tv Hannity FOX News July 6, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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i do the shopping. so how do they get done? right? plus, there's an excuse >> escap the shoe. >> oh, it's your alone time. yeah. the grocery store. great >> the only time where i'm into charge. all right, man, it's always great to see you. pleasure, man. >> all right, take care. do all right. that's going to do it foitronigt us tonight h here on fox news. tonight, the great sean hannity show. up next, hope you have a greathy evening. welcome to this special edition of "hannity". i'm kellyanne conway, in for sean tonight. we start with the biden administration's alarmingly casual response to cocaine being founlarming d in the whitr one source is now telling foxce news there are no suspects and the culprit may never be found. is o and when asked the question that's on everyone's mind, a white house spokesperson gave this bizarree hous response. >> take a look. former president trump has made
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some pretty wild posts recently on social media. recentlysocial mone of them wast the cocaine found the white house was at belonged to eithern the president or his son. are you willing to sayt or that that's not the case, that they don't belong to them? i don't have a response to that because we have to be carefuolec about the hatch act and the hatch act. >> they still don'he hatcht know what that is. the level of security and surveillance presente leve n the white house begs the question of why they haven't locateduestion. su. is biden stonewall stonewalling yet another investigation? m to the bidens never seem to get to the bottom of anythin g. . and with a growing number of serious corruption, corruption d growinallegations, maybe it'se they don't want to get to the dettom of it the bot. despite a sweetheart plea deal from biden's department of justiced e, the congressional probes into hunter bidenngressis and his family's shady dealings are ramping up evidence,
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evidence of joe's knowledge of these deals stacking up. despite his repeated denials in the past. >> here's a quick reminder. mr.. vice president, how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseassp business dealings? i've never spoken my son about it overseas museums. o i have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their business, periodo is and what i will do is thesame same thing. ad did a thing than administratn absolute wall between personal ,private and the government. >> do you stand by youru did statement that you did not discuss any of your son's overseas businesnos? rseas >> i stand by that statement. i did not know he wabus>> did on the board of that company. i've never discussed my business or their business,ra my sons or daughters. i never discussed a single thinught g with my son about anything having to do with ukraine.
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a bunch of lies caught on tape. biden's problems caugh don't end their big scottish losses recently, and now he has to poke started to poke fun at his own age. every minute of 80, while the administration assures us there is nothing cognitively . ong with him >> but is that true? you decide. e wo >> let's go. let's look at the world from mozart. for richer, for muslim musli lil karim al-jubouri. and and joan bushing, gang member nasser changa co coa ban on transistor americans, transgender america. mr. president, thank you. thank you. thank you for. i appreciate that. thank you. thank you. thank you. don't go anywhere. it's a very exciting day around. here. >> we'll have reaction. i met loan with him, just he and i and a simultaneous interpreter. 68 times, 68 hours, 68 time,
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more than 16 hours. >> all right god save the queen man. thank very much, mr. president. we really appreciate it. and we love you. thank you. i might add, if i didn't, i'd be sleeping alone. that's explaining. i better explain at some point in time. my wife's a philly girl. >> all right, where we going? gi bungt we're going to wink out we and we're going to help. we have plans to build a railroad from the pacifito bul the way across the indian ocean. >> by the way, i met with the who. those guys that fly over shortly. i heard them having america. you know what? you see? k funny, but kind of sad. sad how can we trust the white house? a this administration won't even accurately tell us how n many grandchildren the president
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has, and now he refuseesident st to acknowledge his daughter, his granddaughter, innocenert, beautiful four year old. >> watch this. so my name is jill and this is my husband, joe. and your children may not know,t but we have three children and we have six grandchildren. >> i have six grandchildren. >> and i'm crazy about the i the speak to them every single day. noy singlet a joke. so guess what? they're crazy about me because i pay so much attention to that. te aboutted to ask the trial going on in arkansas with hunter biden and the challenge of the presidentme the and first lady monitoring that. and how come they haven't acknowledgedy . fro i'm not going to speak to that from here. there was a story in the new york over the weekend about hunter biden's daughter in arkansas. does hunter biden' the presidend this little girl as his granddaughter? >> i don't have anything to share fro m here. so is all the biden lies pile>>k up. elne: aswill he ever be heldhelc accountable? here with reactionountable, foxs
