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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 8, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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crest. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is now only $899. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. shop now only at sleep number. ♪ ♪? >> hi, i'm greg gutfeld along with judge jeanine, carly hurt and katie pavlich. "the five", it's the seventh grandchild that president biden refuses to face, and that makes him a total disgrace. the white house coldly shutting down questions about hunter's estranged 4-year-old daughter. >> this was a story in "the new york times" over the weekend about hunter biden's daughter in arkansas. does the president acknowledge this little girl as his
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granddaughter? >> i don't have anything to share from here. >> cold. that damning new york times piece reveals how biden aides are told to flatly ignore hunter 's daughter. quote, in strategy meetings in lean years, aides have been told that the bidens have six and not seven grandchildren according to two people familiar with the discussions. i wonder which lying dog-faced pony soldier they got that from. >> the best part of it all, i have six grandchildren, and i'm crazy about them. i speak to them every single day. not a joke. matter of fact, i just got finished going through the calls, and guess what? they're crazy about me. [laughter] because i pay so much attention to them. >> that is heartbreaking, when you hear that contrast. you know, katie, i've noticed a pattern among the bidens, you know, that's not my laptop, that's not my gun, that's not my cocaine, that's not my child. is it any wonder half the country says that's not my
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president? [laughter] >> i guess not. [laughter] in yo face. first, okay, so "the new york times" printed this, so now all of a sudden it's a story? it's been a story for four years, and now i'm glad they're being asked about it directly at the white house, but this is something that people have known about. it has been reported on, and it was called a conspiracy theory. and now all of a sudden after being served multiple times, they're having to address it by saying we're not going to talk about the seventh grandchild. jill biden, i would say, is just as bad because when she decorates the white house for christmas, she only hangs six stocks which is just absolutely abhorrent x. and it's just not true when he says he has six grandchildren. he doesn't. he has seven of them. and and he ran on being mr. empathy, mr. family. clearly, that's not true. but the problem with this for them is that it brings the consequences of hunter's bad behavior into a reality, and that's what they don't like. they think they can bury the
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laptop because the media did it for them. they think they can not talk about hunter's behavior from the white house podium because he's a private citizen, but when it comes to having an actual human child, it's very clear that hunter's behavior has caught up to him, and when you don't want your child to have your last name, it's pretty disgusting. >> i can imagine -- i don't know this, but i believe joe biden claims he's pro-life, right in even though -- >> well, kind of. he's halfsies. like half pregnant. >> my point being that i'm sure that, you know, he would be happier if that child didn't exist. certainly acts that way. >> i don't think -- >> yeah. >> i don't think so. i think that this is a moment where the president really could have told his son enough's enough. hike, i'm happy to deal with all this other stuff, i'll take it about the business dealings, the addiction, the videos, whatever, we can handle this, but this is humanity.
