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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 10, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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that are on there. or any unfamiliar brands. that just don't sound right. avoid ring products for privacy. company admits to ring products. steer away from impulse items you will regret later 42% of the people do. >> steve: go to for more information. kurt, thank you very much for joining us today from the west coast. >> happy shopping. >> steve: you bet. it's 7:00 here in the east and "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. >> brian: we begin with a fox news alert. president biden, there is he. gearing up for big meeting with king charles this morning. as he makes his way to windsor. >> ainsley: comes ahead of his trip for lithuania following the war in ukraine. >> steve: jacqui heinrich joins us from outside windsor castle. you haven't bin been invited in
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yet. >> i don't think i will get invitation to go inside. probably not. the conversation here between the two leaders is supposed to be about climate finance and getting the private sector off the sidelines especially for the benefit of developing countries. looming large over this conversation is the president's decision to provide controversial cluster bombs to ukraine. the u.k. was among four nato allies which immediately voiced opposition to the move. and members of congress are split on this. you have got some republicans siding with president biden and some democrats opposing him. >> i have some real qualms about it. there is an international prediction prediction and the us here is a reason to do something different. green light to other nations to give green light. >> quite honestly, jake if as you look at the counteroffensive it has been slowed because this administration has been so slow to get the weapons in.
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>> the u.s. is not among the 120 countries that leaf unexploded bomblets behind pose risk to civilians. russia's use of them in ukraine could constitute a war crime h to explain why ukraine's use of them would not. >> this is about keeping ukraine in the fight. send additional artillery shells that have cluster bomblets the ukrainians will be using cluster munitions which obviously have a very low dud rate defend their own territory hitting russian positions that sutherland going to have to be de-mined anyway. biden also drew criticism for revealing that ammo shortages were a big factor in his decision.
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>> the ukrainians are running out of ammunition. this is a war relating to munitions he they're running out of that munition and we are low on it. >> some blasted the president for revealing that the u.s.s. readiness to defend itself called into question. fox digital not the case. highlight the need for other nato allies. while pressing perky to let sweden into nato not calling for ukraine to be admitted just yet. >> ukraine wants membership in nato. should it get membership in nato. >> i don't think it's ready for membership in nato. i don't think there is unanimity in nato about whether or not to bring ukraine into the nato family now. at this moment in the middle of a war. >> biden said allowing ukraine
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into the alliance with the war ongoing could trigger article 5. but he said a big part of this nato summit needs to be laying out a clear path for ukraine to get there, guys,. >> steve: jacqui, thank you very much. we will be keeping an eye on windsor castle because the president is scheduled to be appearing for his meeting with the prime minister at 10 downing street half hour or 45 minutes, something like that. one of the things this particular trip has done very effectively is it has changed the subject. all last week it was all about hey, whose coke was in the white house by the way? and there you can see the president leaving 10 downing street. so what's interesting -- this was earlier, what's interesting is they are changing the subject. but, at the same time, there is a story that msnbc was reporting on friday that they think that the investigation rather than taking two weeks would actually wrap up today. so it will be interesting to see whether or not the white house actually reveals whose coke it was or if they said we have identified the person. we have spoken to the person.
