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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 6, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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cake and taco bell. i'm hungry, everything sounds amazing. lots of weddings, taco bell wedding, i'll be there. $777. here is "america reports." >> thank you, ladies. good afternoon, cancerous chemicals potentially flooding our nation's drinking water. a new government study finding forever chemicals as they are known coming out of america's faucets with a nearly 50/50 chance it's happening in your home. they have our attention, i'm bill hemmer live in new york. gillian, good to be back with you again today. hello there. >> gillian: nice to see you for day two, bill. welcome to "america reports." according to the u.s. geological survey, up at that 45% of the faucets have pfas, only 32 can be detected in lab tests. the chemicals are linked to
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several major diseases, including cancer. >> bill: aishah hasnie has a closer look at the study, should we panic? >> no, but you should pay attention, everybody should. watch the story and then talk about it with your friends and family. it's an important one. first of its kind study, u.s. geological survey tested tap water from homes and private wells and homes that use public water systems, like city water, probably what you use at home. and they found the pfas are in nearly half of the tests. that's a lot. these are chemicals that stay in your body and the environment for many years, they don't degrade. they are in the rain, they might be on your pots and pans if you obviously wash them with water and definitely could be in your drinking water. they could cause cancer. it's connected to kidney and testicular issues, high blood pressure, low birth weight in babies. the biggest culprit, guys, is
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foam that is used to help fight fires in big warehouses and companies and the worse hit areas are cities near where pollution might be dumped into the water supply. great lakes, eastern seaboard, and the rural areas, that's better, testing hardly found any of the pfas in those areas. back in march the epa proposed limits on only six types of pfas, and some groups say they should tell the companies the bad actors dumping this into the only to not only stop doing it but fix it. treat the pollution already in the system. >> let's get together, let's get government support because we are going to need it, let's make people accountable for it and take action. >> take action if you live in a
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high exposure area, a big city, you can treat your own water at home using filters that have activated carbon, but experts say don't panic, get informed and do something about it. the government is going to try to do something but it's going to take years. >> bill: thinking so far so good. no worry, no problem. >> that's what we have all done. our parents, grandparents' generation and the other thing, bottled water, figure out where it came from because it says it came from a spring or the niagara falls or whatever, you have to do some research. >> bill: good luck getting that answer. see you tomorrow morning on "america's newsroom." aishah hasnie. gillian. >> gillian: there's also this, another show of aggression from russia in the skies. u.s. air force has released this new video of russian jets intercepting u.s. drones flying over syria. moscow launched a major attack
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in ukraine killing five civilians hundreds of miles away from the war front lines. dan hoffman will join us in a moment. first, jennifer griffin at the pentagon this hour. >> the number of dangerous interactions initiated by russian fighter pilots threatening american troops and aircraft in syria has increased since russia's invasion of ukraine, alarming u.s. generals warning the incidents risk escalating into a direct conflict with russia. 10:40 a.m. local time, three russian military planes began harassing three american mq9 reaper drones targeting isis over syria. u.s. central command released this video of the incident. the russian jets dropped multiple parachute flares forcing the pilots to face
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maneuvers, and one russian pilot positioned his aircraft in front of the american drone, lit the after burner, making it hard to control the drone. and they say russian forces display unsafe and unprofessional behavior in the air. agreed upon air space deconfliction measures increases the risk of escalation. the top u.s. air force commander in the middle east put it more bluntly in a recent interview with fox news. >> they have been flying through air space that they agreed with us over a period of years not to fly into. they are flying right over top of our garrisons in syria that are there focused on the defeat of isis, something that's very disturbing and has our attention. >> last month u.s. central command deployed f-22 raptor fighter jets into the middle east amid the escalating tensions with russia and in march, a russian war plane
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struck the propeller of another drone over the black sea after dumping fuel on the american reaper forcing it to crash into the water. gillian. >> gillian: jennifer griffin at the pentagon, thank you. >> bill: dan hoffman joins me now, good day to you. why they doing it, especially when you consider the reaper drone as we can show in the video here, going after isis in syria. >> at first glance it might appear the kremlin is acting ir ra rationally, but for vladimir putin struggling in the wake of the failed mutiny from prigozhin, putin needs to demon demonstrate strength and nothing more than going toe to toe with the world's super power, united states. vladimir putin is smart enough not to engage in a fair fight, the drones were unarmed and
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classic russian asymmetric warfare, but he will show he is the strong man in the kremlin and i think that's what's behind this. >> bill: you heard jennifer mention the incident in march over the black sea, we saw the video from on board the reaper drone and looked like the pilot was trying to dump fuel on the drone and it worked. the drone went down. >> right. the u.s. military has rules of engagement and they will respond appropriately and proportionally, just as they did in syria when hundreds of wagner mercenaries were threatening the united states special forces there and u.s. air power took care of the wagner mercenaries. behind the scenes the united states is warning the russians to back off, but it is disconcerting. iran is doing the same thing the gulf trying to seize oil tankers and playing chicken.
