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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  July 6, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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fox nation's patriot awards will be hosted by yours truly on thursday, november 16th. go to awards to nominate someone. you can nominate someone. you can watch that crew every saturday and sunday morning on "fox & friends weekend." thank you for watching. here's "gutfeld!." [applause] ♪ ♪ >> greg: that is true, everybody. oh, yeah. happy thursday, everybody. what a short week it is. california has a reparations task force and what is their task besides giving government employees something to do between renaming elementary
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school and handing out syringes. it lets them punish assistance for crimes committed before they were born against people they don't know, in places most of them have never even been to. that is like punishing me because in the past, one of my relatives bought a red hot chili peppers record. [laughter] i can't be held accountable for every white person's atrocity. [laughter] the task force just released a report of over 1,000 pages and it is all about "eliminating disparities." you know, like that one between people who own small businesses and people who loot small businesses. like between people who use a bathroom and people who pee behind trash cans. [laughter] >> one time. >> greg: yes. and it is on tape. the main recommendation of
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course is reparations. they want to give up to 1.2 million to each eligible california resident to make up for their ancestors being enslaved in other states. basically replacing policy with powerball. how in the world without even work? where width of money come from? why should an asian family that just moved to america be forced to pay for a bad thing that happened 150 years ago? as you know, origin stories, they can be problematic. barack obama, descendent of control of owners. donald trump, not a descendent of slave owners. john fetterman, who is he a descendent of course. [laughter] i mean, you can see how it gets confusing. does joy behar pay reparations when whatever she decided from no longer exists? likely for hillary clinton, whomever she decided from, it is
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still very, very powerful. [laughter] that is just the beginning. the task force is also called on the state legislature to cancel child support debt for black residents. >> yeah! [laughter] >> greg: you are not in california, tyrus. >> tyrus: i identify. [laughter] >> greg: so does that help? well, whoever owes the debt, but who does it hurt? whoever needs that support. if it weren't for white liberals, black families might actually succeed more. but here is my favorite policy recommendation. i'm just going to read this as is. "law enforcement is weakly tasked with enforcing public disorder offenses such as illegal camping, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, minor trespass, and
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public urination." and mental health crisis or both, the responding officers typically possess neither training nor expertise in working with these vulnerable populations. and this disconnect often results in the use of excessive and sometimes fatal wars that involve disproportionately on black individuals. given the devastating impacts of this kind of over policing, they recommend that the legislature prohibit law enforcement from criminally enforcing public disorder infections and other low-level crimes. there you have it. don't enforce the law because the guy breaking the law might be black. boy, that is a lot of our enforced law. but it is weird, all of these ideas help black californians always sound really racist. the people pee on the street? what liberal came up with these? david duke? joe biden? hard to tell. meanwhile, if you're just trying to mind your own business, raise a family or work, you still got to pay my taxes. with the added value of people
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literally pissing on you. 220 seasons of keeping up with the kardashians. but slavery was never one of them. only the very rich and the very protected, and indoor. you know, the old phrase, don't piss on my leg and tell me it is raining. they will just piss on you and call you races for complaining. [applause] all right. let us welcome tonight's guest. bear's play dead around her. host of the fox nation series, katie pavlich. [applause] he is the only guy who asked how you would like your terrorists cooked former military intelligence analyst brad
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velicovich. [applause] she is like popcorn. light, salty and always popping off. fox news contributor kat timpf. [cheers and applause] and for him, a big gulp is half a big gulp. my sidekick in the -- tyrus. [cheers and applause] so tyrus, it looks like we are rolling with the inches. [laughter] you got pavlich and -- >> yup. >> greg: we are rolling with the inches. >> tyrus: very clever patrolman a little wordplay. does this stuff bother you? because it is like -- it is not just pissing in public. it is like trespassing. >> tyrus: it bothers me in the sense that it is like, i'm at a family reunion picnic. and there's two uncles in the
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back that to them [bleep] every year. and those are the only ones they put on the family poster. [laughter] the rest of us are doing our part. we work. we pay our taxes. apparently made getting up and going to toilet is just too much to ask. so i just go. thank you. it is a poor thing. it is not a black thing. and -- but it is so easy to make it a black thing when you are trying to accomplish something that is stupid if you put race in front of it. the average virtue signal. oh, we need to make sure -- that pistransiting or having a hard e going to the urinal. yeah, just sit around. don't touch that yellowcake, gutfeld. you need to watch more chapelle. but that is the ugliness of it,
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if you put black in front of it, won, we have to do it. it is insulting. the only thing that i would even really consider was forgiving child support. although to be nice to be able to put my money towards my kids where i want it to be besides paying for the university of phoenix to their new lover. [laughter] >> kat: that was very specific. >> tyrus: was it? [laughter] for other kids. it would be nice. that would be nice. other than that, it is insulting. >> greg: do you find the urination law sexist? it is not like a lot of women urinate and public. >> it depends which say you are in progress time i was in california, i watched a man sucking on his own toe on the beach for a long time. >> greg: i'm glad you said that.
