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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 8, 2023 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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producing health and the notorious place known for its isolating of prisoners. he is a prisoner vladimir putin and the russian government. the biden administration needs to do whatever it can to bring him home. that is it for this week show thanks to my panel and to all of you for watching. i hope to see you right here next week. ♪. carley: a desperate man hunt under homicide suspect this more than 24 hours after his dramatic escape from a pennsylvania prison. police say broke out thursday night using the classic technique we have all seen in the movies, tying bedsheets together into a rope when using this bedsheets to climb down from the present roof before the suspect and inmate fled on foot. hello everyone welcome to bring the hour of fox news like pioneer sean. hi arthel. arthel: hi eric hello everyone i
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am arthur knebel. 34-year-old michael burnham is wanted in the killing of a woman in western new york state in may. he is also accused of kidnapping an elderly pennsylvania couple, stealing their suv at gunpoint and driving it to south carolina. he was being held on a million dollar bond in that case when he escape at cb cotton is light in your city newsroom with the very latest on this bizarre story. >> bizarre indeed. officers were working across state lines and it man had earlier this year he was eventually arrested in south carolina. after being locked up for a little more than a month he's on the run to get michael burnham escaped late thursday night he was being held in pennsylvania pending extradition to jamestown, new york is once in the shooting death of a woman for according to court filings obtained by fox news during his crime spree earlier this year burnham left behind a note in the stolen car said he quit
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drinking and apologized to the problems he caused his family. brent was last seen wearing a blue denim coat from the jail and striped white and orange pants. officers shared these photos showing tiger tattoos on brahms left forum and right bicep. people who live nearby are being asked to check surveillance cameras and hunters are being asked to check their trail cams. police say burnham could be anywhere at this point. >> as of right now there is no particular research areas we do not know where he is at this is a very dangerous person. i would not say it's business as usual we want people to give us information so we can follow up on them. >> we are hoping for a press conference this afternoon from pennsylvania state police. investigators can only hope this does not flat like a job break place in 2051 to admit escape from a new york state prison. in that case they were on the run for nearly three weeks for the search report the cost taxpayers at least $23 million,
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arthel. arthel: cb cotton, thank you. >> an update on a tragic story our nations capitol former afghan interpreter for u.s. forces who fled the taliban commented that only to be murdered in cold blood. while working as a lifted driver in washington d.c. his widow now speaking out for the first time as police searched for the suspects in this horrendous crime. alexandria hoff has the story. >> that is right, his wife of 13 years said back in afghanistan under taub outgroup killing is part of everything. they did not want to think america was the same. they came here for safety and were let down her husband was just 31 please find the couple's four children the youngest just 15 months old. a tow truck driver by day he picked up an extra shift driving lift late sunday night to help pay the family's bills. his wife is speaking out for she to show her face deal.
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her family said tobacco her words are translated by her cousin. >> she said he came home and he was tired and take a rest one hour she said don't go, he said i have to go because i have to make money for my children, for rent for everything you guys need money i do not want you guys to be hungry tomorrow. >> tomorrow is taken from tom dupree shortly after midnight monday shot and killed in his car just blocks away from the u.s. capitol building. you can hear the words exchanged between the four young mail suspects as they fled. >> he was reaching for a quick's the him talking about was a legend of a man raised near the airfield it started assisting u.s. troops at the age of 10. later he officially served for a decade as an interpreter for the u.s. military. he was forced to flee the taliban after the u.s. chaotic 2021 withdrawal from afgha afghanistan. special forces veteran matthew beutler probably served.