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we are taking action and that's it. >> ainsley: is he going to get on marine one. lift off to windsor castle. 7:45 it will arrive there. outside of london if you drive. 11:00 a.m. air force one wheels up to lithuania go to nato summit. >> brian: on deck, obviously is, sweden should be in turkey holding out. why turkey is still in nato is beyond me. they are holding out for that evidently f-16 is not going to be good enough. as long as there are protests of the -- that supports groups that erdogan looks at at terrorist groups they will not be allowed in. how much longer sweden or turkey nato. that should be the vote. >> steve: i vote sweden, i'm swedish. >> brian: i hear ya. what is happening in afghanistan spud should the president take a bow because we killed an isis
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leader. we left in afghanistan as promised a terror haven. no al-qaeda president. scott mann home invasion pineapple more people on the ground as contacts trying to be rescued than probably the pentagon said there is proof al-qaeda is coming back that bin lad deb's son is moving around afghanistan with impunity. and then he said this about what we left behind there. now, think about this. we are out of ammo in america. but look at what we left behind and what is happening in afghanistan. >> consistently again and again, i know i'm disappointed in the senior political leadership. at the same time, brian, we are getting reports from folks inside afghanistan that the weapons and equipment that we left behind are not only being sold to isis but they are making their way on the black market into lebanon and to gaza, into north africa. i mean, i just wish that the institutional leaders had one
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fraction of the leadership character that our men and women who serve in the military have. >> ainsley: what a patriot. he got a patriot award here at fox. he got some people out of afghanistan that were trapped there that had helped americans. whether it comes to the cluster bombs giving to ukraine because we are out of this other ammunition that he told the world hey, china. >> steve: the good stuff. >> ainsley: 19 photographics who are not in favor of these cluster bombs. they sent this letter to lawmakers on friday one of them is congresswoman barbara leah congresswoman from barbara lee they don't immediately explode children could step on them. biden says very low dud rate and will not be used in civilian areas and ukraine needs this munition they need to be able to fight back. he said he didn't see anything wrong with it. >> brian: it's interesting because admiral kirby asked by martha raddatz just there on msnbc. you are giving them cluster bombs?
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yes. the main reason you are giving it to them is because we are out of other ammo? the answer was yes. it's not we decided that ukraine has them. we decided we have so many of them and we are out of the other traditional a artillery we are going to give them to them. >> ainsley: now though weigh told the world we are out of the 155 ammunition rounds are making more. >> brian: system that allows us not to fulfill -- pay the money $33 billion worth of equipment. supposed to give 45 billion to taiwan. 45 billion more. we have not fixed the system. because all the contractors in the 1990s combined in order to be more efficient. what happens is there is no competition. so there is' no urgency and a lot of the raw material is not there. so, therefore, our pentagon is less efficient and doesn't seem urgency with republicans or democrats to fix it. >> steve: maybe the fact that he spilled beans now people are going to be talking about it hey, shouldn't we have bullets? we make them.
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let's have more. >> ainsley: are we giving the majority of equipment to ukraine? >> that's right. >> and other countries are not and we are out of our ammunition? >> brian: indeed. ukraine is one of the topics on the president front rise to 2024. ron desantis second in all the polls, donald trump ahead in all the polls. ron desantis was on with maria bartiromo yesterday on sunday morning futures. weighs asked about a politico headline. the headline was failure to launch on saturday and she asked him about why it seems his campaign has stalled? did you hear what the governor said? well, he said this. >> these are narratives. the media does not want me to be the nominee. i think that's very, very clear. why? because they know i'll beat biden but even more importantly, they know i will actually deliver on all these things. we will stop the invasion at the border.
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we'll take on the drug cartels. we'll curtail the administrative state. we'll get spending under control. we'll do all the things that they don't want to see done. they are going to continue doing the type of narrative. >> steve: speaking of spending the governor also brought up he has $150 million in his campaign war chest that he has not touched and he said that he is looking forward to the debates and keep in mind it's still early. months and months and months before people start voting. >> ainsley: remember on her networks they were calling his wife casey the walmart melania which i don't really think it's not that degrading. it's not an insult. i love melania. i think she is beautiful. and i love walmart. so, yeah. just everyday people. anyway, so now they are saying they are mocking her. they are calling her names and calling her america's karen. listen to this msnbc panel cast desantis is a compelling person
