermarket showdown for battling it out over the prices of some of our favorite 4th ofei july items. and whoever guesses without going overgoing is the winner.bu i'm going to be playing alone. but they would not give me the answers they gav not ge jimmy answers. >> they wouldn't give them to me. i'll find them out when you do on the screen.
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we havthey would not gwe have a. so this is really important that you use it to clean your grill off. >> or if you're like me, kin of get to get it out and. so i'm going to go. how much? it looks a little fancy, doesn't it? lo and it has. yeah, it's got a spray paint. it's not jus ft a brusanh. >> it's got a scraper. yeah, i got my price. bruss got a >> you feel good about this one? yeah. oh, look, it's going to be clos to bee to you. >> i'm right there with mark. all mark? well, i'll close.ot >> oh, he got me 14 dollars. oh, no, no. joey: i've bee in the same grill brush for so long. >> yeah, you bought it. okay, next wnexte have. ll and it's literally called a bunch of balloons. a bunch of balloon as right her. so these are. this shows you how terrible americans are. they don't you they. don't think we can tie our own. balloons anymore. these just fall off. they're already tied. but that you fill them with water. yeah. honor balloons like that makesh? a difference, right? >> yeah. okay, i got this. diey attached to a garden hose ? yeah, because you can buy these
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at the fontainebleau, so it's got to b ce below five, so.ow >> yeah, i know, i know. i got nieces. >> come on, jimmy. jimmy, go for 32. this is fine entertainment. i mean, you're getting a night of balloon: s. oons. >> is eight 99.te listen, y'all got to getn, boy, i got to go shopping. >> the five and below does not v charge you. >> this is what you got to understand. they're charging you a premium on laziness. oni don't underestimate the laziness of the barbecue. that's a self time balloon. walmart here in this expensive state. now we'll go strong. okay, so next we have lemonade for those people who does. >> don't want to make itdon' themselves. r you can buy it in a jug for a premium and you know, sugar and water and lemons. but anywayd water.. >> okay. 20 three added sugars now without the vodka and the iice cubes. well, we got well i'm pretty close in may. i haven't won. >> give it to me yet. what is it for how long. why? wen
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you know what it, oh, if she went over, that means i want you one fail me one. i was jimmy in the lead. >> oh, yeah. i'm strong. i'm strong island all of nassauof nas community watching with bated breath right there. >> osau h holding so do you do the grocery shopping or do ha at the oh no i doe wh a fair amount i like get in there next we haves what it's called sunscreen, right. >> is that what this is, a cop? yeah. yeah. my momma banan. i >> banana, banana, bobo banana lineup. oh, how much? is 30 spf. this is an spf 30. >> oh, does it go higher? you can get up to like 50, but then you're just sweatshirt to the beach. >>only work. >> i don't have a clue. j i've never in my life i'm at c>y a disadvantage because i alwaysd buy the one that comes with the leopard print speedo s-po so lok it's $15 what she was against. >> yep. she was complaining. i'm probably related to me. i know what it is that i buy.lo
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no, we didn't know we got it here. >> i don't see dead. and i got it wrong. >> seven, seven. joey, joey. there we>> w. go. i got. i got to tell you, all my prices are too low we're running out of stuff when we were high when this one jimmy was wow nassau community on the way the theme song from the jeffersons i'm the real winner because i'm takinfrom "te hot dogs. hog. they're good hot dose >> all right.all congratulations,ri jimmy. >> there you go, usa, baby. the winner is for you. nassau. oey: u >> up next, we're answering some of your fan mail questions when, our 4th of july special returns. >> can i get one of those before and then? yes. at doan's, we one thing and one thing only backs strange backs
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worked or they've lost the same ten, 20, £50 over and over again, they need a real solution. solution. >> i've always fough to £10 all the time eating all these different things. >> nothing's ever working. i've done the diets, all the d keepins before a goal is barely eating, but the weight wasn't anywhere. >> the secret to losing weight and keeping it off is managing n and glucose go slow. it takes a systematic approach it takes a systematic approach to eating that focuses on optimizing insulin levels. we tackle the cause of weight we tackle the cause of weight gainit would when you have good metabolic thy. e time i always thought it would be so difficult to lose weight, bu at with golo it wasn't. >> the weight just fel and al i have people come up to me alrl the time and ask me, does it really work? >> and all i have to say is here i am. it works. my advice for everyone is to go with a go low. it will release your fat and it will release you in america.