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>> the time i met him in 2009 these stories were still almost like a folklorist so to speak of this kid that sort of wasn't raised by green berets projects but go fund me benefiting the family was set up two days ago by midday today if it already raised over 300 30,000 dollars. while no arrests have been made police say they are making progress on the case. 25000-dollar reward for information is being offered. support thank you. the goal for me page support family of murdered afghan interpreter. arthel: a tragedy in southern california. a business jet crashed near a small airport this morning. killing all six people on board. it happened in marietta about halfway between los angeles and san diego. authorities say the plane was engulfed in flames by the time first responders arrived. local station ktla reports the
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jet departed from harry reid international airport in las vegas. the identities of those killed have not yet been released for the faa says it will investigate what caused the crash. a live look now at the white house as the secret service works toward wrapping up an investigation into the cocaine found there last sunday. some lawmakers now questioning if they will actually find the person responsible. lucas tomlinson life at the white house with more. >> arthel, officials say they hope this investigation will be wrapped up early next week, this coming from the white house. earlier this week, all week in fact white house spokesperson refused to remove the biden family even asking the question they were involved was quote irresponsible. fountain to find question many americans are asking. >> she is the one who is irresponsible not giving a
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direct answer. it is very simple to come out and say no member of the biden family at anything to do with this cocaine. and, the white house intends to ensure whatever staff member or guests put this cocaine in the white house is fully prosecuted under the law. we have not heard that from the white house press office. you have to wonder why not? quick search requester, or therapy note coreen jon pierce at the biden family left the white house and the cocaine was found about two days later but again she has never ruled out family involvement on the record in a statement or on camera at the daily press briefing spring here is a map showing the crime scene near the white house. the cocaine was found on the ground floor of the west wing there were visitors enter to begin tours right there x marks the spot they are supposed to leave their mobile phones and other excess items for it was jobs not cocaine the one to discuss yes or 200,000 new jobs. last month that's the fewest since december of 2020 coupled with continued high inflation
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measured by the core consumer price index as you can see here, not good news for the white house as wage growth is not keeping pace with inflation, this means attacks on the american people. gop presidential candidate nikki haley spoke about this earlier. >> you have got one in every six american families that cannot pay their utility bill. they are spending like drunken sailors it is a problem for this much is i would love to blame a biden, all republicans did this to us to pray. >> it is notable there haley blood big not just the biden administration by congressional republicans to for the spending which has not led to this country being in debt to the tune up over $32 trillion, arthel. arthel: lucas tomlinson, thank you. eric: the federal judges getting getting between the white house and social media companies. the justice has been blocked the biden administration from contacting big tech for this after missouri attorney andrew bailey sued. he claims the white house colluded with social media
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giants jute sensor post he told fox news earlier today the suit is necessary to protect the virtual public square. >> i mean the fact the biden white house and the department of justice are fighting this wall of separation ring tech and say that only applies to protected speech, really question what evidence is a fact they are committed to future violations of first mimic rights as are the important. we've got to keep fighting to protect the open -- free, fair, open debate. eric: what about the suit, keith propp is a former under secretary of state for economic growth, energy and the environment and chairman of the institute for tech diplomacy at purdue university. welcome. you certainly know a lot about tech and have dealt with this for years what he think about this move from the biden demonstration to try to do this? maxwell, eric we believe technology must advance freedom
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and that includes freedom of speech. let's one of the founding principles. that's what differentiates us from china, russia, iran and others. eric: the same time the administration said this could do irreparable harm for they are trying to cite falsehoods, misinformation, disinformation but a variety of issues that potentially could harm the country. and our democracy. what you think about that customer facing social media companies have a duty to try and protect them. and to prevent falsehoods. >> i think social media companies do have a responsibility. and i think it's fair that the government expresses their bidding. it meets them and expresses their concerns. the bottom line is protected freedom of speech.
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so, you know that is one of the founding principles. in the danger lies with these authoritarian regimes when have applications like tiktok that have been a weaponize by the chinese communist party. eric: you talk about tiktok and there are others and so should be to companies know do have restrictions and if something violates their terms they take that off list sites. what is the effect? what's there is no comparison when you compare tiktok to u.s. social media companies. if you look at tiktok they can see every single keystroke you make in the deed that data, that information back to the chinese commerce party. it actually has been used to prevent the first amendment. in fact they have track journalists i was just talking with a journalist from the
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financial times where they tracked these guys down. try to intimidate them based on a non- complementary story they're going to write on china. eric: how do you think the administration should act when you're doing with tiktok or other social media platforms and what is on those platforms that could be not true or harmful or disingenuous this sort of thing or should they not do anything? execute look at tiktok, and let's say you don't care if you get your data tapped. it is able to get the data from anybody would digitally interact with. you are friends, your family, your business associates. in essence it is a digital vi virus. the only vaccine for that is a total ban. that is why i testified in the state of montana where they banned it statewide by think already 37 states have abandoned it in their governments.