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contributor charlie hurt and outkick founder clay travis . gentlemen, thank you very much for joining me. charlie, let's start with yotha when you see this endless loop of all the biden, they call them gaffes, i call lies. that plus i think a pretty rough week for joe biden. he's losing to trump in the polls. he's down by seven in the swing states. he's got some big scotus decisions piling up agains hs dl him. obviously, a lot of family drama going on. cocaine at the white houseon an >> what's your read? yeah, but you know, all along, e he has had the press on his sidd and i won't hold my breath that that's going to change anytime soon. talthough i do think that that story this weekend by the "new york times" talking about the fact that he is a deadbeatbe granddadat and son, is a deadbet dad who won't even acknowledge i can't even fathom it, quite frankly. can you imagine havingn fathom a grandchild that you don't even want to meet, that you don't want to see? o no to pick up. you don't want to know. it's, you know, aside from
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the the moral appalling nature of all of this. but like i said, i'm not going to hold my breath as long as joe biden has the pressorking behind him and the press working for him, working to cover for him him and working to attack his enemies. he's going to be abls enemiee td and fight. there's no question that charlie is right about that. the press protecting biden. but it sounds likes the democratic voters are starting to pull away from joe biden. up to a third of the primary voters are supporting rfk jrm be and marianne williamson. none of the above. so i think his presidency is starting to fray. but when you think about the granddaughter in arkansa spartic and it is his granddaughter, no matter what spin he puts on itul comm ,what are they communicating to the public? these swing voters who said, i want somebody is going to unify and get rid of the drama, be a family values president and we are. pr kellyanne, you worked for president trump. can you imagine if he haent trul a four year old granddaughter
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that he refused to acknowledge and even didn't count? >> i mean, that's cruel inen cot a level that i don't know. yo have seen in a modern era to refuse to acknowledge that you have a granddaughter to say you haveer. six grandchildren instead of seven. can you imaginsee if one ofad the trump sons had been illegally profit ing off ofn ile foreign relationships, making tensgaprofit millions of dollart paying tax on it. had been a drug addict. there had been cocaine found ind the white house and the white house. th. w this analogy kellyanne is running around. that's like mcdonald's thatreco they get hamburgers stolen and everybody saying, oh, it hag couldn't be the hamburglar. i think the cocaine probably belongs to the crackhead son of the president because it would require such an unbelievable level of entitlement, as you well know, to take cocaine intoa kethe white. can you have to be the kind of
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person who could drive 172 miles an hour in your porschehor while on crack and have no consequences for that behavior ,or your failure to payions millions of dollars in taxes o r your failure to acknowledge one of your children. this is unacceptable. and i think, kellyanne, what it ultimately brings home is the car cardinal y of the biden . mpaign was i'll restore normalcy and honesty and truth and decency to the white house. det, es anyone democra republican or independent, believe that joe biden hasrepubr on that promise? i think the answer is no. and if he's th ier is noe nomini don't actually think he's going to be the nominee, i think he chance to get his kicked by donald trump or whomever the republican nomineeb ends up being, because the american public knowp ors bd can't do this job. he's got dementia. he's not up to it. not and continues to live down to his obligations as the
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president of the united states and the polls meet. that is so true. in fact,todata the abc news pole showed that biden is seen as both physically and mentally impaired to actually do the job. so to that point ac, charlie, let me just say for the record, i watched president trump interact with all of hish grandchildren and he's a very loving grandfather. he doesn't say he's got nine. there's all ten. but i think on the matter of knowcocaine, i don't know whose cocaine it was, but i know that there are many ways that we ca h find out this is the white house. i walked through the west executive entrancewalked to thef times over four years, easily. and this is it is it's swept every day. the secret service is onevery n it. so i want people to understand the random drug test that we the allall took. no tolerance. there's these privat and no e ts going on there that could be children walking around obtaining that. he obtai have a right to know. this is not the bidens house. this is the people's house. he and that is that is a very famous office building and an important one where the vice president, other people in power invice pred our pe governe
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through every day. so, charlie, as a reporter, what do you want hear next about the origin of that cocaine? well, it would tha be great to , a straight answer from them. they won't even say where it was found. and as you point out, i mean, n absolutely nothing goes on anywhere in that building that on they don't know about. they know exactly where that came from. cameand if there's going if they're going to carry on this effort to try to conceal that, i think it just sort of u underscores that notndersc onlys the biden administration have the pres s behind him, butly apparently they are utilizing and we've seen this in, you ars they're not below this or above this, the willingness to utilize the federal governmenty to in order to prott them and enrich themselves. but i honestly believe thate tht part of the administration would rather talking about hunter biden's car or whoever, whoever it is, this sort of cocaine, rather than, talking