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right? this is the face of it. and i found the article to be very difficult to roadway. frankly. and the fact that she knows who she is made it so much worse. you know, there are a lot of people floating around who don't know who their family is, right? they don't know who their dad is or they were left somewhere and ended up with wonderful people who took care of them, but this is someone who is proud of the fact that her grandfather is the president of the united states. and doesn't get acknowledged. and, frankly, the american people would care 0% about this, right? [laughter] we would just say, oh, he has seven grandkids, hunter event with this woman. and i was -- slept with this woman. and i was trying to figure out what's the problem with this family, right? trump supporters, you know -- [laughter] big deal. if you're willing to accept someone who was an addict like that and made such terrible choices, like, it's so bad that they vote for the other guy? and i don't think it's something that will change votes necessarily, but it is just an
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ugliness that doesn't need to be there. >> it does feel, judge, in a way like a class thing. i mean, the fact that, oh, she'r is a, you know, let's just say a dancer. right? >> you know, but mother -- it's very interesting. the mother in this case is a college graduate. she played basketball, i think was it at arizona state university? i mean, this is a woman, it was a very bright woman, and she apparently worked for hunter's company and, you know, she -- we're not talking about someone, you know, who is an embarrassment. and look at it this way, her family can say, you know what? we love america, you know, we don't want to be associated with the bidens. they're corrupt, they collect money from other countries, the economy's a mess, but they don't. they're desperate to have this child named after the bidens. what bother -- what father, what family would be so insistent that this child not have the
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biden last name? to me, that's cruel. and when this little girl grows up and she starts to understand what she may even be beginning to understand now because she knows her grandfather's the president, she knows who her father is, you know, she's going to have a lot of issues, emotional issues that the bidens who are allegedly a family centered on their family lives around their grandchildren according to "the new york times," they're not what they want you to believe. and, by the way, they not only had six stocks for the grandchildren, they had a christmas stocking for the dog. [laughter] i mane, these are really -- i mean, these are really classless people, and america understands. america would accept this. they wouldn't just accept it, a lot of families have this problem where there's an extramarital affair and a child is born, an out of wedlock child, two single people have a child. they don't know about it until five months later. there's a lot of this going on. it's not an embarrassment. >> uh-huh. charlie, i think the biggest lie
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we were told about biden is that he was an empathizer. >> yes. >> but i always, i get the feeling it was about this deep, that he really could feel your pain, but he won't do anything about it, and this is perfect example of it. >> yeah. his entire campaign in 2020 was about being empathetic, being decent. he was going to restore normalcy to washington. and, obviously, he's failed on every front of that. and, but what's sort of interesting is that he's sort of been bobbing around washington so long, most people in washington already knew this side of him. they knew that he was sort of a liar, they knew that he made things up, he would just talk about anything. he would say anything that helped him at any given moment. and when he talked about his family, people in washington also kind of knew that he was less of a family man and more just willing to exploit his family when it served to benefit him. if you remember in 2016 when,
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after basically after president obama decided to support hillary clinton which foreclosed biden's ability to run in 2016, he blamed his decision to not run on his, the death of his son. >> right. >> and then, of course, he has exploited the biography of his first wife who died 50 years ago with his daughter, and in that accident both of his sons were injured. he's, of course, taken that story and twisted it around to talk about how the driver of the truck was somehow drunk, which is completely false. the accident was caused by, when she pulled out in front of a truck driver who was just driving. but that sort of callous, heartless willingness to exploit even your family and then turn around -- and who's embarrassing here? the family or the bidens? as you point out. and, but to them, if he sees it as a political advantage, he has no problem doing that.
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>> can i just say so i don't think that the american public writ large thinks that about joe biden or the bidens, and -- >> i was talking about washington. >> well, it matters who elects him, right? >> [inaudible] >> fine. but this really is a story about a father that will not put limits on their son, right? this is what hunter biden said i don't want this child around, and so his dad said that's fine. >> but he didn't have to put limits on him, because they had the biden name. that's the gross part about it. it's not just the relationship between thed dad and the son, it's how they basically use their power to make sure they're impervious to the law. you think about all the people going through hell because of january 6th, this guy's got the sweet withest sweetheart deal -- sweetest sweetheart deal. if they find the coke, does he still have that deal? if they find out the coke's his, does he still have that deal? it's a good question. >> january 6th people did a bad thing -- >> i'm not saying they didn't. i'm saying this guy's got, you know, a mountain this high of
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bad things, and he'll keep doing it because there's no disincentives. he can just keep going. i'm jealous. [laughter] all right, coming up, confront the thieves and get put on leave. a worker hung out to dry after busting some laundry detergent crooks. ♪ ♪
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oh yeah, that is them. (that is howard) yeah, that's on howard's campus. ohhh, she's so powerful, she carried on the family legacy. we were blown away. (chuckles) i not only was a student and an undergrad, but i've been a professor there for twenty years, so it's really a special moment to know that i had a family member who over a hundred years prior have walk these grounds. it's deeply uplifting. yes, it is. we're walking in their footsteps.