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eric: do you think tiktok, he certainly trump administration and you think tiktok should be banned federally or banned throughout the country? >> i think it should be banned federally and throughout the country. look, if china can a weaponize a balloon, think what they can do with the 150 million tiktok users at their mercy. i got 11-year-old twins boy, girl twins i will not let them near it. it is disguised as candy but it is really cocaine. eric: in terms of what you tell your 11-year-old, congratulations us great to have that age. how do they navigate and how should folks watching now navigate social media from your experience in terms of what the biden demonstration is trying to do and what this federal judge is set in giving the injunction think their attempts go too far.
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>> yes, you really got to use common sense. it could be a real slippery slope. and as far as children go, i think that is really a big, big issue. that is one that as a parent there is a lot. these platforms have a lot of technological controls. any parent has got to be educated on that or investigated or savvy enough to really take care of that situation. it is scary. that algorithm that tiktok has is virtually addictive. and what is interesting, eric is that in china they use that algorithm. they banned tiktok as we know it but they use that algorithm for stem education. eric: a lot here a lot for our kids especially done with tiktok and how the menstruation is
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handling this. we will continue. the kroc institute at purdue university, thank you for joining us today. >> it is always a pleasure, thank you eric. arthel: eric, thank you republican voters in iowa can market their calendars the state party has set january 15, 2024 mlk day as the date for its caucuses. iowa is still set to be the first presidential nominating contest for republicans. it is unclear if the state's democratic party will follow suit you member of the democratic national committee reshuffled its 2024 primary calendar replacing iowa what was south carolina in the lead off spot on february 3. we are getting word on how treasury secretary janet yellen high-stakes trip to beijing has been going us in our new concerns about china's growing debt problems but what happens to our economy if they default
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questioner business expert jean marx joins us coming up next. muscle, bone, and heart health. everyone: woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals. enter the $10,000 nourishing moments giveaway. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand for a better night sleep. so now, he wakes up feeling like himself. the reigning family room middle-weight champion. better days start with zzzquil nights.
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- wounded warrior project has been with me every step of my journey. - they've helped me realize it's possible to rise to the top again. - it's possible to get the help i need for me and my family. - it's possible to hate pushups again. - to feel understood. - to begin healing both inside and out. - to feel like myself again. - and now i know anything is possible. (gentle music) janet yellen insurgent closer communication between u.s. and china. she is chinese officials in beijing this weekend. but the hopes of trying to
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improve the freight ties between the two superpowers. but his china playing along? fox news business correspondent ed lawrence has more from beijing. >> eric and arthel in about five hours he treasury secretary will have a news conference to culminate her meeting here in beijing. she last night finished a dinner with an incoming head of china's central bank. that ended a very busy the most busy day for the treasury secretary in this country. she had the much anticipated meal china's new vice premier. at this meeting supposed to last three hours, went on for about five hours in opening remarks a secretary pointed to a record amount of bilateral trade in 2022 as the reason for not decoupling adding this. i also believe the united states and china should seek a relationship reflecting economic competition that is not winner take all. but with a fair set of rules
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that would benefit both progress or trade debt if it heavily favors china and the readouts a secretary yellen raised concerns and it was a comprehensive candid and constructive meeting. the new vice premier took a pointed approach even mentioned what he called simple incidents like the air happen causing difficulties the relationship progress authorized by president xi jinping at as the principal official of the chinese economic trade issues with united states i stand ready to work with madam secretary to follow through on the common understandings reached between the two presidents and communication on topics such as economic policies. >> a choice want u.s. to drop export controls on advanced technology keep the status quo which includes dealing up to $600 billion a year from u.s. companies and intellectual property and other theft procedure treasury official downplaying or lowering expectations for this meeting in beijing saying basically the
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secretary wants to reestablish communications so there's no misunderstandings and listen to china's concerns, back to you. eric: thanks so much ed lawrence in beijing. arthel: eric, china is facing a debt crisis of its own after lending trillions of dollars to other countries. some of those nations are now struggling to make repayments due to interest rates this as an op-ed in the hill argues china is currently in default $1 trillion sovereign debt held by u.s. bondholders a spring and jean marx cpa president of the group and small business expert. art were going to take exactly. let me post it here. if my company buys or takes over a nether business, my company acquires access and that's the
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same goes for countries, right questioner correct. the same goes for countries. if you are running a company and you buy another company you are usually buying assets and assuming debts. china's story is definitely different. before 1949 china was the republic of china. they were recovering from world war ii. during that period of time they actually went into debt to the tune of about a trillion dollars in today's money, to a bunch of u.s. people individuals, some companies as well. so china owed that money that was the case before 1949 when 1949 camera china it was no longer the republic of china. it became the people's republic of china there is a communist takeover. now, usually like us at the very beginning with this kind of thing happens countries assume that that even if they have a complete change of government to still pay their obligations.