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about the biden inflation, talking aboue bidet the border. talking about biden's war ins w ukraine and talking about all these other things that that are making people feel poorer. the lawlessness around the country that makes people fear for, their lives in homes their homes and going to the stor, e. thing all of these things thats bi the biden administration has no answer to.ou so they would rather talk about cocaine and his crackhead son. thank you, charlie. last couple ofu. seconds. e au you tease the audience, so complete your sentence. if biden is not the nominee ? advocatemocrats, who ismplet. >> i think it could be gavin newsom. i think there's a reason he sat down with sean hannity this very hour a few weeks ago. i think gavin newsom in the wings, they're terrified to put kamala harris in because she would be eve.ied to pn a woe nominee than biden. i think biden would have already announced he wasn'.ll ht to run. really, kellyanne, if kamala harris, such an unmitigated disaster as his number two,
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i think gavin newsom is going to be the nominee. >> so make america california. that maye nomiellyanne be tough. clay, charlie, thank you so much. excellent segment. thank you. the 2024 race for the white house is heating u p. just yesterday, the trump campaign announced a staggerin g second quarter fundraising haul. and amid biden's strugglesg as trump's 2016 opponent. ye 202s, her. hillary clinton is raising speculation yet again. s she's headlining a list of speakers at the naacp national conventionst o. ing to but according to a new gallup survey, independentsew gallu quy on the rise. with 44% of americans no longer so, tifying with either major political party. so does this open the door for a possible third party candidate? according to many report candis the so-called no labels group, a growing centrist movement, is eyeing third party run. and with west virginia democratic senator joe manchin at the top of their list, democrats are raising alarm.
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here with reaction, pollster lee carter, formerter florida attorney general pam bondi, and former state department spokesperson morgan ortagus. what a great panel this is. pam, let's startel disse with yh you worked with the administration. nistratiyou were the first woman elected to your position as attorney general in history. >> you know a lot about a campaigns. you know a lot lot about about but you know an awful lot about governance. how do you seea this playing oa for joe biden in clay travis saying he doesn't even think bidevi n will be the nominee?nominee. well, i think he has big h problems, as you said. with and, you know, we have governor whitmer out there makinge ma appearances, gavin newsom, of course, on sean hannity and hillary clinton at the naacp. i mean, the hypocrisy of that is beyond me, because look at the 1994 crime bill. kellyanne, remember that? >> family passed, which by all the black community accounts was jus t dis apportioned proportionately impacting the black community by the mass incarcerations
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versus what donald trump did for our black community, giving black colleges permanent federal funding, which was unprecedented and the lowest the absoluteh lowest, abso unemployment rates. solu you're looking at that and these candidates versus donald trump, assuming h versusi our nominee, i firmly believe he will be on the republican side. so and it's also very, very v difficulert to get a third party candidate on the ballot. so if they try to run a no label and no third party candidate, it's going to brde very difficult. as you know, it's going to require hundreds of thousand is requiredreds of sigh someone on the on the ballot. but, yeah, i think they're frustratede ball with je biden, especially based on the video that you showed at the beginninthe videg of your s. >> yeah. the new echelon insights poll shows that>> kelly third party candidates really do tend to hurt joe biden. le to e carter, you and i are pollsters is that's a female pollster says and i know
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you study this day in and day out for many decades. there's no question where people call themselves independent and they refuse to pledge allegiance to either party. they're declaring their independence for both political parties. both politicabut in practical , who really has the advantage right now on the issues as goesn the independents? >> well, you knodew, people dont like labels, but they really do identify one way or the other. so most peopleher. there's real2 only about one or 2% people who are truly independent. and what we're seeinwhindependgw is most people are leaning more republican. but there are some issues that they hav e issue with.mporta but the issues that are most important to americans revolve around the economynt, where whee republicans do much, much better with independents that also is on immigration, crime, corruption, al l of those issuesthat i favor republicans. and that's where a lot of independents areere a lodependeg on the line that the one issue where it does not favor republicans is abortion. rrepubland falls way, way, way t on the priority list, but might be a driver of some people's. >y >> and morgan, as our resident foreign policy security expert here, a former spokesperson at the state departmentt he, thereu