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hi, i'm sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. i realized i needed to make a change when i looked in the mirror and did not recognize myself. i saw the golo commercial and i liked how they weren't actors. they just seemed like people that were just happy with themselves and had true results. since being on golo, i truly feel like i'm back to the best me i can be. try golo. it worked for me, and i'm real. (soft music)
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♪ a romeo, he'll steal your heart and just let you go ♪ >> more proof that no good deed goes unpunished, a colorado supermarket employee complains he was let go after reporting three men stealing $500 worth of laundry detergent. >> stealing. really, bro? you've got to resort to this? economy's not a that bad. >> [inaudible] >> better get it while the getting's good. >> the worker claims he did not physically touch the9 looters in
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any way. two of the crooks got away clean, but one has been arrested thanks to him after he revealed their license plate that was hidden behind tinfoil x. yet he was still fired since the supermarket ban with withs employees from chasing thieves. the grocery store telling a local station, quote, we have security measures in place to help prevent crime and deescalate such confrontations to minimize the risk to our associates. while we are unable to comment on personnel matters, we value our hard working associates and their safe return home. so, judge, companies have these policies because they don't want the liability if someone gets hurt in this situation. but law enforcement needs video evidence to prove who's doing the crime, right? so how are you suppose to do that if you can't take video? >> well, i guess the thing all comes down to the policy, and this is apparently this market is part of kroger's, the policy is they do not chase thieves or intervene in a theft. i think he should sue for his job and, by the way, i'm hosting
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jesse tonight, and we're going to have this guy who was fired on the show tonight. and the truth is that he did the business community a favor, he did the law enforcement community a favor. he had the right, in fact, under the law in colorado to make a citizens' arrest. so he could have done all that. it doesn't seem that he contravene ared the policy, and they're, i mean, they're punishing him. we are living in an upside down world where if you work for lululemon, they end up firing you if you even say something to people taking things. you're supposed to let them leave. to what end? it makes no sense. so i think that this guy not only has a job, he has a lawsuit. and, by the way, these people can be prosecuted. it's a misdemeanor. >> yeah. >> they've got 120 days in jail and a $500 fine. >> greg, it seems like they should have stolen more. >> yes. i'm actually having the looters on my show tonight. [laughter] you know what's funny? if he hadn't filmed it, we never
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would have seen it, so it's really kind of important to, like, actually witness these things happening in this era so we can tell people this was, this is not normal, this just happened, blah, blah, blah. during the so hoe looting, my -- soho looting, my wife climb out onto the scaffolding and recorded the looters, got the cars and everything, and she did it and gave it all to the cops. and i think that is -- you're basically trying to save your neighborhood. when you're doing this. and i think litigation, legal reasons, deterrence reasons aside, you have to do this. there is a weird thing where we laud people for filming so many things, right? oh, they got -- there's a fight in the airport, there's somebody yelling in a burger king. in this case it's not entertainment. this is not, like, all that stuff's entertainment, it's fine. but if it actually has some kind of moral value, you can get in trouble for it. the bottom line, you have to
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intervene when no one else is doing anything. we see this on the subway, that's how human beings react. we see a vacancy, and we want to fill it. if the police can't do it, the securityn't do it, you will do it. which leads me to a suggestion, this is a solution that could end this right now. when you think about it, you're decriminalizing theft, right? that means stealing from them is also decriminalized. so i don't understand why if you have a supermarket or any kind of store, you have these guys that just hang out and they wait for the people to leave and they take their stuff and they get, like, 10%. >> like a posse. >> and they just hang out there. say they take $500 # worth of stuff, they get $50 if they take the stuff from 'em. it's actually, sounds like a lot of fun for kids for a summer job, you know, hang out finish. >> you're going to get so many people beaten up. [laughter] diswra if i could just get one person, charlie, i've done my