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but the new china, today's chime of the republic have ignored that debt. that debt has since gone into default. so right now china is sitting on about a trillion dollars of debt that it owes u.s. bondholders and they are not paying down that debt. arthel: okay so china owns about eight or $50 billion of u.s. debt? that is about 40% of all the debt the u.s. owes, right? what's correct. >> but china let me finish, china also owes the u.s. more than $1 trillion. can you explain how this debt racked up? why isn't china paying it back? >> china right now is not recognizing that it owes that trillion dollars. again that is against historical norm. and by the way china had similar debts to other countries back in 1997 when great britain jeep
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handed over hong kong back to china then president thatcher force the issue of china forced china to recognize the debt and repay the debt back to the british bondholders it was an opportunity for the u.s. to get involved like than the u.s. did not. so, the debt is still there be time is not officially recognizing owes the money although they do. meanwhile we have racked up debt with them they been buying u.s. bonds. so we owe them right now but $850 billion because of debt that china has purchased from us but meanwhile china owes us about a trillion dollars of debt they are in default on. arthel: 's of china is not paying down the big choi dollar balance and who is? what's they are not paying it down so the question is what do we do about that? you cannot call tony to go to china and clackamas debt. so there's different options for governments and business have the big business can take another business that owes money to court and fight it out there.
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but good luck doing that with china. so one thing the government can do is take a hard stance and say we are going to buy this debt from the list bondholders and we are going to offset against the debt that we owe china. that almost offsets that would save the u.s. government about $95 million interest rate about $33 billion by safety china are going to assume this debt were going to wipe it out. we're going to stop a new interest on the debt we owe you but that's what tactic the u.s. government could take there's others as well but that's a big one. arthel: good luck with that. meanwhile that 95 million interest we are paying as taxpayers. >> every day. arthel: let me take a look at this. these are nations of the largest debt precut the u.s. with 32.4 trillion. china 14 trillion. japan 10 trillion. france 3.1 trillion. and italy 2.8 trillion.
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think a lot of people listen to us are asking why i see u.s. continued to do business with china? >> arthel, effect asked that question a lot as well. even as treasury secretary yellen has said we are bed with china. we don't live trade back and forth as a lot of companies that have investments in china and the u.s. consumers continue to demand chinese products. they were a standalone company i'm sure you would not be thrilled with doing business with a company that practices the kind of behavior that china does. right now we have too much of an economic interest in each other to cut all ties. >> $700 billion in yearly trade with china. while i have a headache so i'm going to let you go out. [laughter] you give it to me. [laughter] thank you for breaking it down. free entitled in serious i thank you so much and see you again
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next time. that will give you hope for sure. eric: present by make a controversial move including cluster bombs in the new aid package for ukraine. despite because within his own party not to send those weapons that they had more than 100 nations. how will that affect the war? we will have that next here on fox news live.
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steve. >> arthel, that's 100 days in custody were in a present a notorious facility on the edge of moscow. when he is in a russian port room avenue it is usually inside a glass cage. his parents who immigrated to the u.s. from the soviet union and his sister said it is difficult to see him in such a situation and not be able to offer immediate help. >> it is even harder now to leave him there and it was the first time. >> tried not to think about anything. >> it's knowing that our government is doing everything in their power right now. and just everyone wants to help and is thinking about him. and i just know we are not alone in this. >> evan was arrested and the russian city in that year out mountains right on the eastern edge of siberia.
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he is accused of espionage for the u.s. government firmly denying the charge has any credibility at all. the white house national security adviser the same time is trying to temper expectations there could be a quick as her swap that would lead to evan's release. >> i do not want to give false hope. what the kremlin said earlier this week is correct there have been discussions but those discussions have not produced a clear pathway to a resolution. and so i cannot stand here today and tell you that we have a clear answer to how were going to get evan home. >> evan is 31 years old. any conviction for espionage in russia could lead to a jail sentence of decades. arthel, back to you. steve thank you will take a back here. to share a photo of yourself holding up the wall street journal print edition with the # i stand with evan. you can also post a group photo
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where i stand with evan shirts or post the link to to spread awareness. >> russia has been using cluster munitions indiscriminate since the start of this war in order to attack ukraine. by contrast ukraine is seeking rounds in order to defend its own sovereign territory. before the buy demonstration onto the office will send cluster munitions you greatest part of the $800 million new aid package. the rights groups and u.s. allies have criticized the move because cluster bombs are known to spread unexploded smaller bombs over wide areas and that can kill civilians walk after the wars are over. right now more than 100 countries outlawed the use of cluster bombs. what about this move? lieutenant colonel international military stratos and cofounder and executive director of restore liberty.