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no question that people are concerned about international issues and national and thed nai disgrace and dishonor that joe biden and kamalaonity, hasto brought to our nation around the globe. how do you think that'urs to ply with independents? elecinplay wit the 2024 electio? >> well, we can just look, as kellyanne, at the news cycle in the past few months and what do we see happen? first, it started with the authorities uncovering thesed wi chinese run police stations, these secret police stations in the united states. then we famously saw saw the chinese spy balloon that traversed the united states and was allowed to collect everything that it needed collect beforetes, finally being shot down. now we have news and thee administration hasn't been abler to get their story right. but we have news o f a cuban spye in base in cuba that is funded and paid for by the chinese.we so we're talking about, you know, close to american shores having a spy facility that is funded and equipped and for by the chinese communist party. and i thin ck americans, where a
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they may not pay attention every day to foreign policy the way i doreign po, i think they understand whenever they see a weakness, the world stage. and kellyanne, you and i know we had the accords, which were peace deals, the first peace deals between israel and arab states in 26 years. wepiec handed those to the biden administration. and what happened within, you know, justbide three months, hamas was attacking israel within seven months under biden'nths ham s, the taliban had taken over kabul. and within a year you havekabula the worst war on european soil since world war two when russia invaded ukraine. evere is a lack, a key lack of deterrence. and every theater in this planety theate the coming from e all the way down to his secretary of state and the rest of his national security leadership. >> so well said. it's very important to remember aly il that. morgan, thank you. so in our remaining time, i'm goin g to point out that in 2024, many americans sayingok that they may look for a third party. they may not.
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bu a third t i think both frontrunners, trump and biden, kind of are ignoring traditional campaigning. and you see other people out there flipping burgers and making pancakel s on july 4th. i'm going to give each of tou very smart women a momen to a time to give advice to either biden or trump. pam, we'll start with you. well, i think donaldtrump. trums doing exactly what he should do. we saw him on the cnwhat he shno i think his polls went up even higher, if that's possible. aftehighr that. i think joe biden needs to give interviews and he's not going to do it for all the reasons that you showed us. i and if not, if i was a democrat, i would want himt to walk and let another democrat run for president because he cannot do it. because annotlee, your advice te them or anyone else in the field for that matte fr? puc well, i think on the republican issue to be made about the economy and making our lives better, that our lthea the republicans continue to make the case on how bad it is. americans know thaw bat in ten e ten americans say we're going
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in the wrong direction, depending on the policy. re a, some say it's worse. republicans have an answer. haven an solutions. tha and so i would say to all of the republicans that are running desantis, focuscultur on that. don't focus on the culture wars as much. focus on how you're going to make the lives of everyday americans better because you do you have the edge there. >> no doubt about it. morgan you get the last word. o. listen, i'll give advice to president. >> i think he should go home and play with his grandchildren. how many of them that reflect well done leave him.ry and. morgan, thank you very much. everow everybody's listening coming up. the left is up in arms over recent supreme court rulings, me but it looks like most americans are standing by the supreme court. our legal experts,rts alan alan dershowitz and greg gerard ,join me next to explain friday. gavin degraw on fox and friends defense the river rocking don't
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that's 8025135388. >> welcome back to this speciale lcomedition of "hannity". the left has been losing a lot a, and it'ss lately making them lose their minds and their manner mindss. former obama attorney general eric holder called recent decision to block biden officials from contacting social media companies, quote, stupid and potentially dangerous. the three liberal justices on the supreme court recently found themselves the losinge, side of a free expression case and the far left. sotomayor even resorted to scare tactics in her dissent. . chief justice john roberts chiet case,th the studen saying the fatal language of the liberals about recent decisions could hurt the court's reputation. but for now, it seemsseems the supreme court majorityth is to public opinion. in fact, a new economist yougov n poll shows that a plurality ofew black americans of the decision
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to end affirmative action in college admissionshe decis. here now with her reaction is the author of the new boo nor trial of the century, gregg jarrett and author of get trump alan dershowitz, two brilliant legal minds. thank you very much for joiningl us. professor dershowitz, let's start with you. afu seet'se the reaction to the affirmative action case, student loan case ace, the freen expression case, and now you have supreme court justicesh in their dissents attacking the court and each other. chief justice roberts last week said, look, we are accustomed to disagreement, but not disparaginog it.y yo >> what say you? look, he's right. he's absolutely right.physic all three of these decisions are close cases that i'm a liberal. i've been a liberal for six years. i happenl for 60 to agree with f these three cases. i, i have beenof the against usg race in affirmative action b since 1974. >> i have always preferred free
