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tv   Fox News Tonight  FOX News  July 11, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> oh, you can always watch me. oh, i've been watching you. so you know about the embezzling? >> yeah. oh, it smells good. your first mystery box challenge apples. i love my apple. apple chutney. apple rolls. t forg did you put salt instead of sugar on them? the only thing worse than this dish is lying to us.eto >> master chef. dnly wednesday on fo x. >> well, good evening. welcome to fox news i'm piers morgan. and yes, they let me back. it's that million dollar question , the treacherous puzzler, the surprising, the biggest brains in politics b ,living up public figures around the world, trembling and terrifie thed is not what wl stop inflation or how do we broker peace in ukraine. it's this what is a woman? now, spoiler alert, it's an adult human. femaleit. s that's been the case for thousands of years since the very dawn of civilizatiors.
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but now people aren't so sure. . we're being told that a womantym is pretty much anyone who feels like they're a womanuch . it puts a hand up and goes,i i'm a woman. it's an increasingly weirdu and hysterical campaign to make us believe the sky is greesky in and the grass is blue, and that anyone who disagrees is instantly who a bigot. and ironically, it's being led by women who, before all this nonsense, were the leading feminists. people like us women's soccer superstasts.r megan rapinoe. she says excluding trans athletes from women's sports is taking away people's full humanity, really. >> rapinoe adds that she'd welcome a transgender woman replacing a biological female on the u.s. national team. female jusly and conveniently, she said that just as she's retired herself so it wouldn'tas she be her plae that would be taken. and of course, we already know what the resuleady knot of repeg those demands would look like. a few years ago, the u.s. women'a few s team played fc das thder 15 boys team and the boys won five two. e women'
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and that women's team is probably the best it's ever played the game. ere is so there's the evidence. it's just a biological t fact. the boys were more physically superior. that doesn't denigrate fromust what the women did. it's just a statement ofst they bleeding obvious. well, thankfully, there are other female athletes speaking oulyt against this madness.. tennis legend martina navratilova reacted to repeatingatilov those recent comments with a perfect one worded tweet, which had a very british sensibility to it. >> yikes. and that's how i feel. and this ideologhoy isn't limitd to athletes. >> supreme court justice ketanji brown jackson was famously stumped by the question what is a woman during her confirmationwoman hearingss >> can you provide a definitiont for the wordio woman? >> can i provide a definition? i yeah. i can't. you can't? >> not in this context. i'm not in biology. the word woman is so unclear and controversy showed thatnitin you can't give me a definition
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. you're appointed to the supreme court of the unite>> you ad stas a woman. you don't know what a woman is. i'm not a baker, but i can identify a fruitcake. nand what's interesting about this particular mind virus is elon musk would put it, is that it's become a global pandemic. in my countrme ay, our politicis believe women clearly, according to theslievm, have. >> can a woman have a ? well, i'll just answer that question again. , i've made it really clear that if people the vast majority of people will have the same gender as a biological. ,but a small number won't. so a woman can have a . wom wellen, quite clearly. ag quite clearly. really? again, i can't believe any espe this really needs to be explained, especially to political leadersers.. >> new zealand's new prime minister, chris hipkins, was reduced to rubblster wase. >> well, the very same simple question. to be honest, sean, that's fielf
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the questions come slightly out of left field for me. the. well, biology six gender people define themselves. people define their owpeoplen gd in terms of gender identity. i think people define ideir gender identity for themselves. is the prime minister of a country. >> now, i interviewed singer noy on my show piers morgan uncensored last year, and she answered completel lasy honestly about what a woman is. she said this. , wh >> if i asked you what a woman is, what would you say? i would say a human being moves with . how are you to start there? >> yeah. i mean, the dictionary is quite straightforward. it jus the dic stt adult female. wi right. i will say this and everybody's going to hate me. bu.t as a woman, just becauseu you go change plots, does it make you a womanrts does? >> okay, that was her honest opinion.