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lieutenant colonel could dec deceive. what do you make of senegalese? the administration said local running out of ammunition you gotta start sending something so they are sending cluster bombs. >> eric, good to see you again to fred my first impression when this deal came up was first evolved is continuing to degrade the u.s. military. that's actually one of my chief concerns as we continue to send our munitions and the funding and various pieces of equipment to ukraine we are harming our own abilities here in america with her own military forces readiness. as we look at it right now were looking 10 -- 15 years or so what i'm hearing from my sources to recover everything with already sent there in the first place. the concern is legitimate they are types of weapons being used all over eastern ukraine and who knows where else in the dead rate which those who don't explode when they hit the ground as they spread across the
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different target areas a target against the russians. these things can last for years. afghanistan is a great example of what it's like to have a country that's littered with mines or other things that can't explode. families and children and various people suffering the consequences of stepping on something they did not know was there. eric: at the same time the russians are killing ukrainians. there is a way they are trying their allies in the u.s. try to stop the russians almost anyway that we can. that is reasonable under the arms that are being sent. what else you think is needed? and can we provide the eight? >> eric, we may be able to we are assessing the true cost of our own country and our own military readiness to tilt the variety of conflicts and threats that are happening globally. not just on the boundary between russia and ukraine. there is a legitimate concern russia proceeding the entire area with these types of bombs and attic into it with our own.
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i think that is eight legitimate concerns we need to be talking about. it's also a dangerous place to go to justify based on's not a good way to win an argument right now progressed gao is saying we are increasing the readiness and they are doing that. this at the same time other ours arguing we are degrading the allies we are degrading the russian military this is not a u.s. versus russia war upfront versus some have already had a proxy war but look what's happening to the russian military. would you have ever expected this to the people thought they would drive down the highway and take kyiv in one day? most of us at the beginning thought russia would move a lot faster than they were able to the russian notice on escapable on the ground as a lot of us have been told over the years.
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typical eastern european this level of warfare impressive over there defending their homeland and that the five her days since this war started he think this will play out do you think ukraine will join nato as putin bitten off too much than he can chew? >> eric that's a magic question for it's hard to answer for everybody. i look at this and say kill or be a truce? may be. could there be a stalemate because of to exhaust ourselves? that's also a possibility. there are many challenges when it comes to how it ends and who is the negotiator in chief when it comes to bringing the two sides to the table and what that looks like on a map when it is all said and done. there is a lot there to go
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through. i think it would take a lot more than the time we have to cover everything. by the fact that it has lasted this long is interesting. before and the ukrainians have been so successful and they continue to try to push the russians out. lieutenant colonel founder of restore liberty, also is the son of a lieutenant colonel thank you for your service to our country. >> thanks eric have a good day. arthel: eric, need details on the scuffle between brittney spears at a security guard in vegas. what the police and the popstar saying about the incident after it was caught on video. that is.
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eric: charles manson follower leslie is one step closer of. california governor newsom not as a state supreme court to block her parole was nature's of time the murders is now 73 and has been behind bars for 53 years she she serving a life sentence for her role the 1969 murders and his wife rosemary. part of the string of murders carried out by the manson fa family. her daughter says she and her family are heartbroken that she could be freed saying once again reminded of all of the years they have not have their father and stepmother.