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in florida and nationally. for many she is the brighter side to florida's angry governor. foreother she has become america's karen. i think that's the ultimate disconnect here with a campaign that needs to embrace more constituencies to get to the white house. >> america's karen. david jolly, oh, boy. >> i called her serena waterford wannabe needs to cut it out. we see you. [laughter] there is all kinds of names for her she needs to stop measure the drapes in the white house and think she is some jacque o. casey desantis. keep an eye on her she'll a wiley figure. >> brian: she looked the same way when she was doing jacksonville news. >> if she looks like jacqui o. it's a compliment not an effort. she is going to bat for moms and parents. she should say guilty as the charged. that's my message on education. that's her focus and she is unbelievably eloquent behind the microphone. even for a broadcaster i think she is extraordinary. and she is great partner to the
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president, to excuse me the governor who wants to be president. and she is -- and people look at a candidate and they look at the spouse, too. just like they look at a running mate whether you like it or not. number three it is very tough for anybody to run against donald trump. it's the most unique challenge ever. i have yet to see someone have the perfect formula. people see what happened in new york with the indictment and see what happened with the documents and compare it to biden not hearing a word who also has documents and saying it's unfair. for a republican to come out and say trump is bad. shouldn't have taken the documents and i don't know what -- and the charges in new york, defending them. any time you go if you are for the indictments, you are not going to have any republicans in your camp. if you are against the indictments, then you are praising donald trump and supporting donald trump. so, that's not going to help you win an election. so they are almost all the candidates are bending over backwards to try to figure out where the sweet spot is for them to go to bat for their own
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candidacy. while also pointing out how unbalanced the justice system seems. >> steve: well, i think -- and we have talked about it in the past. i think the debate is where is going to be inflection point to steal joe biden's term. that's when you are going to see all of them up there we hope donald trump shows up. >> brian: he is not gonna. >> steve: it would be great if he did. just so you can go shopping and hear the various people talk about various things. remember the debates back in the day jeb bush was way ahead. marco rubio was way ahead and do.steve. >> ainsley: donald trump makes it so interesting and all the candidates. make a choice. is he risk going he doesn't got debate. risking someone else outshines him and does really well? >> brian: desantis is going to be the target on everybody else on the stage yet he is not the leader. is he going to get all the arrows and none of the glory. i'm in second and get all the
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punches to the solar plexus and chin. >> ainsley: by the way casey desantis you met her. >> brian: unbelievable. >> ainsley: a mother and hard worker. >> it's not easy being a mother to one. i can't believe three. campaign trail and governor's house and first lady of the entire state. >> steve: obviously it was very effective for that msnbc panel to suddenly take shots at her they can say she is more effective as a messenger than her husband. >> ainsley: maybe that's why they are talking about her. ashley joins us with more headlines. >> good morning, going to start with this. 9 people are hurt after a shooting in downtown cleveland early yesterday morning. police racing to the scene after hearing the shots ring out from their parked patrol cars and with no suspect in custody. the city's democrat mayor quickly pointed fingers at republicans for the violence.
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>> i'm sick and tired residents and victims of gun violence and republicans blaming us as mayors for violent crime. >> we need their help. hold them accountable for passing dangerous gun laws in our state. >> police say they are following several leads. the clock is ticking for the doj as top republicans give them until until thursday to schedule a dozen interviews with investigators working on hunter biden's federal tax case. they are working to determine whether his plea deal was handed down fairly. the deadline comes as senator chuck grassley reveals irs investigators were not allowed to attend a briefing on the bidens saying in a letter, quote: irs whistleblowers have affirmed that assistant u.s. attorney leslie wolf prevented investigators from seeking information about joe biden's v in business arrangement.
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yankee slugger aaron judge will face first all star game in two years after tearing a ligament in his toe last month. the patriotic star also explaining why he sings god bless america before games every time i see a soldier or marine or policeman or firefighter i say thank you. i can't thank them all so i do it by singing there will still be plenty of stars out in seattle tomorrow for the all-star game. can you catch it at 8:00 p.m. eastern on fox. >> ratings up across baseball. will this is a big year. >> ainsley: still get tickets. i was just looking a ticket $284. that looks like the lowest. >> steve: it's in seattle. >> ainsley: we have viewers that might be up. >> 3:00 a.m. there. >> 4:16. thank you very much, ashley. piers morgan said last week. apparently baseball is boring compared to critic ghet an flour right now. piers is going to be joining us
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to show us how to play baseball. >> ainsley: always take interest in game we played. >> brian: we have round bat and they have flat paddle. >> steve: pickleball uses a flat paddle. >> brian: more and more americans are liking soccer used to be a tougher argument. >> ainsley: many more and more americans will like cricket after broz anyone said that. >> are they unitards? >> ainsley: i have been to a cricket tournament. i think they wear all white. i think it was like a baseball field. they wore like a uniform. >> brian: they wore pants. >> steve: on the pitch. >> ainsley: fox business host stuart varney joins us live but first, steve. >> steve: the doctor will see us now. he may not be the only one. a controversial new op-ed calling for healthcare providers to wear body cameras to discourage racism.