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it's very, very dangerous and risks miscalculations. >> bill: dan, on another topic, where is the head of this wagner group for the coup not a coup, in reports he was in st. petersburg, russia, after reports he was going to belarus. >> reportedly that's where he is, in his hometown of st. petersburg. the russian media is showing tv coverage and depicting prigozhin in a negative light, trying to degrade him, raided his home and found gold bars and lots of wigs, and the troll factory responsible for interfering in 2016. he is under indictment in the united states for doing that.
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so putin knows prigozhin has a lot of popularity thanks to the kremlin support when they were run through a meat grinder in bakhmut and targeting him for kill as he's done with other enemies, but he's trying at this point i think to let the media portray prigozhin in a not so positive light, maybe as a precursor to some action like that. >> bill: the president of belarus says he's not there. lukashenko is his name, and talking about mediating the war. >> i will do it if the warring sides, russia and ukraine in this case ask for it, not only just the west. if they see a role for me in that, of course i will do it. it is possible to talk to ukraine and come to some sort of peaceful solution. >> bill: breaking news here but a quick answer on that.
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do you see this as possible now? >> no, that's just from putin's very junior partner, i don't take it seriously. he's speaking to the russian audience in that commentary. >> bill: stand by, breaking news for you. dan hoffman. another update from the pentagon, breaking news from the middle east, jennifer griffin has that from the pentagon to bring us up to speed on something that was brewing yesterday, jennifer, it did not materialize but today apparently it has. iranian navy. >> yesterday u.s.s. mcfall had intercepted iranian navy vessels trying to overtake two oil tankers, internationally flagged oil tankers, managed to stave off the iranian vessels but just got word the u.s. navy was called again because the iranian navy was trying to take over another ship in that strait of hormuz area and we have a statement from the navy in which they say on july 6th, that's
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today, islamic revolutionary guard forcibly seized a vessel, possibly engaged in smuggling activity. u.s. naval forces deployed maritime assets to closely monitor the situation. ultimately u.s. naval forces central command assessed the circumstances of this event did not warrant further response. u.s. forces remain vigilant and ready to protect navigational rights in the middle east critical waters. the u.s. navy watched, deemed this was not a serious enough incident for them to get involved, but certainly alarming that the iranian navy is overtaking vessels in this very sensitive waterway. >> bill: what i remember from 24 hours ago, the u.s. navy showed the -- u.s. military showed strength in the response, and one of the ships was carrying
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bahamian flag, and the other one was for the marshall islands and they conceded based on the u.s. response there. but what i'm seeing today is that the iranians have not stopped. they were intent in grabbing some sort of vessel and today they were successful, at least thus far. >> that's what it looks like, bill. those two tankers were carrying oil, internationally flagged vessels. the u.s. navy acted very swiftly with surveillance aircraft and drone up above and scared off basically the iranian navy vessels with their quick reaction time. today the u.s. navy deemed this smuggling boat the iranians overtook was not worth getting involved in. >> bill: jennifer, thank you. dan hoffman, a sense of what iran wants. is it money or is it more than that, dan? >> i think there's two issues at play here. first of all, the world supply
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of oil and so much of it travels through the straits of hormuz. you could look at a rise in oil prices. probing the united states and engaging with the united states as they do so often by launching attacks on our personnel in iraq and in syria. this is all just to gain leverage in the relationship and the backdrop of this is some sort of a nuclear deal where the united states gives iran money in return for iran halting their production of nuclear material and agreeing to be a nuclear threshold state. so, this is all taken as a part of our relationship with iran, which is very precarious at the moment. >> bill: thank you, dan, for that. jennifer griffin before that, and back to gillian turner in washington, d.c., and see whether it escalates or where it is today. >> gillian: the background chatter goes on constantly, but it's a situation that the biden administration and military certainly needs to take seriously. you've got now russia probing as
