tv Hannity FOX News July 5, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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and people who are on the outside. >> but absolutel the outsidey te earned it. they've earned it. from gavin newsom to kamala harris from gan to joe biden, . is thick. michelle tafoya it's great to see you. thank you so much. good to see you. all right. we've much.d with youe i hope you have a great evening. i'll be back here again tomorrowvein night. but for now, jason chaffetz, he's in for sean hannityet tonight. >> jason will, thank you so much. greallt show. always enjoy seeing you. appreciate it. thanks, jason. welldapprecgood e good evening e to this special edition of "hannity". i'm jason chaffetz i specn for sean.d we and we begin tonight with a truly unbelievable report. i >> cocaine has been found in the west wing of the white hous e. the secret service has confirmed to fox news that toy white substance discovered in the west wing offices on sunday was, in fact, cocaine. >> a full investigationnder w is supposedly underway. so how did this happenay? the cocaine in the white house.
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president biden didn't seemabou to have an answer when asked about the incident today. but white house press secretaryr karine jean-pierrey did at least try to come up with an explanation. >> take a look come up wit. > the president and the firsn lady and their family were not here this weekend. as you all reported on this. u o and as you also know that they left on friday and returned jusknow tt where we this was discovered is a heavily traveled area where many white house west wing, i should be even more specific. i sha west wing visitors come through this particular areavi. i just don't have anything more to share. it is under investigation by the m. secret service. this is in their purview. and so we're going to allos inw certainly the investigation to continue. and we have confiden t that the secret service will get to the bottom of thio ths. >> fr >> for their part, t the mainstream media found the whole situatioamn a little ridiculous. >> check this out. chi can't even fathom anythingta
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like this having been foundnys before in the west wing. and i go back to this evidence at the white house. so this is pretty, pretty wild. i would like to know blowld lik by bloe w, who is responsible fr this? >> too soo>> too soon, don't it? no one was injured, as far as we know. and it's an illicit drug at the white house. adrugcan't you actually have at of fun with it? i don't believe in fun. i'm hung up on the believed to be a comment. >> how long does it take the ton also the kind of blamed it on the tourists, on the tourist public areublia. e peop >> yes.le are people careless with their cocaine? i mean, you know, it's it's an expensive drug. so many questions there. >>f question ss. dent b now, president biden and the first family were awayid at camp david when the discovery was made. d observers but ne couldn't help but notice that hunter biden was at the whitot e
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house the day the news broke. hunter's been spending a lot ofh of the white house lately, hasn't he? but when he's not hanging out a with his dad or relaxing at camp david on the taxpayer s. hunter's been pretty busy with a new effort to den wity the infamous laptop is even his. ven his.the first son has retaid the services of a former one term congressman and january six committee conuaryr who now claims, quote, forensics make clear considerable information linked to hunter biden is. in reality, there's plenty of r proof ofeality hunter's misdeed. and my first guest tonight has. uncovered of it.ersigh joining me now is house oversight committet e chairman james colmer. >> chairman, thanks so much for for joining us. we used to be on that committee together when i wahat cosairman the chairman. but you're the chairman and you're doing a fantastic job. fantt your your initialt your reaction on the hunter biden's effort discredit the laptop.
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is there any doubt in your mind that that laptop thegitimatately hunter biden'sd laptop? no, it's 100% hunter biden's laptop cbz a lot of money and a lot of time doing a forensic audit. they confirm that it was 100%s % hunter biden's laptop. i mean, you've seen the pictures on there, jason. you've seen the text message.s, emails. what i would like to know is what part of the laptop is it legitimate? that would be an easy question? for the biden family or their attorneys or their spokesperson. you know what part of lap the laptop are you referring to? is i isn't hunter'top ars the intimate messages between hunter and his family. hunters familythe the picturest you know, scattered throughout ughout the the laptop of him and escorts from from countries all over the planet that were in the united states illegally . is it is it his bank records?s it is it what? and the this is his laptop. and they can deny denied all
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they want. they can say it's russian disinformation. they could even blame it on. donald trump. but it is 100% verified thatnter that is hunter biden's laptop. what is the latest state of the investigation? >> are you getting cooperationas from the banks? i think last time i heard therhad gotten records from, i believe, four banks, but there were something like 12. what sors solike 12.t of informe you able to get? >> what's your biggest hurdle at the momens at the t? >> well, we have we're up to six banks now, jason, and we're going to have an announcement, hopefulle goy nexx week of more findings, more disturbing that we found. your bank records don't lie. people make a big issue out of t taxes. people cheat on their taxes all the time on s all. it's hard to cheat on bank records. we also are requesting westing mok violations. we're hoping that treasury will give us access to more s that we believeinfow would have informationrmat on the potential bribery charges that were alleged in the fbargei documents.