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>> i want to make sure. he had pants on. that was a good thing. >> he was sucking on his own toe? >> for a long time. >> he was stressed out. >> there was something happening. urination is going to be legal, i kept thinking of how dirty that so really was. pretty gross. so -- >> greg: this is why the show is moving to 2:00 p.m. because we need to get this subject matter earlier on. go on at 7:00 in california when you are enjoying your sausage. [applause] why would that get applause? >> i think it has to do with the tojo. >> greg: there you go. wow. i'm scared. brett, your hair looks great. i almost didn't recognized you. >> that is a lie god. >> greg: what you make of this
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whole business? associating basically like behavior with reparations makes no sense to me. >> i don't know. i think this reparations task force is a bit of a scam like a home people realize it is such a joke. what is this pee urination law even has to do with slate three -- slavery? it is the reason it was there and it is just absurd. the best part of it is they are actually saying that people are going -- if you're going to get prosecuted for urinating in public, people owe you money. we are finding criminality. >> greg: it is funny because kat, you have sold your urine before. >> kat: not yet. >> greg: laibach urine whenever i have a drug test. >> kat: maybe it is a new sport, a pissing contest. they can raise money. >> greg: like they have a carnival. you don't use the gun to escort. >> kat: it is already a freak
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show. >> greg: this is an odd topic for a monologue, cap. what is your take on this? bring us out of here. >> kat: sure. i just think that task force is a bit of a stretch. i don't think they are doing any tasks. >> greg: yeah. >> kat: they are just trying to outlive each other because nobody thinks this. nobody is walking around california like, you know what the problem is? the peeing policy. it is too strict. that is peep -- why people don't campaign on it. vote for gavin newsom, pee wherever. in new york, i don't know if you have been outside in the summer, it seems to be there's quite a bit of pee on the streets. we don't advertise that in tourism ads. come to new york and pee on it. >> greg: yes. [laughter] >> kat: the city that never sleeps or cares where you pee. nobody wants this. it is just shocking to even see that they are pretending to want
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this. they are sitting around talking all day about stuff that nobody wants -- it does not do anyone any good. >> tyrus: it is races. come to new york. we promise all the blacks pee outside. the bathroom is yours. that is races. >> kat: yeah. i missed that part of mlk's speech. >> greg: i have a dream. >> tyrus: it is also a reminder of slavery. i'm pretty sure we do not get bathroom breaks. this is [bleep]. >> greg: yes. all right. before we go, tickets are available for my book tour with special guest tom sherry louis. shiloh -- we will be in clearwater, fort myers, providence, that is in rhode island, and writing to -- reading, pennsylvania. if you can make it to one of our live events, you can check out my virtual event july 27th at 6 quarter p.m. for more info, go to jide
8:13 pm up next, he defended his store. got shown the door. [applause] >> announcer: if you'll be in the new york area and would like tickets to see "gutfeld!," go to, and click on the link to join our studio audience. that's me before dawn powerwash. soaking, scrubbing...that's life. was life. now, powerwash gives me the power of an overnight soak in minutes. i'm sorry, minutes? with 3 cleaning boosters... not found in traditional dish soaps that help break down, loosen and lift away food and grease... so much faster! tougher mess? let the suds sit a few minutes before wiping. even cleans... the grill! thank you!
