tv Hannity FOX News July 10, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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endorsements. >> and i think that's where this is headed. therem think th ie is no upside in being a straight person. no, you've got nothing for. i'm feeling a bit left. you should check your privilege. just talking about me identifying a two spirit penguilegen. jimi, great to see you. it was fun. my first night. i'm here all weetk. ek. so if you hated the accent. tough. have a great evening. sean hannity. >> i've always wanted to be the warmest guy for sean hannity. not a trace if you don't like it. >> well, tough, but who givefos a so i'm trying to understand this. so you want to. we're competitors. you are on fake news cnn for a while. goank god you got the got out of that mess. >> and you're with us, number one. and you used to lecture on guns . >> now you're picking cricket overyo. baseball. you and i, we've got a big bone to pick on this issue. >> cricket, you can't get it. >> cricket. you be good at cricket. you go good. i go bowling. i would be good at cricketat >> seae good a. i hate baseball. you know, their money. worry, money, worrkey aboutt. baseball.
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if you played cricket americans, you would immediatel y. >> i used to be a pitcher. well, you would declare the ball right at your heased td and would go right in the strike zone. on a good day on a bench, you've got over the backstop. an i actually hit kill me this morning on fox and friends. i the kid in to kill. >> he deserved it. don't worry about it. that's fin ie. >> all right, piers, great job. thank you, sir, and welcomey" to hannity. hope we had a great fourt with you and your family. and tonight, shockinshockingg nt developments in the highly unusual federal problye into hunter biden that did more tore protect the biden family thanhan actually investigate any potential real crimes. and sh also tonight, sara carter. she will join us with more onfri today's san francisco's reparations panel,sc where one member accused straight white men of being serial killers. also, more racist attacks from the left against justice clarencel thomas. now, cassie dos santos, its. seems like if you're an african-american conservative or the wife of a prominent conservativethfe, well, you can
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be called any name in today's woke world. why is that? but first, let's check in with your commander, chief joe.e >> now, this was joe over the weekend to watch us closely hered.. he was on a very crowded beach in delaware. of course, he has this expensive on a senator salary on the beach, struggling at him, struggle here to tryve a and move a beach chair thatbabl probably weighwes all of £2 and take it a few feet 2 and th lookfe at the sitting. it's not exactly very comfortable. is he going to make it? is it going to tip over. >> good, joe. very good. anyway, ti. tough couple of days for p your president. now, earlier in the week, the administrationresentearliert after a bag of cocaine waser actually found in a secure area of the west wing. >> so far, what, eight days in, it's a total mystery. who brought the cocain e? the biden white house. hmm. i know where my mind goe e house.s. that would be a normal thought process, but you're not allowed to talk about it. whatever youyou' to ta do, don'e
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suggest that the former crack cocaincke hunter biden could bea suspect. that's a no no. forget the pictures and videos of hunter smoking crack and sleeping she says dead asleep. and that's a crack pipe right inthat i his mouth. and forget that he was forced to replace all of his teethve with veneers. and i don't have a problem with that because of what they callproble mouth that destroys e your teeth when you're a heavy crack user. >>thrack now, of course, so far, press secretary karine jean-pierre has to ruleae out any member of the bidenmb family. but she did call reporters. he said she said they're responses, a him all for daringn to ask questions about the cocaine. take a look. can you just say once and for all whether or not the cocaine belonged to the biden family? so a couple of things there. . we've answered this question, litigated this questio answerenr the last two days exhaustively. you know., there has been
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some irresponsible reporting about the family. and so i got to call that out here. and i have been very clear. i was clear two days ago whenise talking about this over and over again, as i wasr being asked a question, as you know, and media outlets reported thieh . the biden family was not here. they were not here. not here they were at camp david. they were not here friday. they were not here saturda ty. they were not here sunday. they were not even here monday. they came back on tuesdat mond so to ask that questionis is actually incredibly irresponsibl e. and i'll just leave it. t. >> now, kareen, it's incredibly era sponsored role for you to pl lie to the american people and say they were not inon f the white house on friday when they didn't leave until lateam friday night. >> we still do not know broug who brought the hard, coldht drugs, cocaine into the biden white house and was it lacedwas with fentanyl? >> is anyone asking that questionhe l?
