tv Fox News Live FOX News July 9, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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reach out. find resources at space bar desperate manhunt now underway for homicide suspect on the loose. people have been locking the doors at their houses of their cars keeping watch on the parking lots and in their back lawns, living now on this sunday on high alert. here is the suspect to escape from the warren county pennsylvania prison three days ago. please call him very dangerous. he is quote survivalist skills. that means he could live in the woods, survive on the land, eat wild animals and camouflage himself from the cops. hello everyone welcome to "fox
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news live" i am eric shawn. hi arthel. arthel: hi eric, hello everyone i am arthel neville. officials say the fugitive may be hiding in a huge wooded area near the prison. they are conducting an extensive search they are. they are using dogs, drones, atvs. 34-year-old man is charged with kidnapping and theft in pennsylvania parties also a suspect in the shooting death of a woman and a western new york state in may. let's go to cb cottonelle. she is light and warren, pennsylvania with the very latest. >> hi arthel, it has been more than 48 hours since michael brehm scaled down the warren county scale behind me accusingly bedsheets according to investigators. we are getting a live look at the scene those close to the investigation tell us that makeshift rope went from the top of the building all the way down to this auditing. from that point you can see how close that awning is to the ground. this is the back of the jail at bases away from any street
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traffic it's possible his escape went entirely unnoticed. pennsylvania state police say burnham has military training which could give him an edge to surviving in the woods. >> at this time we have no reason to believe he has left the general area. he is a self-taught survivalist. with military experience could potentially be hold up in a wooded area near the city. >> officers say burnham could be armed at this point they're asking people who live nearby to state vigilant. >> make sure to lock your doors. make sure your car is locked the keys are left in the cars those kinds of things. we would appreciate your help and do not make it easy for him to acquire supplies, do not make it easy for him to acquire transportation. >> burham was last seen wearing a jail jumpsuit and jean jackets believes he could have ditched those close and change for this is not the first time burham had
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left police on a man after near clement was gunned down and make him investigators say burham was a person of interest or a suspect i should say and fled the area but he was eventually arrested all the way in south carolina. at arthel, he had been held in the scale behind me until this most recent escape, back to you. arthel: very dangerous man print cb cotton thank you very much you are at live in warren, pennsylvania. eric: there is a another win in the war against radical islamic terrorism. top isis leader in syria has been taken out by a u.s. drone. the same drone the russians buzzed in syria last week. u.s. central command said the targeted killing will have a major impact on the terror groups operations, trey yingst is live in tel aviv with this heartening news. >> eric, good afternoon read the u.s. military said they killed a top isis leader in eastern syria on friday. the target was a man named
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osama's u.s. central command says his death will disrupt in the great isis ability to plan and conduct the terror attacks. information about the drone strike was made public this morning. since comp commander set in a statement quote we have made it clear that we remain committed to the defeat of isis throughout the region. no civilians were killed and friday strike but one additional person was reportedly injured. there was a buzz about american drone activity over syria late last week when the pentagon indicated that russian fighter jets were harassing u.s. air force reaper drones operating in the area. the pentagon says there was an indication russian jets lasted around two hours while they were harassing the american drones. this did involve the russians find dangerously close to the drones and launching flares. the centcom statement today said the same american drones were responsible for the strike against this isis leader. earlier this year a russian jet brought out an american drone over the black seat during a similar incident. now the successful u.s. drone
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strike against its top isis leader yet another reminder that the islamic state continues to operate across the middle east despite the fall. eric: trey, a reminder they are still there and still want to kill us, thank you. arthel. arthel: eric and trey thank you. there is more fallout from the secret service finding a baggie of cocaine in the lobby at the west wing a week ago. that area is where guests enter for private tours of the white house. sources tillich fox you ever brought in the illicit drug may never be determined. meanwhile away from the white house duty calls the president flies to europe today for a nato summit. his first meeting with king charles as britain's monarch. lucas tomlinson is back at the white house with all of the latest, lucas. >> arthel, the present heads to europe as treasury secretary is just wrapped up a visit to china but she is flying back right now. earlier senator jon spoke about that visit on "fox news sunday". >> joe biden is playing right