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dan calls it u.s. -- the u.s. in the sky, you have iran probing us in the sea, and north korea as well. >> bill: pentagon briefing in about an hour's time. see if it's relevant when the questions are raised at the briefing. all right. 13 past the hour. what's next, gillian. >> gillian: reporters grilled the white house during the press briefing. trying to find out what officials know about that cocaine that was found in the west wing on sunday and when exactly they found out about it. what's the word from the white house today. are we going to get more details. >> bill: about a century ago after the white house had silent cal, does it now have silent joe. hitting the mute button during interesting moments. we'll talk to our political panel whether it's a good re-election strategy. ♪ talk ♪ ♪ talk too much ♪
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>> palmetto state, west columbia, south carolina, president biden is on the stage for bidenomics speech. controversy remains at the white house where the secret service is trying to track down who left a bag of cocaine over the weekend. jacqui heinrich north lawn tracking that story for us today. hello. >> the white house yesterday would not say many times whether the working theory is that a guest brought this in, but they did emphasize many times in the briefing that the cocaine was found in an area that is heavily trafficked, including by visitors. secret service described this area as a personal belongings cubby used by guests and
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staffers in the west wing. they are conducting fingerprint and dna tests as part of their probe and reportedly looking at security footage and white house visitor logs. incident highlights potential security gaps and concerns a more dangerous substance like anthrax could slip through. >> how determined is the president to get to the bottom who brought illegal drugs into the white house. >> secret service is getting to the bottom of it, it's under their purview. >> the question was how determined is the president. >> the president thinks it's very important to get to the bottom of this. secret service, under their purview, is looking into this. >> house oversight republicans are demanding a briefing from secret service and the former president is trying to link the drugs to the man that he long dubbed sleepy joe biden. he wrote on truth social, does anybody believe the cocaine is for the use of anyone other than hunter and joe biden. aboard air force one on the way
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to president biden's event in south carolina, white house deputy press secretary andrew bates swiped back. >> i don't have a response to that because we have to be careful about the hatch act. what i will say is that i have noticed there does seem to be increasing frustration coming from that corner in general and i think it is probably rooted in the contrast between their substantive policy records. >> white house officials have been not engaging in hypotheticals pending the out come of the investigation whether they would support charging the offender who brought the cocaine to 1600 pennsylvania avenue or whether staffers might be drug tested now that this has happened. we don't know, though, how long the investigation will take, bill. >> bill: thank you, jacqui. we are in stand-by mode. nice to see you on the north lawn. thanks.
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>> are you waiting on putin to make the first move, sir? >> mr. president, had you sure there are month more classified documents? >> mr. president, how do you view -- [indiscernible] >> gillian: the president is developing a habit of staying silent during key moments, according to new reporting, the failed wagner mutiny in russia and debt ceiling negotiations about of that. his allies say it is a strategic silence meant to protect the administration with involvement in events they have little control, but a former adviser says it's not going to work in his re-election bid. we have cassie smedley, and richard fowler, radio talk show
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hosts, richard, since we are talking about the president, who is a democrat, to you first. do you buy it, strategic silence or sort of just the administration hoping they can stay under the radar on some thorny stuff that they really don't have a lot of control over. >> in the russia mutiny, it was very strategic silence. the united states and the european allies, we have to remine quiet, don't want to seem like we are the people behind the mutiny, i think in other moments what you see the president doing is say look, debt ceiling negotiations, have my negotiators do the work. a missed moment for him, history will report that but at the end of the day he did get a deal and did raise the debt ceiling, one could argue a win for the president even though a lot of people thought kevin mccarthy sold the store away. here is the thing.