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>> and why have they not found the person or persons responseth liable? i would think in that environment, with all the secret service secreat , that thatfficul would not be the most difficult task for a smartt detective. nd and keep in mind, joe and hunter were both there on fridaan y evening, or at least until friday evening, in spite of corinne lying to therica american people, saying that they were not there on friday when in fact they were now, before the misplaced bag of cocaine was found over the weekend. what j.p. is getting noticeablwy frustrated and angry for good reason. her friends in the media mob go they're not quite as accommodating to the bidens these days. in facast many of biden's most alliable left wing allies are turning on him. interestingly, they're all doing itli are turm at the same time. let's take a look at the atlantic quote, step joe, the president has no business running for office at the ag, efice a of 80. axios referred to joe as oldt 0. yeller in a report about how vicious his quick temper
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is. >> that is and it's so bad that aides avoid meeting with him one on one. they even bring in support, help if they neene-on-ond it an. very common condition for older people, by the way, and steep cognitive decline. they often go hand in hand. meanwhile an op ed in the hill openly wondered, quote, when is the optimal was for biden to drop out of the race? and then poor congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, blasted by members of our own party after she endorsed biden for a second term. why? because the rest of her party don't want him. eveny don't the united auto wos union, they're now refusing to endorse biden, at least forbe now, because of his obsession with green energisy and electric cars. and last but certainly not least, liberal columnists. maureen dowd, "new york times", staple of the democratic party' york tif ths apparat app, dropped the hammer on joe biden and a new new york times op ed entitled it's seven grandkids,
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mr. president. by the way, maureeseven, if yout watch the show more often, you would have known about this a long time agimo. during the article, dowd is recounting a letter from her. bideetten loving sister to theth president that reads in part, quote, i watchedat i as you tolt the nation that you had six grandchildren and you lovehe each one of them.d he also claimed that he talked to them daily. i believtheme what i cannot bele and what i find unconscionable is that you refuse to admit or accept the fact that there is a beautiful little four-year-old girl living in arkansas by the name of navyl living who is your seventh grandchild. >> dowd then continues, quote, the president's cold shoulder and hear"thet is counter to eveo message is trying to send or eag a sent fore he decades. keep in mind, maureen dowd i defended bill and hillary clinton and pretty much every other prominent democrat that was faced with any scandal over. the years. so this is interesting, isn't it , when you have people like maureen dowd and many other reliable democratshat? and left
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wing journalists turning on biden and those that support him are getting excoriated elecheir own party right now as the presidential election is heating up. do you find the timing oddating the answer is written on the wall. they want both. he wall.joe and kamala out of o, mark my words, and are nowace th working to replace them at the top of the ticket behind e it's tooorgeoremn late. don't forget, both joe and kamala have historically poll numbers. the economy is a shambles. world affairs are an absolute, unmitigated mess. most americans don't even believe biden is capable of serving a second term. which brings us backcapable toe video of biden struggling on that crowded beach to even moveiden a beach chair while everyone pretty much ignores him. dompare that to donald trump. he was in vegas overna the weekend at ufc, where he was warmly greeted by pretty f much everybody in the crowd friends, supporters, even sometime critic joe rogan gotn k in on the action, shaking his hand. everyonein in attendance, was
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excited to see him. democrats, they were extremely about that, quote, enthusiasm gap. about thno one as excited to sed joe biden. why should you be? he is o seea liability.s a anybody with eyes to see can see it. make no mistake, gavin newsom' , countrywide tour g. that's not a sightseeing adventure. that's not i really think joe is a great president of adventure either. he's ready. he's willing. prob abld e to step in. and it's probably only a matter of time. f now, my belief has beenha and remains he is being called and begged daily by prominent democrats all around the countrbyy to jump in this. race. that means jump over ju and kamala harris, in terms of who would be the natural successor. anyway, here with reaction, outnumbered co-host kayleigh mcenany, fox newhere ws, ariost. fleischer. >> all right. let me start with the cocain e issue. you were both in the white house. there's certain areas of the white house. and i saw you both in the white house. r you know,ono
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occasionally an administration will make a big mistake and they'll allow me ithe honone the building once or twice. >> but i was there under o president bush and presidentsh a trump. and correct me if i'm wrong, kayleigh, bupresident are a lot areas in that white house, i did not have free reign as aho guest in that house to justwalk walk anywhere i pleased without being watche anyd by a lot of people. there were certain rooms i was not able to walk into without. people with proper credentials escorting me in. thatrtin room. ho >> so how did that happen?d will and wouldn't they be able to quickly determine who brought that cocaine in that white house? >> so that is definitely the case. you can narrow dowite house? n based on the area. so oftentimes in the trump administration, we would seno tb sitting members of the presser who are meeting with the president and the press room. so if it's found in the press room, you think, okay, maybe the press who hamas access to this room, it wasn't found there. you can rule out the press, but d therthen have a series of dedw reasoning. at first we're told it was inere the librar y under the residence.
