tv Fox News Tonight FOX News July 10, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing. speaking, breathing. speaking, breathing. if yoution. may be a sign of a life threatening condition. threatening condition. do not receive if you have a skin infection. side effects may include side effects may include allergic reactio site pain, headache, eyebrow eyelid dripping and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor sid about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself r th if botox cosmetic on. well, good evening and welcome >> gt on piersnigh morgan. it was one thing that's crystal clear about joe bideam piersn. r so very clear, in fact, that he's visible from my usual perch on the otherjo my us sidef the atlantic. it's cognitive decline. even thosef th who like his politics are struggling to deny their president bidenis is now a pale imitation of a the man who served as obama's vp. there was no shame in getting older. we're all getting older, but we'rshame ine not all the leadef the free world. biden's not making as many blundersolder. as he is decisio,
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and today he took his gaffeshe on tour to my country. biden stopped by to visit king charles at windsor castle. and here's what happened. joe biden will look to the lost in me and my king is no spring chicken. he literally had to guide the president and show him where to gg o. it was pretty painful to watch. and it is a bottom line. would you trust someone like that to drive you down the interstated , say, 80 miles an hour? you wouldn't, would you? would you trust him to pick up your laundry? probably not. m tothat's why it's increasingly unnerving to me that he's the president of united states, the most important, intensive, energy sapping, pressurized job on the entire planet. biden also met his u.k. counterpart, prime minister rishi sunak, earlier today. since his own problemsounterpa,s just look and compare the two men. on the one side, biden routinely appears to forgeter who or where he ise or. on the other 43-year-old sunak you can question his policies often do not his mental
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faculties or mobility. if we can all see biden'slity mental decline on television, if i can see it from. we can td a half thousand miles away in london, what do other world notice when they're in the room with him? what kind of errors is joewhat d biden making behind closed doors? o s noticethe american people have noticed, too. a washington post abc poll from earl noticy this year found 63%d americans don't feel biden's mentallyno sharp enough to servi as president. but if you askeddentif president biden, well, age isn't about decline. oh, no ask, it's about wisdom. here he is on cnn at the weekend. many of these people do say and these are ardent supporters of yours, the next thing he should do is step aside and let another generation of democratsn take the baton. why are they wrong?. well, right or wrong, it's a look. wro >> use the phrase again. i think we're at angn inflection
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points think the world is changing. and i think i there is oneis one thing that comes with age. if you're bein ttg honest about, your whole life, and that is some wisdom. i think we're on the cusp of being able to make significant positive changes in the world. really honest to god, do i think we have enormous opportunities and i think i just want to finish the job and i think we can do that ih ns the next six years, six years six months might be a struggle. >> it's not just wisdom that comes with age, is it? there are a few other things too, like confusion, a few weeks ago, biden ended a speech in connecticut by saying, god save, the queen. >> all right, god save the queen, man. ♪ >> what was he talking about? the great queen elizabeth, the second, the greatest monarch of well, evegr, franklye
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she died last year. joe biden should know that becaus e he flew across atten the atlantic and attended a funeral. but then again, his recordded ht this area isn't great. last year, he publicly thanked a recently deceased congresswoman, jackie walorski at an event. dsswoman,we'll also have been kn a car accident weeks before. ksf >>or i want to thank all of you here for including bipartisan like the officials, like representative governor, senator braun, senator booker, representative jackie, you here? where's jackie? >> i didn't think she was going to be here. well, jackie was dead and president biden had issued a statement from the white house, a personal tribute to her death just weeks before that momendt. it's not just the occasional senior moment, though, is it? that's the problem. you can get past the odd mental slip up and cognitive decline.p. but what about the physical problems? has he taken a tumble in public, for examplpre, scare?