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[cheers and applause] >> greg: thank you. thank you. and thank you, polish people. [laughter] >> kat: you are welcome. >> greg: shut up! chris dr. blute and he got the boot. stealing tied with he should have stayed inside. king soopers employee in colorado says he was barred from filming the shoplifting suspects as they stole $500 in laundry
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detergent. they don't look like they do a lot of laundry. [laughter] get yourself a belt. [laughter] fat weirdo. now, you can say they got away clean. [laughter] that joke book you got me, tyrus, is really helpful. [laughter] santino barella was recording them -- says recording them was the first thing that came to mind and he thought he was doing the right thing which means in today's crown world, he was doing the exact opposite. it is even better with sound. >> look at them stealing. really, bro? you're going to resort to this. the economy is not that bad. to get it while the getting is good. >> greg: is this what they call bidenomics? maybe so. the suspect covered their license plate with aluminum foil which sucks if you try to put their suv in the microwave.
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too bad they were not bright enough to cover their faces. our very recommend some airtight plastic bags for that. but santino was quick on the draw and ripped the fourth of exposing the plate. just as they were getting away. no doubt hoping the investigation. and preventing the crooks from saying chris is furled again laughter] but he is now out of a job. apparently for violating king soopers policy against intervening in such incidents. maybe he got off easy if he had actually tried to stop them and hurt the poor thieves. he would have gotten a theft penalty. as for the laundry looters, they are still on the run. police say to be on the lookout for two males approximately 5'6", smell springtime fresh. [laughter] brent, this is brutal because what we are basically doing is incentivizing what human beings -- this incentivizing what good human beings do. >> exactly. i hope somebody finds this guy a
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job. we need more people like him. [applause] and frankly, they need more people exposing this because it is a level of lawlessness in this country. and it comes down oftentimes in these corporate policies that frankly just they need a recent at the level because they are putting in these reckless policies that make it so people don't stand up to criminality, don't do the right thing, and it is just, it is something that just does -- should not exist in america anymore. >> greg: yeah, and that is the problem, katie. we are a society run by insurance companies and lawyers. and that is -- that hurts your bottom line so you tell your employees, don't do anything but then they are put in danger to this what is called an attractive nuisance. a phrase i learned today. >> kat: he was educating as. >> greg: talk about my butt. >> i'm not sure if that is true. these criminals, you know, you can still up to $2,000 worth of stuff in colorado before it is a
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felony. again, they only stole $500. not very smart. should have stolen. 15,000 or $1,500 worth of stuff to really get away with it. but i'm so tired of this idea that people can just go in and steal people's stuff. like, this is a local grocery store which means if i can go into the store without getting something, like, just taking it in shopping and i have to go to an attendant, i'm not going to go shopping and more. i'm just going to order it online which means the store is going to -- and nobody is going to have a job working in that community anymore. so you are enabling them to in terms of the lawyers, there's a lot, if the company has the policy because the liability for them is if someone goes to chase these people, they get hurt or killed, that costs to them more money for the employee than it would to just cover the goods that are stolen, right? and so that is really the problem. and those things have been in place for a long time. it is is worse now that crime is so out of control. >> greg: what is interesting to
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hear people say, i would just do amazon. you will what it would be great? if this spring to amazon. amazon delivery people, they were in stickups, like the old days. you know? when? when you had the stagecoach. give me all your packages. then people would start carrying again. people like you who don't care about. >> burn. >> got me there. >> greg: in your face. >> kat: yep. okay. why are they stealing laundry detergent? [laughter] >> greg: okay. those people are probably selling it -- >> kat: i got it. they are going to resell it. all the items to steal, why pick the one that is, okay, it is expensive, yeah. but it is not that expensive and it is also the heaviest thing. >> greg: yeah. >> kat: why still something that you have to steal a lot of heavy things to resell instead of picking something that is more easy to transport? >> greg: did not everybody can go to the jewelry store. to her talk about rubbing
