tv Fox News Live FOX News July 8, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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ais aishah:. aishah: >> president biden dodging questions on the illicit drugs found in the white house on sunday, as congressional leaders are now calling on the secret service to provide them with an update on their investigation into how in the world cocaine got into the executive mansion. welcome to fox news live, i'm aishah hasnie, good to see you, griff. a great weekend. griff: welcome back in new york. and it's been a week and the
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biden administration is trying to focus on the jobs report and shut down accusations if the drugs belonged to anyone in the first family. lucas tomlinson kicks things off for us right now. what's the latest? >> good afternoon, griff and aishah. white house officials say they hope to have this investigation wrapped up as early as early next week. we're not sure if we're going to hear about a list of suspects or somebody being arrested or charged, however. now, jean-pierre has been asked about the caper and this pointed question. >> i'm asking again, can we say once and for all, whether or not the cocaine belonged to the biden family. >> i was very clear when talking about this over and over again as i was being asked the question, as you know, and the media outlets reported this, the biden family was not here. so to ask that question is
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actually incredibly irresponsible and i'll just leave it there. >> the biden family including first son hunter, who admitted to using crack every 15 minutes did not leave until 6:30 p.m. on friday, june 30th, 48 hours before the dime sized bag of cocaine was found by secret service agent on a routine patrol. the cocaine was found on the ground floor of the west wing near where visitors are taking tours and supposed to be leaving mobile phones. as you mentioned off the top, it's the job numbers not cocaine that the white house wanted to talk about yesterday. and the u.s. economy added 200,000 new jobs in june, smallest job growth since december of 2020 which experts shows a slowing of the labor market and the number of part-time workers rose by more than 450,000. the biggest jump in more than three years, griff. not a good sign for the white house.
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now, the good news, unemployment fell to 3.6% according to the bureau of labor statistics released yesterday. the job growth is expected to prompt the fed to resume interest rate hikes this month. and some banks say recession, and many banks say the recession is unlikely this year, but whatever you want to call it, the americans feel the squeeze every time they go to the store. griff: and more news, we had the ukrainian ambassador on later in this program and the white house doing about a 180 on the decision know you to send cluster munitions to the battlefield. >> that's right, this is something that president zelenskyy and the ukrainian forces have been asking for month. this war has ground to a stalemate and this counter offensive has not been able to dislodge the russian forces spending better part of a year digging in, trenches over 600 miles of the southern ukraine.
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and president zelenskyy wanted the cluster bomblets, and some human rights say they could cause civilians to be killed. but thousands of civilians have been killed by the bombs and some cluster bombs with incendiaries. griff: to bring it back to the point where it gone, when the secret service could give us details about the cocaine caper? >> officials say we could get some news as soon as monday about this investigation, however, those same officials are warning that this would be a preliminary investigation, might not have a list of suspects. but certainly, a lot of eyes right now on both the staffers at the white house and the visitor logs. griff: lucas tomlinson live for us on the north lawn.
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thank you, aishah. aishah: for more insights on all of this. joining me now live is senior legal fellow at heritage foundation and former doj attorney general. hans, welcome to the show. let's get to what lucas told us in the report. the fact that the white house press secretary could not definitively tell the reporter that it did not involve a biden family member and instead saying that the press corps is irresponsible for even asking. what do you think of that? >> well, she's the one that's irresponsible in not giving a direct answer. it's very simple to come out and say no member of the biden family had anything to do with this cocaine and the white house intends to ensure that whatever staff member or guest put this cocaine in the white house is fully prosecuted under the law. we've not heard that from the white house press office and you have to wonder why not? >> yeah, even if it turns out to be not a member of the biden family, perhaps a staffers,
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perhaps, now, someone who was in there taking a tour, which seems more and more unlikely, we want to know that something is going to happen skolg that, so, let's bring up this map here where the cocaine was found inside the white house. you've been in the white house numerous times in secure locations. the location where this bag was found very, very secure. it was not somewhere where tourists could just get to. >> exactly right. aishah: listen to what jake sullivan told fox on whether this poses a national security risk. >> was there any risk to security either to the president, to your staff, anybody in the room for the stuff to be so close. >> no there was no issue with the situation room with regard to this. we have rigorous drug use policies at the white house and we take those extremely seriously. so we'll let the investigation