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zoom out and look at this and remember you have two different presidents in this moment. you have president biden who has to run the country and maintain our military and the same time candidate biden for re-election. he has a primary challenger, seems to be ahead in the polls, so the election does not start probably until after labor day, so a long time to wait. while there is a hot contested republican election happen with tons and tons of candidates and a new candidate added every day, with the former president in it. joe biden, that's not his reality. he has a couple months to wait on that. >> gillian: that may be true, the two bidens here, cassie, but the president is not afraid of making comments off the cuff unscripted sometimes they get him into hot water and don't have the effect he's intending, just a few days ago he called president xi jinping unscripted a dictator, right, while he's -- he's busy sending his cabinet officials over there to strike deals with them, and then
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calling him a dictator here at home doesn't really strike the right balance. >> i think there is a calculation on the teams part, do more cleaning up than championing his message because he doesn't step in it all the time to be frank about it. and so that is a calculation. if we keep the microphone away from him, that's one less thing we have to clean up. but the other side of that coin is that he's upside down in the polls. the american people do not believe that he is doing a good job. i think almost 60% of americans disapprove of his job approval rating and the numbers are similar by the issues, healthcare, economy, and foreign policy, and take for example the debt ceiling, at the minimum given his own caucus cover on, but also been out there to say look, look how i can get a deal done. he does not have that foot to stand on right now and i think that is persisting and why the american people feel it's not going well for them and looking for an alternative and those alternatives, whether on the
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right or the left, are out there talking every single day about what a disaster this presidency has been for joe biden. >> gillian: the big elephant in the room is hunter biden, the president yelled no last week, staying silent when it comes to his son's indictment and then his guilty plea, and still keeping him front and center in white house events. >> look, where i agree with cassie, i think the president can be more vocal on a lot of issues, many of the policy things he's gotten done. >> gillian: what about on hunter? >> stay with me, i'm going to bless you. let's 0 in on hunter. i think because there is once again you have the two bidens, i think he has to address the hunter matter, but for his voters, it's not as big of a deal as the members on capitol hill who care more about hunter
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than the american people. comes to the election, 0 in on what is going to matter for the voters, hopefully the president will be louder and what he's accomplished for the american people but the same time i do think you are going to have to have republicans and what they want to accomplish for the american people instead of a campaign of grievance, most of the candidates running. >> gillian: last word, kathy. >> you can't have joe biden saying i'm not going to talk about my son and parades him on the balcony or to camp david -- >> gillian: official events. >> i think republicans do have to have a conversation what they want to have done for the american people instead of ads anti-insert the blank. >> gillian: we have to leave it there. great to have both of you. bill. >> bill: we have some more breaking news right here now,
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oceangate, the owner of the submersible says it will suspend all operations, not much of a surprise, suspending all operations based out of everret, washington, oceangate will suspend all operations. that is out there for today and we'll see when and if they get going again. meanwhile in washington, u.s. attorney david weiss supposed to answer congress's questions on the hunter biden matter, but he will not meet that deadline and why he says he will not supply. we'll tell you. gillian. >> gillian: treasury secretary janet yellen is in china on a high stakes mission to try to ease tensions between washington and beijing. doug holtz-eakin is on tap to tell us what the economic implications are for this trip. >> she's going to end up looking like a pawn from the chinese
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government, so i would say ms. yellen, get back to america, get on main street, going again so we can compete with the chinese.
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coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> gillian: aid to former president trump walt nauta accused of helping him hide classified documents at mar-a-lago made a brief court appearance, entered a plea of not guilty. jonathan serrie has details from inside the hearing. >> you are right about brief, five minutes, but came after two previous delays. this morning walt nauta pled not guilty to charges he conspired with mr. trump to conceal records the former president brought to his estate in florida. mr. trump pled not guilty to all 37 charges against him but the judge postponed nauta's
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arraignment because he did not have an attorney licensed in florida. rescheduled from last week, postponed yet again after nauta's flight from new jersey was canceled. when nauta finally appeared in miami federal court this morning with his florida attorney, the judge told the lawyer i'm very glad to see you here. after the brief hearing, the defendant left the courthouse without speaking to reporters. a federal judge unsealed additional portions of the affidavit the fbi used to obtain a warrant to search mar-a-lago last summer. the newly unredacted portion suggests that a trump aide presumed to be nauta but identified only as witness 5 was seen on security camera video moving boxes within mar-a-lago just days before federal agents showed up to collect any sensitive documents still in the former president's possession. gillian. >> gillian: jonathan serrie in atlanta, thank you. bill. >> bill: from overseas, treasury