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>> all right, tourist walk through there. then all of a sudden, the stor yn changed. now it's in the cubbyholes, right? when you walk into the west, executivitt e entrance. i now staff brings their guest right through there,nt the thefs staff guests are primarily who use that. us all of a sudden, sean,s once the story changes once more. why does it keep my does h chan now it's near the situation room, an area thatn the si onlyd have access to. so i would say at this point itd would have have to be a staff e if that reporting is true. there are no cameras insidpoeaki the west wing, so that makes itt much more difficult. but sit down every. staff member this was on aa sunday. very light foot traffic. sisundayt down. every staff member who had access to that area and try to figur e it out. >> and i assume that is exactly what the secret service is doing right now. well, i would say such a security breach, god forbid, what if it had fentanyl in it ari fleischer? >> that i would imagine that it would be proper protocolne that to drug test anybody and everybody that might have had access to that roo ttestm. >> and drug testing that is currently available would ulw people to give a hair
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sample and we know pretty darn quickly whether or not they've been using cocaine or not. >> yeah. on the terms working forbe the president as you can be drug tested at any time. and so they have drug te the rir to do that and no staffer can or should refuse it if they refuse it. i think, you know what we'vewhet got. >> the only other possibility, of course, is whetheher or not it's a guest who was brought in by white house staff, invited the biden administration officials. >> that's not uncommon, especiallyd on weekends for the senior staff or staff with sufficient clearance in the west wing to escort guests, themly members, close friends to give them that rare, privileged west wing tour. >> and somebody could have, as they put their phone in that some, cow, lookhave what i got in my pocket. and they shove that inot the cubby to.y copy so i think that's all whatthat the secret service is looking fo icret serr. but i do want to telle your audience something kelly just said. reiterate it. there are no camerase no. . >> i can't tell you how many times i've heard people saying on tv. there's cameras everywhere. >> this should be easy. e the secretve just wants all theh
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agents to be vigilant on their toes. they don't haveir to bee. >> cameras in the west wing. okay. let me go to the question. all ofest wing>> sean: a sudden, all these publications, maureen dowd, axios about biden's temper. aoc is excoriated by prominent democrats, excoriated all over. social media for supporting joe biden. why do i believe the beginningve of the possible takedown ofown f biden has begun? and it's desired by both biden the media mob, kayleigh mcenany, and also by the democraty ths party apparatchikf you will, itself. they want hi, m and they're now looking to push him out. >> i wilg tol give an example. in new york, it was not republicans that that gotandrew andrew cuomo out of office. it was the democratic party that made that happe c n. i would argue the people that are pushing joe biden not to runn not to are democrats anh getting louder by the day. >> you agree or, disagree?
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i completely agree. you have an atlantic piece that's a left wing publication saying step aside. joe biden at the exactth same time you get the maureen dowd piece in the new york times talking aboutmes" t his grandchild. just days after you get a piece from katiealabout hi, who's a rt the new york times excoriating joe biden, and then you just said it yourself in axios piece, too. and axios has, in my view, been carrying a lot of the talking points from the biden administrationpiece . you can pretty clearly see that. and then all of a sudden, boom, axios hits him the. it's as if some central memo went out to the press. i do not believee cent just one. i think their end goal, they realized, look donald trump could beat joe biden if he's the nominee. it's the last thincould be g the press wants. so they're putting the heat under joe biden, but ithey'rt bt laid plans because outside of joe biden saying, looklant, the heat's too hot, i'm stepping aside or maybe there's a pile of money over in china. as wants to take advantage of te in the private sector life outside of something like thati . i don't see a path to the nomination for anyone elsee
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else against this incumbent going after. >> and they gavet it specificy details in axios his vicious temper. >> ari and maureen dowd goingios after the seventh grandchild, something i have brought up many times, the fact that he's gotten a pass up to this point is, you know, just more evidencointe how abusively corrupt and biased media is. but maureet thn just laid it out as well as anybody. >> never thought those words would comey neve out of my moutt it took this long. that tells me how bad they want him gone. >> well, a couple of things. one.her pi >> you know, i don't read maureen dowd from the new york times, but i read that neitheecr i usually i did" read that column. and she is the snide conscience of the democratic party. and that was a moral gut punch to joe biden, to the democrats that the man hasn't done something immoral. and that really hurts when it comes from your own baseg. th >> i think the you said they all got the memo at the same time. i think the memo thatbasi they're all seeing and seeing on a regular basis is he's running deads is even with donad
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trump are barely ahead. and that scares the of the democrats. their calculation is they've got to avoidtheyt to trump at an and they think a new generation, a different democratk th, would run stronget against donald trump. so they're scared that joe bide ld trumpn can't put donalddona trump away. donald trump under indictment and they can't eveld trump an pe away. biden can't. so i think that is the realizationt andayn that's shakr these democrats that are now putting this pressure on joe bide n. and i would not be surprised if biden pulls lbj 68 and does decide at some point later this fall early in the winter that he is not going to run for reelection. i would not be surprised either. >> exit question for both oft wl you, because you went there first. i'll ask you. will be the nominee for the democrats in november of 20 24? yeah, i really think it's a 5050 proposition, and i think it's going to be largely determined by his healthtionwily the polls. and if his health in the polls is bad, it won't be biden.