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unfold. if it involves someone from the white house, the appropriate consequences will ensue. aishah: no risk to national security he says, hans. do you agree? >> well, no. he talks about drug testing policies and it doesn't explain how the drugs got into the white house in the first place. you know, one of the things you have to do when you go through the security check points, keep in mind, every staff member, every visitor has to go through a background investigation to get into the white house. one of the things they do, they not only check you for weapons, you have to go through an area where they blow air through you and they have dogs sniffing to try to detect any kind of illegal substances, bombs or anything else, and yet, they missed someone bringing cocaine into the white house? that is-- that's hard to excuse and the secret service not only needs to find who did this, but how in the world it got into the
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white house in the first place. aishah: let me ask you how confident you are in the secret service to be able to find out who this person is. like you've said, you've been in the white house numerous times and you kind of understand the area, cameras everywhere and staffers everywhere. how confident are you in the secret service because we're hearing that expectations are kind of low? >> well, they keep say heavily traffic as if there are huge crowds there like you'd find on the mall and that just can't the case. look, the white house is probably the most closely monitored, surveilled, guarded facility in the country and it's hard for me to believe they aren't going to be able to very quickly determine who did this and certainly a very small list of suspects. if they don't, or they can't, again, that raises questions of the competence of the secret service and i don't think we want questions like that to go unanswered. >> i think that congress is asking a lot of questions already and watching this very
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closely as is the rest of the world. here is james comer and this is what he said, he said that the presence of illegal drugs in the white house is unacceptable and a shameful moment in the white house's history. congress funds white house security procedures and the secret service has a responsible to maintain effective safety protocols. this incident and the eventually evaluation of staff now clearly raises concerns about the level of security maintained at the white house. do you anticipate that congress is going to get any more answers? >> well, they should. and in fact, they need to get the head of the secret service in as this investigation is comp completed and ask intense questions about this because they've got oversight over the secret service. it's not just important to find out who did this, but the fact that the illegal drugs got into the white house, that answer has to be coming from the secret service as to how that
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happened and what steps need to be taken to make sure it doesn't happen again. aishah: think of what our adversaries are thinking. honest von spakovsky, thank you for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> the united states and china should seek a relationship of healthy economic competition that's not winner take all, but with a fair set of rules would benefit both our countries over time where we have concerns about specific economic practices, we should and will communicate them directly. griff: that was treasury secretary janet yellen today after holding meetings with chinese officials aimed at encouraging cooperation. the trip comes amid strained
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relations between the u.s. and china. for more on what to expect for the triplets' bring in michael pillsbury, herridge foundation senior fellow on policy. nobody better to talk to. you heard janet yellen talking about healthy economic competition. do we have that with china? >> no, we don't. they cheat, they deceive us, refuse to implement decisions made at the world trade organization in geneva. there are a long list of problems that president trump got started, exchanges of draft language, enforcement mechanism, a real process of back and forth over a written agreement. when you hear janet yellen talking right now, she's covering up or she's not explaining that china still refuses to negotiate. the talks have not started yet. it sounds like there is no progress on getting actual negotiations going. i noticed in the statement, she
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also, griff, does not mention the military problem that they've cut off the hotline in which the two militaries could discuss accidental incidents that might happen and reduce the chance of war. so, it's not the treasury department's business to do that, but that's the background of this, descending, spiraling down toward war with china and they freeze the hotline and they won't negotiate with janet yellen. i think that's the big picture that we're facing. griff: i would say that many would surmise if china's concerned that the u.s., the biden administration will defend taiwan, that's a good thing, right? if they send janet yellen and she becomes their friend that that softens that, is that your point? >> no, my point is the person who should be visiting beijing right now is not janet yellen, it's our secretary of defense lloyd austin and in fact,
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recently in an international conference he walked over and tried to shake hands with the chinese defense minister. the chinese shook his hand, but then refused to meet him. so, freezing the hotline, refusing to meet the secretary of defense, increasingly threatening comments they're making about taiwan and also their naval war ships and bombers are coming closer and closer to taiwan every day. they've not actually penetrated taiwan air space, but very, very close to it. this is all part of the big picture that i think that the biden administration has actually changed its china strategy, griff. remember in the beginning biden talked about china's not going to surpass us on my watch. more recently though in the last three or four months, they're taking a whole new approach to kind of soften the attitude towards china. i don't think it's working. you can tell how rigid they were on the janet yellen trip. there's no progress.