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expression and the first amendment over any of the laws, whether it be public accommodatio amendmen or hate sh laws. so many civil libertarians, people who are left and right support the decision in the in the case. s >> it's a close case and many civil libertarians support the decision that says that in t a democrachay, important decisions about spending quarters, monesy should be made by the legislature, not by the unelected executive. these are all close cases that many liberals agree with and many democrats agree with, and it's just a extremists, both on the court and off the court that are screaming and yelling that somehow this ends our democracy in america their waycy i, way, e overstating the issue. and i think we should continuei. to criticize the court in a respectful way when w they disagree with this decision, but noit t to do legitimate one of the most important institutions in
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american the united states supreme court. >> gregg jarrettan professor dershowitz talks about how even liberals and democrats agreed with the outcomes, particularly in the affirmative action case. it sounds like many actis do, there's a big polling compendium in "the washington postbig poll" tr yesterday going through all the data. and in addition to a pluralityng of black americans saying they agree with supremhae court ending race as an affirmative criterion. college admissions. "the washington post" and the shah university institute had done a poll showing pretty much the same thing. bustitute ing prett i'm really a different poll showing that pew showed that 20% of african-americans say they've benefitethatd from these types 5 programs% and 35% said that iti actually put them at a disadvantage. so where is thn e argument? well, you would think elected representatives, kellyanne, would pay attentiohinkt electen the sentiments of the american public. but on the left, they simplyey
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ignore the progressive movemen t that embraces every far left idea and orthodoxy. now dominates the biden agenda. hareaucrats in government many democrats who have a chokehold on the party have embracedve zealously and in fact, irrationally. they don't card it e that thi americans disagree. you know, the woke warriors simply ignore that polling data you mentioned. that shows polling d their belie not shared. they're so determined to force their liberal dogma down our throats that any malevolen t justifies the means, even if it requires violating cherished constitutional rights. >> as the professoviolatinr poir out, or contorting statutory law and then they act terribly shocked when the supreme court reverses their lawless actions. at that point, they then launch into these vicious denunciations. they demonize republicans denus conservatives and the high court justices themselves, as.
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if you don't conform, you'll be attacked and canceled and. and, you know, in a constitutional republic that's founded on democratic principles, the exclusive remedyn is always at the ballot box. it'll change only if enough americans get fed up and vote to toss the scoundrels out. >>toss it's a good lesson in the co-equal separation of power brancheslesson w of gover. professor dershowitz, you're a harvard guy. your harvard lawanches. what do you think is the net effect of their loss in this case along with you and sees loss on the student body, on the culture there, on its future? oh, i think it will improve every aspect of. >> harvard university. look, the goal has to be, as martin luther king said many years ago when , he said he had a dream. i was there when he said it, that someday his will be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of, acter,
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their character. >> that's where we want to be moving a thain at harvard, at the university of north carolina. we want to mak harvard, e peopld be proud of their race, their religion, their ethnicities. but race should never be on its own. a or you can have poverty,overty you can have overcoming disability allve of that. >> but the color of a person's skin, the accident of race should never be a factor. that's the liberal perspective. that's the constitutional l perspectivpee. that's the perspective that justice douglass the perspective that perspe have beenhave bee urging now for almost 50 years and the lie that's being told is that this overrules 50 years like the state, which did over. 50 years. this doesn't overrule anything right from the beginning. >> and the business case and the fact that they've always. has said this has to end. this has to come to an end. this is just a fix. >> in the end, we need need a colorblind society, a society
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where people are equal based on their race starts with the declaration of independence. >> and this case moves us closedence anr to a colorblid society. so i cheer it and i applaud it as a liberal group. >> well said. check out greg's new boo.k, everyone. greg and alan, thank you. straight ahead, americans continue moving from blue to red states. sts to no ideaseem why. carroll markowitz and j.a. caldwell joi.n next to discuss. >> when we come back, the host live pd, shawn sticks larkin is back, bringing you some of the wildest footage across the country. welcome to crime cam 24 seven and you won't believe what we found. every camera helps to tell the story. what you just saw right here was an up close of just how fast things go down. criminals, you're being watched. shawn sticks larkin hosts crime cam 24 seven. the exclusive new series