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and if any health issues emergen ,joe biden of any seriousot nature, it won't be joe biden. >> what do you. kelly? >> i think he's the nominee, without a doubt. ofhink it's the best wishes a the press that he steps aside. this man you're looking at right there,ide. he's stubborn. he's a stubborn old man. just go read his quotes to 23 year old staffers that include many f-bombs and expletives. >> he's not going anywhere, but you can try your best. let me tell you how precarious it is. >> and i'll i'll take the last word, if you will. yo me thatt me that liberty.i i think heth is one, maybe two f the maximum falls away from being pushed out. he has one or two massivee or t gaffes away. i mean, really bad gaffewos. not the garden variety dailythe reale awayga, a real movement to push him out of the way. but we'll see. time will tell. thank you both. kelly, thank. you, ari. >> thank you. when we come back, fresh evidence that the feds let hunterh eviden biden off easy.
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senator linsey graham has the very latest when we comehunb back. >> a lot to go. a lot to come this monday night. glad you're with us tonight on "hannity" n t a text. hey, i just got a text from my sister. >> you remember rick, her neighbor? sure. sure. who still runs marathons. >> right. >> right. sadly not anymore. >> wow. so'r suddee havin. we're not about to have the - life insurance conversation again, are we know we're havin-g ,though? >> we are getting coverage so ae we don't have to worry about it. conversation. so get today. calling about the5 a month plan from colonial penn. >> i am. >> we put it off long enough.s j we are gettingus that 995 plan today. >> is it time for you to callr r abouantet 995 plan? i'm jonathan from colonial pen life insurance company.just sometimes we just need $9. a reminder not to take today for granted. fo get guaranteedr accept his whoe
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le bray is opening the door to a brighter future for native american children, visit saint labor corp today. all right, another day, another scandal for zero experience. hunter biden. scang to newly revealed emails, hunter allegedly has extensive ties to nearly a dozen senior level biden officials, includingviso your national security adviser, jake sullivan, secretary of state blinken, which we already knew all dating back to his an serving on the board ofe of s burisma, getting millions of dollars while having noexperi experience at all whatsoever. meanwhile, david weiss w, the u.s. attorney handling the hunter biden probe, he's now sayin u.s. g he had the authority to charge hunter in any jurisdiction. >>nter in now, that, of course,
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contradicts irs whistleblower gary shapley, who claims that weiss told not only himself, but six witnesses, as inmeeting a previous meeting, that he could only bring charges. delaware. now, who's telling the truth? and one more way is being putpu under oath before congress so we could seeof , if he's perjuring himself or not. >> anyway, here with reaction, south carolinag hi not lindsey m is here. only think of three outcomes here. number one, he's covering for himselmself inf in terms of not pursuing the law to its fullestn in the hunter biden probe. he's covering for his boss, merrick garland, the ag or. wa >> he knew well hunter biden was guilty as and he wasse to making an excuse to ththe irs professionals that knew that, in fact, he didn't pays taxes. >> you tell me which one. is it likely to be? and i'll add one last thing i thought democrats love whistleblowers. >> they're going to call all six of them liars. ca hello, by the way.