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griff: michael, when we have the big overseas trip by u.s. officials like janet yellen, we think about something tangible, are they going to bring anything back, trade promises, do you see any tangibles coming out of this trip? >> not know far, she revealed to the press on the way over that she wants the chinese to engage in debt forgiveness to a lot of really poor countries especially in africa where these countries are heavily in debt to china. so, i myself think she's very over optimistic, but that apparently was one of their requests. no movement on that. there's probably four or five other issues we know she's seeking something because she used to be president of the san francisco federal reserve. griff: right. >> she had lots of contact with china. she's not naive about chinese trade policies, but to say that we should discuss our differences and our concerns,
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that's negotiations the way president trump was doing it. so it's a real setback. griff: do you believe that she messed china on in this vice-premier the first time meeting the high level chinese official appears she was going to be meeting with, do you believe that she pressured him on the facts there's upward of 600 dollars worth of theft of intellectual property and others. >> the janet yellen i know is very tactful, polite, charming to a fault. i would have a hard time believing she would engage in president trump style rhetoric with the chinese. she met with the premier we'll see the press coverage in coming days. there's one comment that america is trying to have
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chinese swallow poison pills, that's economics. and we'll know in coming days if they talked about progress, if they unfreeze the military hotline, those are things that things are working. i'm not optimistic, are you, griff. griff: i don't know. you put your finger on it and we'll see if they do things like unfreezing that hotline. michael pillsbury. great insight as always. have a great weekend. >> thanks, griff. griff: a family living in the d.c. area now mourning after a father of four was shot and killed on monday. aishah: he was finishing a late night lyft trip, and he was an interpreter in afghanistan and fred the country in 2021 when it fell to the taliban.
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alexandria hoff is joining us with the terrible story. >> the wife of 13 years says back in afghanistan under taliban rule killing is part of everything. they did not think that america was the same and they came here for safety and were let down. her husband was 31, and left children. they picked up an extra lyft driving, and she didn't want to show her face, still fear her family's safety back in afghanistan. her words are translated by her cousin. >> he came home and take one hour sleep and go right away. she said don't go. he said, i have to go because i have to make money for my children for rent, for bill, for everything. you guys need money. i don't want you guys to be hungry tomorrow. >> well, tomorrow was taken from him. shortly after midnight on
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monday he was shot and killed in his car blocks from the u.s. capitol building. in security you can hear words exchanged between the four young male suspects as they fled. >> (bleep). >> well, that him that they were saying there was really a legend of a man, he was raised near bagram airfield. nasrat served a decade as an interpreter for the military and with the u.s.' chaotic withdrawal in afghanistan. matthew butler proudly served with nasrat. >> by the time i met him in 2009, the stories were still almost like folklore, so to speak, about this kid that sort of was raised by green berets. >> a go-fund-me set up two days
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ago and already raised over $230,000. police say they are making progress, a $25,000 reward for information is being offered, aishah. aishah: if we can't get crime under control in the nation's capital, i don't know what we tell the families looking desperately to come here, the land. free. it doesn't make any sense. >> you're right. and this family said that they thought america was the world's safe space and turned out not to be. aishah: i said yesterday, shameless, it is. thank you, alex, for staying on top of it. griff: a major manhunt for this suspected rapist and killer who escaped from a prison near the new york and pennsylvania border. he's considered very dangerous. we've got more details next. what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways!