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so our investigations moving along. we're entering the deposition phase. we're going to have devin archer will be the first person that was involved inen the huntr biden business dealings or whatever you want to call him. he'lalings ot tol the first pere lipose and we have a list of who'sts who that were involved a the biden organization that we plan on deposing throughout the summerdeposi. the >> i want to get your reaction to the cocaine found at the white housound at e. the oversight committee actually has jurisdiction of the white house. jurion of th that? and do you believe that the secret service will actually report thes and provideinform the information about where they believe, where it camatere >> well, as you know, jason, the first step is we've requested a briefing from the secret service. and thanuested ak you for making the point that the house oversight committee has jurisdiction over the secretvert >> so we're expecting to be briefed on that. we have concernsefed about natil security risks. >> obviously, there are a lot
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of explanations that that couldt be made for what happened there. but, you knoere. w, the end of the day, with all the money and all the security that we have arouncuritye haved white h, something like this should never happen. should ntthat trned abou the fact that the president's son, who we've said foher forn seven months now, is a is amo risk to our national security. >> is spending so much time in the white house. we have reports that say spendingwe hav more time there n joe biden's actually spending there because we don't really know where are biden lives unlen he's living in the white house. and that's the a concern because you look. go back to the laptop that they wanted to knop thatt w thee that he associated himselfdroun
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and were snooping around with it. that's concerning, jason, becauswie at that particular time, joe biden didn't have secret service protectioen did he wasn't vice president and he wasn't a candidate for and h president at that time. so he did not have secret service protection. so we have a lot service questi the secret service. obviously, we're concerned about the nationalse security. o we want to make sure that things like this happen in the white house and it is, in fact, secure. and we don't have vulnerable d cities there. >> but we also want to know about some things that we'vent n learned with respect to secret service, to trying to protectsit
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the president's family in the past. so it should be a very's in e briefing, and we'll definitely let you know what we find ouwih very good. chairman colmer, thank you. do appreciate you joining us tonightalmer, tate you . >> hannity all right. the biden administration suffered yethannit the anotr significant legal setback yesterday when a federal judge ,a temporary injunction banning several biden officials from contacting social media companies. >> the surgefrom contactin in g, the health and human services secretary, the white housee i af justice were all covered by the order. the lawsui t against team biden was brought by the states of louisiana and missouri and alleges the administration ssouri aimproperly colluded witg tech to shut down dissent. te the judge agreed, writing, quote, the plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits in establishing thatn the government has used itso sie power to silence
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the opposition. henc called out former press secretary jen psaki for qublicly, quote, pushing facebook and other social media platforms to censor covid 19 misinformation. censt breaking earlier tonight, the biden administration has appealed the rulinbiden adminigt missouri senator eric schmidt was the state's was the when this suit was filed, and he joins me right now. >>jo senator thank you.. go back to why then attorney general schmidt, you know, put this lawsuit forward and you've got to be just gleeful on the ruling of the judge at this point. s a well, yeah, it was a it'sma a massive win for free speech and a devastating loss spewhen censorship. i and when i was attorney general, as you mentioned, we filed this lawsuit about a year agoorney g and what's been uncovered ever since jason, has been a vastenti censorship enterprise. i mean, this was big colluding and coercing big tech. and these social media giantands
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to censor speech. and of course, the government can't do it, but they can't outsource that eithe outr and they can't force and coerce these companies to do the same. and what's been uncoveree same.n 20 plus thousand documents, emails direct messages fromct ms senior officials insa s the administrationenio with high ranking executives of these social media giants is shocking . i mean, you had first of all,hi this was almost exclusively relaterelated d to speech. so you've got viewpoint discrimination. you have viee. and then you also have threats that are being made, whether it's investigationins, whether it's, you know, eliminating section 230 protections, whethe g ser is additionalgula regulations or other legal action to get themtion to do their bidding on things like origins of covid, the lab leak theory. of c didn't want anybody to talk about that. of course, other covid protocols, the hunter biden l laptop story. so this is far reaching. it's the judgey. that this is perhaps the single greatest censorship enterprise in the history of the country. and it's been exposed now. and that ordersed order is, lik, a big win for free speech. uenc