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>> well, there just a few examples of where the stumbledme and fallen in public. now, some people might find that funny , but is it that funny? it's kind of concerning. ?and these incidents are escalating in their volume. and unlike his last campaign, which was in the middle of the covid pandemic, joe bide hisn will be expected to hit the campaign trail in 2024, front and center. hit let's get on planes and go e and see americans around the country. he can'tricans aund just sit ann
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his basement this time. the question is, will someone step in to stop this obvious, sad publicstop decline? will charlie hertz, a washington times opinion editor and joins me to charlie, you know, it's tempting, isn't it, to watch all these clips and hearwa all the gas and kind of laugh and think this is just hilarious, but it's nott actu actually hilarious. it's not remotely funny. ally hilarthe most powerful mann the world is in this kind of condition. >> well, it's really extraordinary, especially wheny you think about how far he has fallen in the last six months or even two years. it's it's kind of shockingo go to go back to even when heack to began his term in the white house, he was a lot more lucid. but but it raises the more important question, as you point out, piers, you know, wher raie is he going to be six months from now? where is he going to be a year from now? and this is not something where nhile this decline has bee
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precipitous in the last six months, prior to that, we f see this slow devolution of his mental capacity and his physical capacities. but the press went all out. they did everything they could to cover for him, and theyhing d a fairly good job of it. the problem is, as you're out here with the with this footage, you can't hide this from the publie, youc anymore. american voters see this? you can't li e to them and tell them this isn't happening. and when the american public, even as you point out, the people who support him and support his policies, can no longer have faith in him that he's able to just get throug himh breakfast on a regular day or get through a meeting with a foreign leader and they start turning on him. what is the press going to do? are going to continue? you know, i don't think that they can continue to try to cover for him because it's not going to work. well, that's right. and i think the key thing really isn't what's going on behind closed doors. this is the stuff we see when he's forced to go out on public displaen
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y. and almost every time now he appears in public or he issues a statement, whatever it may be. there seems to be another misstep, either physically or through his mouth. and you do wonder, well, what's happening when he's meeting world leaders, he's going to be there's nato's summit, crucially important summit for the world, frankly. what is going to be happening behind closed doors? is he lucid in those conversations or not? i don't know. but i you know, i've known people in this condition. . and frankly, that would worry me. well, of course, we don't know. and it's very alarming. but also it raises a very important constitutional question in a democrat, a free a voting democrat, a republic like ours, when we we get to pick our, you know, get to interview candidates and pick our world leader. and when we pick that leader, we we get to know who it is that's making decisions.s does anybody actually think that joe biden is making day
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to day decisions in the white house? i don't think this guy has been making day to day decisions inside the white house for formg four probably since he took office. but certainly not in the last year or so. based on what you know last , what we've seen of his public pronouncements. and if that' s the case, that's a real constitutional problem there. you know, this is not the way a free voting democratic republiee c works. >> i couldn't agree more, charlie. thank you very much indeed. well, as biden's decline becomes more and more obvious, so too, is the media's rejection of biden. the atlantic ran a piece titled step aside joe biden. >> the president has no business running for office at age 80. the new york times published this excoriating column by maureen dowd, scolding biden for rejecting one of his grandchildren, the one his son hunter had out of wedlock with a strippe forr. and hey, maybe the worst of all, axios today ran a story exposing biden's penchant for yelling and berating his staffers. according to the report, staffers avoided meeting alone
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with biden to avoid bes temper.u some of his favorite lines apparently, are how the f don't you know this? don't bleeping b.s. me and get the the sf out of here. that doesn't sound like a man who's pledged to restore decency to america. >> i'm not joking when i say this. if you ever work with me and i h hear you treat another colleaguear e with disrespect, i down to someone. i promisrespect,e you i will fie you on the spot. on the spot? >> no ifs, ands or buts. maybe you should fire himself. the columnist at the messenger, a fox news contributor, joe concha, joins me now. joe, the media is turning on joe biden, maybe a little bit late to the party. but what does that tellat doe you about the state of where the democrats are in particular with this president? because it seems for most of the polling, they're not particularly buying into him running again. and the more of these missteps
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you see, the more media criticism he gets, the more the heat is going to be turned on. and perhaps, as fareed zaporizhia said ine gets an intt with cnn, it's time to pass the batos timen. >> well, as you said, piers, we see polls show that a majority of democrats, it's not just republicans, don't want him to run or independents dem, but his own party does not want to see a sequel to this horror showot wan. and to your point, i guess he's going to be firing himself show in terms of the way he was speaking. it was like sitting down with piers morgan watching an arsenal game go bad. i mean, in that language is just unacceptable. i was in the far worse. >> so but look, piers, mr. biden is making it impossible even for allies in the media to defend him. i mean, the whole doting grandpa portrayaes in thl just a away after he decided to ignore a seventh grandchild for p political reasons. and as you pointed out, maureen dowd and others, especially those on this networdchildk, cam what he is, absentee granddad and presiden ht and rightly so. and the age issue is not going away. i meane age is, 66% of voters o.