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green and red, white and blue blue. >> nobody better than brooks and done well, welcome back, everyone, and happ, y 4th of jut to everyone. it's time now to answer your fil is tio m fan mail quesd from social media. and if i could read, i'd be on televisionia iwould be. okay. so the first facebook question is fro m anne marie. >> gee, and i'm going to startif with you, jimmy. if you could choose. >> one place to be on july 4th, where would you like to be? oher that's a big one.uld want >> i'd want to be in my mom'sn field. this sounds crazy, but growing up in levittown, they had the best fireworks on earth. and i grew up in that area where the parents let the kids play with fireworks that much too early of an age. like my neighbor brian and i had been setting off bottle rocketsy with for four y, i mean, for years, but it wasit always. >> all right, dana, i did grow up going off into the mount
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rushmore for the fireworks. rushmormy family manages about 80 miles west of there, so i have nostalgia formiere. that i love it. i love the fireworks. i think it's a amazing american landmarve the. k. >> i yes, i'm so glad i copied off. yeah. ly, my 4th of july. my favorite 4th of july memory is where i would like to go back to. yeah, i came home frome from lee and my buddy keith and i bought a bunch of fireworks and my dais two lots at a cul de sac. it's not a non neighborhood, just a roa cd and, and he had this little building with a garage door and we were offn is one of the ones that are like mortars first came out you'd put them in a tube and that chewetube and.d up andd two fell over and my dad ran in his building and he pulleddoor w the door down. and right when he got it, about two feet off the ground, it shot in and the whole thint ing blew up inside and he came out and like a cartoon, his hair was all just blocke y. ne >> you want to go back to.o that was one of the most fungoya memories of my life. >> what did your dad think of that? we didn't shoot off any . re fireworks thankfully, i could run faster, whu know, but we just.
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yeah, well, that might explainyo why you were a demolition expert with the experts at heavy word. >> i mean, i'll say i wasn't that good at it. .and, ah, yes, you were. cou if you could choose one placeyoe on the fourth, where. >> where would you be? jessica? when i was young, we used to goo to nantucket for the fourth, and it'sur beautiful there. like everyone is in the best mood. they decorat there.e the town and it's just nantucket. i think it's a great for to shootket is g your own firews there. i didn't. i was like four. >> jessii wa you mean, come to long island? >> it would have bee island.n of the older people. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. nehe thingright. one of the things that i love about the 4th of july is being asa boere is she water and seeing the fireworks. i mean, there's something that's very i mean, you justu re love the country. i mean, you realize how great it is and how vastgreat it inxpe the expanse and it's wonderful. anyway, next questio, n. this is from charlie. what has been your favorite part of the summer so far? >> jimmy? oh, i will tell you what it's been. it's been watching the yankees watching the ,my son. i've been to a bunch of yankeege
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games. we just got back from saint louis whers, just e we got a little rowdy out there. >> and the passion of the new york sports fan is unique around the country because everybody else just politely claps. workers and people els politely. >> it's been it was an honor, i'll bet. okay, dana nor., i st peter's birthday party is always a big hit. and i'm like, but the best part was my mom and aunt patty sue aps. sh mom ae and that was, she wasg hit. joey we had a, we had a junee ha birthday party for my niece at the house. we just moved there a couple of months ago and it way fos the f time in the new house to see all my friends and family therml e celebrating. and there was a moment. i just kind of sit around and look and thought, you know, thisaround ad is is re is reall. yeah, good watching cleo swim like babies. blah, she loves the water. >> just like the pounding of it and the blow back and just watching classes like we did. we dropped out because>> jessi brian said it was ridiculous. i can push her around back by. watching miss. yeahitalia. >> like italian babies.