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>> is there any consequence other than, hey, don't do that is again, is there any consequence to those who actually did do tse this? >> well, you already see now, actually, it's been reportedthat that the state department's canceling meetings or weekly meetingshepartment, whatever isg there with facebook officials and, they admitted to having weekly censorship meetings during covid. ship meei mean, this was you kno you had you mentioned some of the agenciesme the cdc, the fbi, white house officials, the fda, this is far reaching in all of these different were working under the guise of misinformation to suppressf pos millions of posts by american citizens. they're just simply nonst allowd to do that. and, of course, i'm going to carry this fight to the senate. we need to have oversighhe . t now.o make i've also, you know, filed legislation to make sure that big tech companies are doingsurb this. they do lose section two three protections. but we also need to have a hammer230 with government officials who are involved with this. and i intend to move forward with legislationd innten in thas to the first amendment. is our pressure release valve sl
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should be able to have a say inn the town square, including the virtual town square, vernme and the government doesn't have any business telling people what they can see and hearnty in that virtual town square. >> well, thankl towns. having the foresight to actually file this lawsui tan because it is one of the mostng important rulings that we've seen happen on a long times we i and i hope it doesn'edt get buried with the 4th of july holiday, that people understand how how oppressive the government was in this in this realm. senator schmidt, thank. again. all right. earlier today, white house press secretary karine jean-pierre was asked directly whether president bidely idenn acknowledges hunter's daughter in arkansashei as part of the family. >> here's what she said. the story in "new york times"ut over the weekend about hunter biden's daughter in arkansas. >> biden's does the president acknowledge this little girl as his granddaughter? >> i don't have anything to shareis from here. >> and here now with reactional to that and all the news of the day is the host ofho outkick
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. tomi lahren is fearless. tomi lahren and news contributor and former white house press secretary ari sfleischer. i wil >> tommy, i want to go to you first, because you were personally one of those that were kind of targeted along the wathat wery with covid suppo what's your reaction to the ruling by the judg reacte? >> yeah, it's a fantasticis a ruling. i mean, it reads like a masterpiece. and i am honored, flattered, humblei amd, guess to be mention in this opinion on page 16. i've knowne for quite some tim. ananks to that lawsuit and what the whitd e digital director, who i believe is still employed, by the way, a guy, the name of rob flattery, what he wanted facebook to d hoa was he wanted facebooks to reduce me on the platform a v because i made a very simple comment saying that i personally would not receiven the covid 19 vaccine. >> and that wares very troublino for the white house digital director. >>e white and most concerning,s all of this is that facebook was excite ed to, run this downe
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and make sure that that suppression thatat reduction, as they called it, happened to me and countless other conservativehappens who dare to critique the vaccine propaganda that was coming the of the white house. so i'm so happy to see this opinion. it's a win forha see t free speech. but i'm with you, jason. we need to see the accountability. it's great accoun to have the acknowledgment, but now weac need the consequences and thknoe assurance. >> this is never going to happen again. everyeah. i'm so glad that the judgee judg pointed out how it was.ays ag it was always againstaier conservatives. vativei to shift gears justress a little bit here. you were the former press secrthe ideay. the idea the white house has that there's been cocaine found, in the white house. >> come on. you're telling me thatady the secret service doesn't know already where it came fromfrom? >> you got you.thin you've got to be kidding me ifkh you think they don't already. >> the answer to this question. well, there's another facetittl
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to this and that little cubby that they're now saying where it was found is right on the left. as you walk in the wes l walt wa lobby, there's a little cubby right there. usually, though, it's manneds by a secret service uniformed division officer. and so when you go in and youd s hand your phone, you hand your possessionses t to them, you don't put it in the cubby yourself. you give it to the secret servicy. e. so i cannot imagine a secret i service uniformed division officer being handedmagi bag of cocaine for him to store on the little cubby. >>for so the question is, ate i what time of day did somebody go in there to put it therntpue and who could that have been? and i do think we're goingto to get the answer to who could that who have been? there are no cameras in that area, or at least there certainly weren't when i was thert when is the. ill ru but i think the secret service is going to be able to run this down. now, havin .g said all that, i will also add the fact that it's not in the mansion. doesin the me doubt whether it s hunter biden's. you know what hunter biden would have hadr to leaveion, w the mansion, walk into the west wing with his little bag, pualht there when no one was looking. and he's he has secret servicere agents accompanyint servg.