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it's been a while since i've seen your help. >> welcome to welcome back center. thank you. thank you very much. so this is an important moment here. here's what senato>> thank you.r i can telly doub you without any doubt. when it comes to the department of justicet is , i don't trust them. they've got to come forward under oath and testify. so here's what the whistleblower has said. group of whistleblowers that hunter biden got the benefit of the doub got unlike anybody they've ever seen. and they've been there for decadethey ts, that every time e was a question, it wound up being in hunter biden's favor. they claimed that mr. weiss, the u.s. attorney from delaware, sought special counsel status and was denied deat status and that he wanted to bring charges in d.c. and california. but he was told no . so what did i do?e i wrote mr. weiss and said, what's the deatoeiss andl here? did you ask for a special counsel status? he told meial counstatus a in td a discussion about it, but he
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was sure that he could get it if he needed it. and he never really answered the question. d hethe second thing that hek to said in the letter back to me was he neverhat he went to d.c.t california for more serious charges. he o never rebuffed by those jurisdictions. but here's the big one. i askee big d him about the 102. remember the 1023 report? if it had not been foror senator grassley, we would never known that there was anato accusation that hunter and joe biden both were involved in a bribery scandal involving burisma. the the giant oil gas company in ukraine. that 20 1023 investigative report was foundy whiffe by senr grassley. it was redacted. he got the redactions lifted and we now know a credible source for the fbi literallyed on their payroll claims that they were conversations up to 15 between hunter and joe biden regarding a gas company official in the. here's what mr. wise said. i cannot tell you about i
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accusation because as part oft f a criminal investigation, that's one or two things that they're still looking at. hunter biden forhunter charges. what i i don't believe that they don't want to tell me what happened to the 1023 investigation. and i can tell your audience you're all going to know what happened. did they sweep it under the ru g that they investigated and find out it was fraudulent? i want to know , happened to theened accusations regarding hunter biden. tojoe taking bribes in ukraine. i did not get that answer in this letter. i'm not going to stop until i found out to find out how thati accusation wasf. disposed of. >> senator, i would believe that the peopl>> sean: senate hn touch with during all this time period, national adviser jake sullivan, secretary of state blinken, the wife of blinken, ha the head of the pandemicd of, c, 19. kathy chang, serving as pentagon's deputy of director of protocol, is biden's p executive assistant at the time. ron klain is another one,
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the communications director for jill biden and the list goes on. i want all of them put under oath. all o putsenator. i want to know what they knowd now, knew and when they knewwh it. >> i want their emails, i want their text messages. and i think that informationgh will shed a lot of light on the fact that those whistleblowet and atr was i havy belief in my heart, mind and soul that telling the truthe . >> and it's interesting that nobody in the media cares about whistlebloweg thatmedia car anye they love the one hearsay whistleblower, non whistleblower that talkedi k about donald trump and ukraine. >>ed well, here's what's funny. >> they took the answer to my letter by mr. weiss to say, case closed. i wrote the letter. i didn't and get an answer about what mr. weiss did regarding the the 1023 investigation about hunter and joe bidengation potentially taking bribes in ukraine. he didn't answer bribes in that. here's what i do know that i don't trust the systemhe truth
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to tell me the truth. i want to know what happened. who did you talk to? did it to dismisstalk t missthe allegation? how did you dispose of this allegation? and i do know this for 1,000% for sure that the fbi and other department of justice officials briefed mr. and his team about the 1023. they were told by other people in the department of justice, this is not russian disinformation and you need to look at it. >> senator, i've got to get tit to the bottom of it. >> i think we're getting closer to the truth every day. i do, too. and every i think six people ths will say the same thing, i would be compelling. >> can't wait to hear them all talk. you are right about the russiand hoax and you're going to be right about this. righ. l a rat here y i think i'm going to be right.. all right. and family syndicate as well. i just f have a good feeling about it. >> anyway, senator graham, we appreciate it when w e come back, sara carter live from san francisco. ven cartand the reparations heag going on today. you don't want to miss that. do notand the left, they love wn
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in recent meetings. >> in case you missed it. take a look at thimeetings.take >> so now is the time for divorce. what do you get in divorce? t you get half the money, half the land, alimony, child support, attorney feesand and everything else. so that's what wevhing else wil. wh what what do we want to win ? what do we want?o weright wing. what do we want? when our very own sara carter live in california. latest. you're with the very latest today. and sara la, it's been getting pretty t out there, but the commission recommended massive amount of moneated.y. >> oh, yeah, they sure did, sean. veand not only are you a you serial killer to nicole cunningham, but you're also a danger to society. and the evil is in your dna.hat that's what she had to say at this 15 person panel of african-american committee. now they are asking for $5 million per person. gaat's significantly asking mon