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this is abc news washington post, piers, say it would be a d disaster for the country, unquote, if joe biden weren to win a second term. so you just get this feeling that he masecondy very well, vey well end up being convinced not to run, which is why gavin newsom, the governor of california, is basically unofficially campaigning without declaring. and the fact that robert f kennedy jraigning is at 20% in the polls without ever holding public office. mary williamson, who's what, a life coach? she's at 10%. that speaks volumes, piers. >> no, it definitely does. it's almost unprecedented. there's tons of the media story of the weekend, an msnbc panel, joe dub, the first lady of florida, casey desantis, like thisey dub. she i >> you see desantis as a fairly compelling political figure in florida. and now nationally, for many, she's the brighter side to florida's the bri angry goved for others, she's become america's karen. and i think that's. fo the ultimate disconnect here with a campaign that needs to embrace more constituencies to get to the white house, who.
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>> tara, i think david's being, you in terms of taking my breath away during a segment. but real quickly, i do want to move on to mike pence for a second. america's karen david jolly. >> well, i called her i called her this. you know, serena waterford wannabe needs to cut it out. we see you. >> so there's there's all kinds of names for her. >> you know, joe, i haven't met casey desantis, but all i know about it was she was a very successful woman in her own right with her own career. she's been a fantastic mother. she's been through cancer and come out the other side. she's spoken very inspiring about that. there's a lot to like about casey decent. what other side of the political divide you're on? she's an admirable persoynn admi and much of what she's achieved. but what really struck me was like, sora struck many of these left when they talk about women like casey desantis, they pretend to be pro women. they pretend to be behind that hashtag which flies around on their twitter biographies. and actually, they're not pro-women unless the women happen to be politically
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on their side, they can be devastatingly rude and abusive to women on the right. and they're not kind a viciously unkind, in fact. and i just felt if i was casey desantis watching that, i'ds be thinking, my god, really, really, you peoplehing tha goine to masquerade as being kind pro women? i'm going to say this about me as on national television. what's wrong with these guys? yeah, there's nothing more pathetic, piers, than watching middle aged people on national television basically audition for mean girls to you because. that's exactly what we just saw there. right. and this analysis from david jolly, who's a former republican congressman who lost his congressional seat to charlie crist of all people back in 20 16. >> here he is calling casey desantis, to your point, cancer survivor, mom of three. karen, why? because like so many other florida parents and parents of young children like my wife and me, care about what our children are being caught. and we believe we should have a voic we belie in the process. oh, my god, that's so radical. and jolly also called desantis florida doctrine a losing one,
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right? desantis beat the guy that beat him, charlie crist, by 20 points in florida, ana. he won in deep blue counties like miamicharli de palm beach, running on with a heavy focus on education. and can jolly explain, by the way, why more people are moving to floridalm beach than any othe in the united states. >> if desantis and his doctrine are a losing one and don't tell me it's about coastline and climate, by the way, because california m i has thosa features also, and there's a mass exodus out of that state occurrin mg right now. so it's hard to take people like jolly seriously. he's like, i tf adam kinzinger and liz cheney had a baby, that's what would pop out at this point over at msnbc. >> thank you. reminds me very well said. it reminds me of the attacks of melania trump. you know, whatever you think of donald trump, another very long timehink o and being critical and being supportive when i felt he deserved either, but certainl supporty melania trumpt as first lady barely put a foot wrong, did a really excellent job of in in what is a very- me difficult job.
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and yet she got mercilessly attacked the entire time again from people on this woke left who profess to be all about women empowerment. you know pro-women and all this kind of stuff. actually, it only it only relates to women that areom on their political side. and i think thaten on is what is morally bankrupt, frankly, yo be that transparent and about what you really mean when you say you're pro-women. oh, piers. melania trump was criticized for the way she decorated the white house by places like "the washington post" and the aforementioned msnbc and cnn. she was even mocked for her accent, which the left saysr ,oh, w te care about all immigrants until we're going to mock jimmy kimmel and famously on abc, mocked melania trump for her accent when she read to schoolchildren at the white house. shcente speaks five languages. melania trump, which is four and a half more than jimmy kimmel, speaks. so i'm not quite sure you knowwe where that criticism comes. but anyway, we got to go. it's great to se hav go.e you ad luck this week with the ap. >> doing a great job so far, as far as i can say. thank you.