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job. if this is legal, why can't taking that stuff away from them be legal? >> you should go steal it back. >> yes. >> it's true. if you're an hourly worker who's just trying to make an honest living, i've watched this happen in new york city, and people come in and just steal everything. what's the point? >> i actually love that idea. i think that you could -- but you'd want people to kind of know what they were doing. you'd want armed people to be doing it and to do it -- >> not my idea, but i love it. >> but it is amazing that you have all this concern about liability where it sort of cuts against the employees. what about the liability for the employees? you're creating i think the legal term is attractive nuisance by having a store that doesn't enforce shoplifting, doesn't enforce this kind of theft? and aren't you endangering your employees? and why can't employees get together -- i mean, ill think -- i think it's a constitutional right you have even if you're at work to be able to be safe in your environment, to be able to
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protect yourself -- >> defend yourself. >> to defend yourself. >> you have that right to do it, but does that include stopping other people? of course not. >> and think about these people that have to close stores down at the end of the day and how terrifying -- >> right. look, in new york city or other places around the country where everything is locked up, going shopping as a member of the community sucks. like, you're going to order it on amazon. you're not going to go ask every time you want deodorant out of the store. >> also it makes people not care about where they live. i'm not saying we all have to participate in co-ops and things like that, but you're invested in your community, right? that's why you buy homes there, rent -- however it is that you're living there, you want your kids to be walking safely around in the street is toos. you -- streets. you want your local stores even if it's a chain, like, somewhere where you're safe and that you can have a decent shopping experience. i went to my local cvs to get some ice cream because they have
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the anti-american stuff the that i like, the ben & jerry's -- [laughter] and it's locked up now. it's a new development. >> i hope they throw away the key. >> all right. >> okay. [laughter] >> i said, why? why the ice cream, right? it's embarrassing to call you every day to say i need another pint. and it's so hot out. [laughter] what are people doing? you're stealing a ton of ice cream, it'll be melted by the corner -- >> policies meet consequences, ca. it's the things you believe in where you are cry about your ice cream! >> first world problems, but ipods are also locked up. i'm just saying that nothing is fun anymore. >> that's true. [laughter] >> but i do think there is a bit of a turning point coming. the philadelphia d.a., krasner, was ap apoplectic and so distraught over this shooting in philly over the weekend. i think that you see those changes with the chesa boudin -- >> who did harry crasser in blame the shooting on? -- larry
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crasser in blame the shooter on? the people wearing pins. i mean, the guy is clueless as a d.a., and that's the end of it. >> well, it's not, because i can still finish what i had to say. the point is i think there is becoming a slow acknowledgment among some of these liberal politicians that you will not lose favor or support, you will, in fact, gain it if you call things out that are going on like for d.a. crasser in, we saw in san francisco -- >> isn't that sad, that that's how you measure it? >> you have to be grateful? >> yeah, you know what? now we'll do it because i think we won't get criticized. >> yeah. >> you should be doing it because it's like the way you're going to save your community, you know? and not just because it's a popular thing -- >> or because you want ice cream easily. [laughter] >> well, the judge will have him on the show tonight -- >> that's right. >> coming up, not so fast, president biden trying to a take credit for the red state economic boom.