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it i have a hard time seeing that it was hunter anymore. bu wast is still a crime at the white house and it needsisce to be discovered. who was responsible foreor. clearly, it was a guest of i the biden white house. if it's anybodf ity had an throu appointment and will go through that main west wing doorgh, wel, and there's security checkpoints before that, you can't just simply walk up and then you're at that point, you go through security checkpoint even prior to that, where, again, i would think h even if you had a small degree of substance, buadt tommy, i haa sincere doubtsve as to whether e not they're actually going to reveal the truth because of the secret service. can't figure out how somebody got that in and who did it, then shame on them. but i think they do. ug i think they're competent enough to actually know exactly who putot it there. they just haven't told us yet. >> yeah.l and will they tell us? i mean, i think that's the big question that remains.
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think a lot of americans have lost their confidence that any truth or transparencidence ty ib to come out of this white house and this biden regime. but itme also goes back to just the national security of the whole thing. if securhe whole they're not abk somebody bringing illicit drugs into the white house bringin, ts very concerning. and it's not only the white house. let's keep in mindthot only they seem to have too much of an issue with the drugs coming across our southerne of dru border, kig hundreds of thousands of americans. so it's this reckless, carelesss attitude when it comes to illicit drugs. and jason, that clip that you played earliereso drugs. wie mainstream media cackling and laughing about this like it's no bi ng aboutg me. that's really disheartening to me because there's many americans not from cocaine overdose, but maybe cocaine laced with fentanyt froml that t died. so the fact that they're just laughing this off like it' thas some kind of a party trickalling is appalling to me t. >> yeah.huho the idea that nobody got hurt, you know, how dow do you know t? the the drugs, the flow, the transportation and all ofe t that. ari, i need to ask you one other thing. again, you have suchher a unique
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perspective here, but the press secretary getsctive. a questiont the legitimacy of the number that that of grandkids. i thought the reporter kind of blew a little bit. e repo i thought the reporter should have asked the press secretary. sort many grandkids, does president biden have that would have given her wiggle room. but what did you think of hewhr answer? >> well, the fact is, when you're the press secretary, you're basicallyn you ar instrus from the president. you answer the questions the way the presideny tht you tl answer, particularly when it applies to his family. so if joe bidees tn wants to ben denial about the fact that he does have one more grandchild who he just won't acknowledge, that's joe biden's business and we all know it. now, i don't think it really is a governing matter, but. it certainly does contradict everything the biden family loves to tal contradeverythik an they talk about love of grandchildren and welcoming familiesof grand. lot o >> there's a lot of hypocrisy going on here. deepe i think it's deeper than that. i think if you're instructinr the press secretary to lie for
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you, that's a problem. and the reality is that i'm not concerned about it. yeah, but that is that's why the reporting would have been. e >> how many does he have? yes. yeah. they follow upth and say precisely what is the number and then seee what says. but i think the deflection here about we're not goineflectio g to tell you how many kids are in the family that that on. i don't buy it i just i think that shows a lot of the about the integrity of that family. hey do we have seven but we recognize six. >> that's the real that's the real answe r along the way. anyway, ari and tommy, thank you so much for joining us on hannity tonight. >> all right. coming up, liberals used lib our independence day to blast america on numeroundence ds. we'll explain. we'll explain. pluma joey jones, joe conchawe l and governor mike huckabee will react. stay with us passion.. dupixent
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and think you will too. i can feel winds of change. e >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". yesterday was america's 247ths birthday. but instead of celebrating freedom or the declarationameria independence, many on the left chose to basrafh amazing country instead. >> let's start with ben cos. erry' the left wing ice cream company declared the united states was builared thet on stolen land and circulated a petition to transfer mt. rushmore to a native out american tribe. one far left activist was even more explicit, tweeting that literally anyone waving an american flag yesterday was either a white supremacist or simply ignorant. missouri congresswoman cori bush called for reparationsarat and several people profiled by theions "new york times" explained why they refused
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to celebratetheyo celebr the col holiday or shoot off fireworks ,which they say pollute the air and sound like gunshots . moral of the story, think twice before invitin story, g some ls to your next 4th of july barbecue next year. here now with reaction are former arkansas governor mike huckabee, author of the new brokmi newe new book unbroken bs of battle. joey jones and joe concha of the messenger. gentlemen, thanks so much for. joining us. >> governor, i want to start with you because here is patriotic of a person, as i know somebodasy says that, you know, if you're waving a white flag, an american flag, you must be a white supremacist. >> what do you think? well, that'sink? nuts. find i you know, all these wealthy liberals, i find it funny. tht, take beel guilty abou something. let's take ben and jerry's. these guysenerry's. sold their y for $326 million in 2000.