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i would suspect most and womens macy g would share that opinion. but a sign of the times, macy gray was hit by such a furious b backlash just to go on the today show on nbc to apologize just days later. >> being a woman is a vibes so and it's something i'm very proui d of and it's very precios to me. and i think that if you inu in your heart feel that that's what you are, then that's what you are. regardless of what anybody says res. tk >> that's not what she said the first time, and that's not what she meant i. ulture but that's cancel culture foryo you. you submit to the mosubmitb or e condemned. you apologize for saying what you actually believe or that's it. you're done. .well, one woman who wasn't afraid to speak the truth on this is roseanne barr, hen iu who gave me this hilarious answer when i put the question to it yesterda her yesy. me now, listen, roseanne, let me ask you the most difficult d. stion in the worl ask >> apparently. what is a woman? how much do i weigh? ? no. what is a woma
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n? an is >>me a woman is me. >> a woman is somebody whose hang down to her stomach and who has a prolapsed uterus from giving birth to five ungrateful little boys who have never had to work for a thing in their lives. >> that's what a woman's. have you ever heard of a fabulous description or she nition of a woman than that from roseanne barr. and she did go on to say her kidsto say would find that y funny because you know why? they have a sense of humor. and i know comedy is banned as well in this ridiculous world. we have to endurculous w we hav but you're allowed to have a laugh even with your mum. well, roseannelaug barr's opini is probably a lot closer to where most adult humans are. both varieties are on this subject. a washington post poll earlier watcd that 57% of americans believe gender is based on the assigned at birth. even a majority of millennials and young people agree mil.
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so why is the question?qu what is a woman?esti onwhatso impossible to answer? s well, chris christie is thend former governor of new jersey. >> he's also running for president republican. and her presid joins me now. governor, you know, the question is coming your way. what is it?absolu i have absolutely no idea. piers, that was the lete t me tellhe big you something. that was the biggest wind up to that to that questiongest wie ever seen in my life. >> look, i have always looked at this traditiook, i han, chare pierce. i'm a traditionalist. a woman is someoneonalist. who n with that biological gender at birth. ogical gi recognize now that the folks who, you know, feel differently about that,erentl and they're figure they're free to feel differently about it. >>y i don't. one who so to me, a woman is someone who born a biological woman, and that's the definition. >> and i confronted the first edge of this when i was governor. becaussee the legislature sent d a bill that would allow people to change their gende rte on their birth certificate. >> and i vetoed it. but you have.t. notwithstandingn
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that, you have been, i would argue, probably the most progressive of the republican candidates this time around on this issue. you sa s issue.w in two bills that matched california's bathroom policy for transgender youth and and directed the new jersey department of education to give schools guidancehe new jrtment r issues relating to transgender students like preferred namer ir and pronouns. legislation also allowed transgender youth to participateon. in sports that match their gender identity rather than their biologicalhe. >> that last part did not happen when i was governor. >>at happened whennor. phil mury was governor. >> what what is your view on that issue on transgenderew o sports that should transgender pilots be allowed to compete againsto t biological female? >> biological males should not be allowed to participate againss shouldt biological fema. >> done. done. what about the thisue of gender reaffirming? this is a hot potato. this is is where people want to know if you were the president of wan united stal how would you feel about kids from, say, abo 10 to 14, 18?? i think you said that you think their parents should should s
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be involved. it shouldn't be an issue for states and so on. but is that really a sensiblo os way to go? given all the abuse in this area that we've seen now, i thinea?k it is you know, we'rv having a big argument. exclur country, toinbio, about parents being excluded from educational choices for their kidsm educat . and we as a republican party and conservatives say parents should party decide their childs educational choices. well, i don't think the government has anyeducatchoe getting in between a parent and their chilird in any one of these instances. i believe we should put parents in charge of shoult pa these des when someone is not at the age of majority. and i always thought that that's what conservatives were all about. we wanted to be in charge the most. conservatives are not about that anymore as a mindset. well, then they're not >>. ervativemore well, maybe. maybe you're not. no, no. bu?t the mother modern. >> no, no, no.that now that's like saying that now. a biological woman. is it a woman? by a more modern yardstick. so don't use the modern yardstick one way and then want to change it a different want to way. okay. what is very clear to me is that conservatives don'tig
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want big government in their lives. they don't want bi their lives.g governmentir lives interfering in their lives, especially in their personal lives. they don'tespecially in want tt saying what books their children can read. they don't want the government sayingn read't want , you know r education should be. they want parents to be involved in the middle of that. the parewell, gee. 't the >> but but but shouldn'ty they shouldn't they be in the middle of making those decisions? decisions?yent's responsibilit to protect children and what we've seen in the last few years is a creepineeg erosion oe kids rights where many of them are being, frankly, mutilated. and so a lot of people are looking to politicians now to take a lead and say enoug anc of this. a lot of these clinicsme all around america, we've had them irica.m inn the u.k. with e tavistock clinic and others where frankly, child abusek. and mutilation has been going on. is it not incumbent on politicians like you who wants incu pol to be president , enough of this, we're going to protect our kids? nowe, it's incumbent upon politicians to deal with othersw issues other than this. let parents deal with these issues. my view ofsues it is when we hae war in eastern europe, when we