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>> well, thank you for coming on, jay. you're helping me. i appreciate it. nice to see you, jake. well, the 2024 republican field seems to be growing larger by the day as more and more: moe candidates jump into the race. but one of the few candidates who's keptndidates a steady momm is vivek ramaswamy. can capitalize on that. >> can he win? he joins us next. >> i was told my small businesse tax refund. you should get aod to go secondn from innovation refunds that no upfront costs. upfront costs. sometimes you need opinion. good to go. good to go. yeah, i think i'll get a second, opinion. >> all these walls got to go. a second opinion. no, i'm going to get a second opinion. with innovation refunds, with innovation refunds, there's no upfront cos out. so why not check like i did for my small business? maketake the first stepf your small business qualifies a c. y-smil the day you get your clear choice. dental implante s.
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six bucks and shipping is always free. >> go toto deal dashcam right nw and see how much you can save. >> welcome back to fox news tonight, the biden administration announced the latest weapons transfer to ukraine on friday. the $800 million package includes cluster bombs, a weapon banned by more than 120 countries under the geneva convention last february.r then white house press secretary jen psaki argued that use of cluster munitions by russians could constitute a war crime. . now, if president biden, molly thinks otherwise, took me a while to be convinced to do it. >> but the main thina while to y either have the weapons to stop the russians now froeapons tm te and keep them from stopping the ukrainian offensive throughr these areas or they don't. and i think they need them. >> well, i support the ukrainian cause, but theseae weapons are designed to inflict maximum civilian casualtie, but it doesn't matter who uses cluster bombs, in my opinion.
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they are always morally well, vivek ramaswamy is ag. republican presidential and georgia now. great to see you. >> it's good to see you, piers. i've been interviewing you quite steadily since . you announced you were running for president and it's been very interesting to watcdilyh your progress. the numbers have been inching up. inching up. you've bee beeing to watchn getg on the road, iowa and new hampshire. you've been getting around puttin.g name out, doing lots of media, and your star has been rising. out,oinghow do you think the cat goinhe cg? g >> i think it's going really well, frankly. we're a little bit ahead of whertle we expected to be sittig in july of 2023. but i think we're in the earlywa stages. >> this is still the preseason ofre in thages the campaign. i think the regular season begins when the debate stage and august 23rd. >> so i'm looking forward to that. of the things i'm focused on in this campaign, piers, is let's define the agenda. >> who are we? what do we stand for and why do we stand for? this i >> i think this is the phase oft the campaign where we're
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leading the way on that. >> i think for a long time,t. our movement, we've been running from something as conservative as i'm in this race to start leading us to something to our vision ofus what it means to be an american. >> i'm here in iowa. that messageg. seems to be resonating really well. and so we're grateful for the early start. we'v the messe had in this campaign. >> okay, let's take that up on you then, because when vladimir putin invaded ukraine in februarir putiny year, you wr right on the front foot. you tweeted that verthe frony de when someone like putin is said to bully, the only to stop a bully is to punch him in the nose. but your rhetoric about, hetori ukraine has changed quite markedly since then. you now don't thinc e hask. pus america should be helping ukraine punch the bully in the nose. h why not? >> i think ukraine should punch its own bully in the nose that has always. >> my position is that ukraine is perfectly fine to pursue a ukraine first agenda. >> i think at this point, ukrainethough, us has more than fulfilled its obligations under the budapest memorandum of
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1994. but right now we need to focus on how we advance american interests. >> here's my vision of how we should end this wa her vision r, is i would negotiate a peace it wty which would freeze the current lines of control exactly where they are, a korean warnes of style armiste agreement. >> i would further commit that nato would not admit ukraine to nato, but i would demandne something of even greater value from putin. >> russia has exit its military partnership with china. the china russia military partnership is the single greatest military threat that the united states faces. so i would end this war on terms that require dissolving the russia china partnership. >> i mean, on let all the way is how we deter xi jinping. >> well, let me jump in. when you say you divide the lines up as they are today, you mean just giving vast swathes of ukraine to putin? i dictator who's marched into a sovereign democratic country? you would just give him all that land he's taken by his murderous rampage killing,