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into the hands of communist china. never again can we allow ourselves as a nation to be dependent upon them for any anything. i just see secretary yellen there bowing down repeatedly in china is embarrassing it's emblematic of this administration. >> this is what senator was referring to, secretary yellen bowing repeatedly as you see here does not look like the courtesy was reciprocated by our chinese communist counterpart though the senior treasury official tells reporters candidly while flying back to the united states there were no specific policy breakers in the visit. this was a follow-up to the recent visit by secretary of state which also had no breakthroughs. instead the west establish the official called a floor and the relation relationship and it made an economic team and hearing from them in beijing. now here at the white house the investigation continues into who brought cocaine to the west wing. some people want to see the entire white house staff drug
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tested. medical personnel say cocaine get on the system quickly it can show up and urine, blood or saliva test only up to two or three days. of course the cocaine was found exactly one week ago a heavy user can test positive on a urine test for up to two weeks we are told. let's take a look at the crime scene next marks the spot the cocaine was spent on the ground floor of the west wake near where visitors begin their to tours, not far from where i am sandiford visitors explicitly their mobile phones and other items they do not need. officials say the investigation should be wrapped up early this week. it is not clear up any suspects are going to be names but officials say it is most likely that the perpetrator it was a white house staff. arthel: lucas tomlinson thank you very much for that live shot there from the white house. we are going to have much more on the president's trip to europe and a live report from jackie in london this afternoon. this hour actually and doctor rebecca grant will give us her insight and analysis on the
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latest in the russia/ukraine war and its impact on the u.s. and nato. before back here to home to the republican race for the white house has a lot of action this week and right front runner donald trump ramping up his attacks on his close competitor florida governor ron desantis. this is chris christie he is taking aim directly at the former president and the date now set for i was first in the nation caucuses. alexandria hoff keeping an eye on all with the very latest. hi alexander. >> let's talk about that date. gerry 15th is the earliest votes will be cast in a republican primary in iowa since 2012. day on "sunday morning futures" governor ron desantis at his campaign is doing the work that is needed and it is his ground game in early voting states he says is going to pay off. >> it's not a national primary parade that is not how these things are going for it it's on ground in those key states. you've got to have the
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organization. that is what we focused on end by the way, we just announced last week a better fundraising that any not income but has ever had. >> meanwhile plumber president trump made quite the entrance to usc 290 in las vegas last night grace met with cheers from mma fans was accompanied by ufc president dana white sprayed that came after verbal punches were thrown by the current gop front runner at his nearest opponents. that was havel who was speaking with nevada voters and volunteers. >> ron, you are so dead that abraham lincoln and george washington came back from the dead at if they put their hands and hearts to gather as. for the last minute beautiful prayer before we came up and i appreciate that. nothing is going to change, ron you are gone. >> desantis has pushed his campaign fundraising numbers as proof he is very much alive but
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raising $28 million the first six weeks of his campaign outpacing trump reported 35 over the span of three months. and appearing to have "fox news sunday" fellow republican white house contender former governor chris christie said trump's motivations are all wrong. >> is not someone is fighting for the american people and their future. this is all about his ego. when he cares about the most is trying to undo the loss he had to joe biden 2020. >> christie reiterated he is does not think trip can defeat president biden 24 either. >> it is certainly spirited thank you. arthel: all right for more on this right now we are joined by princeton university political scientists. lauren, if we could could i play the hopscotch with you i'm going to cut a goal of the play started with this. trump came out swinging. he is jabbing desantis with specifics about what trump sees
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as desantis failures and governing policy. so when will desantis and other gop hopefuls are jabbing at trump's failures or weaknesses? we think about the polling heading into the first republican debate in 2016 the situation was very similar. trump was ahead he was about 45% at that point, ted cruz had 20 something. kasich had double digits. it was simply too little too late by the time cap next started attacking trump. specifically for desantis he needs to do that on policy. there is this impression gop voters love trump but a lot of those stances and record items sort of counter traditional republican values for there is space bar that, it's not just
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personality -based which is what christie is doing. that is policy-based and maybe that is what desantis needs to do. arthel: what you think of the restricted gop debate requirements precluding perhaps viable candidates for making their case for the people before the people? >> the field is so large part of the concerns aren't logistical and you probably know the ins and outs of it better than i do, arthel. because fox is hosted verse gop debate on august 23. part of that is how you fit what looks like it could approach 20 people on the stage again. arthel: what about splitting it in half? >> yes i think that is what we did last time if i recall. there were complaints from some of the undercard candidates. but yes, every candidate should have a chance to send their message. sometimes polling cutoffs are very harsh.