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dr. marc siegel is not wearing a camera but we have one on him and is he coming up next. >> i'm recorded. >> brian: it's about time. ♪ secret works! ohhh yesss. ♪ lowe's knows the best appliances are the ones that blend in. it's why we carry the new whirlpool over the range microwave. designed to fit flush within your cabinets for a custom look, exclusive to whirlpool. and now, buy more save more, up to an additional $1,000.
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♪ >> ainsley: in a controversial new op-ed, a yale physician says all doctors should be forced to wear body cameras so that they can be punished if they are racist. dr. amanda calhoun writing in part as a physician i have witnessed countless racist behaviors towards black patients. if hospitals and medical institutions want to make good on antiracism statements have healthcare officials wear body cameras. joining us with reaction is
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dr. siegel. a what's your reaction? >> first of all the entire doctor-patient relationship and interaction is based on trust on both sides. on kindness, on compassion. you start recording these encounters, that trust goes out the window. doctors already under attack for malpractice suits. you could report your physician to the state if you want, or the hospital or the medical board. so many ways that doctors are under scrutiny. by the way we have an idea that we have done forever which is if i'm examining a woman, ainsley, i will bring a nurse in with me. it's not a one-on-one only. the other thing is the national health service who started this whole body cam they did it for the reverse reason 26% of all doctors harassed or abused by patients over a one year period. should we record patients? some women that are physicians are called nurses or my wife who has an accent.
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people make fun ever her accent. >> there is certainly an issue with racism. but it's on a one-on-one basis. it's not the idea that everybody that's a dock door is treating somebody differently because of their race. we are trained differently than that we are trained that everyone is the same. we are trained by illness and body organ system not by color of skin. >> steve: so, ultimately, this idea is never going to take off in the united states because of just what you said, right? >> it better not take off in the united states. dock to bees are quitting and doctors are overwhelmed with paperwork. doctors are eleventhly not going to be put up with this. steve, who is going to interpret this. once it's recorded i object can say you are racist, you are out. people are going to be afraid to say anything. it's an intimate encounter between a doctor and patient where a person reveals their secrets. they are going to be there. what a bad idea. >> this sounds much like what the police officers were saying before they got body cameras and now they are come place in this
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country. i know it will be insane and happen. maybe the yale professor should wear a camera. body camera. she is a psychiatry resident. maybe she is given bad psychology. the others say i don't want to have my doctor have a ram a are a. oftentimes when we are in the room we are not closed we are wearing a gown. our doctor is very intimate. i don't want that on camera. >> who wants that on tape. who wants to be a record of they found that it showed a lot of abuse to police now they want to roll the camera i don't want a camera to see i figure maybe pick and choose patients based on race? >> no, it's not my experience, i have been in practice over 30 years i have never seen that i think the whole philosophy of medicine my said.
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fellow creature in pain, that's how i look at it. that's the compassion we need. >> also not going to help insurance. let's say you have a certain diagnosis and maybe -- found my cancer earlier now you are being sued. >> exactly. they got a body cam that records it. where you didn't say in that encounter that they had cancer or something. can you imagine if you were wearing a camera just live streaming it it's like a reality show. >> that's the other thing. it makes a farce out of the whole encounter. >> as ainsley said it takes away the idea that you might reveal something. nobody would want that. not a patient or doctor. another super imposed i'd logical big government, big brother solution. >> we did record this though. >> he needs a lot of help. he is fine. it's for those off camera
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moments. now to a fox news alert. president biden is on his way to windsor castle to meet with king charles for the first time. favorite rapper 50-cent giving two cents. there you go. los angeles' controversial bail reform policy the rapper is warning as he says the city is, quote, finished. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. so many hotels. ah! ah! ah! trouble booking the family vacay? come on. comfort has free hot breakfast for the whole fam. they have waffles! and splendid pools. cannonball! book direct at
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this isn't just freight.
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these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you.