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what we saw under gavin newsom, which was his committee ha d about 1.2 million per person. and she has a list, a list of qualifiers that she says must be met in order to receive the $5 million. this grant. this has not been approved b by any means, and it looks like it would cos t the state of california, somewhere over $800 billion. now, her list, reallyo be interesting. you have to be over 18. havee to prove abl that you were a descendant of had can-american or you had to have been incarcerated in war the war on drugs. that one is a little bit iffy. n nobody kind of understands that one at all. and yodsu also have to identify as a black person for at least ten years. so this is what's happening behind. me.. as you know, governor gavin newsom has not that he is going
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to be supporting any type of reparation, although he did say that he is supporting thgateoups that are discussing these reparations and trying to mitigate and find out what best they canat in an effort, i guess, to repayan african-americans who are sescendants of sean. >> and now there's a proposal out there wher theree judges wod be allowed to consider race to lower the sentencin g of convicted criminals. another big greaet california proposal out there. >> okay. yeah, sean, it's pretty much a mess down here. i can tell you, i talked to some folks before getting hereple tting he to city hall ae is a lot of concern. there's a lot of division. they say this brings up a lot of division. they also say that californiaad just can't afford it. when we were driving down here, i was comingen we ar to city hae the homelessness problem is extreme. the streets, you know, obviously you've heard and we've seen it ourselvee --sl
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the show, the streets are filthy. it's hard to keep up g on int is goinve california. and now it looks like governor gavin newsom may be a candidate for obviously for the presidential in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. and that's also an issue here for a lot of californians who say he has on the job.e job, a >> and obviously there's others who support him. >> all right. sarah carter out in california tonight. thank you for that report. nk you fthe mob there continuing their tradition of launching vile smears against african-american conservatives and female . now reminiscent of years ofw re unrelenting attacks on melaniam trump over the weekend, one more dnc panel mocking florida first lady casey desantis calling her america's karen. take a loo, k. you see, the census is a fairly compelling political figure inr florida and now nationally. for many, she's the brighter gode to florida's angry governor. for others, she's become america's karevernor on american
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david jolly. >> well, i called her. i called her thi>> is. e. you know, serena waterford wannabe needs to cut it out. there's all kinds of names for her. she needs to stop trying to measure the great drapes in the whits to smeasuring the hous she's some kind of jackie o reincarnate. i mean, casey desantis. >> keep an eye on her, though. she's a wily figure. and the attacks on supreme court justice clarence thomas, they are ramping up. the court released a number of conservative opinions. now, these vil we attacks beg the question why and this me too era we live in. >> are african-american s the wives of conservative politicians in thi case casey desantis or forca years melania trump?year >> why are they fair game? well, all democrats they're off limits out because charlie arnold is with us an d, project 21 chairman horace cooper. kat's get your reaction to the karen comment. and my understanding in terms un the of the term. >> i understand where it came
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from. this woman without a mas fromk, a store being chased and yelled at and, you knowd ridiculed. t, >> however, it seems to taking on a new meaning. >> your thoughts? yeah, well a new m karen does ny sean at all in any way to casey desantis. i mean, you have a woman who held herself in such high c regard. i mean, she's a cancer survivor. she's a mother of three. ancemothershe's a wonderful wif. she stands by her husband. yeah. board of people are giving. flack for, you know, compensating for his weaknesses. but i see that as a strengthens. . who doesn't want that in a wife? and i think that any time you go against woke mob, they are going to call you hateful. a a karen in this case because,n it means you're getting under their skin. so honestly, i think casey, the stance is probably takes this as a complimentatantis. she means i mean, she's doing something right. i mean, she's telling them not to com right.e. to our children, because, you know, they're dying to do that. so it bothers them. dshe's a conservative woman. she's just an easy target. one wahen we saw melania trump ins the house, i mean,
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one of the most graceful, put together most, poised first lad, all of the fashion houses and magazines that we're obsessedd al with michelle obamt just the year before wanted nothing to do with melania. they like she doesn't exist. >> so this is nothing new here. all right, let'sge get your tak, chris cooper, on this issue involving the never and ending a unrelenting attacks that go on against african-american conservatives. now, if african-american s are attacked in any other way, the word the r word up, the racist accusation is made. how come this is done with impunity? there are no consequences at all whatsoever. >> and it happens repeatedly. you know, the left believes that they own certain groups,he they think they own black americans. they think own women. when people who areerican americans speak up with their views. sspea with thone of the reasonse
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project 21 is because people have views. ple, they are not black people, white people or brown. they are americans. and this individual. >> clarence thomas is thethom epitomase of what it means to be an american. yes he is black that you canh yo see with your eyes. >> but what you can understand,n if you pay more attention, is that he is a thought leadergh on the constitution. and rather than challenge him on that, they maketitution attat are unfair and inappropriate. st but that they've been. >> i didn't mean to interrupt you. i was just going to say about ruth ginsburg. >> that's all. okay. but the point is, if you read my grandfather's son, his book or read tim scott's book, and both of them have been on have experienced the samevicu type of vicious attacks on lee