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>> okay. listen to this. a manhunt is underway right now along the pennsylvania-new york line. a homicide suspect on the loose after escaping from a prison in western pennsylvania on thursday. officials say the inmate used a rope made of sheets tied together to get out of there. cb cotton is live with the details. hi
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h hi-c hi, cb. >> michael burham escaped, he was pending extradiextradition, he shot and killed a woman in early may, he the took a couple's car and escaped to south carolina. police were able to track burham there. he was able to get on top of exercise equipment and using bed sheets as a makeshift rope. these photos are showing tiger tattoos on his forearm and biceps. and he could be anywhere at this point. >> he's a survivalist. he's been known to do these things in the past. be able to survive out there. that's why it's extremely important for us to ask the
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public if they know anything, if they see anything, if there's any camera footage out there, please let us know. >> and aishah, we hope this does not play out like another jail break case from 2015 when two p prisoners escaped and were on the run for nearly three weeks. aishah: i think that everyone is going to have their eyes peeled for these guys. thanks, cb. griff: and now a ballot issue for democrats with prominent members of the party are calling for oversight of the high court. >> you can't always pick your opponent in sports, but you can in politics. so democrats are putting the supreme court on the ballot in 2024. >> so we've got three really bad supreme court rulings last week. >> liberals are incensed at a spate of recent high court rulings on affirmative action, gay rights and student loan
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forgiveness so they're running against the court and citing the ethics of justices clarence thomas and samuel alito. democrats demand hearings with justices testifying about their conduct. >> if they refuse to come up, then i believe we should submit a subpoena. [applause] >> no person in the united states, no person should be above the law, including a supreme court justice period. >> democrats are infuriated that a republican senate never granted current attorney general merrick gerald a hearing for the court in 2016 yet republicans rammed through amy coney barrett just before the election in 2020. >> the republicans have stolen two supreme court seats. >> the democrats will look at the court and argue, there are individuals that should not be on the court that are on the court and we have to play hardball. >> democrats want to impose term limits or dilute the power
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of justices. franklin delano roosevelt tried unsuccessfully to pack the court in 1930's. >> we've reached a point in the nation where we must take action to save the constitution from the court and the court from itself. >> republicans believe democrats are just poor sports. >> instead of these packing the court or otherwise trying to change the court's competition, why don't you take these pop propositions to the american people and try to win elections on them. >> even if the democrat can't alter the court, they hope it energizes their base like last year with abortion. aishah: up next, one of america's busiest beach destinations is setting records that nobody wants to see. suffering the highest number of shark bites, not sightings actual bites ever in this season. and we'll talk to a shark expert why this is happening
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and then get a look at technology that helps keep swimmers safe. (vo) this is sadie, she's on verizon. and she's got the new myplan, so she gets exactly what she wants and only pays for what she needs. she picks her perks and saves on every one. make your move to myplan. act now and get it for $25 when you bring your phones. it's your verizon. bother the bugs. not your family. ahh! zevo is made with essential oils which attack bugs' biological systems. it wipes cleanly, plus is safe for use around people and pets. gotcha! zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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that's 800-630-8900. >> long island is now ramping up its beach patrols off a spate of shark attacks. look here, over the span of just a few days, five swimmers have been bitten in the waters off south shore's beaches since monday. for more on this, joining us is dean of colleges arts and science and education, dr. mike hidehouse, i don't know whether i hate steven spielberg for rele releasing "jaws" in 1975 because of the fear this now brings or whether to thank spielberg because of my lifelong fascination and appreciation for the toothy creatures, but we must deal with the sharkesque fear now in
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long island, a span of really five days, five bites, essentially. so tell me exactly how you see this and they may be on pace to break last year's record eight bites. how concerned should swimmers be? >> and every time you go to the ocean be careful. sharks are one thing, but riptides and other things are a lot more dangerous, you need to pay attention to the lifeguards and the ocean around you to play it safe. so, yeah, if you see big schools of fish, really turpid waters, those would look at happening. as long as there aren't warning signs, get out and enjoy the ocean. griff: you're looking at a video of me swimming with sharks. i'm glad you mentioned the school of fish. in pauley's island in south carolina, i've been taking my
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family there for 25 years, finally pauley's island captured video and see the bait ball of fish and you see the activity in the middle of that bait ball, that's a shark having lunch or breakfast and you see it ripping through the bait ball. it's the bait that comes near shore which i believe, correct me if i'm wrong, that so many swimmers get mistaken for. >> yeah, i mean, this is a good thing, right? we're starting to clean our oceans up and we'll see more of the bait balls and which means we'll have more sharks in close proximity. they're not dangerous in terms of they might kill somebody, but a bite can really hurt. they can mistake an arm or a leg for the fish especially if there's bait around. that's why as we get more of the fish coming close to shore people need to be aware of surroundings. again, don't be overly afraid of what's going on because drowning is a lot bigger risk
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than sharks. griff: sure, you know, there was the use of drone patrols in new york, and we've seen as a surfer, i remember there was an attack on a professional surfer, mick fanning, and they used the world surf league drones and australia has been using drones forever and now the new york folks are using it. if they see a shark, they clear the water, then it's safe a while longer. is that an effective thing? >> we should use the technology that we have. australia, california have used drones to get people out of the water if there's a risk around and scientists are tagging the more and more dangerous species of sharks and a sense whether they're in the area. and the lifeguards are a great source for people to know if it's safe or not and i think it's great to see new york taking the steps. griff: mike, as always, we like
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to show you the tips, things to remember. what are the top tips for you in terms of people protecting themselves from possibly being bitten? >> well, i think for me the biggest one is don't swim around where people are fishing or doing things that might attract sharks and have them in feeding mode. that's also paying attention not swimming in big schools of bait, but avoiding drop-offs. avoiding areas where there's turbid water and dawn and dusk, an activity time for predators, including sharks. you do those things and you're going to reduce a low risk to very, very low and final one, pay attention to the local conditions and your lifeguards. griff: lastly, mike, i've got to ask you because you've been so gracious to come on when the incidents happen and talk us through and get some context. do you believe we'll get to a point in the future where people are simply not afraid to go in the water for fear of sharks? >> well, you know, i think people are going to be less afraid, but there's something in the back of our brains, even
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me who goes swimming with some of the big sharks, i get nervous if the conditions don't look quite right. so, you know, a healthy respect for the animals and a little bit of fear is not a bad thing, but should not stop us from enjoying the oceans and certainly should not have us wanting to kill or reduce populations of sharks because we want awesome healthy oceans and that includes healthy populations of sharks. griff: dr. mike heithaus taking time from his weekend and his son's baseball game to join us. thank you, make, and good luck to your son. >> thank you. griff: we've got to talk sharks and so exciting when you and i are together. aishah: because we're the shark experts. griff: you went and talking to me, i don't know, griff, should i go in the water? and you did and you are another converted person to understand these gracious, dangerous beasts can be observed in the environment without being attacked.