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' ♪ >> steve: 7:30 here in the east. back with a fox weather alert. one woman dead after being swept away by floodwaters while she was trying to get to higher ground in new york state. look at that that torrential rain left parts of west point military academy under water. people throughout the northeast faced rare flash floods and severe storms throughout the weekend. meanwhile on the west coast, a neighborhood in los angeles county evacuate in just 20 minutes before a sudden landslide totaled their homes. look at that. check in right now with senior meteorologist janice dean who is on the streets where, you know for a change it's not raining here but you can just feel there's something up with the
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weather. >> janice: yeah, a lot of humidity in the atmosphere potential for showers and thunderstorms today around the new york city area but most of it will be up towards new england, let's take a look at the maps and i will a lot of these totals coming within a couple of hours. close to nine inches for parts of pennsylvania, west point, new york where we unfortunately had that death, that high water rescues happening across upstate new york in towards new england and we have several flash flood warnings in effect and flood alerts for the next several hours until tomorrow morning, especially for new england, so, rain still to come, vermont, you have the bulls eye on you, where we have the potential for flooding rainfall in the next couple of hours and then we also have the potential for severe weather for the plain states, from texas all the way towards the midwest and temperatures surpassing 100 degrees yet again for parts of texas in towards the southwest. this is going to be a big story not only today but through the workweek as we have got this
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area of high pressure that's just stuck, it's going to remain stuck for this week, this is the fourth week of temperatures surpassing 100 degrees in the fedex area and i mean the weather pattern is not just going to change heat alerts for the southwest and including parts of california temperatures are going to 100 degrees with the humidity and very dangerous and this is just a pattern pattern not moving in which we also want to make mention that the heat is going to return to the southeast and florida can temperatures passing 90 degrees. well over 100 degrees. rainfalls are incredible. we will continue to monitor it. fox weather. latest watches and warnings. i know you were affected in by the weather heading in this morning, ashley, as well and we
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will continue to keep you up to date on that. >> ashley: my husband had to get up at 2:00 and take me in god whether he is his heart. >> john: god bless him we love your husband. >> ashley: rained 48 hours straight at our house. >> thank you. six people are dead and another person is hurt after a stabbing in a kindergarten in china. the attack follows several similar acts of violence over the last few years. fueling concerns about the safety of the country's preschools. chinese state media reporting that both adults and children were victims of the attack. police say a suspect in custody. pga board member is resigning saying he has serious concerns about pga's merger are saudi backed liv golf. he will step down from the 11 person board meelgd saying on saturday the deal is not one that i can objectively evaluate or in good conscience support particularly in light the u.s. intelligence report concerning jamal khashoggi in 2018. spacex setting a record with
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latest rocket 9. rocket 16th trip most relaunched rocket in the world on the atlantic ocean less than 10 minutes later. those are a couple of your headlines, steve back down to you. >> steve: that is cool to see. thank you, ashley. rapper 50-cent as is he known warning l.a. county and the city is about to get out of control he writes over its bail policy allowing more criminals to walk free. the rapper posting a local news clip about the new york bail reform saying quote l.a. is finished. watch how bad it gets. shaking my head. somebody else who is shaking his head is my next guest born and raised in l.a. saying leadership is to blame for the soaring crime problem. orange county district attorney todd spitzer joins us now shaking his head. >> good morning, steve.