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secretary janet yellen's high stakes interest in to china is underway, second time in less than a month a biden official has visited beijing, and china announced policy changes that could hurt american businesses. doug holtz-eakin, director of the american action forum with me now. >> good to see you. >> bill: not a lot of folks think much can come of this, and expectations are set low, and probably think yeah at the moment. and china's welcome for janet yellen, the biden administration is eager for talks and another meeting between president xi and biden it looks unseemly, and anything else should wait until china stops behaving like a military aggressor. what do you think it is about this time around? >> even since the secretary of
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state went, events have been going in the wrong direction. we have had revelations of china using cuba as a base for spying, we have the u.s. taking actions to restrict access to artificial intelligence chips by china, export controls that china just announced, aimed at the u.s. semiconductor industry, so we had the president call president xi a dictator, and so she arrives at a tense moment in what was already a tense relationship. no one has high expectations, usually the staff is trying to negotiate some sort of agreement or landmark achievement that they can sign while there, that's not happening. so i think the best thing that can come of this is the two largest economies on the globe can continue to have an open dialogue about the disappointments they have with each other and the u.s. has a long list of grievances with china's behavior in trade and national security and so the dialogue would be a good thing and frankly, i think secretary
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yellen is the right person at this moment because she's among the more moderate voices in the administration on china, she has been quite vocal about how disastrous it would be to completely decouple our economic relationship with china and i think that's right. the question is, if you have someone not just trying to pull the plug, what can you negotiate about an effective relationship in these circumstances. >> bill: and china has its own problems, economic, too, and those have been apparent over the last month. gore dan shang on that. >> china has been engaged in belligerent and dangerous conduct and if anyone should be trying to mend relations, it should be china, not us. china says it grew 4.5% the first quarter, i think it was more like 1, 2%, maybe even 0, and the chinese economy is heading one direction, that's down. >> bill: what about that, doug? >> i think that's right and
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that's a very short-term perspective but it's correct. china is reaping the down side of the one child policy. huge demographic problems. it has not developed internal markets for goods, too reliant on exports, it does not have the social safety net someone like the united states, for example, has, and it has relied too much on government-driven commercial real estate stimulus and things like that. they have a whole lot of underperforming sectors in their economy and many people think we have probably seen the best of chinese economic behavior. bad news from here on out and the domestic problems will haunt the chinese leadership. >> bill: maybe the next trip is beijing to washington. i believe it is their turn. doug, thanks. nice to see you. >> gillian: it's a clash of the tech titans as mark zuckerberg goes head to head against elon musk with a brand-new app. the internet is calling the new
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meta app a twitter killer, plus this. >> i think personally it was just a question of time when they were to, you know, start some kind of negotiations or conversations in tennis. >> bill: novack djokovic says saudi arabia could come for his sport next. could american leagues and teams follow suit? brian kilmeade stops by on that and more. so, stick around. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. everyone: woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals. enter the $10,000 nourishing moments giveaway. hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight,
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>> gillian: get this, tom cruise says he is going to refuse to slow down. he wants to keep making "mission impossible" movies even when he's 80 years old. this just like harrison ford did with indiana jones, whom cruise says is a total legend. ford right now is 81, cruise is 61. looks like we could be getting "mission impossible" movies another 20 years or so. i did not realize tom cruise was 61, i'm shocked. >> bill: looks good, i would pay to see that movie. >> gillian: i would, too. and he's no bill hemmer, but he'll do. >> bill: true that. thank you, gillian, you are doing well. stand by in d.c., let the battles for the billionaires begin. mark zuckerberg's threads app is
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up and running and threatening twitter owned by elon musk. and how many users have signed up for this? >> so, bill, we learned, mark zuckerberg shared 30 million sign-ups as of this morning, it's starting to gain traction and analysts are saying it could be a twitter killer. so, it's very similar in look and feel to twitter but it is linked to your instagram account. when i gave it a try, i was able to keep my same user name and follow the folks on the platform with one click. that allows threads to leverage meta's strong advertising relationships, as well as the existing user base, and over 2 million monthly users on instagram alone. it has not been without hiccups, though. some users cannot access content and data privacy concerns are raised, and jack dorsey shared