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you know how much they give to charity? charity?seven and a half percen. a church tithe starts at 10%.ont they don't even hit that standard. if they feel so guilty, i wonder how much of the $326 million they got for selling the company? did they givfor selling the to r americans so that they could buy back some of the lanicd. and give them reparations? i'll bet it wasn't a bunch. it's just suchit. o look, for most of us, i lovei le america. i love the flag. cream ice cream, apple pie, hot dogs, barbecue ribs. mor and it'll take more than a bunch of liberals to ever get me hating this country. are failing to celebrate the 4th of july. >> joy, first of all, congratulations on the new book. i know it's going to be a huge . >> you lay it all out there. but you know what? you served our nation. you served overseas. you lost your legs serving our country. when you see these liberal s, what wounds go out and do this stuff, what message do you have for themmess? message
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>> the message is when we go off and fight wars so that t wars don't come to our shores, this is the result. sometimeiss when you raisesometi your kids spoiled, sometimes they don't. they don't have good character k . you got to work twice as hard to raise spoiled kids to be good peoplto e. and maybe we need to work twice as hard to educate our children that live in a spoiledhard to r than maybe create safe spaces and woke culture create them. i i don't want to be attacking or on the attack, but i love this country and i love the fact that we are free. you know, it doesn'te fa f taked men or righteous men. it just takes willing men to do the hard things. and when we celebrate 4th of july, we celebrate we cejuly the willing men that died to create freedom in this country. i hope everym in year we get moe free, more equal, more even equitable when it's appropriate . but the idea that all ofidea our sins erase all of our accomplishments, well,. that's not the human existence. >> why should it be the existence of this countrt bey? >> joe, i've had a chance to meet your kids and you know,. you've got a patriotic family. i
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your wife does heroic work. i had a chance to meetc .. >> what do you tell your kidsbot about 4th of july and what it means? and what do you say when you kind of hear people, you know, descend on the flag and america in generaland amer?y >> well, i'll just i tell my seven and nine year old liam cameron, you live you're so arelucky. you live in the greatest country in the world. in the worsve opportunitie here, but you will not have anye where else and when you seend people like ben and jerry, for example, like the governorgovern brought up bashing this country on the 4th of july when they earn so much money. $700 million annually for their overpriced ice cream and all the 31 flavors of stupid names thaought come with so please feel ben jerry to, donate profi your profits to indigenous lands. and while you're at move your corporate headquarters to an indian reservationcorpor f employ those folks.
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if you care so much. in other words y, jason always judged people by their actions and not their words. and if ben jerry's wants to spoil the 4th of july in this country on socialput it, tn back up your words. it's really that simple. you know, governor, i used to think that we all had the same goals, that we all believed in the same thing. we just had different ways i don' getting there. but i don't believe that anymore. i do think there's a a growingtr and disturbing state of americans who hate this country. they want to see demise, that they want to tear it apart and they want to divide us. o >> am i off base there? no, i think you're right. there was a time when democrats and republicans saw things a little differentlymocrats, but the end of the day, they all wanted america to be a great country. wa americathey wanted the best h their children and their future. and they had a senseildren and t about people who disagreed that no longer is the case. there are peoples no lon who re, truly you just listed some in the beginning of the segment. they want to destroy america. they hate this country.