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you just throw them in. yeah. see, georgia are you babies. >> yeah. i for me, it's when my house wit is full with my kids and my one grandson and friends, and i i ok my tail off and. i just love having family there. i love to cook. okay t. , instagram question from as well as sage as was 3024. >> do you love i start with you joey. >> do you love or hate?e you know, or hate or those signs like a veteran lives here. please don't shoot fireworks like i think it's completek it farce. listen, i do get a little antsy around fireworks because i workedget angs explosives andw that people don't respect them enough because that's the numbered witan one thing ths hurts. people are black powder. but as far as fireworks going of as fif in thef the sky, it'se a little kid. it's like fire trucks and fireworks, you know? >> love them. jimmy. i was always the slow kid spark they gave the sparkler to. >> so i like to watch it, buletr i resented the experience. like, you know, if you're writing your name in script, it's because you got ba and icausehad grades. >> they feel like this guy'sreat
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going to blow off. all right, so i've gotestion some greats. questions. love or hate fireworks. i love them from afar. okay. jessica, love them. okay, great. what is something that you must picn: whatmust hav at a summer ? >> oh, music by bluetoothmusi speakec,r, dana. i would say burgers, hot dogs. . hot dogs. love you. all right, this is the question. if you had a munchie>> jeani. s, a vacation anywhere, where would you go? here, wh? ould gonth no, a month. i would go to italy. i would go to rome. i would go to, like the amalfi coast, be off the grid. look at some old historyk at soi get hammered. drink that wine with no sulfates. yeah, my phone in the ocean. soth no sulft i didn't embarrasd on social media. >> dana, spain. spaiass mysen home. i'm never there more than a couple of days at a time. the whole month at home woula td be fantastic. >> oh, that's great. fa, butoing to say italy i'm going to go hawaii. hawaii? okay. same amalf hawi.i. and i'm going there with myson family and the kids and the grandson and everybody. soan from rome to malta. so up next, we're taking a trip down memory lane with ourr favorite 4th of july memories.
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to learn more about wildfire prevention. me me. you know. of july welcome back. on this 4th of july we thought it would be fun to go back in time and answer some questionsout ou about our favoriter memories o the fourth. >> jimmy your reaganfourth 1986n they unveiled the statue of liberty. the refeey unveid the str as st. reagan spoke and gave a big speech that day and that wasy the climax of my fourth grade school year. wede school year had worked up . we had like a melting pot dinner where everyone brought in meatballs p dinne from theire cuisine. >> and the reagan thing was the highlight. and that's like whene i got like the patriotic bug right then and there. so that was that was actually likic.e, i didn't mean- to get all serious on you, but that was like coming. i wang from s screaming in fronf
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that hitachi tv usa 86, 4th of july. >> that doesn't count. that was three weeks before you were born. yeah, even then, huh, danank i'a well, i haven't a similar thing, although it was a little bit earlier. it was a 19. it must have been 78. six i was six years old and my dads, got shot, was going to a conference and that was back when your parents could take your spouse with you to a conference and they paid for everything. so i got to go to washingtond fo as well. and my mom, it was over the 4th of july, right before 4th of july. heright beand my mom had a friee went to high school with who worked at the white house. this is during the cartet e re e administration, and she scheduled air force one flights. so we got to gdu s, so we got to o do a tour of the white house. and i remember when we left washington, it was the night of the 4th of july, and i saw the firework f saws, the window of the plane over the washington monument. and again, it's like one of my earliest memories that i ca n very much remember afghanistanjt ,july 4th, 2010. this was about a month before things got crazybefore t for me. i lost my legs on august 6th,n
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and i rememberau clearly becauss being the explosives guys are like, hey, can we do some fireworks? so we use some flares and thermite and made a little show for them it was dt fun. you know, in the middle of war you don't want to be you can make it feel lik ke it fee home. >> yeah. do you know it's not a event? i mean, it's really a person evs upind of conjure the 4th of july for me.t and that person is ronald reagan. ut you know, i have several books about him that i've read, and i have a lot of hiavs. and there's something about him that just makes me so prout jusf this country. and, you know, when i heard the question, i mean, i couldn't go to an event. i had to go to a person, is ronald reagan all right, we're running low on time because that was so great. >> favorite national monument. oh, that's good. one national monument. i would actually say the george washington monumend one.t, becae i got to go up in it as a little kid. you can see d.c. it was hot. i'd say the george washington. >> yea>> jca: georh, i do love the jefferson, the korean war
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memorial, because it's the forgottern war. about it's also the memorial that people never talk about. >>t when you see it it takes your breath away to touch. i think all the memorialthink a you know, i've seen vietnam on as well. i mean, it just it just makespa. you stop and pause. all the people have lost their lives so thaall ofhe peop live free and speak freely. it'see and very it just stops y. >> i go jefferson and. then i also want to shout outas the grand canyon, which was one of my best kind of lik one that's great. george jefferson yeageh. move it along. weezy yeah. one more thing is up next. if you drive me gold bond,3 viti
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>> it's time now for one more thing. it's time for some corny jokes. whare yoe you ready for the and delays in a while? >> we have you here, jimmy. so you better get emd th right. all right. why did the duck say bang? why he say bang the duck, sayy a bang. oh, because heng? a fire. >> oh, my god. what did the visitor saye as they left the statue of liberty? >> oh, give it to me. keep on torch. >> yeah. why didn't george washington fall asleeon't knop? >> oh, no, no. because he couldn't lie. oh, bang!'t l >> perino okay, just two more, and i'll let you out of your misery. how come there aren't any knock, knock jokes about americknock joa. >> i don't go. i don't have it because freedom rings. there. >> go. okay. okay. and the last one. what? what did kine americonies?g geof the american colonists. >> it doesn't matter>> giv.