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>> 50-cent is absolutely right. >> a lot r. at least a dollar. where has he been. zero bail during the pandemic and quite frankly zero bail was an excuse by our judicial council which controls our courts. it was already being discussed and ready to be implemented before the pandemic. the pandemic became the excuse to implement zero bail. the legislature in california where i served for six years in the state assembly tried to pass zero bail under senator hertzberg and it did and then the voters had to overturn it. let's get real. i'm not i'm not a listener of 50-cent he has a lot of influence and a lot of followers. it's about time that the music industry and hollywood elite got their arms around this problem and started to speak out. >> steve: absolutely. and to your point, todd, about
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this started during covid, the intention was back then that the cover story was we want to reduce overcrowding. you know, if covid is super contagious, try to get as many people as out of the jails as possible. now cody is no longer a problem but that's still the intent. >> it's always been the intent. listen, there is a social agenda sweeping america that was implemented before the pandemic now that the pandemic is over the social progressives are not going to allow the pandemic to stop them from trying to transform america. the worst enemy enabling all of this in los angeles is the "l.a. times" there is a front page article today in the editorial section all we must provide housing first for the homeless. no, we have reverend andy bales who ran the rescue mission in l.a. driven out of l.a. because he had the gull to say as an expert
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you must provide mental diversion when he said housing first. l.a. is failed. beyond crisis. not rescuable. last point, steve, did you know the homeless count went up in the last count? why? because the homeless are going in droves to l.a. county where they can get a million dollars house for free while my son who has a college education and just graduated cannot afford to live in los angeles. what is upside down about this model? >> steve: plenty. absolutely, todd. meanwhile, you mention a million bucks. from one singer to another, beyonce's mother tina knowles. her house was burglarized. apparently she is a million dollars of cash or jewelry in the house. it's now gone. i'm sure they are trying to look and find the cash and the
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jewelry but then again, it's one of those things where nobody was hurt. do we really have to look for the person? >> steve, my staff is testifying in front of correct me if i am wrong next week about the abuse of the visa program in america the chileans are coming here 350,000 a year. and burglarizing homes in large droves. i pointed this out. speaker mccarthy was in my county two weeks ago. kevin and i are in good friends serve in the state legislature together. i'm telling you, steve. [lost audio] cannot be allowed to take over america. >> steve: let's see what happens. we hope they catch the people involved and they return her cash and jewelry. todd, thank you very much for getting up early out there. >> any time, steve, thank you so much. >> steve: 20 minutes now before the the top of the hour to a fox news alert. president biden is set to meet with king charles iii. there you can see the king is waiting right there outside
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windsor castle. we will bring you the latest on the president's trip to europe coming up next on "fox & friends." ♪
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>> brian: back with a fox news alert. president biden participating in arrival ceremony, an inspection of the honor guard with king charles the iii at windsor castle. >> ainsley: the president arriving moments ago for first meeting with the king since taking the crown in may. here is to react is host of varney and company and american built on fox business stuart varney. you are originally from the u.k. >> stuart: many, many years ago. i'm an american citizen despite the accent here. >> ainsley: we were going to have you on to talk about janet yellen but this happens. the king will receive biden. the guard of honor will give the royal salute. is that what we just saw.
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>> steve: here comes the president's car. >> ainsley: the national anthem will be played. >> brian: arriving on the infield. usersed to have a car like this to deliver relief pitchers. now delivering the president to the king. >> steve: charles, when the king sits down with the president, they have a lot in common when it comes to climate and the environment. >> stuart: you just called me charles. >> steve: sorry abouts that. charles varney. >> stuart: not going to happen. you are raising a very important issue here, actually. they are going to have -- king charles will have climate finance talks with our president something the king and queen of england should not be doing. a little bit of furor about that. >> ainsley: got on the stage and promoting environmental climate
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conversations. >> his father, obviously, this has been near and dear to his heart for the last five deck case. and then the queen herself whether she passed away, at her funeral there were lots of clips of her talking about the climate. hers was more from a religious standpoint this is god's earth and we have to protect it saturday stuart a little context the brits are starting to realize the cost of that green plan. they have reopened a coal mine in central england. >> brian: thank goodness. >> stuart: going to start drilling for more oil in the sea. there they are talking about it right there. >> ainsley: how did our country feel when the president did show up for the coronation. >> some feeling amongst the brits that the president was snubbing the new king charles. now whether that was true or not i simply don't know. there is a feeling in britain that biden does not like the brits very much. >> because he loves ireland. he wouldn't do a trade deal with the brits, he was not happy that