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rubbing the jewelry store makes the best sense because they are tiny and they are expensive. maybe these guys are just starting out, cathy. [laughter] >> kat: i'm not saying they are all bad. they show a lot of grace under pressure. and we have even see the care that they are being felt. probably great. >> greg: some people have to start off in the lower level of thievery. they are going to get the next layer of something smaller. >> kat: of all the things, like, if i ever need, litter and a sixpack in the same day, i'm done for. you can carry both of those at the same time. so why -- you know, some of us are not as strong as you. but white -- i'm going to steal this heaviest item. go for deodorant, bro. >> greg: yeah. shoplift a belt while you're at it. >> kat: i got two of these. now i'm going to jail. >> greg: yeah. each when costs $18. you are going to be make four dollars in profit. >> kat: don't be a dumb thief. >> greg: so tyrus, i threw out
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this idea on "of the five" of if you think you can get away with stealing from the store, theoretically somebody could get away with stealing from them. so why don't you just hire a bunch of kids that just went out there and take it from them and the kids gets a 10% cut? >> tyrus: you don't even have to hire the kids. whatever you steal, you keep. >> greg: yeah. >> tyrus: you know? and chances are when the kids got them stealing, this is laundry detergent. i don't want this. uh-huh. and we win. but don't get mad over tried to clean up their act. obviously the previous stop, going to hell, that is one too many. it is all right. they stole a washer and drier. -- dryer. those are the guys who had the truck. so they got home. they got a washer and dryer. they are like, okay. where is the soap? >> greg: uh-huh. >> tyrus: i got it. and they went and got the soap.
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very specific criminals, you know. and i'm sure when they got home, they were like, did you get a belt? >> greg: yes. >> tyrus: you did not help me. >> greg: we are going to a party later. you are supposed to wear a belt. >> tyrus: it is really sad to see a guy get fired. write him up and give him -- >> greg: yeah. >> tyrus: don't do it again but thank you for being you. [applause] trouble apparently the young man was on justin's show earlier posted by the judge. i heard it went very well. >> tyrus: he got eight to six. >> greg: [laughs] all right. up next, why pack your bags when you can rent a stranger's rags? [applause]
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[cheers and applause] >> greg: thank you. thank you. thank you. hopping on a plane and don't want to pack? then. rented clothes on your sweaty back. japan airlines is trying out a
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new program that gives passengers the option of renting clothing. to cut down on baggage. the service called anywhere anywhere -- those crazy japanese people -- delivers clothes right to a traveler's hotel. the only requirement is low self-esteem. [laughs] and the outfits will come from overflow stock and preowned items also known as stuff no one else wanted. prices start at 28 bucks for 5 items and come in three sizes. actually four sizes. small, medium, large and sol soldier. not sure if this includes underwear. or if renting a car you will not be penalized for making skidmarks. [audience reacts]
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i don't like myself. [laughter] japan airlines hopes the plan will reduce carbon emissions by getting rid of excess way in the form of luggage. and forcefully to service does not come with a hotline for women to call and ask if any of the items make them look fat. >> announcer: a sexist would s say. >> greg: really? bottom line, the airline to be clear how this new service works. is was this happen. >> may i have your attention please. >> hey, there. how are you doing? >> oh, my goodness. i'm fine. you are naked. >> of course i am. i'm fine japan air. they supplied the rental colt for you so you don't even have to pack. as open as the friendly skies. >> they don't do that. >> you should try, big boy. you would save a lot of space.