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innocent women and children, for example, bombing maternity hospitallands. why would you, as emanuel's be president of united states, the absolute of freedom and democracy? why would you give a dictator vast chunks of a land he's invaded? because i recognize what the real threats are to the united states. the threat to the u.s. is china, and particularly its military alliance with russia. >> so i see an opportunity here to use this as a chance to end the war. >> is this because i trust putin? no, i do not to end . but i trust him to follow his self-interest. and so i think it's the united states's job to be the moral police in the world. >> if so, we'd be having a conversation about libya, about the congo, about much of africa, many other nations that also have great human rights, atrocities that are awful. but the united states job, jobi first and foremost, is to protect american interests. >> and the way i would do it would be i would require i wouldn't just give that to putints. >> there are requirements for that deal. he has to pull the nuclear
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weapons out of kaliningrad, which borders poland. he has to pull the russian o pull t out of the western o hemisphere, cuba, venezuela, nicaragua, and yesf the , has t, most importantly, exit that military treaty with china. okay. that will put us in a stronger position as the us and as one more point, because really important, that's how we deter xi jinping from going after taiwan. >> well, i'm not sure. okay. but i would say bet. i get it. i'm not sure what a deterrent is to to president xi. >> if if you just give him putin a vast array of belongsa to ukraine if you're president. oh. oh, i see. sorray o americans let people go countries and help themselves. and we're going to get we're to give him give president g half of taiwan while you're at it giv . t it >> that's the conventional wisdom. certainly, piers, and i understand the view. however, the reality is that xi jinping's calculus is that the united states won't want to go to war with two allied nuclear superpowers. russia, china at the same time.a
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but if russia is no longer ine china's camp, xi jinping no longer has a strong enough hand tm,o, go after taiwan. tai >> okay. so, yes, that is how wwae deter xi jinping from going after taiwan while avoiding war >>th chinaer. >> okay. which is what i'll do. let me put this very quickly. you to make this move, you'd too have to be president to become president. you've got to win the republican nomination to do that. you've got to knock out donald trump, who is the king konnock g the republican party right now. you've been flirting on that fence of being rep really carefl not to annoy the beast. you've kept well away from criticizing overtly the gorilla. at what point are you going to take your gloves off t ar? ff and sging >> well, piers, the way i'm running this race is a little bit different. as i said, i'm leading us to run to something, to our vision of what it means to be an american. >>somethin i'm done with retrose grievance. and so you're right, there are other republican who may havee grievances against other candidates lik whoe trump and a in this race to air those
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grievances. >> i'm not i'm i n race to actually lead this nation to a better place then we're in today. i am also ahead of where trump was, mind you, in june and july of 2015. that's where i am in this race. okay. so that's a big part of we're on the rise. i'm confident we're going to win and i'm confident we'res to lead this country to a revival. >> i love your energy. i love your dynamism i love l your positivity. i love everything about your campaign, actually. but at some point,your pos you'g to have to start swinging at donald trump. and that's when this gets really interesting. but for now, thank you veryginga the indeet d. >> well, the progressive left is a racing women and ironically wom, some ofst the most ardent so-called feminists like us soccer star megan rapinoe, are leading the way. >> providing for your family is a top priority, butem what happens when you need what happens when you need affordable health careber, christian health care christian health care ministries could save you up
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life. one of the u.s. women's soccer star megan has led the charge, telling time magazine that she would support trans athletesould on the women's national team roster ahead of the world cupla later this month. she said it's particularly frustrating when women'sth sport is weaponized. now we care about fairness, sh e says, now we care about women's sports. that's total b.s. and show me all the trans people who are nefariously taking advantage oef being trans in sport. it's just not happening. repeating also attack the likes of dave chappelle. martin their battle over and espn espn anchor sage steele, she said. >> could dave chappelle making jokes about trans people directly leads to violence, whether it's verbautl or otherwise, against trans people? when martina or sage or whoever whenlkinare talking about this,t people aren't hearing it just in the context of elite sports. ththey're the rest of my life. l this is hoifw i'm goine,g to trt trans people. we're rally gaines is a podcast host about cake and joys. we're not really peop. le