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>> take a look. i made a commitment that i'd be for all americans, whether their elected officials voted foall amerr their events or not. all right. wherever you votedans., visionay or not, i kept my promise. in fact, some analysis has said that the laws i've signeded here to do more to helplue am red america and blue america. well, that's okay with me,ll because they're all americans. because my view is wherever i the need is most. that'st is the the place we shod be helping. >> actually, these states don't need biden's help at all. they have republican governors or all or both.legisl and they're being floodeatd with people and companies fleeing the few remaining blue states and fleeing biden's policies in search of freedom. in fact, six states in the south now more to the national gdp than the entire northeast does. even outside the south, red states are thrivinf thg. na
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nebraska, south dakota and new hampshire have the lowest have rates inota, an the nation. north dakota's economy grew more than anin the ny other star the first quarter of this year. idah o is seeing an influx of new residents from gavin newsom's california and oregon. and none of this except movingfs is thanks to biden in economics . here now with reaction are fox news contributor giannfox newsa caldwell and new york post columnist carol markowitz. now, in addition to being on this panel and two ofd both my favorite guests, both of you fled to from blue statesthrg to red states. walk us through that. g.a., i think you moved from california. >> why? that's right. i move.ovedd from california, because governor gavin newsom, in my humblebecause , was movina dictator. there was no consideration. saw the science. we saw that even with the city of los angeles, the healthhat ei department were making decisions that wasn't based on science, that was based on politict ba
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s. and i move right here to florida, where it was open and free. and i ca i can appreciate what governor ron desantis has done here, especially considering the fact that we have a lower unemployment rate than any than the national tha average. but i got to tell you, there's one thing here that's missing when we talk about the policies and impact causing people to move from places like california, illinois and newityt york, which is where the majority of these people are move from. and thatre movin is violent cri. and i got to tell you,s some as someone whose family haonsstl suffered from that just last year in chicago, my baby brother, christian, being murdered on june 24th, i know that there's a lot of otheries families that live in these areas like los angeles, wheras d the d.a., the progressive d.a., doesn't believe in enforcing the law oreve in e chicago, whed fox doesn't believe in enforcing the law. oee inand many other places they're leaving for safety, as well as economic security. and i think that that is really a message that people are making to thesthat pe governmeno who decided not to follow the law. >> and gianna, we always keep you and christian and your family in our prayers.
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thank you for remindins keepu a. thank you so much. she raises an important point, carol. i think the left wants us tooint believe what they say rather than what we see and we seebe risingy rather prices and homels and crime and regulations and.ri so many other negative effects l on quality of life and cosift living issues, which is whyd st the red states are thriving. tell us your own story and tell us even long after covid, why people are still making this move. well, luciano, and it's e that we haven'tf fl hung out yet in the free state of florida. we should. oride i movei moved to florida from y, moved to new from new york tork. florida for my three children lifeuse i wanted to have a sane life for them. i thought that what was happening in what new york hady become really crazy. schools were closed for a very long tim cd e during covid, but beyond that, i felt that kids were put last and in a way that they're just not in florida. in floridaan, governor desantis has done stuff like taking out of school libraries, whichhas dr you wouldn't think should be controversial. and yet here we are constantly
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debating it. so much about life in florida is normal and, sane.i but look, i really like governor desantis. but you can't move for. one politician. what i liked most was that floridianswhat i were saying tht they all were working together toward a brighter futurether, toward a freer state. and i really liked that about the state wher e felt like we were all in this together. >> i noticed giann togeta, wheno you look at the list, it's some of these states that have low taxef s, some of them no state income tax, energy redources that are being tappe into despite the biden administration's war on energy. so it lookpite the s like these ared the economies and the leadership of the future and no joke, most of them are future.with red states with republican governors. carol quijano, i hopblicane mor the move that you did, whether th's crime, education, economyd or the weather. thank you so much for joining us. up nexe inint, more of the lefts independence day hate and how conservative s are responding? and is cantor freedom? charlie arnold and leo terrell all up next. stay tuned.