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now,. hat my simple response tot is tell us where you'd like ite to gll us o. we'll get you a plane ticket. it will be one way. we'll load up your luggage . tell us where you want to go. we'll send you there. nd youwe'll wish you well.fe have a good life. god bless you. but get the heck of this country because some of us still love it. >> yeallh joy, i mean, the governor makes a great point. i hear all these celebritiesint. , all these other saying, oh, if donald trump gets elected or itf republican take control, i'm going to move to, you know, name your country. and then they never do. i'm not aware of a single one who's ever lived up to that pledge. >> you know, they move they mov ple to georgia and texas because that's where they can go create their art and notthats be taxed for it. that's what they do. they come on down. ey do.they complain and then they stay quiet so they can collect a paycheck froey m state government. that doesn't take it all away. it's a parit's at of the americn experience. we have the first amendment. we can say whatever wefirst amet without consequence, or at
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least we should be able to do some of the segments. earlier tonigh.t, jason showsev not everybody always can, but buu can complain abouterybod ths all you want to. but don't expect people to listen. don't expectexpecte to to be pee because regular people with real jobs and in realhear hardships, they don't hear any of that. and they don't mind one day a year to celebrate the fact that when they wake up in the morning thg, they get to go be whatever they chose to be for a living, or they're still working to try to be . ea that opportunity means something and it means something most to those stilmetl for it. >> joe. >> it is your right as a citizen to petition your complain about things. you express your opiniongovernm i guess where it goes over the line is when you start attacking people on their ackingreligion and when you stat doing these crazy things, trying to influence and in kids. >> that's where it goes over go the line for move, of course. and in virginia and in florida. jason as we saw with youngkinw i and desantis when they ranth on those issues, when it comes
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to education, for example, and my first and third grader have to be taught about gender identificationsbout idenf sexual orientation, that is something that you're not a republicanal or a democrat or dem an independent anymore. inu're a parent and you say nooa to this. i i disagree. and it's why desantis wondi that margin.da he did in florida. it's why youngkin going againsti clinton, right. you know, terry mcauliffe. joe biden won that state by ten points. and then youngkin comes in just like donald, a businessmanss man who runs for office for the first time. fos. est there are issues that aren't about ideology. they're about common senseenting and about good parenting. and i think that's what's going to decids whate the 2024 electi. ultimately, if the candidates allow thosion if te those issueo to come to the forefront. con sense.on and commo >> that's all it's about, jason. onll a, god bless america. we live in the greatest country on the face of the planet. i just wish everybod they woulda understand that. governor huckabee. joey and joe, thant.
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k for joining us. all right. coming up, crime continues to run rampantpneuma in democran cities, but the left still finds a way to republicans. th they joie n me next. >> the reason my go to customers has such long tellm success is because we focus on real foods in the right balancede.on't bel. pplement so you get the results you want. when i tell people how easy it tblood angle, they don't believe me. they don't believe i can eat real foosulsd and lose this much weight. the release supplement makes losing weight easy. releasr i star releasee sets yog successful weight loss because it supports your blood sugar levelsolelease, meals so you art hungry or fatigued. hungry or fatigued. >> after i started taking or a least the weight just started falling off. >> since starting get low and takingly thinkabout fo. i've gone from a size 12 to 4 before goal. i was hungry all the time to. and constantly thinking about food. after taking release since stat stopped with release, i didn't feel that hunger that comes
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under democrat control. the philadelphia district attorney is sounding off on republicans. >> have a look. nsit is time for everybodyaturen and our legislature, including the ones who would like to walk around with an air lik lapel pi. it is time for every one of them to face the voters. >> and on independence day of all days, biden once again made a push for stricter gun control . >> meanwhile, crime continues to run rampant acrosmeanwhils rn us cities. in san francisco, there's reports of bat wielding teens g moms..g and robbin >> there a school, two women were assaulted by a just lasth c week. here with reaction to all of thistion to al, 2024 gop presidl candidate larry elder and fox news contributor leo terrell. >> larry, let's let's start with you. when you see and hear thesestore
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stories, they're not news stories necessarily horrifics,yr things happening in these big, major cities. m them but all i hear from them is, i hey, it's republicans,s fault, but they're the ones democrats are controlling these cities. we and what you won't hear any of them talk about is a breakdown of the nuclear intact family. it'searlsad fact that nearly half of the homicide victims and killers in this country areu black. it's also true that 70% of black kids enter the world without a father in the home married to the mother. and the stats show when that happens, your five times more likely to be poord jailcommit crime 20 times more likely to end up in jail. i want to talk about that. they want to talk abouan talt more control laws. well, we have a second amendment which gives us the ho right to keep and bear arms. what they don't want to talk about is how often americans use guns to defendsels themselves on the high end. as manasy as 2.5 million americans use guns to defend themselves. e gunsdefendthe cdc one time hai on their website. but the gun control groups wer