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great to see you again. and i'm going to say my blood when i read this and i'm not even a woman, but the idea that one of the most famous high profile female sports stars in o america would say stuff like this, knowing absolutely knowing that what she's sayinggh is complete claptrap, i found offensive. how did you feel when you heard it? >> well, not only is she just a high profile athlete, she's actually someonesomeon who fought for women in sports. she fought for equal pay. she for equal access, equal resources, all of those things comparison to the women's u.s. national soccer team, to the men's and now sheermini is undermining her fight entirely. and notice how earlierng thisd week she announced her retirement. so she's done playing. this is a classireshc case of virtue signaling. she wants to be seen as kind. she wants to be seen as inclusivecase oing.. but it is not inclusive what she's fighting for. it's actually exclusive. it's exclusive to the very female athletes who the women's sporting category was created to protect. and it's not kind to ask a girl
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to undress in front of a man in a locker room. that is the exact opposite of kind. >> and she says she knows nothing about this happening. >> it's just not happening. she says you are actually walking breathing proof that this is happening. you competed against leah thomasu are wa, the six foot, three inch biological male, now trans woman. you've seen it firsthand how someone who is incredibly mediocre competing against other biological males suddenly becomes superwoman when she competes againstl biological females. this is happening in almost every sport in the world. why is meghafemalen rapinoe not of this? >> is she walking around with a blindfolnoard? i mean, she must be, because my story is not unique. hi it's happening. every sport, every division, every level in every state, all across the world, really, in every country. so to deny that is entirely disingenuous. it blows my mind. i can list 100 examples. seriously, off the top of
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my head and me being in the position that i'm in using my platfor posm for this.os i get those messages all the time, whetheall thr it's email, direct message from parents, athletes, coaches who feel silence to who actually are effectively silenced. and they're doing they're silenced because of messages like rubina's, who says you're are sila bigot if you think this, you're anti-trans if you think this. well, not true. biology is not bigotry. and meghan, a contributing factor in people being silent? >> no, i completely agreibutine and it's the easy go to. they did it with j.k. rowling. they do it with martina navratilova. she's just come again here. you wouldn't meet anyone. been more pro lgbt rights over the years. and martina navratilova, n mart you know, she literally been leading the way in trying to getbeen lea equality for that community. and here she is being demonizedi as bigoted, as transphobic and so on. it's got nothing to dos with being anti-trans people and everything to do with wanting to equality. >> and that's what makes my stomach churn when i readn.
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megan rapinoe, she bangs on and on and on about equality. and this deserves a lot of credit, by the way, for the way she's fought to get equality in so many aspects of women's sport. but on this crucial, crucial issue of whether people born with biological physiology have ,an obvious competitive advantage, which i would equate to doping when, doping has been exposed in sport. when you when you see this happenin dopinoug with your owns time and again in so many sports, from megan rapinoe, pretend this is not happening. and if you think it is, you're transphobic. is frankly, disgusting. absolutely. it makes me wonder how many girls have to get hurt in their sport, especially in physical contact. sports like soccer. how many girls have to get hurt? how many girls have to be exploited in a locker room? how many girls have to lose out on opportunities before people, feminists like megan rapinoe care? >> what happens if lionel messi decides he wants to identify as female and play on the women's game because she's done and then plays for
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the argentina women's team and beats the united states team in the final of the world cup. do you think megan rapinoe would support that when she suddenly realized there's a bit of a problem, really great to see you again. >> gutsy lady right here and gets a lot of abuse forguts what shey says. i'm on her side. well, the white house became a mystery, probablf ab y my favorite story of the year continues to rage on. and we'll have some snorting new details after the break. the host of live pd, shawn sticks larkin back, bringing you some of the wildest footage across the country. welcome, crime cam, 24 seven. and you won't believe what we found. every camera helps to tell the story which you just saw right here was an up close view of just how fast things go down . criminals. you're being watched. shawn sticks larkin hosts crime
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if your business qualifies for up to $26,000 per employee. >> welcome back to fox news tonight. >> now. i'll called the white house for nothin t is nd g as i'd like it to goro away. cocaine gate remains a majorthi. scandal and arguably my favorite story of the year. whose coke wasl and it. biden's main flat won't even say whether it belonged to the president or his son. hunter there has been some irresponsible about the family and so i got a callur that out here. and i have been verye. clear. i was clear two days ago when talking about this over