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♪ i saw the light, i been baptized -- >> crime-ridden blue states are feeling the blues while red state economies go boom. for the first time, republican-led florida, texas, georgia, the carolinas and tennessee are now adding more to the national gdp than the northeast. it's being called a $1100 billion wealth -- 100 billion wealth migration. millions of folks are enticed by the business and tax-friendly environment. but guess who wants the credit? president biden out in red state south carolina to talk up his
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bogus bidenomics agenda. >> i want you to hear about the deficit. i cut the deficit $1 is.7 trillion -- 1.7 trillion in two years. [applause] nobody's ever done that. cut the debt #.7. laws i've signed are going to do more to help red america than blue america. that's okay with me, because we're all americans. because my view is wherever the need is most, that's the place we should be helping. i'm not here to declare victory on the economy. i'm here to say we have a plan that's turning things around quickly. >> quickly? okay. katie, do you agree we that? [laughter] >> first of all, he's in south carolina for political reasons ahead of the election, but south carolina is a right to work state which is a non-unionized state which is why they've attracted more business to that state in particular. so joe biden bragging about somehow winning over the economy in places like south carolina where he would rather have them
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unionized is pretty laughable. when you look at the way that the states that have flourished opened up during covid, georgia was first, florida, you have a number of other red states getting out of that early versus california where they're leaving in droves, the most in the country and new york, it's obvious that the president is trying to take credit for red state policies that democrats fled from in addition to republicans. but when it comes to reality, you know, the bills that he talks about with the inflation reduction act or the chips act, for example, all of the money that we've spent on the construction projects that were supposed to be in those bills has been wipe out because of the inflation prices as a result of democratic spending. so he can say he's reducedded the deficit, but those numbers don't add add up, and when it comes to job growth, it's not because of democratic policies, it's because of red state policies opening up after covid and also not engaging in unionized labor. >> you know, charlie, biden has a 60% disapproval rating regarding the economy and 52% of americans believe they're
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drowning in debt since he took office. how can this man possibly go out there and say, you know, i'm making a difference in your life? >> well, i mean, shameless areness is the greatest virtue of any politician. if you stay with a straight face what everybody can say this is nuts, then you have a great leg up with, in politics. but it is sort of interesting, you know, it's so hard to get a 55-45 break in polls on things in this country. elections come down to 50-50. the idea that you have a 60-40 break or or a 60 and less than 40 break on the economy, i think, tells you an awful lot about how much people are hurting. and even, you know, when you lack at manager like gas prices, obviously -- and they boast, well,s gas prices have come down from the really, really high highs that i employed. while that's true, they have come down are there those highs,
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it's still higher, and people are still paying for it. and that's why inflation is absolutely destroying people's checkbooks at home. and so he can lie about it all he wants to, but people at home know it. and these are including a lot of democrats and independents who voted for him. >> you know, jessica, there's a $100 billion wealth migration that tilts the u.s. economy, the center of it, to the south. and there's no evidence -- i thought this was interesting -- that reproductive rights chipping away at the influx of people moving south. i thought that was unusual. >> it is unusual. we'll see how this plays out over time. i do know that it is a factor in decisions about where people will go the school when young people are applying to colleges. but i think it's wonderful that there are new boom towns and boom states, and i think that that should be celebrated. i also think that it would be great then if there are these southern republican-controlled states that they start paying their fair share and take care of alabama, mississippi,
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arkansas and kentucky because i'm sick of taking care of them from up here in new york or in california because i blue states pay the highest taxes, and those federal dollars get ship down south to make sure that they have decent schools, they have health care, they have good roads, etc. so by all means, south carolina, nancy mace who wants to take credit for things she voted against, please give some money to kentucky, help them out. tommy tuberville, talk about you all the time. you should be paying more and taking care of your own people instead of feeding off of democrats the pay higher taxes. >> oh -- >> go ahead. >> that was -- >> please, please, leaders in other states, completely, you know, assault your taxpayers the way we assault ours -- >> why shouldn't we pay for them? >> no, you should -- >> that's not the -- >> that's not the argument. >> yeah. >> the point is we are getting, as a new yorker, this is astounding. what are we, we pay the most, maybe california pays more.