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ethey screaming, so they took it off. they don't want to talk about that. they want to talk about k about things like red flag laws. well, some of thesd fle shooters were in therapy. and if any of the therapists came forward and said, well,ootg i knew so-and-so was going to going to commit a mass shootingt know. i don't know who said that. so the question is, what isis your backup plan your? the ba the backup plan is for citizens to be able to defend themselveno and to encourage law abiding citizens to be able to do just that. idini understand that at least one person shot at this suspect. at thisso maybe if the suspecte aware that people around might have been armeoundd, the suspecf might have made different decisions, but the left doesn't want to talk about thatht. >> there is a lot, larry. right. leo, what is the solution here? olution?what how is it that thet democrats continue to blam de and not tackle the main thrust of what is happening here and not addressing, as larry talked about, like the breakdown of the family seems like something that ses, butobviou
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they refuse to talk about it becaus e the democrats thanks for the question. the democrats and the media,f th 95% of the media, they want the nuclear family to be destroyenuclead. g. that's what you're doing. they want to take over the family. the livelihood of every personer they have under government control. >> hey, by the way weren't al? sharpton with black lives matter in philadelphia. aroundwher the clock coverage oe this incident where there was thg, it was a black suspect. so they're not going to play it becaus will noe they want to pl. the race card. and when you have a black suspec havt that's not the mayo. did they want to play? they wan t the white 22 year old white nationalist. then you'll see round the clock coverage. look, the democrats have normalized crime. >> they have basically accepted. that's why in california is running rampant throughout san francisco, californiima. gai newsom is traveling all over the country while californiahe and more importantly, the democrats. jay said they want to celebrate
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. >> that's why they're having their national convention in the crimving theonventioe capit, chicago. they basi no problem with crim ,and that's why they basicallyca endorse it. ng tha >> yeah, it is interesting that democrats are out there saying, hey, let's get convicted felons the right to vote and they spend more on that. >> but i add, my heart breaks, larry, for these these youth. i mean, these kids who grow up in these cities, in theseupe neighborhoods. i mean, they got to have a fighting chance and they don't because the policies that they continue to institute don't work. >> you know, and jason, khe left doesn't want to tal the breakdown of the family because they caused it in the mid-sixties. se the it.a democrat named lyndn launched the so-called war on poverty. and since then, we'ven to m incentivized women to marry the government. we've incentivized men to abandoarn financial and moral a responsibility. and that's why i'm running for president, asking people to gond that to elder for president. com get me up there on that debate stage. e stage.i need 40,000 individual donors. i'm from the baby boomer generationi need 40,00individu. and we have men who are nown
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retired, are about ready to retire. they're vigorousred or h they're healthy. they raise children. they've nurtured their grandchildren. these kidshy mentors and i'm urging all the people in my generation to get involved all peoand become. sho and finally, we should be able to direct a portion of our of our taxes that go toward welfare, towards organizations or, ur own communities towards churches, places like that, where people are doing this kind of work and mentoring youn doirk to meg and young womw up without fathers. yeah, it truly is sad. cast teo, i had a chance on my jason in the house podcast to interview you and talk to talk with youoyou an about yn upbringing in your life. >> and, you know, it's what youh went through and how you did it. but there are too many of thesea kids. they just they're not getting good education. they don'tre not gettid have school choice. >> they can't get out of these bad neighborhoods. neig your message to them?? >> how do we deal with this? and thank you for the question. and it brings up memories of that conversation you and i ha d a mother, my mom, eighth grade education, my dad, high school education. but they stuck together stu
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and they point out the importance of education. look, wethey p a supreme court u last week, jason, about affirmative action. >> irtabout f you on k-12 in mes public democratic cities, you can improve the livelihood of black andcaprove th brown be. >> but guess what? the teachers union corrupt educa the public education system, and the democrats will not alloti sysw. d i ar larry and i are here because we had a strong family unit and we took advantage and we went to school. and that's why we're on fox news. thaty we arebut the democrats h away from the middle class. fromd away from people of color and they only focus on power control. brinlor andg education back to to the community and you'll haveba an uplift the people ofun all colors and. >> absolutely. larry and leo, thank you for joining us tonight . >> hannity all right. kamala harris found a way to screw utop 4th of july tweet >> we'll tell you about it next with tutor dixon and monica crowley as this special edition of "hannity" continues
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whatever. people can stand strong if they want. all they need is a chance. learn more at heifer talk. >> >> welcome to this special edition of "hannity". democrats have been inchin sg closer to their green new deal dream of bannin tg gas powered cooking appliances. but their big stars, well, to ha they seem to have no problem using them. >> yesterdayveno problsing the,e president kamala harris posted a 4th of july tweet appearinresg to use a gas powered grill. and as the washington free beacon pointed out earlier this year, she's just the latestimate climate crazed democrat that may want to clean up her sociacl media. first lady jill biden was caught using a gas stove l bide and so was california governor gavin newsom. and here's elizabeth warren back in 2020, reportinizabeth gl