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arthel: okay, what is your take that on the loyalty pledge required by all gop candidates to swear to nominee regardless of who that becomes? >> i think trump makes that very, very difficult for the republican field, chris christie probably would not take that pledge. i would be really surprised, desantis maybe he would because he is playing the middle ground is still trying to get trump supporters while also trying to distinguish himself. but if trump were not in the picture it is a foregone conclusion since he is in the picture and since there are so much more material his opponents can lobby against him since the last time we went through this i don't think you're going to see every hand go up. but the question will probably be asked.
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arthel: trump is a clear front runner according to a rear clear poles trump currently has a 52.4%. desantis at 21.5%. now casey desantis to set it forward campaign trail for her husband. why are they pulling out the secret weapon and can ron desantis beat trump? what will it take for him to do that? >> i'm glad you mention the national polling averages. despite what desantis is saying about his team on the ground in iowa and yes that is critically important, national polling averages are more informative the nature of individual poles as their idiosyncratic preview our rights, these numbers have been somewhat steady for the last few months. casey desantis and you know, arthel, i write and research and wrote a book about first ladies, is more than a secret weapon. it is just common sense if you have a spouse that is willing to
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do the work, that is willing to travel, they do so much more for candidates that allow them to be in more than one place at once. they can highlight deficiencies they can close gaps. so yes, she is absolute asset. any smart campaign would deploy a spouse if they have a chance. arthel: especially if they need to get the attention of women voters. let's move on because again we will talk about trump. he is clear runaway train of fundraising. so, can he stay on track all the way back to the white house? or could his legal troubles and indictments derail his return to 1600 pennsylvania avenue? >> they could cause more tro trouble. but not enough to close the 30 percentage point gap that we see between trump and desantis right now. my guess is it is too late for that gap to sort of get down to
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nothing. we have seen a very serious federal indictment at this point. and it really, since april trump has been in the 50s and desantis has been in the 20s. and so we might be more likely to see those numbers remain steady no matter what individual events happen on the campaign trail or in trump's legal world. van for them to change drastically they might change slightly because people will have to drop out of this huge field between now and primary season. we have a quick 20 seconds left or what is present biden strategy for reelection? will he rely on his record to let the republicans cannibalize themselves and wait to re-sign the lease of the white house? >> he is probably going to try. the best option for biden would be for trump to be the nominee. that is the easiest playbook.
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he has plenty to work with. he did it last time and he can rely on that memories of voters of a chaotic time in the trump white house. if for some reason trump isn't, things get much more difficult for biden. it will be taken to task on his covid record but he will taken to task on the economy. some of the other candidates have good answers to those questions on the gop side. arthel: okay thank you for playing hopscotch sorry except on your toes that happens in the game of scotch sometimes to the delay in audio. >> anytime any time. [laughter] princeton university political scientists, thanks laurent take care. support long time since i played hopscotch man oh man. coming up we have a special surprise for you. you will meet a former mob boss' name is billy he is the longtime former head of the crime family there's a new book about include some really big names. like former president trump, michael jackson, and what he
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sleep pattern and route to london and is expected to land later this afternoon. he is on a four day three at nation with jingle to some and lithuania and a visit to nato member finland. first up the presence of first meeting of king charles since he took the throne. jacqui heinrich live in london. jackie, you won the lottery today for sure. [laughter] >> hay arthel. it's a very nice day here in london you are right. the big focus of the president's trip though is going to be cooling concern after his decision to provide controversy of cluster bombs to ukraine. weapons that are banned by more than 120 countries. that decision drew immediate opposition from fort nato allies including the uk, canada, spain, and germany as well as some
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congressional democrats. but the russian foreign ministry it was very quick to seize on the white house position from last year. >> that reports of illegal cluster bombs and vacuum bombs being used by russians, if that is true what is the next step of the administration? >> we have seen the reports. if that were true it would potentially be a war crime. >> the weapons are considered risky because of the potential to leap unexploded bombs behind that could cause harm in future to civilians but officials say the u.s. supply is less likely to do that than russia president biden said his decision did not come easily. ukraine needs artillery with this counteroffensive underway and the country has every incentive to mitigate risks to its own people. >> that area is going to have big d mind regardless but ukraine would not be using these missions in some foreign land. this is their country they are defending. >> biden will head to lift away from london hill pushed turkey to allow sweden to join the alliance but biden is not making