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it's ridiculous, and we get nothing out of it. so i think what you're talking about is, it's a ridiculous point, and i don't have an answer for it. >> that actually happens more than you think. >> yes. [laughter] but i want to talk about the migration thing. this is the triumph of something i call federalism. have you heard of that phrase? states experimenting and competing with each over, right? with other states. some do it one way, some do it another. this is why we won't have a civil war, because people have choice to move wherever they want to go, and if one state speaks to you in a different way, that's the great way of doing it. and that's to how it will be the roe v. wade reversal, it's so easy to explain to people who get so upset about it. it was taking the decision away from me, the judge, and giving it to you, the person. that's all it's about. and that's the way, that's what states are all about. the decisions are closer to you than they are to the government. and so perhaps a state with abortion on demand might flourish, and a state with more restrictions won't, but that's
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the great thing about federalism. anybody can do it. the whole point is that you fight with your feet and not with your guns. and state rights guarantee that. >> one of the problems though with this migration is that all of -- and people talk about they worry that voters are going to vote the same way when they move to these red state. another concern is the fact that they're deadbeat voters. they voted for all this nonsense in the state they left, and then they leave, and they don't get stuck with the bill. >> they should be allowed to vote. >> they shouldn't be allowed to vote until they pay back all of the taxes they voted for in california or new york. >> yes, yes. >> all the taxpayers in california and new york are leaving. the people who pay -- you're not going to have a tax base in new york. >> right. >> but many of them vote for the taxes in these places. >> i know. that's true. >> all right. the gloves are off in the battle of the billionaires. mark zuckerberg takes on elon musk with his rival twitter killer app. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> forget about that billionaire cage match, the real fight tween mark zuckerberg and elon musk is happening online. twitter now threatening to sue meta over it brand new app called threads. zuckerberg boasting that 30 million people joined in just the first day. here's the zuck. >> we are launching threads, an open and friendly public space for conversations. i am looking forward to fun journey ahead to turn this into the kind of big and friendly community that i think we all want to see in the world. >> elon musk is clapping back in -- and, quote, competition is fine, cheating is not. judge, i'll come to you. >> yeah. >> you just say whatever.
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[laughter] >> okay. there was a cease and desist letter that was sent today to mark zuckerberg from elon musk's people basically saying that meta , through treads -- threads, has engaged in unlawful misappropriation of trade secrets. now, what's interesting about this is that apparently everything that's happened in this lane is you have instagram that copies stories from snapchat, and then instagram created reelz which was a mimic of tiktok. and now tiktok has stories and they all copy and take from each other. but at this point elon musk is saying, you know, those people that i fired, you're hiring them, and you are literally copying and talking some of the trade secrets, and your threads is nothing more than twitter with a new name. enter katie, what do you make of that? so i don't have an instagram account, so i can't get a threads account which i think silly, and they should let people -- you get more sign-ups
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if that's not one of the restrictions. it does have a different word count, right? but it doesn't have hashtags which is the main search engine for twitter. and that seems like something that would be really similar if this was true, that it was just a carbon copy. >> well, there are a lot of people who left twitter when elon musk took over who are now working as engineers for this new threads service for zuckerberg. i bet a lot of people in silicon valley would argue that zuck tends to take things they don't think are his. he's accused of stealing facebook. but many terms of the technology, you know, these things come and go. myspace was a thing and then facebook came along. it's so interesting to watch how fast tech move and how quickly people's attention span dies out and they move on to the next thing or not. if you have built an audience on twitter of millions of followers, you don't necessary necessarily want to start over. you might see it as a way to reach more people, but there are
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lots of different platforms to choose from to get your message out, and it might become too saturated with places to say the same thing, essentially. >> greg, do you think that this will impact, whatever the fate of the lawsuit is, we'll see how that plays out, but twitter doing some hard thinking about the changes to the app that they've made? >> welsh first off, i had -- well, first off, i had to share my floor with myspace when we bought them on the 13th floor. they were horrible people. they put post-it notes on their food in the fridge, please don't eat this. we purposefully ate stuff -- >> of course you did. >> and we would smoke cigarettes in the office finish. >> that's why they had the post-its. >> okay. what kind of impact? i think we don't need another twitter, right? so i'm assuming this is all something else. this is a race for the a.i. interface, right? and once you get the artificial intelligence interface, all the apps go away so you don't need amazon or paypal or twitter or
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youtube. it's one relationship. it's one leadership with your little best friend, and he's going to predict if everything that you need in life, and you're never going to use your brain. it's going to be amazing. it's going to handle language and mathematics and directions in case you're lost. and i think that's what's happening, is you're seeing two of the richest people going in that direction. and this is where i can link it to why wokism failed. >> oh, thank god. i was wondering when we'd get to the good stuff. >> if everything is based on prediction, especially language, this is why the whole pronoun thing fell apart. if you look at a man and he says i'm a she, it's like -- it doesn't work. and so that dust imploded. -- that just imploded. that's my theory anyway why wokism, because it doesn't follow a predictive pattern. [laughter] you can quote me on that if you like. >> do you remember all your math teachers saying it's not like you're always going to have a calculator with you. >> yes. >> who's laughing now? [laughter] not them.