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have inflation that is bankrupting people in this country, when we have educational standards dropping through the basement, we havebo a border that we can't protect. immigratiordern system.en i d we can't fix that.on no, i don't believe that's what we should be doinld bg. let the government doe su the things they're supposed to be doing. wellpp to be, first before theyt substituting for a parent's judgment. parents shouldtuting for a par . their kids go to school. we should have educational freedom. and parents shouldwe decide thee issues, these very difficult emotional issues with their children. they shouldn't dish off that responsibility. d to the government. >> you want to be president to say you got to win >> that's what i've heard. to do that, you got to knock out donald to knoc trump. the t correct? you've come out of the traps flying and punching and good credit tying ando you because sy has to do that. otherwise they're not going to win the nomination from him. he nominatbut it's a double edgd doing this, because, of course, you run the risk of alienatingth the maga base that he has, which seems pretty rock solid. whatever mud is thrown at him.un how are you going to get around that and get the nomination? how are you going to persuade
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those people who are full on for donald trump that you're not anti them to as you pound him into submission? well, because my my commentsem are not about them. >> they're directly about him. .and the fact is i'm telling the truth and the things that i've said. nogs it even donald trump denies that they're true. i mean, let's just look at this ue.e. exampl what member of donald trump'sbe senior staffr of d or senior cab members would work for himer him again, not one ofof his his secretaries of state, not one of his secretaries of defens sf of the, neither ofattn his attorneys general, not any of his chiefs of stafft , not a. of his white house counsel. what does that tell you about what it's likethat tel to work s man and what does he want to do? >> you wanted to work? no, i did not. ttorne you wanted to be as attorney general. excuse me. i got offered. ygei goneral.t offered. >> i secretary of labor. secretary of homeland security, white house chief of staff. and i turned them all down. but you did. you did support hidownm? >> yes, i did. until you say january the sixth? no, noary 6?t january sixth. let me be very clear.ection people get this wrong. election night n, 2020, when he
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stood up in the east room of the white house behind the seal, the presiden use behitelecti and said the election was stolen when not even all the votes have been counted. he had non eso evidence that to this ele day has no evidence that the election was stolen. that's when i abandoned him. and by the way, he abandoned meo and others like meup who supported him. >>ported i was the first one on board. in 2016, i chaired his opioid commission. i itiod his transition.r >>th i prepped for the debates e 16 and 20.s in '16i did everything i couldytht to support donald trump and make him the best t president he could be. but he disappointed me and he let me down. he didn't repeal and replace downe with ainte republican congress when he said he would. hehe added 6 trillion to the national debt. he didn't build the wallhe did . mexico. we built 47 miles of wall. and guess what? we paid fo d for every minute of it, we grabbed the first peso from mexico. and so peso from when you look t the ways that he failed us, not even talking about his personal conduct as a as a president, how he failed us, he abandonedsm me. all right. let's assume you're right about that for a moment. i methodically.just s right.
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what did i just say that was wrong? not for me to say. noaysw hit me. okay. well, here's my question. okay. people watching this get. all right. if that's the case, why is he still so far ahead in the polling? wh cass hen th polling?y are you so far behind? why is your message, if you're right, getting so littlea tracked? i've been in the campaign for five weeks. i but you give me a little time inmpaign five weeks, i've gone m nowhere. well, for five weeks, i've gone from nowherene fro to third plan new hampshire, only four points behind ron desantis inly four five weeks. so i think i'm doing okay and i'm going to continue to be patient and persistent. and you know me. i t exactlym the i the way i feel. i'm going to say from the heart and from the gutan and fix,you n you know, you know what republican voters deserve more than anything else. >>ow deserve two things. t they deserve the truth, which they don't get from donaldch trump. and they deserve results on the issues they care about, like immigration resultsn th ane national debt and educational freedom. and by the way, on educationalma freedom, he didn't do one thing to make it easier. >> so what is he sayinke i.g? aw >> what do you say about america that we could end up if you're unsuccessful in
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the nomination, in donald trump, potentially noe indictments, nts, p potentially for a differenott criminal situations he's indicted over, possibly evens getting convicted and being in a prison cell. and you've got joe biden, who manyl. oe people thinkly las will barely last past his sell by date. >> minute is months, let alone six more years. does its it say aboutof ame the state of american politics? >> well, if that's where we end up, it's a sad state of american politics to have two candidates combined in 160 years old to lea0 yedhe str the strongest, freest, richest, most powerful country in the world. s why that's why i'm in this race, because i want to bring the trutce.h to light to ourrs voters on those issues. the and they deserve the truth. they want the truth and they to deserve it. >> and he doesn't give it to them. one thing you definitely do that you're good at ruffling hers. feathers. you don't seem to care whether people like you necessaril y. u bein it's more about for you beingin transparent and what you believe.