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quote mike children and grandchildren never got an opportunity to get to know either of them she says which has been a huge void for my family. c5 police a security guard accused of slapping brittney spears will not be charged for the incident happened spears to try to approach nba rookie victor wembanyama in vegas earlier this week. his life with all the details. >> hi arthel, no charges will be filed in this case but las vegas police detectives determine the security guard did not willfully or unlawfully use any force or violence against brittney. tmz obtained video of the incident happened around 8:30 p.m. wednesday night and las vegas. you can see brittney spears run up to san antonio spurs ricky victor wembanyama or win bss team calls him. brittney spears claims a security guard backhanded her in the face in front of a crowd nearly knocking her down and
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causing her glasses to fall off her face. instagram she wrote i have it working in the industry for years and have been with some of the most famous people in the world. she goes on to say not one time and my life has a security guard ever hit another person. however las vegas police a surveillance footage show brittney going to tap wembanyama on the shoulder that is when security pushes her hand off the player causing brittney's hand to hit herself in the face. the 19-year-old top draft pick was asked about the incident he said he did not even realize a pop icon brittney spears was involved. >> i didn't forget i thought it was no big deal. and the security person situs brittney spears at first i was like you're joking, right? it turns out it was brittney spears. [laughter] i did not know i never saw her face. >> again the security guard will not face any charges. according to the police report
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brittney's friend who was with her later at dinner that night told officers that the security guard came over and apologized to the popstar after the incident, arthel. arthel: so we beaten his descendent brittney front row passes for every home game for the season progressed i went to the two of them at a game i think that would be fun. arthel: seat we think alike christina coleman on some things. thank you. [laughter] thank you. eric: good idea absolutely to say i'm sorry. controversies recover green energy project in the northeast. while some say new wind farm could do more harm than good. with two max-strength pain relievers, so you can rise from pain like a pro. icy hot pro. this week is your chance to try any subway footlong for free. like the subway series menu.
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richardson returned to the truck and a way. the american sprinting star won the 100-meter title at the u.s. track and field championship. this is two years after a positive test for marijuana got her stripped of her national title. that helped cost her a spot in the 2020 olympics the 23-year-old to make a first trip to the world championship next month in budapest. >> meanwhile there's a blustery battle going on in the garden
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state. opposition to new jersey first offshore wind farm and it is coming from an unexpected source. environmental groups themselves bryan llenas explains. >> new jersey literally building the foundation for our nations entire wind energy park new jersey governor phil murphy calls it a monumental win for the state. when completed in 2025 could power up to half a million homes and create 3000 union jobs for the ocean wind project the largest approved offshore wind farm in the u.s. calls for 98 wind turbines, hundreds of feet tall to be built 15 miles off the coast of the jersey shore. but a lawyer representing three environmental groups is launching three state and federal lawsuits arguing the window project is being built in the migration corridors of endangered blue and bright we wells. that construction is being a rush without knowing the exact impact on ecological and marine life. >> the plan is not going anywhere we do not need to build these things in the next year to save the planet.
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and that to me is policy by panic. and we can destroy the coast line for the next 100 year old if we leap into something and do not think about it. >> according to the national oceanic and atmospheric administration 45 wells of lot washed ashore dead so far this year. that's why the 64 increase compared to the same time last year. but no assessors no scientific evidence that links a whale death to offshore wind. new jersey republican commerce when jeff andrew sibley do not know enough about the risk wind turbines posted fisheries and even military maritime operations is not worth the negligible impact on climate change. there is also concerned the wind turbine will be an eyesore along the pristine jersey shore printed by the administration says they have put in restrictions to try to mitigate harmful effects to the environment like a vessel speed restrictions and construction free zones. and long branch new jersey bryan llenas fox news.
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>> brian, thank you. right now former president trump is heading west. he's going to speak to campaign volunteers in las vegas tonight. bucks polling shows truck with a commanding 33-point lead over his nearest rival florida governor ron desantis. the two took aim at each other in early voting state of iowa yesterday. tribe noted how his administration increased which is a big deal in iowa. ethanol comes from corn. excuse me. trump claimed to santos too post a minimum for renewable fuels like ethanol. >> it was one of his top priorities as a member of congress he wanted to end it. and if he had his weight the entire economy of iowa with absolutely collapse it would collapse if he did that. arthel: feed to santos campaign far back saying this unfortunately is not the first instance of donald trump distorting the governor's
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record. and we know it won't be the last. as a president ron desantis will be a champion for farmers and use every tool available to open new markets. by the way governor desantis will be on "sunday morning futures" here in fox news tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern. eric: one lucky person could get really rich and if they win the powerball jackpot. the drawing is for $615 million for the tenth largest prize in history with the lump sum cash value reportedly just over 310 million. they're been 33 consecutive drawings without a winner. so arthel, the ready to be lining up? how much is it going to be $310 million. i cannot even imagine it. arthel: i'll take it in one lump some, give me my money. [laughter] >> and take me too dinner maybe? [laughter] arthel: of course ofyo course. on the top of the pile! oh.
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