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a push for ukraine's membership yet. saying it still needs to meet some threshold and the timing is not right. >> we are going to commit every inch of territory of this nato territory as a commitment we have all made no matter what. if the war is going on than we are all at work. we are at war with russia if that were the case. >> are the president will meet with king charles to talk climate. that the other focus of this trip he's got an eye toward mobilizing climate finance getting the private sector off the sidelines. especially for the benefit of developing countries, arthel. arthel: all right jacqui heinrich live from london. i must say i am jealous. i wish i was there with you. [laughter] eric: with big band in parliament behind jackie what will come out of the nato summit? fox news contributor doctor rebecca grant joins us and she's
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president of independent research and national security and military and analysis. is this a chance for nato to really give a double commitment to ukraine and finally rebuffed and perhaps punish vladimir putin? what's the one thing that needs to come out is very strong commitment from nato to stand behind ukraine. i would love to see ukraine in nato immediately. that may not be in the timeline. but this is probably the most important nato meeting in decades. they have got to be very strong as ukraine continues its offensive and as we try to bring this war to an end. eric: do you think nato and our allies will continue to be strong or is war fatigue setting in? >> of course we would like to see an end to this. but remember the eastern members of nato like lithuania who is hosting, are really worried about this russian threat.
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we all see that putin is doubling down. they argued using units from all over russia to fight in ukraine. putin is not ready to talk yet. has agreed to stay on in nato as the head and that to me says nato is going to have to continue its very strong support for yes we want this over but everyone from britain, germany, all of the allies are training forces in ukraine and giving military support so i think this support will be strong. >> you have a point that location is just a few hundred miles away from the battle. and of course in belarus its neighbor is a russian state. is there real fear that if putin is successful in ukraine he will push into eastern europe? >> one 100% and that fear has been there a long time. remember poland has the long border with belarus for the baltic republics used to be under soviet domination. so it is not been that long and these countries are nato
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partners in the east understand the threat of russia. and now, as we watch putin use those missiles to get cities in ukraine and all of the things that he has done that fear is very strong. that means that basic, nato will be dealing with the threat of russia and containing russia and supporting ukraine security for years to come. still worth all the losses russia has suffered and with the wagner group rebelling is putin on the ropes? >> putin is working hard to shore up his position. as wagner troops have been sent on leave and rotated out. there is rumor about reshuffling amongst the russian military. putin also has the propaganda machine working overtime. i think he is definitely trying to shore up his internal political position because putin wants to keep fighting in ukraine and he is sadly not ready to negotiate yet. he was to route out nato if he
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can progress despite those losses. finally the present in his interview that he gave talked about this is a moment of inflection for the world, democracies during dictatorship. let's take a listen. >> i think we are putting the world together in a way that is going to make things significantly, how can i say it, more secure for people. we are uniting democracies and the possibility of uniting in a way that is not happen ever. so far finland has joined nato sweden could join nato perhaps ukraine at some point. is this the chance for democracies and american values to be victorious? >> the battle has begun. the world is divided into two camps. russia and china are alive. they want to take over, they've made no secret about it. so the alliances building building around nato are key and remember there are specific
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nations like dependably visiting the nato summit as we try to hold together a global alliance of democracies so keep this row going in the right direction. eric: japan at a nato summit says it all for doctor rebecca grant good to see you think you as always for your analysis. >> thank you. arthel: air, present biden is hitting the 'bidenomics' message heart hoping to winning over voters in 2024 but will it work? we will ask ohio republican congressman bill johnson of the house budget committee. that is coming up next. (sniff) still fresh. still fresh! mmm, still fresh! get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection with downy unstopables.
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in that the economy stupid? >> i don't think so i don't the president to messages selling. if you look at the latest polling 60 some% of the american people think the economy is not only worse than it was before present biden took office, but it is getting worse every day. when you look at the price of consumer goods even though inflation may be down, it is down from a skyrocketing high under the biden administration. but food is still too expensive. the price of energy is still too expensive. putting shoes and clothes still too expensive. they're not single by the nymex as a positive thing. >> even though jobs numbers, the end employment rate is down that's not cutting it either? >> it is not.