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i remember when i interviewed you many years ago. yes. 12 years ago at anotheric network, which you won't mention was never really recovered from me leaving, to be honest. >> and you talked about your mothe r, who died a few years before, and you said your mother told you never to worry too much about being loved. focus on being respected because if you're respected, you can find love down the roado thatpeople will lovewn the you r it. which i thought was a great quote. he still subscribe's a gred to l 100%. 100%. i still subscribe to that theory. thi'm not going to panderi wi to people. i'm not going to go to different audiences and givls different messages depending upon who's sitting in those chairs. i'm going to continuin thosee tt be who i am. i don't know that that makes me a winner in this race. bu att guess what? at this time, eight years ago, donald trump was at 4% and jeb%. bush was at 24%. right. so we don't know what's going to happen here in 27. barack obama was 34 points behind hillary clinton at this 3 point. >> so how about we have the campaign on one on one key issue? rump s donald trump says he'll fix the ukraine war in 24 hours. yeahayl the uk, i know he'll dor
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he'll bend over like he always does to vladimirto putin and hae them ukraine because he thinks he's a terrifi.c person and an honest guy. >> this gun y who ishone anaded authoritarian dictator who has invaded a neighbor with artillery and killing innocent people and takingthis their land by force. >> this is the guy donald trump calls a terrific person. >> let me flip the argument back. yeah, because i agree with you broadly about ukraine. but under donald trump's four year presidency, america never went to war anywhere. and none of these dictators, ctators whether it is putin, kig un, any of them pulled any stunts while he was president, as he keeps saying. but it's a fact they didn't. ndi was there a bit of method to trump's madness in the way he dealt with these people? and the people thought it was crazy, but actually maybhought l the unpredictability of trump kept people like putin and kim jongly in their boxes. >> look, i don't thinkon't by calling kim jong un a great guy, he stopped him from continuing to develop missile technologyrom co that now allows
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those missiles to reach the united states. that happened on donald trump' h s . and putin continued to build up his military, build forces onto the border. >> and he doesn't answer for that either. he doesnr ford frsweth holding back military aid from ukraine to try to get dirt on joe biden t. >> i mean, all those things are not things that send confidence to world leaderss or fear in the hearts of despots. but these are the things i want to debate the stage with him,ow piers. >> well, you turned up i don't know whether h if he wile will o chris christie .com tonight, donate a dollar. you'll make sure i'm on that.cod stage and i will talk. >> get him directly. governor, great to see you again. afte r, great to see r all these yeae weathered well, i have to say i say you've weathered well >> yave weatn. ma looking good. just to clarify, you won't be identifying as a woman if you ge>> youas a wt into the pr. >> piers, i don't think there's anybody who looks less lik thae a woman than me. governor. great to see. could see, piers. okay. well, the first republican presidential primary debate is just weeks awa thy. kellyanne conway joins us to assess the state of the race and maybe what she's jusassessbe from chris christie. >> that's nextxt.