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. >> and that's my point. those attackers ha pointd a d nt to their name, by the way. >> but these individuals, tim scott and justice thomas are not vindictive. they're not going out hating groups. grou it's those groups with theps w legacy of attacking people that today they're representative continue going out. it's as i said it's because they think they own these groups. when ruth bader ginsburg was on the court and her husband had cases, are his law firm, she didn't recuse herself. >> the companies hiredite her daughter to write studies that they read that they usedr in their briefs. none of that was something that the left sought to use against her. this attack is becauseher. they think they ow becn black people. i got a lesson for them. browroject 21 no all americans,
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black white around are free. >> all right. let me ask you, charlie, this does this come to an end>> seanp does this stop? does does me, too. does woke america? are attitudes are they going to shift? are they going to change or are outlets like and dnc and nbc spin off and fake news, cnn just going to continue this type of rhetoric. >> you know, remember, after the the 2016 election, this is a white lash. >> yea6 electih, i don't see ito stopping. i don't think they have any reason to stop. they're not intelligening. t enoughesor to stop. they resort to childish tactics because that's the only thingow they know how to do. they don't have real points to prove. okay, they're tryingdodo not h n agenda that doesn't make any sense. that doemake aand i think in ths they realize that. but they're out to sea. buout y, its and so, no, it's not going to stop. especially not on conservativete women or conservative minorities. >> no way. all right. than hik you both. when we come back, history atoxf the box office. the movie sounicd freedom has
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become a massive box office hit because of lessons. hollywood just simply refusenss learn. >> tomi lahren here with more when we continue. did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary unless you use relaxium sleep relaxium sleep is a product that's made from ingredients and it usually works from the very first night. you try it, it helps you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed, earning your those quality hours of sleep that it desperately needs. prevent so many health issues. i developed relaxium. i'm sleep a clinically tested sleep supplement shown to help patients asleep, stay asleep and wake refreshed. nick relaxium has been a miracle for us that changed our lives. unbelievable. stop being afraid of scary health issues and start
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only nature can provide. to learn more, visit nature, dawg. >> today. >> a powerful new movie has taken the nation by storm. the sound of freedom pulled in the third highest box office number last weekend on a budget of just $15 million. it even earned a $1,000 more per theater than the latest indiana jones movie, which had a budget of almost $300 million. >> and it took more money over the weekend than indiana jones. the sound of freedom, the only movie in theaters right now with an a-plus rating from
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viewers. it's a powerful story. it's based a true story of faith and freedom and triumph that audiences are flocking to see. >> sadly, it's real lifehe america, real life around the world about child slavery and ho w bad it is ands, and how americans are consumers of it ameri. many o >> and anyway, many of the fans are paying it forward. forwsre actually buying ticketg for others. they want people to see it thata badly. hollywood has been surpriseddly. bu the success of the film so far, but one industry analyst telling variety, quote, the strong response to faithrese based films reflects a demand by an underserved audience an. hink and apparently that's an audience that speaks with their wallets. so is ane maybe hollywood shoue note and stop putting the nonstop woke madness that nobody wants to see on the screen here with reaction. see on tthe host of tomi lahren is fearless. on outkick tomi lahren. >> what's amazing, it also ad like in one case, you know, 1500 fewer theaters and one0 tha movie that did well.
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>> and in the indiana jone movi they had less than a thousand theaters, less, a thousand screens less, and they outperformedna jones" i thou foa jones with a $300 million budget. tommerformed "indiany yeah, pay0 this is going be important in 2024, and i'll tell you why. becausd 24 ande americans righte left and center are interested in protecting children inter. they're interested in exposing child exploitation and childintd so the average american is watching this film and tha t is why the left is going out of their way to malign this film, calling it a conspiracy theory film a q and on going after the core of this film thatthis american audiences are responding to, because for the same reason that they want a these soft manuals and children's libraries is them same, that they don't want you to see a film like this, you have l to look at this, joho and you have to be honest, when people tell you whplodo not they believe them, they don't
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want to secure our border to protect children from and work trafficking. they don't want to reveal the obscen sexe client list, and they don't want you to see a film like this because they must be interested in protecting, at least in some element, the groomers som and the traffickers and the that make up a film like and th >> and what this film is exposing and by the way, you can you can find out where the theater is in your town. go to angel .com or just look up or google angel studios. >> but but they also produced the story of jesus's life called the chosen. c >> and that became a massive hit. then they had his onlyme a massn the story abraham in the bible that too was another massive. ay it's like everything that they have been putting on the screen for a fractionput the production costs has done extraordinarily well which would you would think would tell people that the demand is there for this type of moviemaking. >> why don't they do it? it isn'twhy do good movies.