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where are those jobs being created? when you consider what the administration is doing to mandate electric vehicles, i am not opposed to electric vehicles of they want to choose to buy would be if the government to mandate as a totally different story. job creation seems to be in areas that are short-lived for their not going to provide the long-term benefit to the american people that the biden administration seems to think it is. when you are looking at the damages to her energy grid again the cost of consumer goods being so hyper i do not think the american people are buying it. ask the energy grid it perk up our infrastructure look at some the stuff happening in texas they're having blackouts when it's cold they can't get heat.
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obviously things need to be done but that's the states governors deal at this point i guess. let's move on to this. because time is ticking for it you have september 30 coming up before you know it. i wanted to ask you what deal points are must haves customer deal breakers if you will for the gop? where can you find grounds to compromise? >> i don't think there is anybody on the gop beside even though we've got differences within our party, differences are good. that brings you to better solutions when you think their problems. i do not think anyone on the republican congress, at least in the house disputes the fact we need to curb the out-of-control spending this going on in washington d.c. we did not get to where we are with high inflation, high energy and high food prices overnight.
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it got there because of this administration's policies. so yes, we need to find places to cut. we need to do it very pragmatically. there is a right and wrong way to do everything we got to be smart about the way we do it. i believe bipartisan solutions are the more permanent solutions. i served with democrats that understand we've got a very, very serious spending problem. i am hopeful we are going to be able to get this done. but we will have to wait and see what happens. arthel: we are hopeful some of your fellow lawmakers can have that same sentiment that you have. which is you are willing to work across the aisle. you seem to be willing to work, roll up your sleeves and do what it takes to get a budget on track for the good of the american people. but do you feel go ahead. christ yes.
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that is what we are elected to do. we are elected to represent the people to put their vote and confidence in us. and i think it is within the republican conference and i don't know anyone who is not trying to do that. we have a differences in the amount of those cuts. ed places we should cut. but at the end of the day the american people next year are going to ask themselves the question, are you better off now than you were four years ago? and i don't think 'bidenomics' and i don't think the out-of-control spending in washington d.c. is going to bode well for this administration of president biden. arthel: is much as i would like to think there's no fractures of the gop, there are, their factors on the other side as well. we are hoping congress can both outside of party lines and get something done. final word congressman? >> we are certainly hoping to do that as well. i am a member of the problem solvers caucus. they work with republicans and
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democrats. to make sure we do the right thing for the american people. i learned after 27 years in the united states air force i do not get my way every day about everything. and you have to sit down and talk about what is best for the country and is the best. everyone's got their own individual districts to represent two. the needs of my district are very different than the needs in san francisco, or new york, or new orleans. so i get that. but again it is the diversity of opinion that bring us to the right kind of solutions, that will make the quality of life and better bring jobs here to america. lower the cost of energy and consumer goods for all amer americans. arthel: alright we will work on cloning you, congressman bill johnson. thank you very much for being here with us today. take care. >> good to be with you, thank you.