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the number one choice of online sellers. go to ship station .com slash try and get two months free. welcome back to fox news tonight. like it or not, donald> welcomet trump still the republican frontrunner by an overwhelming margin according to recentpublin
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polls. the former president commands a 30 point lead over his rivals. but does any candidate stand tha a chance against him? >> kellyanne conway is a foxnwar news contributor and, of course, former trump campaign manager. kellyanne, lovel campaiy to see you. >> my pleasure. you know, identifying as a woman, i take it, fo r. >> let's talk about the whole big picture here of the republican race, because the interesting strategies vivek ramaswam the racy, our inw yesterday, pretty softly, softly, would trump doesn't really waniiewed yet to engage g him on at the moment. and you've got chris christie, s, you know, come out swinging as he's expected to, very different strategry diffeyf all the others. >> who do you see who is potentially the best equippedmpb to get to trump's base and maybe engage with themasengg >> well, trump's a juggernaut and you hit on a very important word that he didn' a vert just y trump. he said trump's base and i didn't sayillion p 74 million pn 2020 is not a base. it's a very large piece of the adult electorate. ved very few people, including the candidates now running against donald trump in the primary, have spent enough time studying understandingnd
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what motivated those voters is so easy for people ining wh am the mainstream media to just denigrate them and insult them. there are cultdenigrat . he's their fearless leader. they're a base. they don't know any better. they kno a btheyw that their lie better under a more robust economy and energy independence. and putin not in ukraine and crime down in the border more secure and so on and so forth. this is what people will tell you. i think the way to challenge president trump is to makei thie the debate stage and then be very specific inccount the questions you want him to hold them account for. now for the same questionsfor t we get on twitter every day or from other cable stations or from these major newspaperfrom t have been on his case trying to get the president not get the e story for eight plus i years now, piers, is that going to amount to enougs nog toh? we already hear all this criticism. it's going to have to be very unique. t be uni. third there is a third way of trying to take out president trump and not enough people did it and it was to not run at all. so that's what someone likethe o chris sununu did, because the more people who run, the more competitionre peo the d
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for donald trump, the more competition on the democratic side, the worse for joe bide tro trump loves competition. i think he should show up to the debate. i know whyul te wouldn't i know why becau he wasn't? he's way ahead. he's got very little game, but why stayse d. at home and watch them all talk about, oh, i never have. >> i don't trust donald trump as many things many thingr but in all the time i've known t him, i've never known him to duck a challenge or be aif yu coward. >> so if you're watching donald trump in the spotlight, he's not being a coward at all. he's being a front runner who is cowardly. come on, get on that stage. and show us what you're made of. if you want to be president again, you got to come out and face the debatte music, haven't you? >> come on, donald. you know, you know what? you know you wan>>t to see everybody want to side with for the last 48 hours. h at it.ber whry goodth >> i don't know why heat wouldnt do the debate. cotemember what he did a the convention in 2016. so ted cruz was speaking. ted , he come in second,as but he was very lukewarm on trump at that convention. arm with and just as cruz is gettinge chi to the crescendo of his speech, in walks trump with his familys in the spotlight, goes all the way there. >> exactly. so he's he remains the biggest star out there.
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we have to turn up. otherwise your style can quickly wane. kellyanne, greatturn up. see yo. it's great to see you. thank you. well, donald trump still has a magnetic>> tharump has hold tc american populace, his imagination. he's a global celebrity. ho on , again, on saturday night ufc 290 in las vegas. >> but some liberals were pretty unhappy about that. >> white stripes lead singeringe jack white had an absolute m attacking instagra mark wahlberg, mel gibson, guy fieri as disgusting for meeting with, as he put it, that piece of bleep. donald trump will buck sexton as host of the clay. travis sexton show and he joins me. but this was a predictable response as a pre because if there'sbout one thing i know about the bekind woke liberal brigad e ,it's they are never kind. and if it involves trump, they seem to lose their mindsmpe completely. and sure enough, this gulyy jack white, lost his mind. >> what do you make of it? ody sh well, first of all, i don't think anybody should takouey wh political or social advice from somebody who decides to dye his hairdecides blue and hasn'y