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>> i just wonder why you would want threads and not instagram. i mean, instagram is at least fun. >> yeah. >> but you still have instagram, you just -- >> why you personally? >> oh, me. >> yeah. >> so i only got twitter even when i started working here because sean hannity told me that i would miss out on all the fun and knowing what's going on. and i find it to be the greatest news source but more difficult now. if i had social media like that, i would spend 28 hours a day looking at everyone's old pictures being like, oh, you know, what's that guy doing that i went on one date with in -- >> typical chick. [laughter] >> don't even go there. >> it's fine, i can take it. >> there's 24 hours in a day, ca. >> that's why -- it made my point more. >> really? >> yeah. >> coming up -- [laughter] the roman coliseum giving a jaw-dropping explanation on why he did it. ♪
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♪ life in the fast lane ♪ >> welcome back. remember this idiot tourist, you know, the guy who thought it would be a great idea to carve his and his girlfriend's names into the wall of rome's 2,000-year-old ancient coliseum?
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turns out he's a 27-year-old british fitness instructor who wrote an apology letter to rome's mayor and, get this, claims that he had no clue how old the ancient building was before defacing it. you know, when i first aide this story, i -- read this story, i was terrified because i thought it was going to be an american tourist -- there yeah, me a too. >> and i was, like, this is going to be globally embarrassing. not that this is any better really, it's just a little less embarrassing for us. if this guy came before your court, what would you do to him? >> i've had cases like this. somebody decided they were going to paint a stop sign. i would make them clean the stop sign and clean every stop sign in the town, okay? this guy, let me just say about him, this guy, he's part of generation dis, i think, so he either never went to school or he's lying. i mean, what did he think it was, a landfill? [laughter] in rome, it's the coliseum.
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hike, you gotta go in there. you know where you are. >> did he not listen to the tour guide? >> you're out of place, that's a giveaway. even if you think it's not 2,000 years old, people care about this thing that i'm writing on. >> greg, knowing your bloodlust, what if we put lions back in the coliseum and threw him in there to fight them? >> i'm actually the, i think this man is a hero. >> of course you do. >> i do. we are now on day three of doing this story, and as you know in the summertime, you work in the media, there are no stories. so we've been able to do three bites out of this apple of this little guy who wasn't doing really anything wrong other than, you know, writing on something that's been around forever. by the way with -- by the way, if this coliseum were in minneapolis, seattle, portland, it would have been destroy already or would have been overrun by the homeless camping in it. so, i mean, this is -- we have no right to condemn this guy
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when we have spent two two years tearing down statues with no rately abuse. >> thank you. exactly. do you wish to respond -- >> in your face, jessica! statue i destroyer. >> blm -- >> i don't want to have the robert e. lee conversation again. >> who's robert e. lee? >> all right, katie --? >> this guy's biggest mistake is he carved a woman he's not married into -- >> and sometimes people split up. >> yeah. that is, like, bad news. girlfriend, really, the coliseum? >> poor judgment. >> i like how paris has the locks on the bridge. like, that's i such an easy thing, and it's -- [inaudible conversations] >> paris. anyway, that story went away. it was in flames and now -- [laughter] >> they dealt with it. they handled their business. >> i gotta go. one more thing is up next. ♪ went to the apollo to shoot a scene and go, go, go --
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♪ thea fry said, hey, sugar, tan walk on the wild side. ♪ for freeee. that's what i'm talking about. order in the subway app today. [music playing] subject 1: cancer is a long journey. it's overwhelming, but you just have to put your mind to it and fight. subject 2: it doesn't feel good because you can't play outside with other children. subject 3: as a parent, it is your job to protect your family. but here is something that i cannot do. i cannot fix this. i don't know if my daughter is going to be able to walk. i don't know if she's going to make it till tomorrow. [music playing] interviewer: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus