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just came like me. sit together and have a drink. [laughter] [applause] >> greg: cap, they actually had to added that a little bit. [laughter] they left out of the important part of that. [laughter] anyway, would you take part in this. >> kat: i feel like i would because i have so much trouble packing. i think i would still check a bag full of bunch of other stuff. >> greg: right. it is almost like buying an electric car. you will still have the other car. >> kat: i can't -- i would bring so much stuff with me. i don't know what i -- i bring like every medication for every possible ailment. >> greg: yeah. >> kat: are bringing like 20 pairs of underwear. i don't know what i think is going to happen. [laughter] but if it did, i would be fine. >> greg: yeah, you would be -- if the plane crashed and there were survivors, you would be the
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lady with the underwear. >> kat: i did not realize how bad it was except when i went to the patriot awards and one of my producers came to my room and said, why do you have so much -- >> greg: you could have gotten that person fired. that is none of your damn business. i have a rare disease. >> kat: the thing is i don't have a rare disease, not to brag. [laughter] >> greg: how about you, katie? you could rent up to eight outfits for two weeks for less than $50. you travel a lot. >> yeah. >> greg: you are on-the-go. fam. >> i do know. maybe this better for men than women. and what the sizing is like. but i mean, people might think it is kind of weird. but also, if you stay in a hotel, you're basically just sleeping in a bed that is causing. >> greg: you are renting that. >> you are renting that bad. i don't know. it just depends. look at some of us do that and others do not. >> greg: yes.
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you know, tyrus, i think the only clothing we really need to rent is taxes —- for prom. >> tyrus: i don't want to know. avoided that bear trap. >> greg: they always say, great, will you be my prom date? i'm the only person who says yes. i have been to like 40 proms in the last like three or four years. >> kat: wow. >> greg: sometimes i'm not even invited. [laughter] >> tyrus: well, that just like this is a stupid idea. one, i'm biased because even as step there is, that is one of my legs. so i know they don't have anything for me. so to hell with it. this is not going to change anything. she will just pack your bag with something unspeakable just be 4. it will be something -- oh your work. >> kat: nicotine gum. >> tyrus: people like to have their suitcases overpack. you see it every time you
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travel. where are you going? i'm going to my grandma's weekend. and you need four suitcases. >> greg: yeah. >> tyrus: oh, they are going to ran clothes when i get there. this is just adding more stuff and how do you know they are going to a hotel? you know? there's a lot of what have used and what not and what their favorite color? a lot of things that can go wrong. and it is worse for women than men? no, assess in. it is way worse for men because we have to sit in that damn hotel room. no, it looks good. [laughter] then where are the other ones? >> kat: which one is better? >> tyrus: they are all good. >> greg: yeah. brett, you have traveled a lot. did you learn certain ways to pack because you had to sneak in and out like a little cat burglar when you were strangling people with piano wire. >> the answer is no. i would definitely do this because i'm obsessed with not
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having wrinkled shorts and get on the airline. i'm always wor worried about th. the shirt is all wrinkled and it is the worst. i came from poland, by the way, like to the show from krakow and i'm still wearing airline clothes. i still have my socks from the airline. >> greg: the kind of mood for your here. >> it is happening right now. absolutely run. >> greg: who did you kill in kraków. [laughter] >> i kill people with kindness now. >> greg: is that the name of a gun? [applause] they are a applauding a murderer. >> whatever. they laugh at your jokes. but if you are trying ready clothes, there's a good chance you will get someone else's dna. >> greg: yes. >> are not saying you did. and if he did, he did what you needed to do. but if he did, his dna, then pour gutfeld. about the same size and then to
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put on his suit and that dna is on there. all it takes is one hair. >> kat: i think of that when i'm buying my hair. >> well, it is true. >> greg: i hope she did and then you get busted for the crime. >> kat: that was the joke. >> greg: i know. >> tyrus: but you did it way better. [laughter] >> greg: coming up, if you are feeling depressed, my animal friend will surely impress. [cheers and applause]
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>> greg: i watch that like five times without even noticing how dark it goes in the end. it goes dark pretty quick. by the way, i sent it to people at fox to see if they watch it because, oh, it is so cute. he did not watch it. liar. you would have -- welcome back to craig's animal friends -- greg's and will friends or gaf. it is where each guest shows a video of an amazing creature. you might even get heart worms from cap. why don't you go first, kat? what is your animal story? >> kat: great. nailed it. [laughter] my story is a video of a man -- >> greg: okay. >> kat: -- walking down the street with an alligator on his shoulder. no, i really wish i could've been there because i have one question that i would ask him.