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and over ago wheis over as i wd a question, as you know, and media outlets reported this. the biden family was not here. they were not here. they were at camp david. they were not here friday. they were not here saturdae noy they were not here sunday. they were not even here monday. they came back on tuesday. so to ask that question is actually incredibly irresponsibl on tue. respon >> and i'lsil just leave it thee . >> yeah, i would leave it there, too, because let's get into irresponsibility, shall we? maybe the media wouldn't have had to have askethwe wouldd if the administration had just revealed who the cocaine belongedd reve to. and for the record, this may come as news to the white house press the biden family was at the white house on thawas t fri. the president departed to camp david with his wife, jill and hunter. thatident de. so she was telling a bit of a whopper, wasn't she, the podium? >> well, nobody the white house been able to explain why the investigation is taking so long. it's the most secure building on the planet, supposedly, fox
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news has learned the fbi is still investigating the scene of the crime. buildingis there any doubt, thos this was anthrax and not cocaine, we would have known who the culprit was in about three microseconds? >> monica crowle whoy is a forms assistant secretary of the treasury and joins me now. well , what drama we have here, monica, right here. i mean, on one level, it's a hilariou s because what isin cocaine doing in the middle of the most secure building in the world? middleand secondly, serious, bee if cocaine can be brought in like tha bt beating, i mean, i'e been to the white house several times. it's like getting into fort knox. yes. how did they get in there and who brought in there? and more importantly in , why is the place is crawling in secret service, fbi, you name it. >> they're they're the best security people in the world. fbi,t secuhow have they still nd out who it was? >> so i think they do know who it was. and they're they're trying figure out a way how to navigate this crisis. >> i can't can i should be hunter biden? well, we don't know for sure. suspect number one. >> well, of course, because hunter biden and cocaine have had a long intimate
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relationship over many decades. in fact, hunter biden got thrown out of the u.s. navy for cocaine possession. this goes way back.w wh we don't know who it belongs to, but the white house is ao fortress. you and i have been through that entrance many times. e agecles wer espionag cubicles where you have to store your devices. the marines arhee right there. i and by the way, from the second you enter the white house campus, you were being watched. surveillance cameras. yes. secret service watching, you in real time. so i think it's pretty clear they know exactl, y who did this. and i think if it weren't hunter or anybody in the family or a senior biden administration official, we n would know the name by now. >> it takes about 5 minutes to track this. no.o trac question. >> so obviously, they're not this. g the full story >> but i thought the arrogance from that press secretary to talk about irresponsible media and then to look down the barrel of the cameras say they were not there on the friday when she must have known they were thereon the on the friday until
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the evening. >> well, of course. but this press secretary, like her boss, the president and everybody else in this administration, piers, are serial liars. i mean, every single day they arey just spewing mistruths and obscure the facts to suitth their own agenda. and because they have the protectionda of the propaganda press, they get away with it so they can just issue these lies and know that there will be no accountability. >> can you imagine? can you imagine what would havel happened if this had happened in the trump white house? can you imagine the medineamp wi feeding frenzy that would have gone on from all the media that are currentltefrenzyy where i'm looking? being very quiet about this, they've almost like, you knowjum what, let's just move on because it's clear the longer it goesov when no other culprits come into play, the finger begins to point more and more of the obvious targets. >> so many of the leftists is tn the media are laughing about this like it's some big joke, right? because many >> of them probably do cocaine as well. right. so they're all excusing itpointf the president of the united states is the nation's chief law enforcemenunited st officero
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and he's got a schedulercotic one narcotic floating around the white house. and nobody can find out who it d ou is. they know who it is. they're covering for it until they can figuro itthey ke out t to handle this. >> but if this were one of the trump children , you bettert were believe there would have been an arrest within 24 hours. and calls for yet anothert impeachment of donald trump. >> this was donald trump junior, a perp walk by now? >> absolutely. pennsylvania avenue and cuffed d and mug shot. >> monica, great to see you, too, piers, thanks. perconvicted abuser and disgrd former sports doctor larry nassar is in stable condition of an altercation with other inmates at a florida federalcon fox is matt finn has the details. >>tt, what's the latest. >> pearce, the usa gymnastics doctor convicted of molestingmo hundreds of young girls waslest stabbeinf yod ten times in his i body in a federal prison. a union and sources tell fox news the attack happened yesterday at a federal prison