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a good song in about 20 years. >> so start with thaea.t. but the other part of this thati i think is fascinating is that he talks about normalizing trump an d what people show with this. and this is one of the trump honestly, one of the trump superpower s is that they say things about him that expose so much more about themselves in the process, normalizing a former and possible future president. how could anything be more normal than thatcould ? thoug if whte were living in we were the america that many of us thought we were before the left turned into total beturn it and lost, their minds? people would think, this guy's a former president. pew some respect. so resp people should show respect to all former presidents, and that a would be ane understanding i think we should all have. but again, they're derange undde mind syndrome has never gone away. we are. eing it once again and they would like us to livea in a society where everything is so politicize d thatare al everybody's as miserable as they are all the time. this guy shouled focus on writing songs instead of songy. funny little bab >> well, it's funny you mentioned baby, because joe roga yn was one of the peope
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that was there. and he recently called donald trump a big man baby. and he's been pretty critical of him, actually, and never had him on his on his much lauded podcast. but when donald trump soldierk rogan, he went over and theyivil shook hands and they were very civil to each other. and that to me, i'm sure if i saw donald trump justitical by having been pretty critically critical of him in the last year or so, i'm sure or be equally warmlcomin and welcoming if he saw me. and you shake my hang shakd. that's my problem with the crowd is that they're in capable of doing that. they're incapable of having a good old teathey arer up, as n say in england, and then going have a pint in the pub. they jus don't st don't seem toe that valve. >> yeah, absolutely. >> i mean, this is supposedo to be a fun event for everybodby in attendance. look, i think trump going on rogan's show would be phenomenal. i woul show woud love a joe rogan would actually have him on at some point. i think some of the other candidates right now on joe rogan show would be fascinating. but when you see this, you jus fascint have to remember we're the onest on the right who want people to be able to actually enjoy
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a saturday night out. the blue haired lunatics of the left are the ones cks onwho insist on screaming and shrieking and then saying that we're not being normal. buck sexton. beautifully put. great to see what parts ofhondur honduras are getting rich off san francisco's decline. >>as stay tuned for more of that after the break. 85 million surveillance cams, 2000000000 hours of footage every day. and you won't believe what we found. welcome, crime cam 24 seven, the host of live pd, shawn sticks larkin back, bringing you some of the wildest footage across the country. stupidest thing you could do. as if we're not going to find it in from every angle. let me share the down on the ground body cams, vehicle cams, phone cams, security cams. everyone helps tell a story.
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shellenberger what the is going on in san francisco? i mean, this report in the sansa francisco chronicle, the more i read it, the more shocking it got. >> well, it's good to be with you, piers. it is very shocking. i think it's importantit is shoc for people to remember that for years, radical progressives in e san francisco have been saying that the drug dealers are victim that e drugs of human tr. we always knew that was a lie. but finally, things have gotten so bad that the local newspaper, which supportsated t the victimhood ideology which created the problem inhe nally we the first place, finally went to honduras and saw these very huge houseths that these drug. dealers are building. >> i think it's important to remember these are guys tha t are that tend toward psychopathy and sadism. ychopathsence.they use machete to enforce violence. they're they're selling drugs to very mentallyre selli ill peh including people with schizophrenia, who are wasting away on the streetrea whos they're there often their limbs are rotting. these are bad guys.these . they're abusing a sanctuary law that was set up for refugeesthe for really victims of the wars
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and you can see now finally, the i think the truth is getting out. but it's really incumbent on governor gavin newsomat cre because he's the one that created thisat problem in sen the first place to finally send in the national guard and the in te highway patrol and shuthe down the open air drug markets. >> i mean, what was really startlinpeg, i felt, wasre rak the amount of money that some of them are raking in, hundredsin and hundreds of thousands of dollars. and how many people seem to be engaged in this drug trade, apr which is financing apparently vast homes back in honduraenys.i when you put it all together, it was a it was a pretty startling picture ofa pretty cit of control and a whole system being deployed and by these drug cartels to really create huge amounts of money, build huge, homes, and no one seems to be t stopping it. dru >> that's right. i mean, you saw in the story that some of these drug dealers are makingg $350,000 a year.$3 the money's all goin50g back to honduras. and i think it's really important to understand thati tl
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what underlies this policy is the racist idea that everiey person of color is a victim. every immigrant is a victim. everybody who breaks the law to come into the united states is a victimme into tate. >> and to victims, theseth radical progressive leaders believe everythingressive shoud be given and nothing required. that's why we have rosie indangr dangerous, violent drug gangs that are literally killing gan people by selling fentanyl. drug overdose deaths are continuing to rise i n san francisco. the mayor refuses to do what she needs to do to cracsesk down and take action. and the governor still thinks he's going to be president. he's still behavins will be prgo he's going to run for president, even though it's absolute anarch tit'syd ma and mayhem in downtown san francisco. >> yeah, he's got a sort of that. michael shellenberged downtown k you very much, indeed. well, crime is out of control in the nation's capital, washingtonime is o dc to just ld week, an afghan lyft driver wasr shot w and killed by four. teenagers. the driver had served as a translator for e driv american forces in afghanistan and even managed to flee the taliban. bu managed t couldn't survive. c