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>> greg: what with that question be? >> kat: what are your plans for the day? >> greg: yes. [laughter] >> tyrus: i can tell you it is sad, cap. you only have one shoe on. >> kat: yeah. >> tyrus: i think he is about to make some gator boots. >> kat: i mean -- >> greg: it is all one shoe mickey. >> kat: the plot thickens. >> tyrus: i'm needing some new boots. >> kat: that is like a pinky's worth of boots. >> greg: i'm going to put a little happy ending on this. ththey have been living together for quite some time. what is it, an alligator, crocodile? >> tyrus: i don't know. it looks like it is not going to be a happy ending. >> greg: not for that poor little critter. all right, our friends. animal, please tell me you did not kill it. [laughter] >> no, it is safe, i heard. we have dramatic video of a
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woman rescuing her dog from a moose. i did not -- >> greg: by throwing a sandal at it. look at that. >> she -- with the hammer of god just throws that sandal, like, square in the moose eye. >> greg: that is amazing. that is probably the only -- a woman actually threw that. is unusual. [laughter] and is over the genetics of it. >> tyrus: why are you looking at me? >> greg: we know what is going on. >> you have been training your whole life for that. that was her moment. >> greg: and she did it with a sandal. probably was an affordable sandal. right. >> your mom never threw a shoe at you? >> kat: maybe that was the gator man throwing the sandal. >> he lost a shoe. [applause] >> tyrus: it is all coming together now. >> greg: yes. and then afterwards, they
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urinated together. >> tyrus: because he was black? well, it is loving time in my animal world. and this is when my group tanks. the fish all get together and decide who they are going to pair up with and lay eggs and then i wait for them to pair up and i take them out and put them in. the nice thing about my fears, they get a little confused by my racist rules and we see a lot of discoloration. i'm trying to make the blues state with the blues but the blues keep wandering off with plaques to make grayes and apparently they are not getting the rules and my systemic racist tank. and then when i thought it was safe, that blue [bleep] right there hooked up with a white girl. [laughter] [applause] and the lights are on. they are swimming around the daylight. >> kat: wow. >> tyrus: look, the white guys trying to leave.