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this, caption all your threads belong to us, the caption. so underscores that prevalent concern on how social media platforms treat user data. we are also seeing concerns arise over censorship. so, on the launch, emphasizing that threads is an open and friendly space for public conversation but does beg the question, who is deciding what's open and friendly. some users are saying they get this prompt, asking them if they are sure they want to follow it and also a warning that those accounts have repeatedly posted false information and i will flag in many cases the accounts highlighted are of conservative voices. but bill, thus far it is gaining a lot of traction and we are teeing up the clash of the billionaires. it's going to be a fight of scale and resources. back to you. >> bill: cage match in the offing. >> gillian: sweltering heat and
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grueling conditions along the southern border, border patrol and the lives they are trying to save. tom homan joins us on the growing safety concern. >> bill: president biden touch down in south carolina. dagen and ricky have reaction from his speech a moment ago. >> when the president wants the american people to do is believe what he says and not what we see with our own eyes. 40% increase in gas prices, 20% increase in food. (eagle screeches) (energetic music plays) there he is! it's right there! ♪ oh, he's straight ahead. he's straight ahead. straight ahead. go go go. ♪
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>> gillian: major blunder at the border is raging urgent security concerns. a migrant apprehended in april was released two days after the fbi terrorist screening center determined he wasn't a match for the terror watch list but two days later the bureau decided he actually was, in fact, a match. now a federal watchdog is finding multiple mistakes at play made along the way here. former acting ice director tom homan, and fox news contributor. tom, unfortunately it's not the
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first instance of an individual on the fbi terror watch list crossing the southern border and ending up right in the united states. >> no, as a matter of fact, last year i reported two whistleblowers from border patrol contacted me that other known suspected terrorists were released because they had been under orders to process and release as quick as possible. that was the theme of the administration because if there's no overcrowding, they say there is nothing here, no crisis, we are not overcrowded. so much pressure to process quicker some were released before the vetting from the fbi. and they were hot, on the list. so whistleblowers contacted me and i turned them over to jim jordan and his staff. i think we are going to find many instances of known suspected terrorists released. not on purpose, just because the administration has put processing quicker and releasing quicker as the priority. they already -- look, they
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already arrested 200, last count, 227 known suspected terrorists off the fbi watch list. nearly 1.8 million got-aways, they chose not to turn themselves over, about he released and transported to the working where they are, and work authorization for 5 to 7 years, they paid more to get away, why. because they don't want to be vetted, don't want to be fingerprinted. >> gillian: another major challenge this week in the region is scorching temperatures along the southern border. this is making border patrol agents' jobs a lot more stressful and more difficult. it's also really hurting migrants trying to cross into the united states there. so far in the past week 13 migrants have been found dead, according to cbp and 226
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heat-related rescues have already been carried out by border patrol of people out there, you know, hoping to get into the united states. it's pretty devastating numbers. >> i've been pushing this for the past year, under the biden administration we have had over 1700 migrants that died on u.s. soil. that's a record by far. they say their policies are humane but they are not. when you promise you can cross the border, process your release, take you to the city of the choice, work authorization. when you offer those give aways, plus promise free healthcare, the most vulnerable people in the world will put themselves in the criminal cartels, and unfortunately, you know, many women are sexual assaulted and people will die. under the prior administration, trump administration, illegal immigration was down 83%. how many women did not get sexual assaulted, and how many migrants died? like 83% of the cars off the
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highway. would there be less highway deaths, of course. a secure border saves lives, an open border is going to result in massive death and i testified in front of congress, i told them. if you don't secure the border you are going to see a record number of migrant deaths and there are over 1700. >> gillian: tom, we have to leave it there. thanks for joining us to break down the issue, it's a difficult one. wishing the agents the best. >> thanks for having me, appreciate it. >> bill: terror watch list a big problem. primary chaos could be brewing for the president and the democrats as president biden pushes south carolina to go first instead of new hampshire. will ignoring the granite state backfire on him? plus james carafano, brian kilmeade, rikki schlott, dagen mcdowell here on "america
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>> gillian: welcome back. new at 2:00, the pentagon is set to brief this hour after russian fighter jets buzz u.s. drones over syria. the top air force commander in the middle east says russia's aggression is a dangerous habit. >> they have been flying through air space they've agreed with us over a period of years not to fly into. sometimes it's just one pass through the air space, deservingly close to the garrisons on the ground, other times surveillance aircraft comes through and basically spying on us. >> gillian: how should the biden administration respond if at all? we will get into that this hour. great to be with you, bill. >> bill: nice to be with you again today. we also have some bi


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