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the brits left the european union in brexit. there is a little not exactly going on in the background, a little ill feel. >> brian: you want to help the british people in the. >> countries immensely. >> why he didn't want that trade deal i can't imagine. [national anthem] >> steve: they are rolling out the red carpet. here they are playing our national anthem for the president. let's listen. ♪ nat [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ [national anthem] ♪
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[national anthem] ♪ [national anthem] ♪ [national anthem] ♪ [commands]
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♪ ♪ >> brian: stuart, what a your thoughts watching. >> steve: they do pomp and circumstance very well. >> stuart: they do it well. looking at it as someone who has lived in america for 50 years who comes from that, i'm impressed by the pageantry but i have no real desire to go back and be a part of it. i'm very happy in america. >> ainsley: stuart, how is the country accepting king charles? >> stuart: is he popular, i believe. not as popular as his mother as queen elizabeth ii. he has taken over and popular. good reception. >> steve: much more popular than the prime minister. the prime minister is essentially facing a mini revolt in his own conservative party. his poll numbers are tanking. we're listening to the welch guards as our president and the king review the troops they are
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about to sit down and have tea inside brian i don't believe they know where they are going. >> stuart: why don't they have the eye liberal guards. the welsh guards. why don't they have the irish guards for the president? >> steve: good question these are the welsh guards. what's interesting about these two even though he has only been king for a couple of months. these two have known each other for decades through washington, d.c. >> stuart: they have both been around for decades. >> brian: king always go to delaware, does the king vacation in delaware? >> ainsley: probably never. the queen hosted in 2016 and trump in 2018 and biden also had actually queen elizabeth at windsor two years ago in 2021. >> stuart: not just the
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relationship between thatcher and reagan. >> brian: thatcher was making decisions the king doesn't make decisions. >> stuart: that's true but the relationship between the two countries. >> brian: was a lot better when president trump was there. i know george bush had a than barack obama toured england. >> stuart: estranged at the moment watching with shall. >> what do you think prince harry appears at windsor castle. >> steve: politico has an article about what they might talk about the king and the president. probably won't discuss harry nor hunter during the tea. >> stuart: brutal, isn't it? that's brutal. you are brutal, too. >> brian: we have hunter and harry at the moment. looking to give harry back. harry evidently doesn't like hollywood anymore. doesn't want to be a producer. he suddenly is realizing is he
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in a life he doesn't really want any parts of. i'm sure piers morgan has why use the right arm to swing? >> stuart: you are asking me? >> ron desantis on? >> stuart: i do 11:15 eastern time this morning on varney and company on fox business. >> he is only going to talk about this? >> no. who knows? he trails former president trump 56-22 how is he going to catch up? what's his game plan for that? >> ainsley: anything can happen. >> saturday, thanks for joining us to talk about this saturday stuart thanks for having me. >> ainsley: you are welcome. >> steve: watch stuart on fox business at 9:00 and american built as well as we watch the walsh guards right there. >> brian: go back to wales. >> steve: in the quad of windsor castle. >> stuart: you couldn't find wales on a map. >> brian: i would try if i had a map. >> ainsley: about an hour outside of london. >> brian: i would love to go to
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wales by the way. i hear it's nice. >> stuart: i have nothing to say. >> ainsley: i thought you were talking about windsor castle it's an hour outside of london. >> stuart: two editorials to write. >> brian: watch you walk away. can you go, stuart. you are a lovely man. >> stuart: you are right. see you later. >> steve: thank you. >> ainsley: before this meeting, our president met with the prime minister about our alliances he said our alliances or more important than ever. we are the united states. most important trade defense and diplomatic partner and forefront of providing ukraine with the support they need to succeed on the battlefield. i didn't know this but sunak the prime minister studied at california stanford university and owns a penthouse flat in santa monica in southern california. >> steve: s that watt sixth time in six months that our president has talked and met with the prime minister of the u.k. so, they had -- they had a meeting.
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and now what's going to happen is they are going to go, our president and their king are going to go into one of the magnificent rooms there at windsor castle. they are going to sit down and have some tea and as stuart depicted they are going to talk climate. >> brian: how did china get all the solar panels and get the rare earth out of china how do we mine it ourselves. >> climate change if you want to be productive that's where you would be speaking. >> brian: meanwhile more "fox & friends" in a moment we will continue to follow everything there and everywhere. ♪
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>> we begin with a fox news alert. president biden is meeting with king charles at windsor castle right now, after inspecting the troops a few minutes ago. >> steve: they listen to the royal anthem. a five-day visit to europe, heading to lithuania next for the big nato summit. >> brian: jacqui heinrich knows all that and more, she is at the windsor castle. we know something this hour, president erdogan is pushing president biden, he had been blocking sweden saying that country is not doing enough cracking down on groups it considers terrorist. now erdogan is saying turkey could allow sweden in if tur


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