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on helping their child live. subject 4: childhood cancer, there's no escaping it. but st. jude is doing the work, continually researching towards cures, giving more than just my child a chance at life. interviewer: please, call or go online right now and become a st. jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. subject 5: those donations really matter because we're not going to give up. and when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world. interviewer: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt. you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. subject 6: st. jude is hope. even today after losing a child, it's still about the hope of tomorrow, because.
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childhood cancer has to end. interviewer: please, call or go online right now. [music playing]
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ time now for one more thing, jessica. >> the all american summer concert series continues tomorrow morning on fox where it with gavin. show up at seven and 48 and six in midtown manhattan for vip tickets registered out fox and the music starts at 8:00 a.m. to get there at 7:00 a.m. you went to stand around in the heat for an hour. also, check out this by rising golf star let me a bit unintentional but she had the tea right into her back pocket while training for the upcoming u.s. women's movement. isn't that cool? she did not even know. >> good thing it is filmed the progress women are showing up in all sorts of places, aren't they? you go girl. all right, tonight katy, brett, to itches, i'm rolling with the edges.
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this going to be a great show for it less this have done this in a while. how many nuts? all right judge how many notes? gotta roll the thing and stop it. roll it and then stop it. there we go for it how many nuts as this little fella going to stuff in his face? judge? like how many? >> you got to guess regrets 11 requests eight. chris charlie? let's all of them for. >> number. come on tell me how many nuts, charlie beatty said 11 customer coso 12. let's do it. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven stop. >> eight, nine, 10 okay go. bye. [laughter] this is great television. >> is it? here we go. charlie you one part you guess the right amount of nuts and you
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always do. >> he was a farmed of course he did so will the question is what did you win? what's exactly what you know. [laughter] what you do not want to know. >> great way to end a pride month. i am posting jesse water springtime tonight. as i said earlier, we have the individual call about the supermarket employee who was fired for recording three men who were stealing from the supermarket. but for one more thing i'm going to tell you about a california brother and sister deal catching up a lot of attention in the eyes of social media users. he is 10, she is eight they've never taken a dance lesson. yet their chemistry is unbelievable presents going viral entertainment organizers have requested the dope perform at events. their mother say they have big goals and plan to turn this into a career. greg's vertical row quickly season two of the luxury hunting lodges of america be available july 10 which is monday at also
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my birthday. what you give me a birthday present the watch of vaccination visit ranches and lodges across the country and charlie is jealous regrets about 10 seconds charlie precursor not to the video in 10 seconds. >> you are screwed. [laughter] there it is. a pet alligator in his mouth it's not tape stuck. >> that was wonderful for that is it for us. ♪ fox news alert tragedy in southern california today after business jet crashed near an airport killing all six people on board. it happened around 4:00 a.m. local time the city of marriott about halfway between los angeles and san diego. authorities say the plane was engulfed in plain flames by the time first responders arrived local station ktla reports that jet departed from harry reid international airport in las vegas. identities of the victims have not been released the faa says it will investigate what caused the crash. there are reports of heavy fog in the area at tha


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