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call 800 25135388. 85135388. >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". w nba player natasha cloud "ity" is in an online feud with former nba player and ifors kantor freedom after she called america, quote, trasplayer.h, kr responded with an offer to take her to seeoffered a truly opprd country tweeting, i'm not saying americad countr perfect,t trust me, you don't want to see the other side w. cloud responded by writing nsa has, quoteonded by no idea whatt means to walk her journey. here nowjourne to respond. the man himself, former nba nba player and human pla rights activist and is kantor freedom. and it is so great to sedom.e y. i don't know that everybody remembers or even knew in the first place.
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ryou had a $500,000 bounty on your head from the turkish governmentfrom. so i imagine that's part ofe th your, quote, journey and howat you walked in your own shoes. but i feel like you were trying to reach out to her and let her see the fruits and the benefits frui being an american, includig for her. >> i mean, first of all, thankia you for having me. and alsoalso j, just like you sh you know, i wanted to stand up for the things that i believed inings. i have a 500,000 bounty on my. head. i have they put my name on interpol. this i have 12 arrest warning for me i wn less than nine years by turkish government. you know, and everywhere i go, i have to get in touch with the fbi. so that's what i'm tryingthat h to tell people, that how good weow have in this country. so we got to do whatever we can to amplify that. i said this on my tweet. you know, i am all for her my tw to buy first class ticketsclas and whenever her seasos n over o we can go ahead and visit some of these countries out there likeese, my country, turk
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like china, like russia, like forgch, forget about calling thm a trash. you know, ifet you ever, everevr criticize those countries, you'll be hanged. you knowcriticizs coun, so thate hope that people can realize how good we have it in this country. >> yeah, big difference between complaining differenceg ong on o and then going and seeing for yourself or seeing becomes believinur g. fre so and as you actually put freedom as your last named as ye and now you see other athletes denigrating the types of freedom that we all enjoy. speaking of russia, the wnbaplar player for miss, a colleague of hers in the wnba, brittney f was in russia for five months, and she's an american. russiaamerican did all it could to bring her home, and thank god she did come home. so you would think there'd be a little bituld obe af an l apprt for the actual oppression and cruelty of some of these nation n for th ands. but i guess i would ask you, give us your message about freedom on this week of july 4th. for those those of us honored enough and blessed enough to live in a country
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that provides it. >> you know, first time i came to america, i was complaining about july 4th and all i thought wa s we are going to have some amazing barbecue that day and grill and therell b was going to be a fireworks. but then but you realize what tt day means to not only myself, but every american, you know, just a couple days ago,s ago i celebrated with one of the most patriotic. i stayed in a america, utah. and i was seeing that people were during the parade, people were tweeting up, people were crying. i wa and i was like going and talking to people. and they were actually want to tell me what the freedom means. the freedok, you know, freedom after air, water and food is them air, most important thir human beings. so we got to do whatever we caw, ,just chip it in our hand.we and we we should not take it for granite. so that's why i just hope that
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people can realize good we haves in this country. >> i was really struck to watching that fox reporter is out in utah, talked to legal migrants and they're talking about how much they love the country and why they're therlotry, and e to celebrate its 247th birthday. and is cantor freedom with a singular perspective and a very unique voice and last name talkinm withctive ang to us abo. thank you so much. and more from the woke left's anti-american 4th of july. singer scott performed the national anthem at a music mustival in new orleans saturday, but decided to changet the lyrics dec and made the focs of the song race in america. takeg grace a look. >> this is not the normal green green, but the o to the
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lay o. he had given her a platform, a but really want people to see what's going on out there. joining me now for reaction outkicining mek co-hosts charlid and fox news contributor leah terrel"outkil. r leo charlie, when you see this and you want to communicate, particularlyte see thiand you t how important it is to have patriotism to love our nation, to appreciate all the fruits and blessings that we havefruitt many women around the globe do not. how do you feel? well, you know, i think this especially is a point you wantp to make to the younger generation, because it's a lot of these younger kidheses who dm themselves to be ultra progressive. ultra-progywho cohat categor it's actually the people that consider themselves to be the most progressive, the least patriotinsbec. and oftentimes you have these spokespeople for these, you know, the leftor and,ives you know, these young progressives who are the most privileged. >> i mean, takare the jill scot,