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aishah: in the right way with the right people at the right time, all the things you need to learn about the sharks before you jump in and try to find one. griff: this is you, by the way so people understand. aishah: this is me, yeah, that's me. i'm like so embarrassed because i can't swim and hanging onto the cage for dear life, but i'm so glad that he put it that way. you can still enjoy the water out there and vacation and family time. just be a little more alert and aware and that's all you need to do and i love that were you talking about these drones that can now aid people in trying to figure out and watch for shark fins and alert people. griff: absolutely. you know, obviously, i'm always looking on social media at surfing videos because i love to surf and a few years ago we started to notice more and more postings of these videos that just drone, amateur users were putting up. wow, these surfers, these swimmers have no idea the sharks are a few feet off of them. that's me, by the way. not supposed to touch them. don't touch them, even though i
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did. the drones, i think, are going to be a big part of the future. aishah: don't try this at home. okay. griff: do try, go swim with sharks. aishah: hey, speaking from one water story to another, there's actually some new concerns over a government study showing that drinking water from nearly half of all u.s. faucets likely contains forever chemicals that may cause cancer and other health problems. so i took a closer look at what researchers found and where. >> you can't see them, but scientists say there may be dangerous chemicals floating in your drinking water. >> this is not good. >> who wants to drink contaminated water? >> in a first of its kind study by the u.s. geological survey, researchers tested tap water from private wells and public systems in more than 700 homes across the country and found nearly half turned up synthetic chemicals called per and polly
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pfas. according to the study, higher levels of pfas could lead to higher kidney and testicular cancer and even low birth weight in babies. >> what we saw was not surprising and the study gave us information on is kind of hot spots of exposure. >> revealed urban areas across the eastern seaboard, great lakes, great plains and california fared the worst, while researchers rarely found pfas in rural regions. >> i think the government does need to intervene. >> the environmental protection agency recently proposed limits on just six types of pfas out of the existing 12,000. some advocacy groups want the government to go further and force companies contributing to the pollution to treat the water. other experts say it's time for everyone to pitch in. >> let's get government support because we're going to need it. let's make people accountable for it and take action. >> this is going to take years
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to fix, by the way. so you might reach for bottled water. you're thinking i can avoid pfas that way. experts say not so fast. you should look into where the water comes from even if it says it's coming from a stream. see if there's any pollution near that stream, that water source seeping into it. there are products available right now to purify water at home like the active carbon filters, if you can't afford that, call your water utility and see if they can do anything to help you clean your water. it's scary stuff. griff: it's fascinating because i long stopped drinking tap water in d.c. however, when i go to a restaurant i drink the water on the table and presumably that's tap water. aishah: oh, yeah, and there are some people out there like bill hemmer was saying yesterday, everyone's been drinking this water for decades, you know, our parents, our grandparents, but there is research out there that shows that, you know, the longer you're exposed to this stuff in the right environment,
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it is-- it has been shown to be harmful. griff: get a diet coke instead of that water. aishah: yeah, or alcohol, wine. i know a lot of folks are thinking that right now. griff: indeed. great stuff. thank you very much. meanwhile, national security advisor jake sullivan confirm that go the u.s. is in talks with russia about a potential prisoner swap to for the reporter held. the details next. but with my moderate- to-severe eczema, it can be tough. now, i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from within. so you can have clearer skin, and noticeably less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent.