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eric: families of those who were killed in the radical islamic terrorist attack on 911 are outraged. they will show up on capitol hill% hearings. the proposed merger between pga tour and the saudi arabian backed golf tournaments. those families blasting the pga as quote paid side eight. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram now reports from washington. >> the term you hear on capitol hill is sports a washing of potential effort by the saudi's to cover up alleged atrocities underscored by l iv golf urging forces with lg pga. >> i don't think you can wash the stain away and the assassination or some the other human rights violations. >> it is a really serious thing to have a ford dictatorship in charge of a major u.s. sports league. >> the antitrust concerns, pga declined to comment for this
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story. fox was told pga will control most of the new organization. the pga initially spoke out about liv golf performed an abrupt about-face which almost no one saw coming. >> i think you need to know some kind of time on here when exactly did this flip question rick we do not have an inside look what the finances look like pickwick to deal enrage 911 families united. >> it is a gut punch. and your heartbreaks big. >> terry's husband died in the north tower four days after she gave birth to their third child. just commissioned a major billboard in times square condemning the pack to pray. >> the kingdom has three ways of doing business. they either bribe you, they threaten you or they kill you. >> ron johnson said saudi involvement in professional golf is no different than other routine business engagements. execute use oil you are basically supported the saudi regime as well. rather have saudi's investor dollars in the u.s. rather than
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to russia or china. >> he senate panel wanted to hear from liv golf founder greg norman he will not appear. there is legislation to strip the pga of its tax-exempt st status. on capitol hill, chad pergram fox news. eric: up next sees the mob boss you never heard of. he said he did business with a lot of big names that you know. we will tell you the surprising revelations about a new book about billy d'elia. is here with those revelations, next. hi, i'm sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. on other diets, i could barely lose 10-15 pounds. thanks to golo, i've lost 27% of my body weight, and it was easy. (soft music)
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bufalino crime family based in pennsylvania for decades but his power spans unions, hollywood and washington. the new book said billy, you see their walking with russell bufalino 20 or 30 years ago was as big billy a highly respected trusted figure throughout the american mafia. that book that tells the story is the life he chose. william a big billy billy d'elia its author veteran journalist mike who covered the crime family for years in pennsylvania joins us now. >> who is billy d'elia why was he so important to the mafia? >> billy it was head of the bufalino crime family beginning in 1994. but, for 30 years before that almost 30 years he had been the protégé and so-called son of russell bufalino. there was no one closer to bufalino who is arguably the
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most powerful and influential member of organized crime in the 20th century. so billy learned from bufalino and eventually before bufalino went to prison it was billy who was running the family it was the de facto head. he learned a lot from russell and also had become -- mckee had filled in russell's shoes in terms of becoming the mob's negotiator whenever there is a turbulence with organized crime they would go to russell. it was also outside of organized crime, entertainment, politics, whatever. folks are gone to russell and billy assumed that role and intervened and became a very, very powerful figure himself. eric: that's what's interesting about the book and the trento crime family you think of the mafia what you see in the mo movies. but some of these members were businessmen upstanding seemingly members of the community when he
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dealt with business and negotiations on a very high level. >> it was not all violence. in fact we did not spend a lot of time talking about violence i spent over a year with billy. the thing that was really unique about billy as he had never ever spoken to anyone. not when he was arrested in 2006 for conspiring, drug money, drug laundering, investigation. law enforcement one to talk to him, everyone did. new york city tour in the task force homeland security secret service and the fbi. they wanted to talk to him about what he knew about hoffa. billy would not talk to anyone. it was not and i started talking 2020 and even then it wasn't until then he actually spoke. and that's within the book. for what he reveal? what until about half a home about a meeting he went to with bufalino they drove from pennsylvania into new york city.
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russell had said during his treatment have his time in your city the breath of his powers across the country. as a couple days after hoffa disappeared he said were going to go to new york and on the way he tells them that tony provenzano and two senior members of the family are going to be there so is frank shearin. it was a hitman and eight teamster official very close to jimmy hoffa as well as bufalino. apparently the meeting was being held to get frank shearin to promise provenzano that he would not harm them because frank was enraged about hoffa's murder and it was provenzano who gave the order to kill hoffa. and apparently it was carried out elsewhere by someone in detroit. it was a pretty big revelation.
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i asked billy to could they have done that and billy said no. it was hard for him to admit that. but he did. stiffer the book indicates that russell did not order the hit. and finally in the time we have left this is all in her series that riddle, the search for james r hoffa by the way. billy d'elia seemed to be old-school is not a rat as they say he was not a mob informer he did not testify against anyone in the law. does he still hold, did he hold this type of beliefs? >> an associate of his reach out to me in 2020 was one of those e-mails you get where it's a lazy sunday afternoon, would you be interested in talking to billy and i almost fell off my chair i knew he'd never spoken to anyone. so we meet, it took about three or four months to really get going. talking about russell, he did not want to say anything.
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we ended up talking for over year end a half. eric: the book is terrific. it is out this week and it's called the life we chose. what a life billy d'elia. met, sank it you can see more of mr. billy d'elia on an episode riddle is of course a program or pick up the book. the life we chose bite met. thank you. i trusted the experts at safelite. with their state-of-the-art technology, they replaced the windshield, recalibrated the car's camera, and then recycled my old glass. i found out safelite recycles over three million windshields a year. great job! >> tech: thank you! >> woman: replace, recalibrate, recycle. i count on safelite. ♪ rock music ♪ >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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