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example. >> she is an ultra wealthy, ultr a privileged black woman worth 12 million dollars. >> she has won a lifetime worth of awards. she was currentl- shy, when shes singing that performing in front of a packed caesars superdome. yea packedt she used this oppory to talk about how oppressed black people. and not only is it dishonest, but even worse, it's really justut it is propaganda to furtr create a rift between the races . and it's the same woman who, if anyone can remember correctly,sa just two years ago, talked about how she wanted to move to holland because she wantebot. to protect her son. >> so as far as i'm concerned, kellyanne, go to hollandn and take every single person who decided to standery sing upg your disgusting rendition of the anthem with you. excellent. m so, leo, she's also from philadelphia, where i think that got more than phil few problems. if she really wants to make an impact and giv ae back to hertay hometown, she can certainly do that by going ther do the and nt making a spectacle and really defaming our our nationalp th
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anthem, but to really help the people on the ground. bue pet look, leo, they startedt by kneeling. now we've into actually changing the lyrics of our national anthely changm andy 4th weekend. >> where is this all headejuth i'll tell you, it's going t to continue, kelly, because they want to continue to play the race card. have you no shame kiosks? scott, >> she's a millionaire. she's making millions and today that makes it insulting when she talks about the blood of ths american. what about the blood of americans who gave your life during the civil war? weeirve a president in the slav, and greatest generation people of all colors, fighting against a tyrant in germany. germn yo and, bill, you talk abl america as a black americans. i would submitac you, kelly, tht from the tuskegee airmen to wesley hunt. >> black americans love this country. black americanbls find that rendition of the national anthem offensive becauseuntry they love this country and they
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love the freedom that it has. sothdom data she's doing right w is nothing more than an insult to this country. >> she doesn't speak for anyone but herself. charlie and back to young people again. i find many of them are just afraid to speak up and sayof ths they love the country. they want to stand for the national anthem. they want to show their patriotismtaor thetional b what do you think are one orouth two misperceptions out there amon g, them or one ore of t two things that these presidential candidates, particularly the republican sidethat the, can do to reach ot to them to correct the record? s well, i think it's obvious. i think just most recently during pride month.ring, a lot f kids were expected to wear pride colors to school and a lot of cols to sch them showed g red, white and blue because they wanted to show their patriotism. >> i think kids need to used tou their platformses to, encourage their peers to show that it's okay to love your country. it's okaur y to want to stand for the flag and to sing the national anthem. and that when they see people like this who have the spotligh pe like yt on them, lie jill scott and natasha cloud and the wnba, to stand up
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against them, because the more that you try to fall in line i with them just because you think that that's what your peers want to see and whatat adt adults find more acceptable, we're just going to run into more problems. sond morceptable. i just would , stand up for yourselves and for all the parents out there. just furthereere, jus reinforci it's important to have respect for your country, for the flag and your elders. >>eat theo, quickly, with th 30 seconds we have left, politically speaking, you saw that the democrats did better. plus or so among white collegeso educated folks, but they're losingrs some ground among african-americans, particularly hispanic americans. what's your message? hispan >> well, i'll tell you right now, because of trump, kelly and i left the democratic party two years ago. i'm happ i lefty to be a republican. i'm happy to be a trump republican. black americans and browning th americans are leaving the democratic party because it does note democr a future for t. the republican party provides that. party pdeleo, charlie, thank yo much. >> thanks for joining us. and moreg us ahead on this specl edition of "hannity". coming up next, the day you get
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>> fair, balanced and still unafraid. >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". vening that is all the time we have left this evening. if you're looking foing for youk beach read, check out my book. here's the deal. "h numberk times one bestseller available wherever books are sold. than. k for tuning in. big room angle starts right now. have a great nightn an. >> i'm pete hegseth in for laura ingraham. this thursday edition, a special edition of the environmental. >> thanks for being here. and we start tonight with another layer of intrigue involvinanotheg and the biden tb family's shady business associationsidading bu. >> watch. for four years, i was senior adviser to china energy company cfc at the same of its dealings with the biden famil
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