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the increasing crime is plaguing american cities. ris the chairman of the d.c. cic council staggeringly admitted yesterday that criminalsaway wit get away with murder. his words in the city, mostrobbr robberies are not solvedie. f half of homicides are notho solved very quickly. you ca n get away with murder in the city. increasing the case closure rate hascity. quickest deterren effect. >> well,quickest john kennedy io us senator from louisiana and joins me now. senator kennedr na and jy, star to hear a city council chief just brazenly admitting you can get away with murder. >> well, look, it is hard not to notice. i live here part time. thate fo there are now streets n washington, d.c. that look likey they're out of a scene from a mad mamax. >> it wasn't always that way. t what happened? it's not quantum physics. t quthree years ago, d.c. lawmas d that cops were a bigger
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problem than criminals. >> so they defunded the police,d cut them the $15 million, and t. d.c. lawmakers said, we want justice. well, don't we all? here's a newsflasht we. e no without order, there can be no justice. newsflash number two unless you have a history ofhistor disappointing your parents, you know, or should know that there are some people in this world. >> i don't know why, but they're no thsick. they're not mixed up. they're not confused. it's not thaey t their mother orfather father didn't love them enough. >> there just aren't social. and by that i mean they hurtmean other people and they takean other people's stuff. from and we have to separate them from society and hugging themhun and giving them hot cocoao work
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is not going to work. that's why we need cop s. and the final point i'd make, look, we have bad cops. >> i wish we did. i wish we lived in la la land or on big rock candy mountain, where we're handed soft boiledmd eggs. >> we have some bad cops, but we're trying to do better. but in the meantimare tre, 99% f the cops are not bad people. and they won't leave you alone unless you do illegal stuff. >> and i may be wrong, but wro i think it's probablngy. on >> well, you can't be wrong. but because you've got a city councig becausuncil chl who admh get away with murder in d.c., that's his words.k so i think we should trywe and move collectively to a situation where you can't get away with murder in d.c. and i suspect the key way to do that is to empower the police, to sto p people away with murder. >> senator kennedy, great to seegreat to you. >> well, across the country, experimenting with new
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sellers. go to ship station .com. >> try and get two months free . >> welcome back to fox news tonight, the state of california is bent race based policies. a democrat led bill in california wouldace-base judges to consider race when sentencing convicted felons? well, the city of evanston, illinois, is also joined charge . chicago suburb has paid 14 black residents reparations payments suburb of $25,000. end end of the year in a test run for the whole countra y. well, victor davis hanson is a fellow at the hoover institution. he joins us not thw to put thins in some perspective. okay, victor, what do you make the of this? what you make of it? it's theater of the absurd, pier s. f it's sort of performance art, insanity. art the state is $32 billion inis debt. debt. the annual32 billi. it's got the highest income taxes. e taxes. >> it's got some of the highest
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sales taxes in the country ghign and it's $32 billion annual deficit. al d400,000 people have left the state in the last 18 months, 27% of the state residents weren't even born in the unite%d states. >> and i could go on. but one third of all the poverte y people on publicpeople assistance live in california. oassist21% live below the povey line. it's a medieval state. and the idea that it has the wherewithal to give 3.4% oft the population these fantastic ha doesn't have is absurd. but everybody knowverds it's absurd. >> but putting aside >> ps, cance what about the actual significance of the gesture? ofthdoes it really do anything to repair damage done to racerea relations? historicallytion? >> well, it won't do anything i because know what the problem is in the poor half of the african-american populationr ,that hasn't achieved parity. it's broken familiesichaven't, n
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it's absent fathers. and that and that's poor schools int the inner city.thee and the medicine is consideredoe by these people. the reparation is worse than the malady because they know the probleanm, but yet they're incapable of identifying it because they feel thatey are it would bf and crematory or they don't. they're they're not subjecr het to the consequences of their own ideology. so it's blame, blame, blame. ideoitt it's not going to solve anything because we know what the problem is. we know what the solutiow wh pr, but we're utterly incapable of adapting it. incapa and california, you know, as you know, is a freebl state. it never had slavery. and it's a multi-racial state. t and this tribalism where each group lodges complaiatbalism wn is historically against the majority populatio n. the white population is not the majority anymore. populaand so it's a minority as. so they've run out ofe too victimizers and there's too many victims, is what i'm sayingmas.