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>> greg: take come back with their friends. >> tyrus: those are all my hybrids, multicultural and they don't pay attention to any of the rules. >> kat: is this a [indistinct] kind of tank? [laughter] [applause] >> no comment? >> tyrus: katy, katy, katy. yes, you have more time to kill baby seals. >> greg: speaking of which, i'm interested in your animal story, katy. >> we got the beach and the sequels just try to eat your food or your french fries. well, apparently eight other things. including whole squirrels. [audience reacts] golfed it down. like, i knew -- this is actuallr every show. he just eats the squirrels. one by. look at that. he can't breathe. >> greg: where did you find this
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video, katie? >> on an instagram account called nature's metal. i want to stick to the theme. >> greg: you know, i have to say, like to go with you are talking about the reminds me of the high school prom we have to wait and everyone pairs of. i would not want to be a fish. >> tyrus: you are small, they could eat you. >> for that reason? >> tyrus: no, it is a fish. thanks for trying. >> greg: we got to move on. that was exciting. why diversity needs to grow on tv's focused show. [applause] more shopping? you should watch your spending honey. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? ohhhhhh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> announcer: a story in five words. >> greg: thank you, thank you, thank you for that polite applause. it feels so good coming from my fans. a story in five words. it is time for drag kings. i think i'm going to go to you first, bread, because you seem like a big fan of "rupaul's drag race" and you probably -- well, i was going to say something else. it probably would have killed me. a former consistent on "rupaul's drag race" says the show could have more gender diversity by adding drag kings which are women who dress in
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drag to look like dudes. what do you make of this? is it time for drag kings and did you ever think this question would be posed to you? especially coming from krakow. >> not today, greg. looked as if drag shows are already -- you know. it is like, the epitome of masculinity is when men can wear laundry. my days, it is just like old enough to wear paint, right? and now you have men running around and more hairy legs. >> greg: harry styles going around in dresses. why do i know that? i don't know, on my talking to? [laughter] what? later. i'm talking to somebody in iowa. you don't think it is a good idea? >> no. >> greg: katie, what do you make of this? i think we need more equity in drag, not equality, equity. >> i mean, isn't women dressing up just like not trying to look like mentor is called a lesbian
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sometimes? >> greg: i don't know about t that. >> i mean -- >> greg: i will have to think about that. i don't know. it is kind of interesting, though. it is more sexism. it is okay for men to do it -- >> do you remember the women's march during the term of years and wore the pink hats i won't won't say the word. [bleep] [laughter] >> greg: i was saying [bleep] and pussycat rhymes with -- >> anyway, they were a certain color and they said it was not conclusive enough, so it killed off the movement so they got rid of it. >> greg: cap, you love a good drag show. what say you about drag kings. why is there a show called drag queens and why aren't you showing it? why is it not 11 episodes? >> kat: honestly, i think i
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would be a great drag queen if i just stopped doing this. i could be a king. like, i could be a great drag king. i would have to take my boobs down. i would not put my hair in. i would not do all of the things. the way to get ready for work is very similar to what a drag queen does. if you stop doing those things, i could be a drag king, maybe. i look fully like a dude. >> greg: yes. [laughter] very easy for you on halloween, isn't it, cap? >> kat: i was kurt cobain this year. >> greg: tyrus? i have noticed i have been doing a lot of research. that is part of the job at fox news is doing your homework and i did a lot of homework but not a lot of shorts drag queens and no one is standing up for them. most drag queens are 6 feet, 6'1" and -- >> 9-inch heels. you know. >> greg: i'm a 9-inch heel.
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>> tyrus: oh. look. i don't even know -- i don't even know what the categories would be. [laughter] watching tv with your hand in your pants. laying under a car, pretend like you are doing something. >> greg: oh, yeah, a look at the categories for drag king. >> tyrus: you know? never asking for directions. it is only on -- and yeah, like, what would it do? paying attention without paying attention? i mean, these are all the things that we have mastered. i can't -- thank you. so i don't really know -- dancing and singing. >> greg: yeah. >> tyrus: not really. >> greg: and they are not that good at a. >> kat: they are very good at it. >> greg: all drag queens do is pretend to be women. they don't actually do dance moves. >> kat: you obviously -- >> tyrus: i guess for drag kings, you could live to think every clint eastwood movie.
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>> greg: exactly. we got to move on. don't go away. we will be right back. [cheers and applause] oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. kayaking is my thing. running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. i was always so itchy especially when i was hot. now my skin doesn't itch as much. now we're staying ahead of her eczema. there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so, they can have clearer skin and less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems
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>> greg: out of town. thank you to our audience. "fox news @ night" is next. i love you, america. [cheers and applause] >> trace: good evening and welcome to america's late news, "fox news @ night." i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. and breaking tonight, the search for the wreckage of the patent sub continues. but the company that owned the sub appears to be finished. new information in the white house cocaine caper. we may finally know exactly where the drug was found. we begin with the class of the text patent as elon musk and twitter sending cease-and-desist letters to mark zuckerberg and friends play the new social media app is nothing more than a copycat. matt


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