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>> u.s. officials confirming they have been in talks with russia about a possible prisoner swap for wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich. he's been in a russian prison more than 100 days now on allegations of espionage. steve harrigan is tracking the story, hey, steve. >> evan marked day 100 in the
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moscow prison friday. his parents, who immigrated to the u.s. from soviet union and his sister have been over and they say it's very difficult to see evan in a glass cage in a russian court and not be able to help him. >> it's even harder now to leave him there than it was the first time. >> trying not to think about anything. it's just very hard. >> just knowing that our government is doing everything in their power right now and just everyone wants to help and is thinking about him and i just know that we're not alone in this. >> evan was arrested in the russian city in the yural mountains and charged with spying. that's a plan the u.s. government vigorously denied and the white house national security advisor has for now lowered expectations about any possible prisoner swap that
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could free evan. >> i do not want to give false hope. what the kremlin said earlier this week is correct, there have been discussions about you those discussions have not produced a clear pathway to resolution. so i cannot stand here today and tell you that we have a clear answer to how we're going to get evan home. >> evan is 31 years old, a conviction of espionage in russia could lead to decades behind bars. griff, back to you. griff: steve, great reporting. i should add i was in the briefing room yesterday when jake sullivan was there, was among the first things he talked about. a palpable sense among all the colleagues and journalists in that room, it's time to bring evan home. steve harrigan live for us in atlanta. thank you. well, this video proves what happens in vegas could not stay in vegas.
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britney approached the player from behind and tapped him on the back when she claims the security member backhanded her, almost knocking her down. christina coleman with the latest on this crazy, crazy story. >> hi, no charges will be filed. las vegas police detectives said the security guard did not unwillingfully use any violent force against britney. it happened around 8:30 wednesday night at the arya hotel in las vegas. you can see britney run up to the san antonio spurs rookie victor wembanyama, and she claims the security guard almost knocked her to the ground. and she said i've been in the industry for years and famous people in the world. and not one time has a security
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guard hit another person, however, las vegas police say surveillance footage shows britney spears going to tap wemby on the shoulder and that's when security pushed her hand causing britney to hit herself in the face. and when asked about it, he said he didn't realize that pop star britney spears was involved. >> i didn't see what happened because i was walking straight and a person grabbed me from my behind, not on my shoulder, grabbed me from behind and i don't know how-- but security pushed her away and i didn't stop to look, so, i kept walking. >> now, police determine britney spears did not grab him from behind she went to tap his shoulder. again, no charges will be pursued in this case. aishah: okay, christina coleman live for us on this. i have a question, griff, so
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britney has security with her, too, all the time. where was her security person? >> well, presumably right there. look, this is difficult for me. aishah: why. griff: as viewers know i'm a fan of britney spears, i've rooted for her comeback. this is hard for me to watch. if you look at the video that tmz captured, you can see her kind of go just lunging up like a crazy fan at this basketball star and i mean, britney spears of all people should know you just don't do that to a celebrity around-- with security around them. and so, i'm surprised that she even reacted that way and to your point, why didn't she just tell her security guy, like, hey-- >> her security should have reacted. griff: it was a chaotic situation they were calm and walking, and why not tell the security to say, hey, britney wants to talk to the baseball
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player. aishah: and even if she's not right and he didn't know what's going on, whatever, just be a gentleman and just say, you know what? i'm sorry it happened, shouldn't have happened. let's just move on, i feel bad about it. griff: i think the biggest injury in this might be britney spears ego. later in wemby's interview i was watching online, they asked him, well, you didn't turn around. did you know it was britney spears and he said, well, about two or three hours later i had kind of forgotten about it and somebody told me it was britney spears and i said no way, no, it was britney spears. he had no idea. aishah: oh, well. griff: maybe in the future she should learn to announce herself. aishah: why is someverybody slapping each other in that part of the country. griff: if it would have been will smith. and who left a bag of cocaine at the white house? we've got that coming up.
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♪ ♪ aishah: congressional leaders are pressuring the secret service to provide an update on how cocaine got into the white house. the president ignores questions on the topic, and white house press secretary karine jean-pierre shuts down accusations of the drugs belonging to anyone in the first family. welcome to "fox news live," i'm aishah hasnie.
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