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in summerville, florida. nassar was stabbed twice inneck the neck, two times in the back and six times in the chest. he possibly suffered a collapsed lung. well, the bureau of prisons wrote in a statement that because of privacythe bure reast cannot confirm the details of the alleged attack, but did confirails ofm that yesterday, d 2:30 p.m., an inmate was assaulted. >> staff and first responders gave lifesaving treatment to the inmate who was transporte. and firsd to the hospital.s the disgraced doctor is serving more than 100 years for assaulting athletes, includin1g esteemed olympic medalist like simone biles when he worked at michiganathlet state university and usa gymnastics. >> now, one of the first known o survivors of nassar, sarah klein, is responding to the doctor's stabbing, writing in part this assaultabbo on nassar brings no peace to me personally or to the survivors. >> i'vore spoken with today.n the incident forces us to vividly relive abuse and trauma at the hands of nassar and the institutions, including law enforcement, that protected him
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and allowed him to prey on childre w enforcn. i want him to face the severe prison sentence he received because of the voices of survivors. death would be an easy out for nassar. would be now, the president of the local prison union says he thinks this happened becaus.e that prison is short staffed. >> pearce matt, thanks very much indeed. well, ben and jerry's want waolen land returned to native americans, but that apparently doesn't include their own headquartersn . no still, half of all students. half ot inf all studentscl, thoh one major university say they're now lgbt. is this proof that this is alls just social contagion? that's all straight ahead. >> you're still looking good. i'm still feeling good. you know, i've got all your mypillow products. mattress topper, the bed sheets, my pillows, towels, slippers, blankets, sleepwear. >> oh, charles. everyone now can get my pillow, price said. huge discounts on my pillow
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to returning it. what they fail to mentionquarte is that their own vermont headquarters sits on. yes, you guessedrs it, indigeno land that belonged to native american tribes. wellameric, one native american indigenous chief, dan stevens, said he's interested in having a conversation, the company to retrieve the land. i think we all are, as is jimmy failla, the host of fox across america. >> isn't it wonderful, jimmy? how? i just. i just knew i wrote a column about this for the new york post last week. and in a moment that they did thiselve, they would themselves probably have property or land h ertythat was not that you coulde feel it. >> look, i love this story somo. much but this is why ben jerry's should stick to doing what they do best, which is just giving us all diabetes&t . it's like, come on, man, nobody wants politics from their ice cream. nobody . that's the thing. it's just give me a couple of scoops and shake them out. and i've bee thin this for like five years because remember how heavily active they got in life durinw heg the blm riots? yes. really? think about this, piers. when i was a little kid. okay . in my white parents would yell at me for having too much ice cream. now, my ice creatoo manym yellse for having white parents. it's not supposed to work that it. man
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>> we're doing it. it's wrong. it's. piers: y. e incrl anyway, the good news is that parent company took a bit of a stock hereedting as all theset companies are now finding the public aren't going to put upnot goin with that anymore.sts the second thought of it and just sell the products. ell you 40% of brown university students say they're not straight tha anymore., the lgbtq, that population hasth tripled in 13 years and is now t five times the national average. one of two things is happening, jimi. >> either this is genuine or i what's happening. well, let me give you the claim. this happened at brown, a a college that's so woke they wanted to defund the cop and the villagt e. >> so you do you do needup. to consider the source of what's going got to but here's the truth. it is. they're reading the market. okay? .ey are r mthe number one piecef capital you can have at an ivy c league collegeti is points. and all of the trendy oppression isn't saying you're. >> okay. that's where the status comes from on campus right now tra. if and that's the bigger problem. if you're a trans man, you get prizes, you get women'e sendors
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swimming trophies, you get endorsements. >> and i think that's where this is headed. therem think th ie is no upside in being a straight person. no, you've got nothing for. i'm feeling a bit left. you should check your privilege. just talking about me identifying a two spirit penguilegen. jimi, great to see you. it was fun. my first night. i'm here all weetk. ek. so if you hated the accent. tough. have a great evening. sean hannity. >> i've always wanted to be the warmest guy for sean hannity. not a trace if you don't like it. >> well, tough, but who givefos a so i'm trying to understand this. so you want to. we're competitors. you are on fake news cnn for a while. goank god you got the got out of that mess. >> and you're with us, number one. and you used to lecture on guns . >> now you're picking cricket overyo. baseball. you and i, we've got a big bone to pick on this issue. >> cricket, you can't get it. >> cricket. you be good at cricket. you go good. i go bowling. i would be good at cricketat >> seae good a. i hate baseball. you know, their money. worry, money, worrkey aboutt. ba
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