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>> i mean, movies with messages are important. the the problem is that the majority of the folks in the left think that the message has to bft thinkage hase about s promotion, something with the rainbow mafiona to be race baiting, or it has to fit inr he within the leftist ideological box. but they fail to understand that the averaget american, a movie with a message, they want to walk out of the theater lovinge with americ. they want to walk out of the theater feeling like they've learned something and they don't ned some want to constantly be lectured on hollywood wokeism that actually affects very few people in the actual country and the actualin thiactual peope going to movie theaters and consuming this product. so i think they'll soon learn. but more than just the box office and the numbers, all these things, like i said at the beginning, shawn, this bu is important for 2024 because it shows that the left has underestimatseate sighted the be of this country by huge margins. and we'lface of thisl see if wee that impact at the ballot box as well. >> all right, tomi lahren thank> you very much. >> angel .com is a studin: tomio
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strongly recommend if you get a chance this weekend to gyou ge this movie. no, i have no financial interest in it. i just saw ivie.i jut. if you want or want to learn about real evil, that's happening in our ownevil that tu and you want to do something about it. was will inspire you. it will also frighten you to think that there'su, evil that exists. when we come back, lawlessness on full displal thy in seattle s weekend. jason rantz, he's here to explain as we continue. >> thanks for being with us. >> did you had enough? no arthritis here. ask for cream. arthritikick pais, huh? >> full prescription strength reduces inflammation. thank the gods. >> don't thank them. too soon. pain in the for cream. i'm on the road all the time. i am not the best leader. my wife and kids will you? i'm not the best leader. they said dad. fruits and vegetables. fruits and vegetables. fruits and vegetables. so start to take a balanced nature. i did a boost in energy.
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nevertheless, it was a violent weekend in seattle. >> three fatal shootings, among other crimes. here now with more authoher what's killing america, seattle radio host jason rantz as well as jason. >> great to have you. how are you, my friend? i'm doing well.>> i appreciate it. okay. so i'm tryin doingg understand they're a very liberal city. >> they they they like, i'm sure, illegal immigrants and sanctuary status, homeless people. >> why? why are they making them leave ? >> yes, well, they're not making them leave. not really? notg them l. that's what they're telling us. they've been kind of already been doing a little bit of this. and they're connecting thebeenmi with services, except anyone who's live biwith the.d here for more than 17 minutes knows exactly what's going on, which is mlbws into executives are coming into the city. >> they want to be impressed. thei understand that desire fr the city to roll out the red carpetci, the city of seattle, as safe and clean and free, e a lot of the homelessness and open drug use because you want to encourage other
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events opebecause to come down. >> it's very good for the economy. the problem is they're ver only interested in cleaning it up for that very purpose. >> well, the rest of us arexpayr actually taxpayers. we suffer because none of thesse problems are addressed with any sense of aggression or urgency>a . >> all right. so now my understanding is they're organizingzing the homeless themselves may actually show up amelesst the tg all-star game. >> are they going to be arrested, told to vacate from that location as well? >> oh, we'll see what they end up doing. the threat from activists who are againsp t all these sweeps, they're telling people who live in rvs, who are homeless to come to the very area that was swept to begin with. now, we expecto , according to the flier, that to happen in the next few hours, tomorrowt fe there could very well be a standoff with police. >> i think the polic e going the to take care of this by order of the mayor. >> usually they don' order ot. >> all right, jason, thanks for that update. we appreciate it. that's all the time have left this evening.
12:00 am
don't forget, we have audience programing and wednesday and thursday night. tickets are free. hannity, dcomsht and tar, wheret it? that's where you get the sign up. and don'n t forget for news any time. every time. all the time. hannity and always thank you for tunin.g in and this show possible. >> in the meantime, let note me your heart be trouble. laura ingrahamantiet angry angle starting right now. so i was asked in an interview todaangle" iy whether or not wee really friends and i said i said no, not at all. no, we didn't know each other for 30 years and we're just not at all. >> we just don't like each other at all. although you did make the mistake, you have promised several things that you haven'et delivered on. >> i think there was some some type of event this not summer forchildr my children that you were supposed to come through, like fishinen tha g trip. i don't know. you promise something and you haven't done it. so my kids keep askingmy, like,d make it out. i promise you, never you can never break itn . a mistak >> kids about it.and i yeah. and then i made the mistake, coause tf, corrected mysel
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