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>> give it to me. he thought they were revolting. boom. v next >> guys.esda dana. dana is going to be at the improv next tuesday.y. >> tickets are $10 to get in. 200 to get out there. >> great. if you hadn't gotten enough of jimmy, don't miss the big independence day special tonight starting at 8 p.m. eastern. jimmy fallon. i will be hosting along with carly shimkus, aisha hosny. we have live hostin fireworksd performances and special interviews. essentinterviethen at 10 p.m., s presents home of the brave, where we feature peoplresetw who make them proud to be americans. i'll speak to two veterans who have inspired me on and off the battlefiel d. and you don't want to miss it. listen, this book is out. it's called unbrokenbo battle. it means so much to me, not ten because it has anything to do with me, but because the ten people that i get to talk about in it that have meant so muc tho to me. and they're all patriots. they've all sacrificed so much for this countryountry au buy. m and i hope you buy it and read about them and they inspire me. every day. >> now, joe, i can't wait to read it. al>> jesd a dal right.ght
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jessica okay, so have you ever had a day at the beach oryour the lake thought to yourself, there's only one thing that's missing and that's my lambothat well, fear not.port jack carr is a california based company that blends sports carns and jet skis. the watercraft come equipped with automatic energy emergency system and built in flotation can reach up to 65 miles per hour, starting at 35 grand. but you can test for 350. >> that's the most redneck thing in california. i'd really thought it would be appropriate. more thing for me. >> yeah. yeah. judge all right. last month, perry town was hit by a deadly tornado that swept through the whole town amid. i the rubble and chaos. a neighboring fire chief from the town next to it overtookttok for a brief moment to retrieve an american flag from the rubblee rubblee . the middle of splintered embrace of home. the video sends the message ofst the 4th of july that through thick and thin, our firsteing o responders put their lives and well-being on the line for us. evern fors y day to make sure that we live in the greatest country on earth. and we should all love our country as much as this man
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loves the flag, that he saved it back. >> jimmy, jimmy, better nail this. i know. after that, if you if you're hitting the beach this summer, july 4th, you might to watch out. >> there are things in the water besides sharks. a bear was spotted going for a swim next to a group of beachgoers in destin. >> her first there was now there's pause. here h s swimming theto water and actually was a cocaine bear. >> they usually go to miami, not destin beach d no, but there he was. bear made its way to the shore. people stood there and all they watchedound and it swim ar. >> i mean, it is actually part of running great, at least a baby bear. >> you get away with that. a baby bear that's actually training for it. very dangerous. he no sunscreen, folks, come see me live this summer doing stand comedy with my opening act. dana perino will be at the holland civic center. this cominjuly 8g saturday, juln the eighth. and i'll be at the grand opera house in st marys, ohio, july 29th, august the 25th.y ra the green valley ranch in henderson, nevada. vega egas as. c >> i'll need a ride to the airport after i lose it all in the casino. and saturday, septembed saturdr the sugarloaf performing arts center. >> hey, girl, right in sugarloaf, new york.
12:00 am
>> let's get it on now. all right. well, that is it for us. we'll see you back here tomorrow, 4th of july, everyone. >> happy fourth, you guys. one. my guys, it's american idol. later on, when got home on thiss day, our founding fatherss, pledge their lives, thei, their sacred small honor. >> a small band of patriots declared that we a people w created equal. a wonderful country was bornulau and a revolutionary idea sentean forth to allnd
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