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and this specific issue that hh woul with mandate judges to consider race when doling out prisonsddgs sentences, how can that be an tt smart idea b? >> well, it's not it's unconstitutional. e only going to antagonize. every california is a cauldron. it's yugoslavia. former yugoslavia in the making. we have so many tribal we hs that are in competition. and until we get back to a melting pot, rather than this absurd salad bowl, we're going to go the way of rwanda eventually, or the balkansnd. everybody knows it. and yet we're incapable, we're so the solutions that we know would work because the state was a modelu knodl of state. governance. it was a golden stat e untilt 1990 about 1990. it was a wonderful place to live. and then. it's been committing slow motion suicide. as you'vnge had in an earlier segment. but it's a perfect storm of insanityit's a p. ouse i
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>> yeah, i mean, i've gotn to say, i've got a house inla l.a. and i have really noticed a massive escalation in violence and in shootings in beverly hills, for example, which never usedtings inly tap . stuff. i've just noticed incrementally increasing and also a fear factor increasing amongst resident s, many of whom i know people who've left just left altogether because they didn't wanthave to live underunder that conditions anymore. so this is very tangibleon when you go there, as i do, quite t? >> yeah, i don't think it's going to change until in these policies find out that they canou escape them anymore. they felt that their wealth or their security would shield them, as i said, from the consequences of their own pernicious ideology. but now they're finding if you live in malibu now they or beverly hills, you're not protected. >> it's so it's so prevalent. and i think once they startink n to suffecer, other people have from their ideology, they'll start to wake uppeople h and ch.
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otherwise, the state is going to it's going to implode. c yeah, i completely agree. victor, thank you very much indeed for joining me. >> i appreciate it. thank you. well, next, a really shockin g scandal. this crop tops for men. t the new york times claimops fose this new gender bending fashion bee and apparentlycing all we guys, we're racing to do it. spoile it.r alert, we're not. more on that next. opinio more on that next. opinio >>n i was told my small busine. wouldn't qualify for any i.r.s. tax refund. d get a second opinion from innovation refunds that no upfront costs. that no upfront costs. sometime take see opinion. >> all these walls got to go. i'd love a second opinion. >> take the first step to see if your small business qualifies. >> you should do that. angie. what? angie that it means comparing custom quotes from skilled service or booking at an
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with a little hint of barbie. >> satan, barbie. love it. i wouldn't wea r these crop tops and mini shorts for all the mone for ally. ox >> fort knox. i bese knowen would be seen dead in them. themsion wou . on what occasion would a man or should a man wea err the shaft? >> well, i thought if you're missing your two front hv teeth or have a giant border of growing ouborder gt of your neck and you need to distract people from deformed said deformities and people will b e fixated on your hairy bellybutton. >> that's when you wear a crop top. >> but i do love the fact that the new york times has published the same numbeew yorkf news stories about men in crop tops as it hasn in cro the four year old grandchild. that family man, joe refusesfouy to acknowledge seems right. >> but also, i don't know about you, but every time i read a new york times fashion piece, the one thing i can be guaranteeg id is true is that
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nothing in it relates to real people. and whatl people they're actualy wearing. >> no, because people who write about fashio.eopln and or fashit editors are sadistic snobs who get into the job only to derive joy and pleasure from making people embarrass themselves. >> that is the sole goal.e i don't believe any ofso thesel. people, these stupid. >> nobody does anything they do. they should be takeny does. t ot and shot at dawn. let's move quickly to money. bu y you love.a a single 34-year-old california native is trying to find out eve till h e calls is puttingn a spin on referral bonusesone wo and offering $5,000 to anyone who sets her up with a husband. sets herapparently 25 people oru they can so far have contributed ideas.sband. >> but who could be a husband? is this sensible? okay. >> she's a litigator and when she gets divorce first, she's going to come back at you for that money. money >> and pain and suffering. yes. and she wants a ma andsuffern 2o 45 foot 11 or taller with a british of humor, love sports,
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animals and kids. and looks like matthew mcconaughes sportsy. you know what she's going to get for five grand? danny devito also, if you wantme a british sense of humor, you've got to pay a lot more than five grand. >> got to be fun t. >> mean this doesn't come cheap. so i've heard. great to see you. well, that's it for tonight. be back tomorrow. unless this a huge protest to stop me. i'm not going to hand overhere e to the great sean hannity. sean, how are you? all right, piers, how are you, it friengreat se id? >> it's baseball. it's not cricket. it's baseball. not cricket. well, eithers not cr way. >> can we agree you would never wear a crop top? all right. to. i'll give itll right. to mate fe from across the pond. piers, great to see you. >> anyway, welcome to "hannity" once again. your president, joe, hasrassed thoroughly embarrassed the entire country on the world stag e on his latest europeannture. adventure. earlier today, he actually had er to led around and told where to stand by fellow world leaders numerous t


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