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on instagram that she accidentally set marshmallows, sweet potatoes on fire. of course, using a gas stove. here with the reaction, our host of the tudor dixon podcast, tudor dixon and host dit, e monica crowley podcas monica crowley, thank you so much for joiningk you us. monica, i want to start with you. the hypocrisy, i mean, it'the hs hard not to smile when somebody preaches something. they say they want to put it intoay the. they want to take it away from you, but they have no problemt usintheyg themselves. >> yeah, you know, that'ss exactly right. jason, great to se e you.utor and tudor, look, we on our side spend a lot of time complainingn about left wing hypocrisy. but honestly, i think it's a hugeg ft-wincrisy, b of time. and the reason it's a waste of time is because the left doesn't care about hypocrisy. they don't care about being hypocrites. they just plow on with becar agenda. and because they don't care, there's no sense of shame or't e
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on their part for their behavior. and because there's no senseirto shame, there's no incentivee thr to actually change their.. so complaining about hypocrisy is just talking ourselvelainingo circles. this is not hypocrisy. this is hierarch is y. e is is the globalist elite ruling class both here and abroad, imposing all of . eir insane regulations the rest of us.f well, the rest of them justht g go live large, living parta their lives, partaking in all of it. so what they wankialt to stripf you of everything from the gas stoves in your kitchenm th to, your freedom of speech. they have access to all of it. ss toand they enjoy all of it. and they are lording it all over all of us. >> tudor what did they expectut us to door, wh? nestly, i mean, like, honestly, what would they want us to actually cooy wausk things? and don't tell me that thatat ee electricct city doesn't, you know, how do you generate electricit y, coal, nuclear? >> i mean, these are the main
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forces that actually move electricity forward. they w but of course, they wantan to take away your gas stoves and things that actually worktht and people like and enjoy. of cours peoe, doesn't matter. it's just like electric vehicles. it doesn't matter if you canit'e charge it. that's what you have to use from now on. bu t let's face it, monica'smonica right. it doesn't matter what they do . this is gavin newsom's french laundry. this is john kerry's private jets.. this is gretchen whitmer's trip to florida. when no one was allowed to leave the state no ond to. . they don't care. and until republicans start holding them accountablet this election time and actually putting this out on the airwaves, hey, let' out i forget, they want to take this from you. but they think they should have its from nhe. we are not going to be beating them at this. weewe need to make sure that people don't forget that theseoi folks want to live the high life, live as elitist, keep as elyou down. >> it really is about the power is. and i mean, you mentioned that monica ?, that is it. they want the power. but i don't understand
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their end game and why they think that this is appealing thinkappealin to t' american. well, they don't care about the average american. i think that much is clear.abou and it is all about power and control. and the end d, jason and tudor is exactly this. they want to fundamentally transform the united states. and in order to do tha orm the t, in order to move us away from individual liberty and economic freedodualm, they have to transm us into a more collectivist kind of model. the best and fastest way to get there is by attacking the energy sector becausthere ie is the biggest lever available to them to lever the u.s. economy into this new model. w , by by bking fossil putting the squeeze putt and everything that we all use and that keeps us humming by attacking that, that's the best waomy hummy andt
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efficient way for the left to bring this countr ty to its knees and then fundamentally transform it and then ultimatelyally get to a onestyl world style government that the globalists governing of it. but the only way that they can do that is by crushing the u.s.d economy and of course, flooding the zone with wide open bordersn and lawlessness and the breakdown of law and order and all of the rest. tbreakdthis is all part and pae a very deliberate plan to takeac down the united states of america, unfortunately. >> tudor i wish i had more time, but if we don't unfoe got to go. mo so more of this special edition of "hannity" right after. >> the breake specia friday. gavin degraw on fox and friends
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12:00 am
all the time we have left this evening. hope you have a chance to check ouk, it't my. puppe it's a new one.e the puppeteers, the people who control? it's c the people who control america. it's been on the new york times bestseller lisob times fort fon three weeks. the puppeteers hope you have a chance to read it. ce ti think you will be fascinad by it. thanks for tuning in . and as sean would say, let not your heart beat troubled. ra is in formond: th laura ingraham tonight. >> raymond, it's all yours. thank you, jason. u hta great night. thanks for the show. i'm raymond arroyo, in for in laura ingrahamfor is is . >> this is a special. edition of the ingraham angle. from new york, we've got a big freed show for you tonight, star of sound of freedom. cavijim is here along with comen rob schneider. but first, for anyone listening closely, the government has long made their intentions very clear. the the biden administration fro is trying to keep you from hearing informatioarinn displeas them. muchtheiit either frustrated narrative or